Secret War Ramifications – U.S. Military Espionage and Directive for Global Operation

May 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

With reference to the preceding article May 30, 2010 titled U.S. Military Espionage – Directive for Global Operation:

It’s clear from the reports that the signed directive promoting espionage through troops deployment around the world would be an invasion of sovereign nations apart from undermining the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The U.S. is officially engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen that has claimed millions of lives with the Afghan war surpassing Iraq in the U.S. troop casualty reaching 1000 mark.

Notwithstanding death toll of service members reportedly as part of “Operation Enduring Freedom,” in the Philippines, the Horn of Africa and the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Per AP report on May 29, 2010, titled U.S. records 1000th death in Afghan war by Robert H. Reid

“More have died in past 10 months than in first 5 years, the death toll for this month alone being 32 in 29 days with more expected in the aggressive campaign this summer.

In the past 10 months, at least 313 U.S. service members have been killed in the war – more than the 295 who died in the first five years of the conflict.

More than 430 of the U.S. dead were killed since January 2009.

The number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan has now surpassed the total in Iraq – roughly, 94,000 in Afghanistan compared with 92,000 in Iraq.

In 2008, the U.S. force in Afghanistan numbered about 30,000.”

Secret War Ramifications Continued – By Padmini Arhant

That being the grim reality, the elaborate scheme to accentuate the military role throughout the world in the mission against “war on terror,”

Despite the ongoing conflict spanning nine years in Afghanistan and eight years in Iraq including the escalation in Pakistan via drone attacks, missile strikes from Navy ships in Yemen producing immense loss of lives and economic liability is tragic if not outrageously ambitious.

Sadly, the universal dissent for the invasion and occupation in Iraq and the prolonged war in Afghanistan is ignored with a false presumption of winning the wars that has contributed to political instability, scores of deaths, alarming national deficits and anti-Americanism.

Now with a new strategy involving troops regardless of size on clandestine military activity would be provocative creating opportunities for militancy to continue their resistance by plotting against innocent civilians in the United States and their domicile.

Such offensive plan with utter disregard for the individual national security measures maintained and coordinated by the majority in global terrorism is likely to generate more adversaries than allies.

Again, the recent terror plots have been thwarted by the courageous unarmed civilians on flights and ground level as witnessed in the Christmas bomber or The Times Square conspiracy.

The terror suspects and offenders invariably use the invasion and occupation as the reason for their participation in the violent attacks when they try to win the local population support.

Peace and diplomacy to resolve disputes is no longer an option in the aggressive military action setting the world stage for a dangerous outcome in the nuclear era.

Unfortunately, the military command’s secret war across the globe appear to have little or no concern for the troops’ safety as shared by the military officials revealing the truth about the risks upon the brave service men and women being captured as spies and denied Geneva Convention protection,

Thus, allowing the rivals to justify their treatment of the captives similar to the detainees’ experience in Bagram Air base and the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

In addition, the crisis is worsened by the private contractors’ apparent sportive shooting incidents of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan fomenting deep resentment against the hiring authorities for their failure to investigate these crimes.

Continuation of torture, prisoner abuse, denial of Habeas Corpus and federal trials as opposed to military tribunals are few of the many human rights violation attributed to the citizens’ protest in the nearly decade old battles.

The cyclical violence through suicide bombings and explosives used by the militants is counteracted with drones and improvised explosive devices by the military in the perpetual warfare, leaving the victims – the civilians, the troops and their families endure the indefinite combative environment.

Terrorism is being redefined by the frustrated population of the war zones and the potential targets as the one involving the insurgents and the other ‘state sponsored,’ displaying the sophisticated artillery in their possession, with neither willing to ceasefire.

Understanding the population plight due to the lack of freedom, political stability, economic prospects and social justice is not a priority for the warring factions.

If it were to be the case, the leadership in Afghanistan, Honduras, Haiti…would represent the electorates’ choice and not be the external political power nominees.

Usually, the U.S. legislative process is gruelling on pertinent issues viz. the economy, health care, energy and environment with the exception of overwhelming bipartisan support for war funding.

Poignantly, per the current report – the Senate passed the $58.8 billion war funding 67 – 28, a dozen Republicans, including GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky voted for the 30,000 troop increase in Afghanistan against the jobless benefits before Memorial Day, suggesting that the Senate will not hold any more votes until senators return from their holiday break June 7.

The legislators in favor of deficit reduction have approved the Afghanistan troop surge funding while declining their votes for the average Americans’ interest forcing the House Democratic leaders to drop the following provisions in response to the deficit concerns:

$24 billion for states to help cover Medicaid costs.

$6.8 billion to provide health insurance subsidies to the jobless under the COBRA program.

$22 billion to provide a 19 month reprieve from a scheduled 21 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors.

Further it’s reported that “Spending cuts demanded by Democratic moderates unhappy about voting to increase the deficit will mean layoffs next year by state governments and no health insurance subsidies for people laid off after Memorial Day.”

Evidently, the spending cuts required for deficit contraction is directed at the population’s nerve center – jobs and health care over the insatiable appetite for redundant warfare resulting in the loss of precious lives sacrificed by the valiant troops and the vulnerable civilians.

The misplaced priority in the two conflicting options – lifesaver and fatalities is attention worthy.

Contemporary policy embracing war and aggression on all sides defies the conventional wisdom that violence begets violence leading the world to go blind in the revengeful act.

Non-violence means empowered with empathy for one another is far more powerful in attaining global peace and harmony.

On the Memorial Day weekend, our nation salutes the fallen heroes for their patriotism and commemorates those serving at present as well as the members in the past.

Fresh beginning awaits humanity celebrating life through peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

U.S. Military Espionage – Directive for Global Operation

May 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

According to the latest news reports obtained from the defense officials and military documents, an extensive clandestine military operation is ordered by the Middle East top U.S. commander to intercept militant groups or threats in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and other African countries.

Courtesy – The New York Times report, May 25, 2010 – By Mark Mazzetti titled:

“U.S. Oks secret war on terror by military – Iran among likely targets of special operations order”

Washington -“The secret directive, signed in September by Gen.David Petraeus authorizes the sending of U.S. special operations troops to both friendly and hostile nations in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Horn of Africa to gather intelligence and build ties with local forces.

Officials said the order also permits reconnaissance that could pave the way for possible military strikes in Iran if tensions over its nuclear ambitions escalate.

While the Bush administration had approved some clandestine military activities far from designated war zones, the new order is intended to make such efforts more systematic and long term, officials said.

Its goals are to build networks that could “penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy” al-Qaida and other militant groups, as well as to “prepare the environment” for future attacks by U.S. or local military forces, the document said. The order, however, does not appear to authorize offensive strikes in any specific countries..

In broadening its secret activities, the U.S. military also has sought in recent years to break its dependence on the CIA and other spy agencies for information in countries without a significant U.S. troop presence.

Petraeus’ order is meant for use of small teams of U.S. troops to fill intelligence gaps about terror organizations and other threats in the Middle East and beyond, especially emerging groups plotting attacks against the United States.

But some Pentagon officials worry that the expanded role carries risks.

The authorized activities could strain relationships with friendly governments like Saudi Arabia or Yemen, or incite the anger of hostile countries like Iran and Syria.

Many in the military also are concerned that as U.S. troops assume roles far from traditional combat, they would be at risk of being treated as spies if captured and denied the Geneva Convention protections afforded military detainees.

The precise operations that the directive authorizes are unclear, and what the military has done to follow through on the order is uncertain.

The document, a copy of which was viewed by The New York Times, provides few details about continuing missions or intelligence-gathering operations.

Several government officials who described the impetus for the order would speak only on condition of anonymity because the document is classified.

Spokesmen for the White House and Pentagon declined to comment.

The Times, responding to concerns about troop safety raised by an official at U.S. Central Command, the military headquarters run by Petraeus, withheld some details about how troops could be deployed in certain countries.

The seven-page directive appears to authorize specific operations in Iran, most likely to gather intelligence about the country’s nuclear program or identify dissident groups that might be useful for a future military offensive.

The Obama administration insists that, for the moment, it is committed to penalizing Iran for its nuclear activities only with diplomatic and economic sanctions.

Nevertheless, the Pentagon has to draw up detailed war plans to be prepared in advance, in the event that, Obama authorized a strike.

“The Defense Department can’t be caught flat-footed,” said one Pentagon official with knowledge of Petraeus’ order.

The directive, the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order, signed Sept. 30, also may have helped lay a foundation for the surge of U.S. military activity in Yemen that began three months later.

Special operations troops began working with Yemen’s military to try to dismantle al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, an affiliate of Osama bin Laden’s terror network based in Yemen.

The Pentagon has carried out missile strikes from Navy ships into suspected militant hideouts and plans to spend more than $155 million equipping Yemeni troops with armored vehicles, helicopters and small arms.

Officials said that many top commanders, Petraeus among them, have advocated an expansive interpretation of the military’s role around the world, arguing that troops need to operate beyond Iraq and Afghanistan to better fight militant groups.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Euro Crisis and Impact on Global Financial Markets

May 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

It originated in Iceland with the pervasive subprime mortgage factor and similarly affected other economies like Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain, referenced as PIGS.

Although, every nation in this category share the contaminated ‘derivative’ traded internationally, the lack of deficit control with the national budget exceeding the GDP growth also contributed to the meltdown and subsequently reflected in the poor credit rating.

More prominently, Greece identified with:

“Goldman Sachs between the years 1998-2009 has been reported to systematically helped the Greek government to mask its national true debt facts.

In September 2009 though, Goldman Sachs among others, created a special Credit Default Swap (CDS) index for the cover of high-risk national debt of Greece. This led the interest-rates of Greek national bonds to a very high level, leading the Greek economy very close to bankruptcy in March 2010.”

The culmination of internal and external mismanagement primarily led the Mediterranean economy to the brink of collapse seeking bailout from the European Central Bank (ECB), EU and IMF.

European Union was challenged with a predicament in the Greece bailout to either ignore the problem or address it to avert the contagion in Europe.

Since Greece is an EU member using the reserve currency euro in the 16 of the 27 states representing the eurozone, the former alternative would have had serious ramifications.

Besides, the euro being the second most traded currency in the world after the U.S. dollar; it has multifaceted impact on the financial markets dealing with high volume trading especially in the futures exchange.

The industrialized and emerging economies are in a bind with the euro value reduction, due to the competitiveness expansion in export trade. For example, the export oriented Germany is at a competitive edge with the United States, Japan and China irrespective of Germany specializing in high end industrial and heavy machinery equipments.

Hence, the euro crisis upside is the European nations gaining export affordability.

Accordingly, the emerging economy and the major U.S. creditor China is concerned about the potential split in global market share and availing the opportunity to reject the U.S. request for currency (renminbi) value adjustment, which has been set below the market determination despite China’s extraordinary trade surplus.

China’s currency, renminbi (RMB) or yuan (CNY) has been withheld from floating as the international currency in the foreign exchange market to protect the status quo.

At the same time, the positive aspect of the dollar appreciation is omitted in the evaluation and that being the foreign investments in U.S. dollars particularly the Treasury bills held by China is strengthened in value and guarantee long term security in futures contract.

Financial stability measures adopted by EU, IMF and ECB with approximately one trillion dollars of which a conditional rescue loan worth $110 billion to Greece is approved to reverse the negatives in the financial markets reacting to the euro downslide from the unsustainable government debts and deficit level.

Had the eurozone requirement on its union members to keep deficits below 3 percent of GDP maintained, Greece and other struggling economies need not have been subject to harsh austerity strategies that has resulted in protest among the mainstream population in Greece and Ireland.

Regardless, the current global financial crisis calls for wasteful expenditure elimination and the national budget review to direct investments in high value returns.

Appropriate actions involving tax hikes and spending cuts are necessary to balance the budget.

However, spending cuts targeting the fundamental programs inevitably generating revenues through productive workforce and consumers is counteractive.

Restoring essential programs and services for the job creation and preservation, youth education, citizens’ health care, social security, safe and clean environment nurture healthy and middle class society to ease the burden on the top 1% or 10% wealthy taxpayers in different economies.

Most importantly, the defense budget consuming a significant proportion of taxpayer revenue in the prolonged wars could be divested to peaceful and profitable opportunities benefiting the citizens at the domestic and international front.

The ideal solution for the European Commission and the monetary union to avoid rising deficits in Europe without compromising the member states’ sovereignty in their national fiscal policy decisions would be to establish an independent, non-partisan committee by the states to examine the individual spending and tax plan, rather than the centralized monitoring or the neighboring authority verifying it.

Further, the constitutional amendment by Germany to contain the deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP by 2016 provided the higher deficit not attributed to GDP decline is a trendsetter in curbing the economic crisis.

In concurrence with the economic experts’ advice – The ECB expediting the credit approval on government bonds used as collateral upon qualifying the self-regulated constitutional limit on deficits is prudent in deterring broad speculative lending activities.

Alongside, the EU sweeping financial reform with tough standards against the hedge fund managers including the two proposals by German Parliament:

Global financial transaction tax and Financial activity tax focused on CEO’s Personal Income & Bonuses are effective steps with the exception of the global financial transaction tax because it is eventually transferred to the end-consumer and may not be a viable option for all participants.

Nevertheless, international agreement on financial regulation by G-20 and other nations is crucial in order to emerge from the existing crisis and prevent the future economic recession.

The systemic risk in the multi trillion dollars ‘derivatives,’ that caused the financial debacle in Europe, Middle East (Dubai), North America, Asia and elsewhere demands stringent policies and independent investigations on fraudulent ventures.

The financial overhaul passed by the U.S. Senate last week has been under scrutiny by analysts with mixed response and elaborated in the article titled:

“New Financial rules might not prevent next crisis – Associated Press, Sun May 23rd. 2010 at 3.55 PM EDT. Reported by Jacobs from New York and contributed by AP writer Jim Drinkard.”

Unequivocally, closing the loopholes as detailed in the cited article and other reports is paramount to establish a financial system free of K street influence.

The apparent revolving-door relationship between Wall Street and Capitol Hill in which employees and consultants have moved in and out of high level US Government positions, with the prevalent conflict of interest is a hindrance to any legislation.

Only the electorates with the voting power in a democracy can remove the persisting obstacles by rejecting the special interest representatives in politics against meaningful legislation.

People as the consumers, taxpayers and voters are the ultimate force in achieving the progress for common good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Shades of Contemporary Politics

May 24, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The last week Primary and Special elections in the United States delivered bittersweet outcome for both political parties.

Pennsylvania election results were particularly unique with the Democratic Primary nomination for the U.S. Senate seat won by a less known candidate, Joe Sestak against the long time Senator Arlen Specter and Democrat Mark Critz victory over Republican contender, Tim Burns to retain the deceased Rep. John Murtha’s seat in the House for the blue team.

Likewise, Kentucky picked the tea party favored candidate Rand Paul, while Arkansas led the incumbent to a run off in the respective primaries.

Although, there were insinuations attributed to political endorsements or the lack thereof for the losses in the elections, conventional wisdom beckons optimistic perspective and accept the mandate as a blessing in disguise for the electorates’ decision is based on their evaluation of the candidates’ profile in the race.

External intervention by embellishing the contenders’ or exaggerating the opponents’ performance seen during elections is an insult to the electorates’ intelligence with an inevitable backlash.

It’s always convenient to scapegoat others for failures by ignoring the fact that the candidates contesting on their own merit combined with a track record pledged to serve the people and not the special interests or political factions emerged winners.

Regardless of the establishment backing and high power recommendation, the electorates cast their ballots to fresh ideas and a serious commitment to resolve issues concerning them.

Despite the relentless propaganda and spinning in the communication media – airwaves, television and print press, the electorates are increasingly aware of the broken political system, due to its impact in their daily life.

In fact, contemporary politics is gradually leading the mass towards self-governance through discernment in their choice of representatives as a stark reminder to the elected officials to live up to their campaign promise or deal with the consequences.

At the same time, revealing to the special interests that ultimately the people are the authentic authority in a democracy.

It’s the beginning of the end of era where voters’ voice is unheard in the persistent negative attacks and swift boating financed by the special interests and largely some news media including the press to launch their designee from either political party.

The political process is being redefined by the smart electorates determined to take the power back where it belongs in a democracy – the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Congratulations! To the winners and Good Luck! To the other participants in all their endeavors.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iraq’s Election Results Favor Secular Government by leader Ayad Allawi

May 23, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On May 16, 2010, Iraq’s electoral commission affirmation of a Sunni backed bloc led by the secular, Shiite leader, Ayad Allawi victory over the former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a clear public mandate in the democratic election held on March 7, 2010.

Further, the election commission ruled out the voter fraud charges by the Shiite leader and the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki after recount in the districts suspected of the alleged inaccuracy.

Hence, the new government with the Prime Minister Ayad Allawi to resume power in office is the electorates’ final decision in the prolonged electoral process that has contributed to sectarian violence due to partisanship sought by the homogenous Shiite party under the then Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

The political standoff by the previous administration refusing to accept the democratic will has claimed many innocent lives of the Shiites and Sunni population through militants’ orchestrated bombings and explosions until now.

People of Iraq deserve peace and normal existence in a secular society.

The new government representing the diverse political factions in the coalition is the electorates’ choice and the sooner the government is formed, the better for national security.

Any unnecessary delay would exacerbate the situation exploited currently by the militants and the terror network affiliated to Al-Qaida.

Besides, it would allow the timely U.S. troop withdrawal per agreement between the two nations.


Save the United States from the economic liability attributed to the alarming national deficit since the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Unified Iraq is the strength to overcome the prevalent political and social discord.

The people of Iraq could reach out to one another in recognition of the millions of lives lost on all sides and lead their country towards political stability, economic and social progress to benefit all.

Prime Minister Ayad Allawi’s inclusive rather than exclusive coalition government is promising.

Perhaps, it could deliver the desirable outcome in liberating Iraq from cyclical violence.

Good Luck! And Best Wishes to the Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and the people of Iraq in their solidarity pledged to nation building.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tragic Events

May 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt condolences to the victims’ families of the following events:

India – Air India plane crash in Mangalore, India on May 21, 2010 with more than 160 lives reported to have been lost and the few survivors seriously injured.

Afghanistan – Plane wreckage north of Kabul, from an Afghan commercial airliner with 44 people claimed to have succumbed to the fatal crash.

Insurgents attacks against NATO base in Afghanistan reportedly wounding coalition troops and civilian staff in the repeat assault on a major military installation.

Iraq – A Car bomb had killed 23 shoppers and wounded 50 in a crowded market in a Shiite town near Baghdad.

The loss of life from plane crash and the violent attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq are deeply regrettable.
Time is the best healer in overcoming grief and the victims memories remain as their legacy.

We pray for the departed souls to rest in peace and the injured for speedy recovery.

Philippines National Elections 2010

May 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

New beginning on the horizon for the people of Philippines.

Congratulations! To President-elect Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Cojuangco Aquino III, the winner in the Philippines Presidential elections held on May 10, 2010.

The President-elect Benigno Aquino III, the Philippines Senator representing the Liberal Party appear to be the popular choice and being the son of the former President Corazon Aquino, known for ‘People Power,’ has contributed to the success against the experienced Political contenders.

Besides, Philippines politics has been mired by violence, corruption and military intervention in the governance notwithstanding the ‘democratic’ system more accessible to political dynasties or wealthy aspirants, leaving the average citizens with limited government representations.

Election related deaths are reportedly lower than the previous years, most recently the massacre involving 57 people in November 2009.

Regardless, any loss of life is regrettable and needs to be prevented at all costs.

Otherwise, the first time electronic voting is proved to be faster, reliable and a lifesaver in the absence of attacks on voter fraud charges.

Philippines population endure enormous suffering in the persisting poverty, political corruption attributed to ineffective government, homegrown terrorism via private armies and Al-Qaida affiliated networks and last but not the least – frequent natural disasters.

There is tremendous hope in the new Presidency vowed to eradicate corruption as its first priority.

Considering the incoming President’s clean image and family history, the electorates’ faith in the new administration to fix the broken government is apparent.

However, it all depends on the Presidency in utilizing the political capital to transcend people’s expectation into realization.

President Aquino’s assets are optimism and sincere commitment to democratic values that would be tested during the term in office.

Future is shaped by the present performance and the administration could achieve the targeted goals provided it remains focused on serving the electorates interest in every aspect.

Philippines is endowed with young hard working workforce with huge potential to lead in all frontiers.

They have been deprived of the political and economic opportunities to demonstrate their talent, a challenge for the struggling demography at the bottom of socio-economic strata.

Unfortunately, the government and the private sector marginalizing the valuable resource, the human capital over nepotism and bribery is the cause of social and political unrest not barring the frustration exploited by the terror recruits.

Essentially, the society’s problems are generated by the system’s failure in delivering the promise to improve the economic and social conditions.

The collaboration between politics and profit exacerbated by the military might are imminent threats to a viable democracy as witnessed in Thailand, Philippines and alike.

Nevertheless, people have the ultimate power to change the status quo, for they are the consumers, taxpayers and most importantly voters in any political environment.

The new President-elect has daunting tasks ahead with the political mandate demanding effective policies to reverse the nation’s course for the greater good.

Good Luck and Best Wishes! To the people and the President-elect Benigno Aquino III in leading the island nation, the Philippines towards long lasting peace, social progress and economic prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thailand’s Political Crisis and Peaceful Resolution

May 17, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Thai government’s political crackdown through military might against the Red-Shirt protesters representing the rural poor and the urban working class population is autocratic than democratic.

Thailand is a nation with a history of military coups and a constitutional monarchy as the ceremonial head of the state.

Accordingly, democracy finds itself between a rock and a hard place.

The National United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship aka UDD and their supporters known as the Red Shirts are the discontent mainstream population in the rural and urban areas of the country marginalized by the current government whose representatives are regarded the elitist least concerned about the populist plight.

Having experienced the effective economic policies that,

Reduced poverty by half within four years,

The country’s first universal health care program,

Education, energy and a controversial yet seemingly popular anti-drug campaign under the deposed Premier Thaksin Shinawatra, the political crisis has been looming since 2005.

Thai politics is complex with the military junta, judiciary, corporate interests, communications media including the news corps and the monarchy exerting authority in the so-called democracy.

In a nutshell, except for the people participating in the voting process, the power is shared among the entities in the hierarchy.

While modern democracy is accustomed to some communication media not barring certain print press positioning with the authority in power in the self-contradictory newscast of their political idols fitting the profile – ‘journalism gone awry,’

The deep-seated problem with Thai governance is the cart blanche military power in direct control of the political system as witnessed in the 2006 coup d’état and now in the political violence producing civilian casualties in the State Capital, Bangkok.

People protesting the economic disparity called for ceasefire against civilians and pleaded with the authorities to begin peaceful negotiations.

The Red-Shirt protesters demand the incumbent Premier Abhisit Vejjajiva’s resignation.

The P.M. is confirmed to have been sworn in December 2008, through political maneuvering by the judicial and the military power not excluding the bureaucrats pledged allegiance to royalty.

In addition, the demonstrators seek Parliament dissolution for new general election due to lack of representation in addressing the Main Street problems.

The government via military has declined the proposals and continue the use of live ammunition against dissenters to disperse the crowd and imposed state emergency in most parts of the country.

With the internal security act in effect, the government’s systemic abuse of power against the people cannot be disregarded.

There appears to be serious violation of democratic principles starting with the explicit control of the communication media preventing the information flow, the only resource available to the economically disadvantaged groups in the anti-government rally.

The government excessive force has been prevalent since the anticipated political uprising during the military rule between 2006 and 2007 leading to the appointment of the current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva until the present time.

If the government in power were to focus on alleviating the economic woes like poverty,
unemployment, wage discrimination, housing, maintaining the universal health care, clean and safe environment…the basic expectations from citizens across the socio-economic spectrum on which it’s dependent for electoral votes,

The clash between the political class and the poor working class in the rural-urban areas would be non-existent.

Besides, the privileged members exploring opportunities to gain or remain in power for self-interest instead of the public and national interest is often the cause for political turmoil with the anti-government sentiments at its peak.

The government’s failure to deal with the economic and social challenges contributes to the political instability eventually threatening national security.

In this particular instance, democracy is undermined by the Kingdom’s regent; the military empowered to execute policies against the electorates’ will.

Public disappointment in the political system run by the nexus organization is justified in a democracy.

Therefore, it’s obligatory on the Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to comply with the people’s request for troop withdrawal and refrain from shooting the civilians in public square.

Military role is honorable in national defense i.e. protecting citizens’ lives unlike the contrary.

At the same time, the Red Shirt protesters must leave the site and abandon activities endangering the public and the environment.

Based on the evidence in the ongoing political crisis,

The Premier had rejected peaceful negotiations with the representatives of the rural poor and working class population causing civilian deaths that could have been prevented in the prolonged political unrest.

Notwithstanding, the undemocratic events of the military coup and the Premier’s subsequent appointment expended in defending the right to remain in office rather than resolving the issues constructively in national interest,

The call for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s resignation is appropriate allowing democracy to prevail through free and fair elections where the candidates would represent the republic of Thailand with a sincere commitment to serve the constituents per “The 1997 People’s Constitution.”

Political decisions and appointments from 2006 until now, specifically the 2007 Constitution of Thailand established by the military junta is null and void.

Further, an independent inquiry to investigate the abuse of power resulting in political oppression and loss of human lives is recommended.

Best Wishes to the people of Thailand!

Sovereignty, eternal peace and prosperity is the inevitable outcome of the political resolution.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iraq’s New Government – Imperative for National and Regional Stability

May 15, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Following the article titled “Iraq’s Political Stalemate – Solution to a Promising Future,” published on the website May 14, 2010,

The topic is continued to lay emphasis on the serious ramifications for a nation without the republic approved political power in office.

According to the latest reports, the Iraqi election results declare the secular Shiite leader – Ayad Allawi, the winner with strong Sunni and other minority party support for having secured the most parliament seats.

The former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s undemocratic stance by excluding the Sunnis and forming a coalition with religious Shiites to challenge the electoral outcome is worthy of condemnation.

Further, the election commission has confirmed in response to vote verification demand for inaccuracy that:

“A full recount in Baghdad province showed no fraud or major irregularities.”

Thus invalidating the ex- Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki’s claim against the winning party on voter fraud.

Meanwhile, the Sunnis concern about being eliminated from the coalition by the Maliki government and the repercussions are evident in the relentless violence orchestrated by the militants with a yet another bomb explosion outside a mosque South of Baghdad reportedly killing 20 people, in addition to the 119 people who died earlier last week.

Simultaneously, the reports cite the tragic 10 people deaths caused by a suicide bomber in the northern city of Tal Afar, near a soccer field.

Above all, Al-Qaida is wasting no time in exploiting the worst developments for a potential full-blown ‘sectarian warfare,’ attributed to political obstinacy displayed by the former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki.

Al-Qaida’s network in Iraq operating under the name ‘Minister of War,’ is a by-product of the brewing tension arising from the illegitimate political power espousing partisan politics in a secular society.

The deliberate attempt to destabilize the political environment contributing to sectarian attacks is favorable to the militants, terror networks, occupiers and the political power seeking indefinite term in office despite the electoral defeat.

Therefore, it’s incumbent upon the vying candidate and the former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki to honor the national election mandate and concede to the democratically elected winner, and secular Shiite leader, Ayad Allawi.

Democratic elections are meaningless if the losing party defy the electorates will and the transition in power deemed discretionary.

Iraqis have endured tyranny, persecution, endless death and destruction.

The people of Iraq regardless of religious sect deserve peace and political stability.

Iraqis must come together instead of rising against one another and exercise their power to restore democracy by granting the winner with most Parliament seats, the leader Ayad Allawi, the opportunity to assume office as the Prime Minister of Iraq effective immediately.

Throughout history, the civil movements have been responsible for changing the course of their country towards freedom, peace, social and economic progress.

Iraq is home to all citizens irrespective of the perceived differences among them. It’s important for both sides to renounce violence in thoughts, words and deeds in order to become trustworthy.

What they are struggling to achieve individually, they will accomplish collectively upon accepting one another as human beings and Iraqi first prior to any classification.

By staying united as Iraqi citizens, they can drive the forces causing indiscriminate chaos and carnage including the epidemic – political corruption.

Both Shiites and Sunnis need to put their grievances aside by moving forward with a common goal to make Iraq a shrine of peace, unity and prosperity.

Political uncertainty without a functional government is a major threat to national security.

The recently elected Iraqi officials are constitutionally bound to form a government and it’s been over two months past the elections, the democratically elected leader has not been sworn in officially.

Unfortunately, the status quo is not denounced in spite of the innocent Iraqi civilians targeted in the erupting sectarian conflict.

The electorate has spoken in the democratic electoral process with the secular Shiite leader, Ayad Allawi as the preferred head of the state.

Congratulations! To the Prime Minister of Iraq, Ayad Allawi and,

Wishing Success in the unified Iraq through fair Parliamentary representation to address the individual and common issues.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iraq’s Political Stalemate and Solution to a Promising Future

May 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

It has been over two months for the parliamentary elections in Iraq and the nation is without a new government thus far.

Since there is no absolute majority winner, the political parties have been scrambling to form a coalition unsuccessfully.

The situation has created a void in the absence of ruling government allowing insurgency to re-emerge that claimed 119 civilian lives on Monday 10, 2010.

Further, the U.S. troop withdrawal with August 31 deadline and the complete pull out from Iraq by the end of 2011 is contingent on the political stability.

The military perspective is “to hold as many forces on the ground until the need to redeploy them.”

Even though, the security agreement between Iraq and the United States requires the U.S. exit by the end of 2011, that now appears to be improbable from the military officials’ statements.

If this is not a wake up call to the elected officials in Iraq, then nothing can revive democracy in the war torn nation.

The Iraqi election mandate was clearly in favor of a secular representation predominantly seeking an end to the sectarian violence that has crippled the economy and stifled the troop withdrawal.

Despite the secular Shiite leader Ayad Allawi being the front runner in the election with strong backing from the Sunnis and different political parties,

The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shiite alliance with the religious Shiite and Iran is being pushed forward for a second term by those preventing peace to prevail in the country that has lost millions of innocent lives to incessant bombings and shootings.

Such undemocratic maneuvering is provoking the Sunni and other minorities causing immense frustration.

The anxiety is exploited by the militants responsible for the insurgency in 10 cities lately and the foreign troops to postpone departure.

Further, the Maliki government with strong Iranian support has failed to curb the earlier attacks allegedly influenced by Iran arguably polarizing the diverse society.

Iraqis were looking forward to a democratically elected government strong on the economy and national security.

Knowing the leadership that would bring the different political factions together rather than strengthening their own representation is likely to succeed in the national endeavor.

Similar expectations were prevalent among other Arab nations concerned about Iran’s ally – the Maliki government’s consecutive term de-legitimizing the Sunnis and others in the Shiite dominant Parliament.

Besides, the events replicating the political outcome in Afghanistan is evident in Iraq with the killings on the rise and the foreign troops presence extended indefinitely utilizing the political discord and social unrest as the reasons for the decision.

However, unlike Afghanistan, Iraqi election completed its process regardless of the routine electoral complaints for inaccuracy in certain districts, delivering the secular Shiite leader, Ayad Allawi as the front runner and the preferred choice.

Whenever the incumbent administration with the following traits:

In agreement with the foreign troops occupation,

Contributing to the political turmoil by rejecting the democratic results against the electorates will and determined to prolong its power,

That government has a bleak future.

Their focus is centered on remaining in office rather than resolving national issues.

With the lack of consensus during the self-appointed term, not much progress is anticipated in the legislative matter fomenting public disappointment and anger in all directions.

Any political power conspicuously inept at governance with the fragmented political structure in constant disapproval of legislations generates a leadership vacuum.

The dilemma is exemplified in Afghanistan and Iraq, the twenty first century battlegrounds with no end in sight, in the war on terror including the deepening political and national security crisis.

Iraq has tremendous potential to reverse its course due to the vast geographic and demographic advantages that exists.

Enriched in oil, there is enormous economic opportunity for nation reconstruction provided the political system be solidified with the multifaceted representation.

In addition, the Iraqi population is educated and suitably trained in the respective fields for the desirable GDP growth.

The perpetual carnage and destruction exacerbated with the political uncertainty has deprived them of a stunning economic performance.

The Shiite policy associating the present Sunni and other minorities with the inhumane past is detrimental to the country’s future. Injustice against one or the few affects the entire society.

It’s important to recognize one another as an Iraqi prior to any other denomination.

The vengeful act is counterproductive and benefits none.

National unity irrespective of the unique cultural and religious attributes could deal with any internal or external threats and the society thrives in harmony.

Consolidating the talents and resources accelerates the individual achievements reflected in the common goal.

Human beings across the globe share the basic aspirations – freedom, peace, secure jobs, good education, health care access and clean environment.

Anything beyond that is made possible with en masse creative and innovative ideas for greater good.

The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s visit to Iran and the close ties with the Iranian regime, prominent for human rights abuse and regional threats is a major impediment for a credible majority rule in Iraq under this administration.

Subsequent to the Kurdish political activists execution in Iran on May 9, 2010,

The autonomous Kurdistan in the national politics might face legitimate opposition among their constituents demanding non-coordination with Prime Minister Maliki led Parliament.

Leaving the prospective Allawi administration as the only alternative – a coalition government per the Iraqi constitution.

Iraq is historically a secular nation. Therefore, it cannot afford to let one group be dominant over others as witnessed in the Shiite bloc headed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Sunni representation in the Parliament is essential to curtail domestic terrorism and enable peaceful existence for the people of Iraq.

Likewise, the Kurdish constitutional rights need to be acknowledged to the fullest extent in a real democracy.

The Kurdish impressive victory in Kurdistan and the disputed areas is well deserved, considering the persisting brutality against them in the Middle East.

Similarly, the secular Shiite leader, Ayad Allawi’s rainbow coalition is the ideal political option for the long-suffering people of Iraq.

Iraq is still experiencing relentless assaults after millions of lives sacrificed in the illegal invasion and occupation.

It’s in the best interest of the people – the Sunnis, the Shiites, the Kurds, the Assyrians and other minority groups to come together and govern Iraq in a democratic system with the secular leader, Ayad Allawi as the Prime Minister.

Without a shadow of doubt, the unified power would promote political stability and national security.

Once that being established, the economic prosperity is inevitable.

The skepticism by Sami Shorsh, the head of the Kurdistan alliance List, regarding the Kurdish rights at the national front is reasonable, based on the isolation.

At the same time, the Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani emphasis on the Kurdish unity in national issues is prudent. For it would expedite the regional progress and reduce the state’s economic burden through solidarity.

The Shiite and Secular outreach to the Sunni representatives in the formation of the new government is paramount.

It would unequivocally settle the storm that has wreaked havoc in Iraq until today.

Obviously, the people of Iraq could no longer endure the agony and grief in the mass burials that has become the fact of life.

No race or society should be subject to the systemic elimination of the generation anymore.

The leaders in the majority and the minority party across Iraq are urged to put their differences aside and acknowledge one another as an Iraqi first by prioritizing the national development.

It’s obligatory on them to revive Mesopotamia’s once sophisticated civilization.

The people have the responsibility to confirm the new coalition government pledged to united Iraq and committed in their service to all citizens.

Secular Shiite leader, Ayad Allawi adequately satisfies the requirement and the coalition under his leadership is far more realistic and promising.

Iraq war and the continuous violence have erased the possibility of hope among the victims.

It’s time to honor those who lost their precious lives by blessing the living with a functional democracy.

On that optimistic note, Good Luck! To the people of Iraq awaiting,

The dawn of new era with long lasting peace and glory in abundance.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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