Syria – Geneva Agreement in ending Syrian Conflict

June 30, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

International conference held today in Geneva, Switzerland reportedly reached an agreement in ending sixteen months old Syrian confrontation.

The meeting attended by UNSC permanent members and some representatives barring Syria and Iran against UN charter prescribing inclusiveness claim to have arrived at unanimity on key issues beginning with non-militarization of the conflict.

Besides providing directives for new political process with emphasis on implementing democratic reforms including minority rights in the society.

First and foremost, the work group participation to resolve Syrian crisis is praiseworthy for concerns unless shared among members although relevantly nations confronted with incursions and sanctions threat viz. Syria and Iran respectively,

The situation could deteriorate and in warfare taking toll on precious lives on all sides with irreversible damage.

Next, the Syrian government predicament deserves recognition given the turmoil exacerbated with external powers infiltration all around especially the funding and arming of terrorists and,

The latest development in troops mobilization along northern, western and southeastern borders by western powers allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and perhaps Jordan.

To deescalate widespread violence in Syria contributed by western powers and Arab allies sponsoring militias and mercenaries with sophisticated weapons supply,

The Geneva accord non-militarization and weaponization must take effect immediately with troops withdrawal and complete termination of arms dealing as well as alliances attributed to massacres in towns and villages across the state.

Not to mention the loss of Syrian armed forces in national defense.

Upon normalization of conditions in every part of the country – again incumbent on western powers and Arab allies disarmament commitment per Geneva decision,

Syria could systematically review and respond to national security requirements alongside proceeding with peaceful negotiations in the political front in addition to addressing citizens’ various requests and expectations across the spectrum.

Unlike Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Syria internationally acknowledged as a secular state with guaranteed protection to minority and majority alike.

Nonetheless, Syrian population and authority could reconcile differences and grievances among genuine opposition not affiliated to any source jeopardizing national interest.

Syrian leaderships have demonstrated political change through constitutional referendum and elections amid fierce battle between international players and state with more to be delivered after restoring calm and stability.

The state assembly has also approved many measures mentioned in the Geneva document since constitutional amendment despite concerted foreign efforts to thwart achievements posing impediments to meaningful democratic system ironically justified by outside powers in destabilization crusade under the guise of democracy establishment.

Syria as a sovereign nation with people rights to self-determination is capable of moving the nation forward in the absence of intrusions detrimental to progress.

As for authorized representative allegedly to be appointed by President Bashar-Al-Assad on Syrian internal affairs mentioned during UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan press conference subsequent to Geneva session,

Courtesy – UN Envoy Kofi Annan press conference post script – Thank you.

Annan: International Work Group Reached Agreement to Help Resolve Crisis in Syria Through Political Process Led by Syrians

“Regarding the date of Annan’s visit to Damascus, Annan said that he hasn’t set a date but he will certainly go to Damascus, noting that he agreed with President al-Assad that when the time comes, he will go and ask him to appoint an authorized representative to continue the process and help matters go forward, adding that President al-Assad voiced readiness to do so.”

The notion implies western powers and allies demand for President Bashar-Al-Assad resignation through delegation of responsibility to a nominee – the position is contradictory to Geneva agreement categorically eliminating pre-conditions and imposition of any kind on the leadership or nation at large.

Moreover, such circumstances would only confirm anticipated mistrust and lack of integrity from members eluding legitimate skepticism on the deal.

Honoring decisive action through Geneva consensus on this date June 30, 2012 specifically pledging against destructive course in Syria would be beneficial to all preventing catastrophe affecting the origin that the target.

Regardless, Syrian ceasefire could no longer be evaded and reiterating abovementioned requirement for peace to prevail in the war torn nation – influence and investment from abroad in firepower and military engagement must stop unconditionally leading to fulfillment of all other requisites in accordance with Syrian independent status and republic satisfaction.

With appreciation to members and committee for organizing the important event in Geneva, Switzerland,

Wishing Syrian society ever lasting peace and tranquility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Saudi and Turkish Incursion Preemptive Warfare

June 30, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

As the international conference in Geneva discuss Syria,

Turkish and Saudi troops mobilized along the north, west and south east Syrian borders preempting warfare while the western and Arab allies backed terrorists wreaking havoc across the state with brutal killings of innocent civilians leading the nation into combat zone.

The most repressive regime in the Middle East – Western powers trusted ally Saudi Arabia behind 9/11 attacks and recently involved in Arab Spring massacre in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Libya is a kingdom without emperor subservient to western supremacy obeying orders from the United States and NATO.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia – the two Islamic nations along with Qatar in the front line murdering fellow Muslims – unarmed men, women and children under U.S and NATO subjugation is reprehensible.

International community witnessed U.S. led NATO bombings targeting civilians under humanitarian pretext in Libya.

However in Syria, United States and NATO delegated abhorrent tasks to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Libya spreading violence nationwide to achieve far-fetched and ill-fated regime change agenda.

Western strategy using Gulf partners in crimes against humanity escalating aggression on Syrian borders including representation through militias and mercenaries primarily responsible for bloodshed sponsoring unprecedented terror in a sovereign state.

United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton might have appeared to maintain conciliatory stance on Syria during St. Petersburg meeting with Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov by not insisting on Syrian leadership ouster due to prior arrangement through Saudi and Turkey incursions along Syrian territory to pursue the goal.

Western powers military interventional pursuit over pretentious diplomacy conspicuous on Syria.

The western belligerence is counterproductive and as for Saudi Arabia and Turkey – the surrender to western will for attack against neighbor is self-immolation with end justifying the means in the irrational conflict.

Syrian peace and democracy could not be established despite the state authority compliance with every possible demand barring President Bashar Al-Assad stepping down from office unless western and Arab aggressive invasion desist with immediate withdrawal of military artillery from Syria within and around.

Such activity is a precursor for elaborate indulgence in the region.

The insanity would not only engulf Middle East but also embroil the world in a smoldering confrontation especially with the same players nonchalant nuclear threats demonstrating urgency for their removal from power.

When nations and institutions refuse to learn from the past and present experience and continue on destructive course guided by delusional aspirations,

They eventually succumb to tragic outcome with irreversible consequences epitomizing senselessness in the otherwise resolvable crisis.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia retreat from Syrian borders is paramount respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty besides allowing diplomatic resolutions to be effective in western infiltrated turmoil.

The citizens in the western and Arab nations are obligatory to condemn and terminate governments action carried out in their name contributing to humanity suffering with privileged few carte blanche status aimed at retaining self-empowerment and enslavement of the rest.

Syria is an independent nation with population possessing the right to self-determination.

Any external meddling for detrimental objectives in direct violation of international law would deliver nothing except defeat in semblance with Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey participation is provocative considering respective human rights record and calls for international isolation with boycott of goods and services to deter them from exacerbating Syrian victims plight.

In anticipation for peaceful settlements in Syria,

Wishing the people and leaderships in Syria success in national defense, peace restoration and political progress.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Geneva Peace Conference 2012

June 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

International conference scheduled on Saturday,June 30, 2012 in Geneva,Switzerland to end war in Syria is welcome and a step in the right direction provided the motives remain clear and not anchored on regime change for state and regional destabilization.

Moreover, United States Secretary of State demand to exclude Syria’s neighbor Iran in the international event claiming Iran as Syrian ally inappropriate to participate in the meeting suggestive of the fact –

The gathering not focused on peace but garner support to overthrow government replicating Libya in Syria with lawlessness and radicalization facilitating terror haven to promote arms supply benefiting profiteers from perpetual bloodshed.

Any international convention could not be exclusive especially eliminating nations directly affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria.

Notwithstanding Iran being western powers strategic invasion goal in the quest for global dominance.

Accordingly Geneva summit including Syria and Iran for their perspectives would be result oriented sparing exercise futility alienating those isolating key nations from involvement.

The mediation would not be fair and just in barring Iran and Syria considering the discussion pertains to their sovereign interest.

Syria and Iran engagement in the forthcoming session absolutely essential to allow them to express concerns and measures adopted in containing pervasive violence although arming and funding rebels predominantly responsible for escalating crisis in Syria.

Poignantly, the so-called Syrian opposition sponsors pledge via formal agreement to desist ammunition, communication equipment and other weapons export to militias and mercenaries important to prevent reported massacre, abductions and intimidation of businesses prolonging confrontation.

Besides ceasefire not possible in the absence of freezing arms influx into the state from Turkey and other routes undermining peace efforts and humanitarian relief.

Violations in this context should bear consequences such as boycott goods or global sanctions against nations regardless of stature to save lives and expedite peace plan.

United Nations inspection currently suspended due to widespread fighting between rebel factions and state confirms infiltration level and external forces influence in exacerbating fifteen months old mayhem and destruction.

Syrian authority compliance conducting referendum and parliamentary multi party elections amid foreign instigated chaos along with UN tour guaranteed by state security arrangement are noteworthy.

However, the persistent arms smuggling and terrorism into Syria pose impediments in meaningful political course completion.

Meanwhile, UN monitoring team head General Robert Mood reportedly unprecedented examination of government military installations and information compilation rather than visiting areas with most civilian casualties and,

Towns and villages apparently the epicenter for brutality against innocent children, women and men killed using tools other than firearms in close proximity raises legitimate questions on UN mission.

UN declared international organization maintaining neutrality and objectivity to protect humanity without cowering to major players pressure would be credible and perhaps deliver positive outcome.

Otherwise the growing mistrust from anomalies when using UN, IAEA or any world agency for investigation contributes to unnecessary stalemate with political reasons behind modus operandi.

The nations expected to attend Geneva forum are urged to respect Syria and Iran’s sovereign status and demonstrate equality enabling these two nations representation in the decision-making process.

Failure in this regard would be counterproductive for there is an urgent requirement to honor peaceful resolutions through diplomatic and democratic approach instead of acrimonious pursuits inevitably hurting the source than the intended target.

In anticipation on Geneva talks to conclude Syrian warfare leading to peace establishment,

The unanimous consensus or majority favoring peace and opportunity would be the impetus for amicable political settlements between Syrian population and government leadership.

Wishing Geneva consultation success upon inviting Syria and Iran epitomizing solidarity in international affairs moving forward with similar trend in the foreseeable future.

Peace to people in Syria and Iran defusing tensions across Middle East.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Turkey Reconnaissance on Sovereign Air Space

June 25, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Turkey- the NATO ally reconnaissance on Syrian air space contributing to Syrian authority action in national defense is yet another unnecessary provocation by western powers relentless pursuit escalating violence in the war torn nation.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton condemnation of Syria protecting borders under assault on air,land and sea – courtesy extended by United States and allies with utter disregard for innocent lives is hypocritical and counterproductive.

Any investigation in this matter would be appropriate and credible upon being carried out by independent neutral state genuinely pledged to peace unlike NATO and United States with serious war crimes committed in recent months,

Not to mention the controversial nonchalant predator drones slaughtering unarmed men, women and mostly children in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan including sectarian conflict exported to South East Asia viz. Burma / Myanmar in the Buddhists and Muslims riot with no remorse or respect for national sovereignty under perpetual attack and life in general.

The obsession for regime change has claimed thousands of citizens killed and displaced with western powers ammunition supply to the deployed militias and mercenaries as the so-called opposition earlier in Libya and,

Replicated in Syria having betrayed international community with massive media propaganda and choreographed events to sell the war.

The facts unfolded subsequent to NATO decimation of Libya not barring Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi assassination in Public Square.

Western powers strategy premised on lies and deception to invade, occupy and violate human rights in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and Syria reprehensible with architects and profiteers behind heinous crimes against humanity never held accountable thus far.

United States and International Criminal Court are obligatory in demonstrating commitment to democratic values and social justice concerning humanity at large abandoning prejudice and selective indictments jeopardizing credibility and purpose to protect people from disproportionate military aggression.

In this context, the regimes in the United States, England and Israel aptly qualify due to past and present escapades with no end in sight.

Unfortunately the imperialistic quest for global dominance unleashing terror in every possible manner does not even spare own servicemen and women falling victims to the carefree ‘friendly fire’ and drones debilitating troops morale evident in the reportedly alarming suicides among combat personnel and,

Regrettable conduct such as desecration of deceased Afghan fighters,shooting spree targeting harmless children and women in Afghanistan, Holy Quran burning and more unreported incidents blocked as classified information.

Guantanamo Bay, renditions, torture and habeas corpus denial continues until today – prominently known as Bush-Cheney legacy.

United States illegal warfare and atrocity against weak and defenseless under false pretext of spreading democracy on borrowed funds with sovereign debt to the hilt exacerbates burden on American taxpayers and future generation.

In the absence of effective American dissent and public outcry – the land of the free and home of the brave faltering to restore human dignity and republic governed democracy.

United States leaderships’ gross abuse of power against domestic and overseas population suppressing freedom with NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), ACTA, CISPA, Patriot Act serve the powerful and belligerent in the far-fetched ill-fated course with more casualties on the horizon justifiably calls for congressional proceedings in the arbitrary massacre using drones and mercenaries in different parts of the world.

Western powers and allies intervention in Syria sabotaging life and peace plan must cease unconditionally with simultaneous response from Syrian government to guarantee Syrian victims safety and security.

Syrian authority like any other sovereign nation bears responsibility to defend territorial integrity especially in the face of existential incursions from forces least concerned about international law violation inflicting misery on residents across the beleaguered state.

Syrian blood shed caused with arms smuggled into the country by rebel factions representing western powers in the latest spate of brutality must be terminated and,

United Nations General Assembly unanimous resolution in this respect is the preliminary step to save lives facilitating ceasefire.

Peace and diplomacy in Syria could not be bargained at the expense of young and old death tolls rising by the hour with unwarranted intrusions aiming for regional destabilization.

United Nations Human rights commission, UNHCR and governments around the world as UN members urged to participate in the emergency session to permanently halt Syrian confrontation between external powers and the state.

Expediting peace in Syria paramount to avert global catastrophe – flagrant euro zone and U.S. economy in particular.

With expectations on peaceful resolutions to Syrian crisis,

Wishing people and leaderships in Syria peace and tranquility in the immediate period and beyond.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Russia – St. Petersburg, International Economic Forum 2012

June 24, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

International economic forum 2012 held in St. Petersburg, Russia focus on Russian economy and energy sector relevant for the BRICS member.

Russian market liberalization with incentives for investors might have led to high end deals at the meeting.

However, moderation prudent on all measures prior to overarching relaxation of rules based on expectations for lucrative returns.

Russia’s policy in unrestricted capital flight to domestic and foreign investors with a request to new venture capitalists to expand upon being successful in initial embarkation is anticipation not necessarily incumbent upon beneficiaries deriving gains from unlimited access to national resource.

The economies luring capitalism to stimulate growth would enhance opportunity in defining engagement process through legislation not only for local competition survival but also safeguard sovereignty.

Besides monopoly of market share undermining labor and taxation laws including environment standards are common experience among nations inviting foreign investment.

Another major factor being reciprocation in offshore trade often does not conform to terms and conditions with arrangement favoring one and not another.

Mutual trust violation in currency adjustments or trade imbalances also leads to unnecessary tension between interdependent partners in the otherwise resolvable disputes that are once again used for geopolitical agenda.

Capitalism providing fair income distribution contrary to status quo and abandoning practices to establish control on sovereign national assets such as oil, natural gas, minerals and various commodities among the products with human capital regularly exploited especially in developing nations would facilitate viable economic climate.

The contemporary invasions under false pretext evidently counterproductive and multinational corporations with energy sector, defense and finance industry in particular among others instrumental in cataclysmic warfare causing death and destruction alongside political instability urgently required to change course from adversarial role to honoring territorial integrity,

Capitalism in the new millennium reining control over political systems in national and international domain through campaign financing and legislative authority set dangerous precedence and predominantly responsible for democracy decline.

Russia receiving funds for discretionary spending from Middle East viz. Kuwait generous contribution $500 million to RDIF (Russian Direct Investment Fund) and U.S. initiated membership to international organization ITO with no strings attached would perhaps allow recipient to participate on equal footing without compromising UNSC veto right.

Furthermore entering into business contracts with profit sharing in both nations – overseas as well as partner domicile quintessentially end lingering uncertainty winning consumer support and investor confidence.

State capitalism on key programs such as health care for all with an option to seek private medical treatments,

Compulsory free education to poor and lower income category to boost literacy rates across the nation,

Adequate funding for quality higher education to prepare nation with skillful work force,

Subsidized housing with essential conveniences in exchange for involvement in community projects would eliminate crimes and social problems that are costing taxpayers more in penitentiary upkeep and running prison camps like in the United States.

Protecting retirement funds to guarantee financial security to retirees and baby boomers,

Veterans’ benefits extended to them and their families during and after national duty.

Periodic improvement with technology oriented civil services and infrastructure maintenance are core and integral part of public sector undertaking to ensure healthy, educated and socially integrative society.

Accordingly crackdown on bureaucracy and corruption posing impediments to genuine progress is an immediate priority.

Nationalization, privatization and quasi privatization would complement functionality wherever applicable.

The diversity would address deficiencies in areas vulnerable to fluctuations and unexpected events demanding intervention.

Regardless appropriate regulations are necessary for checks and balances to create long term growth.

The setup deserves due attention and action on individual basis beginning with banking and finance extended over to other areas of commerce.

Nations assuming direct power over money supply imperative exemplifying national ownership at present referenced in sovereign debt with constant monitoring aided by effective fiscal and monetary policy.

Simultaneously surplus allocation towards national reserves would alleviate austerity or tax increase in dealing with market volatility and economic or financial crisis in the global environment.

Liberating economies from private management under prevalent Federal Reserve or Central Bank with nationalization of monetary unit and core banking activities plus oversight on national and private financial institutions to avert serious meltdown would guarantee fiduciary reliability.

Sustainability premised on solid foundation accompanied by robust stimulants would provide steady and progressive trend.

Energy metamorphosis to contain carbon emissions and economic impact on natural gas and oil producing nations merits exclusive presentation.

Similarly euro zone analysis with pros and cons on recent developments will be a separate topic of discussion.

Russia – the host nation having achieved many business prospects at the consortium acknowledged for the International Economic Forum 2012 that brought more than 50 countries to showcase respective accomplishments and vision.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Brazil – Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development

June 22, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Pleasant Greetings! To Rio de Janeiro, Brazil hosting UN summit on sustainable development.

The environment goals are far from being reached predominantly due to constraints by political and economic leaderships prioritizing profits at any costs ignoring irreversible damages in the process.

Climate talks may not be interpreted into action at the national level.

However, there is a glimpse of hope with citizens and community leaderships at grassroots level striving hard to contain global warming.

In fact, independent investigation reveals many cities in different parts of the world are engaged in environment pursuits by passing ordinances and laws through local municipality then adopted by state legislation for uniformity in experiencing positive growth.

For instance on personal accounts – plastic bags are banned in the city and customers bring own reusable cloth material bags or purchase recycled paper bags and biodegradable choices at nominal price.

The neighboring states could then be influenced to apply same standards beneficial to their residents and innovate methods enhancing results in projects while remaining cost effective.

Such incremental steps are encouraging and could essentially serve as the prototype for world over besides bypassing political wrangling and lobbyists pressure on legislating environment issue.

The controversy over carbon tax or rebates and C02 emission reduction challenged as counterproductive to ecological balance based on plants absorption of carbon di oxide and oxygen release in return for life survival.

The logic would prevail provided the rainforests are intact devoid of deforestation and carbon trapped in the atmosphere contributing to ozone layer depletion and greenhouse effects along with,

Rivers and oceans spared from over fishing, hydrofracking aka hydraulic fracturing – a technique used in gas exploration and the most detrimental oil drilling despite devastation on coastal life and all around.

Nuclear plants exacerbate problems with recent radiation leaks from Fukushima, Japan and San Juan Capistrano,California after San Onofre in the state was closed earlier this year.

Clean energy – solar, wind and hydropower could effectively replace fossil fuel and nuclear power on consumer demand in market economy.

Small entrepreneurs among educated youth with novel ideas utilizing solar, wind and hydro base could design and develop products for rural and urban lower income category given the urgent need in the particular economic strata.

The coal, oil and nuclear industry domineering the sector have successfully stifled energy manufacturing from natural elements in industrialized and developing nations although some countries have pursued nonetheless and made alternative energy not only affordable but also achieved a smooth transition as the primary source.

In the sustainable development concept – the focus on broad range of environmental factors directly related to human suffering is vital beginning with safe drinking water supply to the entire population, sanitation and sewage system and organic farming rejecting GMO (Genetically modified organism) agriculture.

These three fundamental provisions among diverse requirements would address disease, hunger and poverty widespread in significant world population.

Normal conditions would facilitate improvement in literacy rate and opportunity for the marginalized and disenfranchised demography in society.

The burgeoning health care expenses would also substantially decline when basic necessities made easily available for vast majority across the globe.

Healthy environment means better lifestyle prolonging longevity and increased productivity benefitting all.

Water shortage is a major struggle for city and country folks with regional and international disputes on aqua sharing prevalent in the modern era.

Public are in strife having to deal with odd preferences – Often bureaucracy and corruption undermine service in utilities under state ownership.

On the flip side – private management of water resources overwhelmingly concentrate on profiteering compromising quality not excluding external powers vying for total control.

Furthermore, infrastructure modernization and transportation access with regular road repairs would optimize functionality and industrial output.

The investments could be recovered from business ventures and tourism that would follow in maintaining convenient and appealing landscape.

Technology oriented applications in rural planning and urbanization could save time and money in the slow economy.

Financial commitment and relevant expertise is imperative for successful completion of any undertaking.

Sustainable development is largely dependent upon strong foundation supported by ingenuity and flexibility to remodel in the progressive trend.

At the conference, Palestinian citizens request for recognition as sovereign member in semblance to status granted by UNESCO merits acknowledgment with full honor from international body like United Nations exemplifying inclusivity in the global village.

With due recognition to host nation Brazil and UN for organizing the important event,

Best Wishes to all members on environment and humanitarian mission protecting the only habitat for mankind.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Moscow – Iran Nuclear Summit 2012

June 21, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Moscow hosted the summit on Iran’s civilian nuclear program.

UNSC permanent members plus Germany i.e. P5+1 and EU foreign secretary Catherine Ashton along with Iran held talks this week on Iran’s nuclear development maintained by the Islamic Republic as involvement for civil purpose such as isotopes in nuclear medicine and energy option.

Although there was no consensus arrived at this session, the agreement to attend next meeting scheduled in Istanbul, Turkey on July 2 – 3, 2012, providing technical details is significant.

Besides the host nation Russia’s initiative to encourage dialogue by creating an opportunity to share thoughts and grievances is praiseworthy.

Iran having complied with every western powers i.e. United States, England, Israel and key EU members’ demand justifiably seeking removal of economic sanctions and financial transaction SWIFT and other facility reactivation.

Oil embargo on Iran is affecting rest of the world especially developing nations and austerity imposed euro zone nations more than Iran despite Saudi Arabia increased crude oil output to exacerbate Iranian population suffering.

For amicable resolution the disputing parties cooperation would have enormous impact in alleviating tension alongside rewarding one another for incremental progress that could lead to mutually desirable outcome.

In this instance, Iran’s adherence to western sponsored IAEA and UN inspection and further willingness to allow additional verification in any controversial sites deserves recognition revoking crippling economic sanctions that are major impediments in eliminating undercurrents on nuclear discourse.

Additionally, Iran consent to uranium enrichment threshold of 20% – internationally acknowledged limit barring advancement to nuclear weapon status combined with request for neutral nuclear states shipment of remaining fissile material exclusively to enhance medical treatment saving lives is a step in the right direction and merits western powers reconciliation.

Iran with all of these proposals and exemplified actions has met western requirements including cohesive participation guaranteed in the coming weeks on nuclear components and proportion to be evaluated prior to moving ahead on the chartered civilian nuclear goals.

Similarly, Israel being the other side having put forth numerous conditions on Iran through strong ally United States and EU is also obligatory to honor international treaty by submitting to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and most importantly Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) for fairness and credibility.

Israel’s conciliatory response would then justify concerns on potential nuclear threat from Iran and,

Also address similar apprehension among Arab neighbors regarding Israel’s covert nuclear warheads posing imminent danger in the region.

Unlike Israel, Iran has no nuclear weapons in possession with nuclear capability not on the agenda considering Iran’s head of the political system Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s anti-nuclear stance following Islamic faith as religion of peace forbid weapons of mass destruction.

Poignantly United States and Israeli intelligence as well as military until now has confirmed Iran’s non-nuclear weapon status.

Hence, speculations on Iran’s nuclear ambition unnecessarily contribute to hostility with ramped up military incursions on the Persian Gulf.

Notwithstanding Israel’s existential preparation to attack Iran’s nuclear site sadly ignoring self-devastation and inevitable endangerment of U.S. troops across Middle East, Islamic nations in Central Asia and Indian sub-continent.

The cavalier approach in the face of evidences clarifying otherwise supported by western agencies monitoring Iran’s engagement together with series of multilateral exchange would be counterproductive.

Western powers reciprocation in lifting all sanctions against Iran would enable anticipated milestones on the contentious nuclear issue.

While the world patiently awaits peaceful settlement on nuclear matter between Israel and Iran,

Nuclear disarmament and nuclear energy abandonment is incumbent upon all nuclear and non-nuclear states to ensure global security.

The universal commitment in this regard is the only way forward for life existence and planet sustenance.

Good Luck! To Israel and Iran in succeeding on bilateral peace accord for the safety and prosperity of present and future generation not only in their domain but the world at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – Democracy under Siege

June 20, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

United States and ally England once again adopt undemocratic tactics and this time around in the Indian sub-continent against Pakistan.

The western trio U.S., England and Israel imperialistic desire and far-fetched ambitions for global conquest through military intervention is no secret considering the deadly imprint throughout history continued until now with Blood River flowing across Middle East and massacres in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistan has been the battleground for architects behind ill-fated PNAC (Project for New American Century) to start world war III gaining strategic advantage against emerging economies India, China and Russia subsequent to launching attacks on Iran.

Although India at present made to believe the United States ally analogous to the impression created with Pakistan not long ago in the so-called war on terror,

The western troika relation with allies is well known even among them such as Israel attack on USS Liberty killing U.S. marines in the absence of remorse or apology and England as well as Israel collusion in 9/11 attack.

Outside – former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, CIA trained and Bush family friend Osama Bin Laden, ex-Libyan President Colonel Gaddafi, Pakistani dictatorship General Pervez Musharraf, clinically pronounced dead Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak – are just few examples to confirm trustworthiness or the lack thereof in the extraordinary alliances only to be betrayed at the critical hour.

United States infiltration in Pakistan deploying mercenaries like Blackwaters aka XE services, paramilitary, CIA personnel on the ground with persistent drone strikes was legitimately condemned and resisted by democratically elected Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani unlike the predecessor and western partner General Musharraf or the contemporary agent in political opposition.

Pakistan had become thorn on the side for western powers when Prime Minister Gilani raised serious objection to United States occupation utilizing Shamsi air base to shower drones,

Conducted deceptive Abbottabad raid resurrecting the long dead U.S. friend and foe Osama Bin Laden for political scores aimed at Barack Obama’s re-election to second term having miserably lost in the mid-term election in 2010 and Gubernatorial race as well reflecting then incumbent Barack Obama administration failures and,

Surpassing all events was the unapologetic NATO assault on 24 Pakistani soldiers in the Salala outpost.

Accordingly, Pakistan Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani issued shooting order on foreign air attacks following U.S. led NATO aggression in 2011.

The ramifications resulted in U.S. and Pakistan standoff and NATO supply routes blockade.

Furthermore, the incumbent President Barack Obama administration and United States Congress in the House and Senate reacted with aid withdrawal on Pakistan court decision sentencing Dr. Shakil Afridi reportedly hired by United States in scandalous Abbottabad mission – the dubious operation demanding unadulterated American investigation to avoid dangerous precedence in the abuse of executive power.

Whereas Pakistan judiciary claimed Dr. Afridi was on trial for alleged treason in Baluchistan secessionist movement.

The murder of Pakistan soldiers and nearly 40,000 civilians since U.S. invasion along north western borders of Waziristan and urban suicide bombings justifiably caused Islamabad to take a firm stance and,

Prime Minister Gilani expressed disapproval by declining to attend U.S. hosted Bonn summit in 2011.

In another instance, United States spy and CIA operative Raymond Davis shot down two unarmed civilians identified as farmers in the market and President Barack Obama administration warned Pakistan against prosecution or any legal action granting Mr. Davis diplomatic impunity irrespective of the crime committed in public view.

Concurrently United States Republican member at the House from California Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher introduced a bill on Baluchistan recognizing the State Union in Pakistan as an independent nation.

The unconstitutional showmanship arguably sparked anti-American sentiments in Pakistan and the Congressman action widely criticized for unnecessary provocation.

Ironically the self-proclaimed fiscal conservatives in U.S. Congress usually in the front line to filibuster legislation on funding programs benefitting American citizens and veterans squandered taxpayer dollars in the unwanted session.

Then onwards U.S. and Pakistan relationship precipitously deteriorated with United States escalating violence in all fronts on Pakistani soil with utter disregard for Pakistan’s sovereignty and,

Meanwhile U.S. State department wasted no opportunity with direct interference in Pakistan’s internal political affairs utilizing loyalists and servitudes to western powers within Pakistan’s diplomatic and political circle for removal of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani from office and government destabilization.

United States and England constant meddling in Pakistan rocking the first viable democracy in that nation with reprehensible practices like bribes, blackmail, drones, nuclear threats not only for surrender of sovereignty but also appeasement denied under Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

The political maneuvering with Supreme Court abrupt disqualification of incumbent Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani also linked to western crafted corruption case against the son of present Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry prompting judicial verdict against western targeted leadership in the typical divide and conquer strategy not barring pressure on compliance to external intrusion – a trend in vogue for Washington to spread mayhem in the Indian sub-continent.

The outcome in Pakistan politics is counterproductive for United States with troops stationed in Pakistan’s backyard alongside jeopardizing safety of U.S. espionage members and contractors scattered across the nation.

Pakistan volatility also facilitates hegemony to exploit vulnerabilities displayed among spotlight starved failed opposition member with strong western ties exacerbating crisis for personal goals.

Notwithstanding spill over extending beyond boundary to complicit government in New Delhi administered by Washington on domestic matter including cabinet appointments depicting colonial era – Master – slave establishment.

Pakistan population could unanimously confront the western orchestrated political setbacks to deter progress in any dimension.

The western objective to subjugate Pakistan as a failed state and terror haven – a common reference in the media representing western authoritarian belief all too convenient to prolong warfare experimenting newly manufactured artillery and technology on scores of innocent civilians in rural and tribal areas of the country.

Additionally, terror recruitments a by-product of foreign dominance would always serve the purpose in the militarization of Indian sub-continent and Central Asia threatening the ultimate adversaries China and Russia.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani provided direction and consistently pursued peace on every occasion with western characterized ‘arch nemesis’ India and Afghanistan apart from neighbors in the region.

The government under Prime Minister Gilani was inclusive transcending gender and ethnicity – the premise for territorial hungered powers triggering sectarian conflict wherever possible.

Pakistan’s future is dependent on defending national interest prohibiting overseas influence and local opportunists capitalizing the moment for political gains lacking in vision and solutions to myriad problems confronting the beleaguered state.

Accepting the status quo is reminiscent of western coup d’état in Iran that toppled the democratically elected head of the state – DR. Mohammad Mossadeq for his commitment to democracy free of western coercion.

Pakistan being a sovereign state need not succumb to prevalent development and instead exemplify resilience against all challenges with reinstatement of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Prime Minister Gilani stood for PPP (Pakistan’s People Party) until the last minute to preserve democratic system from cracking and unscrupulous elements at the political helm from abroad aimed at Pakistan’s fragmentation used the fragility to embark on sacrificial ritual.

The Swiss bank accounts do not pertain to Prime Minister Gilani and the circumstances for conviction as contempt of court despite defense counsel’s elaborate evidence based facts presented on the accused behalf exposes inherent weaknesses and flaws undermining judicial law in the highest court on land.

In this context, the earlier regime widely regarded as the western puppet General Pervez Musharraf offshore accounts especially US $10 billion aid per western sources as incentive to invade Pakistan somehow not raised by Pakistan political rivals in the accountability fervor.

Perhaps the western backed dissent in judiciary and polity against leader Gilani apprehensive about drawing national focus on General Musharraf treasure cove given their harrowing experience as political prisoners during the military rule.

Pakistan is at the crossroads to either remain steadfast in rallying behind Yousuf Raza Gilani leadership epitomizing courage integrity and proven track record in moving the nation forward and above all preventing foreign incursion or resign to perpetual turmoil compromising freedom and economic prospects to satisfy supremacists usurpation.

Hopefully rationality and prudence will triumph in the acknowledgment of genuine leadership.

Best Wishes to Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and people of Pakistan in endeavors that guarantee peace and success to the nation at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Mexico – G20 Summit Los Cabos

June 19, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaderships attending G20 Summit in beautiful Los Cabos, Mexico.

The issues confronting humanity are far too many and viable solutions unfortunately not desirable for some major participants also happened to be primary contributors of problems leading to status quo.

“Too many cooks spoil the broth” – reflected in the recipe not edible for preparers consumption nonetheless served as scrumptious feast in epic proportion.

G20 main focus on euro zone, Syria, nuclear talks with Iran and anti-missile defense are important.

However, shedding light on other political and military strategies attributed to humanity suffering equally relevant such as drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen evidently claimed more innocent lives and fomented terror recruitment facilitating perpetual warfare perhaps boosting defense industry, energy and finance sector stocks at the respective population bloodshed.

The underlying impact also suggestive of disregard for national sovereignty in the false presumption on territorial occupation to execute orders without prior consent or approval by targeted nations defense force or citizens victimized in arbitrary assault.

Pakistan and United States standoff arising from Salala incident involving NATO attack on 24 Pakistani soldiers with no formal apology that prompted military supply routes blockade and,

Pentagon haggling over transportation fee in this context masquerades undercurrents originated in closing down Shamsi Air base in Baluchistan used as drone launch center generating the perception of obstinacy overriding reason.

Furthermore, Abbottabad operation and reports on subsequent mockery of Pakistani national defense by U.S. Defense Secretary during visit to neighboring India confirm unsavory practices diminishing not only United States stature but also jeopardize negotiation on contentious matter.

The most aggravating of all being the regrettable aggression – apparently 800 civilians killed of whom 200 are children in the 300 drones launched by the current U.S. administration since assuming office slighting Pakistan request to cease mass execution.

Similarly in Afghanistan – U.S. and NATO invasion has produced civilian casualties at an alarming rate by far exceeding 9/11 figure with recent deaths of men, women and children in a wedding event clarifying aggressors disrespect for life excepting their own.

Yemen – under the pretext of hunting Al-Qaeda – created by U.S. intelligence to wage the so-called war on terror with no end in sight resonates pleas in semblance with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Again reports on Yemeni journalist imprisoned at the present U.S. chief executive personal behest for exposing fallen prey comprising men, women and great number of children to U.S. air raid calls for serious introspection among those propagating regime change in Syria.

Notwithstanding Libyan death toll in the wake of U.S. led NATO bombings and mayhem thereafter.

Syria – The uprising transformed into foreign powers vs. the state confrontation with former determined to remove the latter from office by funding and arming militias is yet another expedition in direct violation of human rights and international law not to mention deliberate sabotage of envoy Kofi Annan peace proposal.

The roadmap for Syria cannot be drawn with foreign agenda to destabilize sovereign state and entire region ignoring self-inflicting irreversible consequences in the process.

Syrian turmoil redressable with violence cessation from all sides made possible upon mercenaries and rebels posing to be the opposition implicated in crimes against mainstream like kidnapping and collecting ransom…and other atrocities desist to allow UN monitoring as well as Syrian government adherence to public referendum on constitutional reform and Parliament formation per latest electoral mandate.

Time is running out for hegemony sponsored armed terror groups and external power players engaged in depriving Syria peace and political stability.

No ceasefire sustainable unless and until foreign hired factions expelled from Syrian soil and weapons confiscated to resume required humanitarian relief and international oversight.

Syrian authority now dealing with alleged suicide bombing threats exacerbates multidimensional challenges and agents behind these plots essentially precipitating disaster to befall on them in the otherwise containable situation.

State Legion precautionary measures prioritizing civilian protection and national territory could alleviate plight for citizens stranded in crossfire.

Syrian leadership deploying security personnel across the nation along with intelligence in detecting decoy and apprehension of groups endangering life should reduce widespread death and destruction.

Summarizing Syrian conflict – Western powers and allies retraction and complete termination of rebel firepower would expedite anticipated calmness paving way for constructive dialogue and necessary political transformation.

Egypt – The bizarre political stagnancy in the absence of functioning Parliament and legislative body emboldens U.S. backed military power viz. SCAF (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces).

Egypt electorate resistance to the return of Mubarak era or military and western operatives maneuvered fundamentalism are crucial for emancipation of the long oppressed society.

Youth participation and solidarity among all citizens regardless of faith and individual identity is paramount to depose authoritarianism from within and outside.

Egypt revolution maintaining energy and enthusiasm while pledged to peaceful and non-violent course to prevail in political goal would guarantee success.

Iran Nuclear Program – Reiterating the urgent need to lift sanctions and financial transaction impediments against Iran – preliminary step for breakthrough in the unnecessary tension caused by nations entrenched in double standards and least interested in global security.

Details on this topic will be presented in concurrence to Moscow summit…

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Anti-Missile Defense – Pervasive nuclear disarmament and abandoning controversial AMD besides dismantling NATO is no longer an option but a necessity for world peace and life survival.

Euro zone – Irrespective of Greece election results, the failing economies ripple effects across Europe is indomitable task for the federation with members seeking financial bailouts successively in the backdrop of vehement protest against austerity.

The bailouts with or without strings attached would ultimately be a burden on the economy that benefitted most from euro zone trade now expected to bear the costs given remaining union debt status and negative growth.

Shifting liabilities on to emerging economies tax payers with BRICS contribution of $75 billion to IMF and more on the way confirms the disadvantage of globalization enabling fundamentally flawed policies with no safety features or emergency rescue plan squeezing funds from sources not responsible for the crisis and profit sharing reserved among exclusive club members unwilling to accept responsibility.

Globalization touted as neo liberalization exerting authority for easy access to developing nations market largely exploiting resources and human capital widening gap between rich and poor.

Another inherent enemy in globalization for farmers, workers and main street vendors is Free Trade Agreement – rejected in nations due to detrimental outcome.

Likewise IMF, World Bank, ECB, EU, WTO, UN, UNSC, NATO and ICC – organizations and institutions formed post World War II severely lacking in credibility and legitimacy for not having served in interest of humanity at large and instead intensified political and economic woes spreading social injustice all around.

Public awakening to reality contemporarily curtailed with undemocratic tactics witnessed in peaceful assembly discarding first amendment rights and national constitution.

Political leaderships are obligatory to deliver campaign promises and fulfill constitutional oath to safeguard and improve lives across the spectrum contrary to existing hard line approach and apathy towards human misery emanating from obsolete and redundant remedy.

People power throughout history has triumphed in revolutionizing methods appropriate for human progress – a trend prevalent world over striving for liberty, economic prosperity and social equality.

Wishing imminent victory to all peace activists, environmentalists and political freedom fighters in their non-violent struggle.

Heads of the State are urged to exercise discernment and diligence in decision-making for greater good.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Egypt – Presidential Election Amid Supreme Court Parliament Dissolution

June 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt votes in Presidential election amid chaos and confusion from Supreme Court decision to dissolve Parliament and legislative assembly annulment.

Presidential candidates representing Mubarak regime supported by Military power and,

Muslim Brotherhood – a non-participant in Egypt revolution that ousted former dictatorship President Hosni Mubarak from office are the only two options for the oppressed Egyptian population forced to settle on undesirable outcome.

Supreme Council on Armed Forces (SCAF) in control of executive power receiving U.S. aid $1.3 billion never missed an opportunity to exercise military might and excess force against unarmed civilians reminiscent of Mubarak rule until now.

Foreign intervention specifically United Sates military and State Department instructions to SCAF Generals summoned to Washington D.C. during and after revolution confirms the real authority behind military autocracy.

The western ideology premised on authoritarianism through proxy governance in order to contain alleged fundamentalism to protect their ally in the region has effectively fomented anti-western sentiments producing precisely the result claimed acrimonious to the west.

Western powers anti-democratic policy ironically under the guise of spreading democracy predominantly responsible for humanity plight world over and more so in the Middle East.

Post revolution in Egypt with no fundamental change contrarily held citizens’ rally reprehensible considering strong western ally Mubarak elimination from office.

Arming the military in Egypt alongside conducting electoral polls in the height of SCAF crackdown revealed deterrence on real democracy depriving pluralist system emergence.

Notwithstanding demonstrations galvanized against puppet representatives of foreign power.

Besides SCAF facilitated Islamist groups’ victory in Parliamentary elections to undermine mainstream democratic goals and Supreme Court latest position favoring Mubarak administration ex-Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq candidacy in the Presidential race in the absence of Parliament and constitution exacerbates the crises.

Western concerns regarding militancy and anti-Semitism in Egypt or anywhere in Middle East primarily attributed to their role in denying Arab population right to self-determination such as opposition to Palestinian statehood and concerted action in destabilization of nations with military operation contributing to perpetual violence, death and destruction.

Otherwise, the western policy and architects behind political and economic mayhem triggering ethnic and sectarian conflicts in Middle East are essentially accountable for ramifications viewed hostile by them.

Egyptian society is faced with a dilemma of resigning to Mubarak style hard line political situation or accepting Islamists law upon assuming office provided the latter prevails in reversing the extraordinary Supreme Court stance apparently motivated by sources determined to prolong western guided military dominance.

Neither is viable and evidently rejected by the vast majority arguably fearing the status quo reverting to return of Mubarak era.

The alternative allowing Islamists to establish Sharia law per the political trend or prohibiting social justice to women and other minority segments in the country are legitimate grievances shared amongst victims in the clashes between Coptic Christians and Muslims although the military backing Mubarak cabinet member Ahmed Shafiq believed to have sponsored attacks since appointment by hegemony.

Egypt duress could be addressed with people demand for military compliance to relinquish power and exit from political domain not barring United States influence withdrawal.

Secular movement from the revolution period forging alliance with progressive political party having been suppressed thus far could be a formidable challenge to either political factions viz. SCAF and Islamists in disapproval of the current political development.

Egypt revolution displayed tremendous courage and succeeded in the dismissal of Mubarak government and similarly exhibited resilience against martial law.

The electorate in Egypt is not obligatory to surrender to the will of political dictum threatening individual rights and normal existence.

The solidarity pledged to peaceful and non-violent resistance could once again remove impediments on the path to democracy granting political freedom, economic progress and social equality across the spectrum.

Regardless of the electoral mandate given the extraneous conditions under which the Parliamentary and Presidential elections were held,

The people from all walks of life affected by the unpopular political choices could rise against military establishment and opportunists exploiting vulnerability within diverse demography.

Egypt political struggle would end with the election of leadership free from foreign intrusion and/or radicalization proved detrimental to public and national interest.

People spirit could reclaim sovereignty and much anticipated political independence.

The victory is imminent with consolidated and unified engagement in the common cause.

Good Luck and Best Wishes! To people in Egypt in reaching the milestone for inclusive republic rule.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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