Korean Peninsula Peace Strategy – The Unified Korea
November 29, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The recent skirmishes in the Korean Peninsula evolved into a deadly attack on the South Korean port Yeonpyeong.
According to the news reports – South Korea suffered casualties with two civilians and two marines killed in the North Korean firing forcing many residents to leave for the mainland.
Further the U.S and international news agencies also reported that prior to the attack, the North Korean authority and their ally China warned the United States to refrain from conducting military exercises with South Korea on the Yellow sea, the disputed territory between North and South Korea.
The joint naval drill on the economic route was characterized as ‘provocative’ by China and its key trading partner North Korea.
North Korean subsequent artillery response revived emotions among South Korean citizens affecting the latest diplomacy between the once unified nations.
Regardless of the military operation on the West sea of Korea, the North Korean action resulting in fatalities is reprehensible. The real victims in the avoidable quagmire are the South and North Korean population.
Simultaneously, it is important to highlight the missed opportunity following the former President Jimmy Carter visit to North Korea in September 2010.
The North Korean leadership’s unprecedented peace message through President Jimmy Carter requesting Washington to hold peace talks and Pyongyang eagerness to commit to de-nuclearization including permanent peace treaty with the United States and South Korea was not pursued leading to the status quo.
The urgency to move forward with the initiative was elaborated in the article titled:
‘Special Acknowledgment – President Jimmy Carter North Korea Visit’ published on this site on 09/20/10 under International Politics.
Had United States given North Korea the benefit of the doubt then it would have clarified Pyongyang’s sincerity or the lack there of considering the protocol through U.S. ex-President that emphasized serious and the highest possible communiqué even if it was not representative of the current administration.
It’s regrettable that invitation for peaceful dialogue is ignored fomenting military option as the preferred reaction to the twentieth century cold war generated political standoff.
When diplomacy is not the priority for the primary negotiator, it promotes belligerence accompanied by tragic loss of life as witnessed in the present discord.
Any attempts to salvage the situation in the aftermath appear disingenuous jeopardizing the trust factor among the participants expected to resolve the contentious issue.
After the Korean War (1950-1953) – the communist North Korea is a nuclear state with reportedly 8 to 12 nuclear arsenals in possession and preparing to strengthen its nuclear capability.
In April 2010, there were allegations against North Korea on the South Korean warship, the Cheonan drowning that claimed 46 sailors’ lives.
North Korea has exhibited missile stunts causing tensions in the Peninsula and now this time around the attack is detrimental to the humanitarian developments comprising South Korean food aid to North Korea notwithstanding tourism and trade relations benefiting both nations.
Similarly, South Korea and U.S. military activities foster hostility even though the defined purpose is stated as – restrain North Korea and remind its dependable partner China to intervene in the conflict to deter North Korean aggression.
China’s reluctance to comply with US demand is perceived as an act intended to protect national interests using North Korea to challenge United States in the multilateral entreaty.
It is clear from the existing situation that adversarial approach exacerbates the crisis with undesirable results such as deaths and destruction. There is tremendous display of power politics and self-interest contributing to the escalating turmoil in the region.
Evidently procrastination serves none except allowing North Korea to enhance nuclear armament leaving vast majority in abject poverty and isolation while South Korean citizens remain fearful and frustrated from the confrontation.
North Korea is extremely vulnerable despite the indicated nuclear proliferation and constant harassment of South Korea – the neighbor and trading partner. The impending power transition is yet another uncertainty in the political domain.
Therefore, North Korea could thrive from renouncing violence against the people of South Korea otherwise their relatives across the border. In all these years, the saber rattling is proved counterproductive and withheld economic progress.
Although both nations rely heavily on the external powers – i.e. Communist North Korea seeking China’s assistance and Capitalist South Korea dependent on the United States, they fail to recognize the fact that they could end the conflict today on their volition through bilateral peace treaty.
South Korea as a sovereign nation is at liberty to establish peace accord with North Korea irrespective of the international effort. The peaceful strategy would insure the democratic government pledge to improve security and reunite the families split across the border.
Hence, the reconciliation between the two nations could be aimed at the unification process with South Korean economy and North Korean defense power enabling a strong and prosperous Korea as one nation.
The achievement would be analogous to Germany – When the Berlin wall demolition facilitated the East and West Germany merger with significant advantage prevalent in the EU member.
Upon reunion with North Korea, South Korea could stimulate the domestic economy through local growth and consumption like China. The people in North Korea would at last be emancipated and become a valuable resource for the South Korean market economy.
North Korean military personnel would adequately address the national security concerns for the united Korea. It would be a phenomenal success for the people in terms of political stability, economic prosperity and social equality.
Tranquility in Korean peninsula would permeate to other parts of Asia and guarantee peace for all other nations in the continent.
North Korean commitment to nuclear disarmament could come to fruition in the course of constructive and meaningful engagement by the Korean leaderships.
In this context, the independent South Africa exemplified the smooth nuclear dismantling setting precedence for other nuclear powers to adopt ‘non-nuclear’ concept.
South Africa deserves praise for the monumental decision favoring humanity.
The nuclear free zone is the only effective policy for global peace and security.
North Korea peace offer could be directly presented to the people of South Korea and the deal finalized in good faith to demonstrate the leadership’s affirmation for solidarity yielding a unified Korea.
Sincere condolences to the South Korean families grieving for their deceased members and,
Best Wishes to North and South Korea for peaceful existence as one nation.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal in 2014
November 27, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Afghanistan troop withdrawal was discussed during the NATO press conference last week i.e. 11/20/10 indicating the timeline in 2014.
Again, this topic has been extensively covered under various articles on this site.
The military decision was presented as the evaluation on the ground defining the persistent threat from Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces, preparing the Afghan security personnel and armed forces and ensuring political stability across the nation…in semblance to Iraq.
With respect to Al-Qaeda – the CIA accounted for a meager 100 militants in Afghanistan and the northwestern Pakistan combined together against over 120,000 formidable U.S. and NATO coalition.
As for the Taliban containment, the Pakistan ISI and military intervention to prevent peace talks between Afghan Taliban and the Afghan government is common knowledge.
Even the U.S. leading press reported the Pakistan intelligence having misused the U.S. agents in tracking down the Afghan Taliban chief only to foster the Taliban and Afghan government standoff by holding the captive in a secret location unbeknown to U.S. intelligence.
Amid such activities, the foreign power still maintains Pakistan – an ally in the war on terror providing $2 billion military funding rather than channeling the aid towards desperately required social and economic development.
Pakistan ISI and military have long profited from the militancy within and across the borders with Afghanistan and India predominantly due to the U.S. military aid further distributed in lucrative arms sales to Al-Qaeda and militants including the Afghanistan and Pakistan based Taliban.
The carefully configured operation has contributed to cyclical violence in armed conflict, suicide bombings in Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as terrorism against India and Iran.
Today on November 26, 2010 the Mumbai terror victims’ families mourn their relatives’ deaths from the brutal attack in public square two years ago.
The perpetrators like David Headley from the U.S. and terror masterminds in Pakistan are granted impunity despite evidence confirming the charges.
The Pakistani military, intelligence and the political establishment’s evasion to bring the Mumbai terrorists to justice is no different from U.S. and NATO avoiding questions about Osama Bin Laden in the 9/11 terrorism.
Afghanistan was invaded to eliminate Al-Qaeda and capture Osama Bin Laden dead or alive.
Now a decade later, the most sophisticated military might – the U.S. and NATO are still in Afghanistan with the war spilled over to Pakistan and Yemen.
Al-Qaeda and Taliban continue to be the reason for the prolonged occupation in Afghanistan.
U.S and NATO ambiguous timetable for troop withdrawal set in 2014 is suggestive of two possibilities.
It is ambiguous because of the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen underscoring the statement that the withdrawal commitment will not be “calendar driven.” Otherwise it could be beyond 2014 and not any sooner.
Per U.S. and NATO accounts – Given the inferior ammunition and significantly lower combatants Al-Qaeda and Taliban are essentially winning the war on terror in Afghanistan depriving the nation the long overdue political stability which in turn is contradictory to the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s position that:
“U.S. policy in Afghanistan is working” implying that NATO and U.S. choice of political leadership – President Hamid Karzai has the situation under control through efficient governance.
Then why is the troop withdrawal scheduled for 2014 and not 2011?
Alternatively ‘truth’ being the first casualty in war and politics, the U.S. and NATO leadership with the U.N. chief are not being forthright to the people in Afghanistan, the U.S. and ally taxpayers notwithstanding the increasingly frustrated press as the voice for democracy.
Afghanistan political woes persist with the central power challenging the latest election results while the Afghan President Hamid Karzai publicly acknowledged the cash flow from Iranian regime and U.S. officials to his administration.
It is imperative to highlight the Iranian influence in two war zones – Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iran alliance with the U.S. appointees – Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki is not without a reason.
Afghanistan and Iraq being the strategic location for military strike against Iran – the impending U.S. war policy with an unequivocal worldwide catastrophe is being maneuvered by Iran through financial assistance to Afghanistan and political ties with Iraq.
U.S. overtures to Afghanistan and Iraqi leaders in spite of their performance track record and against respective population dissent is the bedrock for insurgency, militancy and incessant warfare in both nations.
The Taliban is emboldened with the local population forced to accept the corrupt and inefficient political system or become a recruit for the militant group.
Afghan population plight exacerbated with the deteriorating social, economic and political conditions. The report on Afghan women self-immolation attributed to atrocities and social injustice towards them is a major credibility factor for the U.S. backed Afghan administration.
Besides President Hamid Karzai as the U.S. and NATO appointee is complacent to foreign occupation whereas resisted by Taliban.
To a large extent the Afghan population find themselves between the rock and a hard place.
Hence raising the relevant questions:
What is the real purpose behind the ten year old Afghan war?
With Osama Bin Laden being no longer the intended target and skeletal Al-Qaeda operatives relocated to Somalia,
Why is the troop withdrawal set in 2014 instead of 2011?
Why the pullout in 2014 is explicitly stated as not ‘calendar driven’?
What is the precise strategy to reverse Afghanistan status quo in particular with women, children and youth population?
With the existing corruption scandals, what transformation has transpired under the present Afghan administration?
If the U.S. policy is working in Afghanistan as claimed by the U.S. Secretary of State, then,
What is the explanation for the social crimes against women?
When will Afghanistan be truly independent and recognized as a sovereign nation?
Finally, what is so auspicious about 2014 that cannot be carried out sooner to save life?
Peace to the grieving families in Mumbai, India and distressed Afghan society.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Health Care Reform effective 2014
November 26, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
In the health care reform, the ramifications are currently experienced by a vast majority dealing with the health insurance industry detrimental policies on premium hikes and care denial, if not delaying treatment on preventable and serious illnesses.
The health care victims’ anguish cannot be ignored and expecting them to endure the health industry unfair practices for another three years is harsh and already affecting many patients’ lives.
As discussed in the July 10, 2010 post titled “Health Insurance Industry Policy between 2010-2014 – Impact on the Average American Life,” published on this site – the American plight is elevated rather than alleviated in the present environment and,
Beyond 2014 the health insurance industry with a large client base through mandatory insurance are yet to demonstrate that quality health care at competitive costs will be available to all regardless.
The BigPharma deal on prescription drugs and general medications having direct impact on senior citizens and chronically ill patients share similar conundrum with others in the health industry.
These are critical concerns among the suffering individuals and families that need to be addressed effectively by the authorities behind the health care reform and more importantly the health industry – the real beneficiary in the immediate and long run.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Today is a special day to thank the people for their love, compassion and actions that positively impact the recipient’s life.
In this respect the nation ought to thank the brave men and women in harm’s way for their sacrifices in many different ways most importantly their precious life.
Within the community there are many benevolent individuals dedicating their time and resources for others welfare. They deserve the beneficiaries’ acknowledgment.
Then the family unit – the relationship is strengthened with genuine care, affection and understanding for each other unconditionally reciprocated in a subtle or profound manner.
Politically, the elected officials at the state and national legislature possess the power and responsibility to deliver the campaign promise and improve citizens’ life as an expression of their gratitude to the electorate electing them to office.
Economically, the business leaders are obligatory to the workers and employees who are also the consumers contributing to the business financial success. Their recognition of the peoples’ plight could be addressed through job oriented investments so that they too benefit from the profits.
Personally, I appreciate the opportunity to serve the people at home and around the world through the innovative technology made possible by the genius minds and entrepreneurship in the contemporary world.
I’m thankful to all the visitors to this website for their extensive support and encouraging remarks that help me strive hard to enhance my contribution at various levels. While compliments are incentives to exceed the expectations, constructive criticisms on the other hand are a reminder for self-evaluation besides representing the checks and balances. I respect the different perspectives and accept them accordingly.
Finally, the popular tradition nurtures the charitable act of giving and sharing with the less fortunate on this American holiday. Society prospers with better living standards experienced by all and not just the privileged members.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Iraq Political Quagmire following Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Appointment
November 21, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Iraqi Parliament reportedly commenced its fractured session on November 11, 2010 with Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki appointed for the second term against the electoral mandate.
The Parliamentary ominous beginning resulting in a walkout by the secular leader Ayad Allawi and other political party members disappointed with the Maliki government default on a range of issues is indicative of the so-called agreement notably imposed upon the Iraqi people represented by the elected officials rather than allowing the democratic course to choose a leadership capable of governing a diverse state exhausted from wars and sectarian violence.
The Iraqi election held in March 2010 yielded a narrow victory for the secular Shia leader Ayad Allawi political party unified with the Sunni, Kurdish, Assyrian and other minorities in the country.
However, the reports confirmed that the incumbent Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki was nominated as the head of the state with the blessings from the United States administration and not from Iran as predicted.
According to the news reports –
“Mr. Allawi’s walkout occurred even as Obama administration officials praised the deal in a conference call with reporters. Two American officials later played down the walkout, saying that Mr. Allawi’s bloc remained committed to the agreement, despite what one of the officials called a “hiccup.”
For better or worse, the agreement reflected the still-potent American influence here, despite assertions by some that the United States was losing sway to Iran.
When the leaders met on Wednesday night to broker the agreement — however tenuous it seemed — it was the American ambassador, James F. Jeffrey, who was in the room, not the one from Iran, according to Antony J. Blinken, the national security adviser to Mr. Biden.”
Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki Shia centric party alliance with anti-American cleric Muqtadā al-Ṣadr currently a resident in Iran was not approved in the Iraqi political circle most importantly on the streets of Baghdad and across Iraq –
Due to Prime Minister Maliki led Shia government’s poor track record against the minorities especially the Sunni population contributing to insurgency that has claimed thousands of innocent Iraqi lives until now.
Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki is the leader of the Islamic Dawa Party – stated as a Shia political party sworn to build an Islamic State in Iraq and combat secularism.
Although the party is known to have strong ties with the Iranian theocratic leadership – Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and believed to receive financial assistance to date, it could not win in March 2010 democratic electoral process.
The Iranian ally and anti-American cleric Muqtadā al-Ṣadr co-operation with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not strengthen the political representation in Iraqi Parliament with qualified concerns about the Iraqi leadership ability to maintain law and order, achieve legislative victories or promoting solidarity in national interest.
It was evident during the Parliamentary vote for Kurdish President Jalal Talabani to serve the second term.
In a 325 member Iraqi Parliament, the legislative impasse apparently ended with a simple majority of 195 votes for it failed to secure the two thirds majority – attributed to the discord between Prime Minister Maliki and other political factions.
As for the democratically elected non-sectarian Shia leader Ayad Allawi with strong Sunni and other demographic votes – the leader is eliminated and not even considered for any worthy position by the Maliki administration thereby explicitly rejecting the electorate will.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki characterized as ‘dour and divisive’ leader lacking voter confidence and political support across the nation is appointed for the second term reflecting the U.S. foreign policy contradictory to the democratic reality in a war torn nation.
Power politics is the contemporary trend displayed through interventional tactics even if it proved detrimental to the vast majority struggling to emerge from the ravaged war and incessant suicide bombings.
The Iraqi situation is best summarized as the fragile democracy assigned to the republic opposed political leadership with a doomed forecast facilitating the never ending occupation to curb the inevitable sectarian tensions not to mention the regional threat from the incumbent’s formidable partnership with Iranian cleric rule.
But the euphoria on the status quo is an irony.
Antony J. Blinken, the national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden.
“The result — an inclusive government, all blocs in and a redistribution of power — was exactly what the Iranians didn’t want,” Mr. Blinken said in a telephone interview.”
People in Iraq have a responsibility to unanimously decline the foreign power intrusion in national politics and exercise the democratic right to be governed by the unifying and not polarizing leadership.
Iraqi population could change the present political dilemma by enforcing the electoral victory declaring the secular coalition to power.
The Iraqi electorates’ verdict in March 2010 was loud and clear denying Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki opportunity to derail progress, prolong U.S. occupation and revive Iranian instigated militancy – essentially resisting the counterproductive domestic and international policies implemented under Maliki leadership with foreign coercion.
Iraq is a sovereign nation and at liberty to determine the political future with fair representation that guarantees peace, economic prosperity and social equality for all.
Any political party refusal to accommodate the national requirements and address issues effectively benefiting the entire nation is a serious challenge to a democracy.
Considering the bloodshed and over a million Iraqi civilian lives lost since invasion, every Iraqi citizen is obliged to protect their individual freedom by working together as one national force regardless of the religious denomination and identity.
Iraq has tremendous potential to deal with crisis provided the central leadership is unanimously recognized and accepted as the trustworthy governing authority.
The minority skepticism and fear from the political bias could lead to perpetual sectarian conflicts depriving the majority a peaceful existence.
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki might be the head of the state but the legitimacy is arguably at stake based on the political fragmentation and public disapproval in the government formation.
Poignantly, the anti-American cleric Muqtadā al-Ṣadr response following the U.S.
involvement in the political decision and effort to encourage Maliki leadership in severing affiliation with Sadr movement could lead to the merger collapse.
The similarities between Iraq and Afghanistan with the foreign troops presence, training the police and the armed personnel for security, entrusting power to unpopular leadership, political uncertainties…cannot be ignored.
Hence the Iraqi non-sectarian coalition is the only reliable power to govern the state traumatized by the sectarian warfare, carnage and destruction in the absence of secular leadership.
Peace and political stability to the people of Iraq.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Decisions on Life and Death Matter
November 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Whenever there is tragedy in any part of the world, it severely affects the victims and their families. The recent building collapse in Delhi, India claiming an estimated 64 lives is regrettable and usually the poorest among all succumb to the worst natural or human contributed disaster.
The incident like many others is the reason for nations to prioritize capital investment in urban development with subsidized housing for the low income families rather than cluster bombs and life destructive defense deals with tax payer funds expended in warfare.
Warfare conducted for reasons beyond national defense is not subject to checks and balances. The relentless wars are even lacking in the economic concern considering the billions of taxpayer dollars funding approved with the net result being the casualties accepted as the collateral damage.
Public knowledge in ongoing warfare is usually based on media and news organization edited reports.
It is also well known that ‘Truth’ is the first casualty in war. However, the facts surface through courageous sources – whether they are investigative journalists, victims’ family or the war veteran themselves.
A powerful testimony is presented by none other than the honorable Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Kevin Tillman – Also a brother and friend of yet another patriot and celebrated fallen Hero Pat Tillman.
Both Kevin and Pat Tillman had joined the U.S. Armed Forces in 2002 and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Subsequent to Pat Tillman’s fatality in Afghanistan in 2004, Kevin Tillman is reported to have been discharged from the defense force in 2005.
The firsthand experience by the war veteran Kevin Tillman is a compelling and thought provoking narrative.
Courtesy: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/200601019_after_pats_birthday/ – Thank you.
Per request to share the content, the excerpt is provided below and please visit the URL for the full-length article – Highly recommended as “Must Read” data.
After Pat’s Birthday – Published By Kevin Tillman
“It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military.
He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we got out.
Much has happened since we handed over our voice:”
Consequent to the war veteran Kevin Tillman’s disillusionment, perhaps there could be change of hearts and minds in the decision-making process on life and death matter.
The leadership executes power in the absence of strong democratic voice conspicuously inactive in the communication media with democracy becoming a formality than a reality.
Words cannot heal the wound but time and trust for a better tomorrow could make a difference.
I convey my sincere condolences to the victims’ families in the civilian and combat environment.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Decisions on Life and Death Matter
November 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Tragedies: Whenever there is tragedy in any part of the world, it severely affects the victims and their families. The recent building collapse in Delhi, India claiming an estimated 64 lives is regrettable and usually the poorest among all succumb to the worst natural or human contributed disaster.
The incident like many others is the reason for nations to prioritize capital investment in urban development with subsidized housing for the low income families rather than cluster bombs and life destructive defense deals with tax payer funds expended in warfare.
Warfare conducted for reasons beyond national defense is not subject to checks and balances. The relentless wars are even lacking in the economic concern considering the billions of taxpayer dollars funding approved with the net result being the casualties accepted as the collateral damage.
Public knowledge in ongoing warfare is usually based on media and news organization edited reports.
It is also well known that ‘Truth’ is the first casualty in war. However, the facts surface through courageous sources – whether they are investigative journalists, victims’ family or the war veteran themselves.
A powerful testimony is presented by none other than the honorable Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Kevin Tillman – Also a brother and friend of yet another patriot and celebrated fallen Hero Pat Tillman.
Both Kevin and Pat Tillman had joined the U.S. Armed Forces in 2002 and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Subsequent to Pat Tillman’s fatality in Afghanistan in 2004, Kevin Tillman is reported to have been discharged from the defense force in 2005.
The firsthand experience by the war veteran Kevin Tillman is a compelling and thought provoking narrative.
Courtesy: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/200601019_after_pats_birthday/ – Thank you.
Per request to share the content, the excerpt is provided below and please visit the URL for the full-length article – Highly recommended as “Must Read” data.
After Pat’s Birthday – Published By Kevin Tillman
“It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military.
He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we got out.
Much has happened since we handed over our voice:”
Consequent to the war veteran Kevin Tillman’s disillusionment, perhaps there could be change of hearts and minds in the decision-making process on life and death matter.
The leadership executes power in the absence of strong democratic voice conspicuously inactive in the communication media with democracy becoming a formality than a reality.
Words cannot heal the wound but time and trust for a better tomorrow could make a difference.
I convey my sincere condolences to the victims’ families in the civilian and combat environment.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Political Irony in Republican Congress Victory
November 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Bush Tax cuts Expiration and Preserving Social Security – The Republican members’ opposition to this issue is no surprise considering the campaign financing received during the November 2010 election.
However, should the consequences be the struggling majority bear the burden of the privilege to the top 1% in the society?
The earlier proposal offering permanent tax reduction to middle income families earning $250,000 or less and subjecting those earning more to the progressive tax structure on the residual income adequately meets the requirements in income distribution and deriving national revenue that could perhaps be applied to deficit reduction.
In fact, by passing the above prudent measure the Congressional members would be relieving the tax payers across the board from excess taxation and allow voluntary economic stimulus through consumer spending.
The Republican members’ gridlock in this legislation would derail the needful tax breaks to all deserving taxpayers in the tough economic times.
Regarding Social Security – The Social Security Administration Act introduced during Great Depression by the former President Franklin Roosevelt is a formidable economic policy that withstood turbulence and provided the safety net for millions of hard working American families in the retirement years until now.
Any attempts to jeopardize the only reliable income source would be catastrophic for the business and the government dependent upon the consumers and taxpayers to revive the economy.
Social Security is the fundamental protection for the vulnerable population in the increasingly volatile financial market resisting regulations and submitting to failures – the preferred short term strategy that led the global markets to a near free fall.
Citizens across the political spectrum are against legislation proved to be detrimental to their retirement savings through Social Security.
The legislators ignoring the republic request for personal and special interest might be dealing with repeat political outcome in the next election.
Therefore, pursuing economic policies that could endanger citizens’ survival is best abandoned for political reasons as well.
Similarly in Medicare and Medicaid intervention – the alternative course exacerbates the sick, the seniors and the poor people’s plight with the private health insurance costs exceeding the anticipated savings by eliminating the federal program.
When citizens are deprived of basic living standards, decent income and easily accessible health care, it directly impacts the entire society. The mid-term Republican victory pledged to improve American life cannot be achieved with business-as-usual practice in Washington and State Capitals conforming to the political irony.
The citizens’ active participation to block the counterproductive legislation on Bush tax cuts, Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid services are extremely important in a representative democracy.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
G-20 Seoul Summit 2010
November 14, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The G-20 Summit was held in Seoul, South Korea on November 11 – 12, 2010.
Among many important economic issues, the trade imbalances and currency devaluation had drawn the representatives’ attention.
The two leading economies – U.S. and China expressed concerns over the respective trade surpluses and deficits attributed to currency management.
Likewise, the U.S. Federal Reserve proposal to interject $600 billion for economic revival expected to weaken the U.S. dollar while strengthening exports was met with resistance from competing trade partners such as China, Germany, United Kingdom, Brazil…citing the undue advantages to U.S. in the overseas export market.
It is well known that China has benefited from maintaining renminbi under market value boosting its trade to different nations especially the United States due to MFN and the primary creditor status.
Accordingly, China’s trade surplus would be different when evaluated in real market conditions.
If United States were to pursue similar trend with Federal Reserve intervention then both economic powers would essentially contribute to trade anomalies with their trading partners across the globe.
The arguments on both sides are valid in terms of the policy’s impact on the individual and global economy. Arguably the importing countries, developing nations in particular would be drastically affected with cheaper exports flooding their market giving rise to trade deficits and inflation.
Balance of trade between nations enhancing mutual economic prospects is critical in the competitive global environment.
Therefore, the G-20 leaders’ general agreement on this issue to move toward market determined exchange rate systems deterring currency devaluation and exchange rate or capital flow volatility is a sensitive measure in dealing with trade or currency related disputes.
United States as a consumer economy with Germany and China being the export economy is another contentious issue demanding necessary adjustments to the disproportionate trading activities.
Further, U.S. economic recovery is vital for the global market dependent upon U.S. consumerism and offshore capital investments.
The advanced economies could perhaps share the burden with the United States by allowing imports from low income countries and entry to US manufactured high end goods in return for their shipment to US shores.
At the same time, U.S. targeting the emerging and developing nations for exports has a greater responsibility in adopting fair trade practices rather than free trade impositions such as NAFTA, DR-CAFTA…that is proved to be devastating for the vulnerable population in these regions.
The globalization concept is conspicuously embraced at the meeting with pronounced commitment to reject protectionism.
Yet, the irony is the trade and currency wars prompting decisions to stimulate domestic growth through local demand and supply as stated by China as well as the industrialized nations’ fervor to compete for national productivity unequivocally confirms protectionism.
Since the globalization era, the government and business focus has shifted from their domain to international markets as experienced in the United States that led to the manufacturing sector demise eliminating blue collar jobs and ultimately having a ripple effect on other industries especially the small business economy.
Additionally, the globalization woes were not restricted to the alarming unemployment in the United States and elsewhere. The financial sector deregulation for over three decades resulted in the worst hedge fund mismanagement nearly bankrupting the interlinked economies in the prevalent globalization.
As for the struggling economies, globalization through treaties deprived agriculture and small scale industries survival witnessed in Haiti, Mexico, other parts of Latin America and Africa.
Globalization is effective when trading between nations promotes economic growth for all unlike the purely profit oriented corporatization of developing nations for cheap labor and natural resources that mostly benefits the big corporations wielding power on the political systems.
Hence, protecting the agriculture, SME (small and medium enterprises), independent entrepreneurships is crucial for realistic economic gains and in achieving the UN adopted Millennium Development Goals.
In this respect, the G-20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan, the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion and a flexible SME Finance Framework providing increased access to financial services and expanding opportunities for poor households and SME is praiseworthy.
Simultaneously, the IMF and World Bank elaborate coordination in assisting the national and regional economies is an important step to mitigate disparities and alleviate vast majority suffering.
However, the G-20 assurance translated into action could significantly improve the economic standards of the rapidly deteriorating middle and low income groups in the global society.
The G-20 strategies for the finance industry with a new financial regulatory framework comprising instruments and practical tools to avert the repeat erroneous undertakings,
Notwithstanding the oversight and supervision amid several preventive adaptations with financial assistance is a formidable structural reform.
Besides the macro prudential plan on fiscal, monetary, economic and trade policy to expedite economic and job resurgence would be comprehensive in addressing the universal challenges emanating from the complex global transactions.
The debate on deficit control and economic stimulus programs reflected the stark contrast positions across the Atlantic with Europe’s preference to slash national debt through austerity and U.S. reliance on deficit spending.
Although both methods are relevant in debt reduction and economic growth acceleration, extreme measures are counterproductive with an inevitable setback in the desirable objectives.
Adopting moderate course to obtain steady growth and deficit decline would guarantee the anticipated outcome.
Poignantly, France pension legislation passed despite the overwhelming public disapproval based on the bill’s detrimental effects is representative of mandatory implementations without due diligence not to mention the utter disregard for the republic financial security and personal well-being.
France government action to safeguard the minority interest at the majority plight is a misplaced priority exacerbating rather than resolving the economic situation.
Unfortunately, now the U.S. Congressional Republican members’ pledge to replicate the French authorities’ act by attacking Social Security and prolonging retirement age signifies a pattern designed to reverse progress.
American citizens across the political spectrum have a moral obligation to defend the retirement savings through Social Security. The elected officials attempt to jeopardize the only reliable source of income would drive the economy to the point of no return.
Regarding climate change – The G-20 affirmation to safeguard the marine environment is notable but the unwillingness to renounce fossil fuel use poses an impediment in combating global warming.
The unanimous clean energy application throughout the world is the only alternative to life sustenance on the planet.
By and large, G-20 scope to limit risks in the financial sector, stabilize the global financial markets, build a job generating economy, narrow the development gap, eradicate corruption, facilitate modern infrastructure are among the impressive immediate aspirations.
G-20 future meetings could broaden the aspects by specifying the programs in fighting hunger and disease through food distribution and affordable health care at the national and global front.
The political and business leaders’ consortium to recognize failures and devise constructive policies is commendable at the G-20 Summit.
Cooperation and sincere involvement for greater good would enable the G-20 nations in delivering the promise to the world.
Good Luck and Best Wishes to the honorable world leaders in reaching the milestones on global peace and prosperity.
Congratulations! To South Korean leadership on the successful G-20 summit hosting.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Special Olympics
November 11, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Please extend your generous support to the enthusiastic and highly inspirational athletes competing in the international event.
Please visit www.specialolympics.org for your contribution to the noble humanitarian cause.
Your generosity is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant