The Scapegoat
March 31, 2009
Lately, there has been an unwarranted verbal assault on caring and concerned individuals for their thoughtful views, analysis and significant contribution towards the welfare of the nation and the society in general. There are comments igniting sparks in the backyard as well as the nation’s capital.
Therefore, it is necessary to set the records straight once and for all as silence is often misunderstood for confession and similarly kindness frequently mistaken for weakness.
In a democracy functioning as the convergence of diverse talent, it is not uncommon to be selective in the recognition and acknowledgement of some while others targeted for blame, vilification and partisan political debate. In the past decade, the whistle blowers in the Corporate world brought many camouflaged issues to public focus out of concern for the people. These honorable citizens may or may not have continued employment with the organization they were reporting about; however, the community and society at least heard them through media and other channels. They are also provided protection by law.
There is no such consideration for fresh voices participating in public discourse about the direction the government and corporations are heading in the most trying times in recent history. Contrarily they are continually attacked as miscreants disrupting the business and politics as usual motto in Washington and Wall Street.
It appears that certain members assert their entitlement to the “Bill of Rights” while depriving others of the same rights particularly with reference to the first amendment. Any suggestion for fairness whether it relates to Proposition 8 where the gay community is singled out against same-sex marriage or the overhauling of the corrupt prison system in California, the critics otherwise the hypocrites in the society distort the content and disseminate the message out of context to suit their ideology.
A word of caution. This blogpost might well be an epic as it is time to clarify and clear the static in the air due to contaminants and pollution.
It is important to reiterate the Bill of Rights for better understanding.
Bill of Rights
Amendment 1 – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
redress v. 1. To set right, remedy or rectify. 2. To make amends for. n. 1. Satisfaction for wrong done; reparation. 2. Correction. [
When the government in the state of California failed to balance the budget on time and the state workers and other employees were subject to furloughs (forced to take time off without pay) along with several community services being shut down,
The following proposal was made on this website titled Balancing California Budget, February 12, 2009 that included a segment:
“Costs Reduction:
Criminal Justice System:
A thorough examination of the Criminal Justice system is necessary from the analysis and news reports.
The State must devise a mechanism to reduce prison population through major social reforms at all levels beginning with the juvenile detention center.
Further, the parole system, three strikes law and other misdemeanor charges reassessed and offenders deployed in monitored community services rather than crowding prisons is the ideal strategy to cutback spending.”
This was later confirmed by Public Policy Institute in California as one of the effective social reforms and cost saving strategy in dealing with the economic and budget crisis.
According to local news and cable networks, recently there has been a horrific incident in the Bay Area involving the slaying of four white police officers by an African American gunman with a long criminal history. The news agencies reported that the gunman was a convicted felon with several murder and rape charges against him and was let out on parole.
Any incident involving loss of innocent lives is a huge human tragedy regardless of the source of violence — war, terrorism or domestic homicide. As the past contributor towards San Jose Police Officers’ family fund and National Law Enforcement Officers Protection Fund, it was intriguing to note a local resident’s outburst unfairly aiming at “The liberal bleeding hearts in California” for not expressing remorse on this particular incident and accused of being responsible for the occurrence. The need for parole system review stated as the reason behind such senseless violence.
First of all, in this blogpost ‘Balancing California Budget,’ many ideas and practical solutions to the various issues confronting the State of California and the nation were earnestly made to help resolve the prolonged budget crisis and several matter relevant to the national economy. In fact, those who are fair minded should observe that many were adapted into the national and a state policy even though, the personal experience thus far…credit is never attributed where credit is due.
Nevertheless, the rapid finger pointing on an incident that is absolutely unrelated to the content is nothing but trash politics.
The parole system review was recommended only for minor traffic and other offenses that sometimes results in misdemeanor charges and not intended to lobby for convicted felons with criminal history involving rape, murder and serial killings.
It reinforces the message on the blogpost for a thorough investigation of the parole board obviously lacking in prudence, diligence and judgment in the handling of criminal and non-criminal activities. Furthermore, at no point in time there was any advice to let the inmates out on the loose with assault weapons in their possession preying on police officers and civilians, when it was clearly indicated that the eligible paroles (non-criminal offenders) be monitored and deployed in community projects as opposed to overcrowding the prison systems.
It is no secret that the congested penitentiaries across the state of California costing the taxpayers’ horrendously and has been a major cause of revenue divestment for the state economy.
Of course, the NRA and the requirement to ban assault weapons is off limit despite the fact that the local newspaper reported several homicides by new offenders to join the herd, (reference to the manner the inmates are held) i.e. the prison population in California and elsewhere.
Wonder why the critics have not demanded such reaction from prominent members with fancy titles in Washington!
Yet, another incident in the past week is attention worthy.
A celebrity and a confirmed democrat opponent visiting the White House to promote personal agenda appeared on a major cable news network during prime time and asserted the following:
“Defending the President against critics;
The President has a mandate but he does not have a mandate from the left wing of the Democratic Party.
The celebrity’s message was “layoff and mind your own business.”
The conflicting message from the celebrity is noteworthy. The complaint is, "The President does not have the mandate from the left wing party, i.e. the liberals," in the same breath delivering the contradictory statement – “layoff and mind your own business.”
Synonymously, the instruction is once you cast the ballot, the voters hurting the most from economic and other catastrophes become puppets and disenfranchised for obvious purpose. Each and every one of them will be appropriately remembered during electoral process.
It is gratifying to see that all the hard work and chronic sleep deprivation during the historic Presidential campaign paid off with the bipartisanship overflowing in Washington and visitors from elsewhere. Interestingly enough, these defenders were conspicuously missing in action (MIA) when the President, the then Senator was fighting the most tenacious and contentious battle in recent Presidential history.
It is worth traveling down the memory lane since the event was not that long ago. Having short or selective memory is the trend nowadays for it benefits the individuals to maintain the balance to fit in with the personality.
The Illinois Senator Barack Obama enters the Presidential race 2008. Comments and rhetoric flying across all available mass communication channels ranging from;
“He is not Black enough, hence not considered an African American”
“The Senator is a rookie democrat”,
“Senator John McCain and I are abundantly qualified to be the Commander in Chief, whereas Senator Barack Obama is not… due to his lack of experience”,
It was not short of a somber moment when the assassination of former Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Sr. was revisited as a subtle reminder that life is full of surprises and anything could happen to anyone.
This one is from the immediate beneficiary – “With a name like Obama, it was conclusive that he had no chance of winning the nomination leave alone the Presidency,”
When the Presidential campaign progressed to general election, the rhetoric gotten worse with vitriolic attacks like –
“Terrorist, Socialist and Marxist”
Where were all the current saviors within and across the aisle during that time?
Perhaps, minding their business, whatever that was!
Alternatively, gathered with the crowd on the shores betting whether the then Senator caught in the whirlpool would drown or stay afloat. When the Senator made a heroic comeback, the courageous team parked on the shores was delighted and jubilant for their prosperous future.
A guest during his appearance on CNN’s Larry King Live remarked that “President Obama’s name is substituted for Lord Jesus” in certain African American churches.
The local newspaper reported in the business section that some business leaders in the Silicon Valley think of President Obama as a “Kindred Spirit” in the White House.
It is truly heartwarming to view all these selfless well wishers now united as one big happy family and cheer leaders for the President in whom they had no confidence then but now having secured their respective positions will not tolerate any genuine concerns viewed otherwise as opposition from anyone representing themselves or certain members of the community or society.
In their defense, such stance is presented as respect for the office of “Presidency.”
Again, when the same office of Presidency was subject to a mockery and ridicule in rich vocabulary by them during the Presidential battle.
Time is truly the essence for everything.
It is no surprise that the talking points safeguarding their interests in Washington, believe it is appropriate for them to chide those representing the forlorn segment in the society. Little they realize that White House doors flare open for people in Tux with a partner in flowing evening gowns predominantly for easy and privileged access to share their grievances and ideas alike.
Meanwhile, those whose lives are affected by policy decisions or the lack thereof by Washington and Wall Street do not have the luxury to mind their own business. If they could, they would as nothing more matter to an average citizen than living their life and letting others live in peace.
The only available avenue to vent their frustration is cyberspace or public protests in the streets of Washington D.C., New York and San Francisco where such emotional display is routinely tolerated regardless of reasons.
Moving forward with other events where citizens are told to hold on to their thoughts and views for family kitchen table conversations only and reminded that they are not helpful to the leaders in Washington and Wall Street because they are completely disruptive to their creative thinking process and careful planning to rescue the nation from the pit.
In the wake of disproportionate AIG bonuses, there were more rebukes against citizens for their legitimate views and comments from different quarters such as:
“It is not proper to demonize private entrepreneurs seeking profit as this nation is built upon wealth amassment.”
“If the vilifying of the government/public officials continues, it would hurt their morale because they are struggling hard to pull this economy out of crisis and further it will discourage others from enlisting in government jobs.”
Fair enough! Then, why are these reports on the surface and not discussed by all mainstream media and print press?
So, who is responsible for the painful, agonizing economic slump? Is it the entire fault of none other than the overstretching, spendthrift, day dreaming average citizens?
Will Obama, McCain, Dodd Return Contributions From AIG Employees?
AIG Gave More Than $630,000 During the 2008 Political Cycle
By JONATHAN KARL, March 18, 2009
AIG employees kept doling out donations to politicians, including presidential candidate Barack Obama, after getting bailed out with federal funds last year, raising the question of whether those politicians will now return the money.
Will politicians who received AIG cash during the 2008 political cycle give the money back?
(ABC News Photo Illustration)
AIG executives gave more than $630,000 during the 2008 political cycle even as the company was falling apart
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign finance reports, more than $120,000 of that money was donated after AIG received its first $85 billion in federal bailout funds in September. The company has since received a total of $170 billion in taxpayer cash to prevent its collapse.
Their generosity included more than $23,000 to Obama’s campaign.
Both Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain raked in much larger sums from AIG earlier in the year. Obama collected a total of $130,000 from AIG in 2008, while McCain accepted a total of $59,499.
WATCH: AIG Too Big to Fail?
This raises two key questions: Was any bailout money used to make political contributions? And will the politicians who received AIG cash give the money back?
ABC News has asked the question of the big recipients of AIG cash on Capitol Hill, including Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., the guy chairing today’s AIG hearing. Kanjorski received $12,000 in AIG contributions during the 2008 political cycle.
AIG’s CEO Edward Liddy said he imposed new rules when he took over the struggling insurance giant six months ago, banning further lobbying of politicians and ending political donations from AIG’s two political action committees.
Records indicate that AIG’s PACs stopped making donations, but contributions from AIG executives continued right up to the presidential election.
One suggestion: Perhaps the money could be paid back not to AIG but to the U.S. Treasury.
Here’s the list of top AIG recipients for the 2008 campaign:
1. Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., $103,100
2. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., $101,332
3. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., $59,499
4. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., $35,965
5. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., $24,750
6. Former Gov. Mitt Romney, (R) Pres $20,850
7. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., $19,975
8. Rep. John Larson, D-Conn, $19,750
9. Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., $18,500
10. Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (R) Pres $13,200
11. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., $12,000
12. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., $11,000”
Latest Development: On March 30, 2009, the Fox news channel reported during their late night show that Sen. Chris Dodd has decided to donate any money received from TARP funds through AIG executives to charities.
Just prior to the Presidential Inauguration, the following email arrived.
“Your call to service
Michelle Obama
View Monday, January 12, 2009 2:27:38 PM
To: Padmini Arhant
Monday, January 19th, is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Dr. King taught us to live a life of service, and he led by example. He once said:
"If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness."
Barack and I will be volunteering in Washington, D.C., our new home. I hope you’ll join us by taking part in this national call to service in your community:”
Face the Truth:
As mentioned earlier in the blogpost titled Bailout Debacle the narcissistic culture is widespread and will not miraculously disappear anytime soon.
Ironically, anything offered free is not respected, honored, cherished and regularly taken for granted. The demand for freely available resources increases as a sense of entitlement rather than appreciation for its quality. It is analogous to clean air and water that were once abundantly available on planet earth. The importance and value of this gift from nature was never recognized up until such time when these natural elements became scarce forcing environmental awareness a priority for humans. The end result of such behavior is one has to pay for a bottle of spring water presently and clean air through carbon tax in the immediate future.
At the same time, those who offer advice, ideas and consultancy work with a premium price tag are treated with prestige, praise and due credit irrespective of the substance.
The famous line in “The Dark Knight” “If you are good at something, never offer for free.” aptly describes the subject matter.
Typically, there are two types of people in the world:
One who lives for others and the one who lives of others. Unfortunately, the majority belongs to the latter and those making true sacrifices for their own people and others in the society tagged ‘The Scapegoat.’ They are conveniently associated with doom and failures and alienated from boom and success.
Having said that, there are unsung geniuses in remote corners of the world making phenomenal differences to the people and environment. They are the true heroes and remain so in the eyes of the ultimate authority of the universe.
What really matters in life is,
What you give to others and not what you gain from them?
Human beings best legacy is their virtues and not material value.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Scapegoat
March 31, 2009
Lately, there has been an unwarranted verbal assault on caring and concerned individuals for their thoughtful views, analysis and significant contribution towards the welfare of the nation and the society in general. There are comments igniting sparks in the backyard as well as the nation’s capital. Therefore, it is necessary to set the records straight once and for all as silence is often misunderstood for confession and similarly kindness frequently mistaken for weakness.
In a democracy functioning as the convergence of diverse talent, it is not uncommon to be selective in the recognition and acknowledgement of some while others targeted for blame, vilification and partisan political debate. In the past decade, the whistle blowers in the Corporate world brought many camouflaged issues to public focus out of concern for the people. These honorable citizens may or may not have continued employment with the organization they were reporting about; however, the community and society at least heard them through media and other channels. They were also provided protection by law.
There is no such consideration for fresh voices participating in public discourse about the direction the government and corporations are heading in the most trying times in recent history. Contrarily they are continually attacked as miscreants disrupting the business and politics as usual motto in Washington and Wall Street.
It appears that certain members assert their entitlement to the “Bill of Rights” while depriving others of the same rights particularly with reference to the first amendment. Any suggestion for fairness whether it relates to Proposition 8 where the gay community is singled out against same-sex marriage or the overhauling of the corrupt prison system in California, the critics otherwise the hypocrites in the society distort the content and disseminate the message out of context to suit their ideology.
A word of caution. This blogpost might well be an epic as it is time to clarify and clear the static in the air due to contaminants and pollution.
It is important to reiterate the Bill of Rights for better understanding.
Amendment 1 – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression . Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
redress v. 1. To set right, remedy or rectify. 2. To make amends for. n. 1. Satisfaction for wrong done; reparation. 2. Correction. [<OFr. redresser. ] Source: AHD."
When the government in the state of California failed to balance the budget on time and the state workers and other employees were subject to furloughs (forced to take time off without pay) along with several community services being shut down,
The following proposal was made on this website titled Balancing California Budget, February 12, 2009 that included a segment:
“Costs Reduction:
Criminal Justice System:
A thorough examination of the Criminal Justice system is necessary from the analysis and news reports.
The State must devise a mechanism to reduce prison population through major social reforms at all levels beginning with the juvenile detention center.
Further, the parole system, three strikes law and other misdemeanor charges reassessed and offenders deployed in monitored community services rather than crowding prisons is the ideal strategy to cutback spending.”
This was later confirmed by Public Policy Institute in California as one of the effective social reforms and cost saving strategy in dealing with the economic and budget crisis.
According to local news and cable networks, recently there has been a horrific incident in the Bay Area involving the slaying of four white police officers by an African American gunman with a long criminal history. The news agencies reported that the gunman was a convicted felon with several murder and rape charges against him and was let out on parole.
Any incident involving loss of innocent lives is a huge human tragedy regardless of the source of violence — war, terrorism or domestic homicide. As the past contributor towards San Jose Police Officers’ family fund and National Law Enforcement Officers Protection Fund, it was intriguing to note a local resident’s outburst unfairly aiming at “The liberal bleeding hearts in California” for not expressing remorse on this particular incident and accused of being responsible for the occurrence. The need for parole system review stated as the reason behind such senseless violence.
First of all, in this blogpost ‘Balancing California Budget,’ many ideas and practical solutions to the various issues confronting the State of California and the nation were earnestly made to help resolve the prolonged budget crisis and several matter relevant to the national economy. In fact, those who are fair minded should observe that many were adapted into the national and a state policy even though, the personal experience thus far…credit is never attributed where credit is due.
Nevertheless, the rapid finger pointing on an incident that is absolutely unrelated to the content is nothing but trash politics.
The parole system review was recommended only for minor traffic and other offenses that sometimes results in misdemeanor charges and not intended to lobby for convicted felons with criminal history involving rape, murder and serial killings.
It reinforces the message on the blogpost for a thorough investigation of the parole board obviously lacking in prudence, diligence and judgment in the handling of criminal and non-criminal activities. Furthermore, at no point in time there was any advice to let the inmates out on the loose with assault weapons in their possession preying on police officers and civilians, when it was clearly indicated that the eligible paroles (non-criminal offenders) be monitored and deployed in community projects as opposed to overcrowding the prison systems.
It is no secret that the congested penitentiaries across the state of California costing the taxpayers’ horrendously and has been a major cause of revenue divestment for the state economy.
Of course, the NRA and the requirement to ban assault weapons is off limit despite the fact that the local newspaper reported several homicides by new offenders to join the herd, i.e. the prison population in California and elsewhere.
Wonder why the critics have not demanded such reaction from prominent members with fancy titles in Washington!
Yet, another incident in the past week is attention worthy.
A celebrity and a confirmed democrat opponent visiting the White House to promote personal agenda appeared on a major cable news network during prime time and asserted the following:
“Defending the President against critics;
The President has a mandate but he does not have a mandate from the left wing of the Democratic Party.
The celebrity’s message was “layoff and mind your own business.”
The conflicting message from the celebrity is noteworthy. The complaint is, "The President does not have the mandate from the left wing party, i.e. the liberals, in the same breath delivering the contradictory statement – “layoff and mind your own business.”
Synonymously, the instruction is once you cast the ballot, the voters hurting the most from economic and other catastrophes become puppets and disenfranchised for obvious purpose. Each and every one of them will be appropriately remembered during electoral process.
It is gratifying to see that all the hard work and chronic sleep deprivation during the historic Presidential campaign paid off with the bipartisanship overflowing in Washington and visitors from elsewhere. Interestingly enough, these defenders were conspicuously missing in action (MIA) when the President, the then Senator was fighting the most tenacious and contentious battle in recent Presidential history.
It is worth traveling down the memory lane since the event was not that long ago. Having short or selective memory is the trend nowadays for it benefits the individuals to maintain the balance to fit in with the personality.
The Illinois Senator Barack Obama enters the Presidential race 2008. Comments and rhetoric flying across all available mass communication channels ranging from;
“He is not Black enough, hence not considered an African American”
“The Senator is a rookie democrat”,
“Senator John McCain and I are abundantly qualified to be the Commander in Chief, whereas Senator Barack Obama is not… due to his lack of experience”,
It was not short of a somber moment when the assassination of former Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Sr. was revisited as a subtle reminder that life is full of surprises and anything could happen to anyone.
This one is from the immediate beneficiary – “With a name like Obama, it was conclusive that he had no chance of winning the nomination leave alone the Presidency,”
When the Presidential campaign progressed to general election, the rhetoric gotten worse with vitriolic attacks like –
“Terrorist, Socialist and Marxist”
Where were all the current saviors within and across the aisle during that time?
Perhaps, minding their business, whatever that was!
Alternatively, gathered with the crowd on the shores betting whether the then Senator caught in the whirlpool would drown or stay afloat. When the Senator made a heroic comeback, the courageous team parked on the shores was delighted and jubilant for their prosperous future.
A guest during his appearance on CNN’s Larry King Live remarked that “President Obama’s name is substituted for Lord Jesus” in certain African American churches.
The local newspaper reported in the business section that some business leaders in the Silicon Valley think of President Obama as a “Kindred Spirit” in the White House.
It is truly heartwarming to view all these selfless well wishers now united as one big happy family and cheer leaders for the President in whom they had no confidence then but now having secured their respective positions will not tolerate any genuine concerns viewed otherwise as opposition from anyone representing themselves or certain members of the community or society.
In their defense, such stance is presented as respect for the office of “Presidency.”
Again, when the same office of Presidency was subject to a mockery and ridicule in rich vocabulary by them during the Presidential battle.
Time is truly the essence for everything.
It is no surprise that the talking points safeguarding their interests in Washington, believe it is appropriate for them to chide those representing the forlorn segment in the society. Little they realize that White House doors flare open for people in Tux with a partner in flowing evening gowns predominantly for easy and privileged access to share their grievances and ideas alike.
Meanwhile, those whose lives are affected by policy decisions or the lack thereof by Washington and Wall Street do not have the luxury to mind their own business. If they could, they would as nothing more matter to an average citizen than living their life and letting others live in peace.
The only available avenue to vent their frustration is cyberspace or public protests in the streets of Washington D.C., New York and San Francisco where such emotional display is routinely tolerated regardless of reasons.
Moving forward with other events where citizens are told to hold on to their thoughts and views for family kitchen table conversations only and reminded that they are not helpful to the leaders in Washington and Wall Street because they are completely disruptive to their creative thinking process and careful planning to rescue the nation from the pit.
In the wake of disproportionate AIG bonuses, there were more rebukes against citizens for their legitimate views and comments from different quarters such as:
“It is not proper to demonize private entrepreneurs seeking profit as this nation is built upon wealth amassment.”
“If the vilifying of the government/public officials continues, it would hurt their morale because they are struggling hard to pull this economy out of crisis and further it will discourage others from enlisting in government jobs.”
Fair enough! Then, why are these reports on the surface and not discussed by all mainstream media and print press?
So, who is responsible for the painful, agonizing economic slump? Is it the entire fault of none other than the overstretching, spendthrift, day dreaming average citizens?
Will Obama, McCain, Dodd Return Contributions From AIG Employees?
AIG Gave More Than $630,000 During the 2008 Political Cycle
By JONATHAN KARL , March 18, 2009
AIG employees kept doling out donations to politicians , including presidential candidate Barack Obama , after getting bailed out with federal funds last year, raising the question of whether those politicians will now return the money.
Will politicians who received AIG cash during the 2008 political cycle give the money back?
(ABC News Photo Illustration)
AIG executives gave more than $630,000 during the 2008 political cycle even as the company was falling apart
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign finance reports, more than $120,000 of that money was donated after AIG received its first $85 billion in federal bailout funds in September. The company has since received a total of $170 billion in taxpayer cash to prevent its collapse.
Their generosity included more than $23,000 to Obama’s campaign .
Both Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain raked in much larger sums from AIG earlier in the year. Obama collected a total of $130,000 from AIG in 2008, while McCain accepted a total of $59,499.
AIG Rage Leaves Washington on Defense
This raises two key questions: Was any bailout money used to make political contributions? And will the politicians who received AIG cash give the money back?
ABC News has asked the question of the big recipients of AIG cash on Capitol Hill, including Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., the guy chairing today’s AIG hearing . Kanjorski received $12,000 in AIG contributions during the 2008 political cycle. AIG’s CEO Edward Liddy said he imposed new rules when he took over the struggling insurance giant six months ago, banning further lobbying of politicians and ending political donations from AIG’s two political action committees.
Records indicate that AIG’s PACs stopped making donations, but contributions from AIG executives continued right up to the presidential election.
One suggestion: Perhaps the money could be paid back not to AIG but to the U.S. Treasury.
Here’s the list of top AIG recipients for the 2008 campaign:
1. Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., $103,100
2. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., $101,332
3. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., $59,499
4. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., $35,965
5. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., $24,750
6. Former Gov. Mitt Romney, (R) Pres $20,850
7. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., $19,975
8. Rep. John Larson, D-Conn, $19,750
9. Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., $18,500
10. Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (R) Pres $13,200
11. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., $12,000
12. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., $11,000”
Latest Development: On March 30, 2009, the Fox news channel reported during their late night show that Sen. Chris Dodd has decided to donate any money received from TARP funds through AIG executives to charities.
Just prior to the Presidential Inauguration, the following email arrived.
“Your call to service
Michelle Obama <>
View Monday, January 12, 2009 2:27:38 PM
To: Padmini Arhant
Monday, January 19th, is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Dr. King taught us to live a life of service, and he led by example. He once said:
"If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness."
Barack and I will be volunteering in Washington, D.C., our new home. I hope you’ll join us by taking part in this national call to service in your community:”
Face the Truth:
As mentioned earlier in the blogpost titled Bailout Debacle the narcissistic culture is widespread and will not miraculously disappear anytime soon.
Ironically, anything offered free is not respected, honored, cherished and regularly taken for granted. The demand for freely available resources increases as a sense of entitlement rather than appreciation for its quality. It is analogous to clean air and water that were once abundantly available on planet earth. The importance and value of this gift from nature was never recognized up until such time when these natural elements became scarce forcing environmental awareness a priority for humans. The end result of such behavior is one has to pay for a bottle of spring water presently and clean air through carbon tax in the immediate future.
At the same time, those who offer advice, ideas and consultancy work with a premium price tag are treated with prestige, praise and due credit irrespective of the substance.
The famous line in “The Dark Knight” “If you are good at something, never offer for free.” aptly describes the subject matter.
Typically, there are two types of people in the world:
One who lives for others and the one who lives of others. Unfortunately, the majority belongs to the latter and those making true sacrifices for their own people and others in the society tagged ‘The Scapegoat.’ They are conveniently associated with doom and failures and alienated from boom and success.
Having said that, there are unsung geniuses in remote corners of the world making phenomenal differences to the people and environment. They are the true heroes and remain so in the eyes of the ultimate authority of the universe.
What really matters in life is,
What you give to others and not what you gain from them?
Human beings best legacy is their virtues and not material value.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Bailout Débācle
March 22, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The past two weeks dominated with AIG and oligarchs debating over the controversial $165 million and now increased to $218 million bonuses to executives instrumental in driving the insurance giant to the brink of collapse along with the financial markets of the world.
As usual, Washington vs. Wall Street dispute contributed to media frenzy and aptly reflected in the roller coaster performance of the stock market. The interesting factor in the blame game is those pointing fingers at others fail to acknowledge that remaining fingers are pointing towards them as they are equal partners in this charade.
By now, well-educated American taxpayers upon the quest to secure their future convinced that both Wall Street and Washington have serious credibility issues in wealth management and nation governance.
The back and forth allegations in the political crossfire reveals the true sense of Washington politics and Wall Street free market systemic corporate management failure. Again, the beneficiaries in this deal are the legislators responsible for the bailout approval and the corporations rewarded with taxpayer’s funds for unprecedented incompetence in modern economic times.
They are the beneficiaries because the legislators secured their emoluments by rushing the operating budget $410 billion omnibus bill ladened with pork projects to the tune of $8 billion to curb ‘government shut down’ rather than passing the required operating budget and isolating the earmarks spending for individual scrutiny through separate legislation.
The Corporate executives in due diligence spared no opportunities to collect remuneration, bonuses retrospectively and in the foreseeable future to maintain their status among the top 10% wealthiest hierarchy.
Let’s not forget in the Darwinian "Survival of the fittest contest" the weak, fragile and frail average taxpayer doesn’t stand a chance against the ferocious Corporate executives (compared to sharks) and Capitol Hill crusaders.
Events unfolding in the entire scenario deserves attention from every citizen involuntarily pledged to carry the burden of national debt currently projected at $9.3 trillion i.e. $1 trillion budget deficits every year for a decade, 2010-2019.
It is worth examining the role of legislators, corporations and lobbyists in securing taxpayer bailouts more prevalent in the past year 2008 and continuation of it in 2009. Prior to the diagnostic procedure, it is essential to shed light on the alliances forged by the key cabinet members and Wall Street merchants.
According to – Thank you.
Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
Who is Henry Paulson?
By Tom Eley, 23 September 2008
Henry Paulson rose through the ranks of Goldman Sachs, becoming a partner in 1982, co-head of investment banking in 1990, chief operating officer in 1994. In 1998, he forced out his co-chairman Jon Corzine “in what amounted to a coup,” according to New York Times economics correspondent Floyd Norris, and took over the post of CEO.
Goldman Sachs is perhaps the single best-connected Wall Street firm. Its executives routinely go in and out of top government posts. Corzine went on to become US senator from New Jersey and is now the state’s governor. Corzine’s predecessor, Stephen Friedman, served in the Bush administration as assistant to the president for economic policy and as chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC). Friedman’s predecessor as Goldman Sachs CEO, Robert Rubin, served as chairman of the NEC and later treasury secretary under Bill Clinton.
Agence France Press, in a 2006 article on Paulson’s appointment, “Has Goldman Sachs Taken Over the Bush Administration?” noted that, in addition to Paulson, “[t]he president’s chief of staff, Josh Bolten, and the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Jeffery Reuben, are Goldman alumni.”
Prior to being selected as treasury secretary, Paulson was a major individual campaign contributor to Republican candidates, giving over $336,000 of his own money between 1998 and 2006.
Since taking office, Paulson has overseen the destruction of three of Goldman Sachs’ rivals. In March,
Paulson helped arrange the fire sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase. Then, a little more than a week ago, he allowed Lehman Brothers to collapse, while simultaneously organizing the absorption of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America. This left only Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as major investment banks, both of which were converted on Sunday into bank holding companies, a move that effectively ended the existence of the investment bank as a distinct economic form.
In the months leading up to his proposed $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, Paulson had already used his office to dole out hundreds of billions of dollars. After his July 2008 proposal for $70 billion to resolve the insolvency of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed, Paulson organized the government takeover of the two mortgage-lending giants for an immediate $200 billion price tag, while making the government potentially liable for hundreds of billions more in bad debt. He then organized a federal purchase of an 80 percent stake in the giant insurer American International Group (AIG) at a cost of $85 billion.
These bailouts have been designed to prevent a chain reaction collapse of the world economy, but more importantly, they aimed to insulate and even reward the wealthy shareholders, like Paulson, primarily responsible for the financial collapse.
Paulson bears a considerable amount of personal responsibility for the crisis.
Paulson, according to a celebratory 2006 Business Week article entitled “Mr. Risk Goes to Washington,” was “one of the key architects of a more daring Wall Street, where securities firms are taking greater and greater chances in their pursuit of profits.” Under Paulson’s watch, that meant “taking on more debt: $100 billion in long-term debt in 2005, compared with about $20 billion in 1999. It means placing big bets on all sorts of exotic derivatives and other securities.”
According to the International Herald Tribune, Paulson “was one of the first Wall Street leaders to recognize how drastically investment banks could enhance their profitability by betting with their own capital instead of acting as mere intermediaries.” Paulson “stubbornly assert[ed] Goldman’s right to invest in, advise on and finance deals, regardless of potential conflicts.”
Paulson then handsomely benefited from the speculative boom. This wealth was based on financial manipulation and did nothing to create real value in the economy. On the contrary, the extraordinary enrichment of individuals like Paulson was the corollary to the dismantling of the real economy, the bankrupting of the government, and the impoverishment of masses the world over.
Paulson was compensated to the tune of $30 million in 2004 and took home $37 million in 2005. In his career at Goldman Sachs he built up a personal net worth of over $700 million, according to estimates.
Washington and Wall Street Analysis:
By Padmini Arhant
The beginning of the chain link usually found on the campaign trail, when corporations fund election campaigns through donation loopholes despite contribution limits by electoral commission and reign in on the successful candidate for the entire term.
After all, in the contemporary world focused on “What’s in it for me” deals, there is no free lunch with the exception of debt-consumed public yearning for believable change and better future offer available resources in terms of time, energy and money during the electoral process and beyond.
Who gets preference by the elected officials in the so-called democracy?
Indeed the Corporations due to the inter-dependency of sweetheart deals and brokering that take place throughout the election campaign. The deafening noise in the Capitol Hill about identifying the guilty party and pursuing disastrous course of action such as 90% tax on AIG bonuses after having approved without any stipulations predictably backfired at the victims none other than the average American taxpayers, presumably the majority shareholder at 80% of the multinational conglomerate.
In a bizarre development, more appropriately deterioration of the bailout fiasco, the headlines, news across the nation reverberate…
AIG sues its biggest shareholder – us
By David S. Hilzenrath, Washington Post – March 21, 2009. Thank you.
As AIG takes billions of dollars from the federal government to stay afloat, it is suing the government for millions more.
The big insurer is trying to recover $306.1 million of taxes, interest and penalties from the Internal Revenue Service. Among other things, AIG is contesting an IRS determination last year that the company improperly claimed $61.9 million of tax credits associated with complex international transactions.
AIG has also asked a court to make the government reimburse it for money spent suing the government.
Given that the government owns 79.9 percent of AIG and has been using taxpayer money to fill a seemingly bottomless hole at the company, the lawsuit might seem like a case of biting the hand that feeds it. But an
AIG spokesman said the company has an obligation to press its case.
AIG believes it overpaid the IRS, and it “has a duty to its shareholders, including the government and other shareholders, to insure that it pays the proper amount of taxes,” spokesman Mark Herr said by e-mail.
Washington tax lawyer Martin Lobel agreed with that assessment.
‘If in fact they honestly believe that they’re entitled to a refund of those taxes, it would be a breach of their fiduciary duty not to” sue, Lobel said.
“On the other hand, the sense of entitlement from AIG is awesome,” Lobel said.
Because the dispute pits the government against a company that has essentially become a ward of the government, the only clear winners are likely to be lawyers, legal experts said. The legal expenses could consume millions of dollars, they said.
Lawyers at the firm Sutherland Asbill & Brenan, which is representing AIG, did not respond to an interview request.
For partners of similar stature to those representing AIG, fees can run $700 to $900 an hour, said Dan Binstock, managing director of BCG Attorney Search, a legal recruiter.
AIG’s dispute with the IRS focuses on taxes for 1997 and dates at least as far back as March 2008.”
L.A. congresswoman defends actions
Husband Linked to Bank that got AID
By Richard Simon – Los Angeles Times – March 14, 2009 – Thank you.
Excerpts from the article:
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, on Friday defended her efforts to help minority-owned banks – including one with ties to her husband – scoffing at the notion that she, a liberal Democrat, could influence George W. Bush’s presidential administration in deciding what financial institutions would receive bailout funds.
Waters, a senior member of the congressional committee that, oversees banking, has come under scrutiny because OneUnited Bank, on which her husband Sidney Williams had been a board member and stockholder, received $12 million in bailout funds. The money was provided in December, three months after Waters helped arrange a meeting between officials from the bank and other minority-owned institutions and Treasury representatives.
“I followed up on the association’s request by asking Treasury Secretary (Henry) Paulson to schedule such a meeting, as did other members of Congress,” she said.
She said she did not attend the meeting. She released letters by the National Bankers Association requesting the meeting and following up on it – signed by the group’s incoming Chairman Robert Patrick Cooper an officer with OneUnited.
Waters said the decision to provide bailout funds to OneUnited was “based on the merits of the bank’s request, not based on anything said at the September meeting and not based on political influence.”
She said that she has fully disclosed her husband’s ties to the bank. Williams served on the bank board until early last year and held at least $500,000 in investments in the bank in 2007, the most recent year for which public financial disclosure statements are available.
Waters could not be reached for an interview Friday. OneUnited Chief Executive Kevin Cohee said Friday he didn’t have time to speak with a reporter.
Melanie Sloan, executive director of the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said she found Waters’ behavior “inappropriate and certainly has the appearance of impropriety, even if it doesn’t rise to the level of an actual conflict-of-interest under House rules.”
Sloan said Waters’ comments that the meeting focused on the general problems of minority-owned banks “don’t seem credible” in light of statements from Treasury officials that the session became a discussion of one bank’s troubles. “At a minimum, Treasury officials should have been apprised of her interest in the bank before the meeting took place.”
Waters’ efforts, she said, raise a question: “How many members of Congress are having meetings with the Treasury Department pleading for funds for certain banks?”
“Treasury has said they’re going to list the lobbying contacts,” Sloan said.”
Voice of the Electorate:
San Jose Mercury News – Readers’ Letters – March 18, 2009
Obama’s earmarks stance disappoints
I am disappointed that President Barack Obama backed off his campaign pledge to eliminate earmarks. The process subverts democratic government by avoiding votes on specific issues. It encourages our representatives to compete to spend more—if they fail to “bring home the bacon,” they may be seen as ineffective and not be re-elected. The further we move from specific votes for specific programs, the less inclined people are to support the government and the more inclined to resist taxes.
We must promote responsible stewardship. While many of the projects are meritorious, that hardly means they should be funded. Tax dollars are a scarce resource and every expenditure should be carefully scrutinized. Obama was right on this issue during the campaign; he is sliding off track now.
Christopher K. Payne
Ethical Lapse
By Padmini Arhant
The sparring political factions, the far left and the far right along with the centrists is in a strange dilemma today as they witness their reflection in the image of the accused parties in the most expensive soap opera entertainment.
As more Washington and Wall Street scandals are exposed, the more disingenuous the legislators appear to be in their pledge to turn the nation around.
An average citizen struggling to make ends meet asked the following questions –
“Why should I vote for anyone in the next election when I see politics as usual prevailing over the promised inevitable change?
Can the elected officials with public housing, guaranteed regular and several other sources of income, supreme health care, and free transportation relate to the suffering population dealing with job loss, foreclosure and other miseries?”
Unfortunately, the Washington atmosphere is secluded as elitist not making connection with the plight of the populist. The deepening of the recession combined with the multi-trillion dollar national debt forecast is a matter of great concern for the vast majority of population in precarious economic conditions due to job insecurity and declining prospects all around.
The American electorate enthusiastically elected the new administration with the hope to experience the “change” they deserve and the recent events are adversarial to the optimism built during the campaign.
Campaign promises involved Accountability, Transparency and changing Washington by eliminating corruption, cronyism and conventionalism. The passing of the $787 billion stimulus bill and subsequently the $410 billion omnibus spending bill loaded with earmarks confirms the status quo in Washington.
The pet projects, however meritorious they might be, cannot be more important than supplementing K-12 educational funding by retaining qualified teaching professionals and providing after school sports activities for students from lower income families and scores of other important social services for the constituents in California and other states.
It is obvious throughout the legislative process from the authorization of illegal invasion of Iraq war to Wall Street bailouts that lawmakers as representatives of the electorate in a democracy no longer consider it important to peruse the budget and other legislative bills because of the voluminous content. Hence, hastily resort to wasteful spending at taxpayers’ expense.
With the national debt projection in multi-trillion dollars, the wasteful spending in billions doesn’t seem to matter to the sponsors of the pet projects. Apparently, $8 billion added to the national debt for projects experimenting swine odor, road to nowhere, monuments ‘supposedly creating jobs’ when the industries are crumbling apart clearly signifies misplaced priorities by the legislators expected to be in touch with reality of their respective constituency.
The people are hurting and their mere existence is challenged by the hour while Washington and Wall Street continue to engage the nation in burgeoning financial crisis through legal and constitutional confrontations of the bailout débācle.
Perhaps it is time for the victims and the lame duck, the average taxpayers to rise to the occasion and execute power in the mid-term election to restore democratic values, ethical and moral standards desperately lacking in the corporate and political system.
It is best to eradicate the narcissistic culture that permeates the surroundings like weeds destroying the grassland and fertile grounds.
Evidently change is necessary and necessity is the mother of invention.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Earmarks, Pork-barrel Spending
March 8, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The budget vote delayed due to enormous ‘pork’ in the $410 billion spending bill. The defenders of various pork projects may have their own justification.
Nevertheless, Washington must relinquish wasteful spending through several pet projects carried out on behalf of lobbyists by lawmakers concerned about their own job security in the future elections.
As stated earlier in the article “Omnibus Spending” on the website , the nation is grappling with dire economic situation due to significant job losses and housing crisis at this time and families are desperately seeking relief from both free market system and the government.
Unfortunately, the free market system dependent on taxpayers’ bailout is barely capable of remaining solvent despite unprecedented capital infusion in modern financial history. The root cause of all these problems attributed to lack of ethics, accountability, transparency and importantly executive management failure.
The critics of taxpayers’ bailout argue in favor of non-interference in the market economy on the assumption the system would correct itself in due course. They fail to recognize the fact that the economic meltdown commenced in the early 2000, though the impact was not acknowledged up until late 2007.
During that limited or non-regulatory period, the capitalist system had ample opportunities to review and reassess their performance and prepare them for the worst scenario.
However, it did not happen, even though Wall Street witnessed and experienced the collapse of Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Global Crossing all in the year 2002 resulting from failed Corporate management, unethical accounting practices and blatant greed.
Somehow, the free market advocates seem to have forgotten these events because of their inability then to envision the domino effect on the entire economy in the immediate future. Another reason for the denial of economic crisis previously was the skyrocketing of the technology stocks combined with oil and defense stocks at the phenomenal cost of American taxpayers’ dollars and human lives in Iraq war.
The financial sector created its own superficial boom during that time with the concoction of subprime mortgages and diverse toxic assets bundled together and sold by the hedge fund managers in the overseas markets. This entire taking place while the past administration was preoccupied in the implementation of unjust Iraq war.
It is unequivocally a miserable failure on the part of the predecessors in Federal Reserve, Treasury department as well as the Securities Commission primarily responsible for monitoring and evaluating the daily market events and executing necessary precautionary measures to prevent the economy from overheating.
Surprisingly, with the history of ‘Great Depression’, Oil crisis, economic recessions, one would assume that the authorities would remain alert and watch over the economy with prudent advice against extravagant spending in unnecessary wars or at least demanded the administration engaging in wasteful spending provide legitimate cost and benefit investment analysis.
The gridlock in Washington or State legislature is contributed by political ideologies resisting flexibility to resolve any crisis. The fiscal conservatives steadfast against tax increases, the predominant revenue source for any government, consistently target essential programs designed to promote consumer spending vital for economic recovery.
Similarly, the spendthrift legislators on both aisles with a penchant for pet projects or pork spending refuse to yield to frugality and prioritize their commitments to lobbyists and local governments assuring their re-election over national interest.
The electorate voted for Change in 2008 and change has hope only with representatives in Congress and Senate quitting habits that create rather than solving crisis.
It is evident that the $410 billion spending bill is injected with significant pork projects and it would be appropriate for the sponsors to present cost / benefit ratio in monetary terms to justify inclusion in the bill.
Again, these projects must be evaluated to benefit the taxpayers and the nation as a whole rather than the individuals regardless of them being legislators or the lobbyists.
The lawmakers have lately advised ordinary citizens to downsize their lifestyle according to their means, the same should apply to them as any sermons, preaching, and advice is meaningful when individuals demonstrate through action.
After all, shouldn’t one practice what they preach others?
No matter how one circumvents the legitimacy of earmarks particularly at these tough economic times, it is inappropriate now and in the future to squander taxpayers’ dollars for far-fetched projects with beneficiaries being the authorizing entity and/or special interests rather than the entire nation.
Please refer to the following articles from other sources for data confirmation on earmarks / pork barrel spending.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Senate Republicans force delay on budget vote:
GOP Members want to offer Amendments on $410 billion plan criticized for Pork – By Andrew Taylor,
Associated Press – Thank you.
Washington – Senate Republicans, demanding the right to try to change a huge spending bill, forced Democrats on Thursday night to put off a final vote on the measure until next week.
The surprise development will force Congress to pass a stopgap-funding bill to avoid a partial shutdown of the government.
Republicans have blasted the $410 billion measure as too costly. But the reason for GOP unity in advance of a key procedural vote was that Democrats had not allowed them enough opportunities to offer amendments.
Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., canceled the vote, saying he was one vote short of the 60 needed to close debate and free the bill for President Barack Obama’s signature.
The 1,132-page spending bill is stuffed with pet projects sought by lawmakers in both parties.
Democrats and their allies control 58 seats, though at least a handful of Democrats oppose the measure over its cost or changes in U.S. policy toward Cuba. That meant Democrats needed five or six Republican votes to advance the bill.
None of the GOP’s amendments is expected to pass, but votes on perhaps a dozen are now slated for Monday night, Reid said.
The huge, 1-132-page spending bill awards big increases to domestic programs and is stuffed with pet projects sought by lawmakers in both parties. The measure has an extraordinary reach, wrapping together nine spending bills to fund the annual operating budgets of every Cabinet department except for Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs.
Once considered a relatively bipartisan measure, the measure has come under attack from Republicans – and a handful of Democrats – who say it is bloated and filled with wasteful, pork-barrel projects.
The measure was written mostly over the course of last year, before projected deficits quadrupled and Obama’s economic recovery bill left many of the same spending accounts swimming in cash.
To the embarrassment of Obama – who promised during last year’s campaign to force Congress to curb its pork-barrel ways – the bill contains 7,991 pet projects totaling $5.5 billion, according to calculations by the GOP staff of the House Appropriations Committee.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Obama’s opponent in last fall’s presidential campaign, called the measure “a swollen, wasteful, egregious example of out-of-control spending.”
The earmarks run the gamut. There’s $190,000 for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyo., $238,000 to fund a deep-sea voyaging program for native Hawaiian youth, agricultural research projects, and grants to local police departments, among many others.”
Further Excerpt of the article –
Sen. John McCain blasts $237,500 for Japantown museum – By Frank Davies, Mercury News Washington Bureau – Thank you.
Reps, Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, and Mike Honda, D-Campbell, secured that money to help the museum.
Honda, who is Japanese American, – “Jap. Museum boost tourism (thus jobs) in SJ Japantown, last of 3 authentic US Japantowns, Zoe & I proudly supported its funding.”
Keeping Democracy Alive
March 8, 2009
The new administration is still in the process of filling positions and since the beginning, there has been problems with some major cabinet appointments as the nominees had withdrawn from considerations to avoid political challenges during the hearing process.
Lately, it appears to be the nominee CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
It is evidenced in the following article;
Gupta won’t be next surgeon general
Neurosurgeon and TV Correspondent withdraws from Consideration
By Richard Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press – Thank you.
CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta won’t be the next surgeon general, the Obama administration confirmed Thursday.
Gupta 39, a neurosurgeon with star appeal, was seen as President Barack Obama’s first pick for the job. He would have brought instant recognition to the office of surgeon general, a post that has lacked visibility since the days of C. Everett Koop during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
An administration official said that Gupta had been under “serious consideration” but took himself out of the running because he wants to focus on his medical career and spend more time with his family.
“We know he will continue to serve and educate the public through his work with media and in the medical arena,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of nominations.
The official said there were no problems that would have disqualified Gupta, and it was his decision to withdraw.
The surgeon general is the nation’s doctor, and while the job doesn’t involve much policymaking responsibility, it’s a bully pulpit for promoting public health. Gupta could have helped Obama pitch his health care reform plan.
Initial reports in early January that Obama had approached Gupta about the job created a stir. The new president had not yet taken office. The chairman of the American Medical Association’s board said at the time it would be a boon to the government if Gupta accepted.
But Gupta would have had to give up a lucrative career. He hosts “House Call” on CNN, contributes reports to CBS News and writes a column for Time magazine. He also practices surgery at Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital, which sees more than its share of trauma cases.
Political opposition had started to form.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., called Gupta inexperienced and circulated a letter urging Obama not to appoint him. Conyers is a leading supporter of health care reform that would create a government system similar to Canada’s and is particularly influential among liberals.
Gupta does have some Washington experience. During the Clinton administration, he served as a White House fellow and a special adviser to then-first lady Hillary Clinton.”
Washington Hypocrisy:
Strangely enough, with recent appointees for high profile cabinet positions involving decision-making on International crisis affecting billions of lives around the globe “experience” didn’t seem to matter to the members of the hearing committee.
Some were sworn in with a mere formality hearing and they were aptly called by the media a shoe-in appointment.
Also, there was swift approval of nominees considered “controversial” with tax issues, conflict of interest notwithstanding the nation’s critical cabinet post supposedly being “unconstitutional.”
However, an administrative post with none or minimal policymaking responsibility as cited in the above article, aroused skepticism in the minds of certain members prompting them to an all out campaign against the adequately qualified and nationally as well as internationally prominent candidate with White House experience, reveals the true colors of Washington Politics.
Last fall, history was made for a reason. People of the human race overwhelmingly came together to convey a loud and clear message…
It is no longer the “red states” or the “blue states”, but it is the United States of America.
Apparently, like everything else it is being regarded a catchy campaign slogan rather than embracing and most importantly practicing to keep democracy alive.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Omnibus Spending
March 5, 2009
March 5, 2009
It has been the topic of the day and rightfully so. The American taxpayers’ wallet is drained for various bailouts from financial institutions to auto industry and others waiting in line for their respective turn.
Is it the present administration’s fault that the nation is dependent on borrowings and charity?
The response varies as it depends on the network and the guests appearing on the programs to discuss economy, finance and stock market.
Those nostalgic about the previous administration claim that it is entirely the current administration’s fault.
For some reason their calculation of the incumbent administration in office since swearing in i.e. January 20, 2009 up until now works out to three months, unless they have a custom made calendar that converts every year into leap year with some months extending beyond thirty one days and somehow only the Democratic administrations are privileged to such magical occurrence.
To shed light on the relevant topic of spending bill $410 billion approved by the Senate and awaiting the President’s signature, there appears to be some legitimate concerns regarding the infamous “earmarks” or “pork barrel” issue that always finds its way into every legislative bill.
According to news media, 40% of GOP members and 60% of Democrats are responsible for the estimated 8,570 earmarks worth $7.7billion . The following article supports it.
March 4, 2009
Senate votes to keep earmarks in bill – By David Espo, Associated Press – Thank you.
“The Senate voted overwhelmingly to preserve thousands of earmarks in a $410 billion spending bill Tuesday, brushing aside Senator John McCain’s claim that President Barack Obama and Congress are merely conducting business as usual in a time of economic hardship.
McCain’s attempt to strip out an estimated 8,500 earmarks failed on a vote of 63-32.
The Arizona’s senator’s proposal also would have cut roughly $32 billion from the measure and kept spending a last year’s levels in several federal agencies.
Last year’s Republican presidential candidate said both he and Obama pledged during the campaign to “stop business as usual in Washington,” and he quoted the president as having said he would go line by line to make sure money was spent wisely.
The White House has said Obama intends to sign the legislation, casting it as leftover business from 2008. Spokesman Robert Gibbs pledged Monday that the White House will issue new guidelines covering earmarks for future bills.
McCain’s proposal drew the support of 30 Republicans and two Democrats, and the outcome reflected the enduring value of earmarks to lawmakers. While polls routinely show these pet projects to be unpopular, local governments and constituents often covet them.
The maneuvering came on legislation to assure continued funding for several federal agencies past March 6. At $410 billion, the bill represents an 8 percent increase over last year’s spending levels, more than double the rate of inflation.
Republicans made two other attempts during the day to reduce spending in the bill, but failed both times.
Sen. Dan Inouye, D-Hawaii, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said McCain’s call to hold spending level with a year ago “doesn’t account for inflation.”
As an example, he said some programs would have to be cut if federal workers were to receive a pay raise.
The House passed the legislation last week, and Democratic leaders are working to clear it without changes so the president can sign it by Friday.
While Republican opposition in the House focused more on the bill’s overall spending, McCain and allies turned the Senate spotlight squarely on earmarks.
“How does anyone justify some of these earmarks:
$1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa;
$2 million ‘for the promotion of astronomy’ in Hawaii;
$6.6 million for termite research in New Orleans;
$2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York,” he said.
He also noted the legislation includes 14 earmarks requested by lawmakers for projects sought by PMA Group, a lobbying company at the center of a federal corruption investigation. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, said he would seek to have them removed.
Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the legislation contains 8,570 disclosed earmarks worth $7.7 billion. House Democrats declined to provide an estimate of the number of pet projects in the bill, and put their cost at $3.8 billion.”
It is evident from the article and news media discussions that this particular bill primarily aimed at stimulating the economy has some of its priorities mixed up. As stated earlier in my article “Economic Recovery Plan” earmarks or estimates for pet projects is a contentious issue with notable reasons for objection by some lawmakers.
This is no longer a partisan issue as both parties have participants in varying percentages responsible for wasteful spending. On the one hand, we have economic turmoil with American families receiving pink slips instead of paychecks and children literally dependent on charity for survival.
There are worse situations like in the golden state of California, northern Californian school district is forcing K-12 students in public schools to stay home on Friday, making it a four-day week due to again “messed up priorities” by the State legislators. The victims in the merciless fund slashing are none other than the educators and students.
Qualified teachers’ job contracts are terminated because of severe cuts in essential programs like education. The head of this state living up to the reputation of the title “Terminator” leaving students seeking help from parents, peer group, neighbors, and strangers/aliens on the cyber space or even outer space.
Do the pet projects’ sponsors have any idea how desperate the situation is for those struggling to make ends meet particularly with a fear mongering of the “socialism” concept by the capitalist panderers denying the failure of capitalism in the absence of regulatory process?
What does this mean to parents dealing with job insecurity and lack of support to take care of the children on the day, they should be in school?
Hoping the children will be protected by guardian angels while they are at work and risking visits from a social worker on accounts of child neglect and possible abuse.
Those who lack the support of extended family relying on hired help in this perilous economy have to choose between the safety of their children and the tight family budget, since borrowing is out of question with indefinite freezing of the credit market to families and small businesses.
One might assume the federal aid to states should address these problems. Even though the federal aid has been approved for this purpose, whatever benefits allocated for education and relief to families in the federal stimulus package is siphoned off by the state budget targeting the same programs.
The state legislators had to emerge victorious in the long fought battle to balance the budget using people at the bottom of the socio-economic scale as the sacrificial lambs.
Obviously, on the other hand both state and federal lawmakers favoring the pet projects vigorously debate in the House and the Senate floor to defend their own jobs as pet projects is an insurance for re-election in their constituency.
If surplus funds are the reasons for earmarks, why not allocate those funds to the deserving entity i.e. the taxpayers in the economy. It would make sense for taxpayers to use their own money to spend on their dependents’ education, health care and housing payments.
It is conclusive that earmarks like the ones highlighted in the articles should have never been inserted in the first place, and now regardless of whose business is being taken care of i.e. whether previous or present administration, the burden is squarely on the taxpayers with the passing of this bill loaded with unnecessary and meaningless pet projects.
American taxpayers were promised on the campaign trail about the elimination of earmarks by both parties and now is the time to honor that commitment without any reservation.
In the real world, students can enroll in the best educational institutions only upon excellent academic achievement, similarly secure dream jobs (during the glorious days) and stick with it purely on competence.
Unfortunately, the entities to whom the criteria should apply i.e. Washington and Wall Street are exempt from performance based hiring or firing despite their successful duo disastrous mismanagement of the world’s economic power, the U.S. economy.
Taxpayers as voters have the power to promote and implement the agenda in 2010 to realize the campaign slogan “Change is effective when it happens from the bottom up and not from the top bottom.”
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Humanitarian Call
March 3, 2009
In the tough economy, charities and humanitarian groups are worst hit and struggling to raise funds for various causes. Their relentless effort to reach out to millions at home and around the world is admirable despite sharp decline in donations from ordinary people willing to participate but unable to do so in these difficult times.
Each one of us could make a difference with whatever affordable to the less fortunate and those deserving inspiration to meet with challenges in life.
I request all generous citizens to spare time and share limited resources at our disposal to help charities engaged to promote spirit of living against all odds.
There are many charity organizations praiseworthy and I list some of them to raise awareness of their service to humanity.
Your generosity will serve many aspiring athletes, children deprived of any future and adults incapacitated due to debilitating illnesses.
Let us not forget our fellow citizens at home and around the world.
Your time and donations deeply appreciated now and in the future.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Special Olympics – 2009 Annual Fund –
If you decide to make any donations, please mail payments to;
Special Olympics Northern California
3480 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 340
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Accredited by Special Olympics, Inc.
Important: Your gift may be doubled if your employer has a matching gift program. Please see your Human Resources Department today.
2. International Rescue Committee – Mr. Tom Brokaw (Reputable and well respected journalist and NBC Host)
among the Board of Overseers.
Why is it important? In Mr. Brokaw’s words —
"If I seem to be writing about the IRC in very personal terms, there is a reason. You see, the Brokaw family has a long history with this remarkable organization. It dates from my daughter’s work in Europe helping refugees from Soviet oppression to her six months in Pakistan, providing health care to Afghani women during the Soviet occupation.
Jennifer saw this legendary organization from the inside and impressed on the rest of our family the importance of the IRC’s work. So when I was given the opportunity to take on a new role with the IRC, I quickly agreed. Jennifer’s engagement with the IRC has continued as well. A highly-skilled physician, she was a member of the IRC emergency response team dispatched to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Because it operates in 42 countries around the world, the reach and scope of the IRC’s work is quite dramatic. But, at the end of the day, it all comes down to individual people getting the help they need when it matters most.
Helping the IRC is about reaching out to a child in a crowded refugee camp who, along with her mother, fled Darfur when armed men burned and attacked their village."
For further information: Please visit – International Rescue Committee.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Mailing address: International Rescue Committee, P.O.Box 98152, Washington DC 20077-7355.
3. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, P.O.Box 50, Memphis, TN 38101-9929
Many children are living after traumatic and agonizing illnesses like cancer through chemotherapy, radiation and bone marrow transplants at this center.
4. Easter Seals, San Jose/San Mateo Region, P.O.Box 611840, San Jose, CA 95161-1840
Easter Seals is involved in helping all people with severe disabilities to gain independence.
Again, if you wish to make payments, please make check payable to Easter Seals.
5. Feed The Children, P.O.Box 36, Oklahoma City OK 73101-9989, Tel.# (405) 942-0228
Engaged in helping American families receiving pink slips instead of paychecks at this time.
OP-Ed Impact of Military Arsenal on Children
March 1, 2009
How does war impact young minds?
Can the military industrial complex justify their profits at the expense of these innocent lives?
A teenager’s viewpoint regarding an article by New York Times and concerns about the real victims of war – Children, the future of the world.
By: Kanish Arhant-Sudhir
The article that goes along with this picture talks about how the death toll in Afghanistan has risen by over forty percent in 2008. One specific example reported on a man named Syed Mohammed, who’s entire family was slaughtered by American and Afghan soldiers. He went next door to his son’s house, only to find that the only survivor in his entire son’s family was his four year-old grandson, Zarqawi. In another case, an American AC-130 gunship, which is a plane armed with several deadly explosive rounds as well as a gatling cannon, attacked a suspected Taliban building, killing more than 90 people.
Marai, age 7, was blinded
in one eye from shrapnel during fighting between the Taliban and NATO troops.
Mohammed Amin Kadimi, age 47, was pushing a wheelbarrow through a city street, looking for work.
A young man approached him carrying a paper bag weighing about ten pounds. He asked him to carry the bag to Pul-e-Khesti, a nearby neighborhood. After some time walking, Mr. Kadimi noticed that the young man was no longer behind him. The bag then exploded, blasting Mr. Kadimi away, mangling his right leg and severing his left one. He now sits on a city street, selling phone cards. He wonders why he was chosen as a target.
Youssif, age 5, before explosion (left), and after explosion (right)
Youssif’s skin was so deformed that hypodermic balloons had to be inserted in his skin to stretch it, allowing operations to be possible. He underwent 37 surgeries in one month.
When I assess these so-called carnage reports, I am absolutely disgusted. It is appalling that human kind would resort to such violence against one another, and for no valid cause at all. Exemplified in the cases of Marai and Youssif, the boy who’s face was grotesquely deformed by shrapnel from a fragmentation grenade; even children on the cusp of life are subject to such tortures as these. The brutality towards these innocent civilians is inexplicably revolting and inexcusable. No ‘political’ motive should be so great as to put the lives of innocent people at risk.
It’s time for mankind to reassess the pros and cons of war and peace for the sake of children around the world.
There is no compensation for loss of life especially children who are wiped out of this earth before they get to know it.
Thank you.
Kanish Arhant-Sudhir