Israel and U.S. War With Iran

January 31, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

United States latest plan improving bunker buster bombs effectiveness targeting Iran’s alleged nuclear facility is compliance with Israel’s pre-emptive strike preparedness to implement PNAC (Project for New American Century) agenda.

PNAC devised war with Iraq – A colossal setback squandering trillions of American taxpayer dollars and more than million lives lost including U.S. and coalition forces without Israel’s involvement in combat zone or logistic support is a harsh lesson in history.

Now eagerness to repeat same mistake against Iran is refusal to learn from previous experience especially by those hit with economic and human loss in waging wars on speculation.

News report stating Pentagon secret approach with Congress seeking additional funding $82 million for improvisation over and above $330 million already spent on 20 bombs production clearly invalidates democracy and,

Ignores public opinion calling for political attention towards deteriorating economy.

United States acute financial situation with skyrocketing debt and Congressional deadlocks on citizens’ matter as well as issues concerning national interest is once again misled by political aspirants drumbeat for war in the election year willfully obliging lobbyists like AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) demand to fulfill the ill-fated mission.

Since Project for New American Century is claimed as Zionist’s Magna Carta,

It is important to delineate Judaism from Zionism.  Unlike Zionism, Judaism is neither sanctimonious nor inculcates violence.

The religion in accordance with natural creation respects life and believes in freedom for self and others.

Unfortunately, Israel since establishment has been conquered by overzealous ideology to rise to supremacy in denying others the right to exist or have liberty.

Action until present time in justification for past century holocaust – indeed the Dark Age in human evolution cannot be inflicted on any living being in retribution.

Israel’s misrepresentation has deprived Israeli citizens to live in peace and harmony due to contracted outlook combined with determination to stay on course regardless of endless suffering from oppression and aggression towards neighbors in the region.

Peace within permeates peace around.

Middle East control via powerful energy industry and United States funded AIPAC foreign policy is proved detrimental to regional stability.

Harbingers presenting truth and facts fear none in the conviction to save humanity from peril.

Threatening peacemakers is a futile effort and confirms wrongdoers false sense of security based on presumptuous fallacy.

Israel’s position to inform United States merely twelve hours prior to potential attack against Iran despite dire consequences is kamikaze attempt considering Iran’s retaliatory capability,

Not to mention the stakes for United States with troop deployment in Persian Gulf.

Iran’s nuclear intention hype is overstretched along with heightened measures indicative of western intelligence information gathering –

CIA and Mossad in particular accused in Iran’s nuclear scientists killings pose a legitimate question on reliability given the same intelligence failure to avert 9/11 attacks in the United States.

The western intelligence proactive response ahead of September 11, 2001 could have saved many innocent lives besides preventing Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

On the contrary, the techniques against Iran – eliminating academics for alleged engagement in nuclear development is provocation to incite reaction.

With U.N inspection on Iran’s nuclear program underway, the unnecessary intrusion undermines sovereignty.

Such indulgence witnessed in Pakistan including covert operation to split Baluchistan, Sindh…provinces anticipating political turmoil.

The argument that Iran is an existential threat to Israel also deserves careful review in reality and hypothesis context.

If Iran were to harm Israel with nuclear arsenal on the presumption that Israel admittedly declared a ‘Jewish State,’

Then around 35,000 Jews in Iran with a Jewish representative in Iranian Parliament might not continue to thrive and the Iranian Jewish community would not have declined Israel’s citizenship offer with monetary incentive.

However, Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as Israeli nationals came to light with Israel’s Supreme Court decision not allowing Palestinians in Israel – the common law access to bring nucleus family by marriage from West bank or Gaza.

The Palestinian population as Israeli citizens are forced to endure the state imposed family separation in the only ‘democratic’ nation in Middle East.

Apart from the apparent discriminatory practices, the Israeli Palestinian dispute is well known with controversial Jewish settlements stalling the peace process forever.

Another reason for brewing tension with Iran is cited as ‘regime change’ per PNAC dossier.

Iranian citizens plight in terms of political freedom is no different from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is also currently a dominant player in derailing Arab Spring initiated rise of democracy in Middle East to prolong repression in the national and regional domain.

While Saudi Arabia accepted as a close western ally, Iran projected the arch nemesis worthy of ‘obliteration’ among U.S. and Israel political circle.

The conspicuous western double standards in applying preferential status to authoritarianism functioning as monarchy and theocracy respectively exemplify divide and rule strategy.

Iran’s political dynamics was altered with western intervention in the overthrow of democratically elected popular government under Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh – the golden opportunity for widespread democracy in Middle East was thwarted through CIA operatives.

Sales pitch on war against Iran simulating Iraq scenario does not bode well for the architects with global dissent at peak and revolutions erupting in every part of the world rejecting governments’ misplaced priority i.e. unaffordable warfare neglecting dire economy.

The western dominance in Middle East is exerted through invasion, occupation provocation and subversion for economic and territorial conquest.

Ambitions to ignite the spark that would engulf the region are counterproductive.

Abandoning violence in pursuit of peace and diplomacy is the rational means to conflict resolutions.

Iran’s co-operation to U.N and IAEA inspection is praiseworthy.

Further transparency and accountability would defuse the lingering crisis.

Meanwhile, nuclear disarmament by all nuclear states beginning with United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Israel is the only assurance for secure future.

The ‘responsible’ nuclear state concept has resulted in nuclear proliferation rather than containment.

The hierarchy arguably leading to mistrust and apprehension in the era of violence promoted over peaceful negotiations.

Again lifting sanctions against Iran is paramount to alleviate economic and energy costs for average consumer worldwide.

Israel and United States patience with Iran amid U.N. inspection is necessary to demonstrate the democratic nations’ pledge to global peace and security.

Wishing peace and stability in Middle East and the world over.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World Economic Forum – 2012 Davos, Switzerland

January 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings to world leaders in politics, economics, social, environment and humanitarian organizations attending the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The global economy is frail with complexities demanding solutions in cognizance of specific and general needs for revival.

Economic meltdown could be attributed to myriad sources and identifying the root causes would enable policy restructuring to stimulate and sustain growth in the interim and beyond.

Capitalism is by far the viable economic system provided the free market functionality confined to building economy without intervention in politics.

While Capitalism governance triumphs in weakening legislations aimed at consumer protection, fair pricing for affordability as well as balanced trade practices in national and international domain.

Government regulations for this purpose are met with resistance as intrusion in private sector.

Free market economy with free pass on all economic activities without checks and balances led the economy to a near free fall in recent history.

The current economy on the precipice due to flagrant dismissal of reforms combined with institutional failures to deliver the required outcome.

Economic model promoting globalization with two monetary authorities – The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) facilitated the collapse of modern economy in the developing and developed region.

Modern economy under prudent economic i.e. fiscal, trade and monetary policy had better prospects to vitalize agricultural, service and industrialized economies through self-sustenance and international trade.

World Bank and IMF set up to gain forceful entry into economies under globalization auspice derailed progress denying independent strategies to address problems confronting individual economy.

The mandatory membership with World Bank and IMF lending enforced untenable terms and conditions on borrowers subjugating nations for unlimited access to resources including the heads of the state appointment across the globe.

World Bank and IMF debtors share similar economic woes and struggle to amortize debts in a systemic abusive deal involving collaterals directly undermining sovereignty and binding generations with liability.

From European contagion to Sub-Saharan Africa existence dilemma  – World Bank and IMF together play a major role in exacerbating financial crisis and implementing austerity measure to public detriment – bringing mainstream to main street protest.

World Bank interference in environment policy to control the governments pledged $100 billion towards carbon emission reduction is vehemently opposed given the organization’s trajectory in funds mismanagement.

Capitalism would thrive in the absence of shadow government split into three categories:

They are banking, transnational corporations and defense industry.

Banking industry speculative trade and selective justice against speculators sparing political campaign donors viz. prominent investment banks or equity management firms responsible for U.S. housing market slump depriving millions ownership and shelter along with euro zone calamity expose the network between politics, judiciary and economics.

Transnational Corporations – infringement upon overseas markets threatens disadvantaged demography livelihood through governmental pressure endangering small medium enterprise and entrepreneurships at lower economic strata.

Mega Corporation stakes in developing and emerging economies is a gateway to monopoly.

Likewise, in national turf – the big corporations bidding on merger and acquisitions suppress the free market elements to emerge and compete effectively against powerful establishments.

Energy Sector – Regarded the behemoth in containing alternative energy output using solar, wind and hydro projects.

They are instrumental in waging wars to maintain vested interests in oil and natural gas enriched territories around the world.

Wars also generate energy demand against inadequate supply boosting oil prices at peak.

Defense Industry – wars are lucrative with ammunition proliferation and investments in innovative stockpiles among warring factions confirming profit – the motivational factor from economic standpoint and the other dimension being global dominance to retain status quo.

Energy and Defense industries are influential forces in congressional and Presidential election.

United States Supreme Court decision on Citizens United is carte blanche to Corporations undermining democratic electoral process.

Unless the outcome reversed, the trend jeopardizes election results legitimacy and credibility.

Politics and economics fusion exceeding normal boundaries evidently is not the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Another extenuating component of finance industry with pervasive impact on global society is tax havens and unaccounted funds in overseas bank accounts.

Swiss banks – USB and Credit Suisse Societe Generale – The leading purveyors of secret bank accounts accepting funds from illicit means essentially legalizing money laundering is crippling economies with Vienna convention granting impunity to offenders predominantly representing the political and privileged class in the society.

Swiss government neutral position and opposition to warfare is severely compromised in the approval of banking operation in semblance with the former Bank of Credit and Commerce International engaged in illegal assets holdings.

International objection to BCCI violation of banking law precipitated closure ending financial impropriety.

Banks in Switzerland, Singapore, Cayman and Cook Islands…transferring offshore accounts to onshore is imperative to alleviate burden on taxpayers in the developing and developed economy.

Credit Suisse Societe Generale compliance in this regard with United States is praiseworthy and applying same standards to other nations would eliminate preferential treatment perception.

Switzerland as a democratic society could set an example in returning national wealth to all nations deprived of revenue in income taxes or transactions pertaining to national or state contracts.

Market economy in republic governed democracy would comprise relevant regulations to safeguard customer rights, competitiveness for price and quality, business incentives to secure guaranteed returns and job preservation, logical tax reform with unaccounted money recovery,

Corporations leading economy rather than national and international politics would delineate economic leaderships in monitoring growth with necessary policy adjustments for better results.

Prohibiting corporations and corporate donations in election campaigns is critical for democracy to prevail.

Public sector streamlining bureaucracy and remaining focused on civil society development would improve efficiency.

Politics and economics on parallel mode refining methods, supplementing ideas and complementing productivity would enhance performance without hindrance in defined goals.

Capitalism in the present format is heavily invested in political power neglecting ethics and economy.

Profiteering on economic and military warfare is proved counterproductive.

Changing course to benefit humanity at large is the rational approach to resolving economic crisis.

Market economy guided by pragmatism and ingenuity with moral code as the catalyst is the promising future.

On that optimistic note,

Wishing success to world economic forum 2012 in Davos, Switzerland!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iran – EU Sanctions and Oil Embargo

January 25, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

European Union compliance to Israel’s proposal on oil embargo against Iran is a huge economic misstep for everyone involved especially Europe tethering on Central Banks capital infusion in the austerity era triggering population uprising against governments’ misplaced priority and erroneous policies hurting the public.

Every action has equal and opposite reaction.

U.S. and EU amenability to Israel’s far-fetched aspirations in the Middle East and western powers ambitions beyond Iran is detrimental for global economy and security.

Although U.S and EU imposed crippling sanctions against Iran at Israel’s behest might appear to strangle Iran’s economy,

The net impact on oil dependent industrialized western economies would be devastating regardless of alternative arrangements to import oil from other producers –

The course is already contributing to crude oil price increase with ripple effects on the end consumer.

Notwithstanding the emerging economies – BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa along with other players in Asia, Latin America and Africa would be competing with western counterparts on oil imports when Iran removed from supply chain.

Developing economies are struggling to cope with widespread recession partly attributed to financial markets speculative practices particularly the U.S finance and energy sectors major role leading to the status quo.

Again emerging economies dilemma in containing inflation could be exacerbated with energy demand pushing prices up pervasively on consumer goods and services in the market place,

While the outlined repercussions are economy related, the political ramifications cannot be ignored.

Arab Spring in the Middle East is currently exploited for political advantage in the west.

The revolutions having sacrificed precious lives in the initially peaceful and non-violent protests turned into civil war utilizing ammunition stockpiles originally delivered by defense industries in the armed confrontation.

Saudi Arabia and Iraq – The Arab nations expected to produce Iran’s share of crude oil for distribution to western power and allies denying Iranian people survival means foment not only anti-western sentiments but also anti-Arab thoughts cultivating the culture of acrimony rather than harmony.

Saudi Arabia – the kingdom proudly hosting the holy pilgrimage to Mecca with the holy shrine of Prophet Mohammad (May Peace be upon him),

The authorities’ actions are contradictory to Islamic faith and values exemplified by the Prophet.

The moral guidance enunciated in Holy Quran is violated when an Islamic nation willfully cooperates in the economic and/or military warfare against another Islamic state since Islam condemns killings, oppression and persecution of any living being.

Besides the architects of war in the Middle East have Saudi Arabia – the next target in the regime change agenda.

Effectively, Saudi Arabia complicity in substituting Iran’s oil production and other means could be self-destructive.

Similarly Iraq – the victim of unjust war waged under false pretext is deja vous for the country still in turmoil following decimation from invasion.

United States appointed leadership Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a strong ally of Iran maintaining close ties with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and,

The relation between the two neighbors would be seriously tested in the critical hour ranging from oil output to strategic assistance against Iran.

Turkey – The NATO partner and intermediary suffered setbacks with western powers – recent France Vote against Turkey on Armenian issue and Flotilla incident with Israel in 2010.

Any other Islamic nation’s alliance in the economic and military aggression against Iran with citizens being the casualty might produce unrest within society considering the opposition to foreign intervention in Islamic countries across the globe.

In terms of formidable support to Iran – China and Russia partnerships on many issues including security threats are solid and expected to continue in the long run.

Persian Gulf incursion combined with economic restraints against Iran is also perceived as decelerating growth among the emerging economies to sustain global dominance.

Humanity progress is measured by collective prosperity and superiority aimed at eliminating nations or diminishing economic status could ultimately harm the source.

The world would benefit from peace and unity.

Perpetual conflicts destroy life and destiny of the present and future generation.

Political leaderships are granted power for a reason – to improve the lives of many and empower the powerless not otherwise.

The leadership[s are urged to resolve the dispute through peace and diplomacy.

Life is meaningful upon serving the purpose to kindle the spirit of oneness bound by universal love and compassion.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


























State of the Union Address – 2012

January 24, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm  Greetings to honorable members representing the House and the Senate of the United States 113th Congress, esteemed judiciary members, distinguished United States Military High Command, fellow Americans and citizens around the world.

United States is confronted with multidimensional challenges in the domestic and international front.

The complexities demand resolutions from global perspective.

Beginning at home, the immediate priority is economic revival with job creation, promoting business opportunities to retain and generate employment across the economic sectors,

Restoring housing market,

Containing massive property liquidation depriving American families ownership and shelter,

Credit facilities to boost small and medium enterprise,

Review financial reform and health care legislations passed in 2010 and 2011 for necessary amendments to relieve the vast majority i.e. 99% from mandatory insurance,

Health care industry cost adjustments for affordability,

Retaining Medicare as well as Medicaid for the demography dependent on these programs as life support.

Banking industry audit analyzing financial reform impact with necessary regulations to eliminate hedge fund anomalies.

Educational funding from K-12 to college degree programs preparing fresh graduates for twenty first century competitiveness and innovation.

Incentives to businesses and corporations upon guaranteed job growth in the manufacturing and service sector to stimulate economy.

Tax reform closing tax evasion loopholes, recovering unaccounted funds to a tune of $2.3trillion from Pentagon budget not barring financial assets in Swiss bank and other overseas accounts,

Tax hikes on 1% wealthiest to alleviate the burden on the remaining taxpayers being the core consumer base.

The economic outlook is also dependent on global economy especially the euro zone and emerging economies amid looming war against Iran.

Politically, with Presidential elections around the corner, there is an urgent requirement for constitutional amendments to reverse the Citizens United outcome protecting democracy from special interests proprietorship.

Electoral reform to justify free and fair elections considering the overwhelming monetary influences via corporate executive donations and other means to buy elections compromise republic rights in a democracy.

National debt and deficit – The heated debate often wind up with no action as witnessed in the Super Committee appointed to address the burgeoning debt crisis.

As stated earlier, spending cuts alone in the absence of revenue would not address the contentious problem.   Tax hikes and diverse income source in the equation is the logical approach to debt reduction.

Again, deficit mitigation would be futile in the prevalent determination to expand military commitments – waging wars on borrowed funds and printing money leading the economy to banana republic.

Pentagon budget contraction is no longer an option but a necessity to spare American citizens from generational indebtedness,

Warfare and Military Base – Troops redeployment from Iraq to Persian Gulf for provocative aggression against Iran is counterproductive in all aspects especially the economic liability on American taxpayers and U.S credit rating at stake with the alarming debt from the protracted military engagements.

United States foreign policy premised on illegal invasion, occupation and provocation is best abandoned with a paradigm shift in the establishment of peace and democracy throughout the world.

The strategy is evidently ineffective and unpopular not to mention the toll on life, economy and environment.

Nuclear and Conventional arms disarmament is prudent for global security.

Environmentally, the climate talks interpreted in action would expedite the universal goal on global warming i.e. the sustainable temperature at 1.5°C or 350 ppm.

World peace, progress and prosperity are dependent on political will and leaderships desire in resolving conflicts through meaningful dialogue and peaceful negotiations.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Romania – Revolution For Republican Democracy]

January 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Revolution in Eastern Europe returns once again to Bucharest, Romania.

The peaceful and non-violent public protests evolved into violent confrontation with police crackdown on citizens intensified in the recent rally.

Sadly, the government use of violence towards citizens reveals impatience and apathy to declining economic and social standards.

Romanian demonstration in semblance to global dissent on deteriorating economic conditions for the vast majority,

While the political establishment and privileged class thriving regardless of ineffective economic strategies confirms feudalism emergence to surface.

Severe austerity and rampant corruption denying average citizens normal existence are contentious issues among Romanian demonstrators depicting universal plight.

The government failure to address domestic problems – burgeoning economic crisis in particular drives mainstream on to main street to express grievances and desperate situation largely attributed to policies lacking in pervasive economic growth affecting population basic needs in life.

Romanian revolution triumph is evident in history with elimination of communist regime under Nicolae Ceausescu leadership and subsequent transformation towards democracy with market economy proves the republic power in prevailing over forces threatening human rights and dignity depriving economic progress.

The incumbent government under President Traian Basescu is challenged for drastic spending cuts amid corruption charges leveled against the authority.

Romania as EU member adopting disproportionate measures targeting essential programs such as citizens pension, health and education similar to Greece, Spain and Italy,

In the absence of economic stimulus to promote employment and local business opportunities is suggestive of government neglect in providing viable solutions to diverse issues confronting the nation.

The tradition adapting to general economic model may not be suitable for every economy and exploring individual strategies could perhaps produce positive output in meeting the unique requirements.

President Traian Basescu administration inability to redress growing economic and political turmoil leads to instability exacerbating people suffering besides jeopardizing national security.

Furthermore, the leadership determination to stay in power despite electorate vehement opposition seeking resignation from office undermines democracy secured after immense sacrifice in the earlier freedom movement against repression.

The people in any society deserve governance adept at understanding the dynamics of events and preparedness to respond effectively for desirable outcome.

Notwithstanding national and international complexities demanding resolutions due to discord created for global dominance.

Citizens’ call to dissolve the government could be initiated through no confidence vote that would determine the early election process with transitional power unless,

The current leadership in recognition of republic rejection steps down allowing the country to move forward with people choice representation honoring democracy, peace and political stability.

Meanwhile, it is imperative for Romanian citizens and leaderships to contain tensions between them and begin dialogue for peaceful settlement on the economic, political and social disagreements.

Any nation disregarding the genuine voices of citizens could not be a sovereign democratic state.

The era of oppression is coming into conclusion and attempts to prolong or reinstate authoritarianism would be futile with increased public awareness and global revolution commitment to reclaim republican democracy.

Good Luck and Best Wishes! To people of Romania and opposition leaderships for a democratically guided successful transfer of power.

Peace, progress and prosperity to Romania.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Israel and United States against Iran – World War III

January 20, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The covert war against Iran through crippling economic sanctions and nuclear scientists killings is an invitation for cataclysmic consequences in the pre-emptive mission.

Israel and United States provocation against Iran under nuclear program pretext is a premise to engage the world in confrontation possibly evolving into nuclear meltdown.

The masterminds behind potential global involvement refuse to recognize the magnitude of disaster in the fundamentally flawed strategy to attack Iran inciting international conflict.

Despite several warnings in opposition to belligerence in the volatile Middle East, the recent isolation of Iran is intimidation exacerbating population frustration and anxiety on looming warfare.

The taunting with various trade restrictions and financial flow disruptions towards Iran constitutes persecution of Iranian citizens in the misguided regime change agenda.

Obsession with Iran is fatal attraction for the provocateurs underestimating the irreversible outcome.

The nuclear states – Israel and United States intrusion in Iran via intelligence agencies CIA and Mossad to deter alleged Iranian advanced nuclear status based on speculations is counterproductive especially,

When IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) – western powers trusted organization has verified and reiterated Iran’s non-proliferation record in accordance with the accused NPT membership as non-nuclear state.

On the contrary both Israel and United States being nuclear nations are neither NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) signatories nor maintained restraints in nuclear development.

Besides, the strike against Iran in any proportion directly endangers U.S. troop deployment in the Persian Gulf notwithstanding Hormuz strait shut down leading to energy crisis.

Unites States volunteering troop sacrifice for Israel’s misconception on Iran’s nuclear situation,

In addition to burdening U.S. taxpayers with war expenditure confirms misplaced preferences particularly in the backdrop of skyrocketing U.S. debt at  $15.3 trillion accompanied by escalated war spending juxtaposed severe austerity proposals on citizens life dependent programs.

Not to mention absence of revenue due to forbidden tax hikes on 1% wealthiest in the society and U.S. monetary aid continuation to affluent nations like Israel increases national deficit.

Ideology driven policy and protecting pentagon budget on protracted warfare is dominant in Washington.

Otherwise taxpayers funded Congress would not have tried prohibiting free speech with controversial SOPA and PIPA bills targeting truth and facts in public domain.

Electorate granted authority is used against them at their expense.

In a real democracy elected representatives would heed and not drown republic voice -prevalent in contemporary politics.

Expecting wars to stimulate economy and boost political rating is a misnomer considering Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan debacle.

Humility is revealed in learning from past and present mistakes unlike the status quo defiance in preventing imminent catastrophes from military and economic aggression against Iran.

United States imposed ban on EU crude oil imports from Iran would be devastating for fragile European economy amid euro zone crisis.

European and United States economic recovery with viable solutions is entirely dependent on checks and balances in foreign policy determining political and economic conditions from global perspective.

There are remedies to the political and military standoff between Israel and Iran.

First and foremost, lifting economic sanctions against Iran and retracting military position in Persian Gulf is imperative in easing tensions for multilateral meeting initiating constructive dialogue agreed to by Iran.

Upon creating conducive environment with mutual hospitality rather than hostility,

The prospects for peaceful negotiations could emerge with necessary trust and credibility in moving forward on many contentious issues concerning Israel and Iran.

Most importantly such exchange would categorically win public empathy on both sides alleviating legitimate trepidation from existing scenario – i.e. strike against Iran resulting in regional retaliation with Israel Mideast policy regarded more adversarial than perceived threats from Iran.

For any positive results – the negotiating partners and participants genuine commitment towards peace and diplomacy is required to defuse stalemate.

Mass movement engineered political transformations are authentic and democratic in nature contrasting foreign powers intervention with vested interests serving as spoilers evident in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen…and now in Iran.

Egypt military is allowed to remain in power with substantial U.S. military aid prolonging iron fist rule and elections proving to be farcical facilitating fundamentalists victory inevitably dissolved reinstating foreign power appointed dictatorial government.

Similarly in Libya – the peaceful and non-violent revolution converted into civil war with foreign powers candid endorsement of Gaddafi rule extended through hegemonic choice Saif Al Islam Gaddafi – still remaining the preferred candidate in reserve for possible return signified in the call for fair trial on war crimes against Saif Al Islam in spite of the heir apparent authorization and engagement in civilian massacre.

Meanwhile the U.S. State department primary contacts – non- revolutionary Libyan expatriates from western shores arrival in Libya enabled them in gaining power in the new government and ironically introduced Sharia Law – depriving meaningful democracy espousing political rights, economic progress and poignantly social equality.

The foreign power policy – Control over Middle East resources with proxy authoritarianism is intact.

Local revolutions without foreign powers clandestine complicity with autocratic regimes could be far more successful in achieving democracy.

Further more they would be a formidable challenge to hegemony nominated authorities in any political system.

Shifting focus on the brewing storm in Persian Gulf – The clear distinction between Iran and Iraq could perhaps motivate leaderships in refraining from military action and,

Instead pursue harmony in resolving the burgeoning security matter.

Abandoning untenable ambitions from all sides would save life and provide an opportunity for peaceful reconciliation in the embattled zone.

The immediate priority is improving the global economy and political freedom for the oppressed around the world with equal attention towards environment goals.

Conforming to democratic values and principles in policies would enunciate peace.

Wishing Israel, United States and Iran peaceful settlement on all issues.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – Pro-Democracy Resolution

January 18, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The recent political tension in Pakistan contained through recognition of powers with respective government body is praiseworthy.

Pakistan National Assembly passed pro-democracy resolution with overwhelming majority is a monumental step in strengthening democratic system.

The resolution upholding parliamentary procedure, federation governance and state institutions functionality all within constitutional parameters delineate individual responsibility in adherence to democratic principles with republic retaining absolute power.

The house acknowledged sovereignty belonging to Almighty Allah and,

Parliamentary authority exercised by people elected representatives with parliament being the confluence of consolidated vision and wisdom pledging allegiance to national interest.

Further the national assembly unanimously endorsed the incumbent political leadership of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani reiterating full confidence and trust in leading the nation on democratic path to dispel speculations on Pakistan’s political stability.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani stating utmost respect for judiciary reminded critics of the crucial steps taken upon swearing into office in releasing judges then kept under arrest by former President Pervez Musharraf during emergency rule.

Prime Minister Gilani has given assurance in obliging Supreme Court order on National Reconciliation Ordinance matter.

National Reconciliation Ordinance was unilaterally introduced by predecessor General Pervez Musharraf providing blanket amnesty to law offenders on various corruption scandals such as black money in Swiss bank accounts, embezzlements and tax evasions.

President Musharraf rule implementing economically detrimental ordinance burdened taxpayers in semblance with rest of the global society enduring corruption epidemic.

Pakistan Supreme Court subsequent order to null and void the unconstitutional measure for transparency and remedial response on corruption charges with the current political leadership has led to NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) hearing.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani is accused in contempt of Supreme Court order calling for PM action to repeal NRO currently protecting unlawful wealth acquisition and management specifically citing President Asif Ali Zardari Swiss bank accounts maintained under privileged status immunity.

The dilemma for Prime Minister Gilani is President Asif Ali Zardari personal assets scrutiny posing litmus test on functional democracy in Pakistan.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani request to Swiss Bank for full disclosure of accounts and disproportionate assets on all Pakistan nationals including President Asif Ali Zardari would categorically exemplify the government’s democratic nature,

Alongside satisfying Supreme Court’s legitimate inquest on national wealth accountability.

Illegal wealth accumulation directly affects national economy contributing to economic and social inequality in global society.

Crime committed with impunity among political establishment and affluent elitists is the culture threatening meaningful democracy and economic progress world over.

Complacency to hierarchical income distribution widening gap between haves and have-nots diminish prospects for disadvantaged demography prolonging status quo.

Pakistan could perhaps be the trailblazer in transcending politics for revenue recovery besides restoring seriously jeopardized national image and credibility – the contemporary trend across the globe.

Leaderships on spotlight are often required to demonstrate convictions with result-oriented actions.

The decisions demanding diligence and courage for national benefit stand testimony to leadership trustworthiness and ability to deal with challenges ahead.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and coalition partners have a unique opportunity to lead the nation beyond conventionalism in addressing economically crippling corruption issue.

Pro-democracy resolution is a new chapter in Pakistan’s modern history with rationality prevailing over ideology not to mention the declaration on sovereignty reclaimed in accordance with statehood identity.

Good Luck and Best Wishes! To people of Pakistan and leaderships representing democratic institutions in peaceful reconciliation of all issues.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Life and Legacy

January 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The great leader is remembered today for his commitment and sacrifice towards social justice and equality.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – a theologian and peace activist touched many lives across the spectrum with a deep understanding for human suffering that led to civil rights movement.

Emulating Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent principle in civil disobedience,

Dr. King enlightened society on basic human rights i.e.

All are born to be free and created equal.

The civil rights leader prevailed in emancipation from segregation and subjugation.

Dr. King inspired many in recognizing human values through mutual respect and empathy for one another.

Considering the intensity in human rights violation – Dr. King admirably practiced peaceful and non-violent means to break barriers proving the power of virtuous deeds.

Dr. King’s human rights legacy constitutes American heritage.

However, the civil rights legend dream for mankind – world without prejudice,

Perhaps be reality then conflicts driven atrocities would not be dominant characteristics in contemporary society.

Innocents would not be incarcerated and sentenced to premature death like Troy Davis and many in the nation proudly declared as – the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Guantanamo bay would not exist with nearly 175 human beings held in indefinite detention as terror suspects without trial or legal representation while enduring medieval age torture.

The latest incident involving certain U.S. marine indignation of deceased Afghan fighters in war torn Afghanistan and previously Abu Ghraib would not become the American image.

Congress would not be preparing to curb Internet access denying constitutionally guaranteed first bill of rights.

Similarly congressional efforts in restricting minority voting rights through mandatory voter ID would not be threatening citizens’ fundamental exercise to elect representative in a democracy.

Peaceful protesters might not have confronted with violent crack down from government.

Patriot Act – spying and constant surveillance along with unwarranted wiretapping would not be the law in the land of justice.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream paradoxical to present events.

Nonetheless, Dr. King’s faith in better tomorrow resonates throughout with global revolutions such as occupy protests and Arab spring demonstrating civil rights martyr spirit in overcoming challenges now and the days ahead.

DR. Martin Luther King Jr. dedication to civil rights and life in general would always be cherished and honored in perseverance for social progress.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant













Pakistan – Geo Political Dynamics

January 15, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan dilemma from memo gate involving political and military leadership is an attempt to destabilize the country threatening national security and democratic viability.

Memo gate originating from Washington is directed at weakening Pakistan political and security apparatus for their defiance in restricting access to U.S. and NATO aggression.

Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani initially appointed by former President General Parvez Musharraf with subsequent three-year extension from current Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani.

The undercurrent in Pakistan politics is dispensable diversion emanating from memo gate premised on global domineering forces’ specifically United States security agency obsolete and failed ideology – manufacture crisis to implement policy i.e. occupy nations violating sovereignty for strategic interest.

Memo gate is alleged note from Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari through former ambassador to U.S.,  Hussain Haqqani requesting United States Military command – the then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen to avert army coup against civilian government.

Although the former U.S. ambassador Hussain Haqqani has already been removed from the position and detained in Pakistan for trial presumably on treason charges,

The protagonist – United States administration coerced conspirator Mansoor Ijaz is prevented from travelling to Pakistan and testify in the Supreme Court on pivotal national issue.

Mansoor Ijaz background according to – The Guardian, United Kingdom – Thank you.

“A controversial American businessman, frequent media commentator and a ferocious critic of Pakistan’s military,

Mansoor Ijaz is a former wall street financier with strong connections to the American security establishment.”

News report also elaborates Mansoor Ijaz claim on two accounts contradictory to one another.

I. “Memo briefing by former Ambassador Hussian Haqqani acknowledged as accuser’s friend,

II. Successively, Mansoor Ijaz and Pakistan ISI (Inter-services intelligence agency) Chief, Lieutenant-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha discreet meeting at a hotel on Park Lane in London to share the so-called explosive information.

Notwithstanding Mansoor Ijaz earlier criticism of ISI Chief Pasha as ‘known babysitter’ of Osama Bin Laden in the wake of U.S Navy Seals operation in Abbottabad.

Evidently, Mansoor Ijaz presence in Pakistan to unravel the ill-fated plan against Pakistan society represented by political establishment, military and intelligence institutions is paramount to contain the spiraling controversy.

Mansoor Ijaz failure to appear in Pakistan’s court considering prominent role played in instigating one against another would clarify the crisis source.

Furthermore, Mansoor Ijaz is confirmed to have stated his earlier intentions to reveal all i.e. ‘unaltered truth’ on the burgeoning issue in Pakistan courts only to be retracted now upon U.S. administration behest.

Pakistan has been the combat zone in the so-called war on terror since 9/11 and the predecessor President Musharraf – a close ally in the U.S operation from Pakistan facilitated army bases including drone attacks in exchange for $10 billion in military aid transforming Pakistan into a beleaguered nation.

General Musharraf rule encompassed –

Close ties with Afghan Taliban enabling embassy in Pakistan.

Osama Bin Laden mobility and medical treatment in Rawalpindi,

Madrassas proliferation paving way to myriad terror networks,

Pakistan Taliban emergence,

Various nefarious characters granted amnesty,

Pakistan ISI collusion with terror groups on General Musharraf’s watch summarize the President in reserve legacy as ‘reliable’ partner in the eternal war on terror.

Additionally, President Musharraf resumé comprise –

Abandoning constitution and national elections,

Opposition members and Supreme Court justices’ imprisonment,

Nuclear states – Pakistan and India tensions escalated into near nuclear confrontation during Kargill war in 1999 and,

Last but not the least,

Implicated in Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto assassination with arrest warrant issued upon returning to Pakistan.

Given the trajectory – the whole enchilada betraying national and international trust,

Concerted effort among hegemony and foreign conglomerate owned Indian media sponsoring General Parvez Musharraf reinstatement to power euphemize international acceptance theory.

Further, the expectation reveals the paradoxical selection criteria on leaderships in the world yearning for peace and liberty.

General Parvez Musharraf – the self-exiled leader in London preparation to resume office in semblance with previous Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto re-entry to power could be miscalculating the sentiments among those affected by the General’s authoritarianism.

The development is yet another trial and error seeking tragedy.

Post Musharraf period in Pakistan has been tumultuous with history repeating itself in Bhutto dynasty.

Contemporary politics conundrum is leadership appointment serving exclusive and foreign interests rather than republic choice election.

Political parties outreach to dynasties and celebrities promote symbolic politics severely lacking in substance and solutions to mainstream problems in life.

Alienated from world realities with focus on individual aspiration to sustain fame and fortune, the misrepresentation exacerbates the vast majority plight.

Essentially affluence influencing society could be multidimensional.

Anything yielding positive outcome benefitting humanity at large would dignify both benefactor and beneficiary.

However, wealth acquired by illicit means invested to propitiate entities from average citizen to Almighty God is corruption for absolvent exhibiting true colors with serious repercussions in the end justifying the means to success.

The trend with conspicuous barriers also deters unsung heroes and geniuses dedicated to community and national service from entering the political domain.

Transformation in this regard could begin with political reform through electoral eligibility determined by wisdom, will power and track record to serve the people as well as the nation rather than wealth or stardom gaining prominence.

People deserve qualified candidacies adept in dealing with national and international challenges prioritizing public service over private goals.

Personal objectives would reflect honesty and integrity in caring for life other than self and the next of kin defining human character – the ethereal beauty unlike the skin deep cosmetic appearance.

Reverting to Pakistan political dynamics – As autonomous dominion, Pakistan is a classic example in global dominance breaching national sovereignty.

Pakistan military and intelligence institutions having been engaged in coup until recently i.e. General Parvez Musharraf governance,

The incumbent civilian government concern may not necessarily be misplaced in that context.

Historically, the justifications for military coups in Pakistan were ironically the civilian government abuse of power, chronic corruption and feudalism demonstrated in colonial loyalty.

Though there is element of truth in that respect,

Those subverting Pakistan autonomy changed course and applied same tactics on Pakistan ISI and military to a large extent in cohort with foreign power.

Nevertheless, the latest events in Pakistan –

U.S. raid in Abbottabad directly violating Pakistan statehood with accusations leveled against Pakistan military and intelligence about Osama Bin Laden,

When the entire operation posed credibility factor especially in the absence of evidence evading public demand on Osama Bin Laden corpse supposedly disposed in North Arabian Sea conclusively depicts falsehood.

Pakistan citizens have long endured fatalities from U.S. and NATO drone assaults with no value for life in the clueless and endless mission.

The recent NATO strikes killing 24 Pakistan soldiers and civilian casualty is the tipping point exacerbated with U.S. refusal to apologize on the fatal attacks in Pakistan soil.

The event legitimately attracted worldwide condemnation and brought the allies – Pakistan and U.S together with NATO on brinkmanship.

Consequently, Pakistan Army Chief General Kayani in national defense alerted Pakistani forces to retaliate upon incident recurrence and called for evacuation from Shamsi air base – the launching pad in drone attacks that has claimed more civilian lives than militants.

Prime Minister Gillani government decision to skip Afghan peace conference in Bonn, Germany has apparently bruised emotions in the political circle even though the U.S. apology on the loss of lives was considered a tall order.

The shock treatment from Pakistan military regarded subservient ally has upset the applecart in the ambition against Iran via Pakistan prompting U.S. security agency contact Mansoor Ijaz performance in memo gate to discredit Pakistan Army Chief Kayani and Prime Minister Gillani potentially paving way for the U.S. and NATO favored ally General Parvez Musharraf declaring arrival in homeland amid domestic rift.

Simultaneously the alternative opposition Tehreek-e-Insaf led by cricket star Imran Khan eager to seize political opportunity weighing in with earlier election to dismiss Gillani government.

The fact of the matter being – Pakistan Army Chief General Kayani honorably defended his country at the critical hour by standing up against quintessential threats and repeatedly pledged allegiance to democratic Pakistan eliminating skepticism on possible military coup.

Likewise, Pakistan ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha submitted his resignation that was declined by Prime Minister Gillani following the U.S. indulgence in Abbottabad against international law.

The two separate phenomenal strikes by United States in Pakistan territory share common feature – Pakistan sovereignty compromised.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani conciliatory response with Pakistan military in extending General Kayani’s term and intelligence agency by rejecting Lt. Gen. Pasha’s resignation exemplify the administration’s trust in both organizations – recognized as national pillars by Prime Minister Gillani.

The three leaderships have displayed extraordinary courage and decorum in protecting Pakistan’s interest despite constant external intervention to sabotage stability in the prevalent besetment.

Pakistan has been the experimental battleground to test innovative weaponry with U.S. prolonged warfare allowing mercenaries, CIA deployed paramilitary operatives and foreign agents freely engaged in specific agenda.

Pakistan’s solidarity is imperative now and in the future with full co-operation among three leaderships working alongside and not against each other in rebuilding the nation with tremendous talent.

It is equally imperative for Pakistan military and intelligence to crackdown on terror networks and militancy  – the pretext for U.S. occupation in Pakistan.

Pakistan ISI Chief Pasha implementing effective measures in breaking ties with jihadists and terror links within and across the border in Afghanistan would address the terror haven stigma.

Pakistan citizens are exhausted from uncertainties spreading despair and dire situation all around.

Conducting elections prior to end of term is unaffordable and unnecessarily embolden opportunist factions in misguided ventures.

Civilian government under Prime Minister Gillani is a stable and energized team.

Prime Minister Gillani’s ability to work with coalition partners and their willingness to maintain alliance is noteworthy.

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari frequent departure from the country for anything other than health reasons provides fodder to selective media anxious to sensationalize ordinary circumstances into hysteria.

The present civilian government could perhaps modify Presidential status through constitutional amendment.

Furthermore relieving President Zardari from the post and replacing with civil society member would pronounce functional democracy.

Pakistan core leaderships representing the people bear responsibility to safeguard republic needs – a safe and secure Pakistan investing valuable time and resources for rapid economic growth.

The world would also be at ease with democracy prevailing in Pakistan in order to succeed in the competitive sluggish global economy.

Good Luck and Best Wishes to Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani, Pakistan Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, ISI Chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha and the people of Pakistan in peaceful reconciliation.

Peace, progress and prosperity to Pakistan having survived tribulations until now.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




























Indian sub-continent –Sovereignty Return and Independent Republic Status

January 10, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Independence struggle for India and Pakistan resumes in the twenty first century.

British Imperial subjugation of the Indian sub-continent prevalent until now as colonies with autonomy limited to self-governance.

However, sovereignty still maintained with monarchy rather than the respective republic in Dominion status assignment.

Transfer of Power – the treaty signed prior to presumed independence in 1947 amid clandestine meetings held among then Royal representatives including Viceroy and,

Imperialist selected meager representation for several millions at that time do not specify the Imperial role in defense strategy of the ceded territories set up as Dominions.

Furthermore, the axiomatic ambivalence in Transfer of Power against surrender rule and,

Dominion instead of independent sovereign republic declared in –

The Indian Independence Act 1947 – 10 & 11 Geo 6. CH. 30 –

“An Act to make provision for the setting up in India of two independent Dominions, to substitute other provisions for certain provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935, which apply outside those Dominions, and to provide for other matters consequential on or connected with the setting up of those Dominions. [18 July 1947.]

Be it enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-

The new Dominions  –

1. -(I) As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan.

(2) The said Dominions are hereafter in this Act referred to as “the new Dominions”, and the said fifteenth day of August is hereafter in this Act referred to as “ the appointed day”.

Territories of the new Dominions –

2. —(I) Subject to the provisions of subsections (3) and (4) of this section, the territories of India shall be territories under the sovereignty of His Majesty which, immediately before the appointed day, were included in British India except the territories which, under subsection (2) of this section, are to be the territories of Pakistan.”

The issue emphasize on two key elements pertaining to this Act –

Dominion by definition –

Source – Legal Dictionary – Merriam Webster – Thank you.

Main Entry: do·min·ion
Pronunciation: d&-‘min-y&n
Function: noun
1 a: supreme authority: SOVEREIGNTY b: a territory over which such authority is exercised c often cap:

A self-governing nation (as Canada) of the Commonwealth other than the United Kingdom that acknowledges the British monarch as the head of the state.

Encyclopedia – Encyclopedia Britannica – Thank you.


The status, prior to 1939, of each of the British Commonwealth countries of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South AfricaEire, and Newfoundland.

Although there was no formal definition of dominion status,

A pronouncement by the Imperial Conference of 1926 described Great Britain and the dominions as “autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.”

The references – Dominion and sovereignty under His Majesty per

The British Empire treatyThe Indian Independence Act 1947 – raises poignant questions regarding paramountcy lapse.

Termination of His Majesty’s suzerainty over dominions and promulgation under Indian republic and vice versa for Pakistan would provide legitimacy as well as clarity on true emancipation.

Meanwhile, the status quo comparable to Hong Kong previously recognized as British colony under long-term lease and subsequent cession to China on July 1, 1997 formally ending British rule in that territory.

India and Pakistan assume autonomy on 99 year lease due to embedded technicalities implying feudalist authority in the official deeds – Transfer of Power Agreement and Indian Independence Act 1947.

These conditions are not inextricable and perhaps delineating the independent nature substituting dominion for sovereign republic befitting twenty first century paradigm would clearly define sovereignty free from external vested interest.

India – as the Indian sub-continent progenitor perceived an independent republic in national and worldview.

Contrary to the belief, the so-called largest democracy is yet to attain sovereignty under Indian republic.

Pakistan – British Raj quid pro quo through mutiny share the irony with India.

Under divide and rule imperialist strategy, India was partitioned creating mayhem with millions of lives lost in the demarcation.

Over two-century occupation that still continues in the region through proxy governments and colonial loyalists within society serving hegemonic agenda.

India and Pakistan notwithstanding former colonies across the globe identified as dominion remain members of commonwealth under British monarchy.

The extension of matter is related to Indian Citizenship Act explicitly denying mainstream population dual citizenship contradictory to foreign entities from Regality to those in position of authority granted privilege in holding multiple citizenships not barring unlimited access to India.

Such inherent anomalies lead to feudal empowerment at society’s marginalization.

It is time for India and Pakistan to rise to the occasion in reclaiming sovereignty under republic domain.

British Royalty acknowledgment accordingly relinquishing power and rights on territories stated as dominions in the official declarations would conform to nations meaningful and authentic liberation from foreign rule.

Expediting transformation in a peaceful and transparent manner would confirm sincere commitment to individual liberty.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



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