U.S. NATO and UN Intervention in Libya and Middle East

February 28, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The press conference held a little while ago by the White House preceded with the UN Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice briefing on the meeting between President Barack Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon on date – February 28, 2011 at approximately 3.30P.M. EST.

UN humanitarian aid to Libya is quintessential and would be welcome by the local population.

However the United Nations volunteering political support to Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and throughout Middle East would be considered interference with programmed nominees otherwise appointing puppet regimes to take over the leadership position as seen in Afghanistan and Iraq rendering the pro-democracy martyrs’ sacrifices futile.

It would be history repeating itself contradictory to the natives’ desirable political transformation for republic rule constituting real democracy.

Therefore it would be honorable for the U.S., NATO and United Nations to allow the respective population in these nations to choose their leader within civil society to represent the democratic transition.

Furthermore there are capable leaders, scholars and constitutional law experts in every nation deserving opportunity to lead their country without foreign powers intrusion contributing to the dictatorial government establishment spanning over decades.

U.S. and allies along with UN recognition of the intellectual talent and respecting the republic will in the Middle East and elsewhere would enormously benefit the credibility factor that has been lost in the political crises management thus far.

The White House press conference and the UN ambassador accounts did not rule out U.S. and NATO military action against Libya.

It is imperative for the U.S. and NATO to abandon any air strike plans or preparation to move troops into Libya since that would categorically qualify as invasion through military aggression exacerbating the civilian plight.

Notwithstanding such decisions fomenting anti-western sentiments due to the intention in semblance with Iraq and Afghanistan – i.e. occupation and perpetual warfare.

Besides democratic nations would be expected to pursue peaceful strategies and avoid military confrontation at all costs – similar to western society aspiration upon political event reversal.

In fact based on the warm relations between Muammar Gaddafi and the western leaderships until now – it should be a no brainer to demand the embattled dictator to step down and prevent bloodshed rather than positioning to a combat situation unequivocally resulting in more casualties generating the perception as a peace opponent.

Given the Libyan dictator’s profile as a paranoid shriveling easily debilitated character exemplified in nuclear ambition renouncement and Lockerbie settlement, the panic-stricken leadership is on the brink of collapse.

The popular uprising is quite capable of deposing the despotic clan and the obstruction in this regard is predominantly attributed to deliberation on introducing ‘NO FLY ZONE’ and facilitating the artillery confiscation by the revolution.

Hence the U.S. NATO and UN services limited to humanitarian relief and non-militaristic assistance would be greatly appreciated and expedite the dictator’s departure.

Meanwhile the defected security and army personnel are urged to join the peaceful demonstrators to oust the rattled Gaddafi and associates.

Please remember that Tunisia and Egypt succeeded and so can you.

Do not relent and heed to violence or political circumvention.

Reiterating the warning to Gaddafi and mercenaries – unleashing terror against unarmed civilians would lead to devastating consequences.

Surrender or exile as time is running out with no hope for miracles.

Gaddafi rule is nearing end and the factions behind hostility sharing synonymous fate.

Libyan revolution will triumph over repression. So claim your long overdue victory.

Good Luck! To Libyan Liberation by peaceful and non-violent dissent.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Revolution Advance to Overthrow Muammar Gaddafi

February 28, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The brave patriots in Libya have made tremendous progress since February 17, 2011 – the day Libyan revolution began in Tripoli, Benghazi and other cities of the North African nation.

With the eastern part of the country in the revolution control, the pro-democracy movement has gradually made inroads near the capital Tripoli to remove the region’s most repressive regime under the ruthless tyrant Muammar Gaddafi and entire clan.

Many innocent lives have been lost due to brutal attacks via aerial bombing, shooting from helicopter and ground assaults against unarmed civilians as well as soldiers who refused to obey the belligerent authority.

The cowardly display by the dictator Muammar Gaddafi is a desperate act to stay in power amid the crumbling empire.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi – the presumptuous heir apparent has proudly interpreted the name as ‘Sword of Islam’ brandishing the sword pledged to cause the blood river in Tripoli to rein control over the lost kingdom.

The death and destruction inflicted upon the oppressed Libyan population in the last few days is horrific and the people have shown incredible courage even in the face of terror unleashed by the mercenaries and security personnel.

Meanwhile the following actions by the U.S., UNSC and other nations against Libya is welcome and trial in the international criminal court of Justice against Muammar Gaddafi for crimes against humanity is paramount to deliver justice on the civilian massacre.

U.S. U.K. and other nations claim to have shut down the embassies in Tripoli with staff members evacuated from the city.

UNSC has reportedly imposed arms embargo, travel restrictions and freezing all assets including bank accounts held by Gaddafi and family.

These developments are greatly appreciated.

Nonetheless based on the current news report on the Libyan crisis – The UNSC implementation of ‘NO FLY ZONE’ could no longer be procrastinated for there are too many lives at stake and with the continuous aerial bombing by the power obsessed leader Gaddafi – the delay would be catastrophic.

Furthermore the meeting between President Barack Obama and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is reported to be taking place behind close doors as per CNN news report on date i.e. February 28, 2011 around 1.30P.M. EST.

The news media expressed grievance over the secrecy on the humanitarian issue depriving the press corps from gaining more information through relevant questions in public.

It is a legitimate call by the news media and the U.S. President as well as UN Secretary General honoring the democratic norm on this grave humanitarian matter would be regarded as their commitment to transparency in worldview.

On the sanctions against Libya – economic sanctions commonly hurt the citizens and seldom affect the defiant rulers for they are always well prepared to cope with such situations.

Therefore with the exception of food, medicines and essential items to provide for the people, trade sanctions with direct impact on the leadership would be more effective than the blanket option.

Despite these steps the authoritarian rulers remain determined to challenge the non-violent dissenters proceeding towards Tripoli for ultimate conquest.

Libyan protesters must not lose courage for you are on the verge of making history in the liberation from over four decades of tyranny witnessed in the last four days with immense sacrifices that will not be in vain.

Moreover like Egypt you will set yet another precedence for others in similar situation yearning to unshackle them from generational imprisonment in Middle East and elsewhere.

Muammar Gaddafi has vowed to fight until the imminent end of the autocratic rule.

However the demonstrators must not capitulate to the dwindling flame soon to be extinguished by the peaceful breeze sweeping across the nation.

Please don’t think you are alone for you have the world behind you in the humanitarian cause.

Besides your admirable wits and steel resolve is a formidable threat to the declining despots in Libya and nations alike.

Hence March forward gallantly and seize what always belonged to you – freedom, individual rights and dignified existence long denied by the egomaniacal dictatorial powers.

Message to Gaddafi and henchmen hired by the authoritarian is to refrain from any harm to the approaching peaceful and non-violent rally.

Every single blow to men, women and children whether national or foreign would lead to devastating consequences for the perpetrators.

Muammar Gaddafi and the supporters have an opportunity to surrender for there is no hope to win the losing battle.

As stated earlier the inevitable political transformation is non-negotiable.

The dawn of new beginning cannot be stalled or crushed by use of violence and unscrupulous tactics.

Republic empowerment exemplifying real democracy is to represent the final outcome in the revolution led political uprising.

With respect to Egypt – The caretaker government recent constitutional amendments limiting Presidential term to eight years is praiseworthy and look forward to the transfer of power to civilian rule in the immediate future.

Wishing expedited glorious victory to Libyan revolution!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wisconsin State Budget Resolution and Preserving Workers’ Rights

February 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

In the State of Wisconsin thousands of protesters are defending the collective bargaining rights staved off in an attempt to deprive workers across the economy from any benefits viewed as liability by the Republican majority.

Budget crisis is widespread within United States and around the world.

As a result the governments at all levels have been adopting severe austerity targeting the worst affected demography through spending cuts on essential programs further exacerbating the vulnerable population plight.

Although the cuts are necessary – the focus is on the vast majority dependent vital services rather than eliminating redundant costs and trimming discretionary investments that are untimely and unaffordable.

Similarly balancing the budget without any revenue from increased productivity or tax hikes on the wealthiest including products and services that are detrimental to health as well as general environment contributes to the growing anti-austerity measures viz. Greece, Ireland and United Kingdom.

Wisconsin for instance could review the areas to generate revenue from manufacturing – being one of the economic strengths in addition to,

The tax rates on personal income especially the top bracket and sales tax that is comparatively lower than other states in the nation.

There appears to be no inheritance tax with the large estate taxes again arbitrarily collected.

Highway and road construction along with maintenance is currently funded by motor fuel tax only. Exploring other avenues like toll roads could provide for any shortfall in the budget.

Similarly the alcohol beverage tax appears to have been contentious emanating from the political influence by the Wisconsin Tavern League behind the state’s reluctance to lower the DUI offense from BAC 0.10 to 0.08 until recently.

The State reliance on full market value based property tax in the sluggish housing trend for income to manage the entire operating costs is a limited pursuit when there are many options available to offset the budget deficit that could ease the burden on any particular segment in the society.

In terms of denying the workers’ rights on collective negotiations – the State assembly approval confirms the misplaced priority and disconnect with the society at large.

The common experience among employees and workers is the difficulty in making inroads with the employers on any legitimate concerns about working conditions and economic opportunity.

It is even harder during the tough economic times deterring individuals to bring the matter to management’s attention due to the fear of losing their job.

The political ideology combined with corporate financing in the election campaign is evidently unleashing power on the electorate typically ignored after the electoral victories.

Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is reportedly determined to ‘bust the State worker unions and eliminate their collective bargaining rights.’

Political establishment that has no respect for labor force – the human capital and the fundamental resource in the economic activities would categorically lead the free market to a free fall upon any sabotage to the engine of the economy.

Without workers and consumers the private and public sector cannot exist and the politically motivated steps against worker representation is analogous to hurting the hands that feeds them.

The demonstrators’ persistence gaining momentum thus far against Republican rejection is indicative of the inevitable political backlash in 2012 for Wisconsin incumbents and others following suit.

Furthermore, the worker unions are vital for checks and balances in the corporate dominant politics, economics and social domain.

Republican members’ strategy in this regard would be equivalent to opposition dismissal effectively voiding democracy.

It is a dangerous precedence and pervasive as seen in France implemented aggressive pension reform vigorously pushed forward in the U.S. Congress extending retirement age and privatizing social security for corporate direct control over public assets.

Now the bill passed in the Wisconsin State assembly is yet another goal to diminish worker unions involvement to discuss corporate policy if found detrimental to work force and ultimately the overall productivity.

It would again lead to kamikaze outcome benefitting none but certainly ruining all.

Governor Walker’s order to track down the State Senate democrats having left the capital city, Madison in disagreement of the shortsighted approach to a sensitive humanitarian issue is regrettable and does not reflect the Republican rule in the world’s modern democracy.

Hence Governor Scott Walker and the Republican Senate in Wisconsin is urged to abandon the ill-conceived notion to deprive workers their voice in a capitalist economy poised to thrive in a democratic setting.

Honoring the workers rights is the only respectable act and guarantees a better employer-employee relationship crucial for corporate and national progress.

Meanwhile the citizens from all walks of life against the proposal in Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada…are requested to remain committed in securing their rights in the rapidly deteriorating ethical efficacy.

Best Wishes and Good Luck! To all parties for a peaceful resolution favoring the workers requirement.

Besides they are also the consumers, taxpayers and most importantly the electorates holding the key to office.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tyranny and Turmoil under Muammar Gaddafi

February 24, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

As the revolution gains victory in the east, Gaddafi is losing grip on power despite the innocent civilian massacre and soldiers slain for refusing to fire at the unarmed citizens in Tripoli as well as territories under brutal control.

Although Muammar Gaddafi is portrayed as defiant, he is rattled by the unfolding rapid developments.

Not long ago Muammar Gaddafi willfully surrendered his nuclear ambitions and invited the International Atomic Energy Agency for inspection.

Muammar Gaddafi also accepted responsibility for the terror attack in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing of the Pan AM flight that claimed 270 lives and reportedly paid $2.7 billion (Dinar 9.90 billion) to the victims’ families.

Earlier on the US bombing of Libya in April 1986 under former President Ronald Reagan killed many residents including Gaddafi’s adopted daughter at that time.

The twelve minutes air raid targeted Libyan air defenses, three army bases, and two airfields dropping 60 tons of ammunitions notwithstanding the diplomatic and civilian sites in Tripoli.

Subsequently the warm relations between the petro dictator and the western leaderships up until now signified the complacency to the tyrannical rule.

It is obvious from these events that the puppet regime’s close western ties was mutually beneficial at the sacrifices of the population in Libya, United States and United Kingdom considering the Lockerbie Bomber Al-Megrahi’s acquittal.

The autocrat’s magnanimous settlement on Lockerbie terror act has nothing to do with compassion towards the victims or the families since it is well established that Muammar Gaddafi authorized the horrendous crime and,

Further supported by the defected Libyan Justice minister Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Jalil’s recent account claiming to have evidence to that effect.

In fact Muammar Gaddafi’s calculated maneuver on this issue is indicative of the gesture as an insurance against synonymous U.S and allies’ invasion of Iraq.

Saif al-Islam – the oligarchy approved heir to totalitarianism in Libya is quoted to have remarked at the Lockerbie trial outcome as capitulation by the “pussycats.”

NB: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi in the heydays featured romping with the big wild cats.

Muammar Gaddafi and preordained successors would not have lasted over many years without the shadow government’s complicity to the atrocity prevalent in the genocide witnessed by the international community.

The conglomerate’s failure to call Muammar Gaddafi to step down and concede to the pro-democracy movement severely clamped down with unspeakable violence emboldens the perpetrators showing no respect for life while fearing own mortality.

Again the U.S and allies cavalier invasion of Iraq compared with procrastinated statement against Muammar Gaddafis’ annihilation of citizens in the army and civil society confirms the discriminatory approach to identical if not the grave Libyan mass killings.

American expatriates evacuation used as the reason in this regard is contradictory to the U.S. State department’s briefing on February 22, 2011 clarifying the safe passage and Libyan regime assurance to allow the evacuees exit.

Evidently the successful evacuations by all other nations through the safest routes also serve as the alternative to the situation.

Besides there were no such considerations during the latest U.S intervention in the democratically elected government collapse in Lebanon then ominously predicted to lead towards a civil war.

In contrast the lack of commitment to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi wreaking havoc on the city under lockdown is a travesty in the civilized world.

Undoubtedly oil dependency combined with the various economic deals between Gaddafi regime and western interests takes precedence over human rights violation.

Otherwise the indiscriminate slaughtering of vulnerable men, women and children would not be carried out on the world watch.

The Libyan army bound by the military code of honor and national duty is required to rise to the occasion in defending the people from Muammar Gaddafi’s wrath causing the blood river in Tripoli and western Libya.

It is important for the armed forces to recognize that the power hungry dictator did not even spare the army personnel who have served him and the nation by protecting against potential harm.

Before the widespread carnage debilitate the Libyan military and the society at large it is extremely urgent for the army to rein in the unruly mob attacks by arresting the criminal Muammar Gaddafi and anyone obeying the belligerent authority.

Muammar Gaddafi and the evil empire must acknowledge the imminent end of the repressive era.

The game is over and persistence would only expedite the inevitable termination.

Muammar Gaddafi will not die as a martyr but indeed go down as a monster.

Libyan army in joining the revolution could deliver the desirable liberty suppressed for more than four decades.

Libyan citizens across the country should come together in solidarity and escalate the momentum in liberating Tripoli and the remaining territories under siege.

Good Luck! To Libyan revolution in the battle for political freedom.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

U.S. NATO, UNSC and UN Clarifications Required on Libya

February 22, 2011

By Padmini Arhant


Is NATO Preparing to Invade Libya?

What is UNSC action on ‘No Fly Zone’ proposal by Libyan victims dying from artillery shelling?

Does Libya matter to U.S. in the same manner as Iraq did in 2003?

United States positioned as the leader of the free world and the United Nations as the umbrella organization for the international community including Libya and,

NATO representing the U.S. and European Union dependent on Libyan oil for the economy are yet to offer legitimate explanation on all of the above questions related to Libya.

Additionally the U.S. has not clarified the bizarre stance for not having directly condemned the brutal dictator Muammar Gaddafi and his sons Saif al-Islam Gaddafi as well as Mutassim Gaddafi implicated with evidence on hiring henchmen to murder Libyan civilians.

The press conference and daily briefing by the U.S. State Department today i.e. February 22, 2011 was disappointing for it did not address the key issues on Libya and the response was evasive.

Please watch the featured video on the U.S. State Department briefing.

Following questions are from the conference transcript made available by the U.S. State Department. – Thank you.

Please view the featured video for the complete version of the briefing.

QUESTION: All right. And then more broadly, what did you make of Qadhafi’s speech?

MR. CROWLEY: I actually haven’t received a debrief on his speech.

QUESTION: Well, surely you saw some of it.

MR. CROWLEY: I did see some of it.

QUESTION: Enough – what did you think of him vowing to stay and to die a martyr and never to give up?

MR. CROWLEY: Again, this is ultimately and fundamentally an issue between the Libyan Government, its leader, and the Libyan people.

They, like others, are standing up and demanding a greater say in the events of their country.

As the Secretary indicated yesterday in her statement, we have grave concerns about the Libyan response to these protestors.

We continue to be guided by our fundamental principles; we don’t want to see any further violence.

And she called directly on the Libyan Government to cease the – its response that has led to significant bloodshed in Libya.

We want to see universal rights respected and we want to see the government respond to the aspirations of its people.

QUESTION: P.J., this is essentially a bloodbath that’s going on there, and it seems when you were talking about this that it’s a very calm approach. I mean, many people are saying that something has to be done right now to help the people who are being attacked by airplanes, air attack. So what is the United States doing? Is there a sense of urgency?

MR. CROWLEY: Of course, there’s a sense of urgency. Our first focus is on the security of American citizens in Libya. But I mean, our response has been joined by many others in the international community.

There was a Security Council meeting this morning. There will be another Security Council meeting this afternoon, and I expect that the international community will speak with one voice in expressing its ongoing alarm at events as they unfold in Libya.

QUESTION: Thank you. What is the Secretary doing specifically on this?

MR. CROWLEY: We have had a number of conversations as a Department over the weekend. The Secretary has engaged with many regional and European leaders.

Our Assistant Secretary Jeff Feltman had multiple conversations over the weekend with Libyan officials, including Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa.

We have been in touch with also other leaders in the region, and there is a united view here. We view the situation in Libya with grave concern.

QUESTION: Just one more. Just one more. Their ambassador to the Arab League calls this genocide, and in cases of genocide, there might be a consideration of taking some type of united action to rescue people. Is there any consideration for that?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, Jill, I would just simply say that right now our challenge – just as your challenge is to fully understand what is going on in the country.

Just as you have had difficulty in getting your reporters into Libya, we have a relatively small post, and we’ve had difficulty in verifying some of the horrible reports that are emanating from Libya.

I’m not minimizing our level of concern here, but it’s going to take some time to evaluate and understand exactly what is happening, what has transpired already.

We are focused right now on trying to do everything that we can working with others who are in touch with the Libyan Government and Libyan leaders directly to stop this bloodshed.

We have great concern about this, but we are still trying to fully understand exactly what’s happening in a very complex, very difficult environment where we do not necessarily, as we have in other countries, have as many eyes on the ground.

QUESTION: Has the U.S. Government contacted Qadhafi directly? Have you – has an effort been made either from this building or from the White House?

MR. CROWLEY: We are aware that others have contacted him directly, I think, over the weekend. The Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had a direct conversation with him. We have not.

QUESTION: — would not ask him step down.

MR. CROWLEY: Just as we have said quite carefully in each of these cases, it’s not for the United States to choose the leader of Libya or the leader of any other country.

It is for the people of Libya who are standing up and protesting the policies and actions of their government. Ultimately, they will be the judge of what is happening in Libya.

We are expressing our grave concern and alarm, as the Secretary’s statement said yesterday. And certainly, we can see that there is a contrast between the decisions made by Egyptian security forces in response to these protests, and the contrast is very stark between the response of the Libyan Government.

QUESTION: P.J., I just want to make sure —

QUESTION: The National Security Advisor Mutassim Qadhafi, one of his sons was here two years ago meeting with the Secretary. Has anyone spoken to him? Has anyone spoken to anyone else who still claims to work for the Qadhafi government directly? Or is Ban Ki-moon acting as the interlocutor here?

MR. CROWLEY: I just – no, no, no, no. I just said that Assistant Secretary Jeff Feltman has had multiple conversations with Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa and others.

We’ve expressed our concern directly. We’ve explained to the Libyan Government exactly what we’re doing in terms of the ordered departure.

We’ll work with the Libyan Government as we move our families and our diplomats and American citizens out of Libya. So we are – we have been in, more or less, daily contact with the Libyan Government through this last few days.

QUESTION: Do you support a no-fly zone over Libya?

MR. CROWLEY: I’m sorry?

QUESTION: Do you support a no-fly zone over Libya?

MR. CROWLEY: Again, we are meeting as an international community. We are trying to gather facts on what is happening. And I’m not going to forecast what steps might be taken.

QUESTION: Because during Qadhafi’s hour-and-a-half long speech, he indicated that he wasn’t listening to what the U.S. or what the Europeans wanted, that he would be willing to die until the last drop of blood, and that he would then go house to house to try to put down this rebellion.

That’s – how effective is the U.S. conversation then with Libya if he can go on television and say these things and make these threats against his own people?

QUESTION: — the problem is that here you’ve been talking about how this has to solved within – resolved through an internal debate in Libya; you want to see the government engage the protesters.

And the problem with that is that the debate so far has been anti-aircraft guns and bullets and fighter jets bombing the people. That’s the government’s side of the debate.

MR. CROWLEY: I understand that.

QUESTION: They have shown no willingness to engage.

MR. CROWLEY: I understand —

QUESTION: And Qadhafi’s speech, which you didn’t watch —

MR. CROWLEY: I watched. I didn’t —

QUESTION: — said exactly —

MR. CROWLEY: I watched some of it.

QUESTION: — said that they’re not going to engage and that he’s going to go – that the people who are protesting deserve the death penalty —


QUESTION: — and they’re going to crack down on them. So I don’t —

MR. CROWLEY: And Matt —

QUESTION: So there’s no indication that they’re listening to your message.

And by saying that you don’t know, you’re waiting to find out the facts on the ground, you can’t confirm any of these atrocities that have been reported, you’ve put yourself squarely in the camp of your favorite Western Hemisphere dictator Fidel Castro, who wrote exactly the same thing and said that no one – people shouldn’t be blaming Qadhafi yet. I mean, you haven’t come out and condemned Qadhafi himself for doing any of this.

And he — the other thing that Castro said was that – I think this is along the lines of the no-fly zone –

Is that NATO was preparing to invade Libya?

So, setting Castro aside for a moment —

MR. CROWLEY: Again, which is why I said earlier that ultimately this is an issue between the Libyan Government and the Libyan people.

QUESTION: P.J., how can you frame the debate as it’s internal things between the Libyan people and the government when some reports talks about thousands of people dead, and one of – part of the Qadhafi’s speech – I don’t know if you heard it or not –

He was talking about the violence has not been used yet against the demonstrators. Isn’t surely the responsibility of the United States to stand up against the thousands of people being killed?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, and the Secretary of State said very clearly and very compellingly in her statement yesterday that the bloodshed needs to stop. We condemned the violence that’s occurring. I don’t know that we can be any more clear.

QUESTION: But how many people have to die? I mean, we’re already hearing of hundreds of people.?
Gaddafis’ Western Relations – By Padmini Arhant

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi known in the affluent circle for his close relations with Prince Andrew, Lord Peter Mandelson, 4th Baron Jacob Rothschild along with heir Nat Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor of Buckinghamshire.

Saif al-Islam having been hosted at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle is also believed to be a frequent royal guest at Rothschild manor on Corfu.

It is further established that Saif al-Islam was the favorite nominee to lead Libya among the Western oligarchy.

Powerful entities without lucrative economic deals would be indeed oxymoron.

It clearly explains the western powers’ deafening silence in the face of massacre by their autocratic ally.

The political establishment behind dictatorships in the Middle East and elsewhere bear responsibility for the ongoing civilian deaths in every uprising prompting worldwide citizens protest to the systemic abuse of power for purely economic and strategic interests.

People in the democratic society across the globe need to rise against the shadow world government wreaking havoc on the planet with innocent men, women and children indiscriminately killed through their puppet regimes,

The declining global status quo is a sharp indication for democracies to reject the pervasive dominance by selective powers operating under one organization – the New World Order.

These leaderships do not espouse democratic values and alarmingly exerting authority in semblance to fascism – a pre-world war II environment.

If the average citizens do not challenge the unscrupulous powers despite the ominous situation then it could lead to no point of return.

It is the duty of every human being to oppose the conglomerate powers’ complicity and demand for their immediate action in the removal of the totalitarian governments engaged in native population genocide.

Universal revolution is the only effective strategy to rein in the apex power governing the political apparatus around the world.

Complacency could no longer be the option for it would expedite the possible apocalypse.

The poignant questions pertaining to Libya including any NATO plan on Libyan invasion during the U.S. state department briefing was evaded and,

It is a great concern for the global society considering the western powers’ increasingly discreet policy on international matter.

Real democracies would be transparent and subject to accountability rather than remaining exclusive with decisions or the lack thereof on humanitarian issues.

The oppressed victims of aerial bombings in Libya are justified in their request for a ‘No Fly Zone’ – essentially a no brainer compared with similar imposition on Iraq by the U.S and allies during their mission to oust Saddam Hussein sharing same legacy as Muammar Gaddafi.

United Nations Security Council hesitation in this context is simply unacceptable and reasons provided thus far claiming that it would be hard for the members to gain consensus on humanitarian grounds reveals the disingenuous reaction particularly after the United States veto of Arab resolution on Jewish settlements obstructing Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

It is extremely important for NATO and United States to present the precise agenda on Libya with unequivocal clarification on the alleged NATO plan to invade Libya.

On the question regarding Egypt – the State Department Assistant Secretary P.J. Crowley only highlighted in broadening the economic prospects with no mention on the political transfer of power to civilian rule.

Again the United States commitment to Egypt in this respect is quintessential based on U.S. military aid and consequently Egypt’s military caretaker government direct reporting to U.S. military high command including the defense secretary.

These developments marred with tremendous uncertainties attributed to U.S. and European Union failure to depose Muammar Gaddafi and reserved successors.

The characterization of Libyan political crisis as an ‘internal affair’ at the state department briefing is disturbing to say the least not to mention the impact on U.S. image as a reliable crusader.

Political transformation in the Middle East and across the globe is predetermined and non-negotiable.

The decadent powers under the global empire are on the brink of collapse epitomizing the conclusion of the Dark Age.

Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Palestinians from Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem in the Middle East and,

China, Tibet, Burma, North Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lankan Tamils, Pakistan, Afghanistan…in Asia

Ivory Coast, Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo…in Africa

Honduras, Haiti, Cuba…in the Western Hemisphere

All others across the globe are urged to seek political rights, social equality and fair economic opportunity only possible with people power in a democracy.

Life is a gift and born to be free. Hence rise like a phoenix against the falcon for a new beginning on the horizon.

Good Luck! To the Universal Revolution for resounding success in the liberation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Revolution Seek Public Trial on Muammar Gaddafi and Sons for brutal massacre

February 22, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The world witnessed the brutal massacre of innocent civilians by the ruthless dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Despite shutting down communications and denying access to independent journalists as well as foreign media, the demonstrators found alternative sources to have their voices heard.

The general complacency to tyranny in the twenty first century for economic and strategic interests has largely contributed to the prevalent atrocities in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Human greed for power and territorial conquest see no boundaries in causing death, carnage and destruction.

The autocrats do not act alone in their obstinacy to remain in power.

These puppet regimes are emboldened by the powerful conglomerate’s support with no respect for life and democracy is inconvenient in the close economic relationship between them.

Muammar Gaddafi together with his sons should face public trial for aerial bombing using national air force, naval attacks and hiring mercenaries to kill unarmed non-violent protesters in Tripoli, Benghazi…the people were slain mercilessly by the authoritarians to extend the undemocratic rule.

The perpetrators having no remorse for the horrific crimes against humanity must be tried and sentenced with life imprisonment given their desire to stay in Libya.

It is time for justice and the citizens with the army must apprehend the unruly defiant regime without delay to prevent further bloodshed.

Yet another warning to Muammar al-Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and remaining members of the family and political party –

Surrender and face trial for the immense casualties notwithstanding your blatant threat on national television to continue the horrendous assault against peaceful pro-democracy movement.

Libyan revolution along with defected army must proceed and occupy the television station and primarily Gaddafi residence.

U.N. Security Council action is crucial in implementing the ‘No-Fly Zone’ proposal from the Libyan citizens for protection against foreign artillery and henchmen used by Gaddafi in this political turmoil.

Any hesitation from the UNSC in this regard would result in severe loss of lives holding them directly responsible for the inaction or procrastination.

Libyan revolution must march forward and take control of all strategic installations.

Muammar al-Gaddafi and especially the heir Saif al-Islam must heed to public demand or deal with the consequences.

As stated earlier the revolution has prevailed with the autocratic rulers overthrown and anyone regardless of stature backing the despots confirm similar characteristics posing danger to the society they represent.

Accordingly they would also contend with synonymous situation.

Citizens in Libya are commended for their extraordinary courage and sacrifice. You are close to victory and nothing can stop you from this inevitable political transformation.

Keep your spirits high and focus on your vision to uproot evil from the Libyan soil.

Good Luck! To all Libyan citizens for an expedited political independence.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libya Liberation By Revolution!

February 21, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Libyan revolution prevails over four decades of repression!

Libyan peace and non-violent movement are requested to assume the civic responsibility in restoring law and order. The national security personnel is to take control of the situation.

It is absolutely important to prevent any civil war scenario for that would be detrimental to the birth of democracy.

Meanwhile the remnant members from Gaddafi family and political party should refrain from any attempt to instigate violence or inflict attacks against unarmed civilians in the transitionary period.

They are advised to leave the nation for their own safety and in republic interest.

Libya’s national defense should guard the borders and monitor the overall security.

Please note the military is only to provide public and national protection without any political intervention.

The political parties representing the people rather than the deposed regime are to convene now for an emergency caretaker government per the constitution.

Soon after maintaining political stability – the nation could prepare for a general election. However the urgent priority is to address the nation on the latest development and seek the popular consent to nominate a political structure agreeable to the entire society for governance.

Revolution leaders committed to peace and non-violence responsible for liberating the nation from 42 years of oppression should play a prominent role in the political system to insure that a democratic government is set up effective immediately for political and economic stability.

Celebrating newly attained political freedom is natural nonetheless avoiding clashes and tensions within society is equally paramount.

Any social unrest and anarchy should be restrained by the law enforcement authority.

The republic rule is to commence from now onwards implementing democratic principles vowed to solidarity, secularism, peace within and outside the country and a functional government with elected representatives pledged to serve the people across the nation.

Congratulations! To the brave patriots of Libya and the martyrs for their sacrifice in the independence of the great nation.

Best Wishes and Good Luck! To fellow citizens in Libya for a glorious beginning with abundant peace and prosperity for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Will remain alert and continue to review the political changes in Libya.

Libyan Deposed Leader Muammar Gaddafi Flees the Country

February 21, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Libyan pro-democracy movement is about to make history. You ought to be proud of your sacrifice and resolve to liberate your nation from 42 years of political oppression.

According to “The Telegraph – U.K.” – Thank you.


“William Hague on Gaddafi Venezuela flight rumours

Foreign Secretary William Hague has stood by his sources that suggest Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi may be about to flee the country.”

Muammar Gaddafi departure from the nation is welcome and that goes for the entire family including relatives as the political transition precludes dynasty, military or any other form of political rule except real democracy with people power.

The new political system would entail Democracy under civilian rule according to the constitution and definitely not the kind i.e. military take over like currently imposed on Egypt.

Peace and non-violent protesters have a responsibility to ensure the deposed leader is ousted from power for a smooth transfer of government.

Maintaining law and order is critical and the citizens cooperation could contribute to the peaceful environment.

Rest to follow shortly upon further developments.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Regime Ultimatum to People

February 20, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Libyan regime’s heir – Muammar Gaddafi’s son appeared on national television to warn the people to relent or deal with more casualties emphasizing that they will be confronting Colonel Gaddafi.

The self-proclaimed unknown leader has generously provided 48 hours for the oppressed mass to respond to the ultimatum.

There is a serious misconception in this context as it is a common syndrome among despotic leaderships.

The people have conveyed their message loud and clear on their decision to end the 42 years of oppressive era.

If the Gaddafis’ were paying any attention to Egypt revolution they would realize that pro-democracy movement do not negotiate with dictatorships.

Any use of force or threat to unarmed civilians will not be tolerated and it would be the worst blunder for the regime and the influential powers behind them.

The embattled Libyan leaderships also implied that United States and European Union will not approve the political transition for economic interests.

Now it is entirely up to to the respective democratic models to step forward and exemplify their true position with condemnation in the serious political crises that has claimed more than 300 lives through merciless killings and not even sparing the mourners at the slain peaceful protesters’ funeral.

Gaddafi government is not the authority as witnessed in Egypt. The regime backers are the real threat to democracy. The travesty is the millions of innocent lives in Libya and elsewhere are pawned for oil profits and utilizing naval base to continue warfare.

The global powers behind this obstruction have no respect for life and they cannot possibly be representing a democratic society.

Otherwise the Libyan Army under Gaddafi’s direct authority would not be shooting peaceful and non-violent dissenters in cold blood without any remorse for the heinous crime against humanity.

The massacre takes place in world view and yet the global society is silent to the atrocity with the autocratic ruler dictating terms to the persecuted population on the indefinite status quo.

Hence the message for Muammar Gaddafi, immediate family including distant relatives and associates is – Honor the republic will and step down immediately with dignity. The 48 hours applies to their resignation from power and exile or face trial.

Again any further brutal attacks against the peaceful revolution would be counterproductive and completely unacceptable.

Meanwhile the revolution should prepare to take control of the television station, government buildings and the residential palace of the deposed leadership.

Good Luck! To the revolution for an inevitable victory. Please remember to pursue peace and non-violent approach in realizing your dream. You are about to make history in liberating yourselves from decades of political suppression and human rights violation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Army Fatal Attacks on Peaceful and Non-Violent Protesters

February 20, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The Arab world is rocked by the peaceful and non-violent protests determined to end autocratic rule in the region.

According to the news reports – the governments in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen are using firearms against their citizens in the violent crackdowns to quell pro-democracy peace rally.

From Libya – The peaceful protester account to CNN on Saturday February 19, 2011 while pleading for help clarified that the Libyan Army lied to the crowd by posing as their sympathizers then turned around and fired at the unarmed civilians in a reproachable response to anti-government peaceful assembly.

Earlier on the news reports revealed the aerial shooting from the helicopters resulting in more casualties thus far.

The governments’ deceitful tactics is a cowardly act deserving worldwide indignation.

International community can no longer be silent spectators to the government brutal attacks against peaceful dissent.

It is clear from the ground activities in the capital city Tripoli and other metropolitan areas like Benghazi that –

Libya’s Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi and Brigadier General Salih Rajab al-Mismari currently serving as Secretary of the General People’s Committee of Libya for Public Security are directly responsible for the merciless killing of more than 300 people with at least 15 others fatally shot at the funeral in the latest government violence against the citizens.

Muammar Gaddafi like most dictatorships assumed power in a coup d’état and has remained in office against republic will for nearly 42 years and the leader is quoted to have stated the following:

• “I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam (leader) of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level.”

“There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory without swords, without guns, without conquests.”

The Libyan leader is fairly accurate on the latter recognition of victory to peace and non-violence.

It is evident from the latest developments across West Asia that despotism displayed with military might and backed by economic supremacy heading for a major downfall despite causing innocent beings’ bloodshed to salvage the ruthless rule.

It is an ominous warning for the presumptuous powers having persecuted their citizens for decades and the public pledge to terminate totalitarianism in any format represents the reality.

The autocracy in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and the Egyptian military rule operating under global powers’ influence are challenged with their imminent decline.

Hence the use of force against peaceful and non-violent movement for political transformation would only precipitate their departure faced with public humiliation against the choice to honor the citizens’ call to step down in dignity in spite of the atrocity towards the people.

As stated earlier the Tunisian as well as Egyptian overthrow of dictatorial powers are the beginning of the end to authoritarianism that has been too convenient for the disguised terror groups with individual agenda to dominate the domains through permanent oppression.

The domino effects across the Middle East has indeed upset the apple cart for the existing monopoly of power misguided by the illusory status leading to the long overdue fundamental change coming to fruition via people power.

Therefore the heads of the state in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and their allies are cautioned to refrain from physical assaults using live ammunitions, metal plated rubber bullets, truncheons or tear gas against peaceful and non-violent revolution.

Every blow to an unprotected civilian means accumulating the self-burden of crimes against humanity prompting appropriate expulsion of the perpetrators not to mention the devastating impact upon the last judgment.

Meanwhile, the people across the Middle East – Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and,

Palestinians in besieged Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem considering the recent U.S. veto on the condemnation of illegal settlements in Palestinian territories are –

Requested to continue the peaceful and non-violent demonstration progressing to takeover the state controlled communication media center, key government buildings and the undemocratic authorities’ residential palace.

Please remember to exercise restraint and never to resort to anarchy for the positive outcome possible only with peace and non-violence.

Again the brave patriots’ sacrifice and the revolutions’ remarkable resilience would not be in vain due to inevitable success to people power.

The embattled powers’ unscrupulous methods are guaranteed to backfire at them.

It is important to galvanize national support among citizens and gain momentum to expedite the drastic political evolution.

Military and security personnel abused by dictatorships as mindless servitudes are urged to lay down their arms and defend the people instead of attacking them.

Solidarity within society including the military loyalty to the nation rather than the authoritarian power would be effective in rising against the repressive regimes.

Civilians fighting for their natural rights and economic progress are close to prevailing over the decadent powers.

It is essential to maintain a unified voice firmly committed to seize power from the reluctant authorities dealing with incredible trepidation on the nearing conclusion of the oppressive era.

Please do not relent to any pressure from the belligerent authority or their agents.

Libyans, Yemenis, Bahrainis, Iranians, Egyptians… would benefit from rejecting false assurances and government procrastination in the transfer of power to civilian rule.

Please March forward and claim what is rightfully yours – respectful existence with political rights, civil liberty, social equality and economic opportunity.

On that inspirational note signing off – Wishing steel resolve and indomitable spirit for the revolutions’ triumph throughout Middle East and North Africa.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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