Israel Palestine Peace Treaty
November 14, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The fate of the two states solution is hanging in balance and the peace process has once again come to a screeching halt. Initially, there appeared to be momentum on both sides until the controversial yet credible issues surfaced and ignored by the parties in default.
The contentious issues are –
Freezing Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem in its entirety.
Honoring the Gaza report compiled by the Head of the UN Fact Finding Mission, Justice Richard Goldstone, overwhelmingly approved by the U.N. Human Rights Council and the U.N. General Assembly recently.
However, the U.S. House of Representatives proactively rejected the international consensus with a majority vote and condemned the report as biased against Israel. In addition, the House of Congress seemingly solidified their support on this issue by urging the White House to follow suit.
The Congress initiative in this respect is extremely disappointing and unconstitutional as it does not represent the popular view. Furthermore, the humanitarians in Israel confirm that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal approach with the House members on this issue led to the sweeping vote suggesting the U.S. democracy is a puppet to Israeli Knesset.
Preceding these events, the White House reportedly pressured the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to abandon any action at the U.N.General Assembly pertaining to the Gaza war crimes. The Palestinian President’s compliance with the White House requirement had jeopardized his leadership as the head of the democratically elected government. Fearing backlash in the upcoming elections in January 2010, the PLO leader decided not to run for re-election creating confusion and opportunity for all in the fragmented Palestinian politics.
It’s important to shed light on the Goldstone report dismissal by the relevant authorities viz. Israel, the United States, Russia, China and others sharing the burden of disproportionate military engagement and activities in direct violation of the Geneva Convention. Essentially, the deliberate invalidation of the well-balanced and meticulous findings by the honorable justice, Richard Goldstone possessing the background semblance with Israel than Palestine merit hearing and appropriate action in the international court of law.
In the war crime investigations, the authorities in power particularly the permanent U.N. Security Council members are united in the vilification or exoneration of their adversaries and allies for self-absolution. In fact, the protocol renders the process redundant besides displaying the international court of justice as a judicial committee exclusively set up for the U.N. P5 Plus targeted nations against a universal mandate.
The status quo justify the urgency to expand the U.N. Security Council permanent membership enforceable only through the U.N. member nations’ concerted action. Alternatively, defiance by dishonoring the present U.N. Security Council proposals would produce the desired membership extension.
Since, both Israel and Hamas are implicated for the crimes against civilian population, the trial in the international court of law is mandatory and appropriate to begin a new chapter in the twenty first century. War related atrocities, genocides, ethnic cleansing is dominant in the contemporary era setting a dangerous precedence now and in the future. It further exemplifies that the privileged nations with powerful allies are above the law and exempt from heinous crimes against humanity under the guise of national security, a contrived political fallacy.
Other pertinent issue stalling the peace negotiations is the unacceptable acceleration of Jewish settlements in the West Bank claimed by the Israeli authorities as a ‘natural growth,’ neglecting the explicit assault on the intelligence of the international community. Jewish settlements in the clearly demarcated Palestinian territories i.e. the West Bank and East Jerusalem is by far the most explosive and a provocative political maneuver by Israel to prolong the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
No matter, how the Jewish settlements representing the nuclear component in the peace strategy is circumvented, the civilian and armed forces’ indefinite establishment is an infringement on human rights and unequivocally qualifies as an invasion of a foreign land in the eyes of the universal law, if not the U.S. law.
Unless and until the Israeli government recognizes the abominable settlement activity with a unilateral commitment to cease occupation through complete withdrawal of settlers and the military base, the regional conflict will continue to fuel global terrorism predominantly affecting the nations complicit to the colonization.
Although, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the cabinet ministers visit to Washington seeking peace talks resumption is a refreshing change in the half a century old crisis, peace mediation premised on Israel’s terms and conditions is analogous to the test drive conducted on a one way street with a dead end.
Earlier this week, Europe commemorated the fall of Berlin Wall marking the twentieth anniversary, a historic moment for the people liberated from the iron fist rule under ‘Communism,’ that caused political oppression and economic depression. Accordingly, the occasion attracted the prominent political figures reminiscent of the post demolition.
Ironically, the world rejoiced the fall of the Berlin wall while being complacent to a similar wall constructed by Israel along the Jerusalem neighborhoods and the West Bank resurrecting the repressive environment.
Indeed, the modern democracies’ pride and prejudice shines through these celebrations.
Interestingly, Israel’s offer to contain the new settlement expansion with the on-going construction permits issued behind the scenes earned a compliment from the U.S. Secretary of State as ‘unprecedented’ gesture that also echoed the Israeli Prime Minister demanding the Palestinian side to refrain from pre-conditions in the peace discussion.
The bone of contention in the embattled Israeli-Palestinian dispute is the irrefutable Jewish settlements, the concrete wall and the systemic abuse of human rights denying freedom, dignity and respect to the Palestinian population correlative to the twentieth century holocaust, a dark age in human civilization.
Tolerating imperialism in the new millennium is nullifying democracy to human beings born to be free like other species in the animal kingdom.
On the Palestinian front, Hamas is benefiting from the political vacuum in Fatah governing the West Bank. The situation is likely to become the worst nightmare for Israel and the United States without Israel’s co-operation in the peace pact.
Given the limited resources and territories, the best hope for the Palestinian people is to unify and present a consolidated political, economic and social agenda through young leadership embracing democratic values, peace over terrorism strengthened by a strong vision and dynamic qualities to build the newly independent Palestine.
As for the core issues in the Israeli-Palestine Peace Treaty:
1. Complete withdrawal of Israeli settlers and the military base from all Palestinian territories including the occupied peripheral lands since 1967.
2. Palestine is to be internationally recognized as a sovereign nation with East Jerusalem as the Capital City for the independent state.
3. The policy depriving Palestinians the right to return to Israel would conversely apply to the Jewish settlers and Israeli citizens on the Palestinian land. Similar reciprocal apply to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence to identify Israel as the ‘Jewish’ state.
4. Palestinian and Arab nation’s reaffirmation of Israel as a sovereign nation in the Middle East along with a solemn oath to disavow violence in the form of suicide bombings, rocket firing and last but not the least any nuclear threats against Israel.
5. Economic aid to Palestine for reconstruction purpose.
6. United States and other economic powers pledge equal assistance to both Israel and Palestine to reflect fairness in the deal.
Finally, it’s imperative and incumbent on the United States to be an honest broker in implementing the Peace Treaty as stated above to restore credibility in resolving international problems.
Palestinian and Israeli children are entitled to a long lasting peace and a bright future. It’s time to set the differences aside and reconcile terms with reality that,
War has no winners whereas everyone is a winner in Peace.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Veterans Day
November 11, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
On this important day, we take a moment to remember the men and women in harm’s way and their courageous service at home and overseas. This particular time is remorseful with the recent tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas involving the loss of innocent lives and subsequent grief among the victims’ families.
Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.
It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families. Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.
Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the military spending on modern weaponry has taken precedence over providing safety equipments viz. the body armor for the soldiers in the frontline as evidenced in the Iraq war. When a mournful mother in England expresses her shock and pain from the tragic loss of her young son possibly saved with the timely dispatch of a helicopter, no apologies can resurrect the departed soldiers’ life valiantly surrendered to protect the country he loved.
Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The professions once considered noble are commercialized whether it is national service through politics, military, medicine, or even spirituality. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,
Profit is regarded as the Prophet.
Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians and unsung activists in every corner tirelessly dedicated to improve the life on earth.
On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experiencing sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,
The nation salutes the brave heroes for their significant sacrifices towards others welfare.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
National Unemployment – A Reality Check
November 10, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
According to the latest reports, the current jobless rate is 10.2% with 16 million Americans competing for 3 million jobs. Apparently, this figure does not include the underemployed. The Corporate related unemployment is further expected to rise up to 10.8% by the end of next year. Another grim factor is the joblessness among the self-employed and the small business retrenchments reportedly escalate the figure to an alarming 17.5% resembling the severe depression era.
Growing unemployment is a major impediment as consumer spending is directly linked to the job market posing a downside for the entire economy. Despite, the economic growth at 3.5% along with the 9.5% annual productivity for the recent quarter, the American workforce is yet to benefit from the surge in these areas.
