War and Geo-Political Status 20th Century
October 7, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The global economy is still far from recovery and most nations are dealing with austerity, Europe in particular much against their population will.
Meanwhile, among them an overwhelming majority have disproportionate defense budget that is not targeted in the spending cuts. United States has an exceptionally higher defense expenditure that is invariably passed with bipartisan approval regardless of the political party in power.
Whereas, the other life threatening issues concerning jobs, health care, social security, housing…are usually subjective to filibuster and marginalization at the worst resulting in a meaningless final product.
The contemporary society is currently confronted with the so-called war on terror. Although terrorism took birth in the twentieth century predominantly through Middle East conflicts, it escalated in the twenty first century with 9/11 becoming the premise for relentless warfare fomenting terrorism seeing no end in sight.
After two world wars to contain imperialism, fascism and ‘Great Depression,’ the expectation among the international community was long lasting peaceful environment with the governments focused on alleviating poverty, hunger and disease contributing to a healthy habitat for all living beings.
Subsequently the United Nations Charter was created with the U.N. Security Council formation comprising the five nations – United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China and France maintaining the status quo until now, despite the titanic shift in the economic realm over the latter part of the twentieth century leading till date.
The authorities then in power with the responsibility to establish peace and harness diplomatic relations, instead steered in the opposite direction with communism rising in the former Soviet Union, Germany in the West and the entire Eastern Europe as well as China influencing South East Asia.
It’s noteworthy that the arms race proliferated rather than being terminated at the end of world wars with the United States and the then Soviet union followed by the remaining Security Council members successfully conducting their nuclear test that empowered them as the largest nuclear arsenal holders and continue to remain so.
Further, the U.N. Security Council members’ illegal invasions and occupations in the aftermath of the world wars proceeded throughout the twentieth and now into the twenty first century with certain occupied territories annexed as the regional state again at the prevailing horrendous humanitarian plight such as Tibet, Palestinian territories and the disputed regions in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The cold war between the two major powers – the United States and the Soviet Union vying for ‘Super Power’ status caused the ‘United Nations’ to split with the two contenders choosing partners conciliatory to their respective political positions at that time.
In the sixties, it is also well known that the cold war brought the two major powers on the brink of nuclear confrontation with the Cuban Missile crisis.
Notwithstanding the Korean War notably the significant armed Cold War conflict with the reunification negotiations eventually evolved into a proxy war sponsored by the three U.N. Security Council members – the U.S., Soviet Union and China.
The infamous Vietnam War spreading to the neighboring Cambodia and Laos certainly aroused the anti-war sentiments in the United States and around the world at its peak but it did not necessarily deter the wars in Africa, Latin America, Central Asia and the Middle East with the United States and the other permanent U.N. Security Council members involved in almost all of them either directly or indirectly as the arms supplier including the combat forces viz. Afghanistan on the ground.
Increased military aid to Indonesia in 1977 at the height of the East Timorese massacre produced more than one-third i.e. around 200,000 East Timor population deaths in war related starvation, disease and atrocities.
Likewise in 1978 the military aid to Central America against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and similar assistance to El Salvador compounded the regional turmoil with incredible loss of lives from brutal killings.
In 1979, the U.S. tax payers’ approximately $40 billion dollars investment to train Mujahedeen in Afghanistan generated Osama Bin Laden.
Arguably, the United States footprints in Latin America and Middle East are comparatively prominent with the other members concentrating in their region, Central Asia and Africa.
However, the genocide from the civil wars in Africa through the permanent U.N. Security Council members’ arms trade and distribution was entirely ignored since 1991 and up until now – such as the Democratic Republic of Congo referred to as ‘African World War,’ Burundi, Rwanda earlier on, and Darfur, Sudan.
It’s imperative to mention Haiti during the Democratic and Republican administrations’ at the White House going back to 1977 when agreements were made to decline Haitian refugees asylum claims and between 1990 and up until now – the Democratically elected popular leader Jean Bertrand Aristide indefinitely exiled in South Africa.
The combined powerful U.S.and NATO forces delayed intervention in Bosnia, Herzegovina or for that matter regrettable deliberation on Rwanda rescue operation could be regarded worthwhile, leaving other missions a territorial conquest and/or an economic interest.
It’s obvious that the military industrial complex war strategy is the same with the players alternated between the two major political parties in the United States and the trend replicated in other western democracies as the permanent U.N. Security council members.
Twentieth century wars fought in the regions desperately seeking economic and social development were categorically denied the opportunities to merge with the rest of the world converting those nations into a fertile ground for terror recruitment.
Therefore, the cyclical violence is a revenue source for the conventional and the nuclear weapons industry at the horrendous loss of lives and economic cost.
That raises many questions surrounding the wars and the global community priority in the tough economic times. They are evaded with no logical explanation often confirming the doubts in the public mind.
The war architects owe the domestic and international citizenry evidence based legitimate reason for the decade old conflicts severely affecting the weak and the vulnerable in the so-called war on terror.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
XIX Commonwealth Games Grand Opening Ceremony – Delhi, India
October 4, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Congratulations! To India, especially Delhi, the XIX Commonwealth Games host on the spectacular extravaganza prominently showcased at the ‘Gala Opening Ceremony,’ held on October 3, 2010 at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi.
You did it! That too with magnificent glory and pride.
It’s a testimony that whenever human talent is challenged with the ‘impossible’ verdict, the inspirational spirit within guides to rise to the occasion and prove it otherwise.
The ceremony is an amazing feat for the vibrant civilization unfolded in the twenty first century technological era in perfect harmony and wrapped in a colorful cultural performance depicting the magical kingdom of India through the refracted prism images from the spectrum of light illuminating the sky with mesmerizing fireworks.
Technology oriented themes such as the ‘Aerostat,’ a large helium balloon raised to the 25 meters height above the ground, decorated with mirrors and rainbow lights is designed to project high resolution video occurrence and visuals at 360 degrees in addition to synchronizing with the parade on the ground.
The enthralling presentation was one of a kind appreciated with the spectators’ continuous applause in sheer bewilderment.
The live shows on stage were captivating with seven thousand artistes from diverse cultural background performed with great enthusiasm creating a parallel universe by revealing the caliber among the unsung maestros in classical, folk and modern music and dance.
The co-ordination in this context was in itself a tremendous tribute to the choreography.
The long cherished Indian cultural heritage was exhibited in the pageantry winning the hearts and minds of the audience at home and around the world.
Synthesizing innovation with tradition produces a unique effect profoundly highlighting the characteristics in ancient art and modern techniques.
India is naturally suitable for such experiment given the enriched antiquity and the phenomenal technological endowments together contributing to the ravishing display.
Around seventy one nations are participating in various sports activities and the solidarity was evident during the opening ceremony.
The assimilation of these nations with a common pledge to build new relations and enhance old ties through sports is an admirable humanitarian goal.
There is abundant opportunity through international sports to heal and reconcile differences for mutual progress in every dimension.
Sports and entertainment are often the ice-breakers in the frozen diplomatic channels facilitating renewed hope for a fresh beginning.
Nations could seize the floating chance to reflect, pause and proceed with a dialogue conciliatory to both parties.
Many unresolved disputes have been revived due to sincere engagement and amicable approach in the contentious issues ultimately yielding the desirable outcome.
As for the competitiveness in the related sports at the international level, the athletes representing each nation would justifiably aim for their victory and every other contender in that respect is a potential threat to them.
Again, maintaining a balanced strategy that would enable accomplishment without compromising sportsmanship is ideal to promote sports acumen, teamwork and national image.
Being the ambassadors for the respective nations, the athletes have an awesome responsibility to demonstrate qualities helping them to win in the relevant field while protecting the national interest.
Although most participants excel in interpersonal skills, sometimes incidents evolve into an unnecessary controversy.
In other matter, it’s imperative to focus on the outstanding security efforts and the final preparation leading to the Commonwealth Games commencement splendor.
The entire games village is equipped with surveillance cameras, tight security measures and above all guarded by an estimated eight thousand Indian commandos for the athletes, visitors and residents’ 24/7 safety.
All of the minor and major problems pertaining to the initial delay appear to have been effectively addressed in compliance with the international standard and to the sports community’s optimal satisfaction.
Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Congress Party Leader Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, Indian Commonwealth Games organizing committee members and above all the workers at the bottom delegated to the finishing tasks deserve recognition for a superb finále.
The impressive organizing is attributed to the excellent management and,
An unequivocal commitment to prevail against all odds from the top bottom ensured success.
However, it’s essential to preserve and possibly expand the status quo comprehensively to strengthen future prospects.
A valuable lesson from the recent experience is – a resilient unified input guaranteed to triumph in the extenuating circumstances.
India exemplified the notion with grace, charm and exceptional fanfare.
On that optimistic note, signing off with deep gratitude and acknowledgment for the fabulous start of the XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India.
Good Luck! And Best Wishes to all athletes from different parts of the world in realizing their dreams at the international event.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Democrat U.S. Senator Russ Feingold – the Ideal Representative for the State of Wisconsin and USA
October 3, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The United States Senator Russ Feingold began his political career in 1982 representing the 27th District in the great State of Wisconsin. The Senator was then re-elected to the Wisconsin State Senate in 1986 and 1990.
Subsequently, Senator Russ Feingold expanded the horizon to the United States Senate and served three terms in office since 1992. The Senator is now seeking fourth term to serve the Wisconsin electorate preparing to elect their representative in November 2010.
Prior to moving forward with Senator Russ Feingold’s exemplary record throughout his public service, it’s important to shed light on the Wisconsin electorate.
The people of the great State of Wisconsin have led the nation in many social and political fronts earning the progressive status from the early twentieth century.
In 1921, the Wisconsin State Legislature passed the first equal rights bill in the nation, granting women full equality with men under civil law.
Then created the nation’s first comprehensive statewide primary election apparatus,
Implemented the first effective workplace injury compensation law,
Structuring the first state income tax comprising taxation proportionate to actual earnings,
Institutionalized educational access through the University of Wisconsin Extension – UW-Extension,
Set up the first unemployment compensation program in the United States in 1932.
It’s clear the Wisconsin milestones were crucial in transforming the social and political landscape at the state and national level.
As the elected official, Senator Russ Feingold’s contributions are aptly comparable to the Wisconsin State historic achievements.
The Senator’s background and credentials speak volume in the human character context – humble and honorable.
Senator Russ Feingold is a Rhode Scholar and J.D. with honors (Juris Doctor) – a first professional graduate degree and professional doctorate in law from the eminent Harvard Law School.
Despite the phenomenal academic feat, the Senator dedicated his lifetime to public service rather than pursuing economic prospects in the private sector.
Senator Russ Feingold – Current U.S. Senate Committee Assignments:
Committee on the Budget
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts
Subcommittee on the Constitution (Chairman)
Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs
Committee on Foreign Relations
Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs
Subcommittee on African Affairs (Chairman)
Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Subcommittee on International Operations and Organizations, Democracy and Human Rights
Select Committee on Intelligence
Senator Russ Feingold legislative record upon examination portrays the rare and admirable quality conspicuously missing in contemporary politics.
In every respect, the Senator has prioritized the people and national interest over personal benefits and consistently exemplified his verbal commitments through verifiable actions to the electorate.
Otherwise, Senator Feingold had delivered his campaign promise to his constituents, the democratic base and the nation in all matter from political, economic and social to environment issues.
Senator Russ Feingold has diligently and effectively addressed the electorates’ needs across the political spectrum as a true ‘Maverick,’ in many legislative affairs.
The prominent legislative actions are – campaign finance reform, fair trade policies, conservation and environmental protection, a multilateral foreign policy, Social Security, civil liberties, and wasteful spending.
Senator Russ Feingold emerged the ‘Veteran,’ in legislative measures concerning the veterans serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S. base around the world.
Having voted against Iraq war, Senator Feingold was the first U.S. Senator to call for troop withdrawal back in August 2005 and proposed complete withdrawal timeline by December 31, 2006.
Yet, the Senator ever remained in the forefront to assist veterans and their families at every opportunity.
Senator Feingold co-sponsored “The Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act,” enacted in October 2009.
Accordingly, Senator Russ Feingold was named “Legislator of the Year” by the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers.
Campaign Finance Reform – The hallmark legislative act presented as a “Bi-partisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002,” with Senator John McCain from across the aisle.
It is recognized as the “McCain-Feingold Act,” and in spotlight pending Senate approval.
Senator Russ Feingold introduced the bill in the Senate on July 14, 2005 primarily restricting special interests funds in political campaign, an epidemic invalidating democracy in the electoral process.
“The bill would ban lobbyists from giving gifts to senators and,
Impose a $50,000 fine for violating the ban,
Force lawmakers to sign statements saying that lobbyists did not pay their travel expenses,
Forbid lawmakers from traveling on corporate jets,
Bar congressmen, staffers, and executive branch officials from serving as lobbyists for two years after leaving office, and,
Last but not the least – require that lobbying reports be disclosed on a quarterly, rather than semi-annual, basis.”
Finance Reform Act 2010 – Senator Feingold was the only Democrat to oppose the bill based on the loopholes and Wall Street concessions benefiting the bailout recipients in particular with a potential for history repeating itself in the future.
Oddly, the Senate majority sought the Republican Senator Scott Brown’s vote after $19 billion tax exemption to Wall Street instead of meeting the Democrat Senator Feingold’s legitimate request to protect the financial sector from reckless speculations and tax evasions on executive bonus.
Fair Trade Practices – Senator Feingold again demonstrated prudence by extending support to –
“Fair Trade Act,” and not “Free Trade Agreement,” such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).
These practices proved to hurt the American and overseas workers.
A good example being China and the controversial currency adjustment whereby the Yuan or Renminbi is maintained lower than the market determination undermining the trade balance between U.S. and China besides affecting the global economy.
Senator Feingold has been deeply involved in protecting American jobs and continually strived for the poor, the middle class and the disadvantaged workers by introducing and/or participating in legislations to improve American life.
Government Spending – Senator Feingold is also a well-known advocate for reductions in pork barrel spending or earmarks and corporate welfare. Citizens Against Government Waste, the Concord Coalition, and Taxpayers for Common Sense, three nonpartisan organizations dedicated to those causes, have repeatedly commended him.
National deficit has been a major consideration for the Senator and made wise recommendations to contract the alarmingly disproportionate defense budget and other discretionary spending.
Moral and Ethics: Senator Feingold was elected to Congress on a promise not to accept pay increase while in office.
The Senator has so far returned over $50,000 in such raises to the U.S. Treasury.
Further, the Senator is famously frugal in his office spending, and sends back the money that he does not use.
In one six-month period in 1999, for example, his office received $1.787 million in appropriations and returned $145,000, a higher percentage than any other senator.
The Senator made a contract with Wisconsin constituents and kept his word by accepting predominantly grassroots contributions.
Senator Feingold campaign style is parallel to yet another highly respected Democrat Senator the (deceased) Paul Wellstone from Minnesota.
With respect to human rights and civil liberties – Senator Russ Feingold has been a champion in securing the individual liberty and American justice for all.
Senator Feingold voted against the Patriot Act prevalent and vigorously misused until now – The Senator raised strong objection to the provisions in the bill that enabled State infringement upon innocent citizens’ civil liberties.
Similarly, the Senator had profound misgivings on FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) used as a pretext again until now by the federal authorities for illegal wiretapping and spying on American civilians.
Same-Sex Marriage: The Senator has gone to great lengths for the gay community in defending the constitutional right that guarantees equal rights for all. Senator Feingold is on the right side of justice and vehemently favored the position with a public statement –
“Gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry and have access to the same rights, privileges and benefits that straight couples currently enjoy…”
On May 18, 2006, Senator Feingold again made news with his stance on marriage when he walked out of the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting under Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA at the time) shortly before a vote on a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
Evidently, the above facts confirm the remarkable journey by the extraordinary and distinguished statesman with three successful terms in office from the foresighted State of Wisconsin,
The Honorable. Senator Russ Feingold
With merely four weeks for the midterm election, the electorates in the State of Wisconsin have an awesome responsibility to choose their Senator to represent them in Washington D.C.
Given the Wisconsin progressiveness in all issues, the Republican candidate Ron Johnson is an irony due to the candidate’s bizarre and the diametrically opposite stance on –
The economy, health, environment and social issues.
Republican candidate Ron Johnson is a corporate executive, multi-millionaire with no economic or health care plan except for joining the Republican Congress members to strengthen the ‘Nay’ votes on all issues regardless and pronouncing the Washington political gridlock elevating the American electorates’ frustration and disappointment.
The Corporate CEO has thus far invested a staggering $4.3million from personal wealth and received $1.6 million in other contributions – essentially purchasing the Senate Seat with money power realizing that it could be easily recovered by voting for the ‘special interests’ and violating the Wisconsin constituents trust upon being elected to the Senate.
The Corporate CEO Ron Johnson sided with Catholic Church leaders in opposing a proposed Child Victims Act in testimony before a state Senate committee.
Republican candidate Ron Johnson stands by his January 2010 testimony on the Child Victims Act, which would eliminate the statute of limitations for child abuse victims.
Candidate Johnson said he opposed the Child Victims Act because it could have financially hurt groups like the Scouts.
This testimony is an affirmation to the Republican candidate Ron Johnson’ misplaced priority.
Is the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson ignoring the child victims’ welfare for financial reasons?
When asked about allowing offshore drilling for oil in the Great Lakes,
The Corporate CEO Ron Johnson responded, “We have to get the oil where it is.”
Republican candidate and the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson defended BP in the economic and environmentally catastrophic oil spill.
The Republican candidate Ron Johnson criticized those holding BP responsible for cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Republican candidate Ron Johnson disclosed that he owns more than $100,000 worth of stock in BP.
Republican candidate Ron Johnson has described scientists who attribute global warming (the current climate change) to man-made causes as “crazy” and the theory as “lunacy.”
As to his opinion on the source of climate change,
The Republican candidate Ron Johnson said, “It’s far more likely that it’s just sunspot activity or just something in the geologic eons of time.”
He gave no response when asked to give evidence supporting the sun-spot theory.
Perhaps, the Wisconsin electorates could see the stark contrast between the Democrat Senator Russ Feingold and the Republican candidate, the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson.
There is no comparison between the two candidates’ policies. Senator Feingold’s policy is for the people and Republican CEO Ron Johnson’s campaign is pledged to the corporate agenda.
Senator Russ Feingold is a populist relentlessly fighting for the average citizens – reflecting the democracy’s real choice.
Republican candidate, the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson is focused on advancing his own and corporate interests that would inevitably harm the Wisconsin voters leaving them betrayed with a broken promise – a common experience in politics easily thwarted with the progressive Democrat like Senator Russ Feingold.
Can the Wisconsin constituents rely on the Republican Ron Johnson’s candidacy that is unequivocally tied to monetary pursuits?
It’s much better for the Wisconsin electorate to continue the tradition and re-elect the genuinely committed leader with result-oriented outstanding record – Hon. Senator Russ Feingold.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Wisconsin electorates to exercise caution when being falsely driven towards a corporate candidate Ron Johnson with public statements revealing the real purpose.
Senator Russ Feingold is a valuable asset to the State of Wisconsin, United States, the Democratic Party and the international community.
The Republican candidate Ron Johnson’s victory would be tragic and an irretrievable loss for the Wisconsin voters.
When the Wisconsin electorates weigh the pros and cons between the two candidacies, the overwhelming pro response would lead to Senator Russ Feingold.
Please visit www.russfeingold.com and contribute to Senator Feingold’s campaign at the time being outspent by his corporate candidate Ron Johnson.
Also Wisconsin electorates from the political and socio-economic strata –
Please cast your ballot earlier if possible for Senator Russ Feingold and grant the Senator a landslide victory in the midterm election.
A splendid future is guaranteed for the Wisconsin electorate through honest and hardworking Senator Russ Feingold in the United States Senate.
C’mon Wisconsin you can do it.
Please reverse the poll trend and place your most trusted Senator Russ Feingold on the top for a fabulous win on November 2, 2010.
Your generosity, cooperation and voter mobilization is urgently required to help Senator Russ Feingold win the November 2010 election.
In fact, you can declare Senator Feingold’s re-election by mailing in your ballots if the voter is an armed personnel or a senior citizen including others – please check with your local authorities in this regard.
Please donate any amount to the campaign www.russfeingold.com and vote for Senator Russ Feingold.
Voting is a privilege for many across the globe deprived of the fundamental right.
Good Luck! Senator Russ Feingold for a deserving triumph in November 2010 elections.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Ayodhya Verdict – Indian High Court Decision
October 1, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The Allahabad High Court in the Indian northern state Uttar Pradesh delivered its verdict on the long awaited settlement related to the Ayodhya Holy site shared between Hindus and Muslims since 16th century.
Ayodhya has religious significance being the Hindu God, Lord Ram’s birth place.
Lord Ram is the virtuous Avatar or Reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Ram exemplified peace commitments through self-sacrifice.
Similarly, the Mosque on the site attracted many Muslims from far and wide. It was a common worship place for both religious groups over four centuries.
However, the tranquility dissipated leading to litigation over the land proprietary rights.
The lawsuit filed much earlier on finally came to fruition with the court’s decision on September 29, 2010.
Judiciary was fairly represented with a Muslim and Hindu justices serving the respective religious interests within the constitutional law.
The outcome allocated the land rights in equal proportions to the three parties and outlined the individual judgments on the specific issues.
Judicial findings in this matter are concurrent with the applicable law confined to the Indian constitutional framework and verifiable evidences.
Accordingly it reflected fairness and equality in semblance with ‘Lord Ram’s’ character conforming to the precise ruling perhaps through time travel in the “Ram Rajya” i.e. Lord Ram’s Kingdom or simultaneous adherence by the Moghul ruler Babur to maintain unity.
Therefore, the religious and political representatives’ initial agreement to the High Courts’ secular position now transformed into challenge at the Supreme Court confirms individual agenda overriding rationality and denying respect for the relevant entities they claim to defend.
Such arguments and initiatives are not only disingenuous but also counterproductive.
The co-existence of a Hindu temple beside a Mosque with the premise accessible to the Hindu and Muslim worshippers on an equal basis is the ideal solution to the prolonged dispute.
Any attempt to sabotage the honorable result in the decades old legal battle would exacerbate the delicate status quo.
Exploring further legal opportunities in this regard would be wasting valuable time and resources that could otherwise be invested in promoting solidarity and inter-faith relationships.
Indian democracy demonstrated admirable maturity by remaining calm at the height of ‘National Alert’ and preparedness to accept the High Court determination regardless is praiseworthy.
It is imperative to maintain decorum and pursue peaceful strategies to resolve the problems and reconcile the simple differences among all three religious groups – Sunni Waqf Board, Nirmohi Akhara and Ram Lalla.
Approaching the issues with genuine empathy for one another and willingness to accommodate others’ essential needs could lead to successful negotiations without legal intervention.
India should take pride in the religious and cultural diversity that has contributed to various progresses in the society.
Participants avoiding divisive dialogue in the media and Public Square would enormously heal the wounds from the past and the present undercurrents.
People are obviously tired of the discussions prioritizing self-interest over national interest.
It is clear that the Hindu and Muslim residents in the Ayodhya community welcome the High Court decision and look forward to a new beginning.
With peace dawning on Ayodhya through High Court diligence, the matter is best put to rest for greater good.
It’s an occasion to renew hope and safeguard the democratic values against the emerging threats on this issue.
Peace and harmony is to be cherished and celebrated for they are the unique gifts to humanity.
Ayodhya is symbolic to Hindus and Muslims alike with an urgency to recognize the fact that,
“Lord Ram is also Rahim and vice versa.”
At the end of the day the reality being;
Quoting Author – Muhammad Iqbal – Indian National Song
“mażhab nahīñ sikhātā āpas meñ bair rakhnā
hindī haiñ ham, vat̤an hai hindostāñ hamārā
Religion does not teach us to bear ill-will among ourselves
We are of Hind, our homeland is Hindustan.”
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant