Reflection – Farewell 2011

December 31, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The year 2011 has been eventful with earth shattering effects in politics, economics, social justice and environment.

People power emerged a formidable force in Tahrir, Pearl and Times Square spreading world over as the new wave against oligarchy run global empire.

The mainstream population on center stage demanding revolutionary changes in political, economic, judiciary, social and environmental policies valiantly braved violent crackdown in the so-called democracies and other societies abusing power to quell dissent in direct violation of human and constitutional rights asserting authoritarian rule.

From Arab Spring across Middle East to Occupy Wall Street evolving into Occupy global protest –

The developments in 2011 is a stark reminder to autocratic regimes using violence against citizens prolonging oppression and corruption…to step down from power avoiding the fate shared by Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Italy leaderships during the year.

Citizens defying authorities’deadly ammunitions in hegemony facilitated firepower chose martyrdom over capitulation in Tunisia, Egypt, Algiers, Morocco, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar…and elsewhere.

Impact now felt in Moscow, Damascus and perhaps in Beijing.

Tibetan monks self-immolation in mainland occupied territory confirms dire situation beyond endurance seeking world attention to Tibet independence struggle.

Such incident could no longer be slighted with imminent emancipation for Tibet as part of the sweeping change on the horizon.

Similarly Palestinian statehood at the United Nations derided by Israel and strong ally United States – a hypocritical stance given the identical approach in the declaration of Israeli state on May 14, 1948.

With frustration reaching tipping point from decadent policies denying political liberation, corruption free society, economic freedom and social justice,

The establishments in the respective domains are challenged to deliver promises leading governance on defense in the system without checks and balances contributing to status quo.

Europe and United States dealing with economic woes experience budget and debt crisis, declining credit rating and European contagion attributed to stagnant economy affecting global markets.

Warfare – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, amid permanent military bases all over,

The focus is primarily on Iran with crippling economic sanctions provoking oil blockade threats followed by retaliation warnings in preparation for pre-meditated and pre-emptive full-scale confrontation possibly involving nuclear arsenal.

Meanwhile, the arms supply in Syria adapting to Libyan civil war scenario cannot be ignored in the context.

The civilian movement expedited undemocratic leaderships demise and departure poignantly marking 2011 – the revolution year in history.

On the environmental front – 2011 has been devastating with earthquake in New Zealand and Turkey,

Japan earthquake and Tsunami resulting in nuclear disaster,

Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines bracing ravaging floods and

India hit with cyclone…confirms global warming effects on nature.

Notwithstanding catastrophic environmental damages exacerbating economic liabilities for nations – victims of the worst natural calamity.

Trials and tribulations provide opportunity for review and reform at individual discretion.

Procrastination on strong environmental policy would decelerate economic growth with current rapid resource depletion endangering life.

Evidently 2011 recognized as the year of significant transformations terminating destructive courses responsible for human suffering –

Setting precedence for universal change redeeming humanity from degradation.

The world bids farewell to 2011 and,

Welcomes 2012  – ushering in new era with peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Happy New Year and Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant











India – Anti-Corruption Law and No Confidence Vote Motion

December 29, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The UPA derailment of Parliamentary process in the upper house i.e. Rajya Sabha on Jan Lokpal bill following deliberation and opposition parties amendments to strengthen the long awaited anti-corruption legislation is condemnable prompting winter session extension for ruling on monumental national issue concerning 1.2 billion lives.

In the live broadcast of the important legislative discourse,

The UPA ally RJD members at Congress Party Chief behest filibustering the bill passage and,

Subsequently Congress Party Ministers viz. Telecommunication Minister Kapil Sibal abrupt disruption declaring winter session conclusion just prior to ruling on Jan Lokpal confirms UPA trepidation on effective Jan Lokpal to eradicate corruption epidemic originating from political power.

UPA ministers and RJD performance overriding Parliamentary rule and Chair authority in direct violation of Parliamentary procedure are impeachable.

The unprecedented event evolving into chaos beyond reproach undermines national sovereignty.

Evidently UPA resistance towards Jan Lokpal in the past eighteen months claiming innocent life, imprisonment of peaceful and non-violent activists against corruption and last but not the least –

The autocratic imposition of Lokpal bill in Loksabha i.e. the lower house rejecting oppositions and civil society amendment requirements,

Not barring submissions from UPA significant allies – providing life support to remain in power is contradictory to Parliamentary protocol,

Besides exhibiting disdain and utter disregard for electorates’ representation in Parliament.

Parliament sanctity subjected to assault with UPA and RJD leaderships unruly conduct clearly demonstrates the destructive course to prevent Jan Lokpal emergence as the bastion to curtail corruption in the society.

The opposition’ account of Rajya Sabha – the upper house discussion on corruption bill transformed into mayhem solidifies unanimous disappointment and grave concern for Indian democracy.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh slighting the major opposition leader Arun Jaitley’s request to intervene in Parliament session revival for ruling is suggestive of UPA 2 pre-determined position to bury Jan Lokpal bill.

Based on congress led UPA government undemocratic policies since Jan Lokpal inception until now,

The opposition leaders from all parties as democratically elected officials are urged to reconvene Rajya Sabha and stand united in passing formidable Jan Lokpal incorporating civil society proposals and various relevant amendments from different factions in Parliament aimed at strengthening the bill –

Contributing to exemplary moral and ethical institution in Jan Lokpal to curb burgeoning corruption.

UPA government under Congress authority being a minority in Rajya Sabha dictating terms is unconstitutional and,

Instead obligatory to honor the majority approved bill addressing public requirements in totality.

Any procrastination would clarify Congress Party sincerity or the lack thereof in uprooting corruption within and outside political domain.

Failure to cooperate in Parliamentary proceedings for ruling on Jan Lokpal would lead to oppositions’ necessary actions –

Moving forward with amended Jan Lokpal in Rajya Sabha.

Motion for no confidence vote against Congress Party controlled UPA.

Parliamentary inquiry against legislators Sonia Gandhi, P.Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal, Veerappa Molly, Lalu Prasad, MoS Parliamentary Affairs Minister Narayanasamy and affiliates implicated in myriad national scandals.

Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh holding the highest position in administration is constitutionally bound to deliver the pledge defending republic and national interest over internal or external influence.

UPA under Congress Party has lost credibility and integrity to continue in power.

The opportunity for UPA 2 damage control is available in accepting responsibility with humility and abiding by the constitutional law enacting Jan Lokpal bill per Parliamentary propriety.

Hopefully rationality would prevail among Congress Party leaderships to relinquish Jan Lokpal demolition through misguided intrusion in Parliamentary affairs.

The public expectation is on BJP and other oppositions to prove reliability in passing robust Jan Lokpal bill this winter session and restore republic governed democracy.

In anticipation of successful Jan Lokpal legislation, the nation as the largest democracy awaits Parliament resumption to complete voting on revised Jan Lokpal bill in Rajya Sabha.

Jai Bharat!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant































India – UPA Passed Lokpal Bill

December 29, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The government Lokpal bill passed in the lower house i.e. Loksabha without general consensus is an artful manipulation defending those at the political helm from accountability.

After declining opposition amendments and civil society submission on core issues directly targeting the origin that could have yielded a robust and functional bill,

The UPA government obliged Congress President Sonia Gandhi dictum tactfully aimed at circumventing probe against ruling administration past, present and future escapades.

Jan Lokpal was a public request to the ruling power and elected representatives to address corruption culture considering acute moral degradation exacerbated with  humility deficiency prevalent in the political system depicting –

The seed bears the fruit of the kind.

The government pressure through media adapting to state broadcast mode on Team Anna and anyone opposing legislation designed to serve personal interest is a threat to democracy.

Airtime squandered in mockery and relentless attacks against legitimate opposition on government strategies affecting billion lives is a disservice to mass communication taking journalism to the lowest ebb.

Media role in democracy is crucial in representing people voice unlike the contemporary setting with political parties media ownership serving as propaganda machinery to quell dissent against detrimental policy and legislation.

Political leaderships and party proprietary rights over media is convenient to silence majority.

Not to mention the dangerous trend subverting truth and weakening democracy.

The undemocratic precedence attributed to enormous illegal wealth at disposal invested in broadcast network and/or forge alliance with corporate run media for mass deception and eternal terms in office.

Nonetheless, the ongoing debate in the upper house viz. Rajya Sabha analyzing the weak pro-government Lokpal bill for modification with recommended core issues enumerated earlier premised on –

None are above the law would be a step in the positive direction.

Parliamentary sessions are redundant without reaching agreement on meaningful legislation with revolutionary changes required for effective corruption eradication.

Unfortunately, with the lack of political will and serious commitment the much-anticipated legislation becoming law continues to remain contentious facilitating partisan politics at public expense.

The unwillingness to act or lack luster  performance in enacting important legislation would unequivocally backfire for political parties in the forthcoming state assembly polls and later during national election.

Underestimating electorate awareness and mounting frustration over pervasive corruption is a political gamble with irreversible course in the sweeping change on the horizon.

Jan Lokpal blockade is impunity to political and privileged class in crimes against society.

Passing Jan Lokpal with relevant measures adopted to deter rather than promote corruption is every elected official’s constitutional responsibility and Parliamentary duty regardless of political hierarchy.

Meanwhile, the ruling power and oppositions alike candid disclosure and surrender of assets acquired through misuse of power and illicit means is paramount to exemplify political class dedication to anti-corruption.

Failure to comply requirement that otherwise incumbent upon ordinary citizens with serious repercussions would clarify democracy legitimacy.

Ending corruption tradition along with secrecy era among the powerful is the cornerstone in the roadmap for corruption free India.

In the absence of these fundamentals the pursuit for economic and social development would be class oriented in the widening gap between the haves and have-nots,

Notwithstanding the adverse effects on national credibility and image.

Citizens’ initiative and activism across the spectrum is the key to liberation from corruption.

India against corruption under Shri Anna Hazare leadership and team efforts are commendable.

The crusade against corruption is primarily responsible for Jan Lokpal current discussion in Parliament.

India against corruptionnational movement with Team Anna guidance epitomizes patriotism reflected in the selfless devotion and endurance of negative campaigns against them to derail the prospects of strong anti-corruption law.

The Parliamentarians have unique opportunity to redefine politics demonstrating ethical efficacy in the overwhelming endorsement of Jan Lokpal protecting nation at large against corruption.

Good Luck to  Jan Lokpal approval and implementation this winter session!

Jai Bharat!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant












India – Anti-Corruption Rally

December 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Anti-corruption rally began in Mumbai and New Delhi in protest against government introduced corruption bill.

Shri Anna Hazare is on three-day fasting expressing dissent over government Lokpal bill.

Considering the report that Shri Anna Hazare is unwell and prescribed antibiotics for quick recovery,

Shri Anna Hazare is kindly requested to skip fasting and instead observe silence (Maun Vrath) in continuation of commitment towards Jan Lokpal bill.

Shri Anna Hazare’s health and well being is vital in every aspect.

The Gandhian crusade against corruption nationally  empowers the voiceless and defenseless in civil society.

The government Lokpal bill currently passed to protect Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi and Home Minister P. Chidambaram implicated on numerous corruption scandals is worthy of condemnation.

Specifically, the clause defending Members of Parliament right to continue as Cabinet Ministers and lawmakers despite judicial trials against them on corruption charges is an affirmation for the status quo.

Misleading the nation in the direction in defiance of morality and ethics affecting national credibility is a kamikaze action with serious repercussions noted in the latest developments across the Middle East and Italy.

Not to mention the inevitable electoral backlash in the forthcoming state assembly and national election.

The republic version seeks the following legitimate proposals:

Jan Lokpal autonomy rather than government appointed Lokpal committee to prevent conflict of interest.

CBI brought under Jan Lokpal Ambit for investigation and due process to curb corruption across the spectrum.

The current arrangement with incumbents control over CBI is unanimously admitted among ruling and opposition members in Parliament as gross misuse of power.

Citizens charter and lower bureaucracy under Jan Lokpal,

Besides other relevant inclusions related to Prime Minister and corporations laid by IAC for effective anti-corruption law.

Nationwide – State Lokayukta implementation without procrastination would enormously ease the marginalized demography’s painful experience in daily life.

Arriving at general consensus is possible provided members of Parliament regardless of political differences assume responsibility to serve in public and national interest by passing Jan Lokpal bill to eliminate corruption.

Winning elections – the political parties primary goal is not achievable unless the electorate plight is sincerely acknowledged beginning with crippling corruption and basic human needs such as safe drinking water, solar power and other renewable energy sourced electricity, clean environment and repaired roads are delivered to the frustrated vast majority.

India against corruption is corruption victims’ generated movement represented by Shri Anna Hazare and dedicated team members having endured series of litmus tests conducted to deter Jan Lokpal emergence.

The success of Jan Lokpal lies with every citizen in India against corruption – the epidemic eroding national resources and taxpayers hard earned savings held in offshore tax havens and illegal bank accounts.

People tired of prevalent corruption and bribery have a unique opportunity to join Shri Anna Hazare in Mumbai and every corner of the country in enacting strong meaningful Jan Lokpal bill.

Youth in India have a greater responsibility as emerging and future leaders in energizing the nation and accelerate momentum on monumental national legislation.

Although Shri Anna Hazare leadership is focused and determined to prevail,

Citizens’ cooperation and participation is paramount to demonstrate against inherently flawed system upheld by political establishment and elitist allies in the society.

Ending corruption culture espousing bribery on basic to advanced services,

Double standards maintained in transparency and accountability with political class and surrogates granted life impunity from inquiry and judicial proceedings.

Meanwhile average citizens subjected to rigorous and undemocratic scrutiny.

Furthermore, it is important to realize the youth, middle class and lower income bear the tax burden attributed to various scandals costing national exchequer trillions of dollars that essentially belongs to the republic.

Freedom from corruption is a second independent struggle concerning all those affected by fraudulent practice.

Zero tolerance to corruption through peaceful and non-violent assembly urging political leaderships in the ruling and opposition to pass Jan Lokpal bill  is an immediate priority.

The local population dealing with routine corruption cannot afford any delay notwithstanding adverse effects from weak Lokpal bill.

Please rise to the occasion and support Jan Lokpal rally organized by India against corruption under Shri Anna Hazare and team in Mumbai and across the nation.

It is not the time for complacency rather formidable coalescence urgently required to take back India and restore republic governed democracy.

Once again, Shri Anna Hazare switching to Maun Vrath and resuming food intake for health reasons would benefit the honorable leader and the nation at large.

Good Luck to Jan Lokpal legislation becoming the national law!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















Merry Christmas! – Rejoicing Savior’s Birth

December 25, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The world rejoices the birth of Jesus Christ, the savior and preacher to mankind.

Lord Jesus humble background attracted gentiles in learning simple virtues in life.

The Lord called on the apostles to preach the gospel and enlightened them with truth about Almighty God and the divine revelations.

God’s creation is unique and meant to complement one another in perfect harmony with nature.

The omnipotent and omnipresent God is represented in every aspect of beings as the soul –

The pure and immortal Super consciousness in the form of brilliant light to dispel darkness within.

Upon Self-realization one attains Nirvana – liberation from birth and death cycle ending the karmic effects for heavenly abode experiencing eternal bliss.

Life – the manifestation of Supreme energy ultimately merges with the origin.

Soul searching otherwise internal focus guided intuitively rather than impulsively or through intellect is a holistic approach in understanding and accepting the concept of oneness.

The inherent positive and negative qualities in all are subject to discernment that defines moral character.

Capabilities and limitations are baseline characteristics that could be enhanced or overcome accordingly for better performance in life.

In general, care and compassion demonstrated in service to humanity exemplifies respect for life uplifting human spirit in altruism.

Contemporary problems across the globe attributed to vices such as greed, ego, envy, anger and hatredproduce turmoil and degradation.

Wars for territorial conquest and civil unrest in opposition to abuse of power aimed at economic gains are the predominant cause of suffering promoting self-righteousness eventually affecting the source with end justifying the means.

The mass protest against oppression, corruption, economic disparity and social injustice is culmination of human frustration reaching the tipping point to terminate authoritarianism.

Whenever apex authority misuse power for personal interest the system is affected down to the bottom losing credibility in the absence of integrity.

Acknowledgment of human plight with sincere commitment to alleviate pain would spread peace all around.

Freedom is birthright and denying the fundamental element violates basic principles generating hierarchy.

All are created equal and born to be free.

Further the endowment of distinctive talent needs to be identified and nurtured for individual and common benefit.

Refining innate abilities for constructive purpose would provide satisfaction to benefactor and beneficiary.

Success in life shared amongst all has pervasive impact planting the seed for continuous growth while empowering the powerless and the less fortunate in the society.

Lord Jesus teachings emphasized the power of faith in God and self-purification or redemption from sins beginning with recognition of wrongdoings, expressing remorse and submitting to reform becoming the beacon of hope for those straying from course in life.

Jesus Christ urged mankind to espouse God’s commandments – the moral guide for life enrichment devoting time and resources for universal cause.

Christmas is a joyous occasion commemorating the birth of Lord Jesus and a reminder to celebrate life.

Observing the holy day in prayer and adhering to traditions during Christmas and other religious events alone do not necessarily satisfy glorification of the respected entity in spiritual or any domain.

The reverence in religious or festive activity including other commemoration is reflected in honoring and emulating the guidance provided to save humanity and environment at large the signature art of magnificent power.

Unity, peace and love are the sweet fragrances permeating life with progress and prosperity all over.

Wishing Merry Christmas, Peaceful and Happy New Year to all!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















India – Jan Lokpal Anti-Corruption Bill

December 23, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Indian Civil Society initiated anti-corruption measures after four decades of relentless efforts to draw government attention was tabled in the Parliament for denunciation more than discussion.

Lokpal – the government introduced bill against Jan Lokpal – the civil society proposal representing vast majority – the prime victims of crippling corruption and systemic abuse of power is presented as the antidote to monumental national crises.

The current UPA 2 (Congress Party and coalition) administration battling corruption scandals at various fronts through self-appointed core cabinet committee of whom key cabinet ministers including political party chief have successfully evaded accountability on national wealth transformed into personal wealth notwithstanding major corruption charges,

Ironically prepared the government Lokpal bill posing tremendous conflict of interest.

Congress Party founded during colonial times – nineteenth century by Alan Octavian Hume continues the tradition of foreign power dominance and power inheritance among the political class converting democracy into dynasty rule.

Congress Party leadership authorized violent crackdown on peaceful and non-violent anti-corruption rallies in the past eighteen months resulting in casualty and peace activists’ unwarranted arrests forcing them to share prison cell with criminal offenders from the party line.

Not to mention the persistent harassment and denigration of civil society anti-corruption team to curtail Jan Lokpal emergence.

Congress Party led government refusal to address corruption ranging from –

Black money in Swiss banks and several tax havens to,

Independent investigation of Cash for Votes,

CAG 2G Spectrum,

Common Wealth Games Scandal,

BOFORS Arms deal kickbacks and,

Last but not the least – the Congress member and lower house aka Lok Sabha Speaker property dues in crores…together costs trillions of dollars to national ex-chequer.

The money transferred misusing power to personal and proxy accounts at home and overseas for exclusive benefits could more than adequately feed significant population subjected to abject poverty, hunger and disease –

Eliminating politically expedient impending food bill targeting middle class and lower income tax payers to bear extraordinary tax burden.

Meanwhile Congress Party leadership claiming credit in this context despite being the contributor to the problem is yet another paradox in the name of national interest.

The gross violation of Parliament sanctity in the widely exposed but hardly probed cash for votes scam with main protagonists and players exempt from inquiry let alone prosecution is an example in the hypocritical stance from the Parliamentarians demanding civil society members to uphold Parliament as Supreme in the contentious anti-corruption debate.

Government and political establishment misconduct and corruption activities is not limited to money laundering, disproportionate assets holdings and deaths of unarmed civilians in the non-violent anti-corruption movement,

In fact the widespread engagement seriously compromises national security and credibility with links extending beyond illegal confines subjugating nationals in burgeoning economic debt for individual prosperity.

Given the incriminating trajectory, the inclination to act conscientiously in passing effective Jan Lokpal bill reflecting average citizens’ harrowing daily life experience due to contaminated system from the top bottom is ominously missing in the important national legislation confirming misplaced priority among members in Parliament with few exceptions.

Parliamentary sessions squandered in theatrical performance mocking citizens’ plight unveils fundamentally flawed character out of touch with reality.

The government Lokpal bill carefully designed to circumvent ethical efficacy diminish corruption victims ability to obtain fair response with Jan Lokpal denied appropriate powers viz. judicial action against fraudulent entity across the spectrum or corporation – retaining status quo.

Jan Lokpal is marginalized to bureaucracy forwarding citizen complaints to government controlled investigative anti-corruption division– favorable to incumbent administrations evidently exploiting CBI for political and personal advantage.

As for minority reservation or quota in Lokpal – the disingenuous allocation is political maneuver considering higher stakes for UPA in forthcoming state assembly elections.

Including Prime Minister under Lokpal ambit is conditional on specified terms in office with implied impunity under privileged status adapting to mere formality than functionality.

Assigning Jan Lokpal constitutional body similar to election commission in the backdrop of perennial electoral fraud involving bribery distributing counterfeit notes allegedly linked to international terror networks and,

Regardless electoral results validated in recent assembly polls – defies constitutionality weakening the election commission role leaving electorate no right to recall.

Lokayukta in every state and union territory would be further authenticated delivering the desirable outcome provided,

Jan Lokpal at the center is a beacon of hope leading the autonomous Lokayuktas as reliable and formidable anti-corruption bastion with CBI under the wing.

The prevalent structure with CBI and government is counterproductive promoting secrecy and defiance in judicial proceedings undermining democracy, constitutional law, and Parliamentary stature.

Parliament is the legislative body and legislators as public servants are elected to represent the republic resonating citizens’ voice on all issues concerning humanity.

Parliament bear fruits via legislation becoming law and people are the roots facilitating the produce.

Nurturing the roots would enable survival of the tree bearing fruits for all.

Jan Lokpal with comprehensive power to receive and respond to grievances,

Besides redress corruption bringing relief to ordinary citizens would guarantee progress and prosperity to all.

Citizens against corruption in India and abroad are requested to pledge unanimous support to Shri Anna Hazare and team members by joining the peaceful and non-violent movement to demonstrate solidarity in strong Jan Lokpal bill or anti-corruption law.

Please attend the peaceful anti-corruption rally from December 27, 28 to 29 and beyond in Mumbai, India with Shri Anna Hazare and team until genuine Jan Lokpal bill is implemented as the law of land.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










North Korea – Leader Kim Jong IL Legacy and Peace Prospects

December 19, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Sincere condolences to North Korea mourning leader Kim Jong Il demise.

North Korea isolation attributed to concentrated power in the political system maintaining communist framework is a major hindrance to economic development and regional stability.

The political apparatus discreet policies and covert operations created mistrust providing unnecessary opportunity for alienation and military confrontation.

North Korea under Kim Jong Il leadership suffered extreme hardships from severe economic sanctions and constant tension in the Korean Peninsula enabling nuclear capability, arms race and permanent U.S. military base in South Korea and Japan.

However, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in 2010 extended olive branch requesting peaceful negotiations with United States for renewed bilateral and multilateral relations including nuclear disarmament.

Unfortunately, Washington slighted North Korean overture denying peace and diplomacy a chance under set guidelines to treat political rivals as such ‘axis of evil’ promoting provocative military exercise and weapons supply to the beleaguered states regardless of conventional and contemporary political status.

U.S military drills on Yellow Sea assisting South Korea for potential conflict with anticipated response from North Korea via missiles has been a routine activity,

Not to mention the angst amongst neighbors China and Japan over counterproductive exchange between U.S, and North Korea exacerbating peace talks and crisis resolution.

North Korea post Kim Jong Il governance is at the crossroads to either continue on the path of economic stagnancy caused by political repression that has forced millions into starvation and despair or disavow detrimental ideology for republic governed democracy perhaps leading towards reunification with South Korea.

The reunion could begin with resuming peaceful dialogue, trade partnerships, educational and cultural ties, transportation facility allowing families split across the border to unite on humanitarian grounds and above all sharing individual strengths and adeptness in the respective domains.

Militarily formidable North Korea merging with economically vibrant South Korea would eliminate persistent turmoil and dependency on foreign power for national security.

North Korean human capital and South Korean financial power together could be prospective for Korean citizens under unified Korea.

South Korea investments hosting U.S. military base could be divested to economic, education, advanced research and technology.

In the interim, North Korea under successor Kim Jong Un subjected to speculations on political fragility could allay national and international concerns through transparency in governance revealing the central authority.

Furthermore candid presentation of domestic and foreign policies in due course would ease apprehension and dispel any misconceptions about young leadership preparedness albeit under core political group oversight.

Military power confined to national defense rather than political interference would refine government functionality besides honoring national sovereignty.

Similarly other special interests intrusion in politics for personal ambitions could jeopardize national safety and sanctity.

The dawn of new beginning is historic and North Korea could transform present legacy of secrecy and reclusive policy into open society with power distributed among mainstream population and not within family ending dynasty in the twenty first century.

North Korean people have long endured political oppression and economic depression until now.

It is time to welcome the imminent change for a bright and promising future that remains with inevitable united Korea.

Good Luck and Best Wishes! To the people of North and South Korea for eternal peace and harmony that would guarantee continuous prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Philippines – Typhoon Emergency Aid

December 18, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Philippines, the Archipelago in South East Asia is bracing severe floods from typhoon Washi.

So far more than 600 casualties reported and several residents missing from the affected zones.

The rescue operation through army and federal agency is a daunting task considering the magnitude of damage and rising death toll.

Further, the landslides are exacerbating the emergency response in saving lives.

The displaced victims sheltered in public premises across different provinces are relying on essential supplies and services such as drinking water, sanitary conditions to avoid waterborne disease other than medical provisions, food and necessary articles.

Philippines geographical location with fault lines, volcano and vulnerability to tropical storms from the Pacific Ocean and South China Sea pose extreme weather conditions often resulting in loss of lives.

With torrential rain predicted to follow the devastating cyclone,

The international community is urged to offer financial assistance to minimize operational hazards in reaching the flood survivors with medical requirement and other needs.

Individuals could also provide for the cause easing economic burden on the government besides alleviating population suffering.

Global warming is a serious threat to humanity emanating from environmental negligence.

The prolonged unusual weather is unsustainable on the economic, physical and environmental standpoint.

Global society collaborative effort in reducing substantial carbon emission is the immediate priority and governments together with various communities’ commitment could expedite the desirable outcome.

Please make donations to international charity Red Cross and other reputable organizations by visiting their website and contribute to Philippines disaster relief.

Your generosity and compassion in the critical hour would be much appreciated.

With sincere condolences to victims’ families, prayers are offered for swift recovery and restoration.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
























































Global Climate Change Treaty – GCCT

December 16, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

United Nations – COP 17, CMP 7, 2011 Durban, South Africa

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) guided 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) and 7th Session of the Conference / Meeting of the Parties on Kyoto Protocol hosted by sunny Durban, South Africa has taken incremental measure to set up Ad Hoc committee on Durban Platform for a global agreement by 2015.

Last COP 16 summit in Cancun, Mexico – consensus reached on the immediate recognition of the deteriorating global environment and nations with huge energy demands were requested to assume greater responsibility to avert the prevalent risk of global temperature above 3°C expected to rise between 3.5 – 4.0°C by 2100.

Accordingly, in Durban the emerging economies – China and India acceptance to a binding legal accord due by 2015 is noteworthy.

International binding agreement in early 2012 instead of 2015 could be prudent for global environment and economy considering severe weather conditions.

Juxtaposed United States identified as the second largest emitter is yet to oblige in cutting back carbon emissions required for the targeted goal below 1.5°C – critical for planet sustenance including island nations as well as least developed countries survival.

Similarly European Union unconditional commitment currently regarded inadequate could be aimed at 40 – 45% reduction for a meaningful trajectory in containing global warming.

Kyoto Protocol first commitment period i.e. 2008 – 2012 considered for renewal next year would be more effective upon elimination of land use, land use change and forestry credits (LULUCF) availed by industrialized and developing nations to offset higher percentage Green House Gas limitation.

The existing treaty with loopholes reverse the trend in carbon control and closing the surplus assigned amount units (AAU’s) would secure emission decrease allowing the target attainable within timeframe.

Further more unanimous ratification of the second commitment period 2013 – 2017 beginning with United States and other non-committal states is imperative to distribute burden linked to maximum pollution factor.

Other provisions in the treaty could be thoroughly reviewed and necessary amendments made for optimal benefit.

Scientific facts on emissions in relation to present policy continuation combined with United States, EU, Middle East and other nations ambiguous positions pose imminent danger to planet life.

The global emission projection for 2020 under same policies is 57 billion tons of greenhouse gas and the noted safe levels are below 40 billion tons globally to maintain lower than 1.5°C  – the absolute temperature for life support and nourishment.

Hence the excess 17 billion tons greenhouse gas removal by 2020 would rehabilitate life – the primary focus for world society.

Actions differed on emission mitigation by developed and developing nations generally mean increased costs and catastrophic damage to the environment.

Over 3°C warming under current practice has the following impact:

Rainforests depletion,

Arctic temperature rising from melting icecaps,

Ozone layer vulnerability and,

Coral reefs and oceanic life exposed to irreversible loss endangering ecosystem.

The financial commitments in adapting to rapid climate change with extreme weather  would be phenomenal and for least developed countries – a potential threat to existence.

Adverse economic effects on West Africa and South Asia alone is estimated around 3- 5% of combined GDP in the region even at 2°C warming and 5 -6% for the prevailing 3°C reading.

The costs would proportionately decline to lower warming temperature – neutralized at pre-industrial setting i.e. lower than 1.5°C.

Governments’ willingness for a global legal climate pact is a positive step forward in the recent Durban meeting.

Nonetheless, the outcome is devoid of ambitious plans in emissions restriction with no new pledges from the participants especially the prominent emitters engaged in expansive detrimental energy policy.

With options available to bridge the gap between contemporary passivity and result-oriented activity –

The developed or industrialized nations concerted action for 45% emission contraction against the present norm – 11-19% of which,

Various applied credits further degrades emission percentage to bare minimum diminishing the prospects for the safe upper limit in CO2 release – 1.5°C or 350 ppm (Parts Per Million).

Governments’ inaction or slower pace involvement would lead to faster degeneration of the fragile ecological equilibrium.

Developing nations with moderate economic growth could begin with 30 – 40% and gradually elevating to 45% emission constraints in semblance to developed nations category.

Island nations and least developed countries (LDC) would require financial and technical assistance to meet with environmental demands and responsibility in adhering to the specified range such as 20 – 40% and subsequently moving up to 45% in emission control.

Global monitoring by independent committee or non-profit organization tracking to ensure international collaboration would guarantee transparency and accountability on emission compliance.

Among diverse methods to decelerate global warming the hindrances to progress deserves attention with appropriate alternatives to resolve the burgeoning crises.

Energy policy – Industrialized and developing nations dependency on fossil fuel and nuclear power is predominantly responsible for the status quo.

Despite continuous cataclysmic events from –

Offshore and shallow water oil drilling,

Coal mining accidents and,

Nuclear power plant radiation leaks taking toll on human lives, economy and environment,

The economic and political leaderships remain defiant in heeding Mother Nature’s warning and inherent operational risks slighted for profits.

Industrial pollution with chemical deposits and carcinogens in wellspring and surroundings proved fatal affecting vulnerable demography.

International aviation and marine (shipping) CO2 emissions generate greenhouse gas at an alarming rate that needs to be curtailed yielding 1 billion tons in reaching the milestone.

Afforestation, national parks and rain forests are substantial in the conservation process

However, implementation without infringement upon aborigine lives and natural reserves would win unity – vital to expedite target achievement – 1.5°C or 350ppm.

Brazil and Indonesia response in this respect is praiseworthy.   The record maintenance and consistent improvement would deliver carbon neutrality.

Australia with pressure from politically active Green Party is environment conscious in the domestic front but,

Regrettably not reflected in trade practice with rising world markets – banning coal shipment to China and uranium supply to India would exemplify reliability.

Israel and China broadening investments in solar energy define the future in safe natural source.

Humanity’s common woes are political dysfunctionality, economic inequality, social injustice and environment degradation.

United States as the major polluter is on regression path in meeting environmental objectives with key congressional members determined to abolish environment protection agency (EPA) – the regulatory authority viewed a menace to fossil fuel industry.

The energy behemoths sponsored representatives aim at slashing funds for myriad environmental causes vigorously campaigning to drill, mine and nuclearize the delicate landscape.

Adjacently incessant warfare tied to economic gains under the pretext of spreading democracy with the so-called war on terror being the by-product is the principal cause for human suffering.

Wars in different parts of the world using depleted uranium, toxic chemicals, white phosphorous…has precipitated acid rain,

Not to mention the prolonged use of weaponry and explosives polluting air, water and land.

Unless and until wars desist creating an opportunity to rebuild nations,

Clean air and drinking water – the fundamental life sources remain increasingly scarce with unaffordable price tag for the vast majority.

With different industries and global organizations agenda dominating United Nations conference,

The significant world population input overshadowed during talks merely serving the powerful interests.

Efforts for financial aid to island nations and least developed countries (LDC) through Green Climate Fund (GCF) create a perception among global warming victims as Greed Corporate Fund.

Green Climate Fund proposal for $100 billion annually from industrialized nations viz. U.S, Israel, Japan, EU and developing economies like China, India, Brazil, and Russia,

Not withstanding oil rich regions – the Middle East are unclear in terms of individual contribution leading to uncertainties in the environment rescue plan.

Appropriating sizeable percentage of national GDP towards environment protection and enrichment including donations to global partners in dealing with growing climate problems would alleviate humanity plight.

Climate Fund Management is another contentious issue given the quantum for diverse disbursements urging fiscal and ethical responsibility.

Global monetary authority with regional representation selected by the people from autonomous functioning body known for efficiency and integrity in the respective domain rather than World Bank or IMF would meet the criteria.

The international commission subjected to external audit could be the impetus enhancing performance in the relevant activity.

It is imperative to address demographic grievances on a range of issues from technology, agriculture, REDD + Forest carbon ventures, Green economy to climate debt and justice.

Technology – Patented technology often more expensive than generic brand diluting competition in the market.

Technological impact in relevant context – social, cultural and environmental dimensions outweigh the anticipated outcome with profitability substituting viability.

Marketing technological tools – nanotechnology, geo-engineering technology and synthetic biology are evidently counterproductive exacerbating sea level elevation.

Agriculture – Agro-ecological solutions adapting to organic mechanisms against agrochemicals, genetic modification and climate smart agriculture proven overwhelmingly positive to the environment and farming community worldwide.

Likewise modifying Free Trade into Fair Trade Agreements,

Voiding Association Agreements and reassessment of Intellectual Property Rights to life enforcements on technological supplies would salvage struggling agro-based economies for self-sufficiency and greater productivity leading to commodity export.

REDD + Forest carbon ventures – Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

The initiative from the coalition of rainforest nations with members Costa Rica and Papua New Guinea request to industrialized nations has been diametrically transformed with World Bank and UN interjected forest carbon projects.

The program is hostile to indigenous population and forest dependent segments.

It also violates individual rights along with massive displacements from native dwelling.

Not barring systemic destruction of biodiversity and cultural uniqueness inducing social discord.

Additionally, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and European Union endorsement of REDD + jeopardize the purpose behind conservation and rainforests preservation with logging depleting natural resource.

Honoring indigenous groups, farmers and local citizens legitimate positions based on adversity from disguised business strategies is poignant for constructive course towards saving environment.

Green Economy Through economics guided profits and carbon markets facilitated lucrative financial investments,

The climate agreements have evolved into exploitative bonanza to transnational corporations represented by industrialized nations silencing the actual victims in the environmental deal.

Life matters – the concept ominously missing in the aggressive economic pursuits.

Commercializing survival elements that are freely and naturally provided confirms the profit motivated scheme superseding realistic environment goals.

Calamity anywhere is causative liability everywhere.

Climate Debt – Industrialized nations built on other sovereign nations’ wealth in the form of oil, coal and planet minerals arguably obligatory to repair, restore and rebuild environment via rigorous emission reduction, carnage compensation and finance developing countries transfer to clean energy system.

Enactment of valuable recommendations from World People’s Conference on Climate Change – Cochabamba, Bolivia in April 2010 comprising –

World People’s Referendum on Climate Change,

Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth and,

The establishment of a Climate Justice Tribunal –

Could advance and strengthen climate treaty in nurturing the precious environment – the only habitat for all species.

Optimistic new beginning lies with inhabitants crusade to stop air pollution, water contamination and land expropriation.

Please save the planet and celebrate life.

Peace on Earth and,

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Pakistan – International Peace Conference Bonn, Germany

December 5, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The latest developments in the U.S and Pakistan relation are:

NATO advised to cease activity near Pakistan and Afghanistan border specifically territory inside Pakistan in recognition of sovereignty and,

Significantly United States has begun vacating Shamsi air base in Baluchistan – the location used for drone attacks in Pakistan.

Similar action from United States in exiting other air bases within and around Pakistan would address Pakistan’s legitimate concern towards illegal occupation in a sovereign nation.

Nonetheless, the U.S initiatives in this regard are noteworthy with due acknowledgment to President Barack Obama as well as the U.S and NATO military command in the region.

Meanwhile, the current international peace conference held in Bonn, Germany to review Afghanistan future following U.S. and NATO departure is pivotal for regional stability.

United States invitation to Pakistan for valuable contribution is a unique opportunity to demonstrate Pakistan’s commitment towards peace and accepting responsibility in remaining instrumental to Afghanistan’s progress that would directly benefit Pakistan.

The political turmoil and continuous warfare in Afghanistan pervasively impact the neighboring nations particularly Pakistan forced to deal with containing violence as constant priority due to internal terror and cross border insurgency.

As a result Pakistan investments are diverted to combat zone rather than civilian projects diminishing nation’s prospects to compete effectively in the global economy.

U.S. and NATO troop withdrawal from Central Asia and Indian sub-continent would facilitate peace provided the electoral process is not invalidated with foreign power appointed governments for exclusive interests.

Afghanistan’s struggle begins with rural, tribal and the lower income to middle class in the urban areas vulnerability to political system lacking in credibility.

Although politics and corruption are inseparable in practice,

Afghanistan economic output largely affected from systemic abuse of power at various government levels and bureaucracy thriving on bribery and funds funneled from poppy cultivation.

The culture eroding youth aspirations for nation building ultimately end up serving extreme ideological groups opposed to unscrupulous dysfunctional governance with misplaced loyalty.

Furthermore, the foreign dominance with massive troop deployment with no definitive strategy to leave the nation –

Even though the 2014 time table more likely adapting Iraq situation to remain operative through behind the scenes political maneuver and threats exacerbates the situation for the war fatigued population.

Pakistan sharing the experience in this context is in a position to expedite complete termination of foreign occupation not only in own soil but also beyond Afghan borders spreading into Central Asia.

Unless Pakistan participates in international meeting and engage in dialogue with candor,

The efforts to safeguard sovereignty and avert recurring skirmishes potentially looming into major catastrophe would be futile –

Perhaps leading to regrettable lost moments in diplomacy.

Pakistan leaderships – President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani are urged to set aside the recent rift between Washington and Islamabad.

Instead reciprocate to diplomatic course by participating in Bonn conference for insightful input.

Abstinence from international summit only escalates tension that could be easily avoided to pursue strong economic relationship with participants during session.

Besides the event provides Pakistan to play crucial role in redefining terms on security along with presenting anticipated information on measures adopted to eliminate terror networks undermining military, intelligence and civil society in the country.

It is sincerely hoped that Pakistan would grace the occasion by honoring United States and other attendees’ request to join them in the discussion on Afghanistan and regional matter.

Best Wishes to Pakistan, Afghanistan, United States, India and other members for successful outcome at the Bonn Conference.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
















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