The most affected sectors appear to be construction, manufacturing and retail. Although, the recent stimulus signed by President Obama extends unemployment benefits for 14 weeks and 20 weeks to the worst hit states combined with the tax credits for the first time and other home buyers, the problems confronting the industries required to generate jobs is attention worthy.
Construction industry is obviously dependent upon the housing sector and the housing market revival methods are due for review with respect to foreclosures and lending practices by the finance sector.
In fact, the credit crunch is predominantly responsible for the sluggishness in the respective areas of the economy. Unless and until the bailed out finance industry honor the commitments made to the American public during the substantial bail outs, the industries tied to credit market particularly the housing, manufacturing and retail cannot emerge from the recession.
If the various bailouts approved thus far have the built-in transparency and accountability factor then the oversight committee ought to investigate the recipients on the investments of those taxpayer funds legislated for providing jobs and stimulating the economy. Regardless, the trillions of dollars accumulated to the national deficit from the banking sector and automobile industry bailouts deserve scrutiny in terms of actual allocation that is not conspicuous given the depressing jobless data.
On the other hand, the government must provide a legitimate reason for not moving forward with the committed investments held in the $787 billion stimulus package including the remainder from the Bush administration passed TARP funds. When the controversial economic stimulus took place at different times, the purpose was to revitalize the economy with the desperately needed job growth besides enabling the relevant productivity levels and overall economic performance.
Any delay in energizing the job market would adversely affect the broader economic prospects for all industries with the consumer base lagging in the necessary spending, the fulcrum of the economic cartwheel.
Manufacturing industry has been harshly hit with the corporate executive failure in the automobile industry precipitated by the finance sector’s liquidity freeze that triggered the economic meltdown in the shadow of the hedge funds and sub-prime debacle. It is imperative to jumpstart the manufacturing sector macro economically to achieve the targeted employment goals.
Evidently, the prevailing policies and the applied mechanisms are either inadequate or ineffective. Perhaps, the additional or aggressive measures could bolster the weak sectors in promoting the anticipated job growth, the real indicator of the economic pulse. Nevertheless, the consolidated interjection of the monetary reserves and management resources from the private and the public sector is paramount to resuscitate the ailing job market.
A disturbing aspect of the impressive 9.5% productivity report is the executive attitude towards the workforce. In spite of the workers’ significant contribution, i.e. limited labor force tripling the mass production, the management has categorically denied wage increases, additional hiring or other compensations in the form of bonuses etc. claiming that it would be detrimental to the organization ‘s profit oriented schemes.
It is elaborated as corporations aimed at increased earnings in the backdrop of weak dollar, declining exports, business decision to operate on lower inventories and other economic woes. As reasonable as they might be, somehow the conditions seem to apply only towards the labor force explicitly stated by the industry spokesperson that the workers should remain content with the fact that they have a job in the gloomy economy.
Meanwhile, the CEO’s salary package maneuvered from the Congress chided bonuses to lucrative shares and stock options with immediate encashment irrespective of the corporate results; the disingenuous modesty is adequately serving the highest in the hierarchy. Never mind the exploitation of the workforce, the human capital in this context.
In terms of the businesses with cash reserves operating on small inventories, the strategy is counterproductive, not to mention the catastrophic impact on the wholesale, small businesses and the retail industry. The wholesalers relying on the medium and large corporations’ inventory purchases forced to carry out massive layoffs potentially having a ripple effect on the economy with a possible inflation.
The swift passage of the ‘Cap and Trade’ bill boosting the green technology sector would be a phenomenal job growth subsequently alleviating the burden on the national deficit.
In light of the available facts, it would be appropriate to attribute the unemployment status to the myriad of activities or the lack thereof by both private and the public entities. It could be highlighted as the culmination of stringent corporate policies, limited private and public investments, reining credit flow, uncontained foreclosures and lack luster home sales in the housing market…causing the precarious unemployment situation.
Therefore, the government and the free market thorough evaluation of the status quo are essential to invigorate the frail job market.
A jobless economic recovery ultimately leads to a negative economic trend in the absence of robust stimulants explained above. Jobs represent the nerve of the economy with serious economic and political ramifications.
Contrary to the rhetoric echoed in the chambers of Congress and the media, the health care reform is equally important in the equation because it bankrupts the small businesses and individuals alike. Both groups are constantly struggling to make ends meet with the atrocious health care costs prohibiting investments in other necessities.
Economy and health care matter are intertwined and partisan politics has no place at the critical moment debilitating many American lives.
It is incumbent on the United States Senate to rise to the occasion and overwhelmingly approve the health care bill with the federal run health care program titled as the ‘public option’ in recognition of the American plight.
The simultaneous actions by Washington and free market are vital in curbing the rising unemployment statistics. Job assurance to every American translates into job security for the legislators and the executives. Since jobs create taxpayers and consumers,
Washington and Wall Street cannot thrive without progress in the main street.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
A Candid Disclosure
November 8, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Last night the health care legislation passed by the House of Congress is a major step towards recognizing the American people’s plight in the most stressful economic times. The House members confirmed that their consolidated efforts and commitment to the American electorate could produce the desirable results in the economic, social and environmental cause.
Health care is relevant to all and no longer an individual matter.
I had recently fallen ill from women’s related health issue in the months of September and October 2009. Accordingly, I was scheduled for a major surgery on November 4, 2009 – ironically on the anniversary of the historic Presidential election date and around the special elections.
In order to deal with the health crisis, I had to suspend some activities and focus on the immediate recovery plan. It was a temporary action and not meant to avoid communication at any level. Now, I’m able to resume direct contact with the responsible authorities.
Even though, the surgery was finalized and the consent forms were handed out for signing three days prior to the operation, I experienced a sudden change with the symptoms disappearing and felt a sense of well being without any medical intervention. Therefore, I had no reason to proceed with the surgery and it was cancelled the day before the scheduled date.
I attribute the positive outcome to spirituality and enormously grateful for the grace and compassion from the ‘Almighty God.’
During my illness, I frequently thought about the people diagnosed for a medical condition but unable to undergo treatment due to the lack of affordable insurance and hence deprived of medical care. Needless to say, there are many infants, children, young adults and others who require medical attention and the families are left with hard choices in saving the lives of their loves ones.
In my case, the medical insurance is mainly used for the routine check-ups as a preventive care with the exception of a foot surgery three years ago. Despite the underutilization, the insurance company – Blue Cross Blue Shield wanted to conduct an interview with me regarding the procedure. Perhaps, the aim was to rule out the pre-existing scenario. Again, the insurance company having profited from my good health all these years had a pre-screening protocol that did not take place because the surgery was cancelled.
The Senators against public option in the health care bill owe a legitimate explanation to the millions of Americans forced to postpone decisions on life and death matter in the absence of effective competition through federal run health care against the profit oriented insurance industry.
I emphasize that health care is not a privilege but a necessity for survival. If the richest nation on earth fails to provide a decent health care plan to citizens, the achievements in other areas are meaningless with the public health in jeopardy.
I sincerely hope that the United States Senate will coordinate with the recently passed House bill without compromising the core element i.e. the federal managed health insurance program at a minimum to help the thousands of ailing Americans rightfully seeking the public option in the embattled health care reform.
As for as my health is concerned, I’m feeling fine and remain steadfast in my support to the legislative affairs and foreign policies benefiting the people of the United States and the rest of the world.
I stand by President Barack Obama and the Congress in serving the nation and humanity through legislations and strategies comprising economic growth, social justice and political fairness at home and overseas.
In compliance with the highest commandment, the purpose of my political involvement is to assist the leaderships in the United States and around the world to establish peace, progress and prosperity for all human beings besides protecting the environment.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Health Care Bill – HR 3962 – Twenty First Century Milestone
November 7, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Congratulations! To the American public, President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House members for the successful passage of the long overdue Health Care reform.
The American citizens and the members of the Congress deserve the accolades for the hard work, determination and relentless campaign to reach the milestone in the twenty first century. After several months of grueling discussions, exhaustive debates, and personal experiences shared by millions of suffering Americans, the historic reform is materialized today.
Despite threats, ultimatums and partisan politics the achievement is indeed remarkable and praiseworthy. Now, it is dependent upon the Senate members to meet with the national expectations in completing the legislative requirement for President Obama’s signature.
Surely, it was the most contentious battle in the legislative affair and predictably emerged resilient against the anti-progress forces in Washington and Wall Street. There are other equally important issues confronting the nation and the health care legislation has paved the pathway for the ‘Cap and Trade Bill’ and many more to follow in the immediate future.
Again, the sick and the frail population’s voices heard in the Capitol Hill.
I hope that the regulations in terms of ‘pre-existing’ conditions, unaffordable premiums…will be effective immediately to allow the urgent caring and medical attention for the vulnerable members in the society.
Finally, America is on the road to recovery with the health care costs incrementally declining over a decade and simultaneously the approximate 36 million uninsured Americans guaranteed medical coverage that was declared a far-fetched dream by the opponents not long ago. The other factors in the bill will be dissected and critiqued accordingly.
Nevertheless, the dedication by the individuals across the nation contributed to the phenomenal success of the health care legislation.
Hope is turning into a reality and Change is inevitable with this new beginning.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Fort Hood, Texas Tragedy
November 7, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
The shooting in Fort Hood, Texas killing 13 service men and women, besides leaving several wounded is a great humanitarian tragedy. Whenever there is loss of innocent lives from a shooting rampage of this kind or in the war zones, no reason can possibly justify the action.
Regardless of the suspect’s background, a decision to take the life of another human being is not a prerogative and certainly not granted by any religion followed by many across the globe.
Human actions driven by personal convictions against events deserve isolation from the religious connotation.
Plainly spoken, Islam is a religion of peace like every other religion in the world. There are scores of pious Muslims practicing their faith and engaged in various humanitarian deeds. Any discriminatory comments or religious slander would only exacerbate the situation rather than healing the wound on all sides.
It’s important to display rationale and patience until the investigations are completed, since unnecessary verbal assaults could trigger unwanted emotions often guiding violence. Meanwhile, the seriously injured and the victims’ families in this unfortunate incident need space and solace to recover from the pain and grief brought upon them through senseless act.
Service personnel of any religious denomination or none surely reconcile with the fact that war in general produce casualties particularly, a prolonged mission with no end in sight cause tremendous stress to the forces routinely dealing with carnage, destruction and devastations.
That’s why there are no winners in a war, despite the operatives’ claims in the military adventure expanding their role beyond national defense into political re-structuring and appointments in foreign soil.
The armed personnel discontent with the military policy and war mechanisms during active duty have set precedence by seeking viable peaceful options to relieve them from further participation in the conflict against which they have serious reservations. If there are possible jurisdictional hurdles then again there ought to be alternatives to overcome the challenges in any military institution normally expected with the highest disciplinary code and moral decorum.
Under any circumstances, the loss of lives are irreplaceable and time is the best healer that can provide fortitude to the survivors and those fearing racial/religious backlash due to the suspect’s irrational conduct. Again, the negative actions of the one or even a few in a community, race or religion do not represent the majority and the evidence only visible in the eyes of the discerning beholder.
I express my sincere condolences to the victims’ families and gratitude to the brave service men and women for their sacrifices at home and abroad. I also extend my empathy to the Muslim population concerned about the incident’s ramifications and remain hopeful that the peaceful majority will not be judged upon the activities of the selective minority.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Gubernatorial and Congressional Race – 2009
November 5, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! To the winners in the recent election that has revitalized the Republican Party grabbing the gubernatorial race in Virginia and New Jersey, similarly reassured the Democratic side with the historic win in upstate New York and anticipated victory in California that anything is possible in general.
Since the election outcome, the Republican members’ rhetoric is directed towards the Democrats’ domestic policies particularly the health care reform and the ‘cap and trade’ bill. As usual, some pundits targeted the ruling majority’s agenda and concluded that the electorate’s verdict on Tuesday’s election was the quid pro quo to the Republican minority.
Politics is convenient. Naturally, the wind is not meant to blow in one direction and more so in a democratic environment. The Republican base and members have all the reasons to be jubilant considering the consecutive defeats in 2006 and 2008. However, interpreting the current two- states election results, as national representation is optimistic and often witnessed in the partisan political arena.
Synonymously, California would have enthusiastically bid farewell to the incumbent administration given the disastrous performance by the head of the state and the legislature.
Two common factors were prominent in the electoral results – poor voter turnout and the electorate dissatisfaction.
Like stated earlier in my letter – ‘2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton’ published on this website, October 15, 2009, category – Politics – United States.
“The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.
Therefore, the voter frustration often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.”
It’s rather interesting to note the exuberance displayed subsequent to the electoral process, claiming that “conservative resurrection,” is a national warning to the ‘liberal’ or ‘far-left’ policies in Washington.
Amid confused celebratory moments, it’s essential for a reality check to enlighten the critics’ minds anchored on the ‘progressive’ movement dedicated to bring about the long overdue ‘change’ in Washington and shift focus on the issues demanding urgent action.
First, the Republican legislators in Washington until date have remarkably protested national progress in every step of the way in line with the conservative ideology to blockade economic opportunity and social equality to the American public regardless of political affiliations.
Sadly, the political ambition overrides the rationale that poverty, hunger, disease, joblessness…the economic woes are non-discriminatory and affects the people at large.
When the Republican lawmakers unconstitutionally vowed to derail legislations purely on partisanship, the political characteristics define the elected officials’ individual goal. The standard pretext to vote against public cause is “Big Government” and “Out-of-control” spending.
At the same time, the fiscal conservatives have absolutely no qualms voting for the disproportionate defense budget producing casualties at an alarming rate, while holding reservations for life saving legislations such as health care and environment.
Although, the noise is deafening in terms of vehement opposition to the economic stimulus, health care debate, environment etc., the conservatives’ crafty maneuvering of the political discourse without a viable and guaranteed solutions to any national issues confronting the country thus far signifies political ingenuity.
Having been responsible for the crises – economic, social and international, one would expect the driver driving the bus into the ditch to apply the necessary skills and save lives instead of planning further sabotage. Unfortunately, it’s an unacceptable strategy for the conservatives on both sides of the aisles determined to grandstand the people in a democracy.
American democracy is viewed as excessively tolerant to inaction in legislative matters that has emboldened the special interest to issue ultimatums through their paid representatives in the Senate and Congress on health care and other public concerns, rendering the government of the people, by the people and for the people a mere political formality.
Another extremely distressing social topic is –
‘The Maine voters’ repealing the Gay rights to ‘Same Sex Marriage.’
Ironically, nationwide the opposing majority classify them as ‘fervently religious’ and yet conveniently disregard the Universal Gospel that ‘All are created equal.’ The antipathy towards the civil and constitutional right seeking legalization of the marriage is regressive for a modern culture that takes enormous pride as an egalitarian society.
Reverting to the electoral success, it’s for the Republican governors in the states of Virginia and New Jersey to be the rainmakers with the political capital at their disposal now. Perhaps, they could share the secret formula or ‘mantra’ with their counterparts in other states like California and Capitol Hill to expedite the economic recovery.
I convey my best wishes to the Governors-elect Robert McDonnell of Virginia and Chris Christie of New Jersey and Congressmen Bill Owens, New York and Lt. Gov. John Garamendi of California in their new challenging roles serving the respective states and constituency.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Afghan Election Malady – The Resumption of the Puppet Government
November 2, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
“More of the same,” – the campaign slogan used in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election against the Republican candidate John McCain is adapted by the current U.S. administration in the endorsement of the corrupt Karzai government.
The incumbent President Hamid Karzai subsequent to being found guilty of massive voter fraud amid intense violence against the Afghani population during the first round of election on August 20, 2009, now hailed the victor following the challenger DR. Abdullah Abdullah’s withdrawal from the highly skeptical runoff election scheduled for November 7, 2009.
Afghan election chairman Azizullah Lodin, a staunch supporter of President Hamid Karzai, arrived at a decision against the will of the Afghan people enduring medieval era economic and social injustice under the Karzai governance since 2001.
The White House declared the election ‘historic’ and extended congratulatory message to their nominee, President Hamid Karzai, along with the ally Britain and the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. The irony is, the glorified election had no ‘democratic’ element whatsoever in the previous round or in the repeat election planned on November 7, 2009.
Moreover, the bizarre outcome proclaiming the extremely controversial and the most unpopular President Hamid Karzai – the winner, has the U.S. administration blessings to further destabilize Afghanistan for another four years.
DR. Abdullah’s action by dropping out of the runoff charade is appropriate. The contender’s concerns were legitimate and justified due to the Afghan election commission chairman’s overt bias to President Karzai and the lack of evidence or enthusiasm from the U.S. and allies to ensure free and fair elections.
The United States and the allies’ pre-disposition on this issue signifies their sworn allegiance to the military industrial complex agenda –
Continuation of Afghanistan’s carnage and destruction through Karzai government and the prolonged war on terror.
It is worth shedding light on the U.S and Western backed puppet government, President Hamid Karzai’s policies condemned by the humanitarians across the globe.
1. First, the fraudulent election on August 20, 2009 and refusal to comply with the request for the implicated election commission chairman, Azizullah Lodin’s replacement in the scheduled runoff event.
2. Legislation of the ‘non-consensual’ consummation against Afghan women – Appear to be “normal” for the U.S. administration, Britain and the United Nations’Authority in the overwhelming acknowledgment and legitimizing of the Karzai government to rule Afghanistan for an extended term.
3. Appointment of the cabinet members and judiciary committee vehemently opposed to women’s rights and other socio-economic progress.
4. Economic policy focused on narcotic trade to boost national GDP concocted with nepotism through the appointment of the family member (President Hamid Karzai’s Brother Ahmad Wali Karzai – New York Times Article titled “employee on CIA payroll”), for opium mass production.
5. Facilitating Taliban resurgence and conciliatory to the atrocities against the local population particularly the female children deprived of education through acid pouring and burning down girls schools – Again, the endorsers seemingly have no objection in this context as well.
6. Last but not the least and the poignant matter being –President Hamid Karzai’s absolute coherence and approval to the permanent military occupation in Afghanistan. For comprehensive details please refer to the blogpost titled “Afghan War, The Additional Troops request and the Election Analysis,” published on this website on September 29, 2009.
As per the recent development, the White House decision to pronounce the Afghan election debacle ‘historic’ and ‘lawful’ is reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney policy stating the Iraq war as “Mission Accomplished.”
The Global village was promised a newly enlightened U.S. foreign policy dedicated to immediate troops withdrawal, peace and diplomacy, honest brokering and recognition of human rights. Otherwise, a departure from the Bush-Cheney doctrine or Senator John McCain’s pledge to wage war for over hundred years.
Honoring the dishonorable characteristics of an Afghan government dismissed as the miserable failure by the people is the renewal of the U.S. foreign policy held responsible for the contemporary global terrorism threatening international peace and security.
United States pursuing the course of action for the purpose other than the humanitarian cause in Afghanistan and other Islamic regions is authenticating the political hypocrisy reflected in the U.S. foreign policy regardless of the administrations in the White House.
The Red States and the Blue States came together as the United States to vote for the believable and the realistic “Hope and Change” at home and around the world.
Hope cannot be a reality unless promises are delivered and Change is not possible without sincere commitment.
Democracy is meaningful when the government is credible and Afghanistan deserves better than the status quo forced upon them by the domineering political forces demonstrating humongous hubris with an inevitable downfall.
I urge the people of Afghanistan to validate the leadership that can guarantee political stability, economic opportunities, national security, social progress beginning with basic human rights and above all, freedom from the foreign occupation of Afghanistan.
Unfortunately, President Hamid Karzai’s government has been unsuccessful in every aspect and lost the vote of confidence among the Afghan people during the first term and now after the first round of elections. Similar sentiments are shared by the genuinely caring ‘A-political’ groups of the international community.
The people of Afghanistan can achieve their dreams provided they are discerning in the political fate written on their behalf by the foreign powers.
I wish the people of Afghanistan courage and wisdom to do what is best for them and their long occupied nation.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant