India, Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet – Earthquake

September 19, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

North East India and surrounding borders –  Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet in the Himalayan region was hit by 6.8 magnitude earthquake on September 18, 2011.

Approximately 50 people are reportedly killed and several awaiting rescue in the disaster zones.

Sikkim – the North Eastern state in India with the epicenter has suffered the most while neighboring Nepal engaged in search and relief operation.

The quake occurred after sunset making the efforts strenuous for the emergency aid workers and survivors.

Loss of life is always traumatic for the families and time being the best healer with trust in a better tomorrow,

Prayers are offered for the departed souls to rest in peace, the injured in their speedy recovery and fortitude to the victims’ families in coping with the tragedy during the mournful period.

Heartfelt condolences to the earthquake affected families in North East India, Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Africa – War and the Peace Prospects

August 26, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Rwandan Rebels Atrocity against Congolese Women:

The Rwandan rebels reportedly gang raped 150 women and brutally attacked them during the weekend August 21-22, 2010, raid in the eastern Congo villages – the village of Ruvungi, in North Kivu Province.

According to the reports, the U.N. held the Democratic forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, F.D.I.R. responsible for the violent assault. The systemic abuse and terrorization is routinely carried out against the innocent civilians, especially the women in that region.

The F.D.I.R. is believed to be the Hutu rebels plundering the village communities in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as ‘Zaire.’

Despite the regional violent past leading to the U.N. military base as peacekeepers within 20 miles from these villages, the U.N. officials’ ambivalence on the peacekeepers’ knowledge about the horrific crime and the lack of intervention in protecting the victims is a tactical flaw.

It defeats the purpose of peace mission if the repeat violence is undeterred and escalating with no end in sight to the sexual attacks against women.

Reflecting on the history in the Central and eastern African nations – Rwanda, Burundi, The Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola – There are many commonalities from the origin to the status quo.

All of these nations have endured the unspeakable crime against humanity during foreign power dominance and in the late twentieth century.

Accordingly, the basis of such atrocity emanates from the deliberate division in these societies created and fomented in the course of spreading religion by Western missionaries and their colonizers in the nineteenth and twentieth century.

1. The Democratic Republic of Congo formerly known as ‘Zaire.’

Colonial Power – Congo Free State by the Monarchy King Leopold II of Belgium and the Belgian Congo by Belgium until 1960.

First Congo war – December 1996 – As per the reports then – Laurent-Désiré Kabila, a self-declared communist led the rebel forces ADFLC (Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo) against the ruling government.

Civilian Deaths – 60,000 (That comprised disappearances, torture and killings).

Second Congo War also known as the Africa World war – declared the deadliest war since World War II

War Period – August 1998 – July 2003

Civilian Deaths during war and aftermath – 5.4 million

2. Rwanda: Colonial Power – Germany and then Belgium until 1962.

Rwandan Genocide – Civil War – 1994

Civilian Deaths in mere 100 days – around 800,000 (believed to be 20% of the total population)

3. Burundi: Colonial Power – German and later Belgium until 1962 but officially ended in August 2005.

Civil war Period – 1993 – 2005

Civilian Deaths – 300,000

4. Angola –

Colonial Power – Portugal until 1975 – Gained freedom after the war of independence.

Civil War – 1975 – 1991 between communist, anti-communist and the separatist militant groups.

“The Angolan Civil War was one of the largest, longest, and most prominent armed conflicts of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and the U.S. considered it critical to the global balance of power and to the outcome of the Cold War.”

The Angolan civil war resumed again in 1992 – 1994 and 1998 – 2002.

Civilian Deaths – 500,000 in the 27 year war that officially ended in 2002.

While, Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola wars are related to the political upheavals with external intrusion within Africa and the global powers at that time.

Rwanda and Burundi have been dealing with clashes between the once peaceful Hutu population and the Tutsi tribes that co-existed including intermix marriages until the European colonial powers upon their colonization assigned the Tutsis the superior status based on physical appearance against the traditional Hutu peasants.

Since then, the perpetual violence predominantly between these two groups had been widespread with the 1994 massacre appropriately recognized as the ‘Rwandan genocide,’ that resulted in roughly 500,000 – 1,000,000 fatalities by the Hutu militiamen under apparent foreign influence against the Tutsis preceded by the reversal killings in the latter part of twentieth century.

Evidently, The Democratic Republic of Congo has its share of warfare and violence that continues until now. Among them, the distinctive Second Congo war August 1998 – July 2003, notably the Africa World War involving eight nations and 25 armed groups have caused the several million deaths not only in war, but an estimated 5.4 million documented to have died from disease and starvation by 2008.

Many have succumbed to preventable diseases and malnutrition with children being the major casualty.

The eastern part of Congo is considered the ethnic Hutu rebels stronghold for economic reasons with the spate of sexual violence callously carried out against the Congolese women.

Notably, these simultaneous civil wars occurred from 1992 to 2005 in the east and Central Africa with the world powers exacerbating the situation such as in Angola war and other times leaving the victims at the aggressors’ mercy not excluding military action made possible with the obvious arms supply to the warring factions.
Had peace been initiated or promoted vigorously the generational conflict heightened in the early 1990’s until 2008 could have potentially prevented the incredible loss of lives.
Unequivocally, the arms trade had flourished in the process rendering central and eastern African lives dispensable with history repeating itself in Darfur, Sudan.
On the bright side, Rwanda today is acknowledged as the vibrant and progressive nation with rapid economic growth, political stability highlighted with the national legislature represented by majority women.
That being the case, there is all the more reason for the Rwandan female legislators to condemn the violence by the Rwandan Hutu rebels against the Congolese women in the eastern Congo and exemplify their solidarity to the victims through strategic support in curbing the senseless act against the village communities in the neighboring eastern democratic republic of Congo.
“The rights of all are diminished when the rights of one are threatened. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” – By none other than the venerable DR. Martin Luther King.Jr.
Africa – where life dawned on earth is owed by the rest of the world particularly those nations that have prospered from its abundant resources and subsequently benefited from the human capital in their respective domain.
It’s time for a new beginning in Africa long been mired with civil wars, corruption, disease, poverty and exploitation from within and foreign power.
Rwanda’s status as the developing nation is further enhanced in promoting peace with its neighbors by addressing the Rwandan Hutu rebels’ violence against the villagers in the eastern Congo.
African leaders across the continent could reshape the destiny by honoring the democratic rule in the politically vulnerable states and focus on providing economic opportunities for the people affected in the ceaseless conflicts.
It’s entirely in the hands of the leaders to restore Africa’s image as a resilient, resourceful and remarkable global partner in every aspect.
Wishing Long lasting peace, progress and prosperity to the land of the sparkling jewel.
Thank you. Padmini Arhant

Financial Regulatory Reform – HR 4173

July 15, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President Barack Obama, Senator Chris Dodd, Rep. Barney Frank and other Congress members from both sides of the aisle for their contribution to the historic victory on the Financial regulations bill.

The United States Senate approved the long overdue financial regulatory reform that was challenged by Wall Street and their representatives since conception.

Not long ago, the global economy faced the possibility of the ‘Great Depression,’ emerging from the deregulated financial markets with extraordinary privileges in the public fund mismanagement and speculative trading showing no regard for the dire consequences, now a harsh reality experienced by the billions around the world.

Wall Street exercising the ‘free market’ power to engage in calculated high-risk ventures especially through derivatives and hedge fund activities led to a near free fall in the absence of any oversight on the reckless involvement.

The U.S. economy would have succumbed to the economic crisis if not for the American Investment Recovery Act passed by the Democrats and isolated republican members in Congress.

President Barack Obama and the lawmakers behind this legislation deserve credit in this regard.

Unfortunately, their actions have not been truly acknowledged for the substantial measures implemented through this stimulus bill aimed at helping citizens across the political spectrum.

The positive results benefiting American life from the economic stimulus subverted for political reasons in the election year.

In a democracy, the most grueling aspect is the legislative process.

It’s even harder with the special interests controlling the legislative course on every issue, further exacerbated by the majority in the opposition pledged to defeat the legislation against national interest.

With respect to HR 4173 – it’s a monumental task to gain unanimous consensus on a broad legislation targeting the most powerful sector in the economy.

As expressed by the Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Chris Dodd, the dissatisfaction from the different political factions are legitimate and reaching an agreement on common grounds is the preliminary step towards consumer protection along with many other important regulations in this bill.

Arguably, it is not perfect as every Senator holds some reservations and distinct views about their support or the lack thereof in the crucial legislation.

The main components of the bill are elaborated in the –

Pros and Cons: The Treasury secretary historically and more relevantly have close ties with Wall Street – going back to several administrations.

Hence, the conflict of interest is a major concern with the Treasury secretary as the head of the 10 member regulatory council – evidenced in the failure to monitor the financial market between 2000 and 2008 that caused the economic meltdown.

Otherwise, the 10-member council of regulators representing the oversight committee is an effective strategy.

Given the facts on the subprime lending and credit card abuses, the consumer protection agency is the hallmark of this legislation.

The contentious derivatives and hedge fund management is subject to rigorous standards underscoring the transparency and accountability factor in this bill.

Opposition claim on the omission of the controversial Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the financial regulation could be clarified to dispel misconceptions about any exemptions to the lender.

The compromise on the $19 billion bank tax to earn the Republican Senator Scott Brown vote whereas not pursuing the Democrat Senator Russ Feingold seeking tougher regulations is an irony in the democrats led legislation.

Nevertheless, the three Republican Senators cooperation is praiseworthy.

Overall, the framework of this legislation encompasses the requirements to avert the financial crisis and the economic downturns barring no Wall Street intrusion in the regulatory mission.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Spain – FIFA Victory

July 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To Spain on the spectacular victory in the world cup final.

Spain winning the crown in the world’s most popular sport – football/soccer for the first time is well deserved.

Netherlands’ competitiveness to earn the first world cup title was impressive and kept the global audience on the edge about the outcome.

All participants displayed their best performance and gained valuable experience from the event.

The host – South Africa demonstrated remarkable talent in organizing the gala ceremony and the world cup series.

Young South Africa’s progress and the leadership ability to represent Africa in sports as well as other fields was reflected in the outstanding contribution.

The world wide fans await the next FIFA championship in a different venue with much hope and enthusiasm.

No one is a loser in a game for everyone exchange their attributes to one another inadvertently or otherwise and enhance the competition spirit.

In that sense – Congratulations! to all for promoting the humanitarian interest through sport.

Best Wishes to all nations.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Euro Crisis and Impact on Global Financial Markets

May 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

It originated in Iceland with the pervasive subprime mortgage factor and similarly affected other economies like Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain, referenced as PIGS.

Although, every nation in this category share the contaminated ‘derivative’ traded internationally, the lack of deficit control with the national budget exceeding the GDP growth also contributed to the meltdown and subsequently reflected in the poor credit rating.

More prominently, Greece identified with:

“Goldman Sachs between the years 1998-2009 has been reported to systematically helped the Greek government to mask its national true debt facts.

In September 2009 though, Goldman Sachs among others, created a special Credit Default Swap (CDS) index for the cover of high-risk national debt of Greece. This led the interest-rates of Greek national bonds to a very high level, leading the Greek economy very close to bankruptcy in March 2010.”

The culmination of internal and external mismanagement primarily led the Mediterranean economy to the brink of collapse seeking bailout from the European Central Bank (ECB), EU and IMF.

European Union was challenged with a predicament in the Greece bailout to either ignore the problem or address it to avert the contagion in Europe.

Since Greece is an EU member using the reserve currency euro in the 16 of the 27 states representing the eurozone, the former alternative would have had serious ramifications.

Besides, the euro being the second most traded currency in the world after the U.S. dollar; it has multifaceted impact on the financial markets dealing with high volume trading especially in the futures exchange.

The industrialized and emerging economies are in a bind with the euro value reduction, due to the competitiveness expansion in export trade. For example, the export oriented Germany is at a competitive edge with the United States, Japan and China irrespective of Germany specializing in high end industrial and heavy machinery equipments.

Hence, the euro crisis upside is the European nations gaining export affordability.

Accordingly, the emerging economy and the major U.S. creditor China is concerned about the potential split in global market share and availing the opportunity to reject the U.S. request for currency (renminbi) value adjustment, which has been set below the market determination despite China’s extraordinary trade surplus.

China’s currency, renminbi (RMB) or yuan (CNY) has been withheld from floating as the international currency in the foreign exchange market to protect the status quo.

At the same time, the positive aspect of the dollar appreciation is omitted in the evaluation and that being the foreign investments in U.S. dollars particularly the Treasury bills held by China is strengthened in value and guarantee long term security in futures contract.

Financial stability measures adopted by EU, IMF and ECB with approximately one trillion dollars of which a conditional rescue loan worth $110 billion to Greece is approved to reverse the negatives in the financial markets reacting to the euro downslide from the unsustainable government debts and deficit level.

Had the eurozone requirement on its union members to keep deficits below 3 percent of GDP maintained, Greece and other struggling economies need not have been subject to harsh austerity strategies that has resulted in protest among the mainstream population in Greece and Ireland.

Regardless, the current global financial crisis calls for wasteful expenditure elimination and the national budget review to direct investments in high value returns.

Appropriate actions involving tax hikes and spending cuts are necessary to balance the budget.

However, spending cuts targeting the fundamental programs inevitably generating revenues through productive workforce and consumers is counteractive.

Restoring essential programs and services for the job creation and preservation, youth education, citizens’ health care, social security, safe and clean environment nurture healthy and middle class society to ease the burden on the top 1% or 10% wealthy taxpayers in different economies.

Most importantly, the defense budget consuming a significant proportion of taxpayer revenue in the prolonged wars could be divested to peaceful and profitable opportunities benefiting the citizens at the domestic and international front.

The ideal solution for the European Commission and the monetary union to avoid rising deficits in Europe without compromising the member states’ sovereignty in their national fiscal policy decisions would be to establish an independent, non-partisan committee by the states to examine the individual spending and tax plan, rather than the centralized monitoring or the neighboring authority verifying it.

Further, the constitutional amendment by Germany to contain the deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP by 2016 provided the higher deficit not attributed to GDP decline is a trendsetter in curbing the economic crisis.

In concurrence with the economic experts’ advice – The ECB expediting the credit approval on government bonds used as collateral upon qualifying the self-regulated constitutional limit on deficits is prudent in deterring broad speculative lending activities.

Alongside, the EU sweeping financial reform with tough standards against the hedge fund managers including the two proposals by German Parliament:

Global financial transaction tax and Financial activity tax focused on CEO’s Personal Income & Bonuses are effective steps with the exception of the global financial transaction tax because it is eventually transferred to the end-consumer and may not be a viable option for all participants.

Nevertheless, international agreement on financial regulation by G-20 and other nations is crucial in order to emerge from the existing crisis and prevent the future economic recession.

The systemic risk in the multi trillion dollars ‘derivatives,’ that caused the financial debacle in Europe, Middle East (Dubai), North America, Asia and elsewhere demands stringent policies and independent investigations on fraudulent ventures.

The financial overhaul passed by the U.S. Senate last week has been under scrutiny by analysts with mixed response and elaborated in the article titled:

“New Financial rules might not prevent next crisis – Associated Press, Sun May 23rd. 2010 at 3.55 PM EDT. Reported by Jacobs from New York and contributed by AP writer Jim Drinkard.”

Unequivocally, closing the loopholes as detailed in the cited article and other reports is paramount to establish a financial system free of K street influence.

The apparent revolving-door relationship between Wall Street and Capitol Hill in which employees and consultants have moved in and out of high level US Government positions, with the prevalent conflict of interest is a hindrance to any legislation.

Only the electorates with the voting power in a democracy can remove the persisting obstacles by rejecting the special interest representatives in politics against meaningful legislation.

People as the consumers, taxpayers and voters are the ultimate force in achieving the progress for common good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

SEC Lawsuit against Goldman Sachs – Perspective

April 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

All the reports on Goldman Sachs from various credible sources confirm the fact that,

There is more to it than meets the eye.

SEC investigation must go underneath the surface.

For Goldman Sachs – it’s analogous to “make a mountain out of molehill.”

When in fact, it’s an erupting volcano that has already claimed many lives and threatening more in the present.

Wikipedia Report – Goldman Sachs Controversies: Thank you.

“Robert Freeman, who was a senior Partner, who was the Head of Risk Arbitrage, and who was a protégé of Robert Rubin, was also convicted of insider trading, for his own account and for the firm’s account.”

Per the above report on “Goldman Sachs’ Controversies,” juxtaposed to NYT article on the Obama administration’s economic team,

The New York Times report – By Jackie Calmes – Published: Monday November 24, 2008 – Thank you.

“The president-elect used the announcement Monday that he was appointing two Rubin protégés, Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary and Lawrence Summers as senior White House economic adviser, to underscore his determination to step aggressively into a economic leadership vacuum in Washington while also maintaining continuity with the Bush administration before the transition of power Jan. 20.

Obama is expected to soon announce the appointment of another Rubin protégé, Peter Orszag, as White House budget director.

And even the headhunters for Obama have Rubin ties: Michael Froman, who was Rubin’s chief of staff in the Treasury Department and followed him to Citigroup, and James Rubin, Robert Rubin’s son.

Geithner, Summers and Orszag have all been followers of the economic formula that came to be called Rubinomics: balanced budgets, free trade and financial deregulation.

On Wall Street, Rubin is facing questions about his role as director of Citigroup, given the bank’s current troubles, and,

During the weekend held several discussions with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as a government rescue of Citigroup was organized.”

“What worries me is there is not one person in the senior group who is the outsider to this club.

And that’s particularly ironic, given Barack Obama’s bias toward copying Lincoln’s ‘team of rivals,”‘ said Robert Kuttner, a colleague of Bernstein’s at the liberal Economic Policy Institute who has written a book, “Obama’s Challenge,” on free-spending, pro-regulatory approaches to the economic crisis.

“Where is the diversity of opinion in this economic team?” he said.”

Perspective – By Padmini Arhant

The establishment’s control of the economic power in the Executive branch is noteworthy.

Whether it was the former Goldman Sachs CEO and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson serving the previous Bush-Cheney administration,


The Obama administration’s economic team identified as “Robert Rubin’s” protégés,

The trend continues with the economic management by those responsible for the economic crisis.

Is it an irony or the undermining of democracy with “business as usual” concept prevailing in any administration.

Goldman Sachs investigation is just the tip of the iceberg.

Rigorous investigation and appropriate action is warranted to resurrect the financial market and the Wall Street credibility.

Goldman Sachs’ dealings in diverse portfolio and the recent performance beckons scrutiny considering the ramifications experienced in the domestic and international financial markets.

Prime examples are Greece and the U.S.economy.

Several European banks reported to have lost money in the deceptive deal.

SEC cannot be complacent with the preliminary finding.

Therefore, it’s incumbent upon SEC to proceed with further investigations against Goldman Sachs to deliver justice to the victims and protect the system from systemic abuse.

The U.S and the global economy cannot sustain history repeating itself.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

SEC Lawsuit against Goldman Sachs

April 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Securities and Exchange Commission filed lawsuit against Goldman Sachs on the toxic derivatives camouflaged with the internationally renowned investment firm, authenticating the risky mortgage securities sold to trusting investors in the domestic and global financial market.

Goldman Sachs is engaged in Investment Banking, Trading and Principal Investments, and Asset Management and Securities Services.

Needless to state that sub-prime mortgage is synonymous to the ‘speed boat’ designed for a fatal crash due to the deliberate sabotage. Sure enough, it had a negative impact on the financial and housing market that contributed to a precipitous economic decline worldwide.

The savvy designers protected their own investment with ‘insurance’ on the ‘abyss’ through yet another global conglomerate ‘AIG,’ technically partners in the ingenious profit oriented craft.


Because, the insurance companies grill the ‘regular folks’ when applying for any insurance to minimize risk exposure.

Even the trivial finding in the applicant’s background is used as the grounds for rejection or the cause for high premium – e.g. the health insurance industry.

It’s noteworthy that both Goldman Sachs and AIG were swiftly bailed out with taxpayers’ funds on the “Too Big to fail,” concept.

As a result, the fire starters were salvaged by the taxpayers.

The fire sale was organized for the Treasury to buy the damaged goods at the taxpayers’ expense from the banks on the brink of collapse.


Goldman Sachs reportedly, – Thank you.

“Goldman also received $10 billion preferred stock investment from the U.S. Treasury in October 2008, as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

In June 2009, Goldman Sachs repaid the U.S. Treasury’s TARP investment, with 23% interest (in the form of $318 million in preferred dividend payments and $1.418 billion in warrant redemptions).

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo questioned Goldman’s decision to pay 1556 employees bonuses of at least $1 million after it received TARP funds in 2008.

In December 2009, Goldman announced their top 30 executives will be paid year-end bonuses in restricted stock, with clawback provisions, that must go unsold for five years.”

It’s essential to emphasize that Goldman Sachs is not new to controversy.


Source: – Thank you.


In 1986, David Brown was convicted of passing inside information to Ivan Boesky on a takeover deal.
Robert Freeman, who was a senior Partner, who was the Head of Risk Arbitrage, and,

Who was a protégé of Robert Rubin, was also convicted of insider trading, for his own account and for the firm’s account.

On November 11, 2008, the Los Angeles Times reported that Goldman Sachs, which earned $25M from underwriting California bonds, had advised other clients to “short” those bonds.

Shorting is essentially betting that the state will default on the bonds, which serves to drive up the cost of the issue to the state.

During 2008 Goldman Sachs came under criticism for an apparent revolving-door relationship in which its employees and consultants have moved in and out of high level US Government positions, where there may exist the potential for a conflict of interest.

Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was a former CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Additional controversy attended the selection of former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson as chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Geithner, despite President Barack Obama’s campaign promise that he would limit the influence of lobbyists in his administration.

During 2010, Goldman Sachs has been accused for its involvement in the 2010 European sovereign debt crisis.

Goldman Sachs between the years 1998-2009 has been reported to systematically helped the Greek government to mask its national true debt facts.

In September 2009 though, Goldman Sachs among others, created a special Credit Default Swap (CDS) index for the cover of high risk national debt of Greece.[66] This led the interest-rates of Greek national bonds to a very high level, leading the Greek economy very close to bankruptcy in March 2010.”

Actions in the 2007–2008 subprime mortgage crisis:

Despite the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis, Goldman was able to profit from the collapse in subprime mortgage bonds in the summer of 2007 by selling subprime mortgage-backed securities short.

Two Goldman traders, Michael Swenson and Josh Birnbaum, are credited with bearing responsibility for the firm’s large profits during America’s sub-prime mortgage crisis.

The pair, who are part of Goldman’s structured products group in New York, made a profit of $4 billion by “betting” on a collapse in the sub-prime market, and shorting mortgage-related securities.

By summer of 2007, they persuaded colleagues to see their point of view and talked around skeptical risk management executives.

The firm initially avoided large subprime writedowns, and achieved a net profit due to significant losses on non-prime securitized loans being offset by gains on short mortgage positions.

Its sizable profits made during the initial subprime mortgage crisis led the New York Times to proclaim that Goldman Sachs is without peer in the world of finances.

The firm’s viability was later called into question as the crisis intensified in September 2008.

Allan Sloane of Forbes, a financial writer of reputation, wrote a referenced article on 15 October 2007, at the time the crisis had begun to unravel.

It appeared on CNN’s website: “So let’s reduce this macro story to human scale.

Meet GSAMP Trust 2006-S3, a $494 million drop in the junk-mortgage bucket, part of the more than half-a-trillion dollars of mortgage-backed securities issued last year.

We found this issue by asking mortgage mavens to pick the worst deal they knew of that had been floated by a top-tier firm – and this one’s pretty bad.

“It was sold by Goldman Sachs (Charts, Fortune 500) – GSAMP originally stood for Goldman Sachs Alternative Mortgage Products but now has become a name itself, like AT&T and 3M.

“This issue, which is backed by ultra-risky second-mortgage loans, contains all the elements that facilitated the housing bubble and bust.

It’s got speculators searching for quick gains in hot housing markets;

It’s got loans that seem to have been made with little or no serious analysis by lenders; and finally,

It’s got Wall Street, which churned out mortgage “product” because buyers wanted it.

As they say on the Street, ‘When the ducks quack, feed them.'”

Weeks of chaos that sent Lehman Brothers into bankruptcy and led to the rushed sale of Merrill Lynch & Co. to Bank of America Corp.

According to a 2009 Brand Asset Valuator survey taken of 17,000 people nationwide, the firm’s reputation suffered in 2008 and 2009, and rival Morgan Stanley was respected more than Goldman Sachs, a reversal of the sentiment in 2006.

Goldman refused to comment on the findings.

2. According to – Thank you.

Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)

Who is Henry Paulson?

By Tom Eley, 23 September 2008

Henry Paulson rose through the ranks of Goldman Sachs, becoming a partner in 1982, co-head of investment banking in 1990, chief operating officer in 1994.

In 1998, he forced out his co-chairman Jon Corzine “in what amounted to a coup,” according to New York Times economics correspondent Floyd Norris, and took over the post of CEO.

Goldman Sachs is perhaps the single best-connected Wall Street firm.

Its executives routinely go in and out of top government posts.

Corzine went on to become US senator from New Jersey and is now the state’s governor.

Corzine’s predecessor, Stephen Friedman, served in the Bush administration as assistant to the president for economic policy and as chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC).

Friedman’s predecessor as Goldman Sachs CEO, Robert Rubin, served as chairman of the NEC and later treasury secretary under Bill Clinton.

Agence France Press, in a 2006 article on Paulson’s appointment,

“Has Goldman Sachs Taken Over the Bush Administration?” noted that, in addition to Paulson,

“[t]he president’s chief of staff, Josh Bolten, and the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Jeffery Reuben, are Goldman alumni.”

Prior to being selected as treasury secretary, Paulson was a major individual campaign contributor to Republican candidates, giving over $336,000 of his own money between 1998 and 2006.

Since taking office, Paulson has overseen the destruction of three of Goldman Sachs’ rivals.

In March, Paulson helped arrange the fire sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase.

Then, a little more than a week ago, he allowed Lehman Brothers to collapse,

While simultaneously organizing the absorption of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America.

This left only Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as major investment banks,

Both of which were converted on Sunday into bank holding companies, a move that effectively ended the existence of the investment bank as a distinct economic form.

Paulson bears a considerable amount of personal responsibility for the crisis.

Paulson, according to a celebratory 2006 Business Week article entitled –

“Mr. Risk Goes to Washington,” was “one of the key architects of a more daring Wall Street, where securities firms are taking greater and greater chances in their pursuit of profits.”

Under Paulson’s watch, that meant “taking on more debt: $100 billion in long-term debt in 2005, compared with about $20 billion in 1999.

It means placing big bets on all sorts of exotic derivatives and other securities.”

According to the International Herald Tribune,

Paulson “was one of the first Wall Street leaders to recognize how drastically investment banks could enhance their profitability by betting with their own capital instead of acting as mere intermediaries.”

Paulson “stubbornly assert[ed] Goldman’s right to invest in, advise on and finance deals, regardless of potential conflicts.”

Paulson then handsomely benefited from the speculative boom.

This wealth was based on financial manipulation and did nothing to create real value in the economy.
On the contrary, the extraordinary enrichment of individuals like Paulson was the corollary to:

The dismantling of the real economy,

The bankrupting of the government and,

The impoverishment of masses the world over.

Paulson was compensated to the tune of $30 million in 2004 and took home $37 million in 2005.

In his career at Goldman Sachs he built up a personal net worth of over $700 million, according to estimates.

3. By Jackie Calmes – Published: Monday, November 24, 2008 – Thank you.

Obama’s economic team shows influence of Robert Rubin – with a difference

WASHINGTON — It is testament to the star power of former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin among many Democrats that as Barack Obama fills out his economic team, a virtual Rubin constellation is taking shape.

The president-elect used the announcement Monday that he was appointing two Rubin protégés,

Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary and Lawrence Summers as senior White House economic adviser,

To underscore his determination to step aggressively into a economic leadership vacuum in Washington while also maintaining continuity with the Bush administration before the transition of power Jan. 20.

Obama is expected to soon announce the appointment of another Rubin protégé, Peter Orszag, as White House budget director.

And even the headhunters for Obama have Rubin ties: Michael Froman, who was Rubin’s chief of staff in the Treasury Department and followed him to Citigroup, and James Rubin, Robert Rubin’s son.

Geithner, Summers and Orszag have all been followers of the economic formula that came to be called Rubinomics: balanced budgets, free trade and financial deregulation.

The combination was credited with fueling the prosperity of the 1990s.

But times have changed since then.

On Wall Street, Rubin is facing questions about his role as director of Citigroup, given the bank’s current troubles, and during the weekend held several discussions with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as a government rescue of Citigroup was organized.”

“What worries me is there is not one person in the senior group who is the outsider to this club.

And that’s particularly ironic, given Barack Obama’s bias toward copying Lincoln’s ‘team of rivals,”‘ said Robert Kuttner, a colleague of Bernstein’s at the liberal Economic Policy Institute who has written a book, “Obama’s Challenge,” on free-spending, pro-regulatory approaches to the economic crisis.

“Where is the diversity of opinion in this economic team?” he said.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Financial Reform with an Independent Consumer Protection Agency

March 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Wall Street bailout season commenced in 2008 and continued into 2009. Those corporations allied with the oligarchs not only survived but their CEO’s are thriving amid difficult economic times and some states experiencing a double-digit unemployment.

As stated earlier in numerous articles on the economy and the financial sector, the speculators’ reckless conduct together with greed led to the status quo. The sub-prime mortgage and credit card lending practices targeting the vulnerable population contributed to the housing market decline and the alarming bankruptcies.

In addition, the credit crunch has forced many small businesses to lay off employees and left the self-employed in a dire situation. The private sector have also been affected in the liquidity crisis triggering the 9.7 percent national unemployment rate and much higher when consolidated with the under employed statistics.

Evidently, a rigorous financial reform is necessary to revive the economy and avert future meltdown.

Although, an international consensus was reached during the G-20 meetings in 2009 at London and Pittsburgh to implement strong financial regulations, the domestic agenda in the United States is faltering due to the usual Senate gridlock and the lack of enthusiasm to push the issue forward.

However, the House of Congress is way ahead of Senate in passing legislations on many issues, reflecting the Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives’ commitment.

On the other hand, the Senate majority leader Harry Reid has a tough battle convincing the opposition, sworn to filibuster the legislations on any reform.

The Republican Senators and the democrat opponents believe in the market economy free of regulations and refuse to acknowledge the economic adversity brought upon by deregulations in the recent decades.

Failure to act now would be catastrophic for the global financial market and the economy.

There is no guarantee that the U.S economy and the rest of the world would not be subject to a similar scenario in the future with the hedge fund managers and the investment banks such as the Goldman Sachs…

Having set a precedence in wild speculations, high-risk exposure and fast track profiteering at the expense of millions of borrowers, investors and national economies like P.I.G.S, an acronym for Portugal, Iceland/Ireland, Greece and Spain, all of whom are currently dealing with insolvency.

Finance sector being the cradle of the economy, the benign symptoms would prompt the government bailouts of the default institutions. Thus, history repeating itself with the exponentially rising national debt remaining the constant factor in the non-regulatory environment.

Another attention worthy issue in this context is the establishment of an Independent Consumer Protection Agency.

Agency’s function would be fairly common and that being,

Protecting the consumer rights as the borrowers,

Creating awareness on the industry’s unethical practices apart from,

Preventing the banks in the systemic abuse of customers through inflated finance charges and interest rates on personal loans, credit card etc.

Further, it could also provide arbitration service to the borrower and the lender on financial disputes, thereby mitigating legal expenses for both parties.

Not surprisingly, there is resistance to the Independent Consumer Protection Agency.

As witnessed in the health care bill, the lobbyists are relentlessly engaged in ensuring the demise of the financial reform and the consumer protection agency.

The White House being suggested to nominate the Treasury Department in handling the Consumer Protection Agency affairs as opposed to a non-partisan and an independent committee, poses a conflict of interest stemming from the Treasury Department’s liaison with the financial institutions.

Likewise, the Federal Reserve maintaining control over the Consumer Protection Agency against the banking sector is an unrealistic expectation based on the Federal Reserve’s performance in the sub-prime mortgage debacle and the executives’ close ties with the finance sector.

Therefore, the consumer protection agency ought to be independent and focused on safeguarding consumer interest.

Financial reform cannot be delayed or relinquished especially with the Wall Street’s compulsive disorder to indulge in short term gains by acquiring toxic assets only to be transformed into a burgeoning liability.

Alternatively, the watered down legislation could fulfill a formality and not serve the purpose.

Hence, the requirement for a meaningful financial reform is absolutely vital to rein in on predatory traditions.

Finally, the U.S. economic recovery could be expedited through a robust financial regulation that would instantaneously restore the investor and consumer confidence.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

President Obama’s $3.83 trillion Fiscal Budget

February 3, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama unveiled his 10-year macro budget with various economic commitments.

2011 Fiscal Budget is projected with the total revenue $2.56 trillion and total spending @ $3.83 trillion leaving a deficit @$1.27trillion.

According to the impressive layout from the article:

Budget outlook: Budget deficits Published By Jackie Calmes – New York Times and,

Presented by San Jose Mercury News – February 2, 2010 – Thank you.

Targeted Revenues – $2.56 trillion

Individual Income Taxes – $1.12 trillion predominantly derived by ending the extravagant tax cuts allowed to wealthy individuals during the prior administration rule for e.g. the couples making over $250,000 and individuals earning above $200,000.

Corporate Income Taxes – Tax increase on wealthy corporations – Expected income – $270Billion

Social Security and Payroll taxes – $935 billion

Excise taxes – $74 billion

Custom duties – $27 billion

Estate and gift taxes – $25 billion

Other $87 billion
Budget Spending – $3.83 trillion

Mandatory Spending:

Interest on debt $251 billion

Other – $ 648 billion

Medicaid – $297 billion

Medicare – $491 billion

Social Security – $730 billion

Discretionary Spending:

Defense – $895 billion

Other – $520 billion

Views and Analysis: By Padmini Arhant

The budget’s focus on two most important factors unemployment and the lack luster consumer spending, responsible for slow economic recovery – is a major step in reviving the sluggish economy.

Unemployment addressed by providing $100 billion to boost the small businesses, medium corporations, middle class, social safety net programs, aid to state and local governments and expanding federal student loan program to enable the Pell grants for easy eligibility would remarkably tackle the national double-digit jobless figures.

Since President Obama pledged to reverse the trend by converting the U.S. market, presently a supersize importer to a profit-oriented exporter, the details on the manufacturing sector are missing.

Manufacturing being deeply hurt in the economy with jobs shipped to China, the blue-collar workers in this area require massive attention as the others in the construction industry. Unless there is a provision already made in the $100 billion fund.

The budget provides further economic stimulus through tax credits to average income families –
$400 for individuals and $800 on combined income including tax cuts for workers and other businesses through 2011 – An enormous supplement towards consumer spending and job creation.

Tax cuts to big businesses should be conditional upon preservation and creation of jobs in the national economy.

Federal aid to state and local governments should contribute to the national GDP considering the severe state budget crisis that has directly affected the public services such as education, health and environment suffering serious job losses from the state spending cuts.

Soaring annual deficit expected to be $1.6 trillion for 2010 due to burgeoning economic crisis dropping to $1.3 trillion in 2011 and, then onwards remaining high based on the rising health care costs and retirement programs for the baby-boom population.

The President’s effort in this regard should mitigate the deficit largely through proposed strategies
and they are –

Slashing funding for numerous redundant programs and freezing discretionary spending for three years.

Raising fees, taxes on banks and the wealthy.

According to the reports, the President approach towards a comprehensive deficit-reduction plan is to set up a bi-partisan commission represented by the lawmakers from both political parties and budget experts. Their task is to involve a package consisting tax increases and spending cuts to slash deficits as well as stabilize government borrowing by 2015.

Although, the Republican lawmakers had initially agreed to the measure, they later defeated the President’s bi-partisan commission plan and retracted from their position confirming the Republican members’ traditional partisanship towards the democrat President.

Despite the setback, the President’s decision to move forward in this regard is wise and the American electorate must remember the Republican members’ refusal to cooperate for the national interest, i.e. alleviating the national debt burden on their children, in the 2010 elections.

Criticisms against the President’s position on Medicare and Medicaid as the entitlement programs and tax revenues not adjusted against the annual deficit reduction by paying down an accumulated debt do not serve the economic viability, but only offer sound bites in the political discussion.

Again, deficit reduction is paramount and it should not happen at the cost of the vulnerable population – the senior citizens and the poorer families who are otherwise the consumer taxpayers.

In terms of paying down the national debt, it could be adjusted from the inevitable economic growth through vast investment in job creation and consumer spending.

Bi-partisan consensus on the economic revival as the immediate priority is oxymoron, if the administration is not allowed to expedite the process through aggressive policies combined with direct interjection of funds into the revenue sectors.

War spending in the amount of additional $33 billion and a total budget $160 billion for the two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is an area that could be drastically modified with a concrete exit strategy from both territories in the near future.

Iraq troop withdrawal this summer has been committed by the President and the savings from it could be utilized in paying back the national debt as it would result in the return savings via interest payment contraction on the borrowings.

Passing the health care legislation with a government insurance program should unequivocally cut the health care costs and decrease the deficit because of the widely acknowledged health care expenditure draining the present economy. Even more reason to introduce the public option in the legislation to minimize the projected escalation in health care spending cited above.

Other areas aimed at reducing national deficit are the cutting and eliminating minor domestic programs and major military equipments.

Raising taxes on big banks and oil companies is an effective means to earn income and a long overdue transformation from the Bush-Cheney era.

The White House being optimistic in cutting the inherited deficit in half by 2013to slightly over 4 percent of the GDP juxtaposed to the projected $1.3 trillion deficit exceeding 9 percent of the GDP at the dawn of Obama Presidency highlights the stark contrast in economic policies between the two administrations.

Overhauling finance and energy sector in addition to the health industry would yield the desirable outcome in the national debt decline.

Allocating necessary funds towards education, science and research, food and drug safety, NASA space programs innovation and climate change legislation reflect short and long-term aspirations.

Concerns over sustainable deficits in the long run are justified. At the same time, the confidence in the guaranteed economic boom is disappointingly low especially after successful intervention to avert the financial collapse in the year 2009 that stabilized the stock market up until now, apart from dealing with other economic woes.

“Limited long-term solutions in the budget expressed by the skeptics” – They fail to view the entire picture in detail that ensures the economic security throughout the decade and beyond primarily owing to the robust fiscal policy adopted in the budget.

In fact, it’s possible to balance the 2011 budget with a shortfall exacted at $1.27 trillion.

Defense spending $895 billion is blown out of proportions and require trimming.

Discretionary ‘other’ spending $520 billion upon careful review could lead to huge savings.

The combined total for these two expenses are $1.4 trillion that could be easily restrained to below trillion dollars for the prolonged deficit sustainability.

On the revenue side – Corporate Income Taxes estimated @$270 billion is relatively low for the world’s leading industrialized nation with U.S corporations playing a prominent role as the multinationals offshore. Therefore, the Obama administration could close loopholes in the tax evasion through tax haven and extract more income to reduce the deficit.

Foreign Corporations in the United States should be evaluated for their operation in promoting local employment against enhancing economic prospects to their country of origin.

Likewise, in excise taxes and custom duties – the tariff and import duty revision on overseas items could produce additional revenue.

Similarly, updating the estate and gift taxes including the ‘other,’ is an opportunity to extract more income.

President Barack Obama and the administration have prepared the budget diligently. It deserves praise and credit for the broader vision. The economic recommendations are solid while remaining essential.

However, a daunting task is the legislation on national issues such as health care, finance and energy crucial to contain the agonizing deficit. The grueling legislative process is dominant in opposition and weak in positive action.

Therefore, the opposition from both sides of the aisle must work together with the majority in resolving the economic crisis to benefit the people across the political spectrum.

People should coalesce nationally in this respect and help President Obama and Congress in seeking legislation approval on the listed national issues from across the political aisle, particularly free of filibuster threats.

Perhaps, bust the filibuster movement is imminent.

The legislations are urgently needed for instant economic relief.

Finally, the fiscal budget has –

Remedy for the past problems, Solutions to the present challenges and Investment in future goals.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Financial Crisis Inquiry

January 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Today, the financial crisis inquiry commission summoned the financial sector executives to investigate the activities that primarily contributed to the financial market’s downward spiraling and led the economy to the brink of collapse. The inquiry is a step in the right direction to convey a strong message that no one is above the law and democracy cannot be undermined.

Although, the executives are perceptive in self-defense and evading responsibility for the financial meltdown, the fact of the matter is, these financial moguls capitalized on the economic vulnerabilities during the Bush administration. It’s generated from the deregulations and substantial prime rate reduction alluring average citizens with a political slogan that linked patriotism to home ownership.

More concessions were offered by the Bush-Cheney Presidency through massive tax cuts for corporations, financial institutions and the wealthy individuals boosting the investment banks’ portfolio, thereby driving them from equity markets to speculative trading.

It created an enormous capital infusion with investment banks competing with the commercial banks in the absence of Glass Steagall Act. Followed by AIG collaborating in the insurance deals on the credit borrowings invested in derivatives and hedge funds with risky assets as collateral and underlying value further exacerbated the risk management.

When the bubble burst, so did their balance sheets. It went disarray with the majority lead players burdened with toxic assets that transformed into dead weight liabilities in the form of large risk exposure eroding their capital and solvency, consequently relying on the taxpayer bailout to salvage the financial market and the economy.

Apart from the financial institutions, the architects behind the policies since the early nineties are equally responsible for the debacle.

For instance, the former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan,

The former treasury secretary Henry Paulson and the current treasury secretary Timothy Geithner,

The present Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke along with the financial team under the Obama administration represent the convenient exchanges between the Wall Street and Washington through the revolving door of Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and the Lehman Brothers prior to being acquired by Barclays…to name a few.

As found in other national issues such as health care, communication and energy, the prevalent culture between Washington and Wall Street is a huge conflict of interest leaving the average taxpayers and consumers at the mercy of the “corporate owned government” enterprise.

Investigation is necessary to determine the cause of the status quo. However, it’s significant to have the financial sector pledge to revive the credit market through liquidity flow to small businesses and corporations. It would jumpstart the economy, since financing businesses and corporations positively impact the job market. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector could be resurrected pervasively, producing the desirable drastic unemployment contraction.

Simultaneously, the finance industry is required to stimulate the real estate and construction areas of the economy. Considering the dismal job growth accompanied by the plummeting residential and commercial real estate values due to the sub-prime mortgage fiasco,

The financial institutions should invigorate the financing and refinancing options to homeowners and commercial estate holders by offering reasonable, incentivized programs that would allow the property owners to comply with the payments and retain the values respectively. The viable strategy would ease the burden on the lender and the mortgagee leading to the property value appreciation.

President Obama’s proposal to levy taxes against the financial institutions that have benefited from the taxpayer bailout is right on target. Not surprisingly, the financial industry is resisting the tax, estimated to yield $120 billion in revenue for the ailing economy. Taxpayers from bottom up shared the trillions of dollars finance industry bailout.

Having stabilized the balance sheets from the massive interjection of funds, the institutions are now challenging the government against the tax proposal by warning that any such levies in the form of fees and taxes would be hurting the consumers, claiming that the customer will ultimately bear the charges through bank fee hikes.

Alternatively, the banks are threatening to move jobs overseas upon any tax or fee imposition.
Despite the pre-existing exorbitant fee and charges applied to banking transactions, the banks’ retaliation to tax proposal via potential fee increase or job export is not only outrageous but also audacious.

Financial sector being the economy’s engine, the credit flow across the spectrum is pertinent to the swift economic recovery including the financial market gains.

The financial institutions’ lack of concern for ethics and the excessive greed triggered the financial market crisis ultimately affecting the global economy. Therefore, there is an urgent requirement for aggressive financial reform to prevent history repeating itself in the near future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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