Colombia – Ending U.S. Imperialists Goals, Narcotics and Arms Trade
August 30, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The South American country Colombia prominent for narcotics trade as major drugs supplier in international market is United States ally with generous military aid and direct involvement in more than four decades old conflict between government and guerrilla army, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia aka FARC.
The imperialistic and oligarchy goal for unlimited access to Colombian prized natural resources viz. oil, gold, coal and emerald along with wealthy landlords illegal land seizure deprived locals land rights facilitating peasants to organize revolution with FARC formation.
United States alliance with Colombia similar to other partnerships specifically Free Trade Agreement for economic and strategic reasons has been disastrous considering U.S. favored political leaderships strong ties to drug cartels in the country, massive corruption and above all staggering death tolls in brutal killings of civilians joining FARC.
Contrