New Delhi – BRICS Summit 2012
March 30, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The five emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa represented BRICS summit 2012 in New Delhi, India.
BRICS consolidated GDP growth and steady progress contributed to the positive trend despite turbulence in the global economy predominantly from European and United States debt crises combined with recent western imposed sanctions against Iran having ripple effects on consumers and businesses around the world.
BRICS latest plan to introduce development bank and local credit facility would be extremely productive providing opportunities for struggling economies and developing nations to borrow funds without surrendering natural resources and human capital as collateral for depletion and exploitation compromising sovereignty in the end.
The financial institutions by BRICS could address the burgeoning economic crises assisting nations with basic requirements to advanced technology promoting structural capabilities for survival and sustenance in the competitive globalized economy.
Contemporary problems confronting nations is corruption and systemic abuse of power posing major impediments in uplifting economic standards pervasively to reflect international systems effectiveness in any capacity.
Although graft might be a domestic challenge,
The detrimental impact on global business cannot be ignored with unaccounted money belonging to national treasury stashed away in overseas bank accounts exacerbating budget deficits and cash flow depriving public sector investments in improving infrastructure, health, education and broad range economic activities that could otherwise reduce dependency on internal or external funding.
Besides corruption culture in politics and economics representing operational facets in society leads to dysfunctional mode deterring foreign investors from long-term commitments affecting industrial output and employment.
BRICS development bank in this respect could ease the burden on citizens engaged in contentious battle with political authorities embedded in lucrative ventures through government contracts or private firms seeking license for various entrepreneurial projects by incorporating transparency and accountability as pre-requisite for borrowing to cultivate discipline and ethics in fiscal management.
Considering EU, IMF and World Bank severe austerity measures and unreasonable demands tied to economic rescue package is yet to bring relief except producing political instability and social unrest,
BRICS targeted programs along with repair and restoration strategy could prove highly beneficial to ailing economies emulating BRICS achievement rising from gloom to bloom status in the past decade.
The alternative reserve currency could counteract U.S. dollar and euro volatility in substitution during international trade especially for nations unable to compete due to national currency devaluation from political turmoil or unfair trade policies such as Free Trade Agreement rather than Fair Trade Deal.
Furthermore, currency float backed with gold bullions would guarantee equilibrium in variable market conditions maintaining value to volume ratio.
In other matter, UNSC resolutions against Iran and Syria – Russia and China apparently sharing similar concerns regarding western military intervention and crippling economic sanctions while respecting other BRICS partners flexibility often swayed in favor of the west.
Reiterating earlier statement – trade embargo and military strikes against Syria and Iran is counterproductive with ramifications currently experienced in many parts of Europe and world over.
India and South Africa having voted for UNSC proposal against Syria is indicative of western dominance with the two nations compliance overriding pragmatism and undermining national sovereignty.
Containing tensions in the region and terminating armed conflicts via disarmament is in common interest of all to protect citizens in Syria suffering casualties from violence thus far.
Syrian oppositions refusal to ceasefire with fragmentation within attributed to political stalemate blocking main street civilian leaders to commence dialogue for fruitful negotiations eliminating apprehensions on potential civil war.
Global security is intact with unanimous approval of peace process abstaining from bias and focused on objectivity to deliver desirable outcome – preventing loss of lives and peaceful democratic solutions to political upheaval.
Likewise lifting sanctions against Iran in the absence of any evidence of nuclear weapons program is essential for international organizations like UNSC and EU credibility and integrity at present on the decline with reasons revealed in the record – viz. Iraq and Libya.
BRICS cooperation in ratifying climate treaty to achieve 1.5°C or 350ppm would pronounce solidarity on humanitarian issues and planet sustenance.
Good Luck and Success to BRICS aspirations in all frontiers to serve humanity with viable financial center stimulating global productivity for prosperity amongst all.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Seoul – Nuclear Security Summit 2012
March 28, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Warm Greetings! To world leaders at the Nuclear Security Summit 2012 in Seoul, South Korea.
This is an important event providing an opportunity to share and discuss global security concerns from nuclear arsenal.
The lingering tensions between Israel and Iran on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program is the bone of contention with United States as Israel’s strong ally having imposed crippling sanctions and disabled SWIFT freezing financial payments services on trade to exacerbate Iran’s economic conditions are pre-emptive measures in the long desired global confrontation.
Similarly closer to summit venue in the Korean peninsula – North Korea announcement to launch satellite into orbit and rocket positioning creating anxiety among neighbors and U.S. strategic partners South Korea and Japan.
Iran and North Korea participation rather than isolation in the summit would have been prudent in fostering constructive dialogue and meaningful solutions to impending nuclear issues.
Inclusion not exclusion transcending politics and ideology is crucial for global peace and harmony.
Within Asia, U.S promoted India’ s nuclear power project with enriched uranium supply from United States has prompted nuclear state Pakistan across the Indian border to pursue equivalent deal for formidability in Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT) vis-à-vis India as predicted escalating nuclear arms race in the region.
Not to mention the nuclear developments via nuclear energy in the Indian sub-continent extending further into China – another nuclear state adjusting potential to meet with changing nuclear weapons status emanating from U.S. initiative.
The situation also facilitates U.S. and NATO military operation premised on deterrence against Pakistan’s militant groups from gaining access to nuclear arsenal forming a never ending cycle in the indefinite mission for global dominance.
In the western front – United States presence through NATO expansion in Eastern Europe with missile defense system perceived as provocative stance by Russia considering the proximity and installation directed at Russia.
Accordingly Russia’s proactive defense shield strategy related to ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) besides U.S. tactical weapons and short-range missiles continues to arouse skepticism on both sides sparking a comment from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during recent Euro-Atlantic security conference in Moscow calling for Euro-Atlantic security community to evolve from myth into reality.
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and Central Asian countries membership to counteract NATO and U.S. aspirations in oil and natural gas rich territories along with U.S. declared plan at the Seoul summit to expand missile shield strategy in Asia and Middle East is yet another dimension to twenty first century global security challenge.
United States – the nuclear state with significant nuclear weapons in possession is non-signatory to NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty),
Notwithstanding history depicting U.S. – the only nation to have used nuclear arsenal – Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
Lately, in Iraq war U.S. and coalition partner United Kingdom dropped bombs containing depleted uranium with devastating generational impact on health and environment.
United States, United Kingdom and France have repeatedly asserted all options against Iran.
Regardless, they claim themselves responsible nuclear nations while condemning those deemed adversaries nuclear technology for medical isotopes in cancer treatment or,
Subscribing to western catered nuclear energy program – the precedence set by existing nuclear powers in the world utilizing nuclear energy as the pretext for nuclear weapons advancement.
Middle East – Israel’s nuclear status widely known but not acknowledged by the state and western allies in the absence of IAEA or UN inspection and verification.
Israel took enormous pride in the acquisition of Iron Dome – supposedly the marvel in intercepting missiles and experimented the effectiveness with extra-judicial execution of Palestinian leader Zuhair al-Qaisi, the Secretary General of the Popular Resistance Committees in the Gaza Strip late March 2012 expecting victims’ retaliation subsequent to casualties including civilians in total 24 killed from this mock attack.
In return the rockets hitting southern Israel from Gaza were reportedly intercepted in a timely manner by Iron Dome resulting in no loss of lives on Israeli side.
Israel exercise with Iron Dome at the expense of some innocent Palestinian lives apparently in preparation for unilateral strike against Iran and after ascertaining Iron Dome capability,
The jingoism for catastrophic action against Iran disregarding global ramifications is subversive and counterproductive.
Furthermore, Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and CIA have confirmed that Iran has no nuclear weapons and without any progress in enhancement.
The U.S. military high command and intelligence are stated to be in agreement with the status quo.
In light of these facts from Israel and United States intelligence sources, the fervor on warfare in the volatile Middle East amid U.S. troops lives at stake in all directions is an invitation to disaster.
International community deserves valid explanation for the unnecessary turmoil via sanctions against Iran with no evidence of nuclear upgrade and frivolous moratorium on Iranian oil exports hurting average citizens and businesses around the world.
The potent tools – trade embargo and military intervention against targets for global dominance is the existential terror endangering life and habitat.
Israel also condemned for using white phosphorous in densely populated areas during December 2008 bombing of Gaza. The findings in UN report by Justice Richard Goldstone were never honored by United States and Israel till date.
Contrarily United States warned nations importing Iranian crude oil with economic sanctions suggesting any violation would have serious repercussions and obtained ten European nations and Japan’s compliance to U.S. demand while others like India proportionately cut back oil imports from Iran and mulling over alternative sources and costs to meet with substantial domestic energy consumption.
The hierarchy among nuclear and non-nuclear states with distinction such as responsible vs. reckless raises credibility factor highlighting hypocrisy on those nations part responsible for arbitrary engagement in widespread nuclear material distribution to forge strategic alliance aimed at global showdown.
Nuclear security summit is a golden opportunity for unanimous consensus on unconditional nuclear disarmament by all nuclear states without exception and pledging in solidarity for immediate implementation of nuclear arsenal disposal not excluding fissile material in individual stockpiles stored under nuclear energy production.
Non-nuclear states reaffirmation as NPT signatories would be impetus for others to follow suit.
Independent international committee with nuclear experts, ethicists and legal professionals alongside IAEA could begin the process to establish central monitoring of nuclear sites for systematic and simultaneous surrender incorporating checks and balances to evaluate delivery efficiency.
Above all accountability to address obligatory failure irrespective of stature would serve common interest.
Nuclear power program camouflaged to accelerate nuclear ambition is the tradition best abandoned especially with viable alternatives like solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy available in abundance.
The schism in government mishandling of Fukushima nuclear melt down is exposure on non-disclosure – latest reports reveal deliberate act in withholding public safety information by deleting emails and other sources with a red flag on imminent humanitarian crisis.
In conclusion nuclear free zone is the only guaranteed security to humanity.
Wishing success to all nations activists in denuclearization of the world.
Perhaps Seoul Nuclear Security Summit 2012 could be the torchbearer of permanent peace eliminating nuclear weapons from the planet.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant Vote – Sri Lanka Tamils & Palestine Politicizing Humanitarian Issues
March 26, 2012
UNHRC Vote –
Sri Lanka Tamils
Politicizing Humanitarian Issues
Padmini Arhant
On March 22, 2012 – United Nations Human Rights Council voted on two pertinent humanitarian issues related to gross human rights violation in Sri Lanka and Israeli occupied Palestinian territories of West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Sri Lanka – United States tabled UN resolution against the island nation in the Indian sub-continent for the lack of remedial measures in the post conflict between Sri Lankan government and the resistance group for self-determination and emancipation – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
The glaring similarities in the Tamil and Palestinian plight are state oppression and persecution unequivocally inciting a segment within subjugated population to retaliate for violent suppression of basic human rights giving birth to militancy.
Although LTTE representing Tamil suffering and previously PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) dissenting illegal invasion and occupation of meager Palestinian land declared terrorist organizations by the same nations having profited from lucrative arms supply to them directly and indirectly,
Neither the respective state aggression provoking these networks violent reactions held accountable nor their disproportionate use of force qualifying state sponsored terrorism condemned demanding an end to atrocity against entire demography via enforceable UN resolutions.
Nothing happens without a cause and government misuse of armed forces under national security pretext has become the norm in compliance with military industrial complex chartered course often deviating from peaceful negotiations and constructive dialogue prolonging victims’ ordeal attributed to political stalemate.
The government authority with political and military power reliance on ammunitions rather than democratic means to address citizens’ grievances ignites perpetual crossfire endangering innocent civilians on all sides while the defense industry flourish from arms influx exacerbating the confrontation.
Sri Lanka is yet to acknowledge ethnic Tamils the integral part of society through fair political rights in the national and provincial level, economic opportunities barring origin based discrimination; social equality demonstrated in facilitating healthy living conditions and education emphasizing inclusiveness are the milestones for communal harmony.
Poignantly, Sri Lankan Tamils were mandatorily transmigrated from native India by then colonial power to work in the formerly known Ceylon tea plantation.
With British Raj departure leaving behind conundrums as souvenir invariably in every colony around the world,
Since then Tamil identity in Sri Lanka unfortunately formulated into burden on society instead of appreciating economic contributions predominantly benefiting the majority due to prevalent disenfranchisement.
Notwithstanding credible sources as well as independent investigative journalists accounts on brutality and state authorized military executions in open fields showing no mercy to women, children and men perceived as terror elements in the absence of any evidence to such convictions.
Sri Lankan government under President and Commander-in-Chief Mahinda Rajapaks primarily held responsible for serious violation of international law in indiscriminate killings constituting ethnic cleansing per reports accompanied by massacre footage.
Society vision as one community and nation reaps the rewards of pervasive peace and prosperity eliminating rifts and threats in the domestic front.
Simultaneously the unity safeguards sovereignty becoming the formidable force deterring external interference for vested interests.
U.S. organized UN vote against Sri Lanka with 24 in favor, 15 against and 8 abstentions in the 47 member council is indicative of equal opposition except for a swing vote barely altering the result considering abstinence on crucial issues is political expediency interpreted as Nay vote.
Even the swing vote apparently from India as Sri Lanka’s neighbor and present Indian government being close ally with Sri Lankan counterpart diluted UN mandate to Sri Lankan discretionary actions compromising effectiveness of the protocol.
Alongside sponsor United States commending strategic partner India’s calibration as positive.
The resolution directed at implementing Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) recommendations with repeat request to re-investigate serious allegations on government approved crimes against humanity by the government.
Unlike independent international body findings for objectivity and accountability perhaps in the global judiciary system given the international criminal court justice credibility marred with selective indictments on humanitarian crimes.
India reportedly cast vote in reluctance heeding coalition political pressure at home that could have otherwise led to incumbent administration collapse setting the stage for early national elections.
The political party from Tamil Nadu State in alliance with current UPA 2 government at the center accused of conspiring in the Congress Party leader and former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination.
Not to mention the self-protection impulse against potential backlash from AFSPA (Armed Forces with Special Powers Act) abuse in northeast and Kashmir valley implicating state and central government especially Home Ministry and Defense Ministry for disregarding security personnel abuse of civilians in the region.
Likewise the opponents voting against politically motivated resolution might have general objection in reference with timing, content, intent, or averting possible scrutiny of policies towards their citizens in parallel scenario.
As for nations negative vote quoting three years insufficient time for Sri Lanka to begin the healing process is a weak argument when generations have been wiped out in targeted genocide.
Nonetheless nations mistreatment of citizens and killing spree whether in their domicile or overseas could not be ignored as an internal affair even though those committing such crimes routinely claim in self-defense like Sri Lankan Special Envoy on Human Rights Mahinda Samarasinghe with reports on China and Russia agreement in this regard adding to the disappointing factor.
Turning a blind eye to injustice is complicity sharing equal ramifications for a civilized society. The world could not be treated as one preferentially to suit economic pursuits.
However on social and political fairness anomalies eventually affecting all – the strategy to distance from the matter delegitimizes the global organization such as United Nations functionality to alleviate human misery.
Palestinian Resolution – On the same day following U.S. drafted resolution against Sri Lanka, UNHRC passed a resolution to conduct a probe on Israeli settlements infringement upon Palestinian statehood.
Interestingly, the outcome far better than Sri Lanka resolution probably associated with sponsorship and substance delivered among 47 members – 36 votes in concurrence, 10 abstentions and,
United States the only nation to reject the proposition against Israel confirming conflicting U.S. positions on humanitarian problems endured by people expecting rationale to prevail over politics.
UNHRC resolution calls for Israel to cease settlement activities in Palestinian land,
Officially engage in terminating expansion with an estimated 310,000 Israeli citizens occupying West Bank and,
According to international reports – Israeli committee issued permits for additional 500 homes in Northern West Bank in late February this year,
Besides 200,000 Israeli residents in a dozen or more neighborhoods in East Jerusalem annexed by Israel defying international condemnation.
The resolution also emphasized on Israel intervention in curbing violence with weapons confiscation from Israeli settlers throughout Palestinian homeland.
United States cried foul and denounced the resolution as partisanship against Israel.
Arguably Israel settlement agenda despite UN and international community outrage clarifies grave consequences for the U.S. ally isolated in dishonoring resolutions – the decision commonly found reproachable worldwide.
United States duality in UNHRC resolutions against Sri Lanka and Israel defines self-defeating purpose in politicizing humanitarian issues deserving genuine empathy and sincere commitment to reflect UN obligation in dispute settlement setting precedence for the future.
Citizens in Sri Lanka and Israel have unique opportunity to perform national duty in guiding their country towards freedom, equality and justice for all.
Best Wishes to people in Sri Lanka, Palestine and Israel for peaceful co-existence.
Peace to all
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter – UNSC Non-binding Statement on Peace Proposal
March 22, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The fifteen members United Nations Security Council unanimous vote on Syria is welcome in solidarity context but not substance wise.
UNSC non-binding statement proves the seriousness or the lack thereof against legally obligatory resolution adopting peace proposals to end bloodshed in the yearlong violence arguably lucrative to defense industry representing war aspiring nations.
According to the reports UNSC outlined UN and Arab league envoy former Secretary General Kofi Annan’s proposal.
– A cease-fire first by the Syrian government.
– Daily two-hour halt to fighting to evacuate the injured and provide humanitarian aid.
– Inclusive Syrian-led political talks to address the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people.
Whenever peace brokerage targets one party against another, the proposal fails to achieve common goal.
In demanding the government to cease-fire first rather than unconditional multilateral disarmament,
The conspicuous bias poses impediment in honoring the deal especially by the side i.e. Syrian government expected to bear more if not entire responsibility in the armed conflict triggered by western powers and their NATO as well as Arab league allies – Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in particular.
Similarly, the second condition – daily two-hour halt in fighting nullifies ceasefire call generating a perception of indefinite confrontation desirable to peaceful resolution.
Third suggestion on inclusive political talks is viable provided sectarian factor is not induced from external powers specifically Saudi Arabia.
As for fierce fighting in Damascus suburbs and other parts of the country like Homs, Idlib, Hama and Daraa,
Notwithstanding twin suicide bombings in Damascus past weekend followed by a violent eruption in the relatively calm northern city Aleppo – the regime change agenda overwhelms the self-defense analogy to government crackdown.
In this regard, the Islamist group Al-Nusra quoted as a front for Al Qaeda reportedly claimed responsibility for the recent bombings in the capital and second largest city Aleppo.
The explosions were apparently aimed at air force intelligence building and criminal security department killing at least 27 people and several injured in the blast with warnings for repeat incidents in the near future.
Report details Al-Qaeda supporters as Sunni Muslim extremists behind earlier suicide attacks and vowed to continue in the offing.
Interestingly, the contentious issue being President Bashar Al-Assad including other political as well as military leaderships belonging to minority Alawite sect originated from Shiite Islam ruling the majority Sunnis not acceptable to those outside Syria viz. Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The hostility attributed to Sunni significance undermined in the society and declared the main opposition in the anti-government uprising.
Even though the demography within society might not contest the status considering the secular framework and harmony that prevailed in Syria up until the situation exploited for foreign powers preferred motives applying the usual divide and conquer methodology disregarding the consequences endured by none other than the population they pretend to protect from disenfranchisement.
Poignantly the protest that began in March 2011 was not exclusive or sectarian oriented given the initial nationwide demonstration was non-violent and peaceful focused on political rights and democratic system over dynasty rule emanating from Arab Spring rejecting authoritarianism prevalent throughout the region.
Not even sparing Lebanese democracy constantly threatened by external oppression from Israel and/or U.S., France and Saudi Arabia organized coup d’état in 2010.
Besides the flip side in Bahrain with Shiite majority ruled by Sunni minority – the peaceful rally was crushed with U.S. authorized ad hoc Saudi invasion demolishing Pearl Square monument to erase the stains from proxy government massacre.
Bahraini kingdom maintaining close ties with Saudi dynasty and British Royalty regarded key strategic partner by U.S. and western allies epitomize the height of hypocrisy in the discriminatory decisions on humanitarian issues.
Despite U.N. estimates on Syrian casualties exceeding 8,000,
UNSC action limited to non-binding statement is indicative of members’ preference to escalate violence leading to civil war.
Otherwise UNSC commitment could have passed a credible and enforceable resolution enacting ceasefire on all sides with comprehensive peace agreement promoting democratic transition.
Saudi Arabia proposition to increase oil output in the wake of military options against Syria and Iran to ease economic burden on global society confirms the dynasty’s determination to eliminate Shiite presence let alone dominance in the region,
As major oil producer Saudi Arabia attention is also directed at economic advantage from incessant warfare with substantial fuel consumption required in the military operation.
Saudi disposition diametrically opposite to Islamic values and principles not to mention the religious sacrilege reflected in deeds with grave repercussions for the caretaker of Islam’s holy city Mecca.
United States – the presumed world Super Power is prodded around by two over ambitious allies in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia and Israel vying for regional ascendancy.
Saudi Arabia and Israel viewed Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein – security threat and facilitated Iraq invasion through 9/11 attacks with hijackers profiles linked to Saudi Arabia of all the Islamic nations around the world.
Yet Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia invaded and occupied till date.
The strategic vantage from Afghanistan in terms of proximity to oil and natural gas rich Central Asia along with permanent U.S and NATO base to monitor Russia and China is picture-perfect.
Saudi Arabia instigated U.S. intervention in Afghanistan against former Soviet Union and subsequently contributed to Soviet Union collapse with oil price and production manipulation depriving Soviet economic independence from oil resources in the territory.
Saudi Arabia preparation against Iran using same tactics with western powers imposed sanctions against the Islamic Republic is Pavlovian response.
Saudi Arabia intrusion in Bahrain, Yemen and now in Syria has resulted in immense loss of lives plus as purveyor of arms and ammunitions spread militancy preventing democracy in the region and disrupting democratic functionality in other Islamic nations.
Religious fanaticism funded by Saudi Arabia through controversial madrassas in Pakistan foments insurgency and lately pervasive in Central Asian Islamic countries emulating hard line governance to repress citizens in the state.
Saudi Arabia is also well known for iron fist rule with zero tolerance to peaceful and non-violent dissenters martyred for seeking democracy and constitutional reform in the domestic front.
Evidently Saudi Arabia monarchy with power distribution amongst family denying basic rights, prejudicial customs going back to medieval era is enslaved to feudalism thriving on profits from collective productivity allocated to selective class in the hierarchy leaving the rest in abject poverty and lifelong misery.
Israel and Saudi Arabia have many commonalities beginning with geographic location, religious sites, military aggression, subjugation of neighboring states, latest weapon stockpile holders and above all –
United States most favored partners in crimes and capitalist ventures.
Unfortunately, to the victims of two-dimensional Middle East supremacists – the architects of catastrophe in Saudi Arabia and Israel are dual hood serpentine endangering peace, sovereignty and life.
Meanwhile United States sophisticated technology and military might dispensed to serve Israel and Saudi Arabia’s interests at average Americans expense footing the bill on ideology driven extravagant warfare.
Finally, Syrian crisis is a litmus test for UNSC in defining the actual purpose and the burden of proof is upon the core members with political clout.
With Syrian peace prospects in prayers, Wishing success for smooth political and humanitarian relief to citizens in Syria.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
U.S. and Allies War and Peace Quagmire – Global Dominance Part I
March 20, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Arab Spring invoking optimism for millions oppressed throughout Middle East without exception deviated from course through western intervention in concerted effort to accomplish overarching regime change agenda with specific goal – Global dominance.
The democratic prospects during and post revolution consistently undermined with U.S. and allies overt and covert operations in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and now in Syria.
Egypt – According to reports – U.S. military aid $1.3 billion to Egypt is expected to resume this week per Obama administration sources to strengthen relations with Egyptian ruling authority Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) against Congressional law passed in December 2011 prohibiting financial assistance to Egypt until basic freedom and human rights restored by military power.
The reports also claim that amount will be transferred in smaller proportions to prevent any present or future anti-US elements in power from gaining access to funds.
Otherwise funding to Egypt is aimed at procuring unconditional loyalty regardless of SCAF gross human rights violation since governance.
Tahrir Square revolt led to ousting key western ally and military masquerade ex-President Hosni Mubarak in early 2011.
The western strategy to curb Islamic fundamentalism with dictatorship in Middle East is subversion of reality.
The actions thus far curtail functional democracy allowing fundamentalists and hard line authoritarianism to prevail in the first ever elections barring viable alternatives for citizens due to western controlled puppet regimes at the helm.
Egypt is a classic example in this regard and western alliance with military power continues to pose impediments in citizens’ quest for political independence.
The steps subsequent to Mubarak overthrow though lauded by west as democratic reflecting western concept of democracy in twenty first century,
The people in Egypt feel betrayed by Egyptian military facilitating Muslim Brotherhood victory – the victim of Mubarak brutality yet remained non-participant in Tahrir Square freedom struggle while the secular mass shed blood on their behalf.
Then emerged opportunistically clinching power as expected per SCAF managed election with constraints on other political factions to effectively compete in the western touted so-called democratic process.
The western powers having settled scores with Egypt revolution for their partner Mubarak removal vigorously engaged in the military takeover maintaining predecessor autocratic rule.
Furthermore, Muslim Brotherhood coalition with Islamic fundamentalists is a deliberate option to sustain public dissatisfaction and political fragility prevalent under such conditions enabling permanent military proxy governance for western maneuver.
Egypt citizens relentless dissent to western engineered political outcome could be advanced in solidarity with a political party encompassing diverse needs under strong dynamic secular leadership in the forthcoming Presidential election.
Unity in recognition of Egypt society as one nation shunning political ideology or radicalism is imperative to challenge the external influenced state authority.
Syria – The year long violence with massive casualties from all sides has stained the ruling and foreign forces alike unrelenting to international call for ceasefire.
President Bashar Al-Assad in pursuing eye for an eye stratagem is exacerbating the confrontation rather than leading the country towards non-violent and diplomatic exchange with Syrian people for democratic transition.
The constitutional reform limiting Presidential tenure to two terms and opening pathway for mainstream candidates in Presidential race are significant compared with position held until recently on citizens’ grievances typically ignored in order to prolong status quo.
President Assad ending violence with troops withdrawal across the country beginning with Damascus, Aleppo and oil producing province Deir Al Zor would determine foreign infiltration in these areas that are not easily verifiable in the clashes between government and armed rebels sharing equal responsibility in the bloodshed and non-conducive environment for humanitarian relief to save lives.
Moreover releasing peaceful protestors like Mohammad Sayeed Rassas, a leader of the National Coordinating Body for Democratic Change (NCB) arrested on Sunday along with others committed to non-violence and against foreign intervention for a constructive dialogue with government are important to prove President Assad’s respect for civil liberty and Syrian lives in general.
Simultaneously foreign intrusion has ignited sparks turning into inferno with the objective to steer the nation towards civil war.
Western powers together with Arab league’s economic and military powerhouses – Saudi Arabia and Qatar in particular have constantly interfered in Middle East uprising viz. Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and currently in Syria.
It is extremely disappointing to note Turkey playing a role in regional destabilization – the inevitable upon extending Syrian conflict with severe backlash for all contributors in the mayhem caused by arms influx displaying utter disregard for innocent civilians dying in crossfire.
United Nations and Arab League’s envoy former Secretary General Kofi Annan visits to Syria to broker peace is positive and peace proposals for humanitarian purpose is noteworthy.
However, UNSC resolution for air strikes or ground attacks against Syria in semblance with response on Libya would be counterproductive and could seriously jeopardize UNSC credibility amongst civilian population in Syria as well as across the globe.
Syria has reached the optimum in chaos and incessant killings with ammunition sales flourishing at the cost of precious lives,
Notwithstanding lingering tensions in Middle East impact oil prices with ripple effects on food and other necessities around the world.
Above all escalating economic liabilities for the west restraints extravagant ventures like military invasion of Syria or Iran.
President Bashar Al Assad peaceful reconciliation with people in Syria could unequivocally avert Libya or Iraq scenario providing international community opportunity to rescue the dying and heal the wounded in the war torn nation.
Meanwhile western powers and Arab league integrity and sincerity in resolving Syrian crisis is largely dependent on abandoning aggression and possible economic sanctions hurting the people than the intended target.
Instead disarmament of Free Syrian Army and different oppositions alongside enforcing government troops retreat for promoting comprehensive peace agreement would benefit the people and nation at large.
Over twelve months of battle between government and foreign powers backed resistance has deprived citizens from negotiations,
Besides referendum on constitutional amendment deserves implementation to validate electorate mandate.
Syrian and international leaderships are urged to seek cordial relations to achieve the common goal – peace and political stability with republic governed democracy.
Best Wishes to citizens of Egypt and Syria for long lasting peace and republic rule establishment.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – AFSPA Abolition and State Demilitarization
March 18, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
North Eastern India – Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Assam remain the disenfranchised union of India – the world’s largest (democracy?).
State affairs grossly neglected by elected officials at the local and national level, the frustrated population continuously endures economic, political and above all security problems in the region.
The security threat emanates from none other than AFPSA – Armed Forces Special Powers Act implemented in 1958 is inherited from colonial times known as Armed Forces Special Ordinance introduced in 1942.
Since then AFSPA has been abused clarifying proverbial impact of power.
Power corrupts human mind. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
AFSPA Carte blanche status is the root cause of unrest and disorder in the deployed states creating insurgency amongst economically and politically deprived youth rising against armed personnel atrocity never brought to justice in the so-called democracy.
Any society complacent to injustice anywhere is complicit in crimes against humanity,
The political and military tribunal apathy emboldens rank and file with lawlessness becoming law for the legion in civilian environment.
While there are disciplined military regiments admirably defending the nation at every frontier,
The other end of the spectrum involved in dehumanizing activities represents leaderships failure in politics and military hierarchy considering the lack of initiatives to address grievous situation.
Manipur in particular has been the fertile ground for Assam rifles cadre and central forces brutality producing militancy and economic blockade in protest to terror in uniform patrolling the territories with ammunitions and impunity against human rights violation and military code of conduct.
The citizens overwhelming accounts confirm troops primitive behavior leaving a lasting impression those wild characteristics not amenable to civil engagement.
Furthermore, the upheavals delineate combat and Peace Corps approach to political crisis.
Not to mention the State and Central government especially Home Ministry nonchalant demeanor fuels activism in the region.
The incident involving Assam rifles (AR) indiscriminate shooting of 10 villagers – a pregnant woman among them waiting at the bus stop in Malom village near the state capital Imphal airport was the tip of the iceberg in the burgeoning criminality from soldiers gone wry.
Unpunished crime precedential in impropriety evolving into notoriety prevalent from top down is the fundamental flaw in the oversight set up for formality than functionality.
Notwithstanding corruption usurping justice institutionalize power abuse throughout the system with victims and families unable to hold perpetrators accountable for heinous assault on the weak and vulnerable.
Historically revolts are triggered by social and economic inequalities combined with lack of political representation demanding reforms to end disparity.
In Manipur and other North Eastern States, demilitarization is the core issue seeking redress and termination to violence.
The activist Irom Sharmila Chanu has been on indefinite fast for over a decade and surviving on nasal feeding symbolic of pain and suffering experienced by the people in Manipur and elsewhere like Jammu and Kashmir valley with AFSPA presence exacerbating local residents misery.
Militarization has notably brought immense adversities and the policy is denounced for direct intrusion in civil society contributing to continuous discord with state and central government inefficiency in resolving disputes peacefully rather than by use of force.
The precipitous decline in administrative skills predominantly relying on authoritarianism through catalysts like AFSPA is indicative of subjugation at political will.
India following undemocratic strategies analogous to western allies unpopular means to rein control is anathema to national freedom with regional autonomy severely undermined under existential AFSPA aggression.
Although Irom Sharmila’s voice on Manipur citizens behalf is heard ceremonially with coveted awards and cash prize,
The ailing dissenter’s plea is ignored entirely on AFSPA withdrawal from the state and revoking special powers act – arguably the deadly weapon in the hands of unruly contingency substituted for current leaderships response to manufactured conflicts in the beleaguered states up North and North Eastern India.
Ironically, Irom Sharmila was arrested again last week and charged with suicidal attempt by inept state and central government (Congress Party) targeting the peace activist reiterating political decision on AFSPA.
Humanitarian organizations and prestigious institutes in India along with 1.2 billion unified stance to abolish imperialist doctrine – AFSPA and demilitarization would transform dormant democracy into vibrant republic rule with civil liberty for all.
India in pursuit of economic prosperity has forsaken democratic values and vast majority pre-occupation in self-promotion has allowed military and political establishment to claim supremacy threatening sovereignty and statehood denied in ad nauseam mistreatment of indigenous as well as marginalized demography.
International human rights groups and United Nations intense pressure on New Delhi to abrogate AFSPA would exemplify universal application of law.
Additionally freezing individual State and New Delhi leaderships assets in overseas accounts conforming to measures against governments adopting military intervention endangering lives and citizens safety would be effective in restoring normal existence.
Indian electorate demonstrated resolve subsequent to emergency rule in 1975 by Congress government under Late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi rejecting autocratic governance sending a strong message through ballots and,
Likewise repeating the process with earlier Lok Sabha elections would perhaps provide an opportunity for a breath of fresh air in corruption contaminated politics.
Meanwhile citizens in Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Assam, Jammu and Kashmir could consolidate efforts adhering to non-violent and peaceful methods in removing AFSPA with amendment to state constitution and statutory requirement to prosecute armed forces’ unlawful detention, persecution, torture and killing of innocent civilians in the state.
State legislature enactment subjecting unnecessary delay or reluctance in adjudication liable is also essential to eliminate dereliction of duty besides preventing political and military misuse of power.
Indian solidarity triumphed in 1947 and similar milestone could be reached in delivering peace, stability and economic progress to states confined to unconstitutional military occupation under false pretext of national security.
Economic development inversed with political regression is counterproductive diminishing the value in the absence of pervasive growth.
India needs to wake up from deep slumber.
Reviving democracy sworn allegiance to republic instead of foreign empowerment is vital for national sovereignty.
Wishing citizens in Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Assam, Jammu and Kashmir and across India success in endeavors benefitting humanity at large.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – Republic Rise to Power
March 11, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
India – a secular, diverse society with political complexities, glaring social and economic disparity is deprived of pervasive progress due to stifling corruption, weak political opposition, selective judicial action, lawlessness amongst upper echelons trickling down to bottom bureaucracy and,
Above all abuse of power at the apex has undermined democracy leading towards authoritarianism.
The numerous scams in five years have smeared national image, cost taxpayers in trillion dollars upon recovery could potentially wipe out disproportionate poverty, hunger and disease in the society.
Average citizens also faced with persistent inflation and fuel price hikes regardless of international market buoyancy.
The economic growth has been on downward trend from the predicted 9% to relatively modest 6% for an emerging economy with escalating fiscal deficit posing greater challenge in the steady climb across the spectrum.
Evidently the frustrated vast majority conveyed their utter dissatisfaction with status quo in recent state elections against political leaderships especially the ruling power inability and lack of initiative to resolve major problems confronting the states and nation at large.
India with significant youth population and talent galore is suppressed from achieving phenomenal feat in every aspect predominantly attributed to feudalists’ political and economic monopoly reining control over 1.2 billion mass destiny.
The global empire implant in political system throughout the world as proxy governments to serve exclusive interest with monetary rewards via hegemony owned Swiss bank accounts and impunity from routine embezzlements and treason is the contemporary epidemic demanding potent measures to eradicate agents and source.
The long aspired global dominance is methodically implemented to subjugate nations exploiting human capital and natural resources to benefit nexus group and members sworn allegiance to the cabal.
Sinister organization being opposed to nationalists prefers narcissists to carry out agenda victimizing trusting citizenry across the globe.
Citizens’ choice to elect governments against prevalent norm is vilified with deliberate unrest to cause mayhem.
In India – The globalists having infiltrated political and economic sectors,
The attempt to sabotage military is nearly successful with subservient administration in New Delhi diligently following order against national security.
Alongside Indian media, print press, movie industry in Mumbai and southern India coalescence not excluding bourgeois loyalty are compounding elements in treachery eroding moral, ethical and cultural values – that were once cherished in Indian society.
These segments support aimed at individual gains considering illicit wealth accumulation and money laundering facilitated through investments in Bollywood and sports ventures meet globalists’ criteria depriving remaining demography basic needs and dignified life.
The entertainment sector generating revenue is not without underworld mafia collusion with capital infusion.
Hence anti-corruption proposals and serious crackdown of the cartel is met with resistance using cinematic format and articles constituting character defamation with punitive damages in legal course to curtail deceptive tactics and false propaganda against political targets.
The convoluted celluloid themes degraded into voyeurism and media outlets promotion reveal the writer, filmmaker particularly their commercial performers personal life story and debauchery enabling award winning performance with no talent requirement for real life portrayal.
Desperate times seeking desperate measures is confirmed in the precipitous decline of entertainment arts politicized with economic motives and unscrupulous means to hall of fame more appropriately notoriety sustenance.
Not to mention the audience deteriorating discernment accepting deflection in the form of infotainment.
Self-detrimental activities fixated on perversion and subversion fail to recognize karmic effects imparting valuable lessons in life.
The collaboration is a major impediment in moving India forward with the upper-middle class and high society backing corrupt establishment while A-political middle class protecting individual honor.
The country is dependent on marginalized and disenfranchised coalition to rise to the occasion and defend the nation from peril.
Congress government under Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh leaderships championed undemocratic rule of law against true patriots in the society.
Shri Anna Hazare – the Gandhian led anti-corruption rally was mocked and incriminated with the leader arrested and placed in Tihar jail (Federal prison for worst crimes).
The rest of his team continuously harassed with unsubstantiated charges including physical assault against one member to deter graft momentum.
The administration imposed mandatory retirement on the Chief of Army Staff General Vijay Kumar Singh – the army veteran known for patriotism and valor demonstrated in the military high command officer’s career.
Notwithstanding the General’s deep respect and faith in democracy – unique characteristic in the current environment with democracy’s immediate threat emanating from military usurpation.
The ruling power, judiciary and media role in Army General V.K. Singh age row is reprehensible showing complete disregard towards those risking their lives for the country.
Contrarily the appeasement diminishing journalistic standards and judicial sanctity in safeguarding traitors embedded in politics, economics and entertainment industry proves misplaced gratitude and complicity in derailing national prospects on the horizon.
Furthermore, the Congress leaderships’ decision to replace General V.K. Singh with Lieutenant General Bikram Singh at foreign power’s behest is extremely disturbing based on undesirable developments by globalists eyeing on India’s largest army 1.3 million personnel to accomplish the diabolical quest – world supremacy at non-western forces sacrifice.
Lt. Gen. Bikram Singh profile is reportedly marred with controversies and convictions in the domestic and international postings such as –
Alleged fake encounter resulting in the 60 year old civilian death in Jammu and Kashmir in 2001.
During Multinationals UN Peace Keeping Mission in Congo as Deputy Force Commander– Soldiers accused of rape under his direct command.
The list goes on with other allegations that government has willfully discarded and hastily announced the appointment of Lt. Gen. Bikram Singh three months ahead of schedule overriding 60 days protocol.
The unprecedented move by the government in the aggressive demand for Gen. V.K. Singh to step down when the General’s term does not expire until late May 2013 is suggestive of the puppet regime adherence to foreign command and,
The eagerness in organizing contingency under tainted Army Chief expected to cooperate with western hierarchy than incumbent General V.K. Singh.
Notably Lt. General Bikram Singh is also the Army War College and the US Army War College, Pennsylvania, alumnus according to the leading Indian news daily report.
Similarly the contentious Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) – carte blanche to armed forces including immunity on atrocity against civilians has taken toll on many innocent lives in Eastern India – Manipur, Assam, Nagaland and Northern region specifically Kashmir Valley.
The protester Irom Chanu Sharmila from the Eastern State of Manipur has been fasting for over ten years and surviving through nasal feeding until today.
The compassionate peace activist has pledged her life seeking AFSPA withdrawal from her home state only to be rejected by the government and opposition in the false sense of security against insurgency.
In fact AFSPA have verifiably committed unspeakable crimes against locals mostly defenseless villagers that prompted Irom Sharmila – then a young woman from the village to observe hunger strike against AFSPA.
The draconian law – Armed Forces Special Powers Ordinance inherited from colonial power was introduced in 1942 granting unlimited authority to armed forces to curb India’s political movement in the occupied colony.
Since then governments from all political factions have been apathetic to the cause despite reports on AFSPA violence against citizens in Manipur, Nagaland, Assam and Kashmir.
Abolition of AFSPA would not only bring relief to the beleaguered states but also eliminate any militancy produced by AFSPA presence in the territory.
Congress government under Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh stewardship has not spared the intellectuals in the society per accounts from eminent scientist Professor. C.N.R. Rao.
The scientists at Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) were the victims of brazen conduct.
According to the reports Prof. C.N.R. Rao – a renowned scientist and Head of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister expressed disappointment over the removal of ISRO Chief G. Madhavan Nair and three fellow scientists by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi government.
“Prof. Rao had stated that the scientists were “thrown out like garbage” for their alleged role in the Antrix-Devas deal on allocation of scarce S-band space segment to private firm Devas.
“People who have served the country, served the organization for long, you cannot throw them like garbage.
That’s what they have done. They have literally thrown them out of the window like garbage,” the professor said, voicing outrage at the action.
“They have not treated corrupt persons in politics, in public life like that.
Why only scientists have been picked up? asked Prof. Rao, also Honorary President of Bangalore-based Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research.
“Is this the way to treat anybody?
Nobody will work for these (government) organizations if this is the way they are treated,” Prof. Rao.
Prof. Rao targeted Mr. Narayanasamy – Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Prime Minister’s Office Chief Spokesperson for his reported comments that –
The government decision was taken to send a strong message to the scientific community that no wrongdoing would be tolerated.”
Professor Rao is absolutely right in the criticism of double standards in politics and more so with Mrs. Sonia Gandhi governance.
Congress government zero tolerance to wrongdoing would be credible and praiseworthy upon universal application of the principle beginning with Congress Party President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal, Law Minister Salman Khurshid and Minister Narayanasamy epitomizing corruption and systemic abuse of power in Indian political history.
Besides the ruling power dereliction of duty with spate of terror attacks on their watch, unresolved state conflicts like Telengana in Andhra Pradesh,
Manipur and Nagaland blockade prolonged for months,
Maoists clashes with government troops and,
Mullaperiyar dam dispute between Southern States Kerala and Tamil Nadu summarize the performance or the lack thereof in the term in office.
Kudankulam Nuclear Project – The community in Kudankulam, Tirunelveli district – Southern India is strongly dissenting the nuclear power plant operation given the disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima with generational impact on the people suffering from chronic illnesses and birth defects ascribed to contaminated water and air.
Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh accusation of US based NGO intervention responsible for nuclear standoff and unable to justify the claim arguably exemplifies Congress government consistent strategy to scapegoat others on all issues in contradiction to flattering titles conferred upon the highest office bearer.
The appeasers surrounding the PM together with nuclear power advocates myopic view on the broader nuclear matter is more self-serving than addressing national energy distribution.
Moreover the nuclear program touted as modernization of India is nonchalant at worst and naiveté at best in the equatorial part of India that provides for solar energy manufacturing adequately satisfying energy independence.
Treading along nuclear energy path is counterproductive and unnecessarily foments nuclear arms race in the fragile Indian sub-continent bordering with nuclear neighbors Pakistan and China.
United States agreement with India on enriched uranium delivery for this purpose violates the stance against Iran with world war III hovering clarifying US influence to prepare India as the ally in the cataclysmic event.
Therefore honest discussion on nuclear armament through nuclear program would enable better understanding of the sensitive global security concerns in the increasingly volatile conditions created by the west.
Nuclear summit scheduled in March 2012 could shed light on India’s nuclear ambition against citizens’ will and well being to arrive at a general consensus for nuclear free zone.
Abandonment of nuclear arsenal procured under nuclear energy pretext would unequivocally mitigate warfare and guarantee world peace.
However, the disarmament barring discrimination is essential to achieve the goal,
India’s political predicament is no different from other democracies in the world.
The prototype originating in western democracy like United States and United Kingdom is replicated in other places for one world government.
Those who have served World Bank, IMF, Council on Foreign relations (CFR), Tri lateral Commission…in the global network are nominated and approved world wide with the exception of nations or leaders declared adversaries precisely for not originating from the conclave.
The present government in New Delhi is the global empire favored with cabinet appointments and Indian Army Chief of Staff cherry picked by Washington for strategic advantage.
Domestic and foreign policy are dictated from Washington viz. Foreign Direct Investments or FDI to dissolve retail business in India for Wal Mart entry,
Kudankulam nuclear program with Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi implicated in cash for votes to comply with Washington charter enforcing nuclear power plant against residents’ grievance.
Foreign policy – India voted for UNSC resolution against Syria comprising military strike in the language to suit western premise.
Plan of Action for Indian Youth and epic proportion of people enduring crippling corruption, social injustice and economic inequality –
First and foremost – India against corruption (IAC) energized across socio-economic boundaries in 2011 must form a political party.
The reason other political groups were vehemently against IAC as a political factor was to prevent the inevitable victory upon them contesting the election.
When Indian political apparatus could accommodate myriad representation in Parliament, the paranoia in welcoming IAC is self-explanatory.
The political fragments like DMK, AIADMK, BSP, SP, TMC…and multiple parties nationwide began from being lack luster to sought after political alliance irrespective of scandals, personality…and,
Some even associated with presumed conspiracy in the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination ironically bonded in the deceased leader’s camp conforming to the axiom –
Politics makes strange bed-fellows.
Playing by the rules – Parliament upheld supreme over republic by Parliamentarians even though the concept defies logic with the former irrelevant in the absence of the latter.
The participants in the anti-corruption rally headed by Team Anna as the united front emerging to be a political contender would offer Indian electorate a viable choice against political parties with fair share of ethical burden and incompetence returning to power by default.
Younger generation from middle and lower income as well as poor economic backgrounds are the stakeholders with ruling elites and influential class denying them the opportunity to compete on par in the political and economic domain rife in nepotism.
State assembly election results in March 2012 is indicative of voters dilemma in Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Uttarakhand or previously Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka with impetus for trustworthy, clean and efficient political alternative to steer the nation in positive direction by legislating anti-corruption laws, robust judiciary and non-evasive political infrastructure inclusively representing mainstream rather than dynasty, oligarchy and celebrities alienated from reality.
India awakening / Jhago Bharat is imperative to reclaim sovereignty with Transfer of Power to the republic and not the imperial crown explained under blog post published on January 10, 2012 in International politics category titled –
Indian sub-continent –Sovereignty Return and Independent Republic Status
Pakistan unanimously passed legislation with declaration on sovereignty reclaimed in accordance with statehood identity in January 2012.
India is at the crossroads bifurcating into calamity from passivity and prosperity tied with integrity.
The unified voice against corruption last year displayed tremendous solidarity rocking the political pillars steeped in nefarious dealings jeopardizing national sovereignty and billion citizens hope for a promising future.
The urgency for a new formidable political party with Team Anna and India Against Corruption (IAC) by 2014 at municipal, district, state and national level dedicated to citizens empowerment is paramount to reach milestones in the twenty first century.
Anticipating legislation on corruption and other political reforms by civil society is deemed far-fetched notion in the powerful political circle.
As witnessed the political members from either parties are not inclined to expose their assets with the passage of Jan Lokpal bill and concerted effort to thwart legislation is prominent in the Parliamentary procedure.
Wishing Indian electorate long lasting political stability, peace and triumphant republic governed democracy.
Jai Bharat! Vande Mataram!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – The Power of Marginalized Demography
March 7, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Indian elections held in five states early March 2012 clarified mainstream mandate against corruption riddled government – UPA 2 Congress Party led by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal, Law Minister Salman Khurshid (one of the candidates in the election) and last but not the least,
Rahul Gandhi – Son of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and General Secretary National Congress Party touted as heir apparent in the Indian dynasty under the guise of democracy.
Congress Party Chief banked enormous optimism considering vigorous campaign by Rahul Gandhi and rest of the family in the most populous and electorally crucial northern state in India – Uttar Pradesh.
Uttar Pradesh – with 403 State Assembly seats representing 200 million population is also the largest in size and comparatively one of the poorest states in India.
U.P. being traditionally Nehru-Gandhi constituency was expected to catapult Rahul Gandhi’s political career aimed at the top position in the country – Prime Ministership to lead 1.2 billion electorates in South East Asia.
Subsequent to Congress leadership dismissal of overwhelming public demand for anti-corruption law,
The action largely emanating from corruption epidemic in the society and above mentioned leaders involvement in major national scandals ranging from –
Cash for Votes – Parliament members were charged and briefly held in custody with the accused released on bail for bribery to secure votes in the No Confidence motion against Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi government.
2G Spectrum – Government distribution of licenses to selective corporations estimated at staggering costs to national treasury with key members like Home Minister P. Chidambaram and Congress Party leader Mrs. Sonia Gandhi cited as direct beneficiaries in the deal.
CWG Scandal – Common Wealth Games 2010 in New Delhi grounded until the eleventh hour marred with corruption is also linked with Congress government and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.
Swiss Bank Accounts – Again Congress government refusal to pursue tax frauds and kickbacks from national arms contract such as Bofors Scam related to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi intervention in Italian businessman Quatrocchi investigation abandoned due to conflict of interest.
Not excluding numerous government projects,
Tax evasions among private sectors as well as celebrities from Bollywood movie industry with alleged black money hoardings were few of the many contentious issues tied to offshore deposits.
Corruption paralyzing average citizens lives across the nation with government leading the trend galvanized national movement in 2011 seeking stringent laws to curtail graft.
The Congress government reaction was violent crackdown in the anti-corruption rally that resulted in civilian death with several others seriously wounded from police violence.
When political power defy popular uprising on problems affecting daily existence, the consequences are ignored at that time.
However, the people in the lower economic strata in Uttar Pradesh followed by others in Punjab, Uttarakhand and Goa delivered a fitting response with crippling defeat for the hegemony favored government in New Delhi.
The ruling party – Congress reportedly lost 4 out of 5 states in the closely observed elections with colossal failure for the leadership despite Indian print press and media coalescence sworn allegiance to foreign power control in New Delhi,
Along with bourgeois loyalty to political establishment protecting the famous, influential and powerful in the society – conforming to feudalist dominance at vast majority plight.
Poignantly Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee served World Bank – the institution apparently instrumental in structuring UPA 2 prime portfolios and Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal appointment per U.S. State Department choice revealed in Wikileaks expose.
Fortunately, the marginalized demography neglected in the exclusive club in India is the force to reckon with and determined to democratically reclaim sovereignty from the globalists remote operation subjugating the world’s largest democracy through subservient proxy cohorts compromising national interest.
India is infiltrated in the same manner as Iran was in western installed regime under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi rule with society’s upper echelons adapting to culture for western appeasement in the false assumption of modernity generating self-identity crisis within hierarchy.
The precedence goes further back when treason facilitated East India Company establishment in India with imperialists then eliminating traitors after using them for colonization.
Adding to complexity is the caste, creed and religion card played during election enabled by media outlets in semblance with divide and conquer strategy.
The print press self-contradictory articles on Indian society having transcended these elements while the newspaper attack against political targets and scapegoat is the irony amongst ruling class cashing in on polarization.
Meanwhile, significant electorate in Uttar Pradesh categorized as uneducated and not politically suave by the self-proclaimed elites surprised the mass media with a far better understanding of political reality than pundits and analysts commercialized views.
The election debacle for Congress as incumbent power at the federal or national level is a huge setback and entirely attributed to systemic abuse of power in office.
The public sentiments have been explicitly conveyed through ballots and concerned citizens call for national awakening to establish republic governed democracy.
Congratulations! To the voters and winners in the State Assembly elections in India.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. Citizenry initiated reform presented below with information urging pro-active measures for positive political change nationwide.
Courtesy: Letter to the editor, Indian News Daily, New Delhi, India. March 6, 2012 – Thank you.
Dear Reader:
Congress is too corrupt to be fixed ever. This party needs to be dismantled.
Look at the Congress starcast: Man Mohan Singh, Ambika Soni, Salman Khurshid, Kapil Sibal, Chidambaram, Beni Prasad Verma and the ring leaders of this circus: Sonia and Rahul.
Here is the plan to dismantle congress constitutionally:
1) Vote in every election
2) Vote against Congress and its interests and,
3) Discuss your vote with anyone who will listen.
If BSP or SP join Congress, they will become the enemy in the next election under rule 2 (vote against congress interests).
Congress is an anti-national party.
India has no credible media and no credible intelligentsia that can take principled stands against the government’s corruption, vote-banks, anti-national policy, and lack of passion for India.
And Congress is the root cause of this dismal state because if the dynasty must be protected at all cost, there is no room for any talent.
If you like the above three point plan to dismantle congress,
Please repeat it anywhere you can: in the Internet forums, on dining room tables, in drawing room sofas, in auto rickshaws, in trains, in army-barracks, in theatres, on stages, in letters to the editors everywhere, in colleges, in schools.
This message must be sustained.
Salute you mate, thank you and spread the message. Very truly. – President Vladimir Putin Wins National Election 2012
March 4, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! To President Vladimir Putin and Russia on the spectacular victory in the reportedly most transparent, free and fair elections in political history.
Russia has spoken and the electoral mandate is clear. With polling results still pouring in from across the sprawling nation, Prime Minister Putin as the candidate emerged victorious with 63.9% in the national election.
The large voter turnout is indicative of Russian electorate seriousness in moving the country forward given the political and economic dynamics in the twenty first century.
Russia has risen from tumultuous times to be a confident and mature global partner evident in the milestones reached on economic, political and international affairs.
The international community has a reliable ally in Russia considering the threats to national sovereignty, human rights and natural environment.
President Vladimir Putin having demonstrated strengths and drawbacks in the political tenure is in a better position to enhance many positive attributes while minimizing or learning from any erroneous decisions in the new term in office.
Russia has acknowledged the leaderships’ role with a solid political capital to build a strong and formidable nation for the citizens in the domestic as well as international domain.
The outgoing President Dmitry Medevdev has been instrumental in the latest economic progress achieved despite global financial crisis. The administration has evolved and contained problems within and outside national interest.
Russia has a bright future that could be shared with the rest of the world as an equal sovereign nation willing to resolve disputes through peace and diplomacy.
Наилучшие пожелания Президенту Владимиру Путину и людям России в замечательном достижении и больше на горизонте.
Best Wishes to President Vladimir Putin and the people of Russia in the remarkable achievement and more on the horizon.
Еще раз Желая Мир, Стабильность и Процветание к России.
Once again Wishing Peace, Stability and Prosperity to Russia.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Russia – Presidential Elections 2012
March 3, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Russia – The nation with borders connecting to Asia, Europe and North America is not only significant for vastness but also a formidable power in the economic, political and military perspective.
Since Soviet Union collapse, the Eurasian country was considerably weakened in many aspects by the globalists clearing the way for long aspired dominance especially in the oil and natural gas rich Central Asia.
The western targets defender viewed an obstructionist until today was debilitated with the fall of iron curtain.
Soviet Union sprawling across Eastern Europe and Central Asia was perceived a major threat with communism being another factor for western perseverance to contain the then Cold War rival seizing opportunity in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Although, during Cold War the United States and former Soviet Union brinkmanship reached precipice in the wisely averted Cuban missile crisis,
The desire to subjugate non-western powers persists amongst Feudalist Empire.
In fact the desperation is ominously expressed in the quest for supremacy through one world government – the systematic rejection of sovereignty with hegemony.
The strategy currently used against western adversaries Iran and Syria in the regime change agenda aggressively pursued with crippling economic sanctions along side military option ignoring the inevitable backlash and irreversible setback for the perpetrators underestimating retaliatory power.
Antiquated western policy to undermine regions under the guise of democracy earlier in Vietnam and continued in twenty first century against Iraq,
Syria and Iran pushed into military confrontation is a cavalier approach doomed for failure.
Notwithstanding western hypocrisy in the implementation of unconstitutional laws such as Patriot Act, ACTA and NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) effectively imposing Martial Law in the so-called democracy.
Soviet Union particularly in the 1970 – 1980’s and just prior to the crumbling of USSR was baited with substantial U.S. defense budget comprising illusive outer space anti-ballistic missiles program.
Then the Soviet Union in an effort to parallel American firepower including nuclear capability apparently overstretched defense commitment at economy’s expense precipitating western goal – government dissolution through population under economic duress.
The mutual agreement between two nations on arms control via new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) subsequent to previous accord on short and long-range missiles is an important milestone on record.
However, the commitment exemplified in action would address speculations on both sides experiencing budget constraints with economic woes demanding priority over extravagant defense expenditure.
Similarly, the controversial NATO expansion in Eastern Europe and Warsaw pact maintenance with interceptor missiles defense shield has led to the formation of Collective Security Treaty Organization by Russia and Central Asia –
To counteract the pervasive U.S. military bases posing existential security concern for non-western powers considering the prevalent western ambition to topple governments sweeping across Middle East.
Simultaneously, the tactical and conventional stockpiles are contentious in the face of escalating tensions between West and Iran aimed at regional destabilization.
Nuclear summit by nuclear and non-nuclear states with unanimous consensus on nuclear disarmament in 2012 rather than foreseeable time frame would alleviate burden of guilt or innocence in the brewing conflict.
Again the responsibility lies with all nations regardless of declared or discreet nuclear status to participate in the nuclear free zone treaty.
Any reluctance to relinquish nuclear weapons would verify the legitimacy in the global war on terror.
Nuclear statehood used as pretext for wars and persistent drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen premised on prohibiting terror networks possession of nuclear arsenal could cease upon mandatory global nuclear disarmament.
Otherwise the present hierarchical nuclear rights asserted as responsible vs. potentially dangerous category deceptively deviates from the desirable course.
Reverting to former Soviet Union conscientious attempt under President Mikhail Gorbachev leadership for political and economic reform in the introduction of Glasnost and Perestroika pledged to Transparency and Restructuring evidently met with resistance from the apparatus then reining control over the political system.
The political transition for Russia has been extremely challenging with worst nuclear disaster in Chernobyl followed by Soviet Union disintegration evolving into dire economic problems amid political corruption and,
KGB intelligence defection to the west facilitating foreign intrusion in Russian elections.
The turbulence produced nostalgia for the predecessor political rule that guaranteed stability per the generation timeline.
Fast forwarding to the contemporary period, Russia is a mature nation with tremendous expertise in dealing with domestic and international crises.
Russia as an emerging economic power has enormous potential to shape the global economy.
The national diversity and geopolitical dynamics has contributed positive growth nonetheless not without the share of grievances from the minority and disenfranchised demography.
Amicable settlement on Chechnya after more than a decade operation is a preliminary step towards long-term peaceful relationship.
Secessionism often emanates from economic disparity, lack of political representation in the state and national level that transforms into social injustice.
State autonomy is vital when attending to specific issues and indigenous matter.
If these fundamental needs were provided then there would be less inclination for separatism from federation that could safeguard borders as part of the national territory.
These measures are more appropriate for a state within the republic.
Unlike the foreign invasion and occupation of sovereign nation with independent pre-existence later subjected to annexation by force.
Likewise racial discord and communal violence could be attributed to economic deprivation and ignorance.
Russia is in the process of conforming to twenty first century political paradigm.
The public dissent in Moscow is directed at basic requirements like free and fair elections, political freedom and constitutional reform to limit terms in office, widespread economic activity…and restriction on oligarchy interference in politics.
Five contenders including incumbent Prime Minister Vladimir Putin are vying for the highest office in Kremlin.
Prime Minister Putin having served two terms as President presented election manifesto incorporating the electorates’ economic expectations with the exception of early Parliamentary elections called for by the citizens due to alleged discrepancy in the December 2011 electoral outcome.
Candidates in the Presidential race have expressed their various positions and promises unless delivered usually remain a rhetoric or campaign trail appeasement.
Russia has made remarkable recovery economically in recent years and,
Politically honoring the republic will for a vibrant democracy would further enhance the leadership role in the domestic and international domain.
Russia’s role in foreign policy as United Nations Security Council member has been prudent favoring peace and diplomacy over military intervention.
The trend is imperative to curtail cataclysmic events in the volatile Middle East.
Despite standard disagreements on international affairs,
Washington and Kremlin cooperation on nuclear free world and bilateral trade,
Collaboration in science and technology, space exploration and advanced education,
Travel and cultural exchange would strengthen ties benefitting the citizens of both nations.
Удачи! Кандидатам в президенты на 2012 выборах.
Good Luck! To Presidential candidates in the 2012 elections.
Пожелание Мира, Продвижения и процветания в изобилии людям в России.
Wishing Peace, Progress and prosperity in abundance to people in Russia.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant