Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Imprisoned without Bail for Exposing the Truth

December 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Strange world indeed! Those who should be held accountable for horrendous crimes are granted impunity and the ones standing up for truth are denied justice.

The worst tragedy is the international community remains a silent spectator with the exception of few voices concerned about the assault on freedom of expression – the fundamental right guaranteed in the democratic system under the constitutional law.

These honorable members in the society denounced the bizarre circumstances used to apprehend the truth digging website founder – Julian Assange of wikileaks.

Ever since wikileaks released public information that has been successfully buried as ‘classified’ for an indefinite period,

Julian Assange became the political target and a thorn on the side for the ‘New World Order.’

Julian Assange courageously challenged the powerful establishment on behalf of the nearly six billion population drastically affected by feudalists promoted economic and war policies threatening the democratic societies currently governed not by the constitution or the will of the people but instead the agenda at the political helm.

The recent developments more appropriately the setbacks like the France Pension bill pushed against the national protest much to the detriment of the workforce’ entrants and those nearing retirement is-

Now adapted in the United States through tax cuts extension to the wealthiest and proposals to disseminate social security – the only safety net for the vulnerable retirees also facing prolonged retirement,

Along with national deficit burden shifted to the debt saddled average Americans – are just the tip of the iceberg.

Similarly in the war strategy, the campaign promises to engage in diplomacy and peaceful negotiations have been replaced with prolific arms trade and nuclearization under the worldwide civilian nuclear energy program pretext thereby intensifying the global security threats for continuation of illegal military invasion, occupation and warfare.

Further the nuclear strike warning against the selective adversaries and conducting marine drill on the Yellow sea despite North Korea’s agreement for nuclear disarmament and peace treaty is alarming.

In other volatile regions, the decision to end U.S. persuasion of Israel on the controversial Jewish settlements expansion is an explicit complicity to issues derailing peace prospects in the Middle Eastern conflict enabling perpetual arms supply to Israel and militancy rule in the Palestinian territory – Gaza.

South East Asia – the Indian sub-continent with two nuclear states India and Pakistan is simultaneously equipped with ammunition – when Pakistan’s Army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani was guaranteed $2.9 billion military aid rather than providing the people of Pakistan with the desperately required humanitarian aid for nation building.

Likewise, the trade deal prioritized arms sales to India over civilian infrastructure and high end technological projects fomenting regional tension between the nuclear neighbors.

The incumbent administration role in advancing the military industrial complex conventional and nuclear arms race facilitates confrontation than reconciliation.

Iraq and Afghanistan are parallel in political representation and military operation with peace being a misnomer in the war torn nations delaying troop withdrawal.

Yemen, Somalia and Sudan are the surrogate battlegrounds in the so-called war on terror between the formidable and sophisticated U.S. NATO alliance against the by-far inferior and marginalized terror networks operating without organizational structure or a chief.

Although the highest authority in the U.S. military and Western intelligence have consistently presented the messages from Osama Bin Laden thus offering a PR platform for the terrorist group, somehow the world’s most wanted terrorist still at large given the surveillance dragnet across the globe as revealed by wikileaks.

Meanwhile the U.S. State department has rejected electoral mandate and appointed the unpopular leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan confirming the personal preference and authority in foreign policy.

It is important to highlight the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton disclosure to reinstate the deposed Pakistan leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf widely known for military rule rendering the constitution as well as the Supreme Court irrelevant and allegedly associated in the assassination of his political rival Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

This information came to light during the latest cables publication by wikileaks as a service to humanity.

The U.S. State department and intelligence have also been cited in the Latin American coup d’état prevailing in Honduras in 2009 and fortunately failing in Ecuador in 2010 as a warning from the republic to refrain from political meddling.

Wikileaks dedication towards public awareness on secret policies intended to ruin and destroy innocent citizens with the armed forces sacrificed in the war zones through lies and deception is condemned by those abusing the power in defiance of the constitution.

The political witch hunt by the NWO representatives against wikileaks and peace activists opposed to prevalent undemocratic and unconstitutional practices is indicative of declining democracy paving way to authoritarianism.

Powerful entities in complete disregard for checks and balances maneuver laws to favor individual positions.

For instance a blogpost titled Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Repeal was published on this website on December 5, 2010 with a featured video related to Presidential power and Constitutional law – a conversation between the Independent former Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader and Judge Andrew Napolitano.

There was a reference to Presidential power misused in ‘Targeted Killings’ of American citizens on foreign soil as unconstitutional. The video is posted for repeat viewing.

On Dec 7, 2010 the following article published in The New York Times:

Suit Over Targeted Killings Is Thrown Out – By CHARLIE SAVAGE – Thank you.

Published: December 7, 2010

“WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Tuesday threw out a lawsuit that had sought to block the American government from trying to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, a United States citizen and Muslim cleric in hiding overseas who is accused of helping to plan attacks by Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen.

Moreover, Judge Bates found, it would be inappropriate to second-guess, ahead of time, national-security officials’ evaluation of whether intelligence showed that some overseas person — even a United States citizen — poses such a threat that the person should be killed.

He sidestepped several issues, including whether the Congressional authorization to use military force against the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks, covers Yemen or the terrorist group there, whose connections to the original Al Qaeda are hazy.

The opinion said it was unnecessary to decide whether the litigation should be dismissed under the state-secrets privilege, which allows the executive branch to block lawsuits that could reveal national-security information.

The administration had invoked that privilege in its briefings, but urged Judge Bates to dismiss the case on different grounds.”

By Padmini Arhant – False charges against Wikileaks

It is noteworthy that the video featured on this website on Dec 5, 2010 and Dec 7, 2010 the trial outcome is delivered in favor of the administration.

Is it coincidence or demonstrating the mantle of power?

In the era where truth is punished and subversions easily accepted, the atrocities committed since the dawn of the twenty first century in the name of ‘political capital’ is summed up as:

The Obama administration will not investigate torture, rendition, kidnapping, detention without trial, denying habeas corpus basically abandonment of constitution emanating from illegal invasion of a country proved to have no links with terrorism against the United States.

Regardless of the brutal invasion resulting in loss of millions of lives, displacement of people as refugees, orphans, widows and widowers – political instability, national insecurity, economic chaos and sectarian violence claiming more lives up until now.

U.S. armed personnel in the age group 18 – 25 years old are memorialized and the veterans’ families have no options but to deal with harsh realities of life.

Yet the administration’s response is – “We must move forward and not look back. It is time for reflection and not retribution.”

Whereas wikileaks’ publishing substantial data that unfolded the corruption, lack of ethics and presumptuousness in the unleashing of power at various levels until now is condemned as – treason and violation of law calling for indictment.

With respect to the U.S. State Department cable instruction to obtain U.N. officials’ credit card, mileage and other personal details is no surprise considering dissenters’ experience in politics.

The interesting factor is the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s remark at wikileaks following the State department cable embarrassment – ‘Stealing confidential information is criminal.’

However, the rule does not seem to apply to the State department’s unlawful access to private citizens and diplomats personal facts.

If wikileaks’ bold and admirable humanitarian deeds are ‘reprehensible’ to those in breach of the constitution and international law then,

It’s time for soul searching and acknowledge the self-imperfections prior to accusing others.

Otherwise it reflects hypocrisy and grandstanding.

This article would not be complete without highlighting the communication media contribution towards injustice.

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Privacy, Crime and Security Online

The search engine ‘Yahoo’ reputation for their cooperation with the powerful authority in jeopardizing the freedom and individual rights of peace and pro-democracy activists is well known.


Yahoo Outed Chinese Dissident Knowing Investigation Was Political, Documents Show — UPDATED

By Ryan Singel – July 31, 2007 – Thank you.

“Following on yesterday’s post about a newly unearthed document that contradicts Yahoo’s statement to Congress about its involvement in China’s jailing of a dissident, the same human rights group has translated emails in another case, showing that in 2002 Yahoo turned over emails about a democratic political movement that led to political persecution by China.”

See Also

• ‘Yahoo Betrayed My Husband

Dissident Jailed, Assist to Yahoo

Jailed Chinese Journalist Joins Suit Against Yahoo

Yahoo Knew More About China Journalist Subpoena Than It Told Congress It Did – Updated

The irony in this presentation is entities in glass house casting stones at those risking their life to restore human values.

Perhaps introspection instead of incrimination might eliminate misconceptions about humanitarians.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange exercised the freedom of speech – the basic human right and no human being deserves to be imprisoned for using the individual right for greater good.

It is earnestly hoped that the founder Julian Assange will be set free in the absence of evidence to the charges that are purely political.

Good Luck! To the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

COP 16/CMP 6 UN Climate Change Conference Cancun 2010

December 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The two week conference from November 29 to December 10, 2010 on climate change strived to approach the global environmental challenge by adopting UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and Kyoto treaty mandating the carbon emission reduction below 2 degrees Celsius or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit in addition to COP15 Copenhagen proposals such as –

Industrialized nations $100 billion pledge by 2020 towards financial assistance to the poorer nations in combating environment disasters.

The Green Climate Fund for technological aid and forest preservation appear to have been recognized leading to a consensus among the negotiators.

Although the fund sources and management details have not been presented as yet, the preliminary step to provide economic relief to poor and developing nations is a positive measure.

The debate arising from the once contentious issue is – expediting funding and setting the eligibility criteria due to the demand from many nations seeking financial help under ‘vulnerable’ category that could potentially deprive the precarious recipients from qualifying for adequate benefits.

Hence it is essential to arrive at a conclusion on the specific content and fund allocation to the qualifiers in desperate situation as part of the post-Cancun agreement.

Further there is an urgent requirement to accelerate the transformation from fossil dependency to green energy economy.

Unfortunately the political will necessary to enforce the change is controlled by corporate investments denying the people in the rich and developing nations an opportunity to a clean energy economy and lead the less affluent nations achieve similar status.

No climate meetings are meaningful without addressing the catastrophic incidents from mining to off shore and shallow water oil exploration.

Wars and relentless military operations continue to have devastating impact on the environment in the economically struggling regions of the world. The use of deadly weapons and incessant bombings in retaliation is attributed to extreme environmental damage.

Pakistan for instance experienced the worst floods recently amid explosions and ongoing drone attacks exacerbating the flood victims’ plight. These are fundamental reasons to hold international forum to discuss never ending conflicts resulting in widespread destruction and loss of life.

Environment cannot be safe and secure without ending violence claiming innocent lives through prolonged artillery attacks and use of explosives.

Peace and healthy environment are inter-linked in the evolutionary process.

The Cancun summit emphasis on the Kyoto treaty renewal in 2012 is vital to realize the environmental goals.

Japan and Russia’s objection in this regard is related to the major carbon emitters’ viz. China and United States non-commitment to the Kyoto accord ratification.

Kyoto agreement is currently reported to have 37 signatories representing 27% of the carbon emission in the atmosphere. Unless the remaining pollution contributors unconditionally endorse the Kyoto Protocol and exemplify through actions, the climate talks would not be entirely purposeful.

Other members’ efforts and determination could easily be offset by those in violation of the environmental standards with no accountability for their dominant role in the negative impact.

During Copenhagen negotiations, the economic powers elected voluntary emission control rather than a universal policy and at Cancun the checks and balances to that effect is hopefully enacted for fair verifications.

While it is encouraging to witness the powerful nations’ acknowledgment on the individual obligation only the demonstration would confirm the facts.

The mandatory reporting scheduled every year in June could be more effective when an independent international committee comprising scientists, environment activists, economists and ethicists appointed to review the progress or the lack thereof by each nation.

It could also possibly eliminate mistrust and political influence in the monitoring and assessment of the vital environment regulation.

Considering the grim forecast on the ozone depletion and ocean rising it is imperative to sustain greenhouse gas emission below 1.5 degrees Celsius against 2 degrees Celsius or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit and incrementally drop to pre-industrial level at 280 parts per million from the present 390 ppm.

Community awareness and involvement in basic programs such as tree planting, recycling and green job creation with eco-friendly products and services in the market evolving into a national environment protection plan are crucial in the immediate and long run.

Industrial wise, the recommendation for greenhouse gas levy on aviation and maritime transportation would not only generate revenue but also contain carbon and other gas emission.

United States clean energy legislation is predicted to be a foregone conclusion given the Republican majority in the House following the mid-term elections.

The scenario is no different from last year with the reversal and the climate bill was still regarded a tall order that precipitated COP 15 failure.

Washington gridlock is predominantly sponsored by special interests with their investments in both political parties. The elected representatives bear responsibility for their decisions in national and international issues.

It is incumbent upon United States to establish a track record as the leader of innovative green economy and environment bastion in the twenty first century.

Political blockade in passing climate bill is endangering self and the future generation survival.

Scientific data and prevalent weather patterns with 2010 declared the hottest year in a long time proves the relevance to reconcile terms with reality.

Ignoring the ramifications on the island nations and other inhabitants could eventually hurt the origin in the human manufactured greenhouse gas causing global warming.

There are no winners for there will be no survivors in the profit motivated environment degradation. With the escalating temperatures and melting glaciers the alternatives are conservation and preservation of natural resources.

Nevertheless, it is a refreshing start to gain assurance from China, United States, India, Brazil, EU…in accepting Cancun climate deal despite selective terms and conditions applied to suit the domestic agenda.

Mexico deserves credit for the exceptional organization of the global event and successful mediation between international delegates in arriving at mutual concurrence on some key elements in the climate matter.

Congratulations! To Ambassador Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, President of the COP16, President of the United States of Mexico Felipe Calderon, the Honorable delegation from 194 nations, NGO’s and every participant at the sixteenth United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico for the solidarity and initiatives in reaching a preliminary agreement.

The transparency and inclusiveness reflected in the United Nations sixteenth conference is praiseworthy setting precedence for forthcoming summit in 2011 – Durban, South Africa.

Please Save the Planet – the only habitat for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Bush Tax Cuts, Unemployment Benefits and National Deficit

December 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The 111th Congress with Democrats still in control of the House and Senate is challenged by the White House capitulation to the Republican unsustainable deal on Bush tax cuts.

Fortunately the House passed the bill per initial democratic plan – allowing tax cuts to the wealthy expire and granting permanent tax cuts to the families with income $250,000 and below.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership and the House representatives’ commitment to the middle class America is commendable.

‘Political Irony in Republican Congress Victory’ – Article published on November 18, 2010 under ‘Politics – United States’ category on this website highlighted the specifics on Bush Tax Cuts and Protecting Social Security for America.

There are different proposals from the majority and the minority in Congress.

Republican members unanimously dedicated to the top 2% wealthy Americans getting wealthier at the rest of America’s expense pushed tax cuts extension for the multimillionaires while disregarding their irresponsible claim’s devastating impact on the ballooning deficit – the primary political slogan that enabled Republican victory in the recent mid-term election.

Unlike the Republican minority, the Democrat majority are divided on this issue.

The Senate Democrats have laid few options – Some favor the House version which is the initial Democratic strategy outlined above. It is unequivocally a pragmatic solution to the status quo.

Other Senate Democrats are considering $1 million threshold for tax cuts redefining the middle class category that is contradictory to reality.

Yet another democrat’s perspective opposes any tax cuts alongside rising deficits.

“We can’t afford any of these tax cuts,” says Rep. Bobby Scott (D) of Virginia. “It is hard to imagine that extending all of the tax cuts at a cost of $3.7 trillion is fiscally irresponsible but extending $3 trillion worth of tax cuts [to families earning less than $250,000] is somehow fiscally sensible.”

It’s obvious that the opposition to tax cuts for middle class America stems from blanket assessment of the fiscal crisis without any consideration to the slow economic growth and rising unemployment predominantly affecting the poor and the middle class not the super-rich.

According to the latest reports the deal between the White House and Congressional Republican members comprises the following;

Bush tax cuts extended at all income level for two years – the cost of this compromise is estimated at $700 billion over the next two years.

Estate tax capped at 35 percent after $5 million exemption to each wealthy individual – This alone would deprive the economy of the desperately required revenue contributing further to the alarming deficit.

The Republican two year extravagant tax breaks to the wealthiest is in exchange for the jobless benefit to the long-term unemployed up to 13 months at the anticipated $60 billion cost and last but not the least,

Social Security payment is diverted from retirement savings and added to the present income through 2% payroll tax reduction for workers.

However, this detrimental step is substituted for the general tax relief provided to the middle and lower income groups in the previous year economic stimulus.

Otherwise the bill eliminates last year tax credit from the middle and lower income families’ paychecks and utilizes their only safety nest thus far – the Social Security for consumer spending in the payroll tax diversion.

It’s a dangerous precedence with the possible depletion of reliable income to the baby boomers nearing retirement notwithstanding the easier access to Republican goal in privatizing Social Security and increasing the retirement age similar to the unpopular Pension bill enforced upon the people in France.

The contentious issues are the disproportionate concession to the 2% with an extraordinary disposable income mostly invested in personal holdings against harsh imposition on the 98% hard working middle and lower income groups burdened with not only diminishing income, spending cuts on life dependent programs, savings replaced for tax credits but also expected to pay substantially towards national debt mainly accumulated from irrational economic and defense policy.

Above all the Republican members’ euphoria on the pending bill –

‘Not raising taxes on anyone in the country’ is ideological for it rejects the ramifications on national deficit. Again the issue presented as pivotal to the conservative agenda during the 2010 election.

If there are no tax hikes for two years, the essential unemployment aid up to 13 months in the provision combined with a magnanimous estate tax credits,

How do the decision-makers of this deal propose to trim the burgeoning national deficit?

Are the Republican members complacent to the Borrow and Spending concept that was targeted against the Democrats in the past two years irrespective of the Democrats Pay-go rule to fund the key economic legislations?

Given the undercurrent in the U.S and China relationship from currency devaluation to North Korea skirmishes – China the major U.S. creditor may not volunteer to be the Santa Claus.

Who is then expected to bailout the wealthiest Americans in the GOP sponsored –

Who wants to be a billionaire contest?

It’s imperative to dispel the myth surrounding the bizarre agreement that Republican minority have control over the crucial legislation when the Democrats are the majority in the legislative branch and the White House currently has the power to do the right for the suffering Americans as demonstrated by the House Democrats on this bill.

Republican legislators assuming cart blanche to steer the critical economic decision despite the catastrophic effects on their constituents and the nation at large is purely political besides betrayal of the electorates’ trust in the Republican action to protect self-interest over the average American interest.

In fact, Republican party awaiting House dominance and increased Senate representation is on national watch to deliver their campaign promise on containing the growing deficit, coordinate efforts in easing unemployment not excluding jobless aid to the millions who elected them in the fall election and transcend Washington partisan culture visibly promoted by special interests.

The Speaker-elect John Boehner emotional speech upon victory reminiscing the hard times experienced to achieve the American dream is a common factor in the contemporary society.

Relevantly, Republican lawmakers’ allegiance to the campaign financiers instead of the people they are elected to represent clearly revealed in their failure to address the American plight.

In the difficult economic period the GOP priority to undermine main street struggles is regrettable sending a strong message to the electorate to exercise diligence during election since Washington is not amenable to change.

Therefore the people power must exert pressure on the elected representatives with a reminder about the legislative responsibility towards the constituents and the nation they are elected to serve during their term in office.

The republic position in this matter is absolute and that being “No deals on tax cuts for the wealthy.” Overwhelming electorate disapprove the GOP reckless demand to shift the economic liability on the average Americans – the driving force of the economy.

Hence the Senate Democrats and moderate Republicans focused on fiscal constraints have a unique opportunity to exhibit bipartisanship in passing the House approved Bush tax cuts bill.

Ignoring public concerns is a political misstep and often realized in the electoral results. If GOP won in November 2010 then it does not take long for the political tide to turn against them and that is politics.

It is incumbent upon the esteemed Senate to acknowledge the American families’ hardships and the escalating deficit when casting votes on this particular bill evidently vital for national and global economic recovery.

Good Luck! To the Congressional members for a successful passage of the prudent economic legislation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Repeal

December 5, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The U.S. armed forces are served by brave hearts demonstrating loyalty and patriotism for the nation they defend at different frontiers.

Gay service men and women are equally dedicated in serving the nation alongside their heterosexual counterparts.

Yet, the ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy aimed at the Gay members is not only discriminatory but also contradictory to the military code of conduct that prohibits intolerance towards race, religion, gender and other identifications.

The U.S. defense is well known for disciplinary code during and after the training, preparing the personnel to deal with civil and combat situation.

The lifestyle orientation is not alienated from the general human characteristics and the rejection of one against another confirms the individual attitude rather than the institutional rule.

Recently, the U.S. military adopted rigorous steps to promote unity among the troops representing the diverse American society.

Further, the U.S. high command has appropriately been sensitive to the defense force’ ethnic and religious backgrounds lately to maintain harmony in the entire military while not being unanimously forthcoming in the long overdue DADT repeal.

In the political context, the ideology driven opposition to DADT ban is unconstitutional considering the defense department under federal government is governed by the constitution that guarantees equal rights to all citizens.

Accordingly the decision lies with the Congressional lawmakers elected to honor the constitution and uphold individual rights regardless of personal reservations in this matter.

Besides the disproportionate defense budget is taxpayer funded and not provided by private sector.

Allowing a federal run organization implement prejudicial policy towards specific groups foments isolation which could affect the victims’ performance due to the social stigma induced emotional stress.

When no gay member has been involved in incidents jeopardizing defense image or functionality, the procrastination in eliminating gay troops seclusion is counterproductive and cultivates preferential treatment in national security force serving together to ensure freedom and equality for all.

Although reports on abusive behavior against women and certain minorities at the training institutes and overseas stations surface,

The military has transformed since last century when African American personnel had similar experience with segregation and endured apathy to their social plight.

Likewise there is an urgent requirement to make inroads on DADT issue in tandem with the new millennium progress.

Human knowledge in science exploration and entrepreneurial expertise has revolutionized life.

However, socially the contemporary society is still struggling to reconcile terms with reality in acknowledging the fact that;

All are created equal and deserve mutual respect along with acceptance.

The Senate hearing on December 3, 2010 shed light on the perceptions regarding DADT. The Army Chief of Staff George Casey and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant James Amos reportedly shared apprehensions about repealing DADT claiming that delaying action might be beneficial right now and upon Congress approval they recommended gradual repeal over a time period.

Poignantly, the Army Chief and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant concerns are hypothetical and not factual for there has been no evidence to the concept on DADT removal having negative influence over the remaining personnel.

Therefore it’s imperative for Congress to address the DADT continuation from the constitutional standpoint that unequivocally invalidates injustice against anyone with a stark reminder about the core principle upon which the United States of America is founded – liberty and justice for all.

Pursuing a pragmatic course to end the inhumane and un-American rule would aptly satisfy the Congressional obligation to abide by the constitution thereby strengthening the role of democracy.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell strategy is unethical and divisive with a superficial reasoning used by the minority within the national defense.

It’s time for the U.S. military to conform to the twenty first century social achievements in deep appreciation of the gay troops’ exemplary sacrifice to protect civil rights – ironically being denied to them.

Please repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy once and for all to restore American democratic values.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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