Democrat Candidate U.S. Senator Russ Feingold – State of Wisconsin
September 30, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Democrat Senator Russ Feingold from the great State of Wisconsin needs no introduction.
Senator Feingold is a true democrat with a distinguished record in the United States Senate.
Senator Feingold has always been in the forefront to serve not only the Wisconsin constituents but also the entire nation.
The Senator’s record will be elaborated on this website shortly.
Meanwhile, please visit and,
Kindly help the campaign in reaching the $300,000 fund in the next hour.
Today is the deadline and the campaign needs your assistance by midnight EST.
The campaign is just $2,679 away from reaching the $300,000 goal.
With 270 supporters donating as much as $10 or more would easily assist the Senator’s campaign in achieving the target.
Please cast your vote for Senator Russ Feingold earlier if possible and secure your future.
Senator Russ Feingold has never hesitated to stand up for the American electorate throughout his outstanding service to the State of Wisconsin and the people across the nation.
Your passion, enthusiasm and cooperation are much appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The 65th U.N. General Assembly on Multilateral Disarmament Treaty
September 29, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
On September 24, 2010, the United Nations held a “High-level Meeting on Revitalizing Disarmament Conference” attended by 65 nations’ dignitaries in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Conference objectives were to initiate discussions on the –
Biological and Chemical weapons,
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and,
The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) including,
START – Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms,
PAROS – Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space and,
Last but not the least – Nuclear States threats against non-nuclear nations.
Although the statements from these organizations’ representatives and U.N. members defined the international community role and the urgency to begin nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament discourse, the session ended in an impasse.
The reason behind the unsuccessful outcome is attributed to the Multifaceted Treaty’s one aspect and that being,
The FMCT – Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty reportedly blocked by Nuclear Pakistan insisting on the Fissile Material Treaty fairness and effectiveness on the whole, an identical position shared with its Nuclear neighbor India.
The fissile material related to the plutonium and uranium enrichment for nuclear weapons capability is crucial in the disarmament dialogue to implement a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
In fact, Pakistan’s position in this regard is absolutely legitimate and worth examining.
Pakistan’s claim that FMT mandate be internationally incorporated and multilaterally verified to accommodate the majority nuclear and non-nuclear states’ national security concerns comparable to “equal security for all,” principles is in direct alignment with India’s request.
India has raised the legitimacy and credibility factor surrounding all treaties i.e.
Non-Proliferation, Nuclear disarmament focused on FMT, PAROS, START and negative security assurances for they are all at present severely lacking in accountability and transparency among the NPT-5,
The U.S and Russia in particular as the pioneers currently in possession of over 95 percent world’s nuclear arsenal.
Poignantly, the very first nuclear disarmament and permanent ban on nuclear testing was set forth by the First Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1954 – the nuclear era with conspicuous disdain for nuclear ban proposals that is evidently prevalent until now into the twenty first century.
Subsequently, India remained persistent and called for an international convention in 1978 prohibiting the nuclear weapons use or threats against any nation followed by,
A daring initiative in 1982 submitting to the United Nations – a “Nuclear Freeze,” on fissile material production facilitating nuclear weapons and related delivery systems.
Further, in 1998 India put forward an Action Plan comprising phased elimination for all nuclear weapons and WMD within a specified timeframe setting the cornerstone in the nuclear doctrine.
None of the nuclear weapon states with far more nuclear potential responded to the cause then or for that matter now in the CD conference.
Pakistan and India share the sentiments in the non-cooperation and disingenuous display by the real players the NPT-5 with a burden of responsibility to exemplify their verbal commitments through actions that is being demonstrably evaded as the privileged Security Council members.
All the more reason for the imperativeness to expand the U.N. Security Council permanent membership with broad representation by nations such as Japan, Brazil, India, South Africa, Germany, Norway, Turkey and UAE besides the extensive diversification called for in the recent CD Summit only to be ignored denying global interest.
Had the powerful nuclear weapon states engaged in earnest participation with appropriate and definitive content mutually agreeable to third party verification in the nuclear treaty throughout the twentieth and twenty first century, the world would not be dealing with nuclear proliferation or terrorism.
Even the new START agreement between U.S and Russia signed in 2010 is subjective to ambivalence on both sides based on past experience specifically –
The exchanges with Kremlin during the former President Ronald Reagan START introduction referred to as SALT III at that time and evaluated by the American arms control advocates as;
“A deceptively equal-looking, deliberately nonnegotiable proposal that is part of what some suspect is the hardliners’ secret agenda of sabotaging disarmament so that the U.S. can get on with the business of rearmament.”
Similarly, the then Soviet Union had not disclosed the ICBM (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles) data accurately in the submission.
Such inconclusiveness in the international security matter since the nuclear age precipitated the nuclear and conventional arms race to an unprecedented and unsustainable level.
The repetitive failed attempt to invigorate meaningful disarmament talks is a cliché in the contentious yet easily resolvable issue.
Moreover, the notion that U.S, Russia, China… are responsible nuclear states while disqualifying others from the league is a misnomer considering the status quo and proved detrimental to the nuclear deterrent policy for it encouraged defiance against compliance.
The unanimous frustration and disappointment among the non-elite nuclear states and the vulnerable non-nuclear NPT nations leads to a concrete decision in enforcing;
The universal CTBT – Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ‘entry into force’ rule effective immediately beginning at the fissile material ban targeting both supply and production in the present and the future.
Pursuant to NPT article VI, CTBT entry by force would have a profound impact on the NPT obligations binding the NPT and non-NPT nuclear states along with non-nuclear NPT countries.
Forced entry CTBT statute would reveal the observance or the lack there of by the respective nuclear and non-nuclear States.
It would also determine the Treaty viability and the multilateral apparatus adherence to NPT apart from restricting the sophisticated nuclear weapon upgrade or new development by any or all.
A worldwide Monitoring System and a neutral committee dedicated to NPT and WMD elimination would concurrently phase out the nuclear weapon prospects and systematically retrieve the stockpiles from all parties commencing with the major stock holders i.e. United States, Russia, France, U.K. China and others.
The grievances expressed by the scapegoats earlier India and now Pakistan in the CD failure,
Arguably found in the consistent setbacks on all treaties pertaining to conventional, WMD and nuclear weapons suggesting the so-called summits frame work designed to weaken rather than strengthen the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation institutional policies aimed at the regional and international peace and security.
Given the facts on the ground with the relentless and widespread violence through warfare, the agenda do not match the false exhibits in the previous summits.
Therefore, the United Nations General Assembly members consolidated commitment to global peace and security could be made possible by –
Forging the U.N. Security Council permanent membership expansion and,
Implementing the CTBT to accomplish the non-violation and irreversible NPT complemented by strategic and general weapons substantive and complete disarmament.
The U.N. members at the general assembly could essentially review and restructure the umbrella organization policies to conform to the twenty first century in every respect.
Non-nuclear NPT and nuclear states have a unique opportunity to change the dynamics with a paradigm shift by being inclusive not exclusive in the nuclear negotiations eventually resulting in pervasive nuclear disarmament.
The ICBL (the International Campaign to Ban Landmines) treaty is also vital in the disarmament process with certain key powers not having ratified the protocol despite the staggering toll on the children and economically disadvantaged population across the globe.
Again, the collective pledge to safeguard life and the planet is guaranteed to produce the desirable result –
A peaceful, prosperous and unified world.
Good Luck and Best Wishes to the United Nations and nexus organizations for phenomenal success in the humanitarian goals.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Senator Barbara Boxer Campaign Goal by September 30, 2010
September 28, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Please help Senator Barbara Boxer in the $500,000 goal by September 30, 2010 – midnight. i.e. tonight.
Your pledge is crucial for effective representation in Washington D.C.
More about Senator Barbara Boxer could be found on this website under “Politics – United States,”
Titled – Democrat Candidate U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer – State of California published on 08/13/2010.
Please donate
Your much needed passion, enthusiasm and cooperation is appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The 65th U.N. General Assembly honors 2010 – International Year of Biodiversity
September 27, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
On September 22, 2010, the 65th U.N. General Assembly session contributed to the
“2010 – International Year of Biodiversity.”
Biological diversity representing the ecosystems is on the decline threatening planet sustenance.
At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, 2005 and 2006 – The States committed to the biodiversity strategies and agenda, in addition to providing the necessary financial and technical resources to the developing nations.
The objectives during these summits were to efficiently reduce the biodiversity loss at the national, regional and global level as a contribution towards poverty alleviation and benefit to all life on Earth by 2010 that led to;
“The 2010 Biodiversity Target.”
It has been enacted with the Millennium Development Goals as part of Goal 7 on environmental sustainability.
Biodiversity is the life support for the ecosystems that helps the planet survival and the sensitivity cannot be underestimated.
The conservation and preservation action plans are continually challenged with the escalating energy demands and the twentieth century energy sources maintained by the leading industrialized nation such as the United States, the emerging economies and the developing nations.
Biological diversity comprises the mechanisms for the entire life species contributing to the evolutionary process.
The precipitous biodiversity loss could be attributed to a variety of human generated problems prominently pollution from carbon emissions, industrial chemical contamination, waste management negligence and above all deforestation, overfishing, whaling and dolphin hunting, mountain top removal in coal mining, off shore oil explorations, uranium mining for nuclear energy,
Notwithstanding the catastrophic environmental damages during and after incessant warfare in the vulnerable regions with the battered war survivors left breathing the highly contaminated air from White Phosphorous and the deadliest ammunitions used in the combat.
It’s clear that the environment is under assault from all directions – air, land and sea, despite the clean, renewable and natural energy sources available in the form of solar, wind, hydroelectric and biofuel methods.
The biodiversity loss reduction strategy could perhaps include the focus on the paradigm shift in energy use, industrial smoke elimination, technology operated recycling plants and prohibiting all of the above highlighted activities related to the systemic abuse of planet earth.
Biodiversity importance could be further elaborated with the emphasis on the natural elements – air and water.
Clean air and pure water is truly a blessing for an overwhelming world population deprived of the life dependent sources.
As stated above, the air and noise pollution is a growing detriment for healthy living especially in the densely populated urban areas of the developed and developing nations.
Biodiversity policy could be enhanced by promoting infrastructure investment, town planning – incentivizing people to move outskirts from the city parameter facilitated by rapid transportation for commute and modern conveniences with adequate power supply.
Simultaneously rewarding industries and residents for limited energy consumption, consolidating efforts in curbing pollution from automobiles, industrial smoke and civic habits through non-smoking zones in public areas and work place – such initiatives would complement the biodiversity strategy.
In the rural areas, the air pollution is largely associated with the lack of development in basic survival conditions – for coal still remains the only energy source in daily existence. The outdated machinery equipment used in the developing nations’ farming and agriculture could be replaced with modern technology.
To attain the biodiversity goals across the national, regional and global level, the measures need to be implemented at the origin responsible for the harmful environmental effects. Identifying the issues and resolving them with appropriate remedies could expedite achievement.
Water scarcity is experienced worldwide particularly among the developing nations and the rising economies. Within a nation, the water disputes between states are fairly contentious and the public suffering is exacerbated during hot summer season.
It’s also a fundamental cause for global poverty, hunger and disease. Without enough water the rural communities face tremendous obstacles in producing good harvest. The urbanites are equally affected with water shortage and the majority store water at every opportunity.
It is extremely hard on the poorer population in the absence of sanitation and basic living conditions consequently becoming the breeding ground for preventable yet life threatening diseases like malaria, diarrhea -severe among children, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, hepatitis…found among the population barely existing at or below the poverty level.
If the government and the private sector could combine resources in projects aimed at clean water distribution across the nation and direct funding to improve the living standards beginning with the poorest of the poor, then it would inevitably result in the environmental and economic gain.
There is yet another crucial component in containing the biodiversity deterioration i.e.
The natives involvement – Such as the natives from the Americas, the Inuit from the Arctic region, the different tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Aborigines in Australia and the Adivasis in India…
Being the indigenous population and the responsible guardians of the planet, they would be able to guide as the natural expert in all matter related to ecosystem. Their immense understanding and accurate knowledge of the species in the Amazon Rain Forest, the Australian Great Barrier Reef or the Fauna of Africa…would allow the precise course of action required to sustain biodiversity.
The natives are instrumental in safeguarding the planet until the industrialization massive intervention with nature created the imbalance leading up to rising sea levels and global warming.
Unfortunately, the world has not paid much attention to the natives, the planet’s original inhabitants and their descendants secluded from the modern civilization’s economic progress.
Their dependents are deprived of good education, health facilities and proper housing accommodation. It is tragic to witness the natives’ plight while the remaining global society moves forward leaps and bounds.
Although 192 States reportedly ratified the Biodiversity Plan, the desirable status is yet to be realized due to misplaced priorities.
Since it’s a collective responsibility with a common goal – it’s paramount for all nations to pledge their strong support interpreted in actions to protect life on earth.
Every individual share equal burden to save the planet.
Hence, please rise to the occasion and ensure the “2010 Biodiversity Target” is a phenomenal success.
Best Wishes to the U.N. members and the organizations behind the Biodiversity Protocol.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The 65th U.N. General Assembly Focus – Millennium Development Goals and Biodiversity
September 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
A warm welcome to the Heads of the State and dignitaries around the world attending –
The 65th U.N. General Assembly in New York, U.S.A.
The 65th U.N. General Assembly key meeting held between September 20 and September 22, 2010 reached an accord on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and coordinated with the International Year of Biodiversity.
Per the U.N. Accord on MDG, more than $40 billion is pledged towards women and children’s health, hunger, poverty and technology access over a five year period.
According to the U.N. statement – the unanimous agreement from the various groups such as the Heads of the State and the Government, private sector, foundations, international organizations, civil society and research companies expected to expedite the targeted goals.
There is no doubt that an overwhelming world population is battling with starvation, preventable diseases and chronic illnesses due to lack of health professionals and inadequate facilities exacerbated by natural disasters, political and economic crisis.
The U.N. effort is praiseworthy. However, in addition to the international community consistent engagement in rescue operation, the United Nations and the nexus organizations could address the issues causing the human misery.
Otherwise directing focus on prevention and cure.
What is the reason behind global poverty, hunger, disease, social injustice and gender inequality?
The mass opinion in this regard is Politics.
Politics has not entirely committed to alleviate human suffering in their respective domain.
Policies are geared towards political expediency i.e. remaining in power and adhering to decisions benefiting a selective few rather than the general society especially the average citizen.
Further, experimenting the same methods for different results have conspicuously widened the gap between the haves and the havenots.
Divisiveness in the political discourse is polarizing the society on religious, ethnic and gender related concepts.
Understanding and appreciating the cultural differences, religious and human rights would enormously benefit the people in a cosmopolitan global village.
Social challenges are often best dealt with proper knowledge and facts on the issues promoting empathy and unity in the society.
Political situation directly affects the citizens’ life and determines their future. With the prevalent close relationship between politics and economic leaderships, the political system is represented by all interests except the public.
There is a unique prospect for the government-business relationship to work in favor of the people being the electorate, taxpayers, workers, employees and consumers in the society.
Poverty and disease is a universal problem more visible in the poor countries and shielded in the industrialized nations. The desperate human conditions around the world are created by both economic and political warfare declining peace and persistently pursuing the agenda that are counterproductive.
If peace were to be embraced in the same manner it’s rejected, half the battle against the social and economic disparities would be won. For every nation has some natural resources and possess the valuable asset – the human capital that has been deprived the opportunity for progress.
The damages inflicted with ill choices and the declaration of war against the weak and the vulnerable are later attempted for salvation thereby being the cause and the remedy in the ceaseless cycle.
In the developing and some developed regions, election is perceived as a mere democratic formality adding to the public frustration and disappointment.
Politics essentially controls the life existence and sustenance. From economic to environmental issues, the political dynamics play a major role in shaping the human evolution.
Communications Media aid politics in propagating information with truth being the primal casualty.
Even in the so-called democratic settings few media hosts and anchors volunteer as the political surrogates rather than being the voice for democracy transforming the medium into a state owned enterprise.
Meanwhile, in the economic front – globalization has provided incredible means to corporations with options to empower and exploit the local population. Unfortunately, the reality confirms the latter exceeding the former in most economic areas.
The basic survival factors – jobs, health, and energy resource under finance, health and energy sectors respectively revealed the extent of greed in the recent crises pervasively affecting humanity and the planet.
Yet, compromises are made with the health care industry, finance sector rewarded with $19 billion tax exemptions and energy giants allowed unlimited oil explorations, mining and nuclear programs across the globe despite the past and present catastrophic experience.
Waging wars for economic purpose is an acceptable norm in the modern civilization with accountability and transparency becoming a misnomer at the easily dispensable human lives cost not to mention the environmental degradation.
More disturbing aspects emerge from the judicial systems made redundant with the imprudent silence to the escalating death tolls and civilian displacements granting refugee status in their homeland.
Law and order only applicable to the law abiding citizens to display the political strength in the domestic turf.
Once again, the innocents abandoned to fend for themselves in the quest for political and economic freedom.
The synopsis is the synchronization between certain economic, political and religious factions along with a narrow communication media not sparing some internet entrepreneurs enable in disabling advancement across the social demography.
Such coordination could be applied towards talent enrichment among the less privileged communities worldwide seeking a diverse platform for their political, social and economic development integrating with the twenty first century growth.
The MDG or the Millennium Development Goals are commendable but improving the women and children’s life is also dependent upon the political will imperative to nurture the providers’ dreams and ambitions in a peaceful and prosperous atmosphere.
There is tremendous hope and optimism in the noble humanitarian goal.
Contributions at all levels in the MDG framework and agreement deserves recognition and the commitment is honorable.
Best Wishes to the United Nations and all participating members across the political, social and economic spectrum in their noteworthy endeavor.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 – New Delhi, India
September 23, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The delay in preparedness and various issues concerning the games village has justifiably placed the CWG authorities in spotlight. Being an international event the expectations in the readiness for the athletes arrival is fair and considering the organizers’ miserable failure the reaction is normal.
Although the village complex should have been made available in top notch condition months ago, the torrential rain causing the Yamuna River flooding exacerbated the situation.
Nevertheless, the status quo could be turned around to the international standard despite the pessimism, criticism and the time factor.
For a nation with an incredible talent and human capital, a renowned technology hub, the phenomenal output from the motion picture industry and above all the September 2009 rewarding lunar mission leading to the water detection in the moon, the CWG village restoration should be a no brainer.
It’s clear the committee behind construction and organization needs to be replaced immediately by a nationally or internationally acclaimed robust private industry with expertise in crisis management and sensitivity to the related multinational games.
Most importantly, eliminating bureaucracy that could have partially contributed to the existing problem and diverting attention to the surrounding issues with a positive result is paramount.
Perhaps, the crew hired for the airport project –‘Indira Gandhi International Airport Terminal 3’ that not only produced an exemplary work but also reportedly completed the task within budget and delivered prior to the deadline would be appropriate since they were engaged earlier for the CWG purpose.
It’s incumbent upon everyone across the nation to aid in the CWG rescue rather than allowing the scheduled activity to fall apart.
As for the security issue, the threats during any international occasion are not uncommon – from Olympics to G-20 summits the terror warnings are floated in to discourage the sports or meeting occurrence. When heeding to fear mongering the terrorists and their agenda prevail over rationality and solidarity.
Ensuring tight security around the CWG site again by the competent security agencies – government forces along with trusted local private security firms should adequately provide the necessary protection all over the city.
The technology could be extensively used to thwart any attempts by installing ‘CCTV cameras with audio’ all around to enable further assistance in this regard. Citizens cooperation would enhance the efforts.
It’s important to realize that New Delhi has hosted many successful international events prominently the 1st Asian Games back in March 4 – March 11, 1951 and later the IX Asian Games in 1982 when the Asian Games Village was uniquely designed by the leading architect Raj Rewal who recently completed the much admired Indian Parliament library in New Delhi – attracting accolades.
Per Architecture Week: Specializing in Architecture Design and Building
“The recently completed Parliament Library in New Delhi, India is a response to its monumental context and yet ingenious in its originality.
Designed by architect Raj Rewal, the library is a fine example of post-colonial Indian architecture. It displays high technology with a regional expression, it is modern yet rooted in precolonial history, and it responds thoughtfully to its challenging colonial and political context.”
In addition to sports events, New Delhi has been the popular venue for International Trade Expositions and Symposiums housing delegates and participants from all corners of the world.
Similarly in other parts of India, the Hyderabad Asian-Africa Games in 2003 was proved a remarkable achievement.
India – the land of magnificent palaces, temples and historic monuments is most famous for “The beautiful Taj Mahal,” – all serving as an unparalleled architectural marvel and sculptural feast for the eyes since time immemorial.
Therefore, the CWG facilities across the spectrum should have exceeded the national and international evaluations.
Nonetheless, the athletes accommodation and the venue could be upgraded or relocated to a desirable ambiance in the city through private intervention rather than local government involvement.
Besides, the investments are at stake notwithstanding the national image and reputation.
There is no time to procrastinate and India in the twenty first century cannot resign to ‘not doable,’ approach but instead demonstrate collective responsibility in proving that,
Where there is a will there is a way.
Actions carried out in true human spirit and national interest is bound to triumph the trials and tribulations.
Commonwealth games must proceed to fulfill the humanitarian commitment through sports with utmost diligence assuring the athletes as well as the residents comfort, safety and security.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Special Acknowledgment – President Jimmy Carter North Korea Visit
September 20, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The Nobel Peace Laureate, President Jimmy Carter is renowned for great accomplishments prominently the long lasting Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel at Camp David during his Presidency and the magnificent work through the internationally acclaimed humanitarian organization – Habitat for Humanity providing relief to millions in many areas around the world.
As the founder of Habitat for Humanity, President Jimmy Carter has elevated the living standards and survival rate of the significant population across the globe.
President Jimmy Carter has voiced his legitimate concerns and demonstrated through actions the urgency to heed to rationality than ‘Super Power,’ mentality in foreign policy and environmental issues.
Recently, the former President visit to North Korea in releasing the innocent American citizen, 31 year old Aijalon Gomes from Boston, Massachusetts – is commendable and praiseworthy.
The victim was held prisoner and sentenced to eight years of hard labor in addition to being fined with $700,000 for trespassing and allegedly committing a “hostile act.”
President Jimmy Carter had not only been successful in the prisoner release but also reportedly sought peace message from Pyongyang.
The news excerpts are submitted below:
Source:,0,7025298.story“>,0,7025298.story – Thank you.
Former President Jimmy Carter Aids in North Korea release of American Man:
North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency reported Carter’s departure, saying the ex-leader apologized for Gomes’ actions.
The pardon “to set free the illegal entrant is a manifestation of (North Korea’s) humanitarianism and peace-loving policy,” KCNA said.
Source: – Thank you.
(NECN) – Former President Jimmy Carter says he hopes the recent release of a Boston man held prisoner in North Korea can move peace talks forward with the country.
Carter says North Korean officials invited him to travel to there to discuss the release of Aijalon Gomes.
He says it took five months to get the trip cleared by the White House to free Gomes, who was sentenced to paying $700,000 and 8 years of hard labor.
Carter says he believes Gomes was treated humanely while he was being held for 7 months.
During his speech at the Carter Center, the former president also revealed that during his meeting with North Korean authorities, they repeatedly told him that they were interested in pursuing peace talks with other countries.
“They were eager to have peace talks that would lead to de-nuclearization of the peninsula,” he says, “and a permanent peace treaty with the United States and South Korea to replace the cease-fire that’s existed ever since I was a young submarine officer.”
Carter says that North Korean officials told him to bring a message back to Washington that they were interested in giving up their nuclear capability if the U.S., South Korea, Japan, and China were willing to negotiate with them.
Peace Prospect with North Korea – By Padmini Arhant
It’s clear from the Ex-President Jimmy Carter’s visit and presentation at the Carter Center that;
Earnest peace and diplomacy can prevail over belligerence restoring normal relations between Washington and regimes that are permanently secluded with a possible nuclear threat and war games.
There is enough evidence that the peace talks held since the former Republican President Ronald Reagan era until now has failed to focus on peaceful resolutions. The failure in all these peace discussions could be attributed to exhibiting the military might via missile capabilities rather than exploring the peace prospects through economic, trade relationships, social and cultural exchange as witnessed in February 2008 when the New York Philharmonic Orchestra visited North Korea displaying glimpse of hope in Washington-Pyongyang relationship.
When the olive branch is extended for a long lasting and meaningful peace treaty, it provides a unique opportunity for the leaderships engaged in the decades old peninsula peace talks to capitulate and move forward with the dialogue directed at de-nuclearization and political transformation.
Pyongyang’s message through President Jimmy Carter is phenomenal seeking conciliatory response from Washington. There is no reason to procrastinate on the promising peace summit likely to produce the desirable outcome considering the details outlined to President Jimmy Carter.
Any reluctance or delay from Washington and others to the historic meeting would categorically reveal the forces against peace and their real agenda.
People in North and South Korea along with Japan have endured the tensions with the United States struggling to obtain the reliable consensus from China in the quartet sessions held thus far.
North Korean officials’ statement breaks conventional barriers offering a new dimension for nuclear disarmament and further determination among Washington, Japan and South Korea could lead to a political freedom in the domestic front besides ending the standoff between the once united Korea.
The decision remains with Washington in seizing the moment to help the long suffering North Korean people from abject poverty, economic and social progress due to political isolation.
Peace in the Korean peninsula would be monumental permeating to other oppressed regions.
Declining the peace offer would be detrimental to the United States image and President Barack Obama campaign pledge for “Hope and Change.”
Moreover, any hesitation to clinch the deal would confirm the true commitment or the lack thereof by the concerned parties especially Washington.
Above all, it serves as a litmus test for Pyongyang to prove that the defined goals are genuine and the leadership is sincere in the long overdue peace agreement.
Default from any or all negotiating partners would be catastrophic for the people in the peninsula emphasizing the leaderships’ inability and weakness in delivering a positive result.
President Jimmy Carter as an excellent peace emissary for the United States has once again brought the wonderful gift to humanity awaiting spontaneous acknowledgment from Washington.
Hopefully, President Barack Obama along with the remaining leaders in the quartet would enable success through fruitful negotiations and grant eternal peace to the people in the peninsula.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Cuba – New Economic Model
September 19, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The island nation is in the process of shifting towards an economic model to rescue the state from the employment burden across the public sector.
State’s overwhelming expansion in all areas of the economy is forcing the government to change course in an effort to salvage the sagging public enterprises into private industry.
The combined woes of political sanctions, global economic crisis and natural disasters have produced massive revenue losses for the socialist system struggling to maintain the infrastructure.
As a result, Cuba has reportedly decided to lay off 500,000 state employees by March 2011 and promoting the private entrepreneurial opportunities by issuing business licenses to its population in a limited measure.
Such economic strategy is a wise move for Cuba and could potentially ease the pressure off the government funded organizations that are becoming unaffordable.
The underground economy that managed the private businesses in the state controlled environment is apparently being considered for legal recognition.
Again the consideration is a positive step that would guarantee state revenue through taxes and necessary fees besides facilitating free flow of goods and services not only within the island but across Latin America.
In terms of public education, health care, subsidized food and housing – Cuba could adhere to universal public education and health care alongside private developments in these areas forging a competitive market with enhanced services focused on research and innovation attracting the higher income groups upon the private sector growth.
With respect to subsidized food and housing – the state could perhaps reduce the percentage to the optimum based on means test for families with little or no income to address poverty and let the remaining population assist the market economy.
That way there is tremendous access for small businesses in the food supply enabling the wholesale and the medium to large size corporations to emerge in the long term.
Activating the manufacturing side is equally important for it would absorb the massive workforce expected to be without jobs following the state retrenchment.
The private markets cannot surface overnight without the adequately funded and regulated financial sector which in turn might require IMF and World Bank monetary assistance to expedite the transition.
Initially the federal authorities could divert the savings from the half a million workforce wages to the community banks for private sector lending and earn interest on the borrowings, thereby converting the state liability to income.
Cuba with a much better supply demand prognosis has a greater ability to implement the changes and prepare the Federal Reserve along with the Treasury to monitor the hybrid economic activities.
The questions are raised on Cuba’s capacity to import the essential resources and technology for the proposed transformation by March 2011 and relevantly the state’s action plan on the immediate income surge from the private economy boosting middle and higher earnings categories in the society.
Importing necessary items could be made possible by approaching current trade partners and the industrialized nations like the United States, Germany… have unique advantage in being the supplier especially with the higher end equipment and machinery contributing to the overall benefits in creating and retaining manufacturing jobs in their respective domain.
Obviously ending the economic trade sanctions would serve the international purpose.
Adjusting to the inevitable income hierarchy post economic model could be effectively addressed through a progressive tax structure that protects the lower income and the middle class while the wealthier groups offered tax incentives for domestic investments preventing tax evasions.
Cuba would prosper through reconciliation with reality in accepting the private enterprises
role and build the national economy with a harmonious balance between the state and free market owned assets.
Except for the regular public services, health care and education under state management – the vast areas of the economy are best run by the private industry delivering the people with quality products and services at a market price.
Any concerns about the capitalism risk experienced in the developed economies is legitimate and could be avoided with appropriate regulations comprising checks and balances for smooth operation.
In other matter, Cuba released seven dissidents in July 2010 and vowed to free the 52 political prisoners recently. These actions are praiseworthy and promising in improving human rights record which is significant to win the trust and confidence among the majority in the international community disappointed with the state human rights violation.
President Barack Obama pledge to lift travel ban allowing Cuban Americans and others to travel to Cuba is an optimistic beginning in the U.S – Cuban relationship for the policy would revive the flat travel industry with many dependent livelihoods.
Cuba is gradually heading towards the direction desirable by not only its people but also the global citizens. Similar initiatives in the political dimension would be highly beneficial now for Cuba considering the economic urgency and the trade sanctions posing obstacles for imports to mobilize privatization.
Nevertheless, it’s a refreshing start and there is hope for the Caribbean nation to make progress in every aspect.
As long as there is political determination to evolve and embrace the new possibilities then sky is the limit.
Best Wishes to the wonderful Cuban population for a bright future.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Truth Verification and Implication on Whistle Blowers
September 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
In the bizarre political environment – certain talking heads for the political class or the establishment in Washington condemn truth in the name of free speech while forbidding others of the same constitutional right confirming hypocrisy in the so-called democracy.
Propaganda through subversion of facts is the typical characteristics in the denial and dismissal of truth, despite evidences in the relevant matter.
Truth and first amendment rights are the primary targets in successfully evading debates concerning human tragedies from health, economic to incessant warfare.
Attempts to discredit those raising legitimate questions on national issues and humanity at large bear uncanny semblance to the political systems depriving citizens of the democratic right to express views and opinions.
Ordinary citizens are expected to accept responsibility for their actions; meanwhile the extraordinary held above the law regardless of the issues.
The buffer created to protect the authorities from any investigation constitutes the distinctive hierarchy that in itself is undemocratic expanding the opportunities for history to repeat itself in recent times.
As for the various speculations on the possible intentions behind the humanitarian issues facts finding – there is no materialistic, political aspirations or celebrity quest involved in the spiritually guided humanitarian mission selflessly carried out to protect the planet and the inhabitants from further degradation in preparation for the new peaceful era.
The declaration in April 2010 is not a personal affirmation to any political status but a revelation in the contemporary sense on the spiritual being’s arrival and presence as the humanity’s protector to complete the cosmic realization in correlation with time and space.
Any skepticism or criticism in this regard would be an individual prerogative and the perspective is respected.
Nonetheless, if there are any from the expected quarters, then it would be a ‘selective and convenient,’ position given their precise instructions to get the political candidates elected in the midterm elections and follow the order.
Innuendoes suggest political approach as ‘calculating,’ and not “Saintly” – disregarding the notion that when defending the oppressed, persecuted and exploited population – the victims in the contentious politics with excess greed for power, fame and fortune,
The defender’s position to the powerful and the critics would always appear anything but reasonable.
Besides, from earlier experience it’s clear that when dealing with political and social issues, politeness is mistaken for weakness and silence misconstrued as an ‘apology,’ among some elite and presumptuous in the social-political circle. The populace grievances are neglected with no real or long lasting solutions to the problems.
Immigrants cited as ‘foreigners’ continue to be marginalized by the visibly clamorous ‘minority’ in the television and news media representing the oligarchy.
Fairness and equality is a misnomer with high level of suspicions against individual’s genuine sacrifices for humanitarian good reflecting xenophobia.
However, the horrendous crises resulting in loss of life or serious health problems requiring attention are not a priority and considered unimportant at the least inconvenient.
The lack of empathy for the poor and the ignored majority is an accepted norm in the contemporary society. Upon request to alleviate suffering, the action is misinterpreted as an unnecessary intrusion with ulterior motives.
Unless there is unanimous recognition for honest commitment to deliver in common interest, the gap between the rich and poor will widen with the continuous burden on the wealthy to provide for the rest.
Human conditions could vastly improve with the ability to survive and maintain an affordable economic and healthy habitat. It is made possible by strong political will dedicated to serving the people electing them to office.
Moral and ethical failure is contributed by the abuse of power with no accountability and transparency in political and corporate dealings. Above all, the concerted effort to discourage the pursuit is quite disturbing.
Hence dissent against war and disappointment in other national issues are easily suppressed under these conditions.
Therefore, whistle blowers are forced to submerge and portrayed as potential threats to the status quo through certain volunteers in the news media across the spectrum contrary to them being the voice for democracy.
Democracy is cosmetic rather than realistic in a society without equal rights.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Secure Your Future by Electing Progressives in the Fall Election 2010
September 16, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Democrats, Independents and disappointed Republicans – Please extend your support and contribute to the following candidates’ campaigns.
Please remember your future and the national interest is dependent upon your representation in Washington D.C.
Please ensure your economic prosperity and civil liberty by casting your votes earlier for the Progressive Democrats and restore Washington.
Voting is a constitutional right and gateway to your personal progress. Please begin voting now for the following candidates dedicated to improve your life and spread the word around by visiting Democracy for America or DFA at the address provided below.
Your cooperation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Progressives’ national service is detailed in the DFA endorsement section.
Please help them win a landslide victory in their respective states.
You are invited to contribute and volunteer for their campaign.
Senator Barbara Boxer – (D) California –
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Thank you.
Padmini Arhant