Current Events

January 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Earthquake in Haiti

The Caribbean nation on the western hemisphere, Haiti, is hit with a massive earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale. Natural disasters are generally devastating for any country, particularly the poorest nations.

Unfortunately, Haiti with reportedly 80 percent of the population below the poverty line will require more than financial aid.

President Obama’s action to provide military assistance in rescue operation combined with necessary humanitarian relief is praiseworthy.

Other nations including the Vatican should come forward and join the efforts with the United States in the financial contributions to help victims and their families experiencing the greatest tragedy.

I offer my sincere condolences to the victims’ families and hope for the Haitian population’s sufferings to end now and in the future.

Vice President Joe Biden’s Personal Tragedy

I extend my condolences to the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden in the recent loss of his beloved mother, Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden. It’s never easy to bid farewell to the loved ones and more difficult with the members who leave a lasting impact in one’s life.

However, Mrs. Jean Finnegan Biden was blessed to have lived a long healthy life and participated in the swearing in ceremony of her son the then Senator, Joe Biden to the office of Vice Presidency of the United States.

I join the President and members of Congress in the somber moment and pray for Mrs. Jean Finnegan Biden’s soul to rest in peace.


Guantanamo Guard’s Portrayal of Human Character

According to the BBC World news featured on January 12, 2009:

Reference: Video footage titled “GITMO Guard Reunites with Free…” featured below.

“Brandon Neely – A Guantanamo Bay Guard, 2002 had serious doubts about the unfair imprisonment of two inmates Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed – 2002 -2004, and believed them to be innocent during their captivity in prison. So, he traveled to London to reconcile the error.”

Both inmates were released after being held without any trial due to the denial of Habeas Corpus, the tradition introduced during the Bush-Cheney era and continued until date. Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed reportedly left for the United Kingdom, as they were British subjects.

Brandon Neely tormented by the task that involved torture and extreme brutality against the majority innocent captives, could not live with the guilt of having carried out the order as a security guard and apparently established contact with the exonerated inmates through the social networking site, Facebook.

Brandon Neely traveled all the way to London and apologized to the victims of the massive witch-hunt that is guided by the “indefinitely guilty,” law and branded “enemy combatant,” to evade the normally applicable Geneva Convention.

Brandon Neely is truly a hero and a human being of good moral character, not to mention a great ambassador of the United States. Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed share the honor for their extraordinary courage and act of forgiveness.

Perhaps, the advocates of torture like water boarding and other inhumane tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, representing the tainted image of the United States along with the authorities contemplating on prolonging the infamous boot camp could pause and reflect on the cited thought-provoking incident.

History is testimony to the fact that violence begets violence and aptly described by the pioneer of peace, none other than Mahatma Gandhi,

“An eye for an eye will make the world go blind.”

It’s evident in the contemporary world. It’s never too late to change the course of action and submit to peace and non-violence.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Mighty Deception – Focus on Politics and Economy

January 9, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

January 19, 2010 marks the first anniversary for the Presidency of Barack Obama. The columnist from the leading national news organization chided the right and the left political factions in the article, the excerpts listed below.

“In a world of ideological sniping, Obama can’t win.”

By Richard Cohen, Washington Post, January 5, 2010

“Last month, no American soldiers were killed in Iraq. Last month, the unemployment rate dipped a bit, the stock market ended the year up, the financial system did not crater, Detroit’s Big Three began to get a pulse – and yet a consensus started to form that Barack Obama, who is either responsible for or merely presided over all this good stuff, is a failure.

On the left, the president is being pummeled for health care legislation that does not include a public option and has not dispatched insurance executives to Guantanamo. On the right, he is being pummeled for socializing the economy, establishing death panels and allowing maniacal Nigerians to load their Calvins with boom-boom and fly into peaceful Detroit. It’s a cartoon.

Any way you measure the polls, Obama did not have a good year.

In foreign policy, Obama has sorely disappointed his fans on the left for escalating the war in Afghanistan and on the right for not escalating it enough…

He has not brought peace to the Middle East.

Obama could be a great president. He has already achieved much – possibly saving the country from financial ruin, salvaging the auto industry, getting some sort of health care reform. Possibly, possibly.

Yet, his numbers sink as his achievements rise. He is the Johnny Appleseed of cognitive dissonance, so utterly detached that when he wins it seems to be only for himself. Pollsters measure him but poets have described him.

William Butler Yeats got it down years ago: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

Perspective: By Padmini Arhant

The author’s hyperbolic characterization of the left position particularly with the dispatching of the insurance executives to Guantanamo and the article concluding with the quotation ‘the worst are full of passionate intensity,’ suggests the print media eternal love fest with any incumbent administration.

As such, democracy is under siege with the legislations merely passed and mostly stalled at the Corporations’ will, aided by their representatives’ inaction in the Senate and the House. It’s further exacerbated with the established print and mainstream media presenting the figures but not the facts thereby joining the elitists against the populists.

Therefore, it’s essential to place things in perspective for a fair analysis.

Iraq war without casualties in the past month is great news. However, the reason behind that is adopting the “left position” to scale down the troop level and make a firm commitment for troop withdrawal, a diametrically opposite decision by the administration on Afghanistan. Despite the reality, the pledge towards peace and non-violence is characterized as “ideological sniping” rather than pragmatic stance.

The dip in the unemployment rate and the rise in stock market are welcome. Nevertheless, the national unemployment and the states’ joblessness is still in double digit with the middle class dropping to the poorer category and the poor driven to being food stamps dependents.

Stock market performance is directly related to the real and projected industry earnings. Since, the health care reform unarguably in favor of the health care industry in the absence of robust competition such as the government insurance program, the health industry stocks skyrocketed at the confirmation of the public option eliminated from the debate.

In other areas, the defense stocks always thrive rain or shine with the U.S perpetual engagement in warfare. The exception to the genuine growth is the technology sector boosting the figures and again with the drastic employment cuts to survive global competition.

It’s indeed a relief that the financial sector did not crater with the infusion of trillion dollars that has surely benefited the Wall Street more than the main street still being defrauded with no aggressive financial regulations in sight including the oversight demanding accountability on the massive taxpayer bailouts.

Detroit’s big three began to get a pulse – yet the State of Michigan ranks the highest in unemployment rate with an average 15.8 percent described as the worst annual rate in “at least 40 years,” and disproportionately greater among the African American as well as other minority groups.

It’s true that the Obama presidency salvaged the financial and auto industry from ruin and currently involved in the health care reform. Although, the salvation of these sectors were carried out to protect jobs, stimulate the economy by unleashing the liquidity in the financial market while reining in on the foreclosures through affordable lending programs, the progress has been either too slow or in many instances absolutely non-existent due to the bailout beneficiaries’ usual business tactics.

Meanwhile, the financial institution such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives are back in action with the same modus operandi i.e. extravagant bonuses for extraordinary failures in the sub-prime mortgage debacle that initiated the free fall of the economy into the ditch.

In the health care reform as cited above, the proof of the pudding relies on the economic impact of the remaining uninsured millions other than the 30 millions predicted to be covered under the exclusively private proposal. Other issues, like raising taxes on health care plan opted by the work force in lieu of employment benefits are a matter that will weigh in on the cost factor determined by the supply and demand free market elements.

“Some things never changes,” regardless of the power in the White House or the Congress is evident in the past year evaluation.

The Wall Street traditions continue with the financial, health care, communications and energy industries dictating terms and conditions in defiance of the free market fundamentals.

Among them are:

Demanding bailouts and refusing to be subject to scrutiny,

Legislations drafted to promote obscene profits at the expense of exhausted taxpayers and exploited consumers eventually driving the economy to the cliff and,

Last but not the least the communications industry, Comcast resisting government intervention in the monopoly of the diverse media, such as the takeover of NBC and sister networks along with the national communications service and AT&T barring competition in the deal with Apple computers in the Smart Phone – iPhone subscription services and more.

With respect to green jobs creation, the notion is ideal and it would invigorate the battered economy, provided the energy giants do not railroad the budding entrepreneurs vital to expand the sector for community access and local job opportunities.

It’s clear that the ideological sniping from the left or the right is ineffective with the administrations in power succumbing to Wall Street pressure on all issues.

There is one thing to expect loyalty from the supporters through lavish praise and flattery that would simply qualify as cronyism in the backdrop of ‘business as usual’ environment. Another aspect where the actual situation in people’s life has not changed in terms of retaining jobs, homes and the health care proposal entirely entrusted under private care responsible for the status quo.

My silence is not necessarily my disappearance into the oblivion. Any suggestions and requests made thus far in both domestic and foreign policies have been slighted even though they are decisively in favor of the struggling populace at home and abroad. Perhaps, that might be the cause for the utter disregard of opinions and ideas offered upon several political figures’ insistence to participate in the legislative process.

For instance, my request towards transparency and accountability promised during the election campaign by the Obama candidacy has deviated to closed chamber discussion with lobbyists and party members notably in the health care legislation, financial regulations and climate bill negotiations.

I’ve been urging that the oversight committee (if it exists!) hold the financial sector accountable for the bailouts and demand they comply with their end of the bargain in facilitating the credit flow and lending practices crucial to energize the stagnant economy, is largely ignored.

Likewise, the stimulus packages passed under both Bush and Obama administrations viz. TARP money $700 billion in 2008 and $787 billion in 2009 respectively has substantial amounts in cash that has not been invested vigorously to protect or create jobs in the manufacturing sector and public projects i.e. infrastructure maintenance, green technology etc.

I’m still awaiting on the logical reasoning behind withholding the vast stimulus funds for purpose other than the economic recovery via housing market revival, job growth and tax credits to small businesses and medium corporations who are forced to minimize overheads through job cuts.

In addition, the Congress passed relief funds for meager $75 billion to deal with the housing market particularly to decelerate foreclosures, is reportedly served with an acute amount of approximately $2.3million and not billion. Further, it’s reported that the treasury secretary Timothy Geithner’s explanation was “the funds held in reserve to rescue financial institutions from the housing market downturns.”

I emphasized on the required urgent action during the Bush administration bailout activities in resurrecting the Glass-Steagall Act and the long overdue aggressive financial regulations to prevent the precipitous decline of the financial assets hurting the average citizens. Not surprisingly, it received no attention.

Now, it appears that the recently passed House bill on the financial reform has incorporated some of the rigorous policies instead of the comprehensive GS Act possibly anticipating the standard revolt from the Senate.

Not all is lost but there are serious grievances among the general public that are justified with the families facing economic difficulties and it’s appropriately revealed during the November 2009, gubernatorial and congressional elections.

Considering the facts, should one remain complicit to the prevalent camaraderie between Wall Street and Washington in spite of the culture corroding the systems and bankrupting small businesses and ordinary individuals in the society?

My specific role is to represent the people i.e. the humanity at the domestic and international fronts. The task is to work for the general mass and common good to restore democracy, peace and harmony, social justice and freedom, the basic right of all living beings.

Unfortunately, the guidance on foreign policy has been deliberately dismissed by selective entities with a cavalier approach to humanitarian crisis affecting millions of innocent lives. There will be in-depth discussion in this context to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding the international crises.

Washington functions on the dogma that “Those who try to please all, pleases none.” The irony in the legislators’ action is the public interest invariably marginalized over the personal and special interests in the appeasement trend.

Hope and Change is yet to be experienced and possible with a paradigm shift that recognizes alleviating people’s plight as the primary goal in public service.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy New Year! Arrival of 2010

January 3, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The world bid farewell to the first decade of the new millennium and greeted the beginning of the yet another decade with hope and optimism. Events in the years 2000 – 2009 have been remarkably pulsating with the Y2K hype, Presidential elections, political scandals, New Wave terrorism, simultaneous wars, space shuttle disaster, natural catastrophes, environmental onslaught, economic recession, corporate failures, pandemics, genocides, religious sacrilege, and the demise of the famous and the infamous personalities overwhelming the population in intensity and casting the news media on a spin.

On the bright side, the innovative technology introduced novel electronic devices, gadgets and gizmos and continues to revolutionize modern existence in all frontiers evidenced in medicine, space programs, travel, sports, and entertainment not barring the election process such as the 2008 Presidential race.

Human character is tested every moment in life. The extreme adversity survival is an affirmation of the victims’ tenacity to weather the storm at any level. Tragedies of greater magnitude often unify people and unfortunately it’s never long lasting. Soon after, society defaults to individualism, the factor that contributes to problems facing humanity.

Contemporary issues are largely pre-empted by the concept of “me, myself and I,” involving power struggle, wealth amassment and spotlight.

From politics, economics to any form of entertainment, the aggressive domination serving the self interest rather than the common good is pursued as the only path to triumph in the targeted goals. Ironically, such behavior ultimately affects all including the original source, both morally and otherwise. Some change the course of action and evolve from it whereas others dissolve in it for a kamikaze end.

“Some things never changes,” is ominous throughout the crisis. Following the September 11, 2001 artfully orchestrated terrorism, the several testimonies to Congress concluded that the intelligence and the national security flunked in defending the country from the monstrous attack.

Eight years later the repeat scenario with the young bomber on Christmas day fortunately averted but again attributed to the same administrative branch’s dismissal of the warnings from the terror suspect’s father, the next of kin. Instead of following the lead and aborting the incident prior to any serious development, the bizarre explanation reportedly alluding to the suspect’s father not being a close relative defies common sense.

Pertaining to the terror revival, the travelling experience for particular people is guaranteed to be harrowing due to the ethnic groups branding largely stemming from ignorance causing further polarization.

The terror organization Al-Qaida is unduly regarded as the formidable opponent in the “war on terror,” when the reality being the gaping hole in the domestic front like the transportation department (TSA) deprived of the qualified personnel to lead the important division because of the partisan politics is an open invitation to all imaginable external harm out there.

Hence, the priority must be to thwart the internal threats, a hindrance to the functional government. It guides to the supermajority issue in the Senate that must be eliminated and made filibuster proof for democracy to prevail. Politics focused on self promotion uses the filibuster as a weapon, no less than the tactics availed in the terror plots by the assailants.

Only the public outrage and condemnation along with stripping the power that is misused will terminate the undemocratic means among the legislators entrusted to be the lawmakers. Further, the imposition of term limits is equally necessary in the meaningful political reform to enable successful legislations on national and global matter.

Today, politics is nothing but a popularity contest. It makes one wonder why nations bother holding the grueling elections that emits the worst out of candidates who pledge to safeguard the state sovereignty while grossly violate the ethics and sometimes even the constitution they are elected to defend. It holds no bar against the demeanor witnessed during the elections all over.

Since, politics seeks glamour and glitz with the media interested in style than substance, it might be simpler for the electorate to choose the most popular entity on-line and be disenchanted by the contenders. It would also save the political aspirants from the heartaches and blistering attacks funded by the special interests operating to reap huge dividends in the short and long term regardless of the outcome.

Then accordingly, the A-political celluloid celebrities will trump the political contestants for Hollywood is far-reaching with genuine dedication towards humanitarian progress monetarily and in policy advocacy, with the exception of the Californians’ leadership choice to represent the golden state.

With respect to the corporate structure, the recent revelations conform to the fact that the corporations rule the national and the international domain on all issues predominantly favoring them in their selective globalization and protectionism to suit the private agenda. There will be more in the forthcoming articles in this context.

When scanning the role of religion in politics, apparently, the constitutional separation of church and state is slighted with the religious groups heavily influencing the legislative process related to women’s health and the gay members in the society. The political fervor visibly displayed in the sermons posing a conflict of interest with the captive audience. At the same time, the activism among these groups is non-existent in deterring the government against war and human rights abuse.

Considering the global challenges, the religious institutions could be instrumental in alleviating the human plight, the appropriate call of duty that interprets service to humanity as the service to the revered entity.

For instance, the treasure held at the Vatican City, the holy shrine for the most venerable and compassionate Lord Jesus could adequately address the poverty, hunger and disease in the catholic and non-catholic regions of the world.

Lord Jesus personifies simplicity and sacrifice to mankind’s benefit and the wealth in possession of the “pious,” is an obstacle in the path to salvation and decries the ordained spiritual purpose.

The wealth disbursement for basic necessities viz. clean water, growing food crops, education, and disease prevention would provide enormous humanitarian relief to catholic nations like The Philippines, Mexico, Haiti, and other countries in Latin America, Africa and the Eastern Europe.

With Judaism, more rabbis need to join the scholars and peace activists in urging Israel to cease the settlement activity in West Bank and East Jerusalem. This would expedite the two state solutions for permanent peace between Israel and Palestine.

Likewise, the religion of Islam has come under merciless attack and falsely used as an alibi by the
terrorists to support their violent motives against innocent human beings. Islam has been wrongfully accused of preaching violence by some ill-informed political and religious representatives and certain media to stir controversy and infuse confusion in the mainstream thoughts.

It’s important for the religious order and the people of Islamic faith to overtly oppose the terrorists’ actions and the propaganda against Islam emanating from all sides. Silence is an improper response to slander.

Similarly, Hinduism is misunderstood for creating caste distinctions based on socio-economic status. On the contrary, Hindu religion invariably emphasizes on “all living beings created equal,” with the divine incarnates or “Avatars” on earth having represented the ostracized to dispel the human manufactured discriminatory conduct.

The multi-limbed goddesses have aroused curiosity for their appearance when in fact it’s symbolic of the feminine qualities in multi-tasking and places the female gender as the most productive and significant part of the creations.

Goddess Durga is worshipped as the mother of the Universe and the procreator sharing equal status and power with her consort God Shiva. Goddess Durga also known as Shakti meaning vibrant energy is omnipotent and a merciful savior of the weak and the oppressed.

However, the deity’s ferocious version of “Kali” is a force to reckon with and exclusively meant to deal with injustice, intolerance, treachery, chaos, carnage and destruction by the mortals.

Despite the aura of the Goddess Durga, women are still subject to atrocities reflected in the incidents of female infanticides, dowry homicides and denigration of various kinds in the Indian society.

Although, crimes of this nature are punishable by law, it’s essential to eradicate the concept that women are inferior in any shape or form. It reveals the hypocrisy with the female deities worshipped for fame and fortune but women in certain segments of the society do not receive the respect and dignity they deserve. Women’s organizations within India are fairly active and doing good work with room for improvement in promoting women’s rights.

In the neighboring Afghanistan and Pakistan, women fall in the subservient category and the abuse of women in these regions are legitimized through Sharia law and the Karzai administration legalizing the non-consensual consummation in a marriage against Afghan women. Women in other Islamic nations like Indonesia share the experience of being treated as second class citizens in some urban and most rural parts of the country.

Elsewhere, in Africa, Middle East and Latin America the women are burdened with the religious orthodox traditions and ancient rituals leaving the women shackled in medieval times.

Irrespective of the economic status, the female infanticide continues even in the metropolitan China and the abandonment of female children ending in the orphanage is not uncommon. The disparities in wages and other anomalies against women persist.

Industrialized nations are no better. The repressive conditions for women in Japan are well known and perhaps masqueraded with the western outlook.

As for the western nations, women encounter domestic violence and the corporate culture showcase women in a condescending manner to push the commercial merchandise and during deal negotiations. The news reports on physical assault against service women by the private contractors and discrimination of pregnant officer in the war zones is regressive for an advanced nation.

In the United States, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) defeat recently in the legislation based on the myopic view that it would grant women equal participation in the combat role ignores other aspects on women’s rights.

Further setbacks on women’s rights extended in the Supreme Court Decision and the Senate Bill on equal pay for equal work killed by the Senate Republicans via 56-42 votes on April 23, 2008 on the grounds that the legislation would trigger lawsuits from the affected parties i.e. the women in this case.

Source: National Organization for Women – Thank you.

”The Supreme Court decision in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. In a 5-4 decision, the Court ruled that a Title VII complaint must be filed within 180 days of the specific action that sets discriminatory pay, regardless of its ongoing and continuing discriminatory impact on the employee.”

Decisions of this kind are a huge embarrassment for nations setting high moral standards and the legislative outcome confirms that principles are held in theory but not delivered in practice.

To summarize, Religions have become the tool for secular incarcerations by the minority fundamentalists undermining the majority human rights.

The religious intervention in politics is best when encouraging the government to embrace peace over military aggressions and illegal occupations of foreign lands, human rights and environmental protection are some of the issues that would bode well for the religious centers.

It should refrain from negative activities through ballot measures and public forum inciting hatred and unwarranted fear against gay community, Undocumented workers and responsible pro-choice women.

On women’s rights, the global community has reached many milestones with women as the heads of the government and leading in most professions. Nevertheless, there are far too many bridges to cross in establishing the equality ratio demographically.

Women’s organizations and human rights watch groups are striving hard to help humanity achieve progress multilaterally and regrettably the government cooperation is either lacking or insufficient to attain the desirable results.

It’s vital for every citizen to be aware and generate awareness on legislative affairs for the decisions made in the Capitol Hill profoundly impact the daily life.

The excess human greed led to the disastrous decade and those behind the travesty refuse to heed to the warning that,

Mortals brought nothing upon arrival. Therefore, they take nothing back on their departure. One might assume to be powerful but the human capability is limited like everything else on this planet.

No one is invincible and never will be. None have a permanent contract to exist on earth and all actions immaterial of stature, will be evaluated and judged accordingly. That being the status, the humanity flourishes through fairness, equality and freedom for all.

Democracy is alive when the government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

New Year resolutions for 2010 – Healthy lifestyle, fiscal responsibility and positive engagement e.g. being resourceful, peaceful, compassionate and eco-friendly.

Peace within you helps spreading peace around you.

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, in addition lots of smiles and laughter is strongly recommended.

Happy New Year to the citizens in the United States and around the world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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