Extending Unemployment Benefits – House Bill Failed By Three Votes
June 29, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Less than an hour ago, the House of Representatives’ concerted effort to revive the bill extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people representing the stars and stripes fell short by three votes in the two third majority requirement.
Yea – 261 votes. Democrats – 231 and Republican – 30.
Nay – 155 votes. Democrats – 15 and Republican – 139
Not clear on the remaining single nay vote.
Despite the citizens’ plea to Congress members to pass the bill through bipartisanship,
By revealing their deteriorating economic situation due to the weak job market, severe recession and the unemployment benefits expiration,
The ‘Nay’ Sayers on both sides rejected the public plight to allow politics prevail over people’s life.
Legislation failing by three votes that could have salvaged millions from becoming homeless is a tragedy and a sad day for democracy.
Regardless of the political differences, ignoring the harsh realities experienced by the people across the nation is incomprehensible and speaks volume about the individual priority.
Perhaps, the lawmakers possessing the power to improve lives have a legitimate explanation for their action depriving the American families, the means viz. unemployment benefits and tax breaks for small businesses to cope with the dire economic crisis.
Human nature is to protect, preserve and nurture life, not aid in their destruction.
Unfortunately, the current trend is ominously in favor of the latter.
Anything that is detrimental to human existence and life threatening has overwhelming support in the political and judicial system fomented by certain news media.
On the contrary, the bills pertaining to economic recovery and legal issues on life sustenance is defeated with no concern for the consequences.
The reasons behind such decisions are usually related to personal and political ideology.
When human beings have the power to help others in their suffering and they willfully act against their conscience, it is clear that they are guided by their illusion rather than intuition.
The real joy and success is measured by the selfless activities i.e. without any expectations in return for promoting progress among the less fortunate in the society.
Any work performed for greater good often accompanied by empathy makes life worth living.
Notwithstanding the eternal bliss –
For health, wealth and power are meaningless without inner peace and happiness.
Something that cannot be achieved by superficial sources in life.
It’s a sincere hope that the Congress members in the House and the Senate elected by the people to address their needs would reconcile the disagreements with the majority and collectively resolve the national crises hurting their constituents and the citizens at large.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Remembering Senator Robert Byrd – Democrat Senator, West Virginia
June 28, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Today, the United States Senate and the nation lost a longest serving Senator and the member in congressional history.
Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd, a Democrat from the state of West Virginia, political career span from January 2, 1959 – June 28, 2010.
Reflecting on the record, the Senator had previously struggled to keep pace with the social developments in the society.
Nevertheless, towards the end there appears to be some reconciliation with the erroneous decisions the Senator had made during his term in office.
No human being is infallible. Those who recognize the missed opportunities to contribute to positive changes and later do it right are honorable.
For the recent contributions benefiting all forms of life represents the core value, a confirmation of the fact that it’s never too late to act for greater good.
Senator Byrd has served the West Virginia constituents well. Otherwise it would have not been possible to hold the historic position in the Senate.
The democrats and other Congress members reminisced their time with the Senator from West Virginia.
Senator Robert Byrd’s unprecedented public service to the citizens in West Virginia and across the nation remembered with respect and gratitude.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Citizens Plea to the Senators on Jobless benefits and Health Bill
June 28, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The unemployed citizens have presented their desperate situation with the hope of getting some help.
It’s not always easy to be open and upfront to the world about one’s life.
It requires honesty. Honesty demands courage.
The citizens’ message has adequate reasons and highly inspirational, apparently a prerequisite in approaching the elected officials for their votes on life and death matter such as jobs and health related bills.
A lawmaker’s constitutional duty to serve the citizens at all times more so during critical hour is portrayed as a favor or mercy towards their subjects by the authorities and certain news media.
If these messages do not change the ‘Nay’ votes to ‘Yea,’ votes, then ‘compassion,’ and ‘righteousness’ have lost their meaning.
Meanwhile, anyone who could assist these citizens to cope with the difficult circumstances would be not only saving lives but also providing the nation with additional taxpayers through their employment.
Your kindness is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Please read the message from the citizens pleading for survival means. Thanks again.
The URL or any other information about job sites and financial aid may be posted in response to citizens’ comment on this website against appropriate articles. Thanks again.
1.” JOE: From Why Senate must act immediately on the Unemployment Benefit Extension?,
2010/06/27 at 4:44 PM
This is political nonsense at its best.
2. “out of benefits in Ohio:
From Senate Block Vote on Unemployment Benefits Extension and Delay Medicare Reimbursements, 2010/06/28 at 8:35 AM
To Padmini Arhant,
You are so full of it.
Congress is ignoring everyones plight.
While they spend money for big dinners and jets and cars, we the working class get to live in the streets.
I guess the ILLEGAL immigrants are more important to Washington than the citizens of the US.
Washington is spending $10.4 Billion/year on them.
Because I don’t have children at home, I can’t get medical care for my wife.
I can go to the VA but they won’t give me 2 of my meds for a heart condition because some government agency decided I didn’t need them.
Meanwhile I see drug addicts and dearlers getting all kinds of help. I hope that you never have to rely on your government to take care you….”
G-8 and G-20, 2010 Summit – Toronto, Canada
June 27, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
A warm welcome to the world leaders attending the back to back G-8 and G-20, 2010 summit in Toronto, Canada.
The G-8 summit held on Friday, June 25, 2010 appeared to focus on the common economic issues such as financial regulations, deficit reduction and economic aid to disadvantaged countries on the financial side.
International peace and security – the leaders’ discussions are expansive from Iran’s controversial nuclear program, disarmament of North Korea, war in Afghanistan, Pakistan including the tensions in the Middle East.
Also in the agenda is the African leaders outreach on economic progress.
Social issues are related to protecting women’s health viz. maternal well being and infant growth in the regions lacking in antenatal care.
It’s important to begin with the financial sector and the economy for this topic.
Congratulations! To President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and the Congress members for the bipartisan votes in the long overdue financial reform.
It’s a major milestone and a fresh beginning to avert future financial crisis responsible for the global economic meltdown with spiraling effects on the housing, credit and job market.
Other industrialized nations like Germany passed their financial regulation with a mandatory deficit reduction. The constitutional amendment by Germany to contain the deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP by 2016 provided the higher deficit not attributed to GDP decline is a trendsetter in curbing the economic recession.
Similarly, the United Kingdom, Japan and the hard hit economies with huge deficits are in the process of clamping down on the national debt through fiscal austerity and tax hikes.
The deficit reduction is the popular stance among the member nations in this summit.
Although, containing national debt is an immediate priority, the measures to achieve the desirable goal needs to be balanced, so that the vulnerable population like children, senior citizens and the people with disabilities or life threatening conditions are not deprived of basic services from the targeted spending cuts.
Maintenance of social services and programs availed by the citizens across the spectrum would prevent the inevitable outcome – For the elimination would lead to unsustainable economic costs impacting health, education, housing, consumer spending, states’ emergency units – fire and police departments.
Notwithstanding the potential increase in domestic crime rate that had been relatively low nationwide.
Likewise, raising taxes on health and environmentally harmful sources is a place to start due to the dual cause. It would protect the people and the habitat while generating revenue to pay off the accumulated debt.
In the United States, the legislation aimed at economic revival and federal aid to the states for essential programs is challenged by the opposition minority based on their national debt concern.
It’s a legitimate reason but the disapproval is directed at the nerve center of the society.
By denying unemployment benefits to the laid off workers and,
Blocking federal aid to the states is an erroneous decision. States’ employment would be affected leading to massive retrenchment resulting in tax revenue losses.
Already, some states have furlough hurting many American families. In addition, the states offer lifeline support to many contributing back to the system via taxes as wage earners and consumers.
Despite the reality, the ‘Nay’ vote defies logic.
There are ways to pay for these bills by reallocating the unutilized funds in defense spending and pet projects. Moreover, there cannot be anything significant than helping the workers survive and enable them to be gainfully employed yielding tax payments.
Ignoring citizens’ plight has much higher economic and political ramifications.
Therefore, the stimulus bills with guaranteed tax returns are the means to expedite economic recovery.
Since globalization is embraced as the twenty first century economic policy, the anomalies in the system beckon the world leaders’ attention.
There is an urgency to implement international labor and environmental laws binding on transnational corporations to safeguard the environment and the workers’ interest against exploitation, negligence including fair and equal compensation regardless of territories.
Even though, the child labor is banned in some developing nations, the practice is widespread in the desperate parts of the world often engaged by the established multinational companies from the industrialized nations.
Stringent strategies against financial investment firms’ speculative activities that led the Greece and the neighboring economies to the brink of collapse are quintessential in the sweeping financial overhaul.
Some have addressed the problem by enforcing strict rules on the ‘derivatives’ and hedge fund mismanagement in the financial reform. However, the global standard would strengthen the application.
Currency adjustments by the emerging economic power creating trade imbalance and subsequently influencing the rising deficit financed by the creditor is yet another matter to resolve in the present meeting.
Tax havens and withholding income from offshore investments by corporations are impediments to the struggling economies irrespective of stature. Again, cooperation from the G-20 partners facilitating such activities is to be sought on this occasion.
Clean energy to free mankind from fossil fuel and nuclear technology is crucial to replace the discriminatory civilian nuclear program paving way for nuclear proliferation.
Global terrorism and security – Coordinating with international intelligence agencies as opposed to militarization or deploying military personnel on espionage to collect information is a serious violation of the respective nations’ sovereignty. The clandestine military operation is bound to exacerbate the insurgency in the volatile regions forcing the local population to favor the militants reluctantly against the infiltrators.
The article titled “U.S. Military Espionage – Directive for Global Operation,” May 30, 2010 highlighting the inherent dangers of the provocative activities, was presented under the “National and Global Security,” category on this website for further understanding.
International Peace Agreements – Unanimous condemnation of Iran and North Korea nuclear capabilities and belligerent displays against neighbors is a positive step.
Similarly it should be extended to allies violating human rights through illegal invasion and occupation of land, prominently Israel and China viewed by the international community as the U.S and Europe’s ‘turn a blind eye,’ foreign policy.
Actions are effective and meaningful when they are universal and not selective in the enforcement.
Other nations like Thailand cracking down on civilian population with military might in public square deserve international isolation for successfully thwarting the democratic uprising against abuse of power.
Democracy has become a token political system undermined by excessive military involvement and constitutional monarchy as seen in Thailand.
Burma/Myanmar belongs to the league in brutality against its citizens by the military junta reportedly occupied with the nuclear activity.
Worldwide nuclear disarmament is the course to pursue for global peace.
In other humanitarian issues – whether it is women’s rights, social justice or dealing with hunger, poverty and disease, they are all related to the political power governing the nations.
United States, EU, United Nations, Arab countries and emerging economic powers have a decisive role in promoting democracy, peace, human rights, economic and social progress by remaining impartial and committed towards the noble mission.
Best Wishes to G-8 and G-20 nations attending the 2010 summit.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Urgent Medicaid Support Required for People with Disabilities
June 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The organization dedicated to helping children with disabilities made the following plea and requested the U.S. Senators from both sides of the aisle to consider reviving the bill and approve the federal Medicaid funding to the states.
One cannot ignore the urgency on this important measure.
Hopefully the GOP Senators would heed to the call for assistance from the most vulnerable members in the society, the children and pass the legislation on humanitarian grounds, if not as a constitutional responsibility.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Fri, June 25, 2010 12:34:38 PM
URGENT: Tell your Senators to do the right thing
From: “Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals”
Easter Seals: Creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn work and play.
Dear Padmini,
Vital health care services for people with disabilities are at stake.
Urge your Senators to do the right thing for people with disabilities by passing the Medicaid funding extension.
Last night, the Senate was just three votes short of passing critical Medicaid support for people with disabilities.
If the Senate does not approve additional federal Medicaid funding to the states, they will be forced to cut benefits and services for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
We came so close last night. Every message from Easter Seals supporters like you will make a difference when the Senate takes this up again in the next few days.
Act now! Urge your Senators to protect people with disabilities by voting to extend this enhanced federal Medicaid funding!
Medicaid is a lifeline for children and adults with disabilities. Because of the health care they get through the program, they are able to be successful in school, keep a job and live independent lives.
Thanks to Medicaid, a child with autism can get the speech therapy he needs, a teenager with spina bifida can get the wheelchair she needs to use to get around school, and an older person living with a chronic illness can see his doctor.
Medicaid exists to help people who can’t otherwise afford it, pay for critical services like these.
But state budgets have been squeezed by this recession. With less and less tax revenue coming in, they’re facing the prospect of devastating cutbacks.
They need help filling the gaps and keeping important programs afloat.
They’re counting on support from Washington.
The federal government has always shared the financial responsibility for Medicaid.
With so many people in need and the states so strapped for cash, this is the moment for the Senate to step up with additional funding.
When enough of their constituents weigh in, elected officials listen.
That’s why we can’t let Senators cast their vote again without hearing our voices.
But it has to happen fast.
Write your Senators and let your opinion be heard before it’s too late.
I really appreciate your help on this critically important issue.
Dedicated Easter Seals supporters like you are the difference between winning and losing these legislative battles.
Thanks again,
Katy Beh Neas
Vice President, Government Affairs
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Republican Senators kill the Jobless Benefit bill
June 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
On Thursday, June 24, 2010, the Republican Senators unanimously voted against the jobless benefit and job creation bill that could have not only averted millions of American families from becoming homeless but also enormously boosted the small business and medium corporations with the necessary tax breaks to prevent layoffs.
Although, it comes as no surprise given the GOP Senators track record on any legislation since 2009 that has been passed with predominantly Democrats votes,
This particular legislation was aimed at economic revival and providing relief to the long term unemployed workers laid off due to corporate downsizing in a bad economy.
The GOP members’ decision against the life saving and economic recovery bill has the following consequences.
According to the Senate Democrats:
“The demise of the bill means that unemployment benefits will phase out for more than 200,000 people a week.
Governors who had been counting on federal aid will now have to consider a fresh round of budget cuts, tax hikes and layoffs of state workers.
This is a bill that would remedy serious challenges that American families face as a result of this Great Recession,” said Max Baucus, D-Mont. the chief author of the bill.
This is a bill that works to build a stronger economy. This is a bill to put Americans back to work.”
Essentially, the Republican Nay Sayers have successfully exacerbated the joblessness, economic recession and contributed to the state workers massive retrenchment.
All under the pretext of reducing national deficit, when in fact their partisanship has escalated unemployment depriving the economy of taxpayers to reduce the national debt.
