Redistribution of Wealth

October 31, 2008

The latest assault weapon for Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin against their opponent Senator Barack Obama is the "Socialist/Marxist/Robin Hood" tag on him.

Such rhetoric and false propaganda is to create doubts in the minds of entrepreneurs against Senator Obama.

The distortion of Senator Obama’s policy leading businesses to believe that,

"In Taxing 1% of the population in the 40% tax bracket while shifting the tax burden to the top 10% with 70% of tax exacerbates the entities from active participation in the economic growth."

The reason behind similar branding is the fair tax proposal presented by Senator Obama to alleviate the socioeconomic problems that has currently widened the canyon between rich and poor in our country.

Thus slowly but gradually eliminating the middle class in our society.

Senator Barack Obama’s tax policy is based on relieving all citizens including small and medium sized businesses earning less than or equal to gross income of $250,000 per annum from any tax hikes to offset expenditure.

This strategy creates financial liquidity among households and businesses alike that is desperately required to stimulate the ailing economy.

By exempting the average households from any tax increases, the consumer spending is generated that will benefit the Retail economy which in turn will permeate throughout the economic spectrum.

The strengthening of the Retail economy will boost the manufacturing, service industry… reaching all the way to top of the Corporate growth.

The Corporate growth means investment prospects for both private and public investors resulting in healthier and consistent stock market performance that has been highly volatile recently.

It is simple economics.

Supply and demand forces determine a free market system.

Unless, there is a demand for any particular goods or services the supply chain link cannot remain in force.

Simultaneously, the demand can be a catalyst in the process only through affordable consumer spending.

This is where the small and medium sized businesses come into play with the tax breaks from Senator Obama’s policy.

It is noteworthy that small and medium sized businesses deal with wholesale industries for raw materials and other items ultimately owned by major corporations in a market economy.

There are valid reasons to embrace the market economy worldwide.

A. Induces competition apart from enrichment of ideas

B. Competition enables choices in quality and price

C. Controls inflation or deflation

Therefore, the retail consumers benefit from the market economy that facilitates all small, medium and large players in competing with one another effectively for common good.

All of the above factors directly and indirectly influence the fiscal, monetary and economic policies in a Capital economy.

Briefly, the cash flow offered through tax relief by Senator Obama to a substantial group of taxpayers who are also the consumers trigger consumer spending and exponentially elevate the economic status among the various groups in the society.

It also eventually contributes to the wealth accumulation by the top ten percent in the society whose welfare alone is a major concern for McCain/Palin candidacy.

Ironically, the McCain/Palin candidacy in their zeal to own Capitalism as their trademark, fail to recognize the importance of fundamental growth in the lower and middle income groups vital for the survival of small businesses and retail industries, the structural components of a successful Capital economy.

Senator McCain’s tax policy to freeze tax increases across the board by asserting that the Bush administration’s permanent tax cuts to wealthy individuals and Corporations would somehow miraculously revive the economy is a fantasy beyond reason.

It is worth remembering for McCain/Palin campaign that the current Bush administration, as their supporter will depart shortly leaving the nation with multi-trillion dollar debt, on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan requiring constant capital injection, declining dollar and hosts of economic commitments willfully neglected in the past eight years.

The undecided/swing voters in every battleground state must realize that there are no precise solutions from McCain/Palin candidacy to resolve the humongous challenges confronting our nation in the absence of any meaningful tax policy.

Senator McCain’s policy to create new jobs as economic solutions again fails to meet the criteria of capital requirement in the present economy with severe financial liquidity crisis.

In fact, the recent economic strategy to bankroll the corrupt and failed financial institutions with the taxpayers funds, along with the economic stimulus package by the Bush administration fits the profile of the political stigma – "Socialism/Marxism" except,

Here, the beneficiaries are the financial institutions and their wealthiest CEO’s rather than the taxpayers, i.e. the average citizens.

Since, the same political party represents the Bush administration and McCain/Palin candidacy, it would be more appropriate to assign the factoid to the respective contenders.

Fact Check: In a progressive tax structure, Senator Obama’s policy to exempt the vast majority of taxpayers/consumers from tax increase would,

1. Promote economic status as highlighted above…

2. Ultimately, create a fair system of sharing the economic burden by all rather than only by the affluent ones.

Such farsighted and permanent solutions to persisting economic problems is in direct contradiction to the myth and misnomer cast by McCain/Palin doctrine against Senator Barack Obama to win the election.

Socialism, Marxism may well be the nemesis to Capitalism,

Capitalism cannot thrive without consumerism – That is the fact.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Voting Right

October 29, 2008

The election is around the corner.

Our nation’s electoral process is nearing conclusion.

Both party candidates are working very hard along with thousands of campaign workers to set a better example of a credible election in the world’s first and modern democracy.

Of course, the debates, discussions and campaign speeches will continue until the eve of the election.

What is important for the electorate to understand is their role in this historic and democratic process?

The candidates have done their part in delivering their speeches and presenting the policies for various challenges confronting our nation.

It is now entirely in the hands of the electorate to make the right choice.

We all know the consequences of making wrong decisions based on personal background, rhetoric and election gimmicks that often come into play at the last minute of the event.

Unfortunately, the rhetoric from Senator McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin’s campaign against Senator Barack Obama is fundamentally immoral and resonating the usual tactics of the political game… Do or say anything to win election .

Anyone residing in this nation in the past eight years should know where that kind of politics has brought us both in the national and international scene —

The nation dragged on its knees with the economic disaster, relentless and reckless wars, education, health care, energy and environmental crises and last but not the least the decline in morality with the cavalier approach to every problem and situation.

It is time for the electorate to rise to the occasion and save the country every one of us love.

Moreover, invite the best opportunities that are lost in the past eight years of failed policies by casting your vote for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy.

As stated earlier on numerous occasions, Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy is historic in many aspects.

Most importantly, it has the right antidote for the ailing economy, health care, education, energy, foreign policy and environmental crises.

Gov. Sarah Palin’s environmental record is no secret.

Anyone in need of enlightenment in this respect please read the article Save the Planet on under environment and ethics category.

Further, Gov. Palin’s position in denying the women’s right to choose in Roe vs. Wade is yet another matter of concern in a democratic society.

Senator John McCain on his part is all over the place on all issues.

The reason being;

The Senator has focused more on vilification of his opponent Senator Barack Obama with unethical personal attacks and unsavory remarks rather than specifying the solutions for the nation’s problems.

Senator John McCain, who won the Republican Primary election as a maverick lost his persona in the general election.

The era of winning elections on personal attacks and rhetoric is outdated unlike 2000 and 2004 proclamations.

In this election 2008, a new trend has been set and the electorate, media and news organizations must insist that candidates and all other participants maintain the decorum.

Nothing else matters other than the sanctity of democratic values in this election or in the future.

All that the voters care about and deserve is the clear strategy and solutions for the problems created by the legislators mostly representatives of the Corporations.

The voters in all battleground states – Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Missouri must make a clear choice:

If they want to see their children and the future generation relieved from the burden of multi- trillion dollar debts and the planet they could live safely and peacefully.

That choice cannot be anything other than the Obama/Biden candidacy.

Please stop guessing and swaying on the baseless and false allegations about Senator Barack Obama from the McCain/Palin campaign.

It should be obvious to any discerning voter that any candidacy that evades the real issues and invest the entire resources in character assassination of a candidate like Senator Barack Obama will be a disaster for the citizens and the country.

The time is now to claim the mantle of peace, progress and prosperity for all from those responsible for chaos, catastrophe and crises.

It is achievable only through Obama/Biden candidacy.

Your vote will count and matter only with the Obama/Biden candidacy.

Please do it for yourself, your children and all the other loved ones by voting early for the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden.

Finally, please standby for clarification on distortion of facts such as,

Redistribution of Wealth and other personal issues raised by McCain/Palin campaign against Senator Barack Obama.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

California Ballot

October 29, 2008

Prop 1A through Prop 12 in California Ballot –

There is a heightened debate over one Proposition getting more attention than the other does.

It is simply being diligent on issues represented in the ballot.

The electorate must uphold any issue in favor of protecting humans, animals and environment in the ballot.

It appears that, from 1A to 12 has a range of issues concerning children like the Valley Children’s Hospital, raising farm animals in a humane manner etc.

Please be discerning in your choice for common good and better future.

The citizen welfare is dependent on community services maintenance and development.

Voting is a fundamental right of every citizen and only process available in a democracy to bring about real Change in one’s life for a brighter tomorrow.

Please vote early and for the right cause.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Vote No to Proposition 8

October 26, 2008

There are many issues on the ballot in California that concerns life in general.

Among them, the contentious issue has been the Proposition 8.

What is Proposition 8? – Thank you.

“Fact: Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution.”

In simple terms, Proposition 8 is a State Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

The Separation of Church and State in the Constitution clearly defines the role of State and the jurisdiction within.

Simultaneously, the religious institutions like Church have a specified function as the non-profit organizations with tax-exempt status.

Although, it appears from the news articles… that Church functions beyond its jurisdiction and exercise liberty on moral issues.

By taking advantage of the ambiguity in the IRS code for tax-exempt status, Churches donate money to a ballot initiative like Proposition 8 without endangering status-quo.

However, the IRS restriction applies to any major activities by the Church in the legislation.

Since, the Church is involved in this particular issue, it deems right to highlight the fact that,

“God created all equal.”

Every one of us regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic background are entitled to the same rights, privileges and benefits in a democratic society as well as from the religious standpoint represented by God.

It is presumptuous to perpetrate such inhumane, unethical and undemocratic treatment towards gay and lesbian people, who are also beloved children of God.

The discriminatory practice is a human analogy to enforce one’s own orthodox in the name of religion.

It would be inappropriate to reference God in this equation.

If the reason behind such activities to ban same-sex marriage were from the preconceived notion,

That it would negatively influence young minds then,

All those religious institutions have adequate work to do within their own premise…

As children been the victims of highly immoral conduct by the religious order since the birth of religions.

To quote the article in San Jose Mercury News, October 25, 2008 – Thank you.

The Rev. Rick Mixon, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto has eloquently summarized the solution to the vigorously debated issue of Prop 8:

Pastor Mixon said —

“The state should protect civil rights and civil contracts like marriage, while the church should be blessing and supporting all manner of loving relationships and families.

He further added –

“I just said, “Where would Jesus be on this?”

“It’s pretty clear to me where he’d be. He’d be in support of anybody who was trying to create loving, caring, compassionate relationships.”

The Gospel Truth delivered.

Prior to being judgmental, it is important for all human beings to view from the opposite angle for a rational thought, as human tendency is to love thyself before friends and neighbors.

The gay community deserves respect, love and honor.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The article titled “Separation of Church and State” featured under Spiritualism category in , strictly relates to the theme “references to God in the public square”. The presentation is not for others to misinterpret or distort the message to convey their viewpoint to Vote for Prop 8 or other issues.

Vote No to Proposition 8

October 26, 2008

There are many issues on the ballot in California that concerns life in general.

Among them, the contentious issue has been the Proposition 8.

What is Proposition 8? – Thank you.

“Fact: Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution.”

In simple terms, Proposition 8 is a State Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

The Separation of Church and State in the Constitution clearly defines the role of State and the jurisdiction within.

Simultaneously, the religious institutions like Church have a specified function as the non-profit organizations with tax-exempt status.

Although, it appears from the news articles… that Church functions beyond its jurisdiction and exercise liberty on moral issues.

By taking advantage of the ambiguity in the IRS code for tax-exempt status, Churches donate money to a ballot initiative like Proposition 8 without endangering status-quo.

However, the IRS restriction applies to any major activities by the Church in the legislation.

Since, the Church is involved in this particular issue, it deems right to highlight the fact that,

“God created all equal.”

Every one of us regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic background are entitled to the same rights, privileges and benefits in a democratic society as well as from the religious standpoint represented by God.

It is presumptuous to perpetrate such inhumane, unethical and undemocratic treatment towards gay and lesbian people, who are also beloved children of God.

The discriminatory practice is a human analogy to enforce one’s own orthodox in the name of religion.

It would be inappropriate to reference God in this equation.

If the reason behind such activities to ban same-sex marriage were from the preconceived notion,

That it would negatively influence young minds then,

All those religious institutions have adequate work to do within their own premise…

As children been the victims of highly immoral conduct by the religious order since the birth of religions.

To quote the article in San Jose Mercury News, October 25, 2008 – Thank you.

The Rev. Rick Mixon, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto has eloquently summarized the solution to the vigorously debated issue of Prop 8:

Pastor Mixon said —

“The state should protect civil rights and civil contracts like marriage, while the church should be blessing and supporting all manner of loving relationships and families.

He further added –

“I just said, “Where would Jesus be on this?”

“It’s pretty clear to me where he’d be. He’d be in support of anybody who was trying to create loving, caring, compassionate relationships.”

The Gospel Truth delivered.

Prior to being judgmental, it is important for all human beings to view from the opposite angle for a rational thought, as human tendency is to love thyself before friends and neighbors.

The gay community deserves respect, love and honor.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The article titled “Separation of Church and State” featured under Spiritualism category in , strictly relates to the theme “references to God in the public square”. The presentation is not for others to misinterpret or distort the message to convey their viewpoint to Vote for Prop 8 or other issues.

The Truth Doctrine

October 25, 2008

Why do people run for public office?

It all depends on individuals. Some are genuinely passionate about doing greater good for the people and humanity like the Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama.

While others, participate for personal gains.

Lately, it is evident from the disastrous economy, reckless wars, environmental degradation and erosion of morality in the White House and Capitol Hill that Politics is a convenient platform for these entities to achieve their personal agenda.

That is why this current election is a historic event.

It is not only unique because of the race and gender on both sides but for the national interests on range of issues that are at stake right now.

Both parties have presented their policies and positions that matter to people.

It is important for the electorate to be discerning in their choice of the policies represented by Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain and not the candidate’s personal background.

The policies of these candidates eventually matter as they greatly affect the present and future of every citizen in this nation and around the world.

Therefore, it is important to analyze the benefits of such policies from Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden to drawbacks of Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.

It is no doubt that this election has been a long grueling process for the candidates involved in the race.

This in itself confirms the drive, commitment and pledge by the candidate Senator Barack Obama to bring about the real Change desperately required now.

The reason Senator Barack Obama’s performance is important because of the tenacious battle he won during the Democratic Primary election.

The Senator’s demeanor, poise, passion and vision are commendable.

Senator Barack Obama’s policy has substance and real solutions to all the problems confronting our nation.

During the race, it is normal for candidates to make mistakes as characterized by the media as Gaffes and being infallible is not in the human nature.

It is important for all to acknowledge one’s own shortcomings prior to being judgmental and I am no exception to this call.

I am profoundly apologetic to Senator Barack Obama of such irrationality that may have caused grievances in any manner.

Sometimes, when treading on the path to do the best for the betterment of humanity it is easier to lose sight due to various distractions from forces acting against the noble task.

The motive behind such forces is to create an environment of massive doubts and confusions for their narcissistic goals by disregarding the harm to decent and virtuous individuals as the targets.

However, it is worth remembering for all those individuals responsible for such deception that the moment is near to unveil the masquerade.

Whether one is a believer in Karma or not, the world has witnessed the virtue ethics such as —

The end justifies the means,

What you sow is what you reap,

Last but not the least,

What goes around comes around.

By seeking perfection every step of the way the precious moments to do what is, right for the nation should not be lost.

The Obama/Biden leadership has experience, knowledge, understanding and most importantly the simplicity of middle class background that is essential to relate to the people with real problems and crises.

Our country needs a dynamic leadership to steer us from the current turmoil and great many challenges ahead.

That leadership with honesty, integrity and nobility lies in the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama.

This is no time for contemplation or procrastination.

It is the time for action.

Please go to the polls for voter registration if it is still possible and cast your ballots to the candidacy represented by Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden that is the only choice for peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Your vote for Obama/Biden candidacy will count and free this nation from all of the present disasters.

The Truth Doctrine confirms that the Obama/Biden is the ideal choice.

Signing off with some interesting musical notes, regarded one of the best antidotes for ailments in human psyche.

Please check it out.

Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)


Barack Obama

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Campaign Strategy

October 22, 2008

Political campaigns set their own policy and strategy depending on their performance at the polls and confidence level in general.

Nowadays, with the technology and media at disposal, the campaigns utilize them to the maximum potential.

All carried out at a high premium, where the Corporations behind the media and technology rake profits during any political season.

Meanwhile, the volunteers usually the foot soldiers and workers at the phone banks and campaign booths work relentlessly for “free ” to see the campaign prevail in the race.

Nevertheless, the success of the campaigns still depends on human capital.

As stated earlier, the campaigns recruit volunteers for human element to infuse enthusiasm and in certain situations embellish the message. While others, cross the limit and exaggerate the fiction about their opponents.

The campaign expectations from the volunteers far exceed their own contribution to the campaign victory.

All those on the campaign payroll and beneficiaries of monetary gains presumptuously place demands on volunteers to outperform in the most challenging area of campaigning, i.e. delivering the result – fund raising , voter registration and casting the ballot .

One would think that, the acknowledgement of these volunteers mostly responsible for the cause of celebration, precede personal information… of the surrogates and alike during events like Conventions .

Unfortunately, that is not the demeanor commonly represented in Politics.

Somehow, the entities in charge of these campaigns… usually the next of kin of the political candidate and the individuals claiming ownership rights on the campaign, influence not only the candidate, but also the media and news organization by controlling the communication channels.

Such management style undermines democracy and reflects the “sense of entitlement ” of the power behind the operation.

Further, there is a certainty of the “abuse of power” upon election to the office.

Whenever, any campaign prioritizes the appeasement of the corporate media and vice versa, it is the demise of democracy due to lack of transparency in the fair portrayal of campaign messages and events.

It is evident in recent media ratings that the electorate is disappointed with the extreme bias and propaganda on the airwaves in an effort to see their political faction succeed by any means.

Fortunately, the Information Superhighway is an alternative source available for voters to conduct their own research and obtain facts in a discerning manner.

The nation is embracing a historic event with emotions and sentiments on the rise over a range of issues that matter people.

When preparing to write a new chapter in history,

The old ways of empowering some and enslaving the other,

In addition, pandering to certain groups while slandering the rest by the entities in the campaign, media and elsewhere is a strategy best left behind in national interest.

A “Change” that unites and not divides the nation is where the future lies.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Fairness Doctrine

October 21, 2008

Most recently, a frustrated reader, evidently a Republican wrote the following letter to the editor, the San Jose Mercury News, October 20, 2008. – Thank you.

“Shame on the media for favoring Dems

The media and Hollywood have lost all self-respect. The movie “W” comes out 19 days before the election.

The re-release of “Hanoi Hilton,” which portrays an actual true version of what happened to John McCain, is halted and will not be released until a week after the election.

I’m sure this is just coincidence. Joe the Plumber questions Obama; he gets investigated by the media.

Palin gets more scrutiny in a few weeks than Obama has for two years.

From Tony Rezko to William Ayers, to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, to ACORN, no investigations!

Thank God for alternative media. Without it, where would we get the news?

Oh wait, the Fairness Doctrine will fix this.”

Jon Hoefling


The Fairness Doctrine has remained focused on issues concerning people in the United States and around the world. It is a true commitment and solemnly pledged for the welfare of humanity.

If the re-release of “Hanoi Hilton” is halted for political reason,

Then it undermines the democratic values and such practices have no place in politics or elsewhere.

Both Presidential campaigns are advocating “change” in Washington.

The Change must begin in the Campaign trail to have any impact and credibility upon their election to office.

It is appropriate for the electorate to have both sides of “Presidential Profiles” to help them make an informed decision on November 4, 2008.

In terms of non-partisan effort by the Fairness Doctrine, – please refer to the blogs –

Presidential Race – Sequel, May 24, 2008, Accountability – Aug 12, 2008 –


Accountability – under U.S.Politics.

Further, the Fairness Doctrine in evidence of “transparency and accountability” would like to present the communication held with the Republican Presidential Candidate, Senator John McCain.

The original transcript of the letter from the Republican Presidential Candidate:

To: Padmini Arhant

From: John McCain

Tuesday Morning

Dear Friend,

I am 100% committed to leading our Party to victory in this November’s elections all across the country, and I need RNC Members like you, men and women who have done so much to help our Party in the past, working alongside me.

That’s why I made it my first priority , after securing the Republican Presidential nomination, to reach out to you today to ask you to stand with me in a criticially important undertaking.

The fate of all of our Republican candidates and the fate of our Party in the 2008 election is in the hands of Americans like you. We cannot succeed without your immediate and generous support.

That’s why I am asking you to join in the effort that I will be spearheading in the coming months to build and strengthen our Party’s national organization from the grassroots up. This RNC project will be known as VICTORY 2008.

My friend, it is absolutely critical that we kick-off Victory 2008 immediately – and with as much strength as we can muster.

Our challenge this year is greater than it ever has been – because our Democrat opponents are more determined to win total control of the government than ever before. They are raising unprecedented sums of money. And they have seen record-breaking voter turnout in primaries and caucuses nationwide.

That is why we must begin right now – to answer this challenge.

And that’s why it is so important to me to have Republicans like you join with me in making a 100% commitment to RNC VICTORY 2008 today.

So please take a moment to sign and return the enclosed RNC VICTORY 2008 Pledge of Support, along with your contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $25 to help us kick-off this campaign.

We’ve set an aggressive goal of raising $10 million in seed money in the next 30 days to jump-start our Victory effort. That’s why it is essential that you return your Victory 2008 contribution immediately.

Your gift will be used for promoting our Republican agenda, identifying Republican and Republican-leaning voters, conducting voter education and Absentee Ballot programs as well as implementing the RNC 72-Hour national Get-Out-The-Vote effort to get our voters to the polls on Election Day.

Perhaps most important of all, your gift to Victory 2008 will help fund the RNC’s voter registration program which has a goal of registering 2 million new Republican voters before Election Day.

Let me be perfectly clear about what is at stake for our nation if we fail to elect conservative Republican leadership in Washington, D.C.

If liberals like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi control the White House, Congress and statehouses across this country …

…they will raise your taxes. Already, leading Democrats have laid out plans to pass record-setting tax increases.

But if Republicans win, we will make the present tax cuts permanent, work to cut additional taxes and simplify the tax code. Republicans know that raising taxes in tough economic times is a recipe for disaster, but tax cuts are proven medicine for getting the economy growing again.

If liberal organizations like have their way, our troops will be recklessly pulled out of Iraq and our enemies will be handed a victory they have neither won nor deserve.

But Republicans will not give up. We will see the war through to victory and make sure the radical Islamic extremists have no sanctuary and no victory.

If liberals have their way, government spending will skyrocket as they implement government-run health care and resurrect their entire portfolio of the failed welfare state programs of the 60s and 70s.

But not if we Republicans unite and work together. Our free-market solutions and conservative principles are better for America – and that has proven true time and again.

As the Democrats tear each other apart arguing over “Who will raise taxes the most ?” and “Who is more committed to cut and run in Iraq?”, you and I need to be getting organized and reaching out to our fellow Americans to let them know there is a BETTER WAY , our way, the Republican way of solving problems that does not rely on big government and high taxes.

History has shown that no nation has ever taxed its way to economic prosperity…

…And no nation has ever become more secure retreating from a conflict that they are winning or by standing down their troops in the face of a sworn enemy such as the radical Islamic terrorists who have made our destruction their sole purpose in life.

I know this because as a proud foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution some years ago, I witnessed first hand the strength and power of our conservative ideals and principles.

I was inspired to get into politics by Ronald Reagan. I respect and cherish the leadership President Reagan brought to our Party and our nation. And the principles that guided him provided the lessons needed to improve the policies of today.

I want to restore the trust of the American people in their government.

I want our Party to make the tax cuts permanent.

I want our Party’s candidates and leaders to strengthen ethical standards in government to eliminate the influence of big monied interests.

I want Republicans to stop Congressional earmarks that allow lawmakers to inject millions of dollars in pork-barrel spending into legislation with no accountability. And, as President, I will veto any bill that comes to my desk with earmarks.

I want Republicans to lead the way to expanding affordability and accessibility to quality health care with market-based – not big government – solutions.

I want to help elect Republicans who will fight to strengthen border security.

I want the Republican Party to ensure that our nation builds on the success we have achieved in Iraq under the leadership of General David Petreaus and the troop surge he orchestrated and implemented.

And I want to keep America safe, prosperous and proud so that our children and grandchildren will have even greater opportunities than the ones we were blessed with.

Our Republican agenda stands in stark contrast to our liberal Democrat opponents who are rallying behind a tired, failed agenda of creeping socialism, ever-rising taxes and a defense policy of retreat-and-defeat.

My friend, that is not the kind of change our nation needs.

But I cannot succeed, nor can our Party prevail over the challenges we will fact from the Obama/Clinton Democrats, without the support of dedicated Republicans like you.

That is why your immediate response is crucial and your generous financial support is urgently needed.

We’ve all seen the Democrats’ massive rallies, record-setting voter turnout and colossal fundraising reports. It is obvious they are pulling out all the stops to win.

Will you sit on the sidelines and let them take control of Washington? Or, will you join with me by signing and returning the enclosed Pledge of Support along with a contribution today?

The past few elections have shown that every vote counts.

You and I need to make sure the Republican Party has the resources it needs to fight for every vote, all across the country.

Clearly we must act immediately to be ready for the challenges ahead . The ambitious goal of raising $10 million in the enxt 30 days for Victory 2008 is just the beginning. And the fact is – we can’t afford to fall short .

So please take a moment right now to sign and return the enclosed RNC VICTORY 2008 Pledge of Support. Please also enclose your most generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $25 to help us fully fund our Party’s outreach efforts, voter registration and get-out-the-vote programs.

The future of our nation, our Republican agenda and our entire Republican campaign effort depends on the success of RNC VICTORY 2008 and on your support today.

Please let me know that I can count on you. Thank you.


John McCain

United States Senator

P.S. The liberal Democrat agenda is wrong for America and we need to unite now to stop it. That’s why I’m personally asking you to support RNC VICTORY 2008. This effort is critical in giving Republican candidates the edge they need to win.

Please sign the enclosed Pledge of Support and return it with your contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $25 today. Your support is urgently needed to help us reach our goal of raising $10 million to kick-off Victory 2008 this month. Thank you in advance for joining me in this very important cause.



Victory 2008


To: Senator John McCain 575590126

RNC Victory 2008 V08CA060

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Senator McCain,

I am honored to be one of the first to join the RNC VICTORY 2008 effort. I realize how important Republican Party outreach, Voter Registration, and Get-Out-The-Vote programs are to strengthening our grassroots foundation and helping Republican candidates running for office all across the country. I pledge to do everything I can to help this critical effort succeed.

Enclosed is my personal contribution of:

$1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $25, $ other

Signature ____________________________

Padmini Arhant

Please make your personal check payable to RNC Victory 2008

Contributions to the Republican National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


Please note the Senator’s letter was received in May 2008, during the height of Democratic Primary election.

The requests still continues up until now.

My response to the above letter:

May 27th , 2008.

Private and Confidential

Intended for Addressee Only

From: Padmini Arhant

To: Hon. Senator John McCain

Presidential Candidate, Republican Party

Washington DC 20077-7252

Dear Senator McCain,

I am honored to receive information about your candidacy. I salute you for your service to this great nation as a war hero and a Senator representing the State of Arizona.

Your commitment to bring about changes on national and international issues is praiseworthy.

I am sure you will continue to work tirelessly for the welfare of all Americans and people around the world, if, you were to be elected the next “President of the United States ” in November 2008.

As an “Independent,” I pledge my support to the people of this nation and millions around the globe.

My position is to voice my concerns for humanity in all aspects.

With all due respect, to you and several other honorable Statesmen and women, I realized lately that politics is not for people like me seeking truth and justice.

My request to your candidacy for the office of “The President of the United States ” is, to address the great many challenges confronting our nation with effective policies that would benefit the people and not the Special Interests or the Lobbyists .

It is essential for the next administration to address every issue with diligence in providing immediate relief to the people from the economic, energy, education, health, and environmental crises.

It is evident from the recent polls that the nation is desperate for Change comprising "Fiscal responsibility, Accountability and Transparency” in Washington Politics.

I am confident that any candidate sincere in delivering the specified change can win the general election in November 2008.

I would like to add that candidates must have a legitimate time line for troop withdrawal from Iraq and divert investments to accelerate economic growth at home.

The national security and foreign policy is another major concern for the electorate.

I cannot possibly emphasize enough to pursue the path of Peace and Diplomacy at every opportunity over War and Aggression .

The nuclear proliferation is another culminating factor to the existing volatile world environment. These are bipartisan issues and matter to the entire humanity.

I hope the future “President of the United States ” would earnestly seek multilateral resolutions for international crises as we have learned a harsh lesson from the current Iraq war .

I wish you the very best in all your endeavors including the “Presidency of the United States” in November 2008.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

P.S: There might be many deserving choices in the Republican Party and outside.

If, I may take the liberty of expressing the choice for your Vice Presidential candidate;

I think given the two most compelling issues – economy and Iraq war in the minds of the electorate,

The New York City, Mayor, Michael Bloomberg or the Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel not only alienate your candidacy from the current unpopular administration but also bolster the Republican ticket as “centrist” among “independent” and crossover electorate.

I am almost certain that either one of these two choices will be a “win-win” situation for you in November 2008.


Finally, The Fairness Doctrine is to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all and bring forces against the maxim to justice.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Fairness Doctrine

October 21, 2008

Most recently, a frustrated reader, evidently a Republican wrote the following letter to the editor, the San Jose Mercury News, October 20, 2008.

“Shame on the media for favoring Dems

The media and Hollywood have lost all self-respect. The movie “W” comes out 19 days before the election.

The re-release of “Hanoi Hilton,” which portrays an actual true version of what happened to John McCain, is halted and will not be released until a week after the election.

I’m sure this is just coincidence. Joe the Plumber questions Obama; he gets investigated by the media.

Palin gets more scrutiny in a few weeks than Obama has for two years.

From Tony Rezko to William Ayers, to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, to ACORN, no investigations!

Thank God for alternative media. Without it, where would we get the news?

Oh wait, the Fairness Doctrine will fix this.”

Jon Hoefling
The Fairness Doctrine has remained focused on issues concerning people in the United States and around the world.

It is a true commitment and solemnly pledged for the welfare of humanity.

If the re-release of “Hanoi Hilton” is halted for political reason, then it undermines the democratic values and such practices have no place in politics or elsewhere.

Both Presidential campaigns are advocating “change” in Washington.

The Change must begin in the Campaign trail to have any impact and credibility upon their election to office.

It is appropriate for the electorate to have both sides of “Presidential Profiles” to help them make an informed decision on November 4, 2008.

In terms of non-partisan effort by the Fairness Doctrine, – please refer to the blogs –
Presidential Race – Sequel, May 24, 2008, Accountability – Aug 12, 2008 or

Accountability – under U.S.Politics.

Further, the Fairness Doctrine in evidence of “transparency and accountability” would like to present the communication held with the Republican Presidential Candidate, Senator John McCain.

The original transcript of the letter from the Republican Presidential Candidate:
To: Padmini Arhant
From: John McCain
Tuesday Morning
Dear Friend,
I am 100% committed to leading our Party to victory in this November’s elections all across the country, and I need RNC Members like you, men and women who have done so much to help our Party in the past, working alongside me.
That’s why I made it my first priority, after securing the Republican Presidential nomination, to reach out to you today to ask you to stand with me in a criticially important undertaking.
The fate of all of our Republican candidates and the fate of our Party in the 2008 election is in the hands of Americans like you. We cannot succeed without your immediate and generous support.
That’s why I am asking you to join in the effort that I will be spearheading in the coming months to build and strengthen our Party’s national organization from the grassroots up. This RNC project will be known as VICTORY 2008.
My friend, it is absolutely critical that we kick-off Victory 2008 immediately – and with as much strength as we can muster.
Our challenge this year is greater than it ever has been – because our Democrat opponents are more determined to win total control of the government than ever before. They are raising unprecedented sums of money. And they have seen record-breaking voter turnout in primaries and caucuses nationwide.
That is why we must begin right now – to answer this challenge.
And that’s why it is so important to me to have Republicans like you join with me in making a 100% commitment to RNC VICTORY 2008 today.
So please take a moment to sign and return the enclosed RNC VICTORY 2008 Pledge of Support, along with your contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $25 to help us kick-off this campaign.
We’ve set an aggressive goal of raising $10 million in seed money in the next 30 days to jump-start our Victory effort. That’s why it is essential that you return your Victory 2008 contribution immediately.
Your gift will be used for promoting our Republican agenda, identifying Republican and Republican-leaning voters, conducting voter education and Absentee Ballot programs as well as implementing the RNC 72-Hour national Get-Out-The-Vote effort to get our voters to the polls on Election Day.
Perhaps most important of all, your gift to Victory 2008 will help fund the RNC’s voter registration program which has a goal of registering 2 million new Republican voters before Election Day.
Let me be perfectly clear about what is at stake for our nation if we fail to elect conservative Republican leadership in Washington, D.C.
If liberals like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi control the White House, Congress and statehouses across this country …
…they will raise your taxes. Already, leading Democrats have laid out plans to pass record-setting tax increases.
But if Republicans win, we will make the present tax cuts permanent, work to cut additional taxes and simplify the tax code. Republicans know that raising taxes in tough economic times is a recipe for disaster, but tax cuts are proven medicine for getting the economy growing again.
If liberal organizations like have their way, our troops will be recklessly pulled out of Iraq and our enemies will be handed a victory they have neither won nor deserve.
But Republicans will not give up. We will see the war through to victory and make sure the radical Islamic extremists have no sanctuary and no victory.
If liberals have their way, government spending will skyrocket as they implement government-run health care and resurrect their entire portfolio of the failed welfare state programs of the 60s and 70s.
But not if we Republicans unite and work together. Our free-market solutions and conservative principles are better for America – and that has proven true time and again.
As the Democrats tear each other apart arguing over “Who will raise taxes the most?” and “Who is more committed to cut and run in Iraq?”, you and I need to be getting organized and reaching out to our fellow Americans to let them know there is a BETTER WAY, our way, the Republican way of solving problems that does not rely on big government and high taxes.
History has shown that no nation has ever taxed its way to economic prosperity…
…And no nation has ever become more secure retreating from a conflict that they are winning or by standing down their troops in the face of a sworn enemy such as the radical Islamic terrorists who have made our destruction their sole purpose in life.
I know this because as a proud foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution some years ago, I witnessed first hand the strength and power of our conservative ideals and principles.
I was inspired to get into politics by Ronald Reagan. I respect and cherish the leadership President Reagan brought to our Party and our nation. And the principles that guided him provided the lessons needed to improve the policies of today.
I want to restore the trust of the American people in their government.
I want our Party to make the tax cuts permanent.
I want our Party’s candidates and leaders to strengthen ethical standards in government to eliminate the influence of big monied interests.
I want Republicans to stop Congressional earmarks that allow lawmakers to inject millions of dollars in pork-barrel spending into legislation with no accountability. And, as President, I will veto any bill that comes to my desk with earmarks.
I want Republicans to lead the way to expanding affordability and accessibility to quality health care with market-based – not big government – solutions.
I want to help elect Republicans who will fight to strengthen border security.
I want the Republican Party to ensure that our nation builds on the success we have achieved in Iraq under the leadership of General David Petreaus and the troop surge he orchestrated and implemented.
And I want to keep America safe, prosperous and proud so that our children and grandchildren will have even greater opportunities than the ones we were blessed with.
Our Republican agenda stands in stark contrast to our liberal Democrat opponents who are rallying behind a tired, failed agenda of creeping socialism, ever-rising taxes and a defense policy of retreat-and-defeat.
My friend, that is not the kind of change our nation needs.
But I cannot succeed, nor can our Party prevail over the challenges we will fact from the Obama/Clinton Democrats, without the support of dedicated Republicans like you.
That is why your immediate response is crucial and your generous financial support is urgently needed.
We’ve all seen the Democrats’ massive rallies, record-setting voter turnout and colossal fundraising reports. It is obvious they are pulling out all the stops to win.
Will you sit on the sidelines and let them take control of Washington? Or, will you join with me by signing and returning the enclosed Pledge of Support along with a contribution today?
The past few elections have shown that every vote counts.
You and I need to make sure the Republican Party has the resources it needs to fight for every vote, all across the country.
Clearly we must act immediately to be ready for the challenges ahead. The ambitious goal of raising $10 million in the enxt 30 days for Victory 2008 is just the beginning. And the fact is – we can’t afford to fall short.
So please take a moment right now to sign and return the enclosed RNC VICTORY 2008 Pledge of Support. Please also enclose your most generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $25 to help us fully fund our Party’s outreach efforts, voter registration and get-out-the-vote programs.
The future of our nation, our Republican agenda and our entire Republican campaign effort depends on the success of RNC VICTORY 2008 and on your support today.
Please let me know that I can count on you. Thank you.


John McCain
United States Senator
P.S. The liberal Democrat agenda is wrong for America and we need to unite now to stop it. That’s why I’m personally asking you to support RNC VICTORY 2008. This effort is critical in giving Republican candidates the edge they need to win.
Please sign the enclosed Pledge of Support and return it with your contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $25 today. Your support is urgently needed to help us reach our goal of raising $10 million to kick-off Victory 2008 this month. Thank you in advance for joining me in this very important cause.
Victory 2008
To: Senator John McCain 575590126
RNC Victory 2008 V08CA060
From: Padmini Arhant
Dear Senator McCain,
I am honored to be one of the first to join the RNC VICTORY 2008 effort. I realize how important Republican Party outreach, Voter Registration, and Get-Out-The-Vote programs are to strengthening our grassroots foundation and helping Republican candidates running for office all across the country. I pledge to do everything I can to help this critical effort succeed.
Enclosed is my personal contribution of:
$1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $25, $ other
Signature ____________________________
Padmini Arhant
Please make your personal check payable to RNC Victory 2008
Contributions to the Republican National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Please note the Senator’s letter was received in May 2008, during the height of Democratic Primary election. The requests still continues up until now.
My response to the above letter:
May 27th, 2008.
Private and Confidential
Intended for Addressee Only
From: Padmini Arhant
To: Hon. Senator John McCain
Presidential Candidate, Republican Party
Washington DC 20077-7252

Dear Senator McCain,

I am honored to receive information about your candidacy. I salute you for your service to this great nation as a war hero and a Senator representing the State of Arizona.
Your commitment to bring about changes on national and international issues is praiseworthy.
I am sure you will continue to work tirelessly for the welfare of all Americans and people around the world, if, you were to be elected the next “President of the United States” in November 2008.
As an “Independent,” I pledge my support to the people of this nation and millions around the globe.
My position is to voice my concerns for humanity in all aspects.
With all due respect, to you and several other honorable Statesmen and women, I realized lately that politics is not for people like me seeking truth and justice.
My request to your candidacy for the office of “The President of the United States” is, to address the great many challenges confronting our nation with effective policies that would benefit the people and not the “Special Interests” or the “Lobbyists”.
It is essential for the next administration to address every issue with diligence in providing immediate relief to the people from the economic, energy, education, health, and environmental crises.
It is evident from the recent polls that the nation is desperate for “Change” comprising “Fiscal responsibility, Accountability and Transparency” in Washington Politics.
I am confident that any candidate sincere in delivering the specified change can win the general election in November 2008.
I would like to add that candidates must have a legitimate time line for troop withdrawal from Iraq and divert investments to accelerate economic growth at home.
The national security and foreign policy is another major concern for the electorate.
I cannot possibly emphasize enough to pursue the path of “Peace and Diplomacy” at every opportunity over “War and Aggression”.
The nuclear proliferation is another culminating factor to the existing volatile world environment. These are bipartisan issues and matter to the entire humanity.
I hope the future “President of the United States” would earnestly seek multilateral resolutions for international crises as we have learned a harsh lesson from the current “Iraq war”.
I wish you the very best in all your endeavors including the “Presidency of the United States” in November 2008.
Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

P.S: There might be many deserving choices in the Republican Party and outside.
If, I may take the liberty of expressing the choice for your Vice Presidential candidate;
I think given the two most compelling issues – economy and Iraq war in the minds of the electorate, the New York City, Mayor, Michael Bloomberg or the Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel not only alienate your candidacy from the current unpopular administration but also bolster the Republican ticket as “centrist” among “independent” and crossover electorate.
I am almost certain that either one of these two choices will be a “win-win” situation for you in November 2008.
Finally, The Fairness Doctrine is to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all and bring forces against the maxim to justice.
Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Movie Review

October 20, 2008

This weekend has had a wide variety of movies- from video games to presidents and secret lives of bees, with some Chihuahuas running around. Here are this weekend’s numbers.

1. Max Payne – 18.0 MM
2. Beverly Hills Chihuahua – 11.2 MM
3. The Secret Life of Bees – 11 MM
4. W. – 10.5 MM
5. Eagle Eye – 7.3 MM

Those films rounded out the top five. Weekend numbers courtesy


Rish Arhant-Sudhir

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