Syria – Ending violence and Foreign Invasion

June 11, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian situation deteriorating with escalating violence statewide and routine massacres targeting innocent lives in the villages and towns exacerbating crisis in the beleaguered nation.

Those responsible for arming the rebels rally in favor of military intervention – an illusion to accomplish the ill-fated goal.

The ceasefire never acknowledged by them with western powers sponsored Free Syrian Army, Turkey based Syrian National Council, London headquartered Syrian Observatory groups having infiltrated the society engage the national armed forces in continuous combat to advance regime change agenda.

The bloodshed cannot be contained unless and until all sides refrain from violent confrontation.

All nations are obligatory to protect citizens and public as well as private property from foreign agents constant shelling and indiscriminate shooting witnessed in Syria right now.

Syrian government response to militia attacks claimed in justification of national defense.

The criticism on Syrian position is political since western powers often use similar reason to wage wars against sovereign nations with hypothetical and/or manufactured threats to promote pre-meditated military invasions like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and lately Syria.

The intentions are clear to lead Syria into full-scale civil war and destabilize the country for strategic advantage.

Such motives having come into fruition in the past and recently in Libya, the nations advocating military action are primary contributors to casualties throughout Syria.

Furthermore, Free Syrian Army and other armed mercenaries refusal to abide by the UN mandate confirms benefactor nations’ determination to overthrow current government utilizing any means in order to prevail in the overambitious fantasy doomed to be a failure.

Funding and weapons shipment including exporting fighters to Syria with most of them lured from impoverished parts of the world must end for intrusions of this kind are in direct violation of international law.

Life has lost meaning and value in the rage to succeed in the mission defiance of logic and rationale.

The proposal from Russia as UNSC member calling for international conference inviting nations like Iran to represent inclusiveness against conventional practice is a viable course in resolving the conflict.

Meanwhile, it is absolutely incumbent upon all parties to disarm and disavow any harm to civilians or security personnel risking their lives to safeguard public and territorial interest.

Slighting ceasefire would be unnecessary quest for disaster to befall on the players behind the horrendous crime against humanity.

The diplomatic and peaceful request to stop fueling the turmoil has been deliberately ignored by perpetrators expediting dire consequences already in progress through various ominous events depicting inevitable termination.

Syrian government proactive measures providing safety and humanitarian relief to all citizens would alleviate suffering besides eliminating belligerence with arms seizure and expulsion of foreign invaders in any capacity to restore calm and stability.

Local elements upon being identified with proper verification detained in humane conditions for investigation to ascertain source could delineate domestic operatives from overseas directive.

Syrian authority are also urged to exercise restraint when dealing with unarmed captives regardless of nationality in adherence to international rules that could also result in cooperation from hired resistance.

United front in Syria would be a formidable challenge despite foreign powers decision in the appointment of Kurdish leader Abdelbasset Sida to head controversial and questionable Syrian National Council from Turkey not to mention the credibility factor considering Kurdish plight in Turkey.

The powers preoccupied in derailing peace plan and democratic prospects under the guise of saviors also authorizing massive killings and brutality against all Syrians irrespective of sect and ethnicity per independent reports on the ground.

They have essentially declared war against Syria in all fronts and unequivocal Syrian denunciation on foreign hegemony terror deployment would deter expansion and save lives in the process.

Global community condemnation alone would not suffice in this respect.

The citizens across the world could come together in solidarity and non-violently disapprove their respective nation’s participation or the lack thereof in concluding Syrian upheaval.

Perhaps, the UN General Assembly could implement resolution against instigating nations posing impediments in peace envoy Kofi Annan ceasefire recommendation.

Nonetheless, Syrian people must come forward and decline foreign powers influence evidently yielding death and destruction.