Such bizarre political pitch is a direct assault on the American taxpayers-cum-electorates’ intelligence, besides adding insult to their injury.
Their fiscal policy – “Penny wise and pound foolish,” has been a miserable failure thus far.
The Republican lawmakers’ sudden consciousness for fiscal responsibility has come ten years late.
Only had they been conservative with the wayward spending during the period they were in control of the executive and legislative branch by reining in on the Bush-Cheney Machiavellian economic and war policy that has led to the status quo worldwide, the current obstructionism is purely political than fiscal.
Again, the Republican members’ misplaced priority in their approval of illegal wars that has bankrupted the economy and claimed over million lives juxtaposed to them rejecting the job creation bills guaranteed to reverse unemployment and vastly improve American lives is oxymoron.
The voters attention towards GOP systemic sabotage of American living standards is imperative, especially in November 2010.
The recent polls revealing the GOP lead in spite of their strong opposition to American progress is indicative of the lack of public awareness and selective media false propaganda.
Not to mention the inherent dangers of electing the Republican candidates determined to erase the dwindling middle class with an utter disregard for the lower income families.
It’s time for every unemployed individual hurting from the severe job loss and economic crisis – the Republican administration’s legacy to American families, to rise to the occasion and demand that the Republican members in the Senate honor their constitutional oath to serve the American interest and not their specific political agenda.
The GOP Senators’ dismissal of the American families represented by their own base along with the independent voters speaks volume about their commitment to drive the once thriving nation to oblivion.
Unequivocally, they prevailed in the past decade leading the nation to the point of diminishing return.
American democracy taken for granted and the disturbing polls suggest the GOP political maneuvering to stay ahead by distortion, while their performance in the Senate has been detrimental to Americans across the political spectrum.
The 200,000 jobless benefit recipients denied survival means by GOP Senators should dissent the gridlock and insist they deliver the votes required in the jobless benefit extension and every other legislation.
Regardless, the people should rally behind the Democrats at the State and national level, for they are the only hope in alleviating the burden on the American workforce and taxpayers.
Please send your affordable donations to the Democratic Party – DNC, DCCC and DSCC in Washington D.C. and help them secure supermajority in both houses of Congress to set the great nation, the United States of America back in motion.
The grassroots movement can make it possible as witnessed in 2008.
All those individuals affected by the economy and struggling to make ends meet need to turn the tide by replacing the GOP Senate filibuster with Democrats active participation for personal and national good.
Complacency to GOP tradition – stall and kill the bill is equivalent to rendering democracy powerless.
Meanwhile, the Medicare bill delaying the proposed 21 percent cuts in payments to doctors until November 2010 was passed as a stopgap measure to rescue the senior citizens and the disabled patients.
The bipartisan agreement to increase payments to providers by 2.2 percent is a temporary aid to the Medicare program beneficiaries.
Nevertheless, the partial legislation is appreciative.
Needless to state that the unemployment benefits extension would have salvaged the approximately two million families declined help by killing this bill.
Politics discrediting and attempting to weaken the target using the suffering population as pawn is counterproductive.
As stated on numerous occasions, negative emotions hurt the ones harboring more than the ones it is aimed at.
Real intentions behind any destructive course become known for truth cannot be camouflaged.
Nation flourish on solidarity among the powerful with the power to improve lives not the contrary.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Why Senate must act immediately on the Unemployment Benefit Extension?
June 23, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
From: An Unemployed Mother in her comment to the earlier published article :
“Senate Block Vote on Unemployment Benefits Extension and Delay Medicare Reimbursements,”
unemployedmother: 2010/06/23 at 7:16 PM:
“You are missing one key point. The longer the senate waits to vote on this, the more people, including myself and my two sons, will have been made homeless because we cannot pay the rent. I have no money, my phone was cut off due to unpaid bill, my electricity will be next, but that doesn’t matter, I will have no home. Without a home, how are we supposed to vote…for we will have no known address.”
Moment of Reflection: By Padmini Arhant
To the Republican Senators and others stalling the legislation:
How many more victims must come forward pleading for help?
How long must they endure the political stalemate, ultimately affecting the suffering population?
Failure to vote in the legislation such as the unemployment benefits to the laid off workers for no fault of their own and the millions having become homeless in the miserable economy, the Bush-Cheney legacy to the American families – is negligence of constitutional responsibility.
Lawmakers are elected to act on behalf of their constituents and citizens across the nation on all of these issues.
Instead, the GOP members are pledged to ignore the voice of the people, assuming them to be a mere formality in the political process.
If the gridlock continues, it would be detrimental to the political party espousing the undemocratic strategy.
People are fed up of the political shenanigans displayed in every legislation rendering Congress, the republic’s chief representative in a democracy, a malfunctioned authority.
Hopefully, the Senators especially the Republican members will pay attention to the rising temperature among the exhausted population awaiting the opportunity to replace those who don’t deliver with the candidates dedicated to the people electing them to power in a democracy.
Time is running out for the legislators determined to widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
The hurting population are anxiously waiting to end the Washington tradition i.e. stall, filibuster and kill the bill.
Not anymore, for the citizens are energized to eliminate inaction and reinstate action in Washington, come November 2010.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Senate Block Vote on Unemployment Benefits Extension and Delay Medicare Reimbursements
June 23, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
In the past week, the United States Senate was presented with the two most important bills directly affecting the average Americans survival.
According to the reports, the GOP rejected the $24 billion aid to the long-term unemployed citizens in the cash-strapped state governments and the several tax breaks renewal for businesses and individuals.
Apparently, the 56-40 vote on June 17, 2010 fell short of four votes to avoid GOP filibuster. Without any Republican votes for the measure, the Nebraskan Democrat Senator Ben Nelson along with the Connecticut Independent Senator Joe Lieberman contributed to the filibuster.
Today, the Ohio Senators’ repeat attempt to revive the bill by emphasizing on the urgency of this extension remained unsuccessful.
Per: http://www.wkyc.com/news/local/news_article.aspx?storyid=138410&catid=3 – Thank you.
Ohio’s Democratic U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown told fellow Senators that “more than 57,000 Ohioans — about the size of Elyria, Ohio or Mansfield, Ohio or twice the size of Zanesville — more than 57,000 Ohioans are estimated to have lost unemployment benefits since the extension ended in May, a month ago.”
“If the Senate does not pass an extension, that number will increase dramatically. More than 90,000 Ohioans could lose their benefits by the end of June. That is more people than live in Youngstown, more people than live in Springfield, more people than live in Cleveland Heights or Lakewood.”
Brown said that, nationwide, since the beginning of June, some 900,000 workers have run out of jobless benefits. That number will surpass 1 million by the end of this week.
Brown said today that he is very disappointed by the obstructionists’ moves to stop the extension of benefits.
“Senate Republicans are denying tens of thousands of Ohioans — and thousands of people in New Hampshire and hundreds of thousands of people in California and Texas and Florida — the Republicans are denying tens of thousands of Ohioans the unemployment insurance benefits they have earned during years of hard work,” Brown told fellow Senators.
“I ask my Republican colleagues who consistently vote no to try to empathize with those who have less privileges than we do, who don’t have huge staffs and don’t have a good salary and don’t have good insurance and don’t have a secure place to live, what their lives would be like if any one of us lost all of those privileges. I think it would make a difference in how they vote.”
Perspective – By Padmini Arhant
It’s evident from the Ohio Senators’ case scenario that the situation is dire for the citizens in many states with higher unemployment.
Denying thousands of workers the means to cope with the economic recession amid rising or stagnant joblessness under the pretext of national debt or demanding that they are paid for prior to approval is a misplaced priority.
Where the Republican members should be arguing for the prepaid funding is, unnecessary wars such as Iraq and now Afghanistan including the perilous offshore drilling contributing to colossal costs witnessed at present.
It’s common knowledge that the GOP members and the few Democrats against the bill have willfully authorized the defense funding for the prolonged wars and claim no objection to the environmental damages via offshore drilling…
The Nay Sayers fail to recognize the consequences of their action or the lack thereof, leading up to the status quo exacerbation.
When the national figure for jobless benefit is expected to reach a million by the end of this week, the complacency is the affirmation of the elitist least bothered about the populist plight.
Ignoring the struggling families’ desperate economic needs based on partisanship more than fiscal responsibility is politics superseding national interest.
Although, the estimated $13 trillion national debt is a legitimate cause, the divestments from other sources with excess budget allocation including the pork barrel spending could be utilized for this important legislation.
Citizens cannot be possibly deprived of existence in the worst economy and the Republican lawmakers’ argument in this respect does not bode well, considering the positioning is purely aimed at winning conservative support in 2010 elections.
As for the isolated democrats and the independent Senator Joe Lieberman, the clock is ticking with the diminishing public patience on all issues. The proof of the pudding is in the electoral outcome.
Increased awareness and harsh experience by the electorate is a political gamble for the incumbents and the new challengers in the coming election.
People are tired of gridlock and, the ominously missing empathy among the obstructionists is a blatant dismissal of the economic reality endured by the voters.
Therefore, the ideal strategy to resolve the bill passage would be to identify the redundant funds in the fiscal budget and reallocate them for the unemployment benefit extension as well as the retrospective Medicare payments towards health care service.
Regarding the Medicare decrease in doctor payments: The belated Senate vote to spare doctors a 21 percent cut in Medicare payments is proved to have escalated the administrative costs for the providers and the taxpayers.
Much to the AMA (American Medical Association) frustration and AARP, the seniors’ lobby disappointment, the Congressional delay in the particular legislation is stated to affect the large health care program availed by 46 million elderly and disabled people.
Further, the claims processed at the lower rate are forcing many physicians to stop accepting Medicare patients while others considering dropping out of the Medicare program.
The cut appears to have had a direct impact on the billings for the early part of the month because of the Congressional reprieve expiry on May 31, 2010.
Seemingly, the lawmakers’ failure to act earlier is drastically hurting doctors’ cash flow and subsequently the beneficiaries, i.e. the most vulnerable groups in the society – the senior citizens and the disabled population, who also happen to be the nation’s substantial voting bloc.
It is obvious from the facts and legislative events that the representatives declining to vote on the pivotal legislations viz. unemployment benefit extension and Medicare payments to doctors attending to seniors and disabled patients are adding to the national debt crisis rather than alleviating the taxpayers’ burden.
GOP Senators and the Democrats aligning with the Republican members in the voting process are miscalculating the fiscal ramifications and the inevitable political price for their decisions.
It’s essential for the victims in these two vital legislations to distinguish between those who represent the people from the ones’ sworn allegiance to the special interests – health insurance industry and the likes.
Please remember that ‘Change is made possible by the people.’
For the voters have the ultimate power in a democracy.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Happy Father’s Day!
June 21, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
On June 20, 2010, it was Father’s day, an opportunity to display gratitude to the other parent or caregiver in a family, the father.
An occasion such as this is a reminder to the loved ones to spare some time from their routine and reflect on the important aspects of the relationship with their father.
The experience with their parents or the surrogates may not necessarily be the same.
In fact, it differs within a family. Some daughters have a special bond with their father and the sons with their mother or the other way around.
Gender complements one another in a relationship. What one is lacking could be derived from another.
Alternatively, the combined qualities could further enhance the prospects for a successful partnership in general or professional life.
Essentially, the well-synthesized Yin and Yang effects create a new meaning in the ever changing world.
Contrarily, the gender competitiveness often erodes the possibility for a greater good to the family or formal dealings.
Even now, some societies follow the patriarch system with a hierarchy assigning the status to men and women in a family.
Traditionally, a father is an ‘authority,’ figure for he used to be the sole ‘bread winner,’ in the family.
Simultaneously, the matriarch custom has existed in the ancient civilizations and continued through in the contemporary period.
At mainstream, the once hunters and gatherers have embraced the egalitarian concept to an extent, although the widespread acceptance would enormously benefit humanity.
Nevertheless, the positive trend is a dynamic force with interchangeable duties and responsibilities exemplified in the modern society.
For those who feel deprived of the ‘Father’s,’ presence in their life, the vacuum is not easily filled.
However, some cope with the ‘Father-like,’ personalities found in certain members around them.
While others, limit their expectations and strengthen ties with the genuinely caring people either within or outside the family circle.
Father’s role is more related to exterior interactions and instrumental in the child’s development.
Therefore, the father’s engagement from early childhood to adulthood, especially adolescent phase is vital in the child’s upbringing.
Unfortunately, in the growing family crisis children are faced with the timeshare between their parents and the mandatory lifestyle.
A rational and reasonable approach in the family matter allowing the children to a ‘normal,’ existence would lead to a better life for everyone involved.
It may not be perfect, but at least it would address the children’s needs for a balanced guidance in life.
Society thrives from a solid family structure built with love, respect, understanding and trust. It applies to any form of family unit and not restricted to a conventional setup.
Children are the human legacy and they flourish in a hopeful environment.
Happy Father’s Day!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Justice Denied – Foul Play Victim – Personal Setback
June 20, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
I bear the ‘Almighty God,’ witness to the topic presentation.
Recently, there was a personal setback with a small claims complaint filed by a former tenant, who falsely stated not having received the rental security deposit on the rental property for the period May 2008 through July 2009.
The tenant and his spouse – Timothy Brook and Lucy Brook, had newly arrived from the United Kingdom with no credit history in the United States and leased the referenced property in the claim along with a commitment to purchase their own home at the end of the twelve-month period. Accordingly, it was unanimously agreed at that time to assess the individual status on both sides in a year.
During that period, all requests for any repairs were attended with new replacements under their supervision and utmost satisfaction, including the regular light bulbs changed six months after them settling in the house.
Further, a written consensus was reached to resolve any disputes by an arbitrator rather than lawsuits through attorneys or small claims court system and aim for amicable settlement avoiding litigation costs for both parties.
Unfortunately, this agreement was breached by the tenants who hired an attorney after their voluntary decision to vacate the property, despite my email request on June 3, 2009 about lease renewal for which there was no response.
The attorney sent an inflammatory letter stating that,
“Comply with my clients’ demands on any issues. If not, do so at your peril.”
All records are maintained up until now.
Subsequently, the tenants moved out of the property and the refund check for the rental security deposit was sent promptly. The tenants cashed it in the same month, i.e. July 2009, having acknowledged the adjustments and the payment. Receipts for regular cleaning costs and minor repairs were shared with the tenant. It was all accepted with no objection and the matter was settled in July 2009.
Approximately five months after vacating the house and cashing the refund deposit evidenced by a bank transaction showing check details and the encashment date by the party, a small claims judgment was mailed to my address indicating the amount to be paid against the complaint.
Following that, I filed a motion to vacate the judgment. It went drastically wrong due to the manner the hearing was held by the Commissioner Steven Yep, Santa Clara County, Small Claims Division, and the presiding authority on this case.
The Plaintiff arrived without the witness quoted as a “close friend,” – Simon Eldridge, to confirm the alleged ‘Proof of Service.’
When I raised the question about the witness’ absence with the Plaintiff before the hearing, he paid no attention and walked away.
Instead, the plaintiff delivered a letter that was not shared with me during the documents exchange prior to the hearing and the details were not disclosed.
The Commissioner mentioned that the letter was a note from the witness stating – “the witness could not be at the hearing because of an office meeting.”
Further, the Commissioner said that “he was satisfied with the witness statement by proxy,” alleging the service date and time.
NB: The witness statement was not an affidavit but an ordinary note, a copy that was later obtained.
Most importantly, the witness was not a third party i.e. a Professional Process Server or Sheriff hired to serve the summons with a genuine concern for legal consequences.
Even though, it’s permissible by law to have a person 18 years or above for this purpose, the conflict of interest and the convenience having a close friend to cooperate is easily available in this respect.
The Commissioner then looked at me and asked the specific questions, which he did not consider it necessary to pose to the Plaintiff at the beginning of the hearing:
Do you realize that you are under oath?
To that, I said – Yes, your honor.
Did you take the oath?
I replied. Yes, your honor.
Then he turned to the clerk and verified with her:
Did she really take the oath?
For, he did not believe me in spite of my repeated assurance.
The clerk responded – Yes, she did.
Essentially, the substantive evidence that I provided was set aside against the witness and the plaintiff’s verbal statements that was not only contradictory to their earlier versions, but also failed to support their fraudulent claim.
The inconsistency in the Plaintiff and his witness positions throughout the process were ignored by the judicial authorities, even though it inconclusively proved the fact that the witness or the server never visited the property and the documents were not delivered or served by him for the hearing.
A perjury was committed by the witness and the plaintiff in the wrongful judgment enabling the Plaintiff to game the system with the inherent flaws in the judgment award.
This is just a preview of the hearings that took place with a conspicuous bias whereby the presiding Commissioner Steven Yep became the attorney to the other party, instead of being objective and diligently applying the law on equal and fair basis to both parties.
In the appeal, the Judge Gregory H. Ward at the Superior Court, Santa Clara County chose to disregard the law entirely, in lieu of the witness or the server admission during the appeal on 06/04/10 on the failure to “specify the contents thereof,” required per Code of Civil Procedure 415.20(a) and (b).
Likewise, The SC-104, “Proof of Service,” filed by the Plaintiff’s witness confirms that the copies of documents allegedly served on 09/29/09 were not mailed per Code of Civil Procedure 415.20(a) and (b), apart from other Civil Code requirements being not met by the server representing the Plaintiff.
Besides, the small claims complaint filed under false premise by the Plaintiff whereby,
The Plaintiff denied receiving the rental security deposit, when the refund check was cashed by the Plaintiff on 07/27/09 – evidence was enclosed for court reference.
Similarly, the Plaintiff’s erroneous and unsubstantiated claim comprise moving expenses without any receipts for the itemized charges that does not even add up to the total amount presented in the declaration under penalty of perjury.
“Per Plaintiff’s declaration signed under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Moving expenses – $754.78
Van rental – $73.92
Petrol – $25.00 ( It’s noteworthy that the plaintiff charging the weekly gas amount for shifting within the neighborhood, i.e. less than half a mile.)
Moving boxes – $34.86
Cleaning – $276.00 – (The property owner is being charged for cleaning up the tenants’ mess during their rental period).”
The itemized expense adds up to $409.78 with no receipts and the remaining $345.00 has no explanation or receipts for it.
Again, the amount fraudulently claimed for vacating the property on their volition, regardless of the email request about lease renewal (supported by evidence).
None of these crucial facts and evidences was taken into consideration, thereby awarding the Plaintiff for the felony.
The Judges involved in the case are judged and evaluated by the public for dereliction of duty reflected in their shortsighted decisions affecting and ruining thousands of lives.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Source: http://www.courthouseforum.com/forums/evaluationtrial.php
Commissioner Steven Yep
All comments are the opinions of the survey respondents.
“Commissioner Yep is a terrible judge.
I have witnessed his conduct in the courtroom on more than one instance. He treats pro se defendants in probably the worst manner for infractions and misdemeanors that are brought before him.
I had a case, which I fought as a pro se, and was tossed out on my behind. It was so bad that I asked a pro temp to hear my case, and won my case.
The fact that I won really doesn’t matter… it’s that the pro temp LISTENED to the argument and heard both sides fully before rendering a decision.
I never had that chance in Commissioner Yep’s court.
I urge anyone who has this guy for a judge to get a preemptory challenge and write to both Judge Danner and the state Commission for judicial independence to get rid of this guy. 2007-02-07
Negative/Critical – View Survey – Grade – D(0.81)
Part I. ABA Guidelines ABA Guideline 5-1. Legal Ability.
a. Having legal reasoning ability. D (1.00)
b. Having knowledge of substantive law. F (0.00)
c. Having knowledge of rules of procedure and evidence. D (1.00)
d. Keeping current on developments in law, procedure, and evidence. C (2.00)
ABA Guideline 5-2. Integrity and Impartiality.
a. Avoiding impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. F (0.00)
b. Treating all people with dignity and respect. C (2.00)
c. Having an absence of favor or disfavor toward anyone, including but not limited to favor or disfavor based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. F (0.00)
d. Acting fairly by giving people individual consideration. F (0.00)
e. Considering both sides of an argument before rendering a decision. F (0.00)
f. Basing decisions on the law and the facts without regard to the identity of the parties or counsel, and with an open mind in considering all issues. F (0.00)
g. Having ability to make difficult or unpopular decisions. F (0.00) ”
2. Survey Results for Judge Gregory H. Ward 1
All grades/scores and comments are the opinions of the survey respondent.
Click Here to see Individual Surveys
Overall: 2
D(0.78) out of 11 surveys
Comments (9)
Respondents Approve Monthly View Daily View
Do you approve of this judge’s overall performance? Yes: 0 No: 11
Part I. ABA Guidelines
ABA Guideline 5-1. Legal Ability.
a. Having legal reasoning ability. C- (1.57)
b. Having knowledge of substantive law. C- (1.57)
c. Having knowledge of rules of procedure and evidence. C (2.17)
d. Keeping current on developments in law, procedure, and evidence. D+ (1.25)
ABA Guideline 5-2. Integrity and Impartiality.
a. Avoiding impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. F (0.00)
b. Treating all people with dignity and respect – D (0.75)
c. Having an absence of favor or disfavor toward anyone, including but not limited to favor or disfavor based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status – F (0.12)
d. Acting fairly by giving people individual consideration – F (0.25)
e. Considering both sides of an argument before rendering a decision – D (0.57)
f. Basing decisions on the law and the facts without regard to the identity of the parties or counsel, and with an open mind in considering all issues – F (0.12)
g. Having ability to make difficult or unpopular decisions – F (0.00)
Judge Gregory H. Ward
All comments are the opinions of the survey respondents.
1. Biased Judge Remarkably goes against jury verdicts Case Study–Pfizer (IP)Trade Secrets–astonishing reversal of jury’s unanimous verdict 2010-01-27
View Survey – Negative/Critical – D(0.71)
2. Discounts Jury in jury trials–a complete disrespect for the JURY SYSTEM Very, very favorable to Big Business Should not be on the bench Has other agendas 2010-01-27
View Survey Negative/Critical – D(1.00)
3. Very emotional, unpredictable. Favors defendants to a fault. Believes that he is the law. You don’t need a jury with this judge–he ignores jury decisions. 2009-12-29
View Survey – Negative/Critical – D-(0.52)
4. Most biased judge in California. Strongly favors business. Very emotional. 2009-12-29
View Survey – Negative/Critical – D(0.74)
5. Should be removed from the bench. 2009-12-29
View Survey – Not Classified – (F-1.00)\
6. Very Biased. No respect for decisions by jury. 2009-12-29
View Survey – Negative/Critical – (F-1.00)
7. He totally disregarded the jury verdict. 2009-12-29
View Survey – Not Classified – D(0.78)
8. This judge is totally out of control, egocentric, & emotional.
He has complete disrespect for jury decisions.
He is clearly very emotional and biased toward big business.
Look at his ratings.
In fact, look at his record when serving in DOJ–he effectively was fired because of emotional instability.
Most recent cases: Apple (2008). Pfizer(2008) — he overturned a unanimous jury verdict, and ignored Pfizer’s management prevarications which came to light in the $2.38 billion Pharmacia settlement. 2009-12-29
View Survey Negative/Critical – D(1.00)
9. Example of his reasoning; petitioner had good reason to file as there were changes in circumstances, dad exercised only 12% timeshare, not the 20% of record, dad’s income rose from 285k to 800k.
BUT child support met the kid’s needs and retroactive support would only be a windfall to mother.
The law mandates an increase in support when the timeshare lowers as support must be commensurate with timeshare, so even if dad had no increase in income, lowering dad’s timeshare mandated an increase in support of some amount.
Christ, I didn’t even go to law school and I can reason that one out. More reasoning; ignored argument for hearing on equitable grounds, said FC 2122 does not apply to setting aside a dismissal but CCP 473 does, ignoring the fact that blackmail and duress (not good cause under CCP 473) had been used both to get a settlement and to force a dismissal, ie duress used to deny access to the courts by one party.
Sanctions: awarded 285k in sanctions against unemployed mother to be paid to multimillionaire dad who had used the blackmail and threats to keep mother out of court. 2009-11-27
View Survey – Negative/Critical – D(1.00).”