Bahrain – Ending Emir Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa Rule For Republican Democracy

April 29, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Bahrain – United States strategic base with fifth naval fleet at Iran’s doorstep administered by U.S and Saudi Arabia ally Emir Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa has been unleashing terror in the State capital Manama.

Saudi Arabia multi-billion dollars arms procurement from United States facilitating violence including U.S. authorized Saudi military intervention against peaceful dissenters tops the chart in western hypocrisy on Arab Spring considering contrasting positions on political revolutions especially with Syria.

Saudi Arabia aiding and abetting Bahraini government along with United States and United Kingdom staunch support for violent suppression clarifies real characteristics as well as motives to rein control in Middle East.

The so-called democratic powers sponsoring state terrorism reveals authoritarianism the preferred choice to maintain vested interests in the region.

It is obligatory on electorates in the United States, United Kingdom and France to block hard earned tax revenues squandered in killing innocent lives in Bahrain and across the globe at national and respective citizens’ plight.

Bahrain leadership zero tolerance to non-violent demonstration seeking long overdue political transformation calls for the government to step down with dignity allowing republic rule espousing democratic values and diversity in governing the beleaguered island nation.

The government under western management severely compromising sovereignty had no credibility among the vast majority due to misplaced loyalty and corruption depriving citizens economic and political opportunity despite oil reserves and comparatively affluent status in the Middle Eastern domain.

Meanwhile the emirate’s close ties with western Royal Kingdoms and political class enable national wealth transfer to offshore personal accounts leaving average citizens bereft of decent lifestyle and equal rights.

United States naval operation in Bahrain primarily provides security to repressive regimes in not only the host country but also neighboring Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Besides posing existential threat to Saudi Arabia and Israel’s common enemy – Iran.

U.S and allies dictating terms and conditions with intrusions through armed and well funded rebels in Syria disrupting ceasefire and peace plan evidently least interested in political stability, democracy and human rights exemplified in upholding domestic laws such as Patriot Act, ACTA and NDAA…with more in the offing.

Not to mention indefinite detentions without trial or habeas corpus in Guantanamo Bay, renditions, torture and extra judicial executions of Americans and others at executive discretionary will represent supremacy under the guise of democracy.

In the backdrop of gross human rights violation and active role in undermining democracy at home and abroad, western powers selective admonition arguably slighted and proved counterproductive.

Notwithstanding the strategy lacking integrity in promoting genuine peace and political liberty.

Bahrain citizens have endured brutal response to peaceful assembly and inherently prejudiced governance since inception of imperialist favored dynasty.

The democratic transition to people power is imminent and Bahrain citizens deserve political independence together with demography sharing similar experience around the world.

However diligence required in resistance remaining committed to non-violence and peaceful campaign.

Bahrain pro-democracy movement comprising local citizens would be better off launching peace protests in solidarity with secular leaderships to allay minority concerns contemporarily exploited by external influence.

Preventing Libya scenario with U.S led NATO abusing international trust and UN resolution for political agenda under humanitarian pretext via media false propaganda would save lives and expedite inevitable political change.

The failure to accept responsibility for carnage and destruction in Libya leading non-violent rally into civil war with flurry of weapons to foreign mercenaries and fighters alongside previously delivered stockpiles to government is no surprise given the defense industry trajectory to thrive from warfare.

Furthermore the deception in news reports on ground reality discovered post demolition raises serious questions on pervasive western intelligence claiming pride in state of the art technology yet dismal performance reminiscent of 9/11 attacks signify institutional debacle or collusion with forces behind mayhem.

Bahrain uprising pledged to peaceful participation would guarantee desirable outcome i.e. political victory.

It is imperative for Bahrain citizens to refrain from harming individuals and causing damages to public property even though the incidents are extremely low according to independent overseas reports.

Bahrain authorities aggression tactics courtesy U.K expertise – Scotland Yard ex-chief John Yates against unarmed civilians is deplorable and worthy of worldwide condemnation.

Indiscriminate shooting on the streets, imprisonment of doctors and nurses attending to the wounded and dying victims… in government crackdown constitutes crimes against humanity.

The perpetrators and those complicit in the atrocity could not be members of civil society.

Any more casualties in Bahrain peaceful demand for republic rule would have irreversible repercussions detrimental to ruling elites and establishment backing them.

The political leadership Emir Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa and administration resignation ending undemocratic monarchy not excluding,

U.S. military presence in Bahrain and entire Persian Gulf is non-evasive eventuality alleviating misery and tensions across West Asia.

Life matters regardless of origin and identity.

Human character defined by deeds with compassion towards all in legacy bear fruits to mankind.

Sincere condolences to survivors and families grieving the loss of loved ones in the Bahraini government inhumane and senseless assault on civilian population.

Best Wishes! To people in Bahrain for a successful republican democratic system with lasting peace and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Palestinian Independence – BDS Movement Against Israeli Apartheid

April 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Palestinian freedom struggle since the establishment of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948 has been through trials and tribulations with peace talks and negotiations especially by United States serving Israel’s exclusive interests prolonged suffering and facilitated territorial conquest diminishing prospects for two states solution – the aggressors’ precise agenda.

Israel’s hardliners and conservative religious factions in the United States sharing self-prophesized conviction in anticipation of fantasy fulfillment exacerbated Palestinian plight with militarization of meager territory.

Israeli colonization following 1967 invasion of Palestinian land including Golan Heights in Syria and persecution thereafter has been limited to worldwide reaction,

However. not subjected to similar actions against invariably non-western nations for any violation of the so-called international law.

Iraq – when the former President Saddam Hussein submitted to globalists decoy and invaded Kuwait in 1990 – U.S. led military intervention again with mass deception (WMD) claiming Iraqi babies were thrown out of incubators in the Hospital and,

Kuwait Ambassador to the United States – the daughter posing as mainstream victim was coached to perform to Congress for U.S. taxpayer funding of the war.

Subsequently the U.S. administrations successively imposed economic sanctions on Iraq despite Iraq withdrawal from Kuwait.

Other scenarios comprising U.S. trade embargo against nations condemned for various activities deemed illegal and criminal by U.S. and allies not surprisingly located in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Middle East leaving the west sacrosanct considering the role played thus far as the architects of chaos, carnage and destruction across the globe.

North Korea – indefinite sanctions with no serious engagement in constructive dialogue although the late Premier Kim Jong IL requested direct dealings with United States stating voluntary nuclear disarmament in 2010 and 2011 – only to be ignored by the United States.

India and Pakistan – Sanctions under former President Bill Clinton for conducting nuclear tests – a privilege granted only to nuclear states such as USA, Israel, UK and France… either having used nuclear weapons or continue to use them in the form of depleted uranium witnessed in Iraq and white Phosphorous bombing in Gaza in 2009.

Both USA and Israel refused to sign non-NPT (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty) – the argument India and Pakistan maintains in non-cooperation concerning NPT.

Post Vietnam War – the stringent measures against then rivals crippled economies in that region.

Latin America – any nation unwilling to surrender to United States unreasonable terms and conditions are targeted with coup d’état.

Africa – Global corporations governing the continent for natural resource exploitation control the political system.

However, South Africa – the apartheid regime was brought down with sanctions and international pressure initially resisted by United States and western powers viz. United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.

Contemporarily Iran and Syria face the wrath of imperialistic discretion.

Middle East – Iran is struck with SWIFT termination – depriving the Islamic Republic financial services network to process trade payments in vilification for alleged nuclear program.

With the exception of South Africa due to global dissent on racial discrimination – the western nations are by and large absolved from crimes against humanity in spite of being responsible for the status quo.

Palestinian effort in the dismal failure of partisan peace treaty overwhelmingly favoring Israel with the exception of Oslo accord – the agreement conveniently discarded by Israel has contributed to the civil society creation of BDS.

BDS Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions that began in 2005 is under tremendous assault arguably for the effectiveness on the oppressor and agents paving the path to deplorable conditions adversely affecting millions of lives forcing youth population to succumb to undesirable options – committing suicide or becoming potential terror recruit in the beleaguered Palestinian state.

Fortunately, the latter alternative has been lately abandoned to a large extent with commitment to non-violence protests through BDS pursued in ending the occupation for Palestinian liberation.

As for credibility with boycott adaptation – not long ago non-violence (Ahimsa) pioneer Mahatma Gandhi boycotted goods restricting profitability for colonial power to eliminate atrocity and eventually enabled India to challenge colonialism.

To summarize BDS impact on Palestinian cause – Israeli authorities disproportionate investments in discrediting BDS with a portfolio assigned for this purpose alongside media propaganda evidently rocking the boat demanding compliance to legitimate peace plan outlined on numerous occasions earlier.

Israel might be the presumed economic and military power with the superpower United States at beckon call –

The inevitable change leading to the beginning of the conclusion of hegemonic era could no longer be evaded by orthodox or unconventional means conforming to the reality

The rise and fall of mighty empires is testimony to mankind rejection of natural law.

BDS – upon being organized diligently promoting awareness dedicated to Palestinian independence in solidarity would deliver the imminent outcome.

Good Luck! To the peaceful and non-violent campaign for free Palestine.

Israeli moderate thinkers and peace activists pledging support to BDS set precedence in modern revolution for universal liberty, equality and justice.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

UN Vote on Palestinian Statehood

April 21, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Arab Spring continues to draw world attention especially UNSC vigorous role against selective nations at United States and allies behest,

While decades old freedom struggle in Israeli occupied Palestinian territories regarded irrelevant even though casualties in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem alone exceed Arab Spring states combined together in the last decade.

The political uprising in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Syria are outbursts from prolonged suppression whereas Palestinian suffering is endurance to classic colonization rule.

Palestinian right to exist and self-determination vehemently denied by occupier Israel somehow not considered an urgent issue by the international organization responsible for the status quo in the establishment of Israel alongside neglecting Palestinian homeland entitlement.

Had UN concurrently declared Palestinian statehood on May 14, 1948 many lives could have been saved on both sides,

Besides preventing controversial and provocative Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem carried out in defiance of international denouncement.

UN as an international body maintaining non-discriminatory practice towards all would clarify credibility in settling disputes without being used a political tool at the victims’ plight.

Meanwhile Israeli check posts in West Bank and barrier wall in East Jerusalem rendering natives life impossible constitutes oppression.

Furthermore illegal administrative detention of Palestinians in hundreds held in Israel’s custody without charge or trial are few of many atrocities committed against Palestinian population by the state of Israel.

The recent UNHCR vote on settlements expansion with overwhelming majority demanding encroachment termination is ignored without consequences such as sanctions and standard measures that otherwise imposed on United States adversaries in the region.

United States veto until now favoring Israeli government aggression confirms hypocrisy in humanitarian matter largely attributed to Israel subjugation of the so-called superpower diminished to compliance to Israeli interests and quest for global dominance.

Palestinian statehood could no longer be differed or rejected with veto threats from the United States and allies in the forefront preaching democracy, human rights and political independence – the package deal offered to preferred nations contrarily declined to Palestinians pleading for statehood recognition over half a century.

United Nations purpose would be meaningful and credible upon expediting similar decision on Israel in 1948 i.e.

Palestinian sovereignty and comprehensive removal of Israeli presence from Palestinian territories based on pre 1967 borders conforming to international acknowledgment.

South Africa would not be free without worldwide condemnation of apartheid exemplified in necessary actions like trade embargo and isolation by international community.

With Palestine – dialogue and peaceful negotiations through quartet and U.S. initiatives inherently biased to ally Israel has facilitated territorial conquest via unlawful residential allotments to Jewish settlers proliferating beyond reason.

Alternatively stalling peace talks with unreasonable demands and pre-conditions insisting on no stipulations contradictory to assertions by Israel.

Carte blanche to Israeli military attacks on Gaza regardless of civilian deaths with experimental missiles testing Iron Dome (anti-rocket / missile-defense system) effectiveness in the preparation to pre-emptive strike against Iran.

Israel never subjected to IAEA or UN inspection on nuclear status despite being the only nuclear state with military invasion history across Middle East.

Unfortunately, Israel the holocaust survivor has evolved into genocide contributor with footprints in contemporary violence involving innocent civilians across the border and around the world.

Israel could refrain from self-detrimental activities and reverse the trend beginning with Palestinian cause, cooperation in the international nuclear disarmament, demonstrating patience in Iran EU nuclear discourse, abstention in Syrian political crisis…among numerous life threatening events.

It is time for United Nations to move forward without prejudice on Palestinian statehood accompanied by full UN membership invitation to the people of Palestine and prove the global representatives commitment to universal liberty and justice.

UN procrastination under domineering powers pressure would invalidate identity as the international group of sovereign nations pledged to global peace and emancipation.

Free and sovereign Palestine would promote solidarity and mutually beneficial trade relations with Israel as well as other neighbors in the region.

Wishing Palestinian citizens – independent Palestine with peace and prosperity in abundance and,

To Israel – peaceful co-existence and eternal progress in serving humanity at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

U.S. and Allies War and Peace Quagmire – Global Dominance Part II

April 20, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Afghanistan – The key strategic location has been invaded by prominent powers with occupiers goals defeated despite military might and unparalleled technology against native fighters in the largely mountainous terrain.

Following 9/11the U.S. and NATO invasion of Afghanistan initially premised on war against Al Qaeda – the CIA brainchild to drive former Soviet army from Afghan soil along with then mujahedeen trained and armed by United States that are Taliban forces today seeking closure to foreign occupation after a decade old warfare seemingly fighting the loosing battle.

Another bone of contention is Intrusion in domestic affairs specifically puppet regime installation reporting to Washington and NATO through agreement for permanent base subsequent to the so-called troop withdrawal in 2014.

It is clear that the supposed war on terror for over ten years in Afghanistan having claimed many innocent lives and armed forces on all sides with controversial drone attacks until now in both Islamic nations – Afghanistan and Pakistan justifiably causing furor amongst local residents mostly tribal and rural population surviving at western air power mercy.

The prolonged war in Afghanistan waged against Taliban and fragmented militancy groups has exacerbated Afghans plight.

Notwithstanding U.S. army personnel morale reflected in the series of incidents ranging from Holy Quran burning, desecration of deceased Afghan fighters, U.S. army sergeant shooting spree killing unarmed women, children and men to the latest U.S. military personnel pictures posing with Afghan suicide bombers mutilated body parts…are disturbing signs indicative of troops war fatigue rebelling against protracted military presence having lost purpose and credibility in the misguided mission.

Afghanistan deprived of progress due to continuous foreign intervention is also burdened with systemic corruption,

Western funneled poppy production arming the insurgents and warlords,

Western backed government inefficiency in every aspect attributed to political instability, economic disparity other than civilization frozen in time on social issues such as women’s rights in particular.

A month ago, much to Afghan government’s frustration United States and NATO declared truce with Taliban reportedly head quartered in Qatar.  The short-lived situation was no surprise with both sides defaulting to carnage and destruction.

Upon reviewing Afghan history since 1970’s, mujahedeen evolved into Taliban never engaged in threatening United States and allies national security unlike radicalized networks courtesy Saudi Arabia targeting vulnerable tribal and disenfranchised segments in Pakistan, Yemen and lately behind sectarian violence in Iraq with trail leading to Libya and Syria.

However, then CIA manufactured militancy alias Al Qaeda initially to fight against Soviets has been a convenient tool until date in pursuing global military action to benefit the military industrial complex and globalists agenda  – access to natural resources by force under war on terror pretext and long term strategic gains in the designated regions asserting prowess against those perceived competitors in economic and military power.

Reiterating earlier statement – 9/11 direct links with Israel and Saudi Arabia shared interest for regime change to strike Iraq eliminating former President Saddam Hussein completely ignored launching military attacks in Afghanistan rendering the Central Asian hub and neighboring state Pakistan – fertile ground in testing and exhausting weaponry to boost defense and crude oil stocks,

Besides facilitating widespread violence and terror recruitments in both nations to perpetuate war policy that was never credible from the onset.

Similar actions perpetrated against citizens of Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Bahrain, Syria and Iran to destabilize volatile Middle East to secure indefinite troop deployment and naval fleet obstructing hope for democracy with western leaderships delegated as sales executives to promote arms purchase for defense industry.

Any environment riddled with constant shelling and decimation denying victims glimpse of optimism to emerge and rebuild lives provides immunity to chaos and criminality subjugating demography to internal and external influence.

Afghanistan devoid of foreign military interference and instead assistance towards economic development laying a strong foundation on education with schools across the country, health care facilities and modern infrastructure utilizing labor within society would not only occupy youth with positive productivity but also prevent terror recruitment.

As for training Afghan security personnel to prepare them in national defense – considering imperialism lack of success in Afghanistan evidently Afghan fighters are better equipped and qualified to organize national army.

With corrupt free competent administration succeeding incumbency, disciplined military institution and defense academy could be a no brainer for any nation.

The new government priority in maintaining law and order is largely dependent upon commitment to public safety and unified approach with opposition to commission diligent law enforcement agency.

According to U.S. and NATO public statements on Afghanistan readiness post U.S. withdrawal – the past few years spent in imparting skills to protect civilians and safeguard national territory.

Yet the events in 2012 with U.S. armed forces and Afghan soldier offensive engagement resulting in civilian and army casualties contradictory to U.S. and NATO position on ground reality alongside drone assaults in Northwestern Pakistan extended over to Afghan border confirm otherwise.

In the absence of military accountability including disproportionate Pentagon budget exempt from external audit, the extravagant spending with no checks and balances on wars and military bases deserve thorough review and fund reallocation to vital domestic programs and job creation in the United States.

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai announcement to step down in 2013 a year ahead of scheduled troop pull out would mean transitional government to govern until early or full term election.

The interim governance headed by leadership with popular votes in 2009 election would guarantee stable governance per people choice.

Complete overhaul of political system and judiciary in democratic setting to curb corruption is paramount to move the nation forward.

Taliban impact on national security could perhaps ease upon offering gainful employment to misled recruits while disarming various factions operating in and around the borders.

Tribal areas urged to lay down their arms with trusting and respected Patriarch conveying the message in different parts of the country would restore peace.

Further addressing grievances in Tribal, rural and urban settlements with result oriented actions would win hearts and minds of the people.

Terminating poppy cultivation and replacement with agriculture especially staple diet could generate self-sufficiency in addition to government land provisions for organic produces allowing farmers to contribute to national exports and GDP.

Mutually beneficial trade investments in Afghanistan by international community substituting foreign military confinement could bring desirable changes in the economy.

Afghanistan neighbors concern over prevalent deteriorating conditions could be alleviated with peaceful transformation from killing to saving lives in unanimous call to expedite end to aggression on all sides consisting arms embargo and restricting ammunition supply responsible for the status quo.

Regional partners surrounding Afghanistan could play an important role through cooperation rather than competition in the establishment of pervasive peace and stability.

Afghanistan could no longer be subjected to bloodshed, drug trafficking, arms trade and above all globalists appointed government exploiting national wealth for self-interest at the vast majority misery.

In conclusion, United States, NATO and coalition comprehensive troop removal, not barring paramilitary, espionage agents, private contractors as mercenaries from Afghan domain is pertinent for Afghanistan sovereignty creating an opportunity to desperately required advancement under republic rule.

U.S, and NATO procrastination would clarify real motives not necessarily in Afghanistan or their favor given the precipitous decline in U.S. troop conduct having reached the breaking point demanding exit from the war zone prior to potential untowardness directed at authority.

Choosing honorable departure prudent than delayed debacle.

Wishing people in Afghanistan a new beginning on the horizon with long lasting peace and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – UN Backed Military Monitors and Troop Deployment

April 14, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Since Syrian fragile ceasefire in the last forty-eight hours, the UN plan to deploy 30 unarmed military observers and according to reports UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan’s spokesman Ahmad Fawzi press statement confirmed –

“UN backed mission would have about 200-250 observers and that nations were being asked to contribute soldiers.”

Furthermore UNSC chamber closed door briefing and UN emissary Kofi Annan assessment of Syrian situation in Syria’s UN ambassador Bashar Ja’afari’s absence poses credibility factor considering,

The exclusive sessions lacking in transparency – characteristic of global powers prerogative in display disregarding negative impact on concerned member nations portends peace disruption rather than establishment.

The globalists’ news agencies disclaimer citing unverifiable and unconfirmed reports as well as images alluding to post ceasefire violence eruption and military armored vehicle in cities and towns adds to the intentional confusion amid peace process.

Despite rational requests from other UNSC members to curtail demonstrations allowing peace to prevail,

The western allies Arab League coerced protest asserting to test Syrian authority tolerance with the report claiming three protesters were killed and several injured on Friday, April 13, 2012 – suggestive of external forces vehement opposition to their own so-called peace treaty.

Given the trajectory peace is antithetical to war mongering nations pledged to death and destruction promoting defense industry and crude oil stocks at innocent lives expense tragically underestimating the backlash in accordance with natural law –

What goes around comes around.

Syrian government persistence in maintaining ceasefire including troops and military weapons withdrawal is necessary to resume humanitarian relief alongside peace talks with citizens in Syria.

Perhaps the people in Syria could reject foreign fighters false representation and nations exploiting Syrian political uprising for strategic gains against Iran.

UN current undertaking to send military monitors albeit unarmed combined with troop deployment is not a peace mission instead indicative of foreign invasion under disingenuous pretext,

Not to mention the UN peacekeeping forces track record in civil wars in Africa – DPR (The Democratic Republic of Congo) in particular.

Apparently war is the preferred choice and all efforts are poised at provocation than revocation conforming to selective self-detrimental agenda.

UN involvement in Syria would be legitimate upon refraining from aimed attacks and rhetoric against one side while choosing to remain oblivious to other side that is funding, arming and fueling the conflict.

Syria, Iran or any other Islamic and non-Islamic nations could no longer be experimental battlegrounds to military industrial complex engaged in testing innovative artillery and exhausting ammunition inventory for replenishment.

The political leaderships promoting arms sales to boost domestic dire economy neglecting life saving over mass killings exacerbate their population and war victims plight in the much-touted globalization with intertwined economic activities having ripple effects when inflicting pain and suffering against one nation for others short term advantage.

Syria is a litmus test for United States and allies to exemplify sincere commitment to peace and political stability in the war fatigued Middle East with citizens desperately seeking end to foreign intervention via military aggression and economic sanctions – the two potent arsenals at UNSC disposal to subjugate nations regarded adversaries for vested interests.

Both options hurt the population than the intended target.

Meanwhile, Syrian authorities are urged not to provide any opportunity to local or foreign agents in derailing peace and political dialogue with civil society.

Syrian government responsibility extended beyond national security in protecting civilians from any harm would alleviate tensions and address skepticisms on leaderships’ role in prioritizing public safety amongst impartial minds at UNSC and international community at large.

UN peace mission devoid of military ambit alternatively independent international committee unaffiliated to globalists’ auspice would be the only sustainable action in terminating intrusions hostile to Syrian peace and political progress.

Needlessly repeating mistakes and fundamentally flawed strategies to attain individual goals is celebrating failures many times over notwithstanding emblematic erroneous decisions expediting inevitable disaster.

Syrian solidarity could contribute to prolonging truce and initiating peaceful negotiations between government and citizenry like exhibited in referendum for constitutional reform.

There is tremendous potential in Syrian society to amicably resolve the year old crisis and with government unequivocal submission to non-violence and peaceful means,

The outside elements stirring confrontation could be easily eliminated directing focus on delivering political changes to people satisfaction.

Finally, UN assignment limited to peaceful oversight i.e. non-militaristic in any shape or form and humanitarian aid would be honorable for the international organization under scrutiny to prove reliability in rising to the occasion.

With Syrian peace in thoughts and prayers,

Good Luck to Syrian people and the government in adhering to ceasefire and adopting holistic approach to democratic transition.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Syria – Ceasefire Sustenance and Peace Plan

April 13, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The ceasefire in Syria from both sides is welcome since peaceful environment necessary for humanitarian relief to war victims besides starting political negotiations with authority.

Syrian government and opposition exercising restraints to prevent any foreign instigated provocation are vital to maintain fragile truce.

Meanwhile keeping rebel factions offshore considering they are mostly hired by nations to stir confrontation would prolong desirable conduciveness to initiate peace talks and implementation of recently held constitutional referendum.

President Bashar Al Assad willingness to invite Syrian civil society for constructive dialogue would be instrumental to gain credibility strengthening national interest.

The incumbent government preparedness to address all groups within society demonstrating inclusive secular policy is extremely important to restore political stability setting the stage for democratic process.

Although government vigilance to curtail violence essential for national security,

Any procrastination towards meaningful political resolutions would be an impetus for external powers to resume civil unrest that could be avoided in expediting systematic structural political reform to public satisfaction.

Syrian society discernment in choosing their representatives pledged to common democratic goals are paramount for political success.

Again solidarity among civilians transcending religion, sect, social and economic barriers would guarantee realization of anticipated political transformation reflecting republic rule.

Independent international monitoring along with overseas media barring national destabilization motives could evaluate ground reality.

United Nations Security Council unbiased participation would legitimize role as a reliable agent in the delicate political situation demanding pragmatic solutions and balanced views for general consensus among members in recognition of Syrian sovereignty.

After nearly fifteen months of bloodshed and turmoil,

President Bashar Al Assad government is at the crossroads to establish genuine peace and political progress in adherence to referendum mandate as the preliminary yet monumental step towards democracy with sincere commitment to honor broad spectrum changes without further delay and loss of innocent lives.

On that optimistic expectation, wishing people in Syria and the authority a peaceful reconciliation for smooth democratic transition.

Peace to all!

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant
















Update – Temporary Absence for Site Upgrade

April 11, 2012

Dear Friends,

The site will be temporarily inaccessible tonight midnight  United States PST (Pacific Standard Time) for maintenance with necessary upgrades and expected to be restored in less than 24 hours i.e. by tomorrow April 12, 2012.

Your patience and support is deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Update will be posted on the home page message board.

Syria – Ceasefire and UN deadline

April 10, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian conflict between the government and western as well as Arab league nations backed rebels has claimed many innocent lives besides stalling UN and Arab league envoy Kofi Annan led peace plan.

The recent conference – Friends of Syria held in Istanbul among United States and allies i.e. the west, Saudi Arabia, Qatar including the host nation Turkey is preoccupied in legitimizing Syrian National Council synonymous to National Transition Council in Libya comprising fragmented rebels to represent Syrian population.

Whereas, Syrian mainstream has categorically declared western backed armed rebels as foreign fighters hired by nations determined to lead the political crisis into civil war for specific goal – regime change to advance their agenda against Iran.

Syria is used as pawn by the west and key Arab allies – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and NATO partner Turkey.

Turkey involvement is intriguing with the Islamic nation proudly proclaimed the only democratic society amongst Arab and Muslim countries in that territory.

Furthermore, the refugee exodus from Syria into Turkey across the border since rival forces clashes should pre-empt the Mediterranean neighbor to be a peace catalyst not the contrary.

Evidently, United States and western nations are least interested in peace and political stability in Syria or for that matter democracy in Middle East.

UN and Arab league envoy Kofi Annan peace proposal to Syrian authority for government troops withdrawal and ceasefire were accepted with draw down began in the relatively calm cities across the nation.

Meanwhile, the Turkey conference pledging arms supply and funds to rebels mostly consisting mercenaries like in Libya have been advised to reject ceasefire and emboldened to continue fighting on behalf of foreign nations anchored on toppling Syrian government for vested interests.

Syrian armed forces accordingly have been deployed on counter insurgency operation to defend the country from foreign invasion.

Reiterating earlier statements on Syria and Arab Spring in general – Citizens revolutions throughout Middle East were initially peaceful and remained committed to non-violent assembly until western infiltration with armed fighters posing as protesters steered the democratic premise into potential mutiny for government removal.

Western, Saudi Arabia and Qatar obsession with regime change in Syria is sanctimonious and counterproductive considering the players specifically –

Saudi Arabia and Qatar are iconic for oppression and persecution of their citizens in practicing medieval capital punishments such as beheading, live burials and stoning to death…in twenty first century.

Similarly, United States adherence to torture and indefinite detention without trial in Guantanamo Bay, renditions with CIA secret prison in Poland and Eastern Europe,

Executive order on unconstitutional NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) targeting United States citizens for military trial denying due process…are few of the many crimes against humanity condemned by human rights organizations at home and abroad.

Notwithstanding post 9/11 systemic abuse of power raising credibility factor for United States in the forefront for regime elimination in Middle East.

United States and west along with Arab league bear responsibility in exacerbating Syrian political unrest through relentless support to rebels triggering arms race on both sides alongside suppressing UN peace efforts from fruition.

Syrian political movement has been transformed into national security issue with western and Arab league intrusion hindering citizens’ option to pursue constitutional reform and other political changes agreed by the government in the referendum for democratic transition.

The rebels not being part of Syrian society need not be engaged in misleading Syrian political cause.

Considering the deteriorating situation from western and Arab league instigated rebel factions,

United States and allies objectives for radical modification in Syria will not succeed,

The persistence to destabilize the nation and the region will not be tolerated in silence with cataclysmic consequences to befall on over-ambitious globalists aiming for world dominance under false pretexts earlier in Libya and now in Syria.

Syrian people were on the path of meaningful negotiations with the government only to be derailed by the so-called Friends of Syria – a disoriented and fractured militia acting at external powers behest promoting death and destruction for strategic gains against Iran.

United States and allies share the burden to prove their commitment to peace prospects and any hope for democracy in Syria by refraining from violence via the rebels to facilitate concurrent ceasefire.

Subsequently Syrian civil society direct dialogue with President Bashar Al Assad is essential to expedite referendum mandate maintaining transparency for mass approval.

Upon immediate termination of killings and raids, Syrian government armed security personnel is to retreat from civilian environment enabling humanitarian relief to the wounded and displaced victims in the war torn nation.

The rebels are to be identified of their origin and any foreign nationals deported from the country to prevent terror network establishment in the interim or later.

Both party could no longer prolong Syrian dispute for undue advantage and three preliminary steps are instantaneously required to avoid drastic response against peace obstructionists and they are-

Complete and unconditional disarmament on all sides without exception is necessary to initiate peaceful political resolution.

Referendum outcome made effective in addition to adopting constructive political course for successful democratic process.

International independent committee barring western and Arab league influence to monitor government measures to public satisfaction.

Humanitarian agencies and International media entry into Syria especially investigative journalists non-affiliated to biased entities viz. certain corporate media, nations identified as hostile to Syrian peace…would be helpful to evaluate ground reality.

United States and allies are urged to exercise restraint and abandon self-detrimental interference in Syria.

In anticipation for an end to political turmoil in Syria,

Good Luck to people in Syria for peace and republic governed democracy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















Happy Easter!

April 8, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Lord Jesus resurrection to life and revelation to the world on Almighty God’s divine power is celebrated on this joyous Easter Sunday.

Jesus Christ crucifixion on Holy Friday also remembered as Good Friday was a sacrifice to redeem mankind of all sins committed and elevates human spirit in performing duties for individual and universal benefit.

Those who followed the Messiah’s unparalleled demonstration of righteousness on Earth never failed in the service as healers and benefactors dedicated towards a cause in uplifting life around them.

Lord Jesus journey as a preacher and instrument of Almighty God to lead humanity in the path of liberation from ignorance and self-righteousness exemplified through apostles missions in Biblical and humanitarian context.

Contemporary world strayed from virtuous trail burdened with guilt and injustice could shift course through recognition, remorse and reform enabling self-motivated redemption in life.

As a result rescue victims from pain and suffering inflicted in the chain reaction originating from the source unrelenting to natural laws pre-empting calibration for world sustenance in harmony with nature.

Lord Jesus teachings premised on basic to profound principles defined the purpose behind human existence to evolve and be exalted with humility and dignity.

Life is a blessing to be cherished not violated and wasted in illusions missing the golden opportunity to rise to the occasion for utilitarianism and eventual atonement.

Persistence in self-purification despite faltering would re-ignite sparks to dispel darkness within illumining mind then radiating glow shedding light for pervasive external enlightenment.

Appreciating unique endowments guided by discriminatory power in every being rejecting egoistic for altruistic goals is the path to inner peace and,

Self-fulfillment epitomizing benevolence in the otherwise paradoxical paradigm with confusion and clarity is a testament to human enrichment in values and knowledge cognizance of prevalent requirements for collective progress as opposed to present selective prosperity diminishing humanity prospects across the spectrum.

Ordinary citizens engaged in simple to extraordinary tasks without seeking fame, fortune and power represent hope and an inspirational force for others accepting every challenge as a chance to utilize the innate quality of compassion and myriad positive attributes stimulating change in the mainstream struggle.

Rejoicing the event in honor of Lord Jesus return to life is symbolic.

However, emulating the venerable prophet in action would be a tribute to spiritual guidance provided with devotion and exceptional renunciation of life.

Happy Easter!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy Easter!

April 8, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Lord Jesus resurrection to life and revelation to the world on Almighty God’s divine power is celebrated on this joyous Easter Sunday.

Jesus Christ crucifixion on Holy Friday also remembered as Good Friday was a sacrifice to redeem mankind of all sins committed and elevates human spirit in performing duties for individual and universal benefit.

Those who followed the Messiah’s unparalleled demonstration of righteousness on Earth never failed in the service as healers and benefactors dedicated towards a cause in uplifting life around them.

Lord Jesus journey as a preacher and instrument of Almighty God to lead humanity in the path of liberation from ignorance and self-righteousness exemplified through apostles missions in Biblical and humanitarian context.

Contemporary world strayed from virtuous trail burdened with guilt and injustice could shift course through recognition, remorse and reform enabling self-motivated redemption in life.

As a result rescue victims from pain and suffering inflicted in the chain reaction originating from the source unrelenting to natural laws pre-empting calibration for world sustenance in harmony with nature.

Lord Jesus teachings premised on basic to profound principles defined the purpose behind human existence to evolve and be exalted with humility and dignity.

Life is a blessing to be cherished not violated and wasted in illusions missing the golden opportunity to rise to the occasion for utilitarianism and eventual atonement.

Persistence in self-purification despite faltering would re-ignite sparks to dispel darkness within illumining mind then radiating glow shedding light for pervasive external enlightenment.

Appreciating unique endowments guided by discriminatory power in every being rejecting egoistic for altruistic goals is the path to inner peace and,

Self-fulfillment epitomizing benevolence in the otherwise paradoxical paradigm with confusion and clarity is a testament to human enrichment in values and knowledge cognizance of prevalent requirements for collective progress as opposed to present selective prosperity diminishing humanity prospects across the spectrum.

Ordinary citizens engaged in simple to extraordinary tasks without seeking fame, fortune and power represent hope and an inspirational force for others accepting every challenge as a chance to utilize the innate quality of compassion and myriad positive attributes stimulating change in the mainstream struggle.

Rejoicing the event in honor of Lord Jesus return to life is symbolic.

However, emulating the venerable prophet in action would be a tribute to spiritual guidance provided with devotion and exceptional renunciation of life.

Happy Easter!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








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