Egypt – Republic Revolution for Democracy
January 30, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Yet another country in North Africa is confronted with republic revolution against tyranny and oppression.
Egypt – the Pharaoh land has remained so until now with autocratic rule since declaration as the republic on July 18, 1953.
The systemic abuse of power and corruption in the political system has been endured by the 80 million people without any representation in governance.
Uprising in the past has been successfully quelled with violence by the security forces including intimidation through military presence in civilian zone – the standard practice of all repressive regimes in pro-democracy peaceful protest.
The political freedom struggle is never without sacrifice especially against totalitarian government emboldened by strong diplomatic and strategic relationships with powerful ‘democracies’ advising the embattled ally to contain the uprising and not called for renunciation of power due to vested interests.
Besides Egypt military funded with U.S aid in billions of dollars is believed to exert authority in power sharing with the unpopular government.
Egypt following Tunisia – triumphant in ousting the dictatorial power has suffered casualties reportedly around 100 in the past five days only expected to rise considering the incumbent political maneuvering to stay in power against republic will.
President Hosni Mubarak in a frantic effort to salvage the situation is reported to have appointed former intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman as the Vice President after 30 years vacuum and ex-aviation Minister Ahmed Shafiq as Prime Minister despite public rejection of the extemporaneous political decisions.
Further claims are the administration sought cabinet’s official resignation to prove the transitionary measures again not conforming to citizens’ demand seeking President Hosni Mubarak and affiliates removal from office.
Meanwhile curfew is imposed in major cities – Cairo, Alexandria, Suez…with communication sources shut down to restrict information flow on the ongoing political turmoil.
As for United States foreign policy in the latest political events around the world – it has been forthright in defending Southern Sudan secession with Abyei the disputed border territory between North and South Sudan remaining unresolved and contentious in the political quagmire predicted to trigger tribal confrontations.
Lebanon recent political stalemate leading to the government collapse attributed to United States prompted Special Tribunal for Lebanon against adversary Hezbollah on the alleged involvement in the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri assassination in 2005.
In contrast – Sudanese President Omar Bashir indicted by International Criminal Court for genocide in the prolonged civil war is least affected in the U.S quest for justice and continues to rein control over Africa’s largest nation now polarized with inevitable disintegration within having continental impact in the near future.
These political transformations around Egypt with Tunisia liberated through people power inspiring others in similar authoritative environment to implement fundamental change only possible through real democracy – the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
It is clear that democracy in Egypt and elsewhere can no longer be determined by the privileged members in the global society.
Defiance in this regard could exacerbate the political crisis resulting in more civilian casualties and possible destruction of world’s cherished treasures notwithstanding the rich cultural heritage in the land of ancient civilization.
Hence President Hosni Mubarak is urged to honor the mass request to gracefully step down from office and allow the democratic process to take place peacefully in accordance with national constitution.
People of Egypt have a greater responsibility to maintain non-violence and peace in their political pursuit for individual liberty and inalienable human rights.
The parties responsible for looting and vandalism referred to as anarchy in the news reports are not verifiable at this present time.
However, Tunisia had similar incidents and the government resistance forces were not ruled out in the crime and clarified as an attempt to portray the dissenters as offenders.
Nonetheless citizens can achieve their long desired goals for meaningful democracy without compromising on civility during demonstration and defend lives as well as national property in the historic liberation cause.
Egypt synonymous to any other nation is not devoid of intellectual talent, courage, integrity and selfless sacrifice required to lead the imminent democracy in the new beginning.
The democratic leader will be the one pledged to promote unity, secularism without hierarchy, social equality, political opportunity and economic progress for all.
Furthermore, Egypt will be an exemplary peace mediator in the Middle East and North Africa upon becoming a democratic nation under progressive leadership committed to universal peace and prosperity.
People in Egypt are close to realizing their dream for democracy and therefore extremely important to ensure the absence of nationalism and foreign intrusion in their political choice to eliminate the puppet figure perception among the disenfranchised population in the region.
National security rests on the current leadership in accepting the reality with people mobilization resilient to end President Hosni Mubarak era.
The armed forces engagement on the ground for reasons other than enforcing law and order would confirm the inconspicuous means to suppress the peaceful democratic movement in modern Egypt.
Likewise internal and external influences favoring the undemocratic government extension would be self-detrimental and foment anti-sentiments evolving into potential global threats.
There is tremendous hope for democracy to emerge in the transcontinental nation – Egypt with people power prevailing against the political establishment leaning towards dynastic rule in the twenty first century.
The government interim actions to sustain control over the unanimous call for the head of the state departure is counterproductive and instead conciliatory response would ease tension to enable smooth political exit.
Democracy in Egypt would facilitate peace in the Middle East deprived of political freedom and social justice contributing to economic disparity.
Invasion and occupation along with complacency to any political rule but democracy in the region has engendered terrorism and militancy used as the premise for incessant warfare.
Egypt is poised to experience political freedom in semblance to contemporary democracy and deserves international support in the extraordinary humanitarian challenge.
Birth of a nation or a paradigm shift in political concept could be expedited with global empathy exemplified in the coordinated political activity.
People in Egypt must keep their spirits high and aim for the positive outcome i.e. republic governance.
Best Wishes and Good Luck to all citizens in Egypt for a magnificent victory in the political strife for peaceful democracy.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Economic Forum 2011 – Davos, Switzerland
January 28, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
The world economic forum is currently held in Davos, Switzerland. Many issues apart from the economy are discussed at this large consortium.
Economy is the priority for the population struggling with high unemployment, housing market decline from foreclosures in addition to credit crunch experienced by potential home buyers and small businesses alike.
The bank bailouts to eliminate toxic assets off the balance sheet and facilitate lending has been mostly utilized for mergers and acquisitions with ‘too big to fail’ status intact – the precise factor that prompted taxpayer funds interjection into the crumbling finance industry.
Corporate profits across the industrial spectrum are exceedingly high not barring financial institutions yet the jobless rate and liquidity in the credit market is stagnant exacerbating the ordinary citizens’ plight.
Manufacturing sector is drastically affected in the globalized economy. The developed and developing nations are confronted with reviving blue collar jobs desperately required to ease suffering among the working class.
Corporations incentivized with generous tax cuts, taxpayer funded capital infusion and labor unions suppression continue to venture overseas in search of mega profits ultimately shared among top management through huge bonuses while depriving the hard working majority the livelihood.
The offshore dealings might be lucrative for the corporate shareholders and the respective governments with foreign exchange reserves, the labor force over there are marginalized in terms of comparable wages and employment benefits.
Again factory workers in poorer nations are often exploited under harsh economic and political conditions attributed to multinational dominance in the regions receptive to foreign investors.
Environment abuse in the globalization era has been catastrophic for the poorest people living near the industrial sites.
The weak environment standards maintained predominantly to accommodate energy, pharmaceutical…industries’ policies in the developing nations are proved detrimental to the local residents diagnosed with serious health problems.
In the industrialized world, the lower income groups are exposed to health hazards emanating from chemical industrial waste and oil spills witnessed lately with pervasive impact on all living species.
Therefore the corporate ethical conduct in the domestic and international operations deserves attention with effective remedies to restore meaningful capitalism and globalization pursuit.
Inflation is a legitimate concern without having to raise interest rates in borrowing given the real estate slump and limited credit availability having a stranglehold on the national economies.
In order to increase supply to the growing demands of any goods as an alternative inflation control measure – the businesses need finance in the prevalent restricted credit facilities and the banks with capital have responsibility to lend qualified entrepreneurs thereby promoting job growth, consumer spending and investor confidence – all relevant to stimulate the global economy.
The bankers’ claiming the existing credit control is the result of the regulatory imposition in the wake of sub-prime and hedge fund mis-management does not bode well,
Since they could not apply to all financial products that could otherwise paralyze the credit networks representing the fundamental economic source.
Sound monetary policy allowing responsible money circulation and the currency value determined by market forces rather than arbitrary means could prevent currency devaluation disputes and trade wars contributing to disproportionate surpluses and deficits among economic powers.
Fiscal policy is focused on deficit reduction through austerity mainly targeting programs like health and education for the most vulnerable demographics.
Denying affordable educational access to present generation is prohibiting better economic future made possible with qualified efficient workforce and taxpayers in the competitive global settings.
Spending cuts in alarming defense expenditure and redundant wasteful projects instead of life dependent programs and services could produce desirable results in debt containment besides a healthy productive society benefitting all.
Generating revenue in the absence of tax hikes on the extraordinary income derived from the collective input distributed within privileged members in the society is evidently counterproductive for it escalates national debt other than widening the gap between the rich and poor.
Economic activities for growth stimulus are largely related to melting the liquidity freeze to enable cash strapped small businesses, retailers and manufacturers create jobs.
Resuming lending services to home buyers upon satisfying the eligibility criteria and refinancing options to help default home owners retain their property instead of losing in foreclosures with a negative impact on the national housing sales including the construction industry is guaranteed to expedite recovery.
Transparency in derivatives with mortgage securities identified as the primary cause in the 2008 financial market brink of collapse would build trust in the international security exchange.
Interest rates, transaction fees on credit cards and regular bank accounts still remain exorbitant despite the regulation passed to curb practices that led to phenomenal debt accumulation and bankruptcies in the United States.
Failure in adherence to legislation on predatory methods has no consequences with the banks conducting business as usual delineating Wall Street from Main Street.
The reforms in general are circumvented due to loopholes in the legislation and the political clout displayed with industry lobbyists winning $19 billion tax exemptions in financial reform, no premium caps in health care law, offshore drilling permits…confirming Wall Street control over U.S. political election and legislation.
Investments in infrastructure, green energy, innovative research and development in science and technology is paramount in the protectionist aspect.
However, there is no momentum in expediting projects perhaps due to inadequate funding and/or political reasons.
The industrialized and emerging economies pledge to the developing nations has not been delivered in action on the economy and environment that could essentially alleviate poverty, hunger and disease endured by many across the globe.
Political instability arising from oppression i.e. lack of freedom and individual rights is prompting citizens’ protest against repressive governments sheltered until now with diplomatic ties and trade relationships by powerful ‘democracies.’
Civilian uprising in Egypt and Yemen reveal the breaking point in public frustration towards
authoritarianism. Political independence in these countries is long overdue.
The overthrown government heads of the state are provided refuge as seen with Tunisian former President Ben Ali received by Saudi Arabia.
These events are indicative of the established complacency to undemocratic elements disrupting political, economic and social progress.
United States, France and Saudi Arabia were reportedly involved in Lebanon’s recent political fallout disabling government services in the sovereign nation.
Reluctance to expand U.N. Security Council permanent membership in acknowledgment of twenty first century geopolitical dynamics is an impediment to world peace. The ongoing polarization efforts foment terrorism and militancy used as the perpetual warfare premise.
Hence international solidarity exemplified in rejecting the status quo is imperative for fair distribution of global resources, honoring individual liberty, political rights, social equality ultimately leading to universal economic prosperity.
World economic forum is a unique opportunity to resolve myriad humanitarian challenges through constructive dialogue and powerful strategies for a new peaceful beginning.
Wishing a successful economic summit in Davos, Switzerland.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The State of the Union Address to the 112th Congress
January 25, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the 112th Congress later today on the administration’s achievements and lay out the future national and international goals.
The economy is the central focus for the main street considering the high unemployment, struggling housing market with alarming foreclosures, credit crunch experienced by small businesses and average Americans despite the bank bailouts to facilitate lending to qualified entrepreneurs as well as retailers in the credit market.
Manufacturing sector other than auto industry deserves fair attention in the globalized economy. The blue collar jobs lost over the decades since adopting the overwhelming globalization policy has triggered trade wars, currency disputes and contributed to disproportionate trade surpluses and deficits among economic powers.
Even though protectionism is overtly rejected by G-20 members, the current economic situation beckons national investments to stimulate domestic growth and purchasing power required to import goods in the world trade exchange.
Contrary to the conviction, protectionist measures to promote local manufacturing and subsequently consumerism will offset the existing trade imbalance and uplift the economically disadvantaged groups in the society.
Most nations like China have diverted to internal demand and supply partly from the currency controversy that provided enormous leverage to the world’s leading manufacturer at the poorer and rich nations’ detriment evident in the importers’ job status notwithstanding the rising national debt.
The MFN status renewal by the United States is another factor attributed to the trade anomaly.
United States is adapting to the changing trend with investments in infrastructure and green technology but yet to gain momentum across the industrial spectrum given the job statistics.
Corporate America responsible for the industrial growth is attracted to offshore dealings predominantly due to economic advantages such as subsidized labor and weak environment standards including tax evasion incentives offered in some parts of the world.
Although legislations passed until now from health care, financial reform, Bush Tax cuts extension to impending energy bill favor corporate agenda through lobbyists influence in Capitol Hill, the prevalent defection confirms the exceedingly high profit expectations at the ordinary citizens’ expense.
National deficit reduction is a relevant debate right now. Regrettably, the strategies are aimed at the demography worst hit in the economic recession.
Spending cuts is exclusively targeted at essential services rather than trimming the discretionary defense budget and the military expenditures in the ongoing wars especially when acknowledged to have no implications on national security.
Revenue is not part of the equation with tax exemptions granted to the top 1% wealthiest against the remaining population contributing to the economic revival through vital retail consumption.
Austerity is necessary to contain national debt.
However, the proposals protecting the affluent elitist with a direct impact on the vast majority – the real victims in the economic downturn reflects the promise delivered to the campaign donors and not the electorate casting the ballots to alleviate their plight.
In other legislative matter – the successful passage of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal’ is a precedence to honor the constitutional and basic human rights of all citizens regardless of individual identity.
Education is the fundamental tool for economic progress in any society. The Congressional provisions in this regard are poignant nonetheless the effects seemingly compromised with the State budget crisis at the historic peak.
Again slashing public education funds considered under the current House bill would constitute misplaced priorities depriving the economy from productive workforce and future taxpayers.
Environment laws initiated in 2009 marginalized and reversed in 2010 with decisions like offshore drilling resumption, EPA regulations delayed…emanating from energy industry pressure.
Foreign Policy – Continuation of the previous administration legacy intensified with consistent pattern established in coup d’état and destabilize foreign governments – viz. Honduras, Ecuador, Lebanon…
Appointment of inefficient and unpopular governments in Iraq, Afghanistan…demonstrating power politics.
North Korea peace talks offer in July 2010 through former President Jimmy Carter ignored.
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process – jeopardized with conflicting interests.
Maintaining double standards in conventional arms supply and nuclear programs undermines the crucial START treaty.
The reality being Wall Street rules Washington in economic matter meanwhile the military industrial complex reigns control over warfare and foreign policy.
Change is possible when the republic governance is restored in a democracy.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. Please click on the hyperlinks for Featyred Videos related to this blogpost. Thank you.
Lebanon Political Crisis and U.S. Role in Special Tribunal Trial
January 23, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
The Mediterranean country in the Middle East is situated between Syria up north all the way to the east and Israel down south.
A French Colony post World War 1, Lebanon gained independence in 1943.
The secular society enriched in cultural diversity experienced tremendous economic boom from agriculture, service sector viz. banking and the hospitality industry – tourism.
During that period it was regarded as the Switzerland of the East and the capital city Beirut – Paris of the Middle East.
Lebanon is also known for political upheavals predominantly attributed to foreign power intervention, invasion and occupation following independence up until now.
The prominent crises are – the prolonged civil war (1975-1990), Hezbollah and Israel confrontation referred to as July war or Second Lebanon war (12 July 2006 – 14 August 2006) with Israeli blockade of Lebanon ending in September 2006.
Subsequently the internal conflicts involved the Lebanese security force against the alleged Al-Qaeda motivated militants in northern Lebanon in 2007.
A year later in 2008 the political standoff between Hezbollah and the ruling government over institutional access produced casualties and resolved by Arab league mediation in Qatar.
Lebanon ‘Confessionalist’ parliamentary system has maintained power sharing among different religious and political factions since origin.
The tradition continued lately through national unity government represented by current caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri, son of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Baha El Deen Al-Hariri assassinated in bomb explosion that killed 22 others on February 14, 2005.
Consequently, Special Tribunal for Lebanon was set up at the International Criminal Court, The Hague to investigate the political assassination.
Contrary to certain assertions the STL was initiated by the former French President Jacque Chirac – a close friend of deceased Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.
The United Nations probes reportedly implicated Lebanese suspects presumed pro-Syrian and held them in detention without charge. They were released after four years due to lack of evidence for indictment.
Meanwhile stability in Lebanon resumed with the Doha agreement in 2008 and the nation was in the healing process from the political turmoil until the news reports in Jan 2011 confirmed the United States prompted impending STL indictments against Hezbollah that led to the opposition resignation and collapse of the national unity government.
The interim government by Prime Minister Saad Hariri is backed by the United States, France and Saudi Arabia while the opposition Hezbollah and coalition are favored by Iran and Syria.
Upon the Lebanese Prime Minister’s visit to Washington on Jan 12, 2011 – The White House Blog reaffirmed the United States position on STL action.
Source: – Thank You.
“The President and Prime Minister reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence, implementing all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and continuing a wide-ranging and long-term partnership between the United States and Lebanon.
During their meeting, the President stressed the importance of the work of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon as a means to help end the era of political assassinations with impunity in Lebanon.
The President and Prime Minister specifically discussed united efforts with France, Saudi Arabia, and other key international and regional actors to maintain calm in Lebanon and ensure that the work of the Tribunal continues unimpeded by third parties.”
By Padmini Arhant
Political repercussions on STL preparation with the United States advising Prime Minister Saad Hariri to cooperate in the trial are a major national and regional concern.
Evidently the looming political unrest with potential (1975-1990) civil war is attributed to the 11 cabinet ministers’ departure in reaction to the U.S. backed Prime Minister’s compliance to foreign authorities request.
The grave situation is the result of the needless foreign involvement in Lebanon’s internal affair hindering the war torn nation’s opportunity to protect and provide for the citizens.
United States and U.N. Security Council claim on STL inquiry for ethical reasons would be credible,
If similar measures were adopted by accepting the Goldstone report on Gaza war citing Israel and Hamas aggression towards Palestinian and Israeli innocent civilians.
Prosecuting the illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation, Iraq under false premise at phenomenal human lives and economic cost.
Failure in adherence to universal fairness on international matter would reveal real motives behind selective targets jeopardizing trust and confidence in dispute settlement.
The former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri during the interview prior to his assassination clarified many issues that should serve as testimony against the allegations in the STL controversy.
It is increasingly clear that the U.S. persistent diplomatic pressure on Lebanon to move forward with the STL charges despite the status quo and the inevitable civil war could further destabilize the nation in the volatile region.
If the developments are not politically motivated then investigating all parties without exception based on respective perception of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri as an ally or adversary at that time would eliminate bias and deliver proper justice.
Since the quagmire emanated from the stated quest to apprehend those responsible for the former Prime Minister’s assassination and implied intention to prevent any harm to political leaders’ in Lebanon,
The perspective among the opposition crucial to form a viable government is – the foreign powers’ pre-emptive steps isolating specific group viz. Hezbollah for indictment.
Simultaneously granting impunity to external influences such as the Syrian government, Israel and the United States considering the then fragile strategic relationship by all with the slain Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri cannot be ignored.
Truth finding in this regard would be legitimate in the absence of Machiavellian pursuit – ‘the end justifies the means.’
On reflection the ex-Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, a patriot and an extraordinary statesman committed to Lebanon would have prioritized national interest over internal or alien supremacy through due diligence paramount to retain solidarity – the only effective political tool to resolve Lebanon’s burgeoning crisis.
Moreover harmony among the political representatives would be formidable for national security given Lebanon’s vulnerability and past incursions decimating the country’s infrastructure not barring economic devastation.
Even in the worst global economic recession, Lebanon GDP growth in 2007–2010 at 9% is extremely impressive and widely acclaimed for tightly regulated financial sector being one of the revenue sources in the economy.
The young leader and the incumbent Prime Minister Saad Hariri could perhaps emulate his father, the honorable Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri solemn oath to safeguard national unity and disavow allegiance to elements threatening domestic peace and stability. It was exemplified at the height of intense international political maneuvering and realized detrimental to Lebanon’s sovereignty.
Similarly, the present head of the state has a daunting task nonetheless not impossible to seek fair and transparent judicial proceedings against all parties i.e. local and overseas operatives rather than submitting to intrusive power politics.
The international court of justice real purpose would come to light when all nations regardless of stature are treated equal in the crimes against humanity.
Otherwise the institution functionality is compromised through political clout – best confined to governance instead of unconstitutional interference elaborated in the separation of power.
Hezbollah and other opposition members could effectively end the stalemate by honoring the proposals from them.
Palestinian refugee camps disarmament.
Troop withdrawal from Southern Lebanon but coordination with central armed forces in national defense.
Enabling Beirut weapon free for public safety and conforming to democratic environment.
Respecting constitutional laws on veto of government decisions.
Lebanon cannot afford another violent mutiny and all parties are urged to restrain from contributing to history repeat itself for political ideology.
Recognizing the pivotal role of each political faction in national liberation is important and acknowledgment of the predecessor Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri exemplary service to Lebanon dependent on reconciliation between members of national unity government.
Hence it is earnestly hoped that rationality will prevail against induced political discord for national progress and prosperity.
Best Wishes to a strong unified Lebanon with eternal peace across the nation.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
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U.S. China Relations and Global Impact
January 20, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Hon. President Hu Jintao of China is currently on a state visit to the United States.
The head of the state arrival in the U.S. is pivotal to promote bilateral relationship on economic, political and strategic matter having a direct global impact.
Many issues have been brought to attention that requires mutual understanding and cooperation. The economic reality with United States as the largest consumer and China being the major manufacturer as well as creditor are inter-dependent to succeed in their respective ambitions.
China is the fastest growing economy with tremendous potential to be an effective global partner in resolving international crises.
Although the dialogue between the two nations in strengthening ties has been consistent in the past two years, the intentions are yet to be delivered in action on the domestic and international fronts.
The preliminary step towards fostering simultaneous growth is to review the activities and modify strategies beneficial to both economies with equal responsibility to contain the burgeoning economic crisis.
At present the huge anomalies in surplus and deficits between China and the United States is contentious and attributed to trade imbalance, fiscal and monetary policy variation besides incoherent business practices hindering investor confidence on economic returns.
China’s currency devaluation and other grievances such as intellectual property rights infringement, U.S. corporations’ access denial to fair market share are potent in the existing undercurrents that could be mitigated if not eliminated through acknowledgment and appropriate decisions.
Concurrently, the United States bears the burden to revive domestic economy centralized on job retention and creation along with national debt reduction to offset economic disparity.
While measuring economic status between China and the United States on per capita income – it is true that United States compares better than China due to the disproportionate population ratio.
However, the 13 percent poverty rate for the United States as a developed nation signifies the widening gap between the rich and poor in wealth distribution. This situation is largely contributed by politics undermining economics with no regard for national consequences.
Reiterating the earlier statement that balance of trade conversely enhancing economic prospects is critical in the competitive global environment.
With respect to strategic alliance on Iran and North Korea – China’s defiance in the U.N. Security Council against Iran and passivity on negotiations with Korea apparently frustrating the United States.
Similarly, the United States reaction via naval drill with South Korea on the Yellow Sea and response to Iranian civil nuclear program contrasting the Vietnam deal is perceived by China as provocative and U.S. double standards.
The facts confirm the power politics and self-interest on both sides escalating turmoil in the region.
Again the solution to stalemate in foreign policy agreements is the permanent membership expansion at the U.N. Security Council.
United States endorsement of India and assurance to Japan in this context qualifies as rhetoric given the status quo.
The Security Council extension representing each region detailed previously on many occasions could be effective in addressing various global problems.
Reluctance to accept pragmatic remedies reflects the desire for dominance in the constantly evolving economic and political dynamics.
Shifting focus on U.S and China – the recognition on travel and tourism, educational and cultural exchange is relevant and further commitments are commendable.
In humanitarian issues – U.S. is faced with Guantanamo Bay, mercenary operatives in the war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan, renditions, habeas corpus, military aggression instead of economic and social development, cited in coup d’état and political unrest in Latin America, Africa, Middle East…and notably the leading arms supplier in the world.
Notwithstanding environment abuse witnessed in oil spills and rescinding environment regulations to appease energy industry.
China’s impressive economic progress and environmental pursuit in the new millennium are overshadowed by the prevalent political system entailing:
Human rights violation against the people of China
Suppression of democracy
Imprisonment of Chinese dissidents
Failure to curb human trafficking and organ extortion in and from China.
Interference in foreign nations’ visitor protocol – example United States and India.
Music, Movies and Software piracy reported by entertainment and technology sector.
Arms supply to Africa.
Aiding ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka.
Promoting tension between Pakistan and India on Kashmir.
Territorial dispute with India and incursion in the northeastern border concerning the Indian states Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh.
Refusal in acknowledgment of Taiwan’s sovereignty.
Forging defense and economic partnership with the dictatorial regime, the military Junta in Burma.
Declining support in the global financial regulations on tax havens used by corporations.
The illegal invasion and occupation of the independent nation – Tibet subjecting
Innocent men, women, children and the Buddhist Monks of Tibet to persecution.
Systemic eradication of Tibetan culture.
Desecration of the Tibetan shrines and Buddhist religion constituting sacrilegious in the highest order.
It is clear that both nations share guilt and glory in the contemporary era.
Their phenomenal accomplishments made possible by diverse resources most importantly the valuable human capital not adequately provided for and evident in immense hardships endured by the vast majority in the relatively affluent societies.
The industrialized and emerging economies could supplement one another in harmony rather than acrimony. Subsequently utilize the combined prosperity to uplift other developing nations seeking economic and political guidance.
Collective participation is vital to overcome global challenges like epidemic from communicable disease, natural disasters, environment protection, economic recession and international security.
It is in the best interests of the two illustrious nations to work together and reconcile differences to attain reciprocal economic gains.
Naturally the long lasting peace between the two militarily strong nuclear nations rests on building honest and trustworthy partnership now and in the future.
Best Wishes to U.S. China relation for a new beginning with hope and tranquility permeating across the globe.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. Please click on the hyperlinks for Featured Videos on this blogpost. Thank you.
January 18, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Race is a contentious matter. Hence thoughts are presented in this blog – an innovative medium to express views and comments.
Cyberspace is a platform where the voiceless can have a voice or be heard through someone on their behalf on any issue.
It is not necessary to go through the Red Tape or be newsworthy to be a news item in the prominent media and print press. There is no requirement to be part of any influential circle either.
An average citizen with internet access can state an opinion or recount an experience that is relevant to all or none. It has unequivocally revolutionized communication in the new millennium.
Mankind Giant Leap in this regard is poignant.
However, have we made progress in human relations?
Why is it difficult for the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom hierarchy to co-exist in harmony and accept one another as human beings first and then anything next?
We have been gifted with the discriminatory power. Unfortunately, it is being used effectively for negative purpose than otherwise.
It is believed that ‘God created all equal.’
Do we all think like the creator?
Perhaps then the status quo would be delightfully different.
Since evolution many battles and wars have been fought over land, wealth, resources…with the ulterior motive being Power and dominance of one segment over another.
The global dire situation is attributed to human quest for endless needs at other inhabitants’ peril. Human suffering along with several species extinction are caused by environment abuse largely recognized as greed.
Historically people in general are stigmatized and victimized by fellow human beings.
We are living in an imperfect world – Yet there is a desperate search for perfection among humans.
People come in all shapes and sizes notwithstanding variation in skin pigmentation – the acknowledgment on the unique genetic composition could promote higher tolerance.
Will this world be an exciting place as it is now in the absence of such diversity around us in all aspects?
It is evident in human history that a secular and diverse society achievements are substantial compared to a homogeneous society.
The collective talent available in the heterogeneous society is a formidable challenge for those against the concept.
There could be no better example than the United States having triumphed the trials and tribulations of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous society.
This great nation’s phenomenal success in every field is the result of the cosmopolitan intellectual and varied skills maintained since origin.
It is a country that set precedence in modern times for other nations to embrace multiculturalism and secularism as milestones for humanitarian progress.
Then why is race a sensitive topic to discuss?
Can discriminatory practice towards human beings be ever eliminated in any society?
If that happens, it will be Utopia. Why seek heaven or paradise?
Nonetheless there is hope considering that goodness still exists in the paradoxical universe.
The racial and cultural diversity is complex for it presents prospects and problems in every domain.
The world will be peaceful and prosperous if people could receive one another as the member of the human race.
Importantly rather than detecting flaws in others it would be wise to acknowledge one’s own shortcomings that every individual possess at some level regardless of identity.
Introspection is self-cleansing and a natural process to develop empathy.
Should the entire race and culture be held responsible and vilified for an individual or a group of individuals’ action or behavior?
Regrettably, human tendency to analyze others based on predisposed views and speculations is not uncommon creating obstacles in relationships.
Then what about nobility demonstrated by human beings of a particular sect that is targeted for any wrong doing?
Should society ignore the positive contributions of these individuals even if they are presumed a minority?
There is no particular race or culture that is spared about anything in the contemporary society.
We can overcome prejudice only if human beings can alienate themselves from the qualities and characteristics that allow conflict over compassion, caring and consideration for others.
It is up to mankind to practice goodness for pervasive happiness.
There could be no better legacy than virtuous deeds that would benefit all.
The truth is – despite tremendous accomplishments in science and technology,
Mortality is certain and no one is assured eternal life on earth.
The other reality being when we all bleed; the color of the blood is the same no matter who we are!
These facts prove the theory that ‘all are created equal.’
Thank you.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 17, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Today United States celebrated the birth of Honorable. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. renowned for breaking barriers in human relationship dedicated his life to unity and eliminating injustice.
Dr. King believed in the strength of human character transcending race, religion and social-economic background.
An eloquent orator, theologian and a supreme leader – Dr. King led the mass at the height of social inequality entrenched in prejudice emanating largely from ignorance and yet triumphed in civil rights recognition for his fellow human beings.
Rev. Martin Luther King understood the intricacies in weaving the social fabric and passionately involved to promote integration against segregation, empathy over apathy and last but not the least practiced his mentor Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence philosophy.
Despite incredible challenges and overwhelming opposition, Dr. King marched forward as the duty bound soldier would in national defense without heeding to formidable resistance from different corners.
The Reverend identified the cause fomenting polarization and relentlessly engaged in education, information and inspiration to bring harmony within society.
As a visionary and a deep thinker – Dr. King approached issues seeking solutions in the best interests of all. Among many admirable qualities, Dr. King was prominent for his charisma and steel resolve exemplified in declining failure for the venerable leader acknowledged the fact that;
Human race is resilient in overcoming obstacles and talented to realize any dream.
Humanity has experienced political and social upheavals since time immemorial. The transformation has never been easier and often made possible through extraordinary sacrifice for mankind benefit.
Dr. King’s legacy has profound impact on humanity as the shining ray of hope uplifting human spirit from the overcast when clouded with fear and self-doubt undermining the individual inherent potential.
Community service was the highlight of his exemplary humanitarian deeds reflecting benevolence, care and compassion towards the less fortunate in the society.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. represented faith, courage and integrity instrumental in delivering the desirable outcome in the civil rights movement.
Although society has made remarkable progress thus far, the human plight in this regard is far from over.
Collective actions could effectively address the prevalent social anomalies enabling a paradigm shift in human relations. Humanity thrives with tolerance and kindness towards one another. It further enhances the inner ability to deal with any crises upon relating to others’ in their hour of need.
Dr. King touched the lives of many in his limited lifetime by healing the wounded hearts and weakened minds with truthful words that encouraged the fallen to rise beyond expectations.
There is tremendous opportunity to make a difference by emulating the civil rights’ proponent – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. whose significant contribution was a trail blazer in understanding human rights.
America’s favorite son and great humanitarian is remembered with respect and gratitude for defining the purpose in life.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will always be the beacon light illuminating the human mind in quest for peace.
Happy Birthday to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Tunisia – Victory to People Power
January 16, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
The North African nation is in major political transition after the people successfully unshackled themselves from decades old authoritarian oppression.
Tunisia having been a French colony sought independence in 1956 and subsequently President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali gained power in 1987 imposing repressive form of government until the recent ousting.
The citizens across the nation were marginalized due to massive corruption, political suppression through surveillance and confinement of human rights activists, sentencing journalists for revealing the reality on soaring unemployment and economic chaos.
As a result the former Tunisian government ranked lowest in public internet access and freedom of press in the world.
These activities were considered mild compared to the abuse of Presidential power with opposition quelled eliminating checks and balances in a political system characterized by the people as kleptocracy thriving under nepotism through political appointments of family members including subservient entities in various capacity exercising control over economic sector.
Further insight confirm that President Ben Ali’s son-in-law Sakher al-Materi (daughter Nessrine’s husband) was groomed to succeed the Presidential position prior to overthrow of the government.
Although Tunisia is no exception in this regard the uprising attributed to a college graduate Mohamed Bouazizi’s tragic self-immolation upon being denied street vendor permit by the local authorities reportedly dependent on bribery for service.
Again such frustration is experienced by many in most regions becoming the tip of the iceberg as witnessed in Tunisia.
The regime expulsion was inevitable given the deteriorated economic conditions depriving the vast majority the political and economic opportunity while the minority flourished through concentration of power retained among the self-proclaimed privileged groups in the society.
Emancipation is not without sacrifice and hence should not be squandered in the aftermath of this political transformation.
Tunisia is at the crossroads requiring due diligence in seeking political representation.
People having secured the much anticipated freedom through solidarity are now challenged with leadership vacuum and could overcome any trepidation by ensuring the constitutionally approved lawful government is dedicated to individual liberty, political rights, social progress and economic prosperity for all.
It is imperative for the people of Tunisia to appoint effective head of the state committed to progressive values embedded with democratic principles in the interim and beyond not only for national security but also to achieve the twenty first century goals.
National defense is paramount to prevent undesirable elements taking advantage of the political situation in any format. Border patrol and local vigilance is a priority to protect the nation against harmful infiltration.
People governance could be expedited by an early election to establish political stability and national sovereignty.
In the process, it’s extremely important to be prudent in choosing the Presidential candidate including the entire cabinet sworn allegiance to the republic of Tunisia and not external powers maintaining authority over leadership commonly identified as the puppet administration.
The contemporary political environment resisting transparency and accountability – Tunisia could perhaps set precedence in this respect by forming an independent committee to investigate the predecessor’s alleged crimes and embezzlement charges for recovery of public assets seized during the undemocratic rule.
It would also benefit the democratic system to continue the public review and monitoring of activities to promote efficiency within and outside the government.
Tunisia has come a long way and deserves to share the new millennium prospects made possible by the deceased Mohamed Bouazizi in the small town of Sidi Bouzid and thousands of dissidents enabling the political victory.
May Mohamed Bouazizi soul rest in peace and remembered as the light in the national awakening.
Congratulations! To the Jasmine revolution on the new independence and reviving hope for millions aspiring similar outcome in their respective domain.
Best Wishes for a spectacular future to the people of democratic Tunisia.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Poverty Alleviation – Micro Lending Myths and Management
January 13, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
The greatest challenge confronting humanity is alleviating poverty, hunger and disease.
With global population on the rise, the gulf between the rich and poor widening – the worldwide statistics in deaths related to starvation and preventable disease is alarmingly high especially among children, the most vulnerable victims in the human caused misery.
There is no doubt that many organizations such as the United Nations, Government and Non-Governmental efforts in the developing countries including some philanthropists from different corners are striving hard to address this issue to their best of ability.
Their commitment in this regard is remarkable for the situation would be worse in the absence of myriad interventional measures.
As for the industrialized and developed nations’ role in containing the growing humanitarian plight – the G-20 pledge to contribute $100 billion to developing nations is honorable but yet to be exemplified through action.
In the domestic front – economic austerity is adopted in dealing with fiscal crisis.
However, the disproportionate and drastic cuts have been largely aimed at essential services affecting the economically disadvantaged in the society.
The status quo in the United States is attributed to economic policy that facilitated corporate activities with no oversight subsequently rewarding with bailouts, tax cuts and estate tax relief extended recently shifting the national debt burden to the struggling vast majority.
According to U.S. Department of Agriculture, about 50 million Americans of which 17 million children are reported to suffer from hunger due to limited affordability. Nearly 13 percent of the U.S. population is stated to be in abject poverty.
Further data reveals that 200 lives could be saved from starvation for the price of one missile.
Last August, the U.S. Senate passed the Healthy,Hunger-Free Kids Act but the legislation is pending congressional approval.
Hence the112th Congress is requested to prioritize this matter over other issues.
Internationally – of the multitude projects underway to assist poorer communities from the burgeoning economic disparity,
Micro lending is the cornerstone to uplift human living standards targeting women empowerment through entrepreneurship proved to thrive in the systems not prone to administrative corruption and/or bureaucratic meddling.
Any program’s long term success is dependent upon the implementation requiring constant review and monitoring at the macro management.
In micro operation the selective criticism against the concept highlighting the lenders’ alleged practices and soaring profits compared with Wall Street gains as modest and creditors’ demeanor mild towards borrowers is indicative of political adaptation to discredit one and appease another when the debtors experience with Wall Street firms confirm otherwise.
Nonetheless the mostly rural based micro financing recipients rely on lenders and their representatives’ verbal explanation about the contract. The misinformation incidents are less when the customers have basic education and understand the terms without being misled in the loan finance.
Usually these mechanisms work better with non-profit organizations having volunteers to perform the necessary tasks from initiating the deal until debt settlement.
Whenever materialism is eliminated in public service it not only cultivates good work ethics but also yields the desirable outcome.
Providing credit to individuals for various businesses is preliminary step and the loan default could be due to circumstances within and beyond human control.
Using successful business as model and incentivizing them to lead others in the village and urban areas could pervasively replicate results.
The major impediments for human progress among the poorest are – lack of education, access to water let alone clean water, inhumane living conditions and environmental disasters rendering survival a mere stroke of luck than individual capability to overcome the odds in life.
For the population in war zones, the expectations are none considering the persistent chaos and carnage depleting human endurance to the point of welcoming end rather than a beginning to life.
When measuring human achievements since the dawn of life on earth – it has been phenomenal in the technological front.
Notwithstanding the ingenuity and innovation in modern science, space exploration… admirably demonstrated in the formidable quest to conquer air, land and ocean.
It is imperative to emphasize that the monumental feat would not have been possible without unified contribution enhanced by diverse talent in reaching for the stars once considered a pleasant dream but not a reality.
If similar passion and dedication were applied in minimizing human suffering overshadowing the significant accomplishments then perhaps the existence of hierarchical societies – the privileged against the less fortunate and downtrodden could diminish bringing fresh hope for all on the horizon.
Natural empathy together with peace and love towards mankind possess incredible power to transcend elements obstructing the path to equality.
Pragmatically the present dystopian society transformation for universal good largely remains with collective responsibility towards self and others.
Sharing knowledge and cherished treasures in life accentuates the joy of giving guaranteed with exceedingly greater returns.
Moreover the humanitarian deeds are never without a positive effect for it enables the human character to evolve surpassing self-promotion.
Political and economic infusion undermines humanitarian missions for it is perceived as a political threat by those in power while the investors view as an economic opportunity.
Grameen Bank and parallel mediums could potentially revolutionize under developed demography through reinvestments instead of redirecting profits in the venture.
The tax exemption when utilized to increase productivity at various levels has substantial prospects for economic development.
In conclusion, micro lending is promising and an effective catalyst to improve social and economic status in any surroundings.
The U.N. Millennium development goals are attainable through accelerated growth and sustenance of similar humanitarian projects.
Humanity future is bright with care and compassion towards all living beings.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
International Recognition of Israeli Palestinian Peace Process
January 10, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Israeli Palestinian peace talks have come to a grinding halt following the moratorium expiration on Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem last September.
The Palestinian casualties in early January 2011 involving a man and a woman in the northern West Bank checkpoint and the barrier is a setback for the long anticipated peace resolution between Israel and Palestinian authorities.
Additionally the recent tension in beleaguered Gaza with Israel reporting on the rocket firing by Hamas across the southern border resets the status quo after a prolonged ceasefire promoting hope for exports from Gaza to Israel.
Subsequently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s invitation to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for direct dialogue is praiseworthy.
However, the Israeli Prime Minister’s terms on negotiations without preconditions in the backdrop of ongoing settlement expansion is a dilemma for the Palestinian President considering the political challenges in their domain.
Any agreement would be feasible upon instantaneous settlement freeze that has long been contentious in the crucial interaction between the two heads of the states.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu having previously proved Israel’s commitment to two states solution through temporary settlement containment could perhaps persuade opposition within Israeli coalition in this matter rather than expecting Palestinian approval of the continuing occupation.
The two states recognition could be easily achieved with natural understanding and acknowledgment of 1967 lines for an Independent Palestinian State concurrently suspending settlement activities in Palestinian territories viz. West Bank and East Jerusalem.
As mentioned earlier Israel’s security will be strengthened by expediting the peace treaty that would enable free Palestine to focus on nation building beginning with infrastructure, economic growth, education and health care…guaranteed to promote social progress transforming existing mistrust and discord into a reliable trading partnership fostering bilateral relationship with their neighbor, Israel.
Further the Arab world would widely accept Israel’s sovereignty when peace protocol per 1967 territory is honored ceasing claim on Palestinian meager land with exponential rise in the local population.
Again reiterating requests made to both parties per post titled “Peace Dawns on Palestine and Israel – Two States Solution,” published 9/2/2010 under International Politics on this website,
Both states could reach common destination by removing roadblocks such as occupation, settlement, troop presence with checkpoints and barriers from the Israeli side and,
Palestinian efforts in maintaining solidarity within political factions while pursuing their goals through non-violent means is the pragmatic course to prevail in the decades old conflict.
Peace deal is not attainable with demolition in East Jerusalem, skirmishes in Gaza and West bank under siege. The Palestinian preparation to approach United Nations Security Council for international endorsement of liberated Palestine along the 1967 lines reveals the peace brokers’ lack of influential power and interest in resolving the Mideast crisis.
Therefore the international society could intervene in ending the Palestinian plight and Israeli political gridlock over settlements and troop withdrawal by reviewing the reality and the impact of ignoring the humanitarian suffering currently benefiting terror recruitments serving as the reason for perpetual warfare.
By addressing the Palestinian political struggle and Israeli desire for national security, the international community would effectively contribute to the success of the Israeli Palestinian peace process.
On that optimistic note, the Palestinian and Israeli leaders are urged to set their differences aside and cooperate in signing the peace accord with international blessings.
Good Luck and Best Wishes to Palestinian, Israeli and world leaders in finalizing the amicable Mideast peace doctrine.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant