Earth Day

April 23, 2009

The global community has an opportunity to reflect and redeem the loss of earth’s treasure in rare species, fresh air layered with cool breeze, the scent of sweet smelling flowers and pure drinking water once naturally available on the planet and now a scarcity in the congested urbanized world.

On this important day commemorating the urgency to sustain life on earth collectively, it is obligatory on every nation to utilize the human capital with expertise, technology and other resources to reduce and eventually eliminate environmental pollution. There are debates and discussions held to determine the extent of responsibility nations must accept to benefit mankind.

Although the earth’s space demarcated with territories and boundaries, disaster in one part of the world affects humanity multifold particularly through disease in the form of epidemics. Further, depletion of local natural resources impact global economy contributing to trade disputes aside from escalating regional poverty that ultimately leads to war and destruction.

The concept of green technology and promoting eco-friendly environment deserve A-political focus to maximize humanitarian values shared by all inhabitants on the planet. It is incumbent on the corporations of the industrialized nations evidently profit motivated to limit and possibly terminate environmental contamination caused by hazardous chemicals, poisonous gases and other toxic agents in the impoverished and densely populated regions of the world.

Unfortunately, the increasing co-operation by the political systems both local and foreign governments with the corporations in violation of environmental code, safety regulations and ethics proliferate catastrophes. Recently, it has immunized victims in tolerating mass life extinction practices witnessed in the 1984 Union Carbide human tragedy in Bhopal, India. Again, notwithstanding the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic producing horrendous figures in deaths, terminal illnesses and birth defects up until now. Similarly, the numerous oil spillings along various coastal regions are responsible for enormous damage and loss to aquatic life, local population and their economy.

Meanwhile, the developing and under developed nations receiving international aid must invest in efficient waste management, facilitate clean drinking water and sanitary conditions for decent survival of those at the bottom of the socio economic strata. Their social programs must target the rural and poorest groups in the society to provide basic education, health care and means for improving living standards through agriculture, banking, and small and large-scale industry expansion. It is essential for nations’ with highest population to maintain sustainable growth to achieve economic prosperity and desirable environmental goals.

Despite phenomenal loss of life and precious resources, there is a universal failure to acknowledge the calamities from nuclear reactors/waste, fossil fuel, offshore drilling for oil and natural gas, disproportionate carbon emissions including reckless industrial pollutions in the past and present time. If the trend continues with little or no effort to contain environmental deterioration, the prospects of future life appear diminished.

Earth day is a subtle reminder to cherish the beautiful gift from Mother Nature and the best expression of gratitude would be the preservation and protection of the planet, the habitat for all living species.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Environmental Policy

April 19, 2009

The recent developments to combat climate change in the State of California and nationwide is commendable. The Supreme Court granting authority to EPA to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions under the Clean Air Act eliminates obstacles on the path to a clean environment. It is significant since according to the reports the projected levels of greenhouse gases “endanger the public health and welfare of current and future generations.”

With the time lapse of inaction on this important matter threatening the mere existence of life on the planet, the new administration under President Obama is seeking the right course of action by having the choice to either legislate or regulate carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases resisted in the past on the notion of negative economic impact.

Further, EPA consideration to reduce emissions including rigorous tailpipe emissions standard also previously blocked in the past eight years is a step in the right direction. This particular issue like others has been subject to criticism and opposition from sectors focused on personal short term gains over long-term future of humanity. Again, the Obama administration’s gesture to proceed toward a national standard on vehicle emissions that will be as strong as California’s is right on target.

It would be appropriate to embrace California’s standard as the national requirement, rather than maintaining individual regional measure and finalize the pending EPA decision over the controversial tailpipe carbon emissions by the automobile industry. The national standard would be beneficial to the struggling auto industry in marketing their fleet in other parts of the country without the burden of meeting the regional expectations.

In a democracy, active participation in public discourse and dissent whenever justified is honorable. However, protest against progress and life sustenance is detrimental to the source contributing to such disruptions. The opposing legislators’ argument on any environmental regulation is weak for it dismissed global warming as a ‘myth’ up until now. Their defense of businesses potentially affected by stringent measures is hypothetical. It fails to recognize that the planet in peril is a hard-core fact with abundance evidence in rising temperatures and several disasters no longer natural because of the none other than greenhouse gases causing ozone depletion in the earth’s atmosphere.

According to the recent article on this topic – Industry representatives voiced a variety of concerns over the prospect of mandatory emissions controls. The National Association of Manufacturers warned that the Clean Air Act was designed to focus on local and regional pollution, and that greenhouse gases “are global in nature and require a new framework.”

The industry demand to distinguish the Clean Air Act to curtail domestic pollution from greenhouse gases produced globally is worth clarification. In the latest G-20 summit, it is not clear if the United States sought any guarantee from the participants with respect to individual and consolidated global effort in greenhouse gases reduction. Even though the G-20 gathering predominantly focused on global economic rescue plan, the equally challenging environmental issue deserves universal commitment in achieving the desired goals.

It is imperative for the inhabitants of planet earth to pay serious attention to the environmental degradation arising from industrial pollution, population explosion, poor waste management and revolutionary demographic shifts among the population of the emerging economic powers in the world.

In the United States, the bipartisan consensus is paramount if legislation required to promote healthy and safe environment for the well-being of the present and future generations of the nation. To reiterate any partisanship during legislation combined with industry objection in compliance of regulation would lead to dire consequences and irreversible state of earth’s natural resources due to ecological imbalance.

Mankind best interest lies in the protection and preservation of the habitat, the planet earth.

Save the planet and secure the future for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to DCCC

April 16, 2009

Hon. Speaker of the House

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

430 South Capitol Street, SE

Washington DC 20003

April 4, 2009

Dear Madam Speaker,

It is an honor to receive your invitation to continue volunteering for the various issues highlighted in your letter.

Since I’m currently engaged in reviving my career, and attending to family interests placed on hold the entire past year due to my extensive involvement in the Presidential campaign 2008, there is an urgency to fulfill personal and financial commitments towards my young dependent family.

However, I will continue to serve humanity to the extent possible for the people at home and around the world.

I take this opportunity to wish you the best in your endeavors.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Save the Nations’ Newspapers – OP-ED

April 9, 2009

Like everything else in this economy, the newspaper industry is on the brink of demise. The reasons according to the publishers are the competition from various sources ranging from the Information Superhighway to electronic gizmos producing data with the touch of a button.

The survival of the newspaper industry is paramount in a democracy. It is appropriate to pledge unequivocal support to print press as someone having grown up knowing the world events and current affairs through newspapers. Personally, the newspaper was a window to the outside world and enabled a better understanding of issues unfolding at home and elsewhere. The newspapers offer knowledge, awareness and critical thinking on different topics.

One might argue why subscribe to a newspaper when the same information is accessible on-line free of charge? Although, it is a valid argument, it still does not match the convenience of a newspaper in hand while traveling or commuting to work on public transport and reading in a relaxed manner at home without Google search and browsing Yahoo/AOL articles. Further, the conventional source relieves common stress caused by prolonged use of computers. It is a healthy diversion in a manner books remain popular over audio and video versions.

Some national as well as local newspapers’ editorials, columns and articles are praiseworthy on many issues concerning life. The investigative and independent journalists deserve special recognition for their contribution to humanity due to risks involved in the exposure of subjects that may or may not be challenged in legal terms and otherwise. Similarly, there are reporters providing vital information from war zones and remote corners of the world by endangering their lives. These veteran newsmakers cannot be isolated in this context.

However, it is essential to bring certain issues to the publishers’ attention that could rescue the dying industry. The lack of objectivity in few columns and news articles is one of them. In an era of idolization of political figures, some journalists traveling with public entities tend to edge over the professional ethics and present conflicting content of the same article from other mass media such as television particularly cable news network, international channels and the potent internet. Unfortunately, the authors of such articles fail to recognize the fact that any information from them is verifiable through other sources for authenticity and to an extent affect their credibility if proven false. When they represent a reputable news organization, the conspicuous flaw reveals the devil in the detail magnified on comparison with live images on-line and television. The general public prefer facts not fiction in a newspaper article related to public figures , government affairs and corporate activities.

Another factor behind the decline of the newspaper industry is the ideology driven concept not barring political affiliations and the pandering to the authorities in government and business rather than a neutral position in the presentation of facts to confirm fair and balanced reporting. The educated and technologically savvy mass justifiably turned off by the extreme views and polarization in the newspaper industry. If the internet sources blamed as the major threat to the print press, perhaps it is time for newspaper publishers to exercise the freedom of press and responsible journalism like their on-line competitors and dedicate service to people more than any others in a democracy.

Whenever the press and television newsmedia regardless of the status as mainstream or not assumes the role of personal talking points to the authorities in power, democracy is in jeopardy forcing majority population to seek alternative sources for reliable information. It defeats the purpose of free press in a democracy that prioritizes politics over people, when the primary focus should be accuracy, transparency and accountabilty in public matter.

As stated earlier in numerous blogposts on this website industries and government ultimately depend on the main street, as they are the consumers and voters with real power in a functioning democracy.

On that note, a sincere request to all citizens across the nation to salvage the local and favorite newspaper through subscription since the survival of newspaper industry means restoration of voice in a democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant