American Predicament – Israel an ally or adversary?
February 23, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Back to the future – In 1968, American journalist, the late John Mitchell Henshaw compilation of Israeli aggression in the Sinai region with remarkable insight to consequences has been unfolding accordingly.
United States as the scapegoat evident in the attack against USS Liberty resulting in 34 U.S. Marines sacrifice with no apology or remorse has left a permanent scar in the relation between U.S. military top brass and ‘foreign’ policy architects controlling the White House and the U.S. State Department in particular until today.
The drumbeat for war and jingoism is definitely not in humanity or United States interest.
United States military – the institution with unparalleled technological know-how and operational strategy earnestly striving to abide by international conventions in the rescue mission whether in combat zone or civilian humanitarian aid has been usurped by forces outside of the military confines exerting authority over warfare implementation.
The subjugation of formidable armed forces military command to the will of overzealous ideologues not only erodes reputation but also undermines efficacy in national defense due to administration enforced loyalty towards Israel.
The events subsequent to 1967 Israeli invasion of Palestinian territories, Syria, Jordan and Egypt have contributed to Middle East perpetual volatility and fundamentalism conducive for ulterior motive – regional supremacy.
Utilizing United States military upfront or in the aftermath of Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facility is extemporaneous not to mention the stakes for U.S. troops in Persian Gulf and universal impact on oil price.
Judging from history leading to contemporary situation in Middle East,
It is clear the polarized oil producing nations facilitate oppression and dominance to self-detriment.
Israel – supposedly the only democratic nation in the region successful prevention of democracy, political freedom and secularism viewed quintessential threat to predisposed ambition is the bedrock of violence and global terrorism.
U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and involvement in Iraq under false pretexts exacerbated with lack of political commitment to investigate crimes against humanity confirms complicity and complacency to perpetration behind September 11 attacks once again expending innocent lives – both American and international serving explicit goals in the rise to power.
The distinction in response to crimes in the so-called democracy is intriguing with demand for justice fervor at peak when the accused represents mainstream population.
Juxtaposed anything to do with political establishment and privileged class – the Samaritan thoughts surface emphasizing the need to lay the matter to rest subverting the request for justice on loss of precious lives and war ramifications a vengeance.,
The double standards arguably contradictory to claim on society’s progress transcending social and economic identity despite the discriminatory practice setting precedence for the future.
United States awakening to reality would avert cataclysmic effects on human lives, economy and environment.
Armed forces recruitment is to defend national borders and republic from overt or covert conquest and not for deployment to suit specific agenda endangering service men and women lives in the archaic notion for imperialism.
Israel as the holocaust survivor reversing the trend in persecution and human rights violation would elevate the position in international stature currently diminished from the tradition continued since establishment of the State.
The article on Middle East turbulence in 1967 published in 1968 is encapsulation of ideology driven colonization exploiting the benefactor – United States military power in the end justifying the means.
United States politics swayed by intrusive postulates has relinquished reasoning power demonstrated in the willful submission of military and economic resources compromising national sovereignty in the non-reciprocal de facto partnership.
The fundamental facts in the publication is a gentle reminder to United States and Arab league presently engaged in destabilization of Syria to refrain from precipitating self-immolation.
The article provides cognitive account of Middle East scenario and United States predicament in the Zionists led flawed aspiration.
Ending chaos and destruction in Syria is paramount for any reform to be effective now and beyond.
Democratic powers have unique opportunity to exemplify values in renouncing military and economic warfare against nations perceived as easy targets in the regime change manifesto.
Peace and diplomacy are the only options for dispute settlements in the Middle East and world over.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Israel’s Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area from Egypt to Iraq – By John Mitchell Henshaw.
Source:: – Thank you.
From: Media Monitors Network
Nearly 34 years ago, an America-firster used The American Mercury magazine to warn of the danger posed by Zionism and its rule of Washington and the Mideast.
John Henshaw wrote this article shortly after Israel laid claim to the annexed land during 1967 Arab-Israeli war. This article first appeared in the spring of 1968,
The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making.
Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.
The scope of this ambitious scheme of territorial seizures and exploitation has been recognized by at least a few of our American military strategists for years.
This writer recalls that a dozen years ago an Army lieutenant colonel, who was a student at the War College, confined that some of his instructors believed –
The Zionist expansionist policy would provide the spark to ignite World War III.
(Incidentally, the then lieutenant colonel is now one of the top commanding generals in Vietnam.)
By guile, treachery and bloodletting, the Zionists plot to annex all of Jordan, virtually all of Syria, half of Iraq and a large part of Saudi Arabia and all of the rich cotton lands of the Nile Valley.
It would be a simpler matter then to grab Yemen, Aden, Muscat, Qatar and Oman with their rich oil development. Israel is already well advanced in the development of its first nuclear warhead.
Genocide in Six-day War
During the Six-Day War last summer, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan ordered Brig. Gen. Yesha’ahu Gavish, the Israeli commander of the Sinai campaign, to ruthlessly drive the hapless Egyptian troops into the Sinai Desert to die of thirst, hunger and heat.
Temperature on the arid Sinai rise to more than 100 degrees during the day.
For over two weeks thousands of wretched Egyptian stragglers wandered over the swirling wastes finally drop dead in their tracks.
U.S. reconnaissance planes flying on the perimeter of the Sinai Desert took hundreds of pictures of the stragglers and reported there were 50,000 Egyptians dead or dying on the desert at the time.
The U.S. Air Force loaded 60,000 gallons of water in five-gallon jerry-cans on pallets and prepared to drop them in the area where stragglers were observed.
However, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered the projected mission of mercy halted after he received phone calls from White House foreign policy-planner Walt Rostow and UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg.
This flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war amounted to genocide, designed to destroy a whole nation.
Newspaper reporters visiting the war zones in Syria and Jordan, reported that if one sniper in a village fired on Israeli troops, the whole village was destroyed including the women and children. Napalm is frequently used.
This systematic extermination is an ideological doctrine of Zionism.
The British have expressed the pious hope that their withdrawal would galvanize the Arab rulers into dropping their feuds and really unite in a mutual defense pact.
Like the tentacles of an octopus the Israeli armed forces struck out in all directions into Jordan, Syria and Egypt in Israel’s Six-Day aggression.
Last June. Even when encountering no resistance, the Israeli armored forces abruptly halted at predetermined strategic terrain points; they had accomplished their mission in the first phase of the Zionist Grand Design of imperialistic conquest.
It was time to stop and consolidate their gains rather than risk spreading their forces too thin.
Israeli leader Menachem Begin says:
“The return of even one bit of earth to the Arab would be a betrayal of the nation.”
Officially Israel is continuing the pretense of keeping the door open to negotiations that might result in return of the conquered territory, in exchange for Arab recognition of Israel and peace treaty.
Jordan’s King Hussein has reportedly already made a secret and desperate offer to Israel: In exchange for the return of the West Bank of the Jordan River, Hussein agreed to demilitarize it, negotiate border adjustments and even waive his insistence upon regaining the Old City of Jerusalem.
Israel rejected the offer. Israeli Minister of Labor Yigal Allon bluntly stated:
“The natural border of the country is the Jordan River – a border that would be established only if Israel kept the West Bank areas it took from Jordan.”
Gen. Aluf Ezer Weizmann, second highest-ranking officer in the Israeli army, is even more adamant:
“We shall stay where we are and bring in Jews. We now have the unusual opportunity to consolidate the state for the Jewish people and help prevent future wars.”
“If there is a fourth war,” Defense Minister Moshe Dayan gloats, “we are in a position to win more decisively than ever.”
And he warned that in the “fourth war” the great cities of Cairo, Damascus and Amman will be annihilated. This is in conformity with the genocidal plan.
The Zionists have invented the term “coercive noninterference” in explaining how they force the subjugated Arabs to cooperate with their conquerors.
When the mayor of Nablus announced that he would resign rather than front for the Jews, the Israeli military officers told him that no one would be appointed to replace him, which would result in utter chaos.
The mayor had second thoughts, stayed and obeyed the Jewish military commanders. Hundreds of similar examples could be cited.
Arabs Fear Genocide
“The Middle East today is dominated by raw, naked, savage, animal fear.
TheArab nations are driven by the fear of mass death, by the fear of Israel’s genocidal intentions toward them. Israel, by bringing in immigrants from all over the world, has upset the demographic balance of the Middle East.
“The first basic fact about populations is that they multiply.
They population of Israel is increasing, and the populations of the Arab nations are increasing.
In the conflict between populations, either Arabs or Jews must someday end up being driven into arid desert wastes which will not support them, where they will find relief only in the oblivion of death.
Israel means to kill the Arab populations and to occupy their lands.
The Arabs, driven by fear of death, react powerfully.
They seek the protection of a powerful nation, Russia, to which they will become tributary in return for protection…
“For the free world, this is a practically irretrievable disaster,” says Benjamin H. Freedman.
We might well rationalize all this as strictly none of our business except that hundred of millions of American foreign aid dollars are being spend for the enrichment of the international Zionist network extending from Tel Aviv to Paris, London and New York.
The Israelis are already pumping oil from Egyptian wells and splitting the profits with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil combine. This is only the prelude.
However, the spreading oil boom is intensifying the territorial ambitions of rival kingdoms, sultanates and sheikdoms. Iran is selling oil to Israel, another aggravating factor in Mideast tensions.
According to the Zionists’ schedule of operations, within a decade the Israeli empire be the master of the Middle East and take its place as a nuclear superpower on equal footing with the Soviet Union and the United States.
David Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company will pay its royalties to the Israeli military usurpers instead of the Arab sheiks.
The sub-rosa partnership between Zionism and communism is still a fact.
As Israel drives the Arabs into the arms of the Kremlin, Israel expands, fulfilling a grand design and an aggressive plan agreed upon years ago.
And like the Arabs, Americans are helpless victims in this international crime.” Issues – SOS from U.S. Charity Organizations
February 21, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Tough economic times have taken toll on all in the society especially the most vulnerable and needy bearing the brunt of austerity.
However, the hope is revived with many charity organizations and volunteers’ sincere commitment to provide for the demography struggling to make ends meet in their lives.
Some of them have additional restraints due to physical disabilities and are challenged in daily survival increasingly becoming arduous with deep cuts in state and federal funding for vital programs.
Although population in general are weathering harsh winter in United States and other parts of the world,
Sadly, many have succumbed to the extreme weather while others yearn for human generosity and kindness to rescue them from the plight.
Citizens are kindly requested to extend their support to the less fortunate and disadvantaged members in the society.
Similarly, lawmakers with the power to make a difference in human lives are urged to pass bills in bipartisanship prioritizing humanitarian needs at the critical hour.
Economy and environment being intertwined – the United States Congress once again have the opportunity to unanimously approve Gulf Restoration bill.
The funds from BP fines related to Gulf Coast environmental disaster could save many American families suffering from the oil spill endangering life and habitat.
United States citizens outreach to humanitarian aid is emulated and appreciated worldwide.
Human empathy towards all transcending social and economic identity could foster better relation besides promoting much required peace and harmony in the world confronted with violence and warfare.
Natives in the land are often forgotten members in the society.
Nations’ focus on disproportionate military spending and urban growing demands absorb bulk of the budget allocations leaving little or none for rural as well as indigenous people progress.
Society prosperity shared among all would contribute to universal development.
Energy costs hurt the average citizens and further exacerbated with any preparation for unnecessary and unaffordable involvement in military intervention particularly in the oil producing Middle East.
Winter is a major hurdle for the poor dependent on charity to keep them warm and safe.
Children susceptible to illnesses from inadequate heating are the worst victims in the exponentially rising energy expense.
Your thoughtfulness through donations and petitions to congress members could alleviate suffering endured by many in silence.
Please take a moment and review the genuine plea from different charity organizations with a common goal – saving humanity.
Your compassion could heal the pain and uplift human spirit.
Thank you for your assistance in the humanitarian cause.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P.S.: Please respond to SOS from charities with fund raising deadline and congressional action.
1. Urgent Heating Fund
Request from Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, SCJ
Director, St. Joseph’s Indian School ,
South Dakota, USA.
Please visit –
Dear Friends,
There’s just one day left before our matching gift expires, but we still need your help to raise $95,000 to keep our students safe and warm this year.
Our heating costs can be unpredictable, and especially high this time of the year. I won’t back down from our commitment to keep every child in our care safe and warm so I’m turning to you for help.
Time and time again, friends like you have come through for our students in our hour of need – can our little ones count on you again today?
Please come to our rescue this winter: donate today to keep a child warm!
- $25 becomes $50 to keep a child warm for two weeks!
- $50 becomes $100 to keep a child warm for one month!
- $100 becomes $200 to keep one child warm for two months!
It is only through the generosity of people like you that our Lakota students have the safe home, structured curriculum and nurturing environment they need to learn and thrive.
Pilamaya – thank you – for your kind and compassionate support of our students right now – and all year round.
God bless,
Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, SCJ
Director, St. Joseph’s Indian School
2. Kids in California left to fend for themselves?
From: Easter Seals – Creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play.
All around the country, states facing tough times are being forced to slash their budgets – and many are choosing to balance the numbers on the backs of children with special needs. Major cuts could have major consequences for children who depend on state funding.
A recent Easter Seals report found that programs serving children with disabilities are so underfunded that more than one million kids are going undiagnosed and untreated for their special needs. Without the proper support, these children will struggle to keep up in school and in life, even though the health and learning difficulties they face are treatable.
Since we launched our Make the First Five Count campaign last year, more than 40,000 people like you dedicated to helping children with special needs have asked government officials to protect federal funding for the programs that help our most vulnerable kids succeed. But many children are still falling through the cracks – so we can’t stop there. This year, we’re taking our message to the state level, too.
Right now, elected officials across the country are weighing their options and making crucial decisions about how they’ll balance their state’s budget this year. Many will have no choice but to make painful cuts – and when it’s time to cut the budget, programs for children with disabilities are often among the first items on the chopping block.
This is your chance to speak up – if you don’t, even more children could miss out on their best chance to get the help they need at the age when it’s most effective.
I know you won’t let them down. Thank you for your support.
Katy Beh Neas
Senior Vice President, Government Relations
You may also please donate online at
3. Blinded Veterans Association
477 H Street NW
Washington DC 20090-8081
Please visit for online donations.
4. Kids Wish Network
Wish Fulfillment Center
P.O.Box 0968
Wilton, NH 03086-0968
5. Urgent Alert: Please ensure BP’s Fines go to the Gulf!
From: Louisiana State
Dear Friends,
We need your help right now to seize an historic chance to restore the Gulf Coast to environmental health.
It is outrageous that almost two years after the worst environmental disaster in American history, Congress still has not passed a single new law dedicating BP’s fines to repair the long-term damage done to the extraordinary and economically vital Gulf Coast and Mississippi River Delta.
But, right now, the bipartisan RESTORE Act has been attached as an amendment to the Senate transportation bill, giving us a golden opportunity to finally move forward. In our more than 35-years of work on this issue, we have never had such an important opportunity to make so much progress.
If Congress doesn’t pass legislation to direct BP’s fines to Gulf restoration, two things will happen:
- The funds will simply go to the U.S. Treasury’s “general fund” – to be used on unrelated federal spending, and
- We will have squandered a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in real Gulf Coast restoration.
Please Take Action: Send an email to your Senators, as well as Senators Reid and McConnell.
Here is why this legislation matters. For decades, the fragile Gulf Coast wetlands have been cut up, channelized, and engineered to serve the offshore oil industry and shipping interests – starving the wetlands of silt and sediment and poisoning them with saltwater.
As a result, the wetlands are disappearing – not just shifting or changing – they’re actually vanishing at the astonishing rate of a football field every hour.
So, after the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, last year’s BP blowout and resulting oil catastrophe battered an already depleted and vulnerable coastline.
And the damage is still being felt. To this day, oil continues to wash up on Gulf shores. As much as 30 percent of the spilled oil is still out there: on or under beaches, draped across marshes, sunk to the bottom, floating as tar balls.
This issue isn’t complicated. As the Gulf struggles to recover, the only thing we’re asking Congress to do is simply pass common sense legislation to direct the BP fines to fix the Gulf.
Sadly, in Washington these days, nothing is simple. That’s why we need you to help us force the issue.
Help us make sure Congress stops holding the battered Gulf Coast hostage.
Thank you for your activism and support,
Courtney Taylor
Coastal Louisiana Project
Middle East – Democracy and Peace
February 17, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Middle East endowed with oil reserves is traditionally a magnum prize for energy dependent industrialized western economy.
The political instability continued through millennium is conducive for defense industry supplying arms to authoritarian regimes and opposition groups rising against the government.
Syria – The current violence specifically in Homs, Hama and earlier in Damascus spreading across the country having claimed many lives on all sides i.e. civilians, government security personnel and opposition is a matter of grave concern.
The peaceful protest transformation into armed conflict is no surprise considering Libyan precedence with foreign intervention and alleged Al Qaeda induction to the kafuffle.
UNSC resolution on No Fly zone in Libya misused by U.S. and NATO predominantly responsible for widespread destruction and casualties is unfolding in Syria without UNSC authorization.
The ammunition influx to rebels is creating disorder and confusion in delineating perpetrators from peaceful demonstrators and government forces in the crossfire.
It is a deliberate act on behalf of those determined to lead the state into civil war.
Furthermore, the genuine opposition i.e. Syrian society’s secular social democratic group willingness to commence peace talks with government is deterred due to persistent violence on the ground.
Arab league proposal for joint UN peace keeping force to monitor situation in Syria while Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE…in particular contributing to mayhem promoting individual as well as western powers agenda adds to the complexity.
The three major protagonists in Syrian political turmoil – Western powers, Arab league and Syrian government immediate ceasefire is imperative to initiate communication between civilian representatives viz. unarmed peace activists and incumbent administration.
Western intelligence infiltration via armed militia repeating Libyan scenario combined with Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE collusion is arguably a hindrance in peace mediation necessary to contain bloodshed.
The regime change fervor among western principals leading Arab league behind the scenes prevents peaceful transfer of power from the ruling party to viable opposition.
Foreign interference in Syria, Iran and throughout Middle East to accomplish specific objective – warfare for global dominance is self-endangerment with paradox transcending reason.
President Bashar Al Assad recent overture for constitutional reform ending one party rule and limiting governance terms is a positive step towards political change.
Simultaneously holding peace talks with civil society members would possibly dispel lingering mistrust and apprehension attributed to undemocratic measures and foreign instigation.
Syrian civilian population could pursue political goal by rejecting sources behind divisive policy aimed at regional destabilization.
Driving foreign elements from Syria is pertinent and importantly government sincere compliance to citizens’ call for secular democratic system would guarantee peace and political stability.
Unified Syria could avert threats from within and outside.
The leaderships in the government specifically President Bashar Al Assad, military and opposition factions alike are urged to prioritize protecting civilian from any harm and expedite peace negotiations to resolve the year old unrest.
Lebanon – In 2010, the democratically elected government was toppled with U.S. coup d’état at Israel’s behest weakening Hezbollah political status in Lebanese Parliament.
The political commotion caused economic downturn in the nation with impressive growth after Israeli bombings in 2006.
Iran – The main target for western ideology to establish ‘world order under global governance’ is currently in full swing with provocative economic sanctions such as oil embargo and freezing financial operations for potential global confrontation not barring nuclear exchange.
The western powers – Israel, United States, United Kingdom, France… and EU strategy against Iran is misguided with serious ramifications upon pre-emptive strikes or efforts to generate aggression from the region.
Iran in return adjusting to western economic constrictions adopting oil exports ban to six EU members with decision to implement after winter in consideration for the people is understandable and,
Perhaps extending the gesture beyond cold weather on humanitarian ground would highlight the distinction in international relations.
The latest incidents in India, Georgia, Thailand…against Israel is unfortunate and terrorism for any purpose is reprehensible.
Thorough investigation could lead to perpetrators behind these attacks especially those at the top taking undue advantage of recruits’ vulnerabilities to carry out bomb blasts affecting innocent lives in the pre-meditated plan.
Any terror plots on foreign soil mimicking 9/11 is a huge setback for democracy given the easy access for unscrupulous elements to uninhibitedly operate undermining national sovereignty of the chosen domain.
The U.S. fleet avant-garde in Persian Gulf stoking tension in the volatile region is cataclysmic for humanity at large and best abandoned to save lives than otherwise.
Besides the incursion is a tremendous financial liability for U.S. taxpayers and coalition struggling to survive the debt burdened economy.
Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili formal request to EU foreign Secretary Catherine Ashton for talks on contentious nuclear issue is a peaceful approach to defuse the brewing storm in Middle East.
However, EU rejection to hold meeting criticizing Iran’s offer as stall tactics is extemporaneous giving up the opportunity for diplomacy to prevail over military option.
United States, United Kingdom, France and EU could exemplify democratic values in dealing with Iran and entire Middle East without maintaining double standards in the choice between ally and adversary.
Iran as Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty member admittedly has responsibilities and cooperation thus far with IAEA and UN inspection is praiseworthy.
Nonetheless, transparency in the alleged nuclear activity in central Iran viz.Natanz would clarify doubts eliminating pretexts to launch missiles against the facility.
Iran’s proactive measures in clearing skepticisms on uranium enrichment would categorically elevate the position as a reliable non-nuclear state enhancing credibility through accountability.
Similarly western powers allowing international agency verification of Iran’s nuclear status apart from participation in meaningful dialogue with Iran would reduce undercurrents in the nuclear standoff.
Bahrain – The pro-democracy anniversary this week was once again marred with violent crackdown reminiscent of last year dispersion.
U.S. prodded Saudi troops were responsible for killing peaceful protesters defying international law on human rights binding every nation on earth.
The government functioning as a constitutional monarch – minority ruling the majority is western powers’ key ally and never in short supply of ammunitions to quell non-violent dissent.
Only this time around – the arms made in ‘Britain’ and the infamous London riot Scotland Yard ex-police chief expertise apparently guided brutality against civilians in the capital Manama.
Saudi Arabia direct authority over Bahrain and rest of Middle East is evident in the election of fundamentalists to power witnessed in Egypt and across the region.
Muslim Brotherhood alliance with Islamic conservative party under hardline military rule reins control over citizens yearning for secular democracy.
Likewise dismantling regimes in Syria and Iran – viewed the arch nemesis by Saudi Arabia and western powers,
The civilization landscape rich in religious and cultural diversity is morphed into homogenous demography subservient to feudalist dynastic rule.
Saudi Arabia – Western powers financier and military hardware buyer consuming bulk of modern weaponry from the west to suppress barely 28 million population with disproportionate gender ratio 54.3% male and 45.7% female per government statistics is also the caretaker of Islam’s holiest shrine in Mecca.
Not to mention the kingdom’s prominence for being the number one oil producer provides substantial clout attracting western leaderships with a symbolic bow – a greeting ritual in utmost respect for the liquid gold in Saudi dynasty’s possession.
Saudi Arabia rulers following Wahhabism favor Sunnis in the Arab world and across the globe.
The Royal family hostility and slight for Islam’s yet another devout sect – Shiite Muslims is the compounding factor in regional dominance.
Shiites reciprocation accordingly facilitates rift routinely exploited for imperialist ambition.
United Middle East would be a formidable challenge to invasion and occupation notwithstanding Palestinian statehood as part of two state solutions with Israel no longer a myth but a reality.
The acrimony among Muslims ignores the fundamental truth about Islam.
The religion’s unanimity is found in the fabrics common thread inter woven and admirably displayed during the holy month of Ramadan when Almighty God Allah worshippers aspiring Haaj in their lifetime congregate in the holy city Mecca.
Saudi Arabia leaderships have regrettably subverted Islamic faith in the oppression of citizens to prolong hierarchical society denying basic rights and political freedom.
Sadly, Iran in the proclamation as Islamic Republic espousing theocratic rule is no different from Saudi Arabia in human rights violation and depriving political independence.
Iran and Saudi Arabia respective religious disposition is contradictory to Islamic principles of peace and equality.
Religion is a path to spiritual enlightenment with a strong emphasis on universal love, respect and compassion for all beings as Supreme energy manifestation.
In defining life purpose, religion infuses deeper understanding of the self to identify with origin based on emergence, divergence and convergence.
Therefore, religion used as political tool to humanity’s detriment is sacrilege in the highest order.
Saudi Arabia and Iran could come together instead of against each other in preserving religious sanctity and contribute to human progress.
Kuwait – Western powers strategic partner with United States enlarged presence in the Gulf state is equally influenced by Saudi Arabia and Qatar…in prohibiting fairness in society.
The Gulf nation’s new government reportedly has no women cabinet members to run political affairs or legislators in the assembly.
Report also mentions the administration comprising Prime Minister Sheik Jaber Al Hamad Al Sabah and other cabinet appointees representing regality.
The fifty member parliament is stated to have hardline Islamists in the opposition.
Kuwait has been held socially progressive by western powers in their bid to defend the Arab kingdom against the comparatively secular Iraq.
Yemen – President Ali Abdullah Saleh in United States presumably undergoing medical treatment with political amnesty discussion on the sidelines upon revolution success is also an important western ally in addition to being a U.S. military aid recipient for the proxy war in Yemen.
The Arab state bordering Saudi Arabia in the north is confronted with popular uprising longer than Syria and,
Gulf Cooperation Council brokered so-called deal is not acceptable to citizens enduring severe economic problems irrespective of the country’s resources – oil and natural gas under western ownership.
Saudi Arabia intrusion in Yemen to clamp down peaceful rally against government has resulted in enormous loss of lives with no condemnation or response in semblance with Syria or Iran from western powers.
Iraq – The fall of Saddam Hussein was celebrated with much fanfare.
The glory faded away in the unveiling of Abu Ghraib and Iraq war veterans’ courageous accounts on atrocities committed in the name of global war on terror.
Iraq troop withdrawal redeployed in Persian Gulf and Afghanistan with private contractors, mercenaries and contingents still operating in the war torn nation is far from being sovereign even though Iraq election was declared the most democratic in Babylonian history.
The proof was in the dismissal of electoral mandate for secular government with U.S. choice leadership Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki appointed to serve vested interests.
Iraq grappling with suicide bombings and sectarian violence for nearly a decade is the classic example of western democratization of Islamic world.
Summarizing Middle East chronicles, western powers systematic removal of governments under regime change doctrine opportunistically isolate nations while successfully enslaving population with intelligence agency or militarily enforced autocracy.
Peace and Democracy measured in monetary terms expecting economic gains with violence as the means is anathema to liberty revealed in status quo.
Lesson from experience discarded is declining rationality with irreversible outcome.
Middle East peace and political fate is in the hands of people.
People power in solidarity pledged to peaceful and non-violent resistance against foreign indulgence with arms distribution is the preliminary stride and,
In the same way, government armed forces refuting authoritarian order for civilian safety and national security would be honorable and qualify as patriot act.
It is time for Middle East perpetual turbulence to turn into tranquility.
Leaderships from West and East awakening to dimensions without subscribing to violence or ulterior motives in humanitarian issues would deliver promising future for all.
Moving forward, global society peaceful interaction exercising patience and diligence would help resolve disputes amicably for greater good.
Twenty first century dedicated to peace would mark the golden age with prosperity for all.
Peace dawn on Middle East would permeate world over.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Ceasefire and Peace Talks
February 10, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s recent meeting with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad to end violence and commence peace talks with opposition is commendable.
The foreign minister gained assurance from Syrian leadership and the opposition expressed willingness for negotiations on February 7, 2012.
Syrian government has also agreed to resume Arab league monitoring in Syria that was previously suspended due to the engagement evolving into political rather than humanitarian mission.
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon statement on Arab league leader Nabil Elaraby request for joint oversight in Syria could ease tension provided the involvement remains A-political and committed to promoting peace between the government and people choice of representatives.
Soon after Russian delegation briefing on the development – February 7, 2012,
Ref: CNN report Wednesday, February 8, 2012, by the CNN Wire Staff on
Title: Activist: Infants, medical staff among dead in Homs crackdown.
CNN report claiming as unverifiable and unable to corroborate the events or sources causing the purported crimes,
Nonetheless, the international network decision to publish the hyperbolic material generates a legitimate perception – the corporate media serving as propaganda machinery as it did in preparation for illegal invasion of Iraq, military intervention in Libya and now in Syria.
The western broadcast networks in collusion – CNN, BBC and Australian ABC reports on Syrian casualties with conspicuous bias exemplify subversions during war and election.
Sadly, profits driven irresponsible journalism cares less about the consequences of their objectionable actions on life when all peaceful demonstrations invariably transformed into armed conflict for occupation.
Since UNSC resolution adapting to Libyan model disapproval by two other permanent members i.e. Russia and China,
The western powers maneuver to achieve their agenda – regime change through military aggression is sanguineous and counterproductive.
The desperation to engulf Middle East with military incursions demonstrates malefic intent to embroil the world in violent confrontation.
Under humanitarian pretense, the western interference has derailed the revolutions’ prospects for political freedom.
Beginning with Egypt, Supreme Council of Armed Forces with U.S. annual military aid $1.5 billion maintains the predecessor hard line policy revealed in the football riot.
The unmasking of NGO’s in Cairo on espionage linked with U.S. State department.
Iran – the nuclear scientists serial killings attributed to CIA and Mossad.
Libya – the revolutions split into armed militia and power brokers with western authority.
Syria – anti-government regimens representing western powers masqueraded as rebels and upon reviewing the deteriorating situation,
The infiltration disguised as government forces implicated for atrocities against unarmed civilians including the horrific attacks in Homs to haste Syrian government departure is reprehensible.
Afghanistan – The latest report on NATO assault killing children attracting Afghan President Hamid Karzai indignation and many such incidents before reveals the reckless conduct with no respect for life or international law.
Libya – Again several supposedly missed targets with NATO strikes claiming the lives of unarmed factions during the civil war brought upon otherwise peaceful and non-violent rally.
Pakistan – despite detailed maps and check posts locations not to mention the state of the art technology at U.S and NATO disposal, the shelling of Pakistani military base resulting in 24 soldiers deaths with no apology for the loss of lives or sovereignty violation,
These events characterize the military operations behind U.S. and NATO façade in the democratization of Islamic world.
Evidently, U.S. led NATO poses a quintessential threat to humanity at large.
Henceforth, the dismantling of the following organizations would unequivocally serve in global interest.
World Bank,
International Monetary Fund,
Federal Reserve,
The military industrial complex representing the defense industries and U.S. commandeered NATO and,
Last but not the least,
The International Criminal Court of Justice – ICC with selective indictments redefining justice diminishing judiciary to fiduciary.
These institutions have demonstrably destabilized economies and decimated civilizations for global dominance.
The leaderships’ complicity undermines the ‘democratic’ system they pledged to defend in the constitutional oath glaringly discarded for nexus motive i.e. supremacy at mass subjugation.
Syrian crisis is the other dimension for pre-meditated global showdown.
Syrian Citizens must exercise diligence in delineating pro-democracy volunteers from external influenced armed opposition to avoid Libya like transition.
The genuine political groups upon civil society acknowledgment could utilize the opportunity for direct dialogue with the government.
In presenting the problems to the government, the political opposition candor would eliminate hierarchy necessary for democracy onset.
First and foremost, complete ceasefire by government, rebels and anti-government segments is paramount ending hostility and bloodshed.
Release of all political dissidents held in custody.
Constitutional and political reforms are fundamental steps to democratic roadmap,
Enacting Parliamentary form without Presidency to downsize the government functionality in terms of political rigmarole,
Besides saving taxpayer dollars in provisional management that is more often vested in partisanship considering the ceremonial head of the state appointment by the ruling power at the center.
Government of the people, by the people and for the people held accountable to the people would strengthen democracy in a republic unlike arbitrary figurers politically swayed for individual goals than common good.
The eligibility criteria for those seeking power in public office – integrity, intelligence with proven track record in social and national service would determine sincerity.
Zero tolerance to corruption and treason with stringent laws upholding the democratic principle – None are above the law.
People nominated independent committee investigation of political scandals would substantially curb political and corporate crimes prevalent in contemporary society.
Prime Minister elected through democratic process leading the administration could be the primary change.
The government term limited to four years and not exceeding two terms enables checks and balances for meaningful democracy.
Facilitating secular political denomination is important for national unity and security.
Women’s role and minority demography in government and legislative body would affirm equality and conform to twenty first century standard.
Fundamentalism or radicalism contributes to political turmoil compromising liberty and a reason for foreign presence.
Political reform comprising free and fair elections,
Public finance for political campaigns barring corporations, wealthy individuals and special interests viz. religious, economic…ownership of candidacies,
Right to recall elected representatives or government through ballot measure and confidence vote in Parliament to enforce performance based governance.
Local and central authorities authorizing use of force against unarmed civilians would be constitutional breach to protect and defend citizens.
Notwithstanding prohibition of lethal weapons or health hazard substance to establish law and order.
The leadership or administration’s such practice subjected to removal from power using democratic means like Parliamentary proceedings, judicial process and civil society ombudsman would curtail government violent crackdown and restore democracy.
Judiciary and investigation wing on crimes related to political matter under administration or executive branch by and large invalidated with extensive abuse of power.
Isolating Judiciary and investigative agency away from government jurisdiction would address conflict of interest reflected in judgments delivered for political appeasement marginalizing judicial efficacy essentially set up to deliver justice without prejudice.
Prioritizing civil and human rights regardless of class, creed, gender and sexual orientation in the constitution would reinforce the universal law – All are created equal.
Syria has endured enormous pain and suffering and people have the power to begin the healing process.
President Bashar Al Assad must withdraw armed forces from the main street throughout Syria and issue an executive order to ceasefire.
Instead the government should respond with emergency relief to rescue citizens from foreign attacks and save lives expediting humanitarian aid.
Likewise the oppositions should be careful not to fall prey to predators divide and conquer strategy.
Middle East history is testimony to colonial / imperialist ambitions.
United Syria can prevail in adversity confronting the nation and deal with challenges adhering to peaceful and non-violent methods that would guarantee success.
Russian leadership fostering peace in Syria is praiseworthy and further international support would reverse the deteriorating political conditions to national vantage.
Western powers abandoning ill-conceived government toppling would benefit them given the mistrust against foreign entry under false pretexts for yet another devious aspiration – global depopulation.
Adopting Machiavellian approach to overthrow government is self-effacing with the irony in end justifying the means.
Syrian leaderships in the government and oppositions alike are urged to set their political differences aside, disavow violence and move forward in safeguarding citizens’ lives and statehood.
Wishing people and the leaderships in Syria victory in peaceful resolutions of the political upheaval.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – EU Bailout and Austerity
February 8, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
European contagion originated from the Mediterranean country – Greece.
Last year EU monetary assistance with €110 billion tied to untenable terms and obligations rendered the expectations beyond normal scope.
Accordingly, Greece is still struggling to overcome economic woes despite severe austerity and political reshuffle.
The earlier government under Prime Minister George Papandreou efforts to contain the rising debt and,
EU pressure to prioritize deficit trimming through rigorous spending cuts evidently led to GDP contraction by 6%, budget deficit at 10% and 18% unemployment respectively.
In the poor economic growth rate and looming financial liabilities, the creditors conditional offer demanding drastic expense reduction directly affects the core revenue base – consumers and taxpayers.
The attempt on deficit control without income is enforcing mandatory borrowing and,
Massive cuts in vital services cripples the economy to the point of diminishing return.
Tax hikes at any level could exacerbate the burgeoning crisis especially with unprecedented layoffs in both public and private sectors leading to industry workers as well as state employees nationwide strike.
Instead Greece and other economies like Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland in euro zone would enormously benefit from job-oriented investments incentivized with tax breaks, guaranteed dividends and equity enhancement to prospective investors.
European Central Bank, IMF and other international banks capital infusion with strict recommendations result in joblessness.
Funds directed towards economic sector for job creation would stimulate economy facilitating income source to meet budget and payments on borrowing.
Short term fund raising through treasury bills and bonds enables survival amid speculations on financial liquidity.
The propositions on Greek’s private debt write off up to 70 percent or more would provide relief in deficit management allowing appropriations towards economic recovery.
However, EU, ECB and IMF loan stipulations on €130 billion or ($171 billion) over and above cuts agreed to about 1.5 percent of GDP by current Prime Minister Lucas Papademos is the repeat of erroneous policy that precipitated economic and financial meltdown across Europe.
IMF’s similar strategy with Romania dependent on credit for state budget commitments contributed to economic downturn due to extreme lending criteria.
Financial institutions and monetary organizations purpose is useful in building economies applying generic and specific models to address individual requirements.
Greek economic surge and financial recuperation could be supported with job restoration via domestic and foreign investments qualifying the G-20 favored globalization concept.
Under same auspice, trade activities promoting exports would revive manufacturing, service and retail industry besides boosting small medium enterprise competitiveness.
Although financial assistance are necessary to restitute state solvency and credit rating,
Finance industry, corporations and wealthy entrepreneurs in Greece could ease the burden on the economy alongside government initiatives to salvage the situation.
The economic resurrection with prudent investments would need modification for a vibrant Market economy.
Market economy – 80% and Government managed programs – 20%
While the bulk of the economy would fall under free market system with oversight to prevent past mistakes responsible for the status quo,
Preserving core social programs under State purview are important for sustenance and they are –
Pensions, retirement savings or Social Security,
National Health Care with options
Veterans Affairs including rehabilitation and care,
State funding for affordable education, scientific research and technology,
Subsidized housing to accommodate non-qualifiers in the regular home finance.
Public services utilizing technology to the maximum potential and,
Environment protection agency to co-ordinate on national and international mandate.
Stringent laws against corruption within society beginning with government bureaucracy, finance sector and across the economic spectrum could yield financial savings.
Tax reform closing tax evasion loopholes and unaccounted funds or hidden assets retrieval from domestic and overseas bank accounts.
Market economy with life saving programs under government ambit could be a profitable and secure synergy complementing one another.
Greece in euro zone has shared gains and losses with euro fluctuation prior to economic recession.
The impact on Greek economy from euro volatility could not be discounted in the European trade.
The perception of Greece membership in euro zone as a liability could be transformed into an asset in reality with appropriate rescue package designed for economic progress than financial bailout.
Unlike the previous aid, EU approval of €130 billion to Greece in the interim could set the frail economy on trail with fiscal, trade and monetary policy restructuring for better economic performance.
With political elections on the horizon, Greece could experience economic productivity through local and foreign investors recognition of lucrative deals available at the present time.
Greek government relentless pursuits in energizing the economy would minimize ambivalence among creditors reversing the trend in capital provision.
EU, ECB, IMF and global finance to Greece on feasible conditions would deliver positive outcome strengthening euro zone and the member states economy.
The distinction between banks bailout and assistance to weak economy is the beneficiary with former was top 1% whereas the latter represented by 99% in the society.
Considering the predicament and inter-dependency in global economy,
Greece and other nations could not be abandoned or challenged with extraordinary conditions detrimental to euro zone and EU economy.
The leaderships and authorities at EU, ECB, IMF, International banks and euro zone are urged to kindly extend financial credit to Greece with a new opportunity to rebuild the economy and organize fiscal house in order.
Prime Minister Lucas Papademos , the opposition leader Antonis Samaras and all other elected members,
Notwithstanding, the economic leaderships in Greece are confronted with daunting tasks ahead.
The consensus in public and national interest would reflect the political will to resolve the persistent financial problem winning republic confidence and creditors trust in the capital market.
Good Luck! To citizens of Greece and the government in prevailing in financial and economic security.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Germany – Munich Security Conference
February 6, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The security conference in Munich, Germany hosted speakers on many important issues.
However, the event being related to security – the emphasis on global security is relevant.
The major threat to international security is prolific arms race and nuclear arsenal.
U.S. and NATO nuclear warheads with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) in Eastern Europe viz. Poland is persisting provocation not to mention over 1000 U.S. military bases around the world having transformed the so-called free world into a beleaguered fortress.
Warsaw Pact replaced with Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) to counteract NATO expansion significantly defines the undercurrent amongst U.S led NATO and Russia in self-defense.
Despite START treaty and other defense programs agreement between the Cold War rivals,
U.S and NATO existing overt and covert operations pose a greater challenge to all sovereign nations around the world.
Conventional and tactical weapons production and exchange is exponentially higher heightening the security risks across the globe.
Energy dependent economies deals with oil rich countries comprising arms exports for oil imports is predominantly responsible for the status quo i.e. ravaging civil wars in Africa, drug wars in Latin America and armed conflicts in democracy seeking Middle East revolutions.
The concept alluding to cause for ammunition supply is evident in Latin America especially Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama…confronted with narco trade warfare.
Africa – the senseless attacks in the name of religion against Christians in Nigeria or political term dispute in Senegal and cattle raid in the volatile territory near South Sudan resulting in the destruction of lives and livelihood could not have occurred without arms distribution including explosive materials to these regions that would otherwise benefit from economic, educational and basic survival development.
In the Middle East – The fire starters pretense to be fire extinguishers utilizing United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as the tool for economic sanctions and open-end arms embargo exacerbate the prevalent humanitarian crisis in the economic, political, social and environmental aspect.
Notwithstanding the Persian Gulf incursion with extensive troop redeployment from Iraq in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar,
While, Bahrain established as the official United States naval fleet base for global showdown.
The growing mistrust and apprehension in the violence ridden atmosphere arguably weakens peace efforts due to global dominance ambitions with military might on the rise.
Asia – The reluctance to pursue peace and military exercise with South Korea to intimidate North Korea and,
Military build up in Asia Pacific with allies like Australia on alert in Darwin base,
Not barring tension on South China Sea is a warning to China – one of the two ultimate targets with Russia being the other in the far-flung dragnet for global conquest.
Indian Sub-Continent – Pakistan hit with drone strikes and CIA paramilitary force on the ground alongside continuous U.S unilateral authorization of NATO assaults in North Western Pakistan such as Waziristan is facilitating militancy and fundamentalism now spreading across the Islamic republics in Central Asia.
Previously the Soviet Union controlled Central Asian territories rich in oil and natural gas could not be infiltrated for occupation or fundamentalist activities currently pervasive in the aftermath of U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The fundamentalism inculcating Sharia law is channeled via Pakistan and Saudi Arabia into Islamic states in Central Asia – Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan…
The religious schools – Madrassas funded by Saudi Arabia to maintain orthodox customs against Islam – the religion of peace and equality per natural creation is an avenue for subjugation in society.
Theological subversions through madrassas in Pakistan or Zionism in Israeli occupied Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem contributes to acrimony.
Religion used for malefic intent is sacrilege inevitably affecting the source and instruments in accordance with natural process of reaping what one sows in life.
The irony in post-industrialization era is the decline of tolerance and acceptance with class, creed and gender bias dominant in modern civilization regardless of education, technology and economic advantage.
Social progress measured by economic standards in the absence of moral, ethical and human values is hindrance to humanity prospects for elevation beyond materialism leading to spiritual enlightenment.
Shifting focus on U.S. and NATO strategy in Pakistan with provincial secession movement underway in Baluchistan and Sindh… presumably instigated by western intelligence,
The democratic and military leaderships in Pakistan demand for complete U.S. withdrawal is justified following NATO encroachment killing 24 Pakistan soldiers and Abbottabad mission in 2011.
The possibility for any terror groups, drug cartels and nefarious elements to thrive is remote provided government policies are directed towards nation building devoid of corruption.
Besides effective proactive domestic measures without compromising civil rights in conjunction with intelligence and law enforcement role would eliminate crimes and opportunity for foreign intervention.
Poignantly, state sponsored terrorism is the contemporary enigma for global society.
Waging wars under false pretexts ignoring casualties and international law.
Government crackdown on peaceful assembly and political dissidents subjected to abuse of power.
Legislative actions calling for access denial to cyberspace under the guise of protecting local interests.
Citizens dilemma is dismantling infrastructure with foundation laid on greed, corruption and ideology serving the nexus misguided aspirations at the vast majority peril.
Collectively the task could be undertaken to elect leaderships and representatives meeting the eligibility criteria – integrity, intelligence combined with commitment to public and national service.
Individually the desire for sacrifice originating from compassion would promote peace and harmony within and outside.
Global security is largely dependent on political and economic freedom that guarantees social justice.
Leaderships’ dedication to world peace and cooperation in improving life for all is required to address the manufactured complexity.
Life is purposeful upon kindling the spirit of oneness expressed in alleviating others pain and suffering.
Human potential expended in constructive outcome enhances the quality of life experienced in science and technology.
Such investments in politics and behavioral sociology would deliver positive returns and a paradigm for the future.
Pursuing peace over war is the only meaningful and rational approach to safe existence.
Life is to be cherished and celebrated and not inflicted harm for personal goals.
Wishing success to crusaders of peace and human rights in the world.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
] – Crisis Resolution
February 5, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The political unrest in Syria emanating from prolonged oppression is Arab Spring motivated and in semblance with other Arab States experience viz. Libya for government transfer of power,
Syrian peaceful and non-violent protest has transformed into armed conflict between the rebels and government security force.
Arab Spring is the culmination of mainstream frustration over political repression, economic disparity and social inequality within society.
The violent confrontation in Syria beginning with government crackdown witnessed even in the so-called democracies against peaceful assembly triggered the relentless street demonstration.
Meanwhile, western powers with discriminatory dealings record in response to Arab Spring demand for political freedom are perceived as opportunists to exploit situation in their favor for economic and/or strategic interest.
Considering the western instigated killings in Bahrain, Yemen and procrastination in Tunisia, Egypt not barring leading Libya into civil war, the intervention thus far has been detrimental for revolutions in the region.
The majority of authoritarian regimes being close western allies or hegemony approved puppet governments,
The substantial mistrust against western proposals largely premised on regime change with military might cannot be underestimated given the ideology driven Project for New American Century targeted goals for global dominance.
Although the vested interests vary with geopolitical dynamics,
Syrian turmoil is attributed to government failure in maintaining dialogue with political opposition as well as the people through trusted and respected intermediary in the society.
President Bashar Al Assad authorization of civilian attacks using armed forces is reprehensible and a major misstep in the attempt to quell dissent.
The continuous violence lasting over eleven months especially in Homs and Damascus outskirts was facilitated by arms influx into the state providing arms dealers incentive for ammunition supply.
Influential powers as Security Council members share responsibility for Syrian status quo.
Arming the government and opposition in Syria for balanced retaliation is the repeat of Libyan episode.
An eye for an eye would blind the world is evident in Syrian political struggle.
The anti-government in Syria is not distinctive in terms of civilian representation due to western focus on Syria linked with Iran.
The reports on CIA and Mossad infiltration alongside Saudi Arabia covert participation through armed militia are a liability for any regional or international resolution.
Similarly Arab League mission in Syria to monitor the disturbance had a huge credibility issue with member states default on human rights and political system denying republic rule.
Any foreign interference with ulterior motive would falter in the required action.
UN Security Council resolution posed to bring stability in Syria in the absence of political fairness against militancy apparently contributed to two members i.e. Russia and China veto the proposal.
The contentious issues are UN arms embargo against Syrian government but not on the insurgency and ambiguity in the draft language stating ‘all means necessary’ similar to Libyan interception that led to military aggression and massive civilian casualty.
UNSC polarized view and decisions on Middle East in general with US veto on Palestinian statehood, discarding UN appointed counsel Justice Richard Goldstone report on Gaza in 2009 and complicity in escalating tensions against Iran with crippling sanctions…severely jeopardize council members’ integrity and impartiality in carrying out the anticipated measures in Syria.
The expansion of UNSC permanent membership inviting Brazil, Japan, South Africa, Turkey, Norway and India…to conform to contemporary economic and political paradigm is out of consideration for the council set up in twentieth century.
In light of the inherent shortcomings, the expectation for unanimity on global disputes is often challenging creating apprehension among members with reservations on human rights violation accord given the individual profile in this context.
United Nations organization purpose to defend the weak and vulnerable or step forward in recognizing Palestinian sovereignty is not necessarily the UNSC goal reflected in the misuse of veto power.
Syria heading in the direction of Libya with current mutiny has no alternative but ceasefire on all sides i.e. both the government and anti-government factions unconditional disarmament is imperative to stop the bloodshed in order to resume dialogue for peaceful political transition.
President Bashar Al Assad acknowledgment of citizens’ demand for democratic rule would defend Syria from foreign invasion and legitimize the leadership role in allowing republic governance to succeed as the viable political resolution.
The political opposition in Syria – Syrian National Council, Local Coordination Committee and Free Syrian Army…delineation from foreign association would clarify the groups’ authenticity subject to Syrian nationals final approval through political referendum.
Western powers ambition to expedite military incursion in Syria under humanitarian pretext imitating Libya would be counterproductive.
Instead internationally recognized non-profit and A-political humanitarian organization access to heal the wounded and attend to the displaced population could alleviate the suffering besides dispelling any speculations on potential civil discord.
United Nations service limited to UNHCR and UNICEF operation on the ground could further assist in the humanitarian aid.
There is urgency to refrain from violence on behalf of the government and opposition alike enabling civil discourse for constructive outcome.
Procrastination in political consensus would exacerbate the prevalent chaos weakening national security.
Solidarity among political leaderships, academics, scholars and peace activists in Syrian civil society could contain the clashes and mediate peace talks honoring Syrian electorate choice of government.
The inevitable change could not be stalled with political uprising having claimed many innocent lives and government determination to extend authoritarianism might replicate events in Egypt and Libya.
Syrian authority and anti-government segments are urged to lay their arms and adopt non-violent means for fruitful negotiations with immediate effect.
President Bashar Al Assad government reining control over political dissidents generated disintegration and political compromise would perhaps reverse the trend towards republican democracy.
Peace and liberty are the fundamental rights of all citizens regardless of faith, race and gender.
The desire to dominate and deprive individual freedom foments radicalism at one extreme and reason for foreign occupation in another.
Syrian citizens like fellow Arabs have endured persecution and fatalities until now,
The sacrifices would not be in vain with peace and democracy on the horizon.
Wishing the people of Syria eternal peace, progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Wisconsin State Governor Scott Walker Recall
February 3, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The recall effort against governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin has been a tremendous challenge predominantly due to wealthy individuals like Koch brothers and corporate power behind the unpopular incumbency.
Republican Governor Scott Walker has successfully deprived Wisconsin electorate from normal existence with undemocratic assault on working families including private and public sector workers,
In addition to drastic cuts on education denying College students a bright future, promoting social inequality, state intervention on women’s reproductive rights and last but not the least – the environment.
The governor’s action thus far exemplifies radicalization of America’s progressive state primarily responsible for leading the nation in granting women’s right to vote in the electoral process for meaningful democracy.
Across the state citizens rally has generated widespread dissent towards the special interests driven governor’s policy.
However, the capital investments in political leadership regardless of electorate rejection proves the corporate and other political groups vast influence in ignoring public grievance.
The situation in Wisconsin and elsewhere evidently calls for citizens’ action to energize the state and nation to overturn United States Supreme Court decision on Citizens United to establish republic governance.
The existence of carte blanche to corporations and economic powerhouses render elections a mere formality leaving the electorate with empty promises on campaign trail.
Wisconsin residents determination to reverse the status quo is commendable.
The rest of America could assist them in this regard with donations to progressives united by visiting the Wisconsin State Progressives site involved in the ballot-initiated transformation.
Meanwhile, Wisconsin citizens perseverance in the cause would deliver the desirable outcome.
It is important not to lose momentum on the issue to demonstrate people power.
Wisconsin youth could play a significant role in mobilizing the state on cyberspace while the baby boomers could engage in fund raising for the common goal.
Good Luck! To Wisconsin voters in prevailing on the democratic procedure with citizens rights to choose legitimate representation.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Reclaiming Republican Democracy
February 3, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
In the election year 2012 –
The urgency to overturn United States Supreme Court decision on Citizens United granting corporations and special interests unlimited rights to undermine democracy beginning with election campaign throughout legislation is upon every American concerned about corporatism and external influence over U.S. politics controlling 7 billion population destiny on the planet.
Independent Senator for Vermont – Bernie Sanders has been the target of corporate and special interests machinery determined to quell dissent viewed as major obstacle in corporations run politics.
As stated earlier, the peacemakers and advocates committed to saving lives and protecting individual freedom remain focused on their mission until accomplishment.
Senator Bernie Sanders is currently involved in introducing a bill seeking constitutional amendment to reverse the unconstitutional and undemocratic Supreme Court verdict favoring the all powerful economic and foreign forces intervention in American politics.
The constitutional amendment would categorically define the distinction between physical and abstract entity – the oversight in Supreme Court judgment.
Although constitution is subverted for political expediency in contemporary politics world over,
The citizens’ proactive engagement in altering the existential threat to democracy is crucial to restore republic governance.
Corporate donations and overseas power investments in politics deprive nationals from fair representation in public matter.
Grassroots movement is a formidable challenge to the status quo.
Senator Bernie Sanders is also involved in other important legislation detailed in the lawmaker’s news update.
Reiterating the previous message on health care and social security,
American citizens pledge to preserve Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security including restructuring Housing refinance options and adequate educational funding would help secure the present and future apparently in the elimination process demonstrating misguided policy.
Your activism is the only reliable mechanism to bring about the change you desire in life.
It is critical to be informed about the real activities especially behind the scenes deals among politics, economics and judiciary…network.
Please spread the message, create public awareness for grass roots mobilization to reclaim republican democracy.
Your attention to Senator Bernie Sanders’ newsletter would empower you for further action.
Thank you for your participation in civil society initiative on national issues.
Peace to all!
Padmini Arhant
Senator Bernie Sanders News Update:
“I want to take this opportunity to update you about what’s going on in Washington, and share my thoughts about the short and long-term challenges we face as a nation.
In the coming weeks I will step up my efforts to generate strong grassroots support for a constitutional amendment I have introduced to overturn the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision of two years ago.
It seems to me that there are about five people in this country who believe that a corporation is a person. Unfortunately, they are all on the Supreme Court.
The result of this misguided 5-4 decision, one of the worst ever handed down by a Supreme Court, is that corporations can now spend, without disclosure, unlimited sums of money on political advertising.
And we are seeing the results of that ruling right now with big money interests and Super PACs spending huge sums on television and radio advertising in the Republican primaries and in Senate races.
Unless we change it, that situation will only get worse in future years.
The good news is that throughout the country grassroots activists are working hard to reclaim our democracy and defeat Citizens United.
Resolutions in support of a constitutional amendment have already been passed in cities and towns all over the country including New York, Los Angeles, Boulder, Pueblo, Duluth, Oakland (CA), Albany (NY), Portland (OR), and Burlington (VT).
In Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont and Washington state legislators have introduced similar type resolutions.
Please get involved in this issue. Play a role in demanding that your local government and state legislature take a stand in demanding that Congress pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.
To a significant degree, this is not a partisan issue.
Most Americans, regardless of their political ideology, do not believe that a handful of wealthy and powerful special interests should be able to dominate our political process and elect — or defeat — the candidates of their choice.
Another issue that I am currently working on is postal reform legislation.
The issue is extremely important not only for the 600,000 employees of the U.S. Postal Service, but for our entire economy.
As a result of a very onerous and unfair requirement that they pay $5.5 billion a year into a health benefit account for future retirees, as well as a significant decline in first class mail because of increased e-mail use, the Postal Service faces serious financial challenges.
Their response has been to develop a draconian proposal which would eliminate up to 200,000 jobs by shutting down over 3,000 small post offices, half (252) of their mail processing plants and end Saturday and next-day mail delivery.
This plan would result in a significant decline in the speed of mail delivery service and, in my view, the beginning of a “death spiral” for that vitally important agency.
With a diminishment in the quality and timeliness of the services the Postal Service provides, fewer and fewer businesses and consumers will be interested in using the mail.
The result will be that postal deficits will grow larger, more cuts will continue to be made, and eventually the Post Office will be a pale shadow of what it is today.
During the next several weeks I, and a number of my colleagues, will be working to improve the existing postal reform legislation, which is due to come to the floor of the Senate very shortly.
Our goal will be to save jobs in the Postal Service and maintain a high quality of service. We will also be demanding that the Postal Service create a new and aggressive business model so that it can effectively compete in today’s market and increase their revenue in the digital age in which we live.
Lastly, I want to alert you to an ongoing issue I have been involved with during all of my five years in the Senate.
Sadly, virtually every Republican in Congress and too many Democrats are determined to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in the name of deficit reduction.
This is wrong! We must not allow them to do that.
At a time when we have the most unequal distribution of wealth and income of any major country on earth, and when working people are suffering through the worst recession since the Great Depression,
We must not make savage cuts to programs which maintain the wellbeing and dignity of tens of millions of struggling Americans.
With 45,000 Americans dying each year because they don’t get to a doctor when they should, and when 50 million Americans already lack health insurance, how could anybody be calling for cuts in Medicare or Medicaid?
The truth is that we should be moving toward a universal, single-payer health care system, not decimating the limited public health programs we now have in place.
In terms of Social Security, please remember that Social Security today has a $2.5 trillion surplus, can pay out all benefits owed to every eligible American for the next 25 years and, because it is funded independently by the payroll tax, has not added one penny to our national deficit or debt.
Social Security must not be cut!
Yes, we need to address the deficit crisis, but there are fair and responsible ways to do that. While the rich get richer, their effective tax rate is the lowest in decades.
The top 1 percent must be asked to pay their fair share of taxes.
While corporations are making record-breaking profits, many of them enjoy outrageous tax-loopholes, which enable them to pay little or nothing in taxes.
We must end corporate tax loopholes.
The United States now spends three times as much on the military as we did in 1997, and more than the rest of the world combined.
We must cut wasteful military spending.
Let me conclude by thanking you for your activism in the fight for progressive values and for a government which represents all the people, and not just the wealthy and powerful. These are tough times for our country.
We must continue to push forward. This struggle is not just about you or me or our generation. It is about the future of the country and our children and grandchildren.”
United States – Health Care Crisis
February 3, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Health insurance costs and coverage was extensively discussed during health care debate in 2009.
Health care industry being a powerful stakeholder in politics, like all other legislations results in industry’s favor through campaign donations pledge winning executive and congressional support against public or national interest.
Consumer Watchdog Campaign is focused on reining in the escalating health care prices through ballot measure.
The important step needs every average consumer action to deter unaffordable premium and co-payment hikes despite the passage of the so-called health care law especially with mandatory insurance purchase scheduled to be effective in January 2014.
Your commitment is the only remedy to challenge corporatism undermining democracy on every issue concerning your life.
Please come forward and help this campaign to secure individual and your family’s future.
Since the matter is time sensitive, your prompt response is required for the campaign success.
Thank you for your participation in citizens’ movement on national issue.
Peace to all!
Padmini Arhant
Consumer Watchdog message is presented for public attention and involvement to save lives and make health care affordable to all.
Please visit the official site for more information and to print or request a petition.
Consumer Watchdog Campaign – Make Health Insurance Companies Justify their Rates:
“We are doing it! Today we launched our ballot initiative drive to force health insurance companies to publicly justify their rates and get permission for rate hikes.
If you are a registered voter in California, your signature today can stop outrageous health insurance premium increases. Please:
- Click on this link: Justify
- Follow the instructions to print out the ballot initiative petition on that page.
- Sign, date and return it to the address provided as soon as you possibly can.
Why is your signature so important?
If we can gather the signatures of 505,000 registered voters, the measure will qualify for the November 2012 ballot and give voters the right to stop price gouging by health insurance companies.
This is a volunteer qualification campaign, so we can only accomplish this big task with your help.
Why is this campaign so important?
The five largest health insurance companies made a combined profit of $11.7 billion in 2010.
That was a 17% increase over 2009 profits and a 51% increase over the $7.8 billion made in 2008, according to the California Department of Insurance.
California is one of the few states that does not require health insurance companies to get approval before raising rates.
We wrote this ballot measure for patients like Alison Heath. Alison says,
“Since October of 2010 we’ve had premium increases of 46% and on top of that they have increased our co-payments and annual deductibles. We feel like hostages, unwilling to give up our health insurance and frightened to imagine what they’ll try next. They know we are trapped and will try to take whatever they can from us.”
If you want to help Alison and change this outrageous profit structure, join our effort.
We must gather all signatures in just a few short weeks in order to get this measure on the ballot.
If we succeed, Californians will have the right to vote to lower their outrageous health insurance premiums.”
Many thanks for all your support,
Jamie Court
Consumer Watchdog Campaign
P.S. Consumer Watchdog Campaign To Make Health Insurance Companies Justify Their Rates, a committee of consumer advocates with major funding by Consumer Watchdog Campaign Committee. Consumer Watchdog Campaign is a nonprofit consumer protection organization. Your contributions are not tax-deductible.