Finance Sector and Economic Impact
August 31, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
When the Bush administration officially recognized the economic recession in late December 2007, the malignant cancer in the financial sector was widespread – originating from gross mismanagement, underhand dealings, some in breach of lenient SEC regulations… a scenario analogous to the health abuse by overindulging individuals submitting to a potentially terminal illness.
Upon diagnosis, the prognosis called for a radical treatment to prolong life. Hence, the former administration executed a series of financial bailouts commencing with Bear Stearns, AIG, including major and minor banks bailout to a tune of $700 billion TARP (Toxic Assets Relief Program) fund.
Incidentally, the former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson bound by vested interest and commitment to his alma mater Goldman Sachs let the comparable investment group Lehman Brothers submerge into insolvency.
Is cherry picking a coincidence or key Treasury representative fulfilling obligations to the dominant force Goldman Sachs in the finance industry?
Please refresh your thoughts after reviewing the blogpost ‘Bailout Debacle’ March 22, 2009 listed under Economy and Business category at
In this context, the cited article revealing facts behind the bailout is attention worthy.
According to – Thank you.
Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
Who is Henry Paulson?
By Tom Eley, 23 September 2008
“Henry Paulson rose through the ranks of Goldman Sachs, becoming a partner in 1982, co-head of investment banking in 1990, chief operating officer in 1994. In 1998, he forced out his co-chairman Jon Corzine “in what amounted to a coup,” according to New York Times economics correspondent Floyd Norris, and took over the post of CEO.
Goldman Sachs is perhaps the single best-connected Wall Street firm. Its executives routinely go in and out of top government posts. Corzine went on to become US senator from New Jersey and is now the state’s governor. Corzine’s predecessor, Stephen Friedman, served in the Bush administration as assistant to the president for economic policy and as chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC). Friedman’s predecessor as Goldman Sachs CEO, Robert Rubin, served as chairman of the NEC and later treasury secretary under Bill Clinton.
Since taking office, Paulson has overseen the destruction of three of Goldman Sachs’ rivals.
In March, Paulson helped arrange the fire sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase. Then, a little more than a week ago, he allowed Lehman Brothers to collapse, while simultaneously organizing the absorption of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America.
This left only Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as major investment banks, both of which were converted on Sunday into bank holding companies, a move that effectively ended the existence of the investment bank as a distinct economic form.
These bailouts have been designed to prevent a chain reaction collapse of the world economy, but more importantly, they aimed to insulate and even reward the wealthy shareholders, like Paulson, primarily responsible for the financial collapse.
Paulson bears a considerable amount of personal responsibility for the crisis.
Paulson then handsomely benefited from the speculative boom. This wealth was based on financial manipulation and did nothing to create real value in the economy. On the contrary, the extraordinary enrichment of individuals like Paulson was the corollary to the dismantling of the real economy, the bankrupting of the government, and the impoverishment of masses the world over.
Paulson was compensated to the tune of $30 million in 2004 and took home $37 million in 2005. In his career at Goldman Sachs he built up a personal net worth of over $700 million, according to estimates. “
True Perspective: By Padmini Arhant
The entire economic meltdown ceremoniously attributed to the financial sector’s wayward unruly conduct in the absence of limited or no regulation. Typically, it’s a free market voluntarily surrendering to a free fall after skyrocketing profits in the pockets of privileged few in the society.
Who did the private enterprise otherwise the market system’s oligarchs approach for salvation?
It was none other than the taxpayers of the economy represented by the government.
It’s poignant to underscore the convenience for private sectors to seek the taxpayer i.e. government’s assistance when they are drowning and fleetingly dismiss the same government as an incompetent, redundant agency during the buoyancy like in the health care battle.
The day is not far when the health care and insurance industry configured to the obscene profit driven settings mimic their counterpart finance industry imploring the taxpayers/consumers bailout.
When the wealth management industry succumbs to their own greed ladened follies, can the health care and insurance industry sustain the malpractice at the economy’s expense?
If there is any respect for the laws of nature or ethical consideration, the key economic components such as the finance, health industry and others would realize that universally every substance has a limited potential to thrive and exceed performance level at any given time. The mankind periodically experienced catastrophic blows in the form of severe economic recession to ‘Great Depression’ due to the prevailing markets inertia.
Still, the lesson is never learned by the delusional segment forging permanency on this planet; choose to remain confined to the improbable cause in wealth amassment.
Now directing focus on the finance sector, the ‘artful dodger’, a nickname of the Charles Dickens’ melancholy character ‘Oliver Twist’ when turned down for more porridge, despite the courteous magic word ‘please,’ was never discouraged to maneuver the situation in personal favor.
Unlike the character ‘Oliver Twist’ a victim of severe socio-economic disparity…parallel to the modern twenty first century reality, the finance sector is well armed with tactics adherence to the rule of law in appearance but decisively biting the hands that feeds them, i.e. the consumers and taxpayers.
What are the latest strategies by the finance industry to clean up the mess on their balance sheets?
The current trend in the finance sector is adapting to the new age attraction i.e. presentation and mass appeal even if it is lacking in substance. If anything achieved from the domino effects by the financial sector, it is the mastery of unsavory techniques to impress shareholders at the consumers’ peril.
During the bailouts, both the prior and the incumbent administrations were unequivocally guaranteed instant revival of the lending activity, a predominant factor in the liquidity crisis exacerbating the economy until date.
It’s been nearly twelve to eighteen months since the infamous massive bailouts with no relief to the average citizen, retailers or the small businesses, crucial for the economic recovery. The economy deprived of the consumer spending flow because of the financial institutions’ stringent policy to hoard the taxpayers’ funds received in the form of bailouts at zero percent or nominal interest rate. Instead the taxpayer bailout is unabashedly used for extravagant bonuses to the architects of the financial calamity.
Although, the Obama administration recently capped the finance charges and interest rates on credit card borrowings to ease the extraordinary burden on average citizens, the industry leapfrogged Congress with discretionary interest rates not limited to atrocious 29.9% APR and threatening to increase further on default payments.
Another proactive measure by the banks in an effort to window dressing the balance sheet was minimizing risk exposure related to credit card and consumer lending. The industry defiantly targets the vulnerable groups like students, homeowners and the lower to median income consumers with abrupt cancellation of accounts in good standing.
The irony is noteworthy. It’s considered perfectly normal if the finance industry absconded their responsibility to the American taxpayers/creditors not barring any accountability to the oversight committee regarding the bailout investments. However, the then taxpayers/creditors as consumers/borrowers now subject to scrutiny and unprecedented means by the same financial institutions holding the mantle to lending and borrowing.
While the myriad of finance industry borrowed taxpayer funds at zero or negligible interest rate, the sector in return either withholding financing in most cases or lending at an exorbitant rate to the consumers who are also the creditors.
In the housing market, the situation synchronizes with the other lending areas such as credit card, personal loans etc. The reason for the agonizing slump in the real estate across the nation squarely falls back on the commercial banks reluctant to unleash the cash flow to qualified first homebuyers and responsible mortgagees/homeowners unable to purchase or refinance their homes. The stranglehold on consumer borrowing precipitates the foreclosures notwithstanding the vertical decline in home sales and values.
Again, the White House initiatives to restrain foreclosures and assist primary residence owners through TARP fund allocation need evaluation as the financial institutions are focused on ‘business as usual’ and not measuring up to the rigorous standard that exists for average consumers while the bailed out financial industry borrowers exempt from it.
The status quo is inadequate and compromises the high value homes in the government pursuit to rescue the conforming loans, i.e. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac toxic assets. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, is a private company backed by government funds.
Not surprisingly, the illicit practice permeated to the commercial real estate affecting the prospects in that segment.
Home equity, the major and sometimes the only asset for overwhelming majority being inaccessible along with the spiraling health care and insurance costs for families, the overall economic impact is enormous forcing many to bankruptcy accelerated by the escalating unemployment rate.
Did the bailout beneficiaries show any evidence to qualify for funding?
Supposedly not, then why should they be allowed to run the economy into muck and handsomely rewarded with taxpayer bailout for the colossal failure in financial history?
Where are the taxpayer funds invested and why are they not held accountable thus far?
Is the financial market granted constitutional immunity?
And if not,
What is holding the legislators from intervening on behalf of the electorate to probe the public affairs maintained as private matter by the industry?
Meanwhile, the investment group, Goldman Sachs implicated for alleged insider information to high value investors through trade specialists deserve proper investigation and due process. The SEC regulations must apply to all without exception in absolute transparency.
With the holiday season approaching, the consumer spending is vital to expedite the stagnant economic growth. As stated above, the positive development in housing and job market intertwined with the investment pace, only possible through private sector faithful participation in lending and reactivating the economy.
Unless and until the finance sector across the board, the commercial, investment and insurance industries get their act together and relinquish the ‘subprime’ syndrome, the sagging economy will continue and eventually consume the source, the financial groups.
The financial sector is obligatory to the taxpayers as creditors and borrowers particularly with respect to the disproportionate bailouts.
Finally, with no further procrastination on the financial markets audit, it’s imperative for the Congress appointed oversight to obtain legitimate explanation on investments and lending abstinence. Any dissatisfactory response and non-cooperation by the industry must be pursued with mandatory judicial protocol.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Nation Bids Farewell to the Hon. Senator Edward M. Kennedy
August 29, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The moment has arrived for the nation to acknowledge the final departure of their tireless and long serving representative, Senator Ted Kennedy, the youngest son of America’s beloved family.
Senator Kennedy, the brave survivor of many family tragedies was a true warrior in various aspects. The Senator zealously battled for the large segments of the society on significant issues and health care was the top priority among them. Senator Kennedy delivered the health care speech with sincere emotion and great concern for the neglected groups in our society.
Ted Kennedy was not prepared to settle for anything less than universal health coverage and clarified the urgency with authority and conviction. The Senator, as a veteran legislator was all too familiar with the opposition and the politics behind the ‘health care’ reform and anxiously looked forward to realizing his lifetime dream into eventuality. Therefore, it’s a test of the time for his colleagues on both sides of the aisle eulogizing the departed leader’s dynamic role in legislative history to legitimize their words into action in the matter that was appropriately the Kennedy ‘brainchild.’
In other historic issues, Senator Kennedy’s valiant declaration to endorse the candidacy of the then Senator Barack Obama led to the successful nomination and election of the President Barack Obama as the first African American breaking the long held tradition to the office of Presidency.
It’s poignant to specify that Senator Ted Kennedy had many aspirations and desires for his fellow citizens and strived to accomplish them ranging from civil rights to equal wages and opportunities for all in every possible social and economic front. Once again, despite the current political atmosphere pervasive of a legion across the party lines to represent the powerful and influential in the society.
Another phenomenal trend set by the audacious Senator was to join the minority legislators and party members in his opposition to invade a nation, Iraq based on hypothesis and concocted theories validates the experience, foresight and diligence, rare qualities in contemporary politics.
Life presents choices and decisions are consequential, sometimes with a reversible or irreversible state. Senator Ted Kennedy demonstrated repeatedly by seeking the arduous journey in legislative affairs that it’s easier to default on the promise to the constituents electing public officials to power to do the right for them but rather challenging to live up to the trust and expectations of the republic.
Ted Kennedy portrayed the latter with poise and passion.
Considering the long career span of Senator Ted Kennedy, it’s a daunting task to summarize the portfolio sparsely without compromising the achievements in the several hard fought legislative issues.
The nation comes together to bid farewell to the bastion of peace, freedom and equal rights for all Americans – natives, naturalized and others on American soil.
As we celebrate the life of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, his legacy must continue beyond the horizon of hopes in the American politics.
So long, Senator – May your soul rest in eternal peace.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Remembering the Service of the Honorable. Senator Edward M. Kennedy
August 27, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The passing away of Senator Edward Kennedy, one of the longest serving public officials in the United States Senate has created a vacuum in the battlefield for humanitarian cause. Senator Kennedy’s representation on many issues remembered nationwide. Among them, the Senator’s relentless effort to bring equality and justice to the poor and underprivileged in the hallmark healthcare, education and immigration was commendable. There is more reason to pass the public option health care reform as a tribute to the deceased Senator.
Senator Kennedy fought for millions in not only his constituency but also the entire nation with passion and power. The Senator extended his service beyond shorelines in ways to resolve the international conflict such as the Northern Ireland peace process. Senator Kennedy was committed and dedicated in helping citizens of stars and stripes achieve their American dream.
The national recognition of Senator Kennedy as ‘The Lion of the Senate’ personified in the Senator’s role in every legislative matter of great value and importance to all people regardless of socio-economic status.
Senator Ted Kennedy lived up to the reputation of the Kennedy legacy in national service. As a true patriot, the Senator deeply cared and carried out the legislative duties and responsibilities diligently and frequently in a bipartisan manner, a monumental achievement in contemporary politics.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy will be truly missed by the nation, while his service commemorated now and in the future as the member of the iconic Kennedy family and the esteemed United States Senate.
No words can possibly heal the moment of sorrow except time.
Time is the best healer and trusting in the brighter tomorrow ease the pain experienced during the natural events in life.
I convey my heartfelt condolences to the Kennedy family, friends and the entire nation.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. Due to technical difficulty at the personal end, the delay occurred in posting the message earlier on. Please accept my apologies for the time lapse.
Afghanistan War and Election
August 21, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The nation ravaged with decades of wars, terrorism, militant rule and occupation goes to the polls to exercise the basic human right, a privilege in this part of the world , while taken for granted in the U.S.of A as reflected in the health care battle.
Afghanistan known for the ruggedness and terrains with the Khyber Pass enabling invaders to move across the foreign territories in a manner as the ‘no-man’s land’ ignoring the inhabitants scattered around the vast mountainous regions.
Afghan demography is complex and beyond the grasp of understanding for Western powers and even its Central Asian neighbors. The Imperial powers from the British, Russian and now the American & NATO forces have struggled to enforce any form of stability, political or otherwise.
The tribal laws conforming to the medieval times view the progress desired by the mainstream population from the rural to the urban areas, a threat to the ancient culture and the tribal archaic ascribed to the Western influence through occupations.
Further, the abandonment of the Afghan nation by the Western forces after brutal Soviet decimation solidified the anti-trust against the Western power. Unfortunately, the desolate population then sought the support of the groups earlier recognized as the mujahedeen (combatants against struggle) trained by the CIA and fostered by the Reagan administration core foreign policy titled Reagan doctrine to challenge the Soviet rule.
Ironically, the trade tricks related to weaponry and military retaliation imparted by the sophisticated U.S. armed forces in the late 1970’s to combat Soviet presence tactfully demonstrated in the on-going war on terror between the Taliban insurgents and the U.S & NATO alliance.
Mujahedeen were nurtured through the neighbor Pakistani ISI and military aid essentially representing various multinational forces like the United States CIA, Saudi Arabia, People’s Republic of China, several Western European countries and the military regimes in Pakistan.
When the U.S. departure followed the end of Soviet occupation, the country engaged in a civil war in the late 1980’s forcing the orphans of the Mujahedeen evolve into today’s menace the Talibans. The outcome – the tiny lizard morphed into a tyrannosaurus…wreaking havoc in the Islamic Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan apart from becoming the terrorists’ haven for the terror organization Al-Qaeda and the world’s most wanted Osama Bin Laden.
Now when democracy appears to work its way through, the country riddled with bureaucracy, corruption and the ever-lucrative production of poppy fields.
What could the people of Afghanistan possibly live for and aspire in the twenty first century?
After prolonged tyranny and drudgery, the people are tired and worn out from the perpetual cycle of violence that has paralyzed progress leaving the nation behind in stone age, when the rest of the world zoomed past them reminding that Afghanistan frozen in time.
The Afghani people as part of the human race seek simple life. A life guaranteed with freedom, human rights allowing every human being to live with respect, honor and dignity. Above all, the people of Afghanistan deserve peace like their fellow citizens in Palestine, Africa and other war torn regions of the world. Women as victims of extreme hostility and abuse imploring for their release from the ideological shackles and inhumane practices shockingly happening in both the developed as well as the ‘backwaters’ of the nation.
Children, the future of any country and the world dream of normal existence such as attending schools for both girls and boys, raised by their parents and the family unit if they are lucky to survive the Western aerial bombardments via drones and the Taliban insurgency. These innocent souls, even in that environment of despair and hopelessness don’t forget to smile or pose…momentarily floating in their fantasy to be the center of the universe for the international press and media.
When they grow up, the men have the options to either become a terror network recruit or hired by the tribal warlords to toil in the poppy fields contributing to the flourishing narcotic industry. The alternative for young women is to become the obedient slave in the male chauvinistic society regardless of the Western backed and financed political leaderships in Kabul.
It’s relevant to analyze the objective and achievements by the U.S. led war against terror mission in this region. After consuming millions of Afghani lives as well as American/NATO casualties and billions of American taxpayer dollars the status quo is –
There is no information on Osama Bin Laden, Talibanization of Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan leading to Pakistani military action in Waziristan and the Swat Valley, fragmented Al-Qaeda temporarily relocating to Somalia while controlling operation in Pakistan.
In terms of the U.S. national security, the war in Afghanistan claimed to be justified.
How long is the war in Afghanistan long enough for the U.S. and allied forces?
Has continued U.S. aggression eliminated terror forces from the region?
One might argue that there have been no attacks against U.S. interests since 9/11 as a result of the continuous drone and ground attacks in Afghanistan. It could serve as a legitimate argument,
However, the fact of the matter is the terrorists believe that they gain nothing from repeating September 11 attacks. The motive behind September 11 was to inflict economic chaos and constrict the once booming U.S. economy, which the terror network accomplished with the catastrophic terrorist activity. The economic turmoil further exacerbated with the previous administrations’ Machiavellian Iraq adventure exceeding Al-Qaeda’s expectations to reign in on the U.S. economic progress.
Instead, Al-Qaeda diverted its attention to Iraq’s battleground with their insurgencies to prolong the Iraqi conflict in their aim to continue draining the U.S. treasury.
Meanwhile, the re-emergence of the Taliban in Afghanistan issuing death warrants to the electorate and forbidding them from going to the voting booths confirm the insurgents’ defiance against the U.S. and NATO forces. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda’s primary goal is to re-establish their Sharia law governance and headquarters in Afghanistan. They will fight fiercely until the Western power exhausted of the never-ending guerilla warfare that the West proven weaker at… for e.g. Vietnam, Iraq and in Afghanistan.
The Drones might be successful in reducing the U.S and NATO casualties and seemingly achieving their targets, but the major problem of the entire warfare strategy lies in the massive civilian loss of lives from this operation. Although, the Taliban insurgents counteracting the Western drone attacks by blending in with the civilians in the remote and rural regions, the Afghani government and the people view the incidents as Western negligence given the past track record and remarks by the ex-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the civilian deaths in Kabul in 2001 – “collateral damages in war.”
No populace would like the eternal presence of foreign troops on their soil, whether it’s Afghanistan or Iraq, irrespective of the occupiers’ mission. The hypocrisy is conspicuous when the U.S. conservative agenda vehemently opposes the ‘illegal’ immigrants represented by the unarmed civilians and in the same breath relentlessly supports the ‘illegal military invasion and occupation’ of foreign lands whether it is Iraq or Afghanistan.
How does the U.S and NATO make progress in the rocky Afghanistan?
First, eliminating the arsenal and arms supply to the insurgents would considerably debilitate the militants’ strength. Detecting the providers and enforcing severe international arms control would substantially relieve the U.S. and NATO command from any additional troops requirement. Similar techniques in Iraq would reduce the internal violence over there.
The immediate implementation of such methods would not only protect immense lives from all sides but also greatly help the U.S. economy from the war spending and investing in the life saving “National health care with public option.”
Second, allocating a major segment of the military operation towards nation building like infrastructure, schools and hospitals rather than held responsible for national chaos and killings. This would easily win the hearts and minds of the local population.
Last but not the least, paving way for job creations in both agricultural and industrial sector would gradually lead to the emancipation of the society. Afghanistan believed to be thriving in poppy plants yielding Opium. Likewise, Afghanistan has other valuable cash crops with vast potential to become a leading exporter of dry fruits and nuts, other than woolen products – clothing, shawls, carpets, rugs and silver, mineral ore etc.
Therefore, substituting Opium with healthy life sustenance crops like wheat, nuts, dry fruits and setting up woolen mills and carpet manufacturing guaranteed to revive hope and change that is long overdue in this nation.
The United States, European countries as well as developing nations like India and others should collectively promote the Afghanistan economy by easing the trade tariffs and quotas for these products and facilitate the trade flow from this long battered nation.
With respect to the political system – Unless and until the substantial corruption, bureaucracy and nepotism restrained if not eradicated from the political structure, no western power can succeed in the democratization of this demographically estranged society.
The incumbent administration under President Hamid Karzai, survivor of several assassination plots and attempts by the alleged Pakistani ISI supported Talibans up until early this year, has disappointed the international community on a range of issues.
President Karzai’s inability and lack of interest in housekeeping specifically the Opium production, minimizing government bureaucracy leading to corruptions, alleviating the nation’s poverty and devising any effective plan for job creations and economic growth has undermined regional advancement given the tribal control of the remaining areas.
Moreover, the Karzai government’s endorsement of social injustice towards women slighting women’s rights in the marital relationship is a matter of deep concern and violates the democratic norm in a society represented by the Western sponsored leadership.
According to various news reports, the voter turnout was relatively low as a result of the Taliban’s stern warnings to harm the electorate.
In light of the above perspective, Afghanistan would be better off with a coalition government of the three contenders – President Hamid Karzai, DR. Abdullah Abdullah and DR. Ashraf Ghani exchanging ideas, sharing intellect and experience in a concerted effort to move the war torn nation forward to the twenty first century. In addition, the fractured society would benefit from the collective talent and experience of the consolidated government, besides maintaining checks and balances on activities hindering the democratic functions.
On that note, Best Wishes offered to the new government in Afghanistan with peace, progress and prosperity in the immediate future.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
National Health Care Forum with President Obama
August 20, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Despite grueling experiences and horrifying facts from millions of people across the nation, the health care debate bogged down by distortions, lies and deceptive tactics from the representatives of anti-national progress.
Please join President Barack Obama and rescue our nation from the partisan politics and demagoguery that dominates every legislation for national interest.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Reference: San Jose Mercury News, Thursday, August 20, 2009 – Thank you.
Readers’ Letters:
Government Option Needed:
Friday, my son underwent a five-hour surgery to reconstruct his cheekbone after a brutal, unprovoked attack two weeks prior. He has insurance through his university that ends mid-September with no option for COBRA extension. It is the policy of every private insurance company in California to deny coverage for six months following any surgery.
Our son will not have any option to purchase health insurance at any price for five months. He will be in the words of an industry representative, “on his own.”
Most of the anger in today’s health debate seems to result from conjectures about the future based on fear. My anger results from conclusions about the present based on fact.
As a minimum, we need a government option to today’s system.
Tom Martin
Padmini —
Thanks again for signing up to be a part of the OFA National Health Care Forum with President Obama.
The event is today (Thursday, August 20th) at 2:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. CT/12:30 p.m. MT/11:30 a.m. PT.
You can watch the forum live at:
This is an incredible opportunity to huddle with the President and discuss how we’re going to pass real health insurance reform this year. Glad you can make it.
Talk to you very soon,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
P.S. — We need to make sure as many supporters as possible know about this event. Can you spread the word on Facebook or Twitter, or by forwarding this email?
Health Care Resolution – Clarification
August 17, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Ever since the health care debate started, the main objective among the visible opponents has been to fictionalize the various contents of the bill. The health care bill principles – costs, quality and affordability extensively discussed per blogpost ‘Health Care Reform’ July 11, 2009 on this website.
Several testimonials by citizens from all walks of life through various mediums confirmed the urgency for health care reform. The partisan politics continues to disparage the millions of people deprived of proper health care during the public discourse.
A sensitive national matter turned into a controversial subject by the special interests’ agents. The health care bill described as voluminous, inadequate and far-fetched in reference to the government plan or public option. On the other hand, the noise amazingly disappeared with the White House statement on the possible elimination of the government plan from the competition.
Hence, the overview of the health care funding and the actual role of government plan in the health care legislation vital for true perspective.
How is the government health care funded?
The health care funded through three main categories –
First, by reducing wasteful spending and redundant costs prevalent in the ‘all private run’ system at the moment, a liability transferred on to the Corporations providing insurance, small businesses and individual insurance subscribers by the Health Insurance industry.
Trimmings guaranteed to generate the required savings to a tune of $300-$450 billion, the major portion of it stemming from out-of-court settlements in health care lawsuits, rising costs in malpractice insurance, neglecting preventive care, excessive intervention by the insurance companies with pre-authorization and final authorizations…contributing to a chaotic structure of the huge public system.
Next, streamlining the Health Care industry’s disproportionate costs across the wide spectrum of health care services to fund the program. It’s essential to emphasize that no one is against profit in either private run or hybrid systems. However, profit set to bankrupt the economy and the consumers in the form of businesses and individuals is equivalent to driving blindfolded on a one-way street with a dead end.
Unless and until the health care industry profit margin is reasonable, even the Health Insurance industry objectionable to the government involvement cannot sustain the escalating costs factored with exorbitant mark-ups by the health care complex.
The common problem for both private health insurance and the government plan is the costs incurred in the health care provision – health care professional fees, hospital admissions, treatment, drugs and ancillary services.
In order to keep up with the ever increasing health care industry costs, the health insurance competes with the counterpart by selling unaffordable insurance resulting in the estimated fifty million uninsured as well as cutting corners by denying adequate and quality coverage to the remaining dissatisfied insured population. Even though, the propaganda negates the fact claiming the satisfied insured population at 80%.
The health care and health insurance might appear to be in cohort when they really are at odds against each other in the excessive profit oriented scheme. There has been a rebuttal on this ‘profit’ issue by the health care spokespersons, some even resorting to name-callings as the line of defense.
An elaborate explanation was provided via Op-ed, Washington Post, July 2009-
How the reigning in on profit in a free market system would drive the economy to pitfalls.
What was not included in the explanation is the attempt to derive limitless profit at the expense of a vast majority in a sector that would naturally enable the expected returns given the volume based health industry. Similar to the energy sector surviving and thriving in any economy.
Another example for that matter, the world’s manufacturing warehouse, China ending in trade surplus with the rock bottom price due to worldwide mass production.
Regardless of the government plan, the health insurance industry cannot keep its promise to the changes required in the system without the cooperation from the health care industry. In a way, the government plan would ease the burden on the health insurance industry by negotiating with the health care industry via legislation. So, instead of viewing the government or the public option as an obstacle, the health insurance should envisage positive outcome from the hybrid system.
Third, tax increases on the taxpayers with extraordinary income configured in the earlier bill by the House of Congress to supplement health care funding is the prudent path to economic recovery that is excoriating the national revenue from other sectors. It could very well be a short-term pain evolving into long-term healing process.
The emotional outbursts with claims “I want to take my America back from Obama” revolves around the fear and commotion created by the veterans of smear tactics and the infamous ‘swift boat’ campaigners emerging during national elections, illegal wars and all things against national progress.
Ironically, the skepticism and cynicism about public option or a robust government plan for the benefit of the national economy and health in the near future overshadow the crisis in the present health care system.
One might call it a potent weapon by the opponents of the national interests suppressing the anomalies of the exclusive private run enterprise that is proven catastrophic to the overall economy and the general population.
Thus far, in all the town hall meetings organized to address the ‘legitimate’ concerns and queries from the victims of the present health care conglomerate watered down with the negatively charged combative remarks, cleverly pushing the pro-reform legislators on the defense.
Did the opponents gain from the anti-national movement?
Maybe for the time being but only soon to realize that such back alley ambush has its own ramifications that should not be underestimated.
As stated earlier, it’s about time the medical industrial complex and their representatives in the Senate and the House against the public option or the government plan get off the offense and provide believable answers to the simple yet direct questions:
The contentious issue in the health care legislation is the government plan or the public option.
Considering that, the contemporary health care system is exclusively private run with the exception of Medicare and Medicaid,
1. Why is the nation left behind with a staggering fifty million population uninsured, if the free market has enough competitors to lower the price?
The correct response: It’s because there is no real or a formidable challenger up to the task of dealing with the monopoly in the system and the non-profit cooperatives will be a fly that would be swatted down by the big players even before it begins to buzz around.
2. Why are the insured population forced to reach out to overseas health care facilities, under the apparently fabulous health care system certified by the ‘special interests rewarded’ representatives in the Senate and the House?
Quote – Wall Street Journal – Extensive 2008 editorial and articles – “South Asia, a popular destination for American patients awaiting transplants and various treatment care involving hospitalizations.”
Response: Health care industry’s phenomenal profit driven costs is triggering the health insurance industry to subsidize quality and appropriate treatment necessary but flatly denied to the ailing population. Further, the pre-authorization and final authorization protocols from the private health insurers applicable on healthy and pre-disposed health patients arising from the lack of trust by the insurance industry against the health care industry cause the exodus of the suffering population to foreign locations, not to mention the loss of income to the state and the national economy.
3. Why is the infant mortality and uninsured dependents in the lower income families, elderly care in terms of drug costs to name a few issues, so high under the ‘supposedly’ caring and affordable health care system?
Response: The health insurance and the health care industry policy designed for the healthy and the wealthy minority, rather than the underprivileged and the unfortunate majority.
4. The assertion that government plan dependent upon costs reduction from the health care industry only to be evaded by the health care providers held against the public option entry.
On similar assumption, What is the insurance industry proposal to alleviate the costs to make it affordable for all Americans?
Is the health insurance industry more influential over the health care providers?
In that case, what are they waiting for and why can’t they demonstrate their ability to improve the conditions now, i.e. (if they recognize that there is a systemic problem) to include all in the present system that would benefit the stagnant economy as well.
Alternatively, Does the health insurance possess a unique charm that would mesmerize the health care proponents to agree with the Insurance Industry demands?
One would assume that if it works for one, why it shouldn’t work for another.
Response: Both health care and health insurance industry common goal is to appease their shareholders with handsome returns and will stretch any limits with the consumer as the sacrificial lamb in the expansive, unmitigated health care arena.
5. The Congressmen and Women not in favor of public option, but probably supportive of non-profit cooperative system, is obligatory to their constituents and the entire nation to come forward in a town hall meeting or comparable setting,
To lay out their presumably efficient ‘free market’ operation predicted to create a utopian environment apart from setting precedence for other industrialized nations with hybrid health care systems.
Considering the unanimous consensus that the health care system due for modifications,
It would be fair and justified to call on the health care, the health insurance industry and their representatives in Congress responsible for the stalemate to present the facts and figures to the American consumers and taxpayers in their pledge to clean up the mess in the national health care.
In this context, the activism from the health care professionals seemingly frustrated with the insurance industry dictating terms and conditions in patient care disappointingly missing in action.
The other issue raised by the industry and their agents is – Why is the health care reform a priority and what is the need to rush on the issue?
Response: The economy and the plight of the suffering population speak volume in this regard. Failure to resuscitate the ailing heart would lead to fatality, evidenced in the victims’ real experiences.
In a nutshell, the nation has had enough with the shenanigans from the opponents of the national health care reform who have neither any treatment nor cure to the national epidemic called the health care that is aptly the health nightmare for the sane majority.
To reiterate, Health care is not a privilege or an entitlement but a necessity for survival.
Therefore, targeting higher profit against the market reality directly affecting the economy is not a smart business strategy, besides being beyond the realm of ethics and economics.
The proof of the pudding is in the status quo.
If the industries and their agents cannot resolve the matter effectively through cooperation, the obstinacy reflects the national decimation policy.
Finally, Health care reform is meaningless without government plan or public option.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Health Care Resolution
August 16, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Health Care reform without public option is maintaining the status quo.
All those Americans who consider themselves in the human category, with deep love and compassion for themselves and their loved ones must rise against the ‘opposition’ tidal wave and stop this shenanigan now.
This will be just the beginning for the special interests and the political opponents to reign in on the national progress and achieve their dubious plan to continue with the profiteering racket at the expense of all those they consider weak and vulnerable.
America cannot give up on this unique opportunity to do what is right for the millions of people anxiously hoping for their release from the shackles of the Insurance and health care industry that has always prioritized profits over the health of the people.
It’s time to challenge the Health Insurance, Health care industry and their paid agents as this battle has taken an ugly turn for the worst outcome only allowing the partisan politics and demagoguery to prevail against national progress.
More details on the way with questions directed at the mighty industry and their political representatives responsible for the unacceptable showdown in every town hall meeting that simply reflects the anti-American cause smothered in ignorance and recalcitrant behavior.
Please stand by for further presentation shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
Padmini Arhant
People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon
August 13, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Profile – The world’s most populous nation, hailed the emerging economic power presumably in control of the U.S. Treasury and the EU Exchequer, world’s third largest country by total area and the second largest by … ranges forming China’s borders with India and Central Asia.
As the longest thriving Communist power, the totalitarian government embraced Capitalism parallel to its political setting with absolute control on policies directly contradictory to the free market system in the rest of the world.
Politically a Communist and economically a Capitalist nation, China is also a venerable member of the United Nations Security Council for reasons unfitting during the most important U.N. Structural formation post World War II. This has resulted in the excessive use of veto power by the authoritarian rule against all things humane and universally beneficial.
The Communist nation denounced as the fascist government in the new millennium by its enormous population, oppressed, repressed and deprived of basic human rights particularly the freedom of speech and the ominous communication censorship.
Tiananmen Square killings is a stark reminder to the global community that when a nation do not hesitate to murder scores of its unarmed civilians in worldview, it can never be taken for granted in the safe treatment of its neighbors. Case evidenced in the invasion and butchering of innocent Tibetan monks, men, women and children and the interference in neighboring Nepal’s politics by thrusting ‘Communism,’ on the entire ‘Hindu’ population unfamiliar with the concept until China’s arrival.
Just recently, the twentieth anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre observed solemnly and cautiously not on Chinese soil but elsewhere in an effort not to rock the ‘tug boat’ upheld as the Titanic due to the illusionary overcast in the perception among the world operatives.
The world must pay attention and act swiftly on the dragon nation’s role in the geo-political, economic, social, cultural and environmental issues.
In the economic front, the Communist regime gained advantage in the latter part of the twentieth century predominantly because of the pervasive economic boom in the United States and across the world with a sharp escalation in demands on a wide spectrum of consumer goods.
China wasted no time and seized the opportunity to strengthen the supplier status as the world’s largest ‘manufacturing warehouse’ sparing no consumer articles. In addition, China single handedly wiped out the prospects of any viable competition in the global economy with the ‘bargain’ deals as a tool… in attracting big and small manufacturers around the world.
Most businesses neglected their own workforce for the Communist governed rigid market. While others ignored poor and developing nations despite, their flexibility to the free market factors.
The surge in demands during the nineties from the U.S. and global prosperity prompted the secretive and secluded Chinese political system to break away from the economic protectionism and adopt a customized capitalism within the confines of Communism.
It’s essential to note the ironies in the treatment of Communist countries by the Western governments, i.e. the United States and Europe.
The ideal example is the Latin neighbor across the Caribbean, a long time foe of the United States, the ‘Communist’ Cuba that led to the nerve racking Cuban Missile Crisis, shortly halting the world on the possible confrontation between the nuclear Super Powers, the United States and the former Soviet Union.
Cuba has been isolated for decades and now there appears to be a glimpse of hope in the relationship between the United States and the Cuban authority, attributable to President Obama’s diplomacy message. The economic sanctions and travel restrictions (recently eased by President Obama) against Cuba on the charges of human rights violation and non-democratic power only punished the long-suffering Cuban population rather than achieving the intended goal to remove the ‘Communist’ power.
On the Contrary, the Communist China with no respect for international or humanitarian law crowned the world leader and perpetually granted MFN (Most Favored Nation) status along with premium membership in WTO (World Trade Organization)…
Such rewards speak volume about the hypocrisy in the Western foreign policy, not to mention the lack of courage in clipping the wings of the scavenger bird…inadvertently allowing the Communist nation’s dominance in the world economy and political sphere to the detriment of regional and global peace and security.
Why should the global population awaken to the Communist China’s Supremacy?
Apart from history related to foot binding and gleefully dispensing lives to build the landmark -‘Great Wall of China.’ the Chinese regime’s atrocities and recalcitrant conduct in dealing with the free market investors and entrepreneurs deserve scrutiny.
As stated above, China has artfully manipulated their currency to weaken the U.S. dollar and the investment in U.S. Treasury Notes is an insurance to bind the United States financially making it symbolic with the free and democratic USA indebted to a repressive Chinese regime. The scenario enabling the unruly government to relentlessly engage in arms supply to the impoverished regions of the world such as Darfur, Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and others.
Chinese aggressive takeover of the mass production of consumer goods has killed NAFTA, CAFTA… and responsible for countries like Mexico embroiled in war against the Drug Cartels emerging from poverty, despair and hopelessness, notwithstanding the other poorest nations unable to compete with China in winning the favorable trading status or luring manufacturing investments in their respective countries. Simply put, the Chinese over-indulgence negated chances for poorer nations in exporting goods to the consumer buoyant U.S. market.
With respect to trade and commerce, China’s latest ban on world-renowned ‘Google’ search engine on the bizarre pretext of protecting its population from pornography is an ill-conceived hogwash with nothing to rest on. Likewise, in the software saga – the mandatory requirement for all PC’s to contain built-in software in compliance with the regime’s prohibition of the free expression in the modern technological age is the direct imposition of Communist rule of law – “My way or High Way.”
Further, China is unique in the intellectual property warfare by leading the amateurs in the piracy, forging the patent right and the copyright of products and services especially with the ones manufactured in the USA.
Again, if it’s rampant in the publishing field, it’s potent in the music industry with the downloading of music and DVDs, endless supply of unauthorized imitations/copies of Hollywood movies prior to the legal distribution in the world market…
China’s monopoly in the cyberspace by preventing free market competition in accessing the expansive market share of the Chinese users aptly qualifies for the ‘big bully’ title.
It’s unwillingness to cooperate with France on the recommendation to hold overseas Corporations accountable for tax evasion through tax havens is a testimony to the regime’s lack of integrity.
International Sports like Beijing Olympics – China’s strategy to stomp USA by any means – hook or crook duly reported in the accidental slip of the Chinese on-line media and the vigilant international press. It has a specific reference to the cruel detainment of young Chinese athletes trained for ‘Gymnastics’ in the extreme and strenuous conditions against the International Olympic guidelines safeguarding the athletes’ interests.
In the scientific arena, the organ extortion for transplants and experiment turned a blind eye by the Communist authority, otherwise a stickler for rules and regulations enforced against normal existence.
Social Protocol – China’s population control measure involving one child policy triggered infanticide and alarming number of orphans especially female children in the appalling orphanages pleading the authorities to care for them.
Weapons of Mass Destruction – Easily delivered through food and various consumer products as experienced in the toxic toothpaste and lead based children’s toys, not excluding the leaking battery cells in laptop computers causing explosion in some incidents – from items manufactured in China.
Environment is oxymoron to the world’s largest polluter investing in gusto on fossil fuel from Australia and refusing to commit to greenhouse gas reduction by limiting carbon emission.
Similarly, an utter disregard for life in general, human trafficking is a normal activity and a huge lucrative trade carried out in a smooth operation with the knowledge of the regime within, along the borders and outside China by the undesirable elements normally serving time in prison in the lawful regions.
China’s footprints are traceable in almost every civil war and ethnic cleansing across the globe, being the voracious supplier of deadly and dangerous weapons. The military industrial complex thrives with the active purveyor like China.
China is guilty of genocide in Darfur, Sri Lankan ethnic cleansing, and most poignantly invasion, occupation and systemic violation of the peaceful and pious Tibetan population and culture.
Chinese Communist regime is the avant- guard and a substantial aid to militant North Korea, Burma, Sudan, Iran to name a few. It doesn’t fall behind in being a staunch ally to Pakistan in instigating and stirring tension with its nuclear neighbor India.
China’s role in the U.N. Security Council thus far is, remaining a vehement opponent of effective action against North Korea, Burma, Iran and dictatorships around the world.
What is the deadly dragon up to now in the region?
China’s insatiable appetite revealed in the most shocking and astonishing developments that would engulf the entire world if not intervened immediately.
The Chinese Communist regime invaded and destroyed the tranquility of the rich Tibetan culture and the peace loving Tibetan Buddhists, followed by the successful influence of ‘Communism’ on the ‘Hindu’ nation, Nepal. All of this happened on the international watch.
At present, the regime is in full preparation to take the world by storm with the aggressive invasion of the world’s largest democracy and the unfortunate closest neighbor, India.
Yes, you heard it right.
China has been active and infiltrating into the north and north eastern borders of India for quite some time and now the emboldened regime with the political and economic clout considers the moment ripe to devour the democratic, secular and nuclear India.
The Communist regime has mobilized the vast army through bullet trains and high speed transportations and solidly planning to surround the Indian borders on all sides. It’s just a matter of time.
Lately, the Chinese Think Tank, China International Institute for Strategic Studies (WWW.CIISS.ORG) masterminded a plan for the authoritarian rule and made the following proposal.
According to the plan, the regime advised to split India into 30 segments as India has 28 states and 7 union territories. Chinese regime asked to approach the vulnerable small and big nations such as Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan in the North and Bangladesh in the North East to assist in disintegrating India like Europe and the former Soviet Union.
The plan is to divide India on ethnic and religious diversity by having each neighbor assigned with a specific task aided by the totalitarian China.
The think tank detailed the devious operation beginning from North India, Kashmir aptly assigned to nuclear Pakistan, West Bengal in the eastern border to Bangladesh because of similar ethnicity, create separatist movement in Tamil Nadu, Southern India and force India to concede to the fragmentation of itself.
China’s behavior doesn’t come as a surprise. China betrayed India soon after the long fought independence from the British Empire. China ambushed India in the most cowardly manner.
The Western-educated and political savvy, First Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru extended India’s friendship hand only to be bitten harshly by the Communist leadership in China, Zhou Enlai also known as Chou En-lai and the prominent Mao Zedong.
What should India do to thwart the aggression from the predator China?
Firstly, India must launch an aggressive campaign educating and addressing the rural and disenchanted mass in the local languages and dialects about China’s dubious plan. The Congress government and party must simultaneously resolve the pressing issues of the local population to build the necessary confidence and trust towards the government and the agencies.
India’s rescue from the monster attack depends on every citizen regardless of background, standing up to unite the nation and promote solidarity by rejecting the Chinese orchestrated propaganda targeting the weak and the gullible populace.
It’s truly a testing time for every Indian to display their patriotism and reach out to those who are confused and disoriented about the great future of the world’s largest democracy.
Remember the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi’s words – No matter what, India is a secular nation and will remain so now and in the future. It is the duty of the brave and smart citizens of India to demonstrate resolve against the foreign infiltration, and keep India unified at all costs.
Remind your fellow Indian citizens that irrespective of race, religion, skin color and socio-economic status, they are children of God. Everyone must come together as a national force and not a regional threat against one another falling into the enemy’s booby trap.
Bollywood could play a significant role through documentary or commercial films on the national unity theme. Don’t fail to include the footage of Tiananmen Square and present the realities of split Europe then and the unified Europe now through European Union. Also, provide the horrible images of the persecution of Tibetans, in the Tibet occupied by China and the plight of the ethnic Muslim population in the Chinese province.
Message for the regional neighbors – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan:
The message replicated for the governments and the people of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal not to commit the blunder of aiding and abetting with the Communist regime in China that disregarded and disinherited its own people in the past and present. In fact, it would be foolhardy for the neighbors to set fire to the common habitat.
The government and the people of Bangladesh should not believe in the Communist rumors against Indian regional politics and refrain from becoming part of the political quagmire in the region.
Relevantly, Bangladesh will not be a free nation today, if not for the sacrifice of the Indian blood in the 1971 war against Pakistan to liberate the formerly known East Pakistan, that later became Bangladesh.
As for Bhutan and Nepal, heeding to the advice of the brutal Chinese regime to stir tensions or an uprising against India will be a political suicide and sure to backfire sooner than later resembling the fate of oppressed Tibet by China.
Pakistan as a mature nation should well understand that every action has equal and opposite reaction. The Communist China might project India as the vitriolic rival; however, the Chinese authority’s regional ambition should not be underestimated.
Any assistance by Pakistan to China in destabilizing India would be analogous to the naïve adolescent riding on the crocodile/alligator’s back to get across the river banks, only to become the scrumptious feast for the ever hungry marsh land creature.
The people of Indian Kashmir experiencing the freedom, peace, political and economic stability on the Indian side should not fall for misguided tales and lies through agents of the Chinese regime. Kashmiris should take a hard look at the Pakistan riddled with the militants occupation, terrorist camps and eternal chaos of suicide bombings, explosions contributing widespread fear among the Pakistani population about their security and future…
People of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal acknowledged for their sharp intellect should unanimously shun the foreign sources hired to sabotage the Indian national interest and stay committed towards the national defense.
Warning to the mighty and presumptuous People’s Republic of China that has neither represented the people nor demonstrated as the republic:
Based on the adequately available evidence, the Chinese troops mobilization along the north and north eastern borders of India must be withdrawn effective immediately and unconditionally. China has no business lingering around and near the clearly demarcated Indian territories.
The CIISS think tank diabolical strategy to distract the Chinese population drowned in decades of misery as political prisoners and the onset of economic gloom following the short-lived cornucopia do not justify the vicious and treacherous plot against neighboring India doing no harm whatsoever to the Chinese regime or the people of China.
If the Communist regime accepts the so-called think tank proposal and acts upon it to camouflage the domestic problems of different kinds –frustration among pro-democracy youth, unrest, ethnic tension with the Muslim population, uncertain economy, growing unemployment…
It would lead to devastating Galactic response with a great deal of variation. Any nation on planet earth in possession of the vast armed forces and nuclear arsenal is not invincible and therefore such assumption is purely delusional.
China’s despot leadership comprising Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu Jintao should not underestimate the prophetic call and proceed to the destination of peril with the troop amassment around India.
It is clear to the international community that the Chinese leadership involvement in Darfur genocide, abuse of Tibetan population and suppression of democracy movement in China…unequivocally a humanitarian crime of greater impact in modern times.
Hence, it would justify calling for the worldwide boycott of goods and services from China and withdrawal of investments in hybrid or exclusive Chinese holdings by citizens for global peace and democracy.
The reconfiguration of the U.N. Security Council delivered for a purpose and the United Nations expected to act in accordance with the new world order. Any slight of the information would render the United Nations incapacitated confirming the majority opinion on the U.N. validity.
Finally, China’s activities along the Indian borders is an invitation to a free fall from the economic cliff with serious ramifications and failure to heed to the call would be catastrophic, perhaps in the form of assorted natural disasters.
It’s time for the universe to recognize the devil in disguise behind the masqueraded deadly dragon.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Reconfiguration of the U.N.Security Council
August 9, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” – simple yet meaningful creation by the renowned American Poet – Robert Lee Frost.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Only if the authorities in power – the corporations and the governments alike, in the contemporary world honor the commitment to their people and prioritize the promise to the general population over personal quest for profit, privilege, prestige and politics,
Perhaps, it might be possible to wipe out the global problems such as poverty, disease and war polluting the planet and restore the deep, dark and lovely woods that once used to be the nature’s paradise.
The past week event involving the release of two American journalists – Laura Ling and Euna Lee through high profile diplomacy aided with the former President Bill Clinton’s visit is a confirmation that communication and dialogue can be effective in resolving international crisis.
Congratulations! to President Bill Clinton on the job well done and the American citizens Laura Ling and Euna Lee on the reunion with their respective families. The former Presidents’ expertise and popularity always remains a valuable asset to the nation and the international community.
The world is not a safe place than it was before. In fact, in the nuclear era and arms proliferation – the trading of conventional and modern weaponry particularly the nuclear arsenal is a major threat to global security. It’s not the question of who’s entitled to the possession of new age weapons of mass destruction gauged by the threats materializing into action and the responsible vs. irresponsible nuclear ownership etc.
Whenever there is a hierarchy in terms of quantity and superiority, it foments a possibility for back channel arms race or illicit exchange of the nuclear technology as it is prevalent now. It’s relevant to the recently intercepted cargo shipment allegedly containing nuclear materials from North Korea to yet another brutal regime Burma.
Even though, the recent agreement between the United States and Russia in the arms reduction including the non-proliferation of nuclear warheads is significant due to President Obama’s strategy, the desire among other nations like North Korea and Iran to be a nuclear power is symbolic not to mention the defiance towards the Superpower and the United Nations.
The present volatility in international security stems from the lack of trust and cooperation among the major players in control of the world security and economic prosperity and their undue dominance for five decades yielding the status quo counter-productive. The focus is directly on the United Nations Security Council permanent membership.
U.N.Security Council originally set up with the five nations permanent membership following the major world wars I and II in identification of the role and economic status then, does not synchronize with the present reality.
Besides the poor achievements or the lack thereof on global fronts i.e. economic, political and environmental issues by the exclusive body, the obvious polarization within the P5 or the permanent membership club has been detrimental for the world security and prosperity.
The P5 has demonstrated politics more than delivering solutions on many international crises rendering the United Nations most important component redundant and controversial. The council’s inability in arriving at a consensus on crucial international matters due to predictable action by members exhibiting economic and political clout is strongly indicative of its impotence in the decision making process.
Much to the frustration and disappointment of other big and small nations, the P5 management of genuine global catastrophes ranging from nuclear containment or disarmament to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease has been a miserable failure. Any positive results in the latter attributable to the relentless work by the non-governmental and non-profit organizations funded through private endowments and caring international groups.
Again, not all P5 members meet the criteria primarily based on economic status given the conspicuous shift in the current world economic dynamics. Notwithstanding, the precipitous decline of P5 performance in hosts of issues particularly with respect to North Korea, Iran, Burma and other despot leaderships around the world, unequivocally requiring the urgent expansion of the Security Council from P5 to P11.
Further, the ‘so-called’ P5 and Plus in reference to the western ally Germany as a defacto member of the U.N.Security Council regarded hypocritical by the deserving and true economic powers seeking permanent membership for years only to be declined noting obvious reasons reminiscent of the twentieth century imperialism not in concurrence with the new millennium geo-economic and political setting.
P5’s likely opposition and reluctance to the proposal possibly viewed as a monopoly of the power, thereby unnecessarily creating opportunities for aptly qualified potential members to seek alternatives undermining the P5 course of action in the regional and worldwide issues.
Apart from the Security Council permanent membership enlargement, the U.N. Preamble is due for review and modification in the permanent members’ tenure depending on the member track record to world peace, progress and prosperity. Otherwise, the U.N. Security Council permanent membership no longer set in stones as a guaranteed life-long privilege for the perceived presumptuous players despite them abdicating responsibilities, and voting rights abuse on global matter witnessed until date.
To reiterate, under the new structure, the permanent membership will be strictly merit based and humanitarian objectives attained collectively from the individual member contribution. Non-cooperative members on universal cause viz. defense programs and warfare, environment…disqualified and replaced with other aspirants subject to eligibility conditions.
In light of the true perspective, the new members to the imminent expanded P11 Security council, in addition to the existing ones – United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China are:
Brazil, Japan, India, South Africa, Germany and UAE (United Arab Emirates) assuming functions of the permanent council members in the leadership role for the respective regions reflecting diligence and fair representation anchored on promoting regional trade, security, economic prosperity, cultural exchange and eventually nuclear disarmament.
The inevitable expansion in addition to the prevailing U.N. temporary membership on roster allowing other U.N. members to participate in the international resolution to global issues is the only and concrete remedy for the burgeoning arms deal, human rights violation, illegal occupation of lands, economic disparities, natural disasters and last but not the least global warming.
As stated above, the five members council neither adequately represents nor addresses the growing demands by the rest of the world in terms of political, economic, energy, social, cultural, and environmental challenges.
Therefore, it is incumbent on the United Nations to pursue the proposal set forth for immediate reorganization of the Security Council irrespective of the five members dissent or approval in accordance with the new world order.
Reconfiguration of the Security Council would provide positive outcome with majority voting
in favor of curbing international threats and terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation leading to disarmament by all nations, economic prospects, and political stability by liberating occupied lands as well as containing if not eliminating miseries in the impoverished regions of the world.
The recommended action targeted towards power and responsibility sharing among other economic and democratic/progressive nations rather than the continuation of twentieth century dominance proven ineffective in advancing the humanitarian rights and goals.
Finally, Congratulations are in order for the new member nations to the Security Council –
Brazil, Japan, India, South Africa, Germany and UAE (United Arab Emirates)
Appropriately representing the continents/regions considering their contributions to the world economic, political and international security.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Revolt against Health Care Reform Politics
August 6, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Here we go again! To quote the former President Ronald Reagan revered by the political faction on the right, the obstructionists rise against health care reform under the guise of ‘fiscal governance’ with the stagecraft artists as citizens screaming and ranting over the health care policy for all.
Should anyone be surprised about the sources responsible for the spectacle at the town hall meetings?
When the propagandists can’t think for themselves, they often lavishly steal ideas from others and misuse the Gandhian principle of non-violence and peaceful protest discussed earlier for their own diabolical means, despite the action being detrimental to national progress.
Surely, Gandhi will be turning in his grave on the abuse of his noble wisdom…at the narcissistic profiteers in the health care industry using the selective media muscle power drive insanity to no point of return.
Out of sight, out of mind and the opposition goes ballistic to stampede the health care legislation.
The noise and raucous in the public arena instigated by the agents of warfare against welfare of the people in a democracy are leaving no stones unturned for their vile personal agenda i.e. dominate and deploy the destructive forces in health care matter directly related to economic and employment recovery.
Amazing passion displayed by the representatives interestingly missing in action during the pivotal moment of American economic down slide circa 2000 – 2008, now suddenly emerging out of woods to salvage the nation from the alleged danger zone initially created by the oligarchs and the great intellectual minds of the fiscal conservatism.
What America needs to recognize is the reality of the exclusive private health care management rather mismanagement that has bankrupted every citizen and the entire nation. Please refer to numerous facts based articles on the website explaining why America should address the contemporary nightmare called the ‘health care.’
If the health care system is so magnificent as propagated by the hired appointees of the health care industry, then why are there many infants, children, youth, middle aged and elderly alike left in the lurch by the trillion dollar health industry that thrives on the sick and the dead ones negotiating people’s life over their personal luxury?
It’s no longer the majority or minority issue as the Republican motto to push and personalize legislations into a political vendetta is the norm and frankly successful thus far.
Regardless of the democratic majority in Congress, both the House and the Senate, the conservatism in the Republican minority and the Democratic Party viz. the Blue Dogs, prevails in the demagoguery aimed at self-promotion guaranteed with health industry funding.
How does the (GOP) Grand Obstructionists Party maintain political edge over democratic doers?
By simply abusing the legislative and Presidential power. With the democratic majority in Congress, their Republican President George W. Bush although nicknamed “the lame duck” President excessively exercised the veto power and proved the Congress the sitting duck. Likewise, the legislative Republican minority boycott national interests substituting betrayal of their constituents’ trust with cronyism to the campaign financiers.
However, not anymore, the ammunition is bound to exhaust firepower after some time. The United States of America held hostage for too long by the failed ideologies of the far right and certain media miscreants indulging in the national disaster at all costs and anti-health care legislation is the classic example.
Yet another irony is, they proclaim to be patriots and relentlessly engaged in grandstanding the President’s genuine effort to revive the economy and job growth, the foremost concern and requirement of every American family, small businesses and large corporations. Without the major health care overhaul and the release of the national health from the shackles of the health industry’s profit over patients’ policy, it’s impossible for any hard working American to gain financial freedom.
Therefore, this message is directed at all those citizens tired of ‘politics and business as usual’ to reject the conservative political fanaticism fueled by the Corporate investment flourishing through exploitative tactics in the present health care system more appropriately the mismanaged private health DEBACLE in human history.
If each and every one of you out there, a caring, compassionate and cost conscious citizen in favor of national rescue from the ailing economy, the sluggish stock market and the severely hit employment sector, pledge your solidarity and support to President Obama then,
We can absolutely defeat the monstrous attacks on the monumental health care legislation providing choice, quality and affordability with or without conservative backing.
Peaceful, non-violent measures targeting the grassroots supporters at all levels and encouraging the legislators to move forward with the health care reform must be the citizens’ goal in proving people power against partisan politics.
Effective immediately, display your prowess in the health care battle by jamming the cyberspace via twitter, text, phonecall, rally and rock the movement on the streets, with your loud and clear voice confirming democratic vote for health care reform.
The time has arrived to save yourself and your loved ones from the deadly virus containing deceit and lies by the health industry’s special interests and their paid loyalists.
Take control of your life by not letting the lobbyists run you over on the health care epidemic crippling our economy and the people.
Where there is a will, there is a way as ‘impossible’ exists in fool’s dictionary.
We will do it with poise and peaceful means. Now is the time to replace the conservative propaganda machine with collective progressive action.
You want to be a silent sacrificial lamb or a roaring lion to take back America from the clutches of corporate funded conservative catastrophe.
Come on; demonstrate that people awakened by the woes of private health care system refuse to surrender to the health care/insurance industry and their minority political mannequins in Congress.
Yes We Can / Si Se puede and We Will pass People’s Health Care Legislation with public option that ensures ‘mass protection’ and not mass deception under the status quo.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. Don’t miss the comments by the duty bound citizens listing the Republicans up for re-election in 2010 election in the article titled “Mobilize America for Health Care Reform.” With the conservative democrats – oust the stallers and bring in the movers. Please take necessary action strongly recommended to free the great nation, United States of America from political stranglehold.