
United States – Presidential Race 2024

United States

Presidential Race 2024

Padmini Arhant

Update October 15, 2024. 

The democrat unelected Presidential nominee i.e. the incumbent VP Kamala Harris expressing concern over her opponent Donald Trump alleged fascism upon being re-elected is reminded of own current actions and warnings in the course of the Presidential campaign 2024 that is explicitly autocratic. 

First and foremost – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris selection rather than election by democrat base, dismissed by democrat echelons shunning the open democrat primary is blatant autocracy and not by any definition a democracy. 

The democrat status quo rejecting the democrat voters by ignoring primary election brings the democrat party key members viz. the Obamas and those cheerleading the decision to prop a candidacy Kamala Harris as their proxy to extend illegitimate fourth term in office align them with comrades presiding over such system as authoritarians in the world.

Notwithstanding, the democrat candidacy usurpation to power without democratic process strips the position to defend Taiwan in their struggle to protect democracy under existential threat from China. The same would apply to Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists majority of whom are sentenced without legal course and held in BLACK prison in mainland China.

Tibetan’s plight – projected as democrat party’s important issue at least on camera satisfying optics during regular visits to Tibetan Spiritual leader Dalai Lama’s official center in Dharamsala, India by democrat delegation led by the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It is now confronted with major credibility factor for democrat establishment having done away with democracy, voter’s rights to elect nominee and erosion of individual choices experienced during draconian vaccine mandate 2021 – 2024 together with rampant cancel culture and social media censorship. 

As for the Indo-Pacific challenges and other maritime skirmishes with China in South China sea etc., the Harris administration having miserably failed similar to all other issues thus far only further embolden the power viz. China in constant violations on international waters and on the Himalayan terrains. 

The VP Kamala Harris having publicly denounced 18- 24 years-of-age Gen Z as STUPID – maintaining the tradition of the VP’s bosses, the former President Joe Biden – considering the Presidency declared dysfunctional in the lead up to latest coup against then incumbent Joe Biden by democrat political class and stake holders for own personal and political interests. 

Then Presidential contender Joe Biden reminded black voters they were not black if they did not vote for democrat in the 2020 Presidential election. 

The message repeated by the so-called Hope and Change Presidency Barack Obama lately admonishing young black men as sexists for them prioritizing their depressed economic situation to vote for Trump over the woman of color candidacy Kamala Harris with no economic plan or policy despite being responsible for the chronic economic problem. 

The VP Kamala Harris resonating the message from Barack Obama on the Harris administration GOD FORBID upon being elected in November 2024 would round up all those not in favor of Obama aka Harris administration as extremists and subject them to political watchlist and unlawful pursuit retaining the prevalent practice against those viewed anti-Obama /Harris administration.

These are already in place and endured with democracy subverted to prolong neoliberalism premised on identity DEI politics and warfare overseas at American taxpayer expense.

Kamala Harris – Flip Flop on funding own economic policy by taxing the wealthy amid being funded by them is a dichotomy revealing the true nature of the Harris candidacy. No credence in whatever said with actions confirming otherwise.

Importantly, the VP Kamala Harris as the billionaire George Soros and alike as well as NBA multi-millionaires invested candidacy responding to Harris administration policy being questioned on means to financing the lofty promises varying from child care credits to home ownership down-payments and small business capital etc. 

The VP Kamala Harris standard reply is taxing the billionaires and multi-millionaires while they are the bidders in the candidacy abundantly clarify and expose Kamala Harris duplicity and mass deception. 

The Machiavellian end justifying the means reflected throughout Kamala Harris personal and political career is the RED ALERT for voters leaning towards the misguided so-called woman historic Presidency in disguise for Barack Obama unofficial fourth term in office typically exacerbating contemporary economic misery and national international peace and security. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 14, 2024.

The democrat Media embellished VP Kamala Harris health record – as excellent. Obviously like the glorified personal biography not actually belonging to the VP Kamala Harris, rather the usual collection from the member that the politics, media and collective collusion do everything to shun and silence in futile effort. Meanwhile, maintaining unauthorized unethical objectionable attribution of the prohibited individual’s positive profile to proxy candidacy.

Nonetheless, more than the politics and media certified the so-called stellar health record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris,

The incontrovertible dismal economic, national and international record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the ultimate factor directly affecting the American electorate and their families in this election 2024. 

The frail and fragility related to physical mental health experienced under the incumbent administration not only of the Presidency Joe Biden but also the Vice Presidency Kamala Harris’ incoherence and evasions on vital issues were tolerated by citizens thus far.

Unlike the devastating economic downturn inflicting irreversible financial losses and economic liabilities continually endured by overwhelming majority under VP Harris administration in 2021 – 2024 is personal to every electorate in this election.

Accordingly, the voter prioritizing own economic well being to support the survivors and dependents in the family matters the most for substantial electorate.

Democrat Party Harris – Walz Presidential Campaign from sponsors of 2009 – 2016 Presidency have only two issues they seem to care about and they are;

Color politics: The 2009 – 2016 Obama Presidency sponsoring and promoting the unelected democrat Presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris as the woman of color. The rhetoric heavily grounded in identity politics makes the incumbent VP Kamala Harris a DEI recruit by default.

Even the women of color regardless of hues and racial shades are severely hit by economic decline under the current Harris administration.

The women of color too like other female and male counterparts have to survive and feed their family besides addressing many essential requirements that are unaffordable in the skyrocketed inflation, interest rates and taxes under the incumbent Harris administration. 

One can’t remain content and satisfied by admiring one another’s skin color behind the title of Presidency. 

At the end of the day, any skin color of any variation would have to deal with economic reality they are confronted with in their daily life.

The woman of color is not the answer to the economic woes that is hurting the blacks, browns, whites, yellow, red, green, blue or purple from all walks of life and political or Apolitical resignation. 

The second and only issue made relevant from the democrat campaign till date is ABORTION.

There is no doubt that women have the rights to make own decision about their reproductive organs similar to men having the option for vasectomy without any authority at state or national level exerting control or ruling one way or another that is prevalent in women’s reproductive rights in some parts of the United States. 

While abortion is the hot topic for democrat campaign to lure women votes in the election.

The democrat campaign and even the politics centralized on this subject have not provided the current statistics on abortions based on democrat campaign touted following circumstances;

A. Sexual assault including incest.

B. The unwanted pregnancy related to life threatening issues endangering the unborn child and mother.

C. The accidental pregnancies from unprotected consummation…leading to abortions in by and large diverse situations. 

The democrat campaign rooting for abortions rarely mention about safe and protected mechanisms that are available to those and any in the above highlighted incidents barring sexual assaults as a result of unpredictable behavior.

Otherwise, the safe methods by way of  precautions are always available to both female and male cohabitants to protect one another from the awkward and even risky scenario of abortion especially for the woman. 

The oral contraceptives to myriad options are available other than science via natural process such as ovulation period, social standards and individual responsibility to even avert the possibility of pregnancy eliminating the requirement for abortion. 

Prevention is always better and much safer than cure. 

Last but not the least, the Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz as the Governor of the great state of Minnesota has been in spotlight for apparently authorizing tampons in boys restroom in high school alluding to perhaps trans gender affirmation in the woke culture especially in 2021 – 2024. 

Perhaps there was a mix up in the allocation of these contraceptives when condoms for boys and tampons for girls subject to individual health conditions and preferences in terms of inhibiting the aftermath are more appropriate.

Alongside clinically proven safeguard measures in oral contraceptives and healthy practices in the modern era substantially alleviate the abortion dilemma for both women and men sharing the burden of this decision.

Simultaneously, relieving the court systems and legislative branches from direct intervention in this contentious matter for politics and personal right for women. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 12, 2024.

The Hope and Change Presidency in 2009 rooting for Wall Street having criticized them as Fat Cats in the same breath.

As for Barack Obama claiming never holding a grudge against those successful in their life in terms of material wealth and other assets.

Really? Why not check with the targets who have been pursued unlawfully and mocked of bankruptcy incessantly throughout up until now?

Some things never change despite crowing Hope and Change slogan.

Padmini Arhant

With all due respect to the sovereignty of the United States of America, the sacred national constitution established for a reason to protect the national interest and the republic rights made possible via democratic system,

I, Padmini Arhant, an American citizen and taxpayer of this great nation do not concur with the democrat party as well as your affirmation of the democrat Presidential nominee VP Kamala Harris as the viable choice to lead the nation post national election on November 5, 2024.

I have no doubt, the majority American electorate regardless of the current Presidential nominees on either side, the individual misgivings and shortcomings among other debatable characteristics, prioritize their personal economic situation and that of the dependents i.e. their family above all.

Unfortunately, the VP Kamala Harris being the core integral member of the current Biden – Harris administration equally shares the burden of significantly declined economic trend experienced by overwhelming American electorate transcending identity politics in race, gender, religion and other denominations.

Had the democrat party followed the democratic process by holding democratic primary even after abrupt elimination of the incumbent President and democrat primary choice Joe Biden with 14 million democrat voters behind the nomination for re-election bid,

There would have been some legitimacy providing opportunity to various democrat contenders within a national political party allowing the democrat base to elect the nominee in a fair contest.

The democratic procedure could have been justified in contrast to the decision made to push forward the nominee VP Kamala Harris long rejected by the democrat electorate in 2019 Presidential race.

Even otherwise, the VP Kamala Harris administration has let down the American republic in many critical responsibilities from neglecting the border issue to crises management in many frontiers with economy being the foremost failure. 

The lack of prudent economic plan with national deficit under this administration @ $1.8 trillion alongside funding two full blown wars in Ukraine – Russia and Israel –  Middle East conflict at American taxpayers’ unaffordable expense is valid assessment criteria.

These developments remain unmitigated and unresolved under this administration despite domestic economic woes saddled with inflation, interest rates and income taxes with no effective solutions or resolutions at present or moving forward.

Accordingly, these are appropriate concerns for voters in this election.

The ongoing climate disasters like Hurricane in Florida and other parts of the Southern and South Eastern states are also affecting the population in those areas with vast displacements in evacuations happening right now.

United States’ electorate are seeking permanent relief from the contemporary economic problems, border and international disputes due to the latter financial obligations enforced on American taxpayers exacerbating personal and collective plight.

Notwithstanding the events endangering national as well as the global peace and security.

The deteriorating economic status together with community safety and security compared to earlier term 2017 – 2020 is the determining factor for most electorate this election year.

In my earnest, honest opinion and firm position, no candidacy, political party or interest and agenda could be more important and valuable to suppress democracy and relevantly deny the republic immediate economic progress and sustainable future.

Padmini Arhant 


United States – Presidential Race 2024

United States

Presidential Race 2024

Padmini Arhant

Update October 15, 2024. 

The democrat unelected Presidential nominee i.e. the incumbent VP Kamala Harris expressing concern over her opponent Donald Trump alleged fascism upon being re-elected is reminded of own current actions and warnings in the course of the Presidential campaign 2024 that is explicitly autocratic. 

First and foremost – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris selection rather than election by democrat base, dismissed by democrat echelons shunning the open democrat primary is blatant autocracy and not by any definition a democracy. 

The democrat status quo rejecting the democrat voters by ignoring primary election brings the democrat party key members viz. the Obamas and those cheerleading the decision to prop a candidacy Kamala Harris as their proxy to extend illegitimate fourth term in office align them with comrades presiding over such system as authoritarians in the world.

Notwithstanding, the democrat candidacy usurpation to power without democratic process strips the position to defend Taiwan in their struggle to protect democracy under existential threat from China. The same would apply to Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists majority of whom are sentenced without legal course and held in BLACK prison in mainland China.

Tibetan’s plight – projected as democrat party’s important issue at least on camera satisfying optics during regular visits to Tibetan Spiritual leader Dalai Lama’s official center in Dharamsala, India by democrat delegation led by the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It is now confronted with major credibility factor for democrat establishment having done away with democracy, voter’s rights to elect nominee and erosion of individual choices experienced during draconian vaccine mandate 2021 – 2024 together with rampant cancel culture and social media censorship. 

As for the Indo-Pacific challenges and other maritime skirmishes with China in South China sea etc., the Harris administration having miserably failed similar to all other issues thus far only further embolden the power viz. China in constant violations on international waters and on the Himalayan terrains. 

The VP Kamala Harris having publicly denounced 18- 24 years-of-age Gen Z as STUPID – maintaining the tradition of the VP’s bosses, the former President Joe Biden – considering the Presidency declared dysfunctional in the lead up to latest coup against then incumbent Joe Biden by democrat political class and stake holders for own personal and political interests. 

Then Presidential contender Joe Biden reminded black voters they were not black if they did not vote for democrat in the 2020 Presidential election. 

The message repeated by the so-called Hope and Change Presidency Barack Obama lately admonishing young black men as sexists for them prioritizing their depressed economic situation to vote for Trump over the woman of color candidacy Kamala Harris with no economic plan or policy despite being responsible for the chronic economic problem. 

The VP Kamala Harris resonating the message from Barack Obama on the Harris administration GOD FORBID upon being elected in November 2024 would round up all those not in favor of Obama aka Harris administration as extremists and subject them to political watchlist and unlawful pursuit retaining the prevalent practice against those viewed anti-Obama /Harris administration.

These are already in place and endured with democracy subverted to prolong neoliberalism premised on identity DEI politics and warfare overseas at American taxpayer expense.

Kamala Harris – Flip Flop on funding own economic policy by taxing the wealthy amid being funded by them is a dichotomy revealing the true nature of the Harris candidacy. No credence in whatever said with actions confirming otherwise.

Importantly, the VP Kamala Harris as the billionaire George Soros and alike as well as NBA multi-millionaires invested candidacy responding to Harris administration policy being questioned on means to financing the lofty promises varying from child care credits to home ownership down-payments and small business capital etc. 

The VP Kamala Harris standard reply is taxing the billionaires and multi-millionaires while they are the bidders in the candidacy abundantly clarify and expose Kamala Harris duplicity and mass deception. 

The Machiavellian end justifying the means reflected throughout Kamala Harris personal and political career is the RED ALERT for voters leaning towards the misguided so-called woman historic Presidency in disguise for Barack Obama unofficial fourth term in office typically exacerbating contemporary economic misery and national international peace and security. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 14, 2024.

The democrat Media embellished VP Kamala Harris health record – as excellent. Obviously like the glorified personal biography not actually belonging to the VP Kamala Harris, rather the usual collection from the member that the politics, media and collective collusion do everything to shun and silence in futile effort. Meanwhile, maintaining unauthorized unethical objectionable attribution of the prohibited individual’s positive profile to proxy candidacy.

Nonetheless, more than the politics and media certified the so-called stellar health record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris,

The incontrovertible dismal economic, national and international record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the ultimate factor directly affecting the American electorate and their families in this election 2024. 

The frail and fragility related to physical mental health experienced under the incumbent administration not only of the Presidency Joe Biden but also the Vice Presidency Kamala Harris’ incoherence and evasions on vital issues were tolerated by citizens thus far.

Unlike the devastating economic downturn inflicting irreversible financial losses and economic liabilities continually endured by overwhelming majority under VP Harris administration in 2021 – 2024 is personal to every electorate in this election.

Accordingly, the voter prioritizing own economic well being to support the survivors and dependents in the family matters the most for substantial electorate.

Democrat Party Harris – Walz Presidential Campaign from sponsors of 2009 – 2016 Presidency have only two issues they seem to care about and they are;

Color politics: The 2009 – 2016 Obama Presidency sponsoring and promoting the unelected democrat Presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris as the woman of color. The rhetoric heavily grounded in identity politics makes the incumbent VP Kamala Harris a DEI recruit by default.

Even the women of color regardless of hues and racial shades are severely hit by economic decline under the current Harris administration.

The women of color too like other female and male counterparts have to survive and feed their family besides addressing many essential requirements that are unaffordable in the skyrocketed inflation, interest rates and taxes under the incumbent Harris administration. 

One can’t remain content and satisfied by admiring one another’s skin color behind the title of Presidency. 

At the end of the day, any skin color of any variation would have to deal with economic reality they are confronted with in their daily life.

The woman of color is not the answer to the economic woes that is hurting the blacks, browns, whites, yellow, red, green, blue or purple from all walks of life and political or Apolitical resignation. 

The second and only issue made relevant from the democrat campaign till date is ABORTION.

There is no doubt that women have the rights to make own decision about their reproductive organs similar to men having the option for vasectomy without any authority at state or national level exerting control or ruling one way or another that is prevalent in women’s reproductive rights in some parts of the United States. 

While abortion is the hot topic for democrat campaign to lure women votes in the election.

The democrat campaign and even the politics centralized on this subject have not provided the current statistics on abortions based on democrat campaign touted following circumstances;

A. Sexual assault including incest.

B. The unwanted pregnancy related to life threatening issues endangering the unborn child and mother.

C. The accidental pregnancies from unprotected consummation…leading to abortions in by and large diverse situations. 

The democrat campaign rooting for abortions rarely mention about safe and protected mechanisms that are available to those and any in the above highlighted incidents barring sexual assaults as a result of unpredictable behavior.

Otherwise, the safe methods by way of  precautions are always available to both female and male cohabitants to protect one another from the awkward and even risky scenario of abortion especially for the woman. 

The oral contraceptives to myriad options are available other than science via natural process such as ovulation period, social standards and individual responsibility to even avert the possibility of pregnancy eliminating the requirement for abortion. 

Prevention is always better and much safer than cure. 

Last but not the least, the Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz as the Governor of the great state of Minnesota has been in spotlight for apparently authorizing tampons in boys restroom in high school alluding to perhaps trans gender affirmation in the woke culture especially in 2021 – 2024. 

Perhaps there was a mix up in the allocation of these contraceptives when condoms for boys and tampons for girls subject to individual health conditions and preferences in terms of inhibiting the aftermath are more appropriate.

Alongside clinically proven safeguard measures in oral contraceptives and healthy practices in the modern era substantially alleviate the abortion dilemma for both women and men sharing the burden of this decision.

Simultaneously, relieving the court systems and legislative branches from direct intervention in this contentious matter for politics and personal right for women. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 12, 2024.

The Hope and Change Presidency in 2009 rooting for Wall Street having criticized them as Fat Cats in the same breath.

As for Barack Obama claiming never holding a grudge against those successful in their life in terms of material wealth and other assets.

Really? Why not check with the targets who have been pursued unlawfully and mocked of bankruptcy incessantly throughout up until now?

Some things never change despite crowing Hope and Change slogan.

Padmini Arhant

With all due respect to the sovereignty of the United States of America, the sacred national constitution established for a reason to protect the national interest and the republic rights made possible via democratic system,

I, Padmini Arhant, an American citizen and taxpayer of this great nation do not concur with the democrat party as well as your affirmation of the democrat Presidential nominee VP Kamala Harris as the viable choice to lead the nation post national election on November 5, 2024.

I have no doubt, the majority American electorate regardless of the current Presidential nominees on either side, the individual misgivings and shortcomings among other debatable characteristics, prioritize their personal economic situation and that of the dependents i.e. their family above all.

Unfortunately, the VP Kamala Harris being the core integral member of the current Biden – Harris administration equally shares the burden of significantly declined economic trend experienced by overwhelming American electorate transcending identity politics in race, gender, religion and other denominations.

Had the democrat party followed the democratic process by holding democratic primary even after abrupt elimination of the incumbent President and democrat primary choice Joe Biden with 14 million democrat voters behind the nomination for re-election bid,

There would have been some legitimacy providing opportunity to various democrat contenders within a national political party allowing the democrat base to elect the nominee in a fair contest.

The democratic procedure could have been justified in contrast to the decision made to push forward the nominee VP Kamala Harris long rejected by the democrat electorate in 2019 Presidential race.

Even otherwise, the VP Kamala Harris administration has let down the American republic in many critical responsibilities from neglecting the border issue to crises management in many frontiers with economy being the foremost failure. 

The lack of prudent economic plan with national deficit under this administration @ $1.8 trillion alongside funding two full blown wars in Ukraine – Russia and Israel –  Middle East conflict at American taxpayers’ unaffordable expense is valid assessment criteria.

These developments remain unmitigated and unresolved under this administration despite domestic economic woes saddled with inflation, interest rates and income taxes with no effective solutions or resolutions at present or moving forward.

Accordingly, these are appropriate concerns for voters in this election.

The ongoing climate disasters like Hurricane in Florida and other parts of the Southern and South Eastern states are also affecting the population in those areas with vast displacements in evacuations happening right now.

United States’ electorate are seeking permanent relief from the contemporary economic problems, border and international disputes due to the latter financial obligations enforced on American taxpayers exacerbating personal and collective plight.

Notwithstanding the events endangering national as well as the global peace and security.

The deteriorating economic status together with community safety and security compared to earlier term 2017 – 2020 is the determining factor for most electorate this election year.

In my earnest, honest opinion and firm position, no candidacy, political party or interest and agenda could be more important and valuable to suppress democracy and relevantly deny the republic immediate economic progress and sustainable future.

Padmini Arhant 


United States – Presidential Race 2024

United States

Presidential Race 2024

Padmini Arhant

Update October 15, 2024. 

The democrat unelected Presidential nominee i.e. the incumbent VP Kamala Harris expressing concern over her opponent Donald Trump alleged fascism upon being re-elected is reminded of own current actions and warnings in the course of the Presidential campaign 2024 that is explicitly autocratic. 

First and foremost – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris selection rather than election by democrat base, dismissed by democrat echelons shunning the open democrat primary is blatant autocracy and not by any definition a democracy. 

The democrat status quo rejecting the democrat voters by ignoring primary election brings the democrat party key members viz. the Obamas and those cheerleading the decision to prop a candidacy Kamala Harris as their proxy to extend illegitimate fourth term in office align them with comrades presiding over such system as authoritarians in the world.

Notwithstanding, the democrat candidacy usurpation to power without democratic process strips the position to defend Taiwan in their struggle to protect democracy under existential threat from China. The same would apply to Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists majority of whom are sentenced without legal course and held in BLACK prison in mainland China.

Tibetan’s plight – projected as democrat party’s important issue at least on camera satisfying optics during regular visits to Tibetan Spiritual leader Dalai Lama’s official center in Dharamsala, India by democrat delegation led by the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It is now confronted with major credibility factor for democrat establishment having done away with democracy, voter’s rights to elect nominee and erosion of individual choices experienced during draconian vaccine mandate 2021 – 2024 together with rampant cancel culture and social media censorship. 

As for the Indo-Pacific challenges and other maritime skirmishes with China in South China sea etc., the Harris administration having miserably failed similar to all other issues thus far only further embolden the power viz. China in constant violations on international waters and on the Himalayan terrains. 

The VP Kamala Harris having publicly denounced 18- 24 years-of-age Gen Z as STUPID – maintaining the tradition of the VP’s bosses, the former President Joe Biden – considering the Presidency declared dysfunctional in the lead up to latest coup against then incumbent Joe Biden by democrat political class and stake holders for own personal and political interests. 

Then Presidential contender Joe Biden reminded black voters they were not black if they did not vote for democrat in the 2020 Presidential election. 

The message repeated by the so-called Hope and Change Presidency Barack Obama lately admonishing young black men as sexists for them prioritizing their depressed economic situation to vote for Trump over the woman of color candidacy Kamala Harris with no economic plan or policy despite being responsible for the chronic economic problem. 

The VP Kamala Harris resonating the message from Barack Obama on the Harris administration GOD FORBID upon being elected in November 2024 would round up all those not in favor of Obama aka Harris administration as extremists and subject them to political watchlist and unlawful pursuit retaining the prevalent practice against those viewed anti-Obama /Harris administration.

These are already in place and endured with democracy subverted to prolong neoliberalism premised on identity DEI politics and warfare overseas at American taxpayer expense.

Kamala Harris – Flip Flop on funding own economic policy by taxing the wealthy amid being funded by them is a dichotomy revealing the true nature of the Harris candidacy. No credence in whatever said with actions confirming otherwise.

Importantly, the VP Kamala Harris as the billionaire George Soros and alike as well as NBA multi-millionaires invested candidacy responding to Harris administration policy being questioned on means to financing the lofty promises varying from child care credits to home ownership down-payments and small business capital etc. 

The VP Kamala Harris standard reply is taxing the billionaires and multi-millionaires while they are the bidders in the candidacy abundantly clarify and expose Kamala Harris duplicity and mass deception. 

The Machiavellian end justifying the means reflected throughout Kamala Harris personal and political career is the RED ALERT for voters leaning towards the misguided so-called woman historic Presidency in disguise for Barack Obama unofficial fourth term in office typically exacerbating contemporary economic misery and national international peace and security. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 14, 2024.

The democrat Media embellished VP Kamala Harris health record – as excellent. Obviously like the glorified personal biography not actually belonging to the VP Kamala Harris, rather the usual collection from the member that the politics, media and collective collusion do everything to shun and silence in futile effort. Meanwhile, maintaining unauthorized unethical objectionable attribution of the prohibited individual’s positive profile to proxy candidacy.

Nonetheless, more than the politics and media certified the so-called stellar health record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris,

The incontrovertible dismal economic, national and international record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the ultimate factor directly affecting the American electorate and their families in this election 2024. 

The frail and fragility related to physical mental health experienced under the incumbent administration not only of the Presidency Joe Biden but also the Vice Presidency Kamala Harris’ incoherence and evasions on vital issues were tolerated by citizens thus far.

Unlike the devastating economic downturn inflicting irreversible financial losses and economic liabilities continually endured by overwhelming majority under VP Harris administration in 2021 – 2024 is personal to every electorate in this election.

Accordingly, the voter prioritizing own economic well being to support the survivors and dependents in the family matters the most for substantial electorate.

Democrat Party Harris – Walz Presidential Campaign from sponsors of 2009 – 2016 Presidency have only two issues they seem to care about and they are;

Color politics: The 2009 – 2016 Obama Presidency sponsoring and promoting the unelected democrat Presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris as the woman of color. The rhetoric heavily grounded in identity politics makes the incumbent VP Kamala Harris a DEI recruit by default.

Even the women of color regardless of hues and racial shades are severely hit by economic decline under the current Harris administration.

The women of color too like other female and male counterparts have to survive and feed their family besides addressing many essential requirements that are unaffordable in the skyrocketed inflation, interest rates and taxes under the incumbent Harris administration. 

One can’t remain content and satisfied by admiring one another’s skin color behind the title of Presidency. 

At the end of the day, any skin color of any variation would have to deal with economic reality they are confronted with in their daily life.

The woman of color is not the answer to the economic woes that is hurting the blacks, browns, whites, yellow, red, green, blue or purple from all walks of life and political or Apolitical resignation. 

The second and only issue made relevant from the democrat campaign till date is ABORTION.

There is no doubt that women have the rights to make own decision about their reproductive organs similar to men having the option for vasectomy without any authority at state or national level exerting control or ruling one way or another that is prevalent in women’s reproductive rights in some parts of the United States. 

While abortion is the hot topic for democrat campaign to lure women votes in the election.

The democrat campaign and even the politics centralized on this subject have not provided the current statistics on abortions based on democrat campaign touted following circumstances;

A. Sexual assault including incest.

B. The unwanted pregnancy related to life threatening issues endangering the unborn child and mother.

C. The accidental pregnancies from unprotected consummation…leading to abortions in by and large diverse situations. 

The democrat campaign rooting for abortions rarely mention about safe and protected mechanisms that are available to those and any in the above highlighted incidents barring sexual assaults as a result of unpredictable behavior.

Otherwise, the safe methods by way of  precautions are always available to both female and male cohabitants to protect one another from the awkward and even risky scenario of abortion especially for the woman. 

The oral contraceptives to myriad options are available other than science via natural process such as ovulation period, social standards and individual responsibility to even avert the possibility of pregnancy eliminating the requirement for abortion. 

Prevention is always better and much safer than cure. 

Last but not the least, the Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz as the Governor of the great state of Minnesota has been in spotlight for apparently authorizing tampons in boys restroom in high school alluding to perhaps trans gender affirmation in the woke culture especially in 2021 – 2024. 

Perhaps there was a mix up in the allocation of these contraceptives when condoms for boys and tampons for girls subject to individual health conditions and preferences in terms of inhibiting the aftermath are more appropriate.

Alongside clinically proven safeguard measures in oral contraceptives and healthy practices in the modern era substantially alleviate the abortion dilemma for both women and men sharing the burden of this decision.

Simultaneously, relieving the court systems and legislative branches from direct intervention in this contentious matter for politics and personal right for women. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 12, 2024.

The Hope and Change Presidency in 2009 rooting for Wall Street having criticized them as Fat Cats in the same breath.

As for Barack Obama claiming never holding a grudge against those successful in their life in terms of material wealth and other assets.

Really? Why not check with the targets who have been pursued unlawfully and mocked of bankruptcy incessantly throughout up until now?

Some things never change despite crowing Hope and Change slogan.

Padmini Arhant

With all due respect to the sovereignty of the United States of America, the sacred national constitution established for a reason to protect the national interest and the republic rights made possible via democratic system,

I, Padmini Arhant, an American citizen and taxpayer of this great nation do not concur with the democrat party as well as your affirmation of the democrat Presidential nominee VP Kamala Harris as the viable choice to lead the nation post national election on November 5, 2024.

I have no doubt, the majority American electorate regardless of the current Presidential nominees on either side, the individual misgivings and shortcomings among other debatable characteristics, prioritize their personal economic situation and that of the dependents i.e. their family above all.

Unfortunately, the VP Kamala Harris being the core integral member of the current Biden – Harris administration equally shares the burden of significantly declined economic trend experienced by overwhelming American electorate transcending identity politics in race, gender, religion and other denominations.

Had the democrat party followed the democratic process by holding democratic primary even after abrupt elimination of the incumbent President and democrat primary choice Joe Biden with 14 million democrat voters behind the nomination for re-election bid,

There would have been some legitimacy providing opportunity to various democrat contenders within a national political party allowing the democrat base to elect the nominee in a fair contest.

The democratic procedure could have been justified in contrast to the decision made to push forward the nominee VP Kamala Harris long rejected by the democrat electorate in 2019 Presidential race.

Even otherwise, the VP Kamala Harris administration has let down the American republic in many critical responsibilities from neglecting the border issue to crises management in many frontiers with economy being the foremost failure. 

The lack of prudent economic plan with national deficit under this administration @ $1.8 trillion alongside funding two full blown wars in Ukraine – Russia and Israel –  Middle East conflict at American taxpayers’ unaffordable expense is valid assessment criteria.

These developments remain unmitigated and unresolved under this administration despite domestic economic woes saddled with inflation, interest rates and income taxes with no effective solutions or resolutions at present or moving forward.

Accordingly, these are appropriate concerns for voters in this election.

The ongoing climate disasters like Hurricane in Florida and other parts of the Southern and South Eastern states are also affecting the population in those areas with vast displacements in evacuations happening right now.

United States’ electorate are seeking permanent relief from the contemporary economic problems, border and international disputes due to the latter financial obligations enforced on American taxpayers exacerbating personal and collective plight.

Notwithstanding the events endangering national as well as the global peace and security.

The deteriorating economic status together with community safety and security compared to earlier term 2017 – 2020 is the determining factor for most electorate this election year.

In my earnest, honest opinion and firm position, no candidacy, political party or interest and agenda could be more important and valuable to suppress democracy and relevantly deny the republic immediate economic progress and sustainable future.

Padmini Arhant 

Humanitarian Issues

United States – Presidential Race 2024

United States

Presidential Race 2024

Padmini Arhant

Update October 15, 2024. 

The democrat unelected Presidential nominee i.e. the incumbent VP Kamala Harris expressing concern over her opponent Donald Trump alleged fascism upon being re-elected is reminded of own current actions and warnings in the course of the Presidential campaign 2024 that is explicitly autocratic. 

First and foremost – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris selection rather than election by democrat base, dismissed by democrat echelons shunning the open democrat primary is blatant autocracy and not by any definition a democracy. 

The democrat status quo rejecting the democrat voters by ignoring primary election brings the democrat party key members viz. the Obamas and those cheerleading the decision to prop a candidacy Kamala Harris as their proxy to extend illegitimate fourth term in office align them with comrades presiding over such system as authoritarians in the world.

Notwithstanding, the democrat candidacy usurpation to power without democratic process strips the position to defend Taiwan in their struggle to protect democracy under existential threat from China. The same would apply to Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists majority of whom are sentenced without legal course and held in BLACK prison in mainland China.

Tibetan’s plight – projected as democrat party’s important issue at least on camera satisfying optics during regular visits to Tibetan Spiritual leader Dalai Lama’s official center in Dharamsala, India by democrat delegation led by the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It is now confronted with major credibility factor for democrat establishment having done away with democracy, voter’s rights to elect nominee and erosion of individual choices experienced during draconian vaccine mandate 2021 – 2024 together with rampant cancel culture and social media censorship. 

As for the Indo-Pacific challenges and other maritime skirmishes with China in South China sea etc., the Harris administration having miserably failed similar to all other issues thus far only further embolden the power viz. China in constant violations on international waters and on the Himalayan terrains. 

The VP Kamala Harris having publicly denounced 18- 24 years-of-age Gen Z as STUPID – maintaining the tradition of the VP’s bosses, the former President Joe Biden – considering the Presidency declared dysfunctional in the lead up to latest coup against then incumbent Joe Biden by democrat political class and stake holders for own personal and political interests. 

Then Presidential contender Joe Biden reminded black voters they were not black if they did not vote for democrat in the 2020 Presidential election. 

The message repeated by the so-called Hope and Change Presidency Barack Obama lately admonishing young black men as sexists for them prioritizing their depressed economic situation to vote for Trump over the woman of color candidacy Kamala Harris with no economic plan or policy despite being responsible for the chronic economic problem. 

The VP Kamala Harris resonating the message from Barack Obama on the Harris administration GOD FORBID upon being elected in November 2024 would round up all those not in favor of Obama aka Harris administration as extremists and subject them to political watchlist and unlawful pursuit retaining the prevalent practice against those viewed anti-Obama /Harris administration.

These are already in place and endured with democracy subverted to prolong neoliberalism premised on identity DEI politics and warfare overseas at American taxpayer expense.

Kamala Harris – Flip Flop on funding own economic policy by taxing the wealthy amid being funded by them is a dichotomy revealing the true nature of the Harris candidacy. No credence in whatever said with actions confirming otherwise.

Importantly, the VP Kamala Harris as the billionaire George Soros and alike as well as NBA multi-millionaires invested candidacy responding to Harris administration policy being questioned on means to financing the lofty promises varying from child care credits to home ownership down-payments and small business capital etc. 

The VP Kamala Harris standard reply is taxing the billionaires and multi-millionaires while they are the bidders in the candidacy abundantly clarify and expose Kamala Harris duplicity and mass deception. 

The Machiavellian end justifying the means reflected throughout Kamala Harris personal and political career is the RED ALERT for voters leaning towards the misguided so-called woman historic Presidency in disguise for Barack Obama unofficial fourth term in office typically exacerbating contemporary economic misery and national international peace and security. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 14, 2024.

The democrat Media embellished VP Kamala Harris health record – as excellent. Obviously like the glorified personal biography not actually belonging to the VP Kamala Harris, rather the usual collection from the member that the politics, media and collective collusion do everything to shun and silence in futile effort. Meanwhile, maintaining unauthorized unethical objectionable attribution of the prohibited individual’s positive profile to proxy candidacy.

Nonetheless, more than the politics and media certified the so-called stellar health record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris,

The incontrovertible dismal economic, national and international record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the ultimate factor directly affecting the American electorate and their families in this election 2024. 

The frail and fragility related to physical mental health experienced under the incumbent administration not only of the Presidency Joe Biden but also the Vice Presidency Kamala Harris’ incoherence and evasions on vital issues were tolerated by citizens thus far.

Unlike the devastating economic downturn inflicting irreversible financial losses and economic liabilities continually endured by overwhelming majority under VP Harris administration in 2021 – 2024 is personal to every electorate in this election.

Accordingly, the voter prioritizing own economic well being to support the survivors and dependents in the family matters the most for substantial electorate.

Democrat Party Harris – Walz Presidential Campaign from sponsors of 2009 – 2016 Presidency have only two issues they seem to care about and they are;

Color politics: The 2009 – 2016 Obama Presidency sponsoring and promoting the unelected democrat Presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris as the woman of color. The rhetoric heavily grounded in identity politics makes the incumbent VP Kamala Harris a DEI recruit by default.

Even the women of color regardless of hues and racial shades are severely hit by economic decline under the current Harris administration.

The women of color too like other female and male counterparts have to survive and feed their family besides addressing many essential requirements that are unaffordable in the skyrocketed inflation, interest rates and taxes under the incumbent Harris administration. 

One can’t remain content and satisfied by admiring one another’s skin color behind the title of Presidency. 

At the end of the day, any skin color of any variation would have to deal with economic reality they are confronted with in their daily life.

The woman of color is not the answer to the economic woes that is hurting the blacks, browns, whites, yellow, red, green, blue or purple from all walks of life and political or Apolitical resignation. 

The second and only issue made relevant from the democrat campaign till date is ABORTION.

There is no doubt that women have the rights to make own decision about their reproductive organs similar to men having the option for vasectomy without any authority at state or national level exerting control or ruling one way or another that is prevalent in women’s reproductive rights in some parts of the United States. 

While abortion is the hot topic for democrat campaign to lure women votes in the election.

The democrat campaign and even the politics centralized on this subject have not provided the current statistics on abortions based on democrat campaign touted following circumstances;

A. Sexual assault including incest.

B. The unwanted pregnancy related to life threatening issues endangering the unborn child and mother.

C. The accidental pregnancies from unprotected consummation…leading to abortions in by and large diverse situations. 

The democrat campaign rooting for abortions rarely mention about safe and protected mechanisms that are available to those and any in the above highlighted incidents barring sexual assaults as a result of unpredictable behavior.

Otherwise, the safe methods by way of  precautions are always available to both female and male cohabitants to protect one another from the awkward and even risky scenario of abortion especially for the woman. 

The oral contraceptives to myriad options are available other than science via natural process such as ovulation period, social standards and individual responsibility to even avert the possibility of pregnancy eliminating the requirement for abortion. 

Prevention is always better and much safer than cure. 

Last but not the least, the Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz as the Governor of the great state of Minnesota has been in spotlight for apparently authorizing tampons in boys restroom in high school alluding to perhaps trans gender affirmation in the woke culture especially in 2021 – 2024. 

Perhaps there was a mix up in the allocation of these contraceptives when condoms for boys and tampons for girls subject to individual health conditions and preferences in terms of inhibiting the aftermath are more appropriate.

Alongside clinically proven safeguard measures in oral contraceptives and healthy practices in the modern era substantially alleviate the abortion dilemma for both women and men sharing the burden of this decision.

Simultaneously, relieving the court systems and legislative branches from direct intervention in this contentious matter for politics and personal right for women. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 12, 2024.

The Hope and Change Presidency in 2009 rooting for Wall Street having criticized them as Fat Cats in the same breath.

As for Barack Obama claiming never holding a grudge against those successful in their life in terms of material wealth and other assets.

Really? Why not check with the targets who have been pursued unlawfully and mocked of bankruptcy incessantly throughout up until now?

Some things never change despite crowing Hope and Change slogan.

Padmini Arhant

With all due respect to the sovereignty of the United States of America, the sacred national constitution established for a reason to protect the national interest and the republic rights made possible via democratic system,

I, Padmini Arhant, an American citizen and taxpayer of this great nation do not concur with the democrat party as well as your affirmation of the democrat Presidential nominee VP Kamala Harris as the viable choice to lead the nation post national election on November 5, 2024.

I have no doubt, the majority American electorate regardless of the current Presidential nominees on either side, the individual misgivings and shortcomings among other debatable characteristics, prioritize their personal economic situation and that of the dependents i.e. their family above all.

Unfortunately, the VP Kamala Harris being the core integral member of the current Biden – Harris administration equally shares the burden of significantly declined economic trend experienced by overwhelming American electorate transcending identity politics in race, gender, religion and other denominations.

Had the democrat party followed the democratic process by holding democratic primary even after abrupt elimination of the incumbent President and democrat primary choice Joe Biden with 14 million democrat voters behind the nomination for re-election bid,

There would have been some legitimacy providing opportunity to various democrat contenders within a national political party allowing the democrat base to elect the nominee in a fair contest.

The democratic procedure could have been justified in contrast to the decision made to push forward the nominee VP Kamala Harris long rejected by the democrat electorate in 2019 Presidential race.

Even otherwise, the VP Kamala Harris administration has let down the American republic in many critical responsibilities from neglecting the border issue to crises management in many frontiers with economy being the foremost failure. 

The lack of prudent economic plan with national deficit under this administration @ $1.8 trillion alongside funding two full blown wars in Ukraine – Russia and Israel –  Middle East conflict at American taxpayers’ unaffordable expense is valid assessment criteria.

These developments remain unmitigated and unresolved under this administration despite domestic economic woes saddled with inflation, interest rates and income taxes with no effective solutions or resolutions at present or moving forward.

Accordingly, these are appropriate concerns for voters in this election.

The ongoing climate disasters like Hurricane in Florida and other parts of the Southern and South Eastern states are also affecting the population in those areas with vast displacements in evacuations happening right now.

United States’ electorate are seeking permanent relief from the contemporary economic problems, border and international disputes due to the latter financial obligations enforced on American taxpayers exacerbating personal and collective plight.

Notwithstanding the events endangering national as well as the global peace and security.

The deteriorating economic status together with community safety and security compared to earlier term 2017 – 2020 is the determining factor for most electorate this election year.

In my earnest, honest opinion and firm position, no candidacy, political party or interest and agenda could be more important and valuable to suppress democracy and relevantly deny the republic immediate economic progress and sustainable future.

Padmini Arhant 

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