India – People Power Prevails in Democracy

August 16, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Indian government honorable decision to release the civil society leader Shri Anna Hazare and the team including many citizens arrested prior to peaceful assembly is welcome and deeply appreciated.

Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, cabinet ministers, leaders in political opposition, Delhi police and others involved are further requested to expedite the process with written assurance on constitution guaranteed individual rights to remain intact not barring peaceful and non-violent event.

Considering government procrastination and unsuccessful negotiations between civil society and the government appointed committee on Lokpal bill,

Shri Anna Hazare could perhaps be seeking the authority’s non-intervention with the scheduled fasting in New Delhi.

However, the incumbent administration could deal with the issue by setting a date within this week to discuss and decide on the Lokpal bill followed by legislation in the monsoon session.

Since the ruling power must organize through the Lokpal committee for presentation in Parliament, all party cooperation is essential to pass the bill.

Any delay from political class regardless of incumbency would decelerate legislation causing public anger and frustration leading to law and order crisis.

It is in citizens’ and national interest to move forward with a genuine commitment from various political factions to eradicate corruption across the spectrum.

Failure to meet obligations on Lokpal bill would revive the civil society movement in an unprecedented scale enabling people power to succeed in the national mission by rejecting obstructive sources in 2014 elections.

Given the national fervor on widespread corruption, it would be a tremendous political cost for lack of co-operation in the anticipated robust anti-corruption law.

Shri Anna Hazare and esteemed members in the team are requested to return to negotiation for a meaningful and solid Lokpal bill addressing the corruption and tax evasion culture in the society.

The government and political leaderships in Parliament bear equal responsibility in passing the historic legislation for the present and future generation.

Government attempts to quell dissent or disintegrate civil society gathering with overwhelming security personnel would be deviation from democratic system.

Lokpal and Lokyukta structures are paramount to regain national wealth for domestic investments.

Citizens must seriously engage in forming the Lokpal political party at the center and Lokyukta in the state to serve the people in the country.

This would pose an imminent challenge for existing political parties to consider reform within and outside their domain.

Congratulations! To all citizens in India and overseas for the unity in strengthening democracy with people power.

Shri Anna Hazare and respectable members in the team demonstrated resolve despite extreme circumstances upon them.

The struggle must continue until the loopholes free satisfactory Lokpal bill becomes the law of the land.

Good Luck! To all on Lokpal bill and Lokpal political party to restore Loktantra (republic rule) in the society.

Jai Hind!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

India – Democracy under Siege

August 16, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Ironically, following India’s Independence Day commemoration on August 15, 2011,

Anti-Corruption – Indian citizens’ backed Lokpal bill is threatened with the political class’ undemocratic action in prohibiting civil society leader Shri Anna Hazare and team members from peaceful assembly.

It is a direct violation of constitutional right invalidating republic rule with the civil society representatives’ arrests marking a sad day for the world’s largest democracy.

Non-violent civil disobedience pioneer Mahatma Gandhi founded Congress Party is compromised in the clash between politics and ethics.

Now the major political party aggressive intervention is implicative of oppressive governance denying civil rights guaranteed to every citizen in a democratic society.

Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh is requested to honor the democratic principles and recognize the individual rights to freedom of expression without any further suppression.

Shri Anna Hazare and team along with Lokpal bill supporters are pledged to non-violence and peaceful gathering.

Jan Lokpal or civil society participation in national issue is not an imminent danger to national security as claimed by the government.

Prior to the scheduled fasting, reportedly the government detained Shri Anna Hazare and team moving them to undisclosed location.

Such action does not reflect democratic course and proactive measures confirming government crackdown is deeply disappointing not to mention the hard line approach to quell dissent.

The ruling authority is urged to respect constitutional law by immediately releasing Shri Anna Hazare and others held in custody.

As taxpayers. Indian electorate grievances on the crippling corruption overwhelmed with tax evasion at every level is legitimate and deserves national attention.

Obstructing Lokpal bill reveals the government efforts to thwart anticipated progress provoking unwanted public anger and frustration detrimental to national law and order.

The government bears responsibility to restore fundamental values and exercise democratic means rather than replicating past erroneous decisions endangering the core civil right viz. national rally behind monumental Lokpal bill.

Indian leadership is taken to task in maintaining national image causing no harm to the people across the spectrum for that would exemplify Congress party commitment to the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Meanwhile citizens around the country are encouraged to remain peaceful and non-violent in their support to Lokpal bill aimed at corruption eradication.

Shri Anna Hazare and esteemed members involved in national rescue from debilitating corruption due to eroding morality ought to be commended for their crusade and not apprehended by the political power.

Congress government credibility is at stake with the unlawful and unconstitutional response towards civil society.

Congress party loyalists defending the arrests of Shri Anna Hazare and other peaceful participants clarify hierarchic appeasement creating the opportunity for the inevitable Lokpal bill,

Notwithstanding the formation of Lokpal party as the formidable challenger to the political establishment conspicuously departed from Gandhian Congress that ended foreign rule in India.

With the world watching Indian democracy under siege, the people power could no longer be bystanders and it is time to mobilize the nation in recovering lost sovereignty.

India is at the crossroads to lead others in the battle against corruption and Indian democracy through peace and non-violence must rise to the occasion once again to save the nation from the growing epidemic.

As for the government, reconciliation and not retaliation is beneficial to sustain peace and stability.

It is indeed a critical hour and politics has no place in national drive to sanitize the contaminated environment.

Democracy prevails when power remains with the electorate and the elected officials submit to transparency and accountability.

Any political system in defiance of meaningful checks and balances is anything but constitution-governed democracy.

Lokpal party in the national and Lokyukta at the state governance is the future for India.

Jai Bharat!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United Kingdom – London Riots

August 13, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The past week was tumultuous for the two most influential western powers – the United States and the United Kingdom.

While the United States experienced stock market volatility following the U.S. credit rate downgrading by S&P 500,

Across the Atlantic, the United Kingdom had to deal with economic adversity driven citizen riots that led to London and other cities burning reportedly claiming at least 3 lives during the week–long unrest witnessed by the world.

Although, approximately 1900 rioters are believed arrested for prosecution and some already sentenced to jail in the aftermath of looting, rioting and inflicting damages to the community,

The politics in Britain is yet to find solution for the problems that triggered such outrage and anarchy in the society with history on imperialistic rule around the globe until the 20th century.

Whenever substantial demography reach rock bottom, the simmering frustration from economic deprivation and social injustice surface as the lightening rod much to the governing authority’s bewilderment.

Citizens on the loose rampaged the streets and neighborhoods in an attempt to convey their political message without consideration for serious ramifications upon them and the people at the receiving end.

Civil disobedience is effective only through non-violent means guaranteed to attract local and international attention on political oppression, economic disparity or social inequality and last but not the least ethical decay.

Violence resulting in innocent deaths and financial losses undermine the underlying facts in inner city and outskirts with economic victims turning into unruly protesters spreading misery all around exacerbating the social plight.

Government austerity plan is predominantly held responsible for the majority suffering since students from low-income groups find difficulty attending university in the wake of state grants and assistance withdrawal.

Additionally, those with college education are facing severe job cuts and unable to get employed unless the individual has society’s influential members’ recommendation for the job they are applying in both private and public sector.

The regular selection method on merit basis evaluating performance and aptitude is no longer prevalent,

Not to mention the marginalized segments pushed below the poverty line and opportunity for them remaining a far-fetched dream in the industrialized and developing nations.

Otherwise the inept, corrupt and greed characteristics overwhelmingly prevail in the respective domain.

If these realities are not conspicuous to the political class and the society’s elite focused on disproportionate personal wealth acquisition,

The governance is merely symbolic in the failure to address basic needs of the people they were elected to serve in public office.

It is a common syndrome in the contemporary political systems engaged in creating rather than resolving crisis.

Dysfunctional apparatus with misplaced priorities is the source for social disorder.

Structural overhaul promoting moral and ethics premised on transparency and accountability would definitively offer relief to the deteriorating economic and political conditions in the society.

Warfare commitments overriding social requirements and nation building is another unpopular political decision contributing to rising debt and deficit status.

Domestic investments to improve the living standards of the people through jobs, education, health care, clean and safe environment would yield productivity under fair practices making citizens proud of their contribution to national progress.

Political leaderships demonstrating courage and integrity in the legislative process for collective gains instead of selective interests would be a refreshing start in the review and reform actions.

The disgruntled and disenfranchised citizens in the United Kingdom are urged to disavow hostile behavior and submit their grievances to the government in a peaceful and democratic manner.

Racial tensions provoking social disturbance is not the answer to economic woes for many share the burden to a certain extent with major responsibility on government and business leaders to work together for economic recovery.

Evidently the have-nots are not the only dissatisfied groups on the status quo, others too have their opinion in the crumbling morality of human nature particularly in the political and elitist circle.

Comment from UK. Daily Telegraph News Reporter on London riots:

“Peter Oborne argues that the moral decay is not just happening in the most deprived parts of our country:

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and the entire British political class came together yesterday to denounce the rioters.  They were of course right to say that the actions of these looters, arsonists and muggers were abhorrent and criminal, and that the police should be given more support.

But there was also something very phony and hypocritical about all the shock and outrage expressed in parliament.   MPs spoke about the week’s dreadful events as if they were nothing to do with them.

I cannot accept that this is the case.

Indeed, I believe that the criminality in our streets cannot be dissociated from the moral disintegration in the highest ranks of modern British society.

The last two decades have seen a terrifying decline in standards among the British governing elite.

It has become acceptable for our politicians to lie and to cheat.

An almost universal culture of selfishness and greed has grown up.”

Good Luck! To U.K. leaderships and residents in coming together as a nation in bridging the gap between the privileged and impoverished alongside improving human qualities through empathy  – the fundamental element for unity in the society.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Civilian Casualties from Government Crackdown

August 7, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The common element in political uprising is government crackdown to suppress pro-democracy movement in the country.

Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria – the government response to citizens request for political transformation from theocracy, dynasty and autocratic rule to republic governance is using arms and ammunition against unarmed civilians they pledge to serve despite public opposition to decades of oppression.

The regimes promise for political reform while maintaining undemocratic policy to quell dissent is the irony revealing true colors and status quo continuation in the future.

Their refusal to step down denying citizens the opportunity for a democratic system under republic rule does not represent the change people desire in the region.

Syrian leadership like Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain… resorting to civilian killings through security personnel clashes with demonstrators discredit the authority and their ability to govern in public and national interest.

Army troops assaults in eastern city Deir el-Zour and Houleh in Homs province today resulting in 24 residents deaths calls for immediate cease fire and forces withdrawal from the civilian zone.

Whenever state sponsored atrocity against own people is carried out in utter disregard for life and national or international law on human rights to freedom of expression,

The international community bears the burden to counteract with effective measures directly affecting the regimes personal financial status, travel privileges and political stature in condemnation of humanitarian crimes.

Upholding non-violent strategy, the global society consistent outreach to persecuted population with essential humanitarian needs and concurrently applying pressure through United Nations, Arab league, G20 arms embargo on the Syrian government and alike to leave office rather than military intervention or weapons supply to opposing factions would be significant in saving lives deterring persistent attacks on innocent residents.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad authorizing violence to stay in power is synonymous to Iran, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan and Saudi Arabia…leaderships’ desperate actions provoking anti-regime sentiments evolving into civil disobedience ultimately resulting in prolonged confrontation between government and national movement.

President Assad’s resignation and the administration relinquishing power from office is the only peaceful resolution to political crisis in Syria.

People never approve governments’ aggression and historically prevail in the overthrow of combative administrations.

It is in the incumbent power’s best interest to end national unrest contributing to economic chaos and political instability.

Democracy across Middle East could no longer be stalled with military might or external influence evidently debilitated by revolutionaries’ sacrifices and steel resolve in the political struggle.

World citizens could come forward and extend unequivocal cooperation in the liberation cause petitioning their governments to act in promoting peaceful political transition per people choice in Middle East and elsewhere.

Mainstream aspirations to form government of the people, by the people and for the people is delayed due to lack of universal commitment in rejecting authoritarianism that would empower republic to succeed without more bloodshed.

U.N. Security Council permanent members discord is the prime example in this regard and reconfiguration expanding membership as suggested on many occasions would guarantee consensus urgently required on humanitarian and moral grounds.

People seeking political independence are urged to remain united strengthening their representation against political power notwithstanding the collective demand at national level gaining momentum to expedite desirable outcome.

Syrians are admired for their courage and determination to win the political battle.

With the nation behind peace and non-violent means to realize the political dream,

They are on the path to victory leading Syria and Middle East for a new beginning on the horizon.

Wishing People Power in Syria and around the world political triumph delivering social progress and economic prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Debt Ceiling Deal

August 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Leaderships in Washington confirmed consensus on debt ceiling deal passed in the House and Senate in order to avert the manufactured crisis from policies targeting the core consumer base while promoting no revenue in the deficit reduction plan.

The present agreement authorizing government to pay the bills and meet other financial obligations is premised on spending cuts equal to or exceeding the borrowing sum with an immediate increase of $400 billion followed by another $500 billion not barring Congressional blockade,

Alongside more than $900 billion in savings over ten years from downsizing operating expenses within cabinet as well as federal agencies.

Overall debt limit $2.1 trillion considered allowing Treasury to address various payments through 2012 elections and simultaneously minimizing federal spending equivalent to or above the debt amount spanning a decade with no tax increases otherwise income.

Federal budget due in Oct 1, 2011 is set to reduce spending by $7 billion below the existing level to achieve the desirable debt deceleration.

The proposal on bipartisan 12 members House-Senate committee expected to recommend more federal deficit trimmings up to $1.5trillion for legislation by Congress adhering to the requirements.

Upon committee’s failure to generate at least $1.2trillion debt containment, mandatory spending cuts across the federal budget is in place against Pentagon, domestic discretionary appropriations not excluding farm subsidies and Medicare reimbursements to health care providers.

Accordingly the debt limit to be raised anywhere between $1.2trillioin – $1.5trillion based on the funds availability in the budget.

The reassurance in the deal per reports is the exemption on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits in addition to veteran programs not affected in the process.

Also the legislation seeks Congressional approval for constitutional amendment on balanced budget.

The approach to avert default is mainly focused on spending constraints again ignoring the revenue factor equally important for deficit reduction and economic revival.

Restricting spending in areas without oversight on the out-of-control expenditures are necessary such as Pentagon disproportionate allocations reportedly unaudited up until now due to operations regarded too big to monitor.

Commitments to overhaul tax structure closing loopholes on tax evasions might improve systems efficiency besides contributing to savings for job creation.

As for broadening taxpayer base – the tax burden is already on the middle class and lower income when legislation on Bush tax cuts extended to the wealthy and non-tax paying corporations viz. General Electric…resulting in zero or minimal tax payments combined with job exports and investments overseas.

Lowering tax rates for the top 1% with substantial disposable income not always invested in domestic growth is reflected in poor GDP and national unemployment.

Capitalism thriving under maximum capital infusion would apply if the private sector and individuals benefiting from huge tax breaks and subsidies restored manufacturing by increasing productivity and fair income distribution from upward trend in job market.

Unfortunately the debate on the Senate floor favoring tax policy proved detrimental for the economy is pushed forward even though the decisions have adversarial impact on the average Americans – representing the work force and consumers crucial for any economic model to survive and succeed in the competitive global environment.

The deal is sensible in terms of relevant spending cuts and preserving Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans benefits provided the provisions are implemented with no possibility for maneuver.

However, neglecting the income aspect via taxes and other avenues is not pragmatic given the latest outcome on Bush tax cuts extension exacerbating economic status by widening the gap between the haves and have-nots,

Notwithstanding the middle class bearing the bulk of economic woes attributed to higher joblessness and housing market decline.

Constitutional amendment for balanced budget imposes fiscal discipline paramount in reversing deficit spending to surplus reserves for investments in infra-structure, education, health, secure retirement, research and development leading to sustainable progress.

In this context, the deal providing $17 billion additional funding towards Pell Grants over the next two years for low income college students is noteworthy.

In general, the deal struck in an effort to prevent default has chartered the course to curb spending and,

Hopefully, the bipartisan House-Senate committee would strongly recommend robust tax reform and meaningful income sources to achieve balanced budget in the immediate future.

Getting the fiscal house in order is the shared aspiration in Congress and the phenomenal costs from perpetual warfare adding to national deficit barely addressed by fiscal conservatives in the slash spending political discourse.

In fact the outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen statement reinforced the mission in Afghanistan in spite of deteriorating monetary conditions.

National priorities deviating from destructive course would strengthen economy and guarantee better living standards for all with prosperity promising more taxpayers to overcome challenges ahead.

Fiscal responsibility is no longer an option but a necessity to regain economic power and consistent rational means recognizing the pros and cons of austerity together with extravagant wasteful spending on wars at several trillion dollars would perhaps expedite anticipated economic recovery.

United States has the ability to rise to the occasion in saving grace.

Political differences aside, displaying solidarity in national interest is a democratic value and the United States Congress could continue to forge bipartisanship with a permanent departure from Washington gridlock on all issues.

That would be the American electorate dream come true.!

Peace to all!

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant










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