Wishing people in Syria long anticipated peace and amicable dispute settlement between political leaderships and electorate across the spectrum.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libya – NATO War Crimes and Political Turmoil

June 10, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Arab Spring originated in Tunisia and inspired Egypt to rise against tyranny i.e. decades of oppression and persecution by dictatorial governments regarded strong western partners for strategic reasons in the region.

Initially Arab Spring were peaceful and non-violent until state crackdown using excess force occurred and the situation then onwards escalated from bad to worse in these two nations and,

In Egypt the uprising protracted until today against United States supported military power SCAF (Supreme Council for Armed Forces) with generous military aid worth $1.3 billion funded by American taxpayers while being forced to accept austerity amid economic recession.

When Arab Spring spread to Libya, the resistance again was calm and pledged to non-violence in the preliminary phase.

The western hired mercenaries and militias hijacked the uprising with western mainstream media assistance in their fraudulent claim that Libyan government organized air raids and relentless shelling in Benghazi and across the state.

The coordination amongst western communication media, military and political leaderships subverting truth to gain support for the pre-planned NATO intervention under humanitarian pretext caused many casualties and infrastructure demolition despite NATO assertion that attacks were targeted and precise rejecting ground reality.

Nevertheless, none held accountable and no investigation conducted on NATO war crimes in Libya with UNSC focused on yet another western mission replicating Libyan catastrophe in Syria premised on regime change for political destabilization enabling further advantage to prolong regional warfare.

As a result, Libya is in mayhem with lawlessness having become law of the nation run by NATO appointed government involved in human rights violation according to independent investigative journalists on post NATO operation assessment in Libya.

Ironically the predecessor was accused of similar atrocity leading to the assassination in public square – an undemocratic precedence in the so-called democratization pursuit.

Libyan leadership under Colonel Gaddafi folly trusting and heeding western power advice led to the violent end.

The incumbent National Transition Council in Libya apparently comprising U.S. State department selected individuals with western ties treading in the direction of chaos,

Notwithstanding armed militias on one side and fragmented tribal groups pledged allegiance to the former regime at the other end is a perfect scenario to declare the state beyond governance creating opportunity for foreign power to rein control over national oil reserves and even more lucrative source – water in the Arabian desert.

Hence Libyan revolutionists engaged in non-violence seeking political rights at the beginning prior to western intrusion must come forward and regain control from NATO and United States authorized council obviously not serving in national or public interest.

There is no functioning government to monitor deteriorating situation and instead the authority exacerbating crises with worst humanitarian crimes against previous government loyalists as well as those not in agreement with the status quo.

Libyan cities disarmament is absolutely vital to maintain law and order along with terror networks deterrence trained to continue upheaval in Libya expanding insurgency into Syria.

The citizens in Libya coming together in solidarity setting their various differences aside and consolidating efforts to form a government representing them regardless of identity and ideology important to regain sovereignty and political stability.

The youth participation in political system having shed blood in the earlier demonstration would facilitate meaningful democracy preparing the nation for constitutional reform, elections and Parliament without any foreign power influence evidently disastrous for the country.

Libyan citizens are urged not to accept violence as the way of life and renounce militancy against own population and neighboring state like Syria.

The rebels are pawns used by those capitalizing on the political unrest and puppet leaderships usually abandoned leaving them to meet their fate as witnessed in Egypt with ex-President Hosni Mubarak and many so-called close allies in the past and present.

The trend is a reminder to governments and leaderships surrendering national sovereignty to foreign regency against public will.

Not to mention the reflection on the heads of state lack of integrity and credibility to remain in power.

Libya could no longer perpetuate internal disturbance that has already produced loss of innocent lives with real beneficiaries being the weapon industry and organization such as NATO with highly questionable and objectionable motive.

Upon evaluating NATO trajectory thus far with drones over Afghanistan, Pakistan and indiscriminate bombings in Libya with no remorse or recognition of any wrongdoings,

It would be fair to call for NATO dismantling and termination to protect life and environment.

Unfortunately, the western powers through NATO following United States pose major threat to humanity due to massive blood in their hands and unnecessary interference to derail democratic process and/or governments across the world.

Therefore, it is obligatory on the citizens in the United States and NATO countries to end the systemic abuse of power demonstrated in the current events world wide – the Middle East and Islamic nations in particular.

Libyan freedom struggle would be over only after the establishment of people choice government unlike the contemporary setting maneuvered by hegemony from overseas base.

People in Libya assuming responsibility as patriotic duty in shaping their country’s future prohibiting detrimental instigation from abroad would determine their destiny.

Wishing eternal peace, political and economic progress to republic of Libya.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Armed Rebels and Foreign Intervention Sabotage Ceasefire

June 4, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The recent massacre in Houla near Homs, Syria escalated violence disrupting fragile ceasefire threatened since implementation.

While investigation conducted on the killings, the horrendous crime against innocent lives reminiscent of medieval practice.

The atrocity appears to have been carried out in close proximity using weapons other than firearms on the victims that demands proper scrutiny prior to arriving at biased conclusion.

As such the uprising has evolved into clash between foreign powers and the State with former determined to achieve instability depriving Syrian population their basic right to resolve political issues and express consent or dissent through ballots rather than the barrel of the gun facilitated by foreign sources to derail the peace plan.

The ratcheted rhetoric to enable UNSC usual measures – economic sanctions and/or military intervention reserved ahead of manufactured crises is provocative and counterproductive.

Instead the immediate remedy to the burgeoning problem is to hold the powers accountable for funding and arming militias and mercenaries attributed to brutalities in the Machiavellian goal.

Considering spill over on the adjacent border Lebanon again instigated by the same elements responsible for sectarian violence throughout Middle East,

The UN credibility is dependent upon condemnation of influential forces promoting death and destruction in Syria.

Further recommendation to disarm and deport the so-called rebels – the proxy troops on ground fighting the war against the government for power removal would confirm fairness and reliability.

With respect to the state response – Once the rebels identified as foreign entities,

Weapon confiscation alongside strengthening border security control including the ports for arms and ammunition seizure arriving into Syria would be the preliminary step followed by ousting those causing mayhem on the streets when their origin proved anything other than Syrian nationality could clarify real perpetrators behind latest terror.

Subsequent to eliminating arms supply to rebels and detention in humane conditions, the authority obligatory to retreat to the barracks and ceasefire.

The government could then resume implementing constitutional reform held earlier in addition to Parliamentary affairs commencement with direct negotiations involving the Syrian mainstream and minority across the state for further political transformation leading to democratic system.

Meanwhile, the obstructionists anchored on regime change refraining from exacerbating turmoil instrumental for ceasefire to prevail facilitating constructive dialogue between people and the state besides honoring national sovereignty.

As mentioned earlier, Syria is a litmus test for the UN as an international body and UNSC members to demonstrate sincere commitment in resolving humanitarian plight rather than maneuvering situation to their advantage aimed at civil war.

Syrian citizens could come forward rejecting the rebels clearly representing external powers interest and resist foreign intrusion undermining opportunity for them to engage in political settlements.

Similarly it is incumbent upon Syrian government to protect entire society from any danger beginning with preventing bloodshed and expediting emergency relief to the wounded and vulnerable demography across the spectrum.

Those advocating military operation in Syria unfortunately are under estimating ramifications despite lessons from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

The extemporaneous policy best abandoned from military and economic standpoint.

On that earnest note, wishing people and authority in Syria amicable conflict resolution.

Syrian peace in thoughts and prayers, heartfelt condolences conveyed to families and survivors of the protracted unrest in Syria.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – UN General Assembly (UNGA) Vote on Statehood

June 1, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

While the western powers target Syria,Iran and North Korea to lead the global society into world war III for dominance per PNAC (Project for New American Century),

Despite the misguided strategy experiencing colossal failures in every mission thus far,

The Israeli occupation and persecution of Palestinian population with children terrorized and taken into custody along with teenagers and young adults in Israeli detention camps denied due process not a priority among United Nations Security Council membership having passed several resolutions against Syria and Iran on human rights and alleged nuclear program.

Reiterating previously cited events involving Israel’s atrocities in West Bank and East Jerusalem through controversial Jewish Settlements, apartheid wall, check posts and,

Most importantly depriving Palestinian residents drinking water with supply diverted to Jewish settlers for substantial consumption on swimming pool etc. apparently not regarded crimes and justification for UN to impose embargo against Israel.

The peace process brought to a grinding halt and Israel now demanding border demarcation after having exiled Palestinians from the internationally recognized territory viz. West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem as their native land,

The two state solution effectively transformed into one state scenario in direct violation of the UN stance rejects Israel’s control over Palestinian state with similar reference to Golan heights belonging to Syria.

Henceforth, the only viable alternative to the deteriorating human rights problem in Israeli occupied Palestine is to adopt identical measures implemented with Israel sovereignty on May 14, 1948 i.e.

UN General Assembly unanimous or majority vote declaring Palestinian independence from Israeli administration in every respect would result in free Palestine Republic rule essentially reclaiming inalienable right to self-determination.

The comprehensive roadmap to two state existences was provided earlier.

However, the details are presented again to refresh memory for immediate action.

UN General Assembly members are urged to come together in granting statehood to Palestine adhering to precedence – UN General Assembly Resolution 181 in the establishment of Israel,

There cannot be any more procrastination in arriving at general consensus on this pertinent issue considering the passage of time and endurance by victims declined basic rights to life.

UNSC prominent members relentless engagement in stalling the plan from fruition proved counterproductive clarifying commitment to imperialistic agenda.

United States opposition to Palestinian request is subjugation on the Palestinian people and a major setback for modern democratic society representing the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden of the United States could play a positive role in Israel and Palestine’s common interest with the UNSC vote without threatening to jeopardize history in making or marginalize the deal.

United Kingdom under Prime Minister David Cameron following suit would be a great opportunity in reparation of the incomplete British Mandate for Palestine enabling fresh dimension to the status quo.

Besides, the liberal partner in the current coalition UK government – Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has a unique moment to fulfill the pledge to restore civil rights and freedom on and offshore in the critical UNSC vote for Palestinian statehood.

France backing Palestinian statehood at the UN General Assembly 66th session could be exemplified in action by newly elected President Francois Hollande with the vote that would pronounce the European pledge to liberty and democracy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev further approval having cast the vote for the two-state solution on pre 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as Palestine’s capital would signify Russia’s position as formidable peacemaker in the monumental UN resolution.

China – President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao leaderships cooperation at the Security Council for Palestinian cause would confirm the relations with Middle East and Islamic nations in Central Asia and Africa given the emerging economy’s energy dependency notwithstanding the anticipated export demand.

Last but not the least – Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Knesset legislators accepting reality in the rational approach is a pragmatic path for Israel renouncing all obstacles to peace, national integrity and image.

Understandably, Israel and Palestinian authorities have relevant concerns over issues similar to the events in the aftermath of Israel establishment.

Although the situation now contrast with the circumstances then allowing few exceptions, it is necessary to consider the factors for smooth transitioning and long lasting peace.

Israel highlighted on security, borders, Arab world acknowledgment of Israel sovereignty and the right to return for residency.

Security – Israel being the nuclear nation together with United States and NATO nuclear, military and logistic capabilities are indomitable forces in the region dispelling the myth about security matter.

Poignantly, Palestinian emancipation would preoccupy citizens in nation building and perhaps renew trade relation with Israel preventing unnecessary intrusion from fundamentalism or anti-Semitism that would mean anti-Palestinian growth.

Border – UN member states and United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, which underscores –

“The inadmissibility of the territory acquisition by war”,

The resolution valid in the present environment and incumbent upon Israel to withdraw from occupied areas in exchange for normal dealings with Arab partners based on the Land for peace policy.

Accordingly, territories claimed in 1967 Six-Day War by Israel will be returned i.e. West Bank (Judaea and Samaria), East Jerusalem, the Gaza strip to Palestine and the Golan Heights to Syria respectively.

Retaining traditional boundaries of the Old City in Jerusalem into the Muslim, the Jewish, the Christian and the Armenian Quarter imperative for equanimity and secularism.

Likewise observing reverence to all religions – Judaism, Islam and Christianity in the Holy city of Jerusalem paramount to maintain sanctity.

In the Israeli controlled Old City comprising the Western Wall and the Temple Mount,

The Western Wall and only the Jewish place of worship at the Temple Mount would be assigned as the Jewish territory.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre also known as the Church of the Resurrection – important to Christians near Muristan in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem to assume the specific religious designation without infringement from other religions.

Nevertheless, the Old City with Al Aqsa Mosque located on the far southern side of the Temple Mount facing the Holy Mecca and the Dome of the Rock in the middle sacred to Islam and the Muslim community site, as Waqf would be part of the Palestinian territory.

Israeli government enforced controversial ban on prayer by non-Muslim visitors at the site creating false perception to be lifted for religious and communal harmony besides promoting tourism for the legitimate authority.

Israel sovereignty: Premised on Land for peace – Arab recognition of Israel sovereignty directly linked to Israel honoring Palestinian statehood per the defined goals.

The trend reversal from chaos to calmness rests on reciprocation for bilateral and regional peace.

Right to Return: Palestinian diaspora – the refugees in Jordan, Syria, Iraq and across the Middle East in particular, return to post-independent Palestine could be reinstated as Palestinian citizens in Palestinian territory.

They could potentially be economic migrants contributing to productivity and development in Gaza – the coastal strip subjected to the ill effects of warfare.

Simultaneously, immigration laws applicable for entry into Israel and vice versa unless bilateral agreement between Palestinian and Israeli governments boosting economic prospects in education, business and hospitality industry accommodates simplified travel on special visa category.

The contentious issues from the Palestinian side arguably are Israeli occupation, settlements expansion, check posts and borders.

Repeating the process from 2005 in Gaza – Complete withdrawal of Israeli troops and settlers in addition to dismantling check posts from all Palestinian territories required in compliance with UN resolution on Palestinian statehood.

Non-acceptance or dismissal would constitute international treaty breach with economic sanctions, freezing bank accounts and diplomatic ties, transportation blockade on aviation, marine and ground access as consequences to rejecting peace accord.

Israeli-Palestinian crisis has prolonged for decades averting peace and instead intransigence prevailing over reason.

Neither the loss of innocent lives in Palestine and Israel be in vain,

Nor Palestinians plea to UN General Assembly ignored diminishing the international organization stature and credibility as trustworthy entity to preside over humanitarian affairs in a fair and judicious manner.

United Nations Security Council and General Assembly members are once again entrusted with the task of ending people suffering synonymous to UNGA action in 1948 towards Israel.

Global endorsement at the United Nations General Assembly would expedite imminent Palestine statehood identity.

UNGA members abstinence or nay vote in this regard could imply them cowering to influential power undermining national sovereignty and independent status.

Israel could share the inevitable peace and progress as a reliable ally and innovative partner.

Attempts to discard permanent resolution on Israeli Palestinian dispute evidently detrimental to world security reverting to cyclical violence.

Israel and Palestine have been burying their future with youth caught in the crossfire.

Palestinian younger generation forced to waste precious life in captivity and concurrently Israeli citizens in the same age group conscripted for indefinite deployment in Palestine and commissioned to perpetual harassment not barring killings against their will.

Time to cease settlement and hostility for a new beginning.

Best Wishes and Good Luck! To Palestine and Israel for successful two-state coexistence in peace.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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