The Self-Destructive Ego

September 27, 2024

Self-Destructive Ego

Padmini Arhant

History is testament to destructive ego behind downfall of megalomania, hubris and blatant ignorance.

The former President Barack Obama having extended illegitimate terms in office since 2016 by not allowing the legitimately elected successor Donald Trump to govern the nation with tax payer funded illegal libel suits, far fetched indictments and impeachment proceedings is the incontrovertible fact.

To rub salt, the ex and existing President Barack Obama’s recent taunting of the former Republican President Donald Trump, who is the current Presidential nominee about it by posing the unnecessary question;

“How was the impeachment proceeding?” at the democrat national convention on August 19, this year.

The decorum was unpresidential for someone who expects others to kneel and bow to thee in a manner like in the tribal system to the tribal chief, while not believing in the concept of mutual respect is sadistic.

It is no surprise with Barack Obama. The Almighty God Shiva was deduced to being lesser than thee when negotiating a second term in office in 2012 with deal makers quoting –

“Remember I’m the only one between you (meaning Obama referenced Fat Cats) and the pitch fork i.e. God Shiva.”

The pitch fork (?)rather than Trident from someone who considers and touted as the lexicon rubicon ↔️Pun intended.

How about admittedly not being able to assemble a table lamp? Something even a toddler would do with lego.

Barack Obama Presidency presided over abhorrent violence, chaos, mayhem, warfare, bloodbath resumed in 2021 – 2024 – Ukraine and Gaza, terror sponsorship, cannibalism and,

Above all, the toppling of governments headed by female leaderships world over with joy and pride understandably with the omission of Africa.

The latest casualty being the Bangladesh former female Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina despite the long political tenure enabling Bangladesh towards rapidly developing nation status away from the western stigma of being the nation cradled in ‘international aid basket’ – quoted by the late Secretary of State – Henry Kissinger.

Barack Obama habitual of being newsworthy for all wrong reasons continued incognito power mongering by never leaving the nation’s Capital Washington D.C. well after the expiry of official term in office in 2016.

The unusual transition remaining in the vicinity of the premise at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., to be the thorn on the side of the successor Donald Trump and all those on the Obamas’ watch list is the trend until now.

The latest coup with Barack Obama instigating the Hollywood actor George Clooney with an op-ed in the New York Times and reviewing the text with the approval nod to eject the incumbent President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden was once referred to as the so-called older brother by Obama only to be replaced by an individual, whom the Obamas deployed as their pawn for their vast radical agendas such as wokism, transmania and corrupting educational system to indoctrinate impressionable minds on gender with personal hideous ideology most of that already implemented in Barack Obama’s illicit third term under the guise of Biden – Harris administration.

Why is Kamala Harris picked as the VP and now the Presidential nominee with the script handed by Barack Obama?

Simply to repeatedly hear the pseudo flattery from media and viewers on Barack Obama’s so-called oratory skills – undoubtedly from the teleprompter and the speech writers on payroll.  

With my content included without any credit or monetary compensation throughout up until now.

Not to mention Barack Obama not knowing the exact number of states in the nation as then President of the United States, miserably failing in the GK IQ. 

The rubric then compared to Kamala’s word salad and vocabulary soup as not palatable.

The petty pernicious routine is directed and portrayed as mePadmini Arhant. Someone who is able to effectively, efficiently, eloquently and fluently communicate in written, spoken and interpret in at least three or more languages beginning with;

The foreign language English.

The most difficult and mother of all languages on earth. None other than my native mother tongue Tamil.

The other relatively ancient Hindu Vedic language Sanskrit.


Indian language Hindi.

Additionally, ability to speak and understand the poetic Urdu and some Arabic etc.,

Although, she is not the only one. There were and are many lacking in english language proficiency and the idea of incompetence continued to be presented and ascribed to me by politics, deep state, groveling media and,

All those unable to digest the reality that competence, articulation, original not artificial intelligence and ingenuity etc., are not patented rights in natural creations.

Unfortunately, in the unprecedented prejudice and misogyny prevalent against me in contemporary politics, the true ownership is to be claimed based on tireless productivity creating limitless opportunity to countless from all over in active dedication and passivity let alone all of which non-monetized until now.

In this context, the chief beneficiaries especially those ever engaged in reaping the most from the golden eggs are never tired of unprovoked languishing and lambasting of me and my family till date through innuendoes and insinuations.

These events and developments are characteristic of the dark age with certain human behavior and mindset sinking well below the muddy filthy swamp beyond rescue.

The contentious hypocrisy amongst those considering themselves the be all and end all of everything. Someone who apparently possesses all yet remain nothing in value and meaningful purpose with persistent inadequacy and insecurity leaving them null and void.

The former President Barack Obama, who sought my extraordinary help together with my family to then rookie ( YES ROOKIE – the most inexperienced in politics and world affairs) senator from Illinois whose political prospects were doomed and abysmal when contesting against a woman Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008 Presidential campaign.

The venom vitriol has never ceased towards me and my family. Not to mention the relentless trolling, tagging, perversions, spying, invasion of our home, space and privacy abusing our tax dollars against us.

Besides, prodding the alter ego from the so-called world’s largest democracy and eclectic proxy ranging from Indian origin to various assortment in the United States and overseas to induce rancor and harassment is the custom.

Not to mention the core abuse of the Office of Presidency of the United States since entry in the White House until now – courtesy and magnanimity from me and my family.

The others being the villains of humanity have sought me and my family depriving us of any income via unlawful (if at all there is any lawfulness left in the world) intervention to drain and liquidate us financially though they would never succeed in gaming against our SOUL for declining to kowtow to them to their egotistical self-interests and voicing against Gaza GENOCIDE.

The year long military aggression predominantly aided by the United States current Biden – Harris administration to Israeli leadership and politics not only murdered own Israeli hostages but also continue killing Palestinian babies, children, women, men, the young and the old mercilessly denied of drinking water, food, medicine and humanitarian aid for months in the heavily bombarded disproportionate war zone Gaza and now spread to Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East.

In other activities, the political Presidential opponent Donald Trump is criticized and in the latest Presidential debate, the Obamas fanned rhetoric through late night shows described the performance of the Republican nominee to that being mortified by a woman democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

Likewise, own former Vice President turned President Joe Biden, sidelined from re-election in the Obamas and key democrat party echelons’ initiated effortless coup.

Politics is dirty, ugly, downright ruthless and brutal from the days of Julius Caesar with Brutus. The brutality in betrayal and violation of trust. This even goes back further to biblical era with Lord Jesus betrayed by Judas for mere three pieces of silver.

A reminder to all those whoever and wherever they are, to all of whom, I’m deemed their incessant sworn enemy and arch nemesis.

My birth in this world did not occur at their behest and approval or the lack thereof.

Accordingly, my existence in this lifetime or in the future is not obligatory to their terms and conditions, whims and fancies and importantly their solicitation in the definition and determination of me from identity to intelligence and all things that are individual and personal to me and my life are wanton provocation and capricious interference.

Actions bear consequences and more so deliberate indulgence despite warnings have adverse repercussions.

I, Padmini Arhant, given the time period 2024, I’m currently living in impetus clarification to deter unsolicited misappropriation of my personal identity.

I, the female identified by X chromosome akin to all other female species in natural creations, with nature endowed organic authentic intelligence synonymous to all species unlike the same disputed by human critics, grudgers, misogynists, racists and alike inform the following message.

I, Padmini Arhant will debate extemporaneously as I have done in the last nearly two decades on wide range of topics in public using my platform.

Since, I am shunned to anonymity, denied any space in public domain, deprived of presenting my side of the truth and facts in self-defense or the issues I have discussed all along to those preoccupied in venomous envy, constant regurgitation of malice and vicious mischaracterization of me and my family.

Meanwhile, shamelessly plagiarizing my biography and content besides stealing mine and my family’s positive, impressive attributes and anything that are beneficial to narcissistic opportunists thus far.

All these are carried out by the notorious exploiters, abusers, narcissists and their crony minion contingency having in the past and continue in the present to harvest from my mere presence and tireless contributions.

In return for gratitude, their weakness and vulnerability to own negative vices within prompted caricature and demonization against me and my family are the norm much to own peril.

At the end of the day, it was not me and my family who begged them for anything.

It was the other way around. Only remarkable distinction is with the nuanced hype on dementia, the message then was clear on my wisdom, energy and experience unlike the reverse transformation now from the same type in self-contradiction via staged puppet – the democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

The irony is my enemies are using me and my life to defeat me irrespective of the explicit fait accompli.

I’m game to debate the ones’ claiming proprietorship on intelligence and communication prowess.

It is demeaning and self-humiliating for users and the used as volunteers in this bizarre charade. Them using own proxy and pawn to besmirch the bitter rival rather than in person direct interaction and exchange in public.

Reiterating the line stolen from me by the political establishment nominee Kamala Harris.

Whatever you have to say about me – say that to my face.

Finally, the demystified myth.

The black man / woman can’t swim.

The White man / woman can’t jump or play basketball.

The brown man / woman retaining the colonial tradition can only be the porter aka coolie to the White, Black and others in society and nothing else.

If the almond brown is proven otherwise, then the almond is supposedly required to promote only as BLACK – perhaps the statement – I’m Female, Fearless and BLACK not almond, pecan or even healthier walnut.🤣

This idea of color coding anything good or bad in the stereotype is common practice in human society.

However, the level this typecast culture exploited to the ultimate is epitomized by the Obamas viz. Barack and Michele ever hungry for limelight primarily at others’ expense in their desperate WOKE endeavor.

Intelligence of a woman from Asian Indian background speaking for myself measured analogous to beauty is in the eye of the beholder subjective to deeply insecure negativity as objectivity.

Intelligence is not all text book oriented and borrowed thoughts and ideas though they serve in economic gains and symbolic status.

As for me being the avid reader disclosed at the start and all along has nothing to do with text books, fiction and non-fiction or any other genre.

What were they precisely is detailed in my autobiography.

The intrusion in this regard already lined up via several proxies to counteract my own life.

Nonetheless, my life is entirely my own and exclusive similar to those anyone anywhere in the world.

No misrepresentation and misinformation about my life by anyone hired and recruited in the billionaire club, entertainment Hollywood or main street is ever going to make an iota of difference to me and my life now as well as moving forward.

The intelligence stemming from innate inherent ability to think, comprehend, analyze and rationalize those thoughts and understanding which is delving into philosophical acumen otherwise known as the naturally gifted and talented does not require academic qualifications and stellar scholastics as the criteria.

Then there is the nature endowed optimal capabilities evidenced in living creatures on land, air and sea bestowed to life in general are fundamental to the survival of the fittest to thriving in any conducive to toxic environment such as the one I an combating right now.

The *holistic approach to bring me and my family down as openly stated by Barack Obama and partner for mistakenly and regrettably heeding their SOS to enter the White House in 2008 is reciprocated by them in antagonistic retribution.

*Holistic – another terminology plagiarized by Barack Obama to aid the mock segment using crony nominee Kamala from my content exceeding over 3500 authored articles and multimedia materials in the combined private domains and 

The miscreants with inappropriate conduct and vile hostility ever since 2008 till date undeniably reveal the self-destructive ego of the predators and power mongers on the trail of imminent disappearance into oblivion.

Never too late to quit counterproductive indulgence to mitigate self-inflicted disaster.

Goodness, virtuous with immense faith and blessings from the one and only Supreme entity have nothing to fear the EVIL in any composition.

Padmini Arhant 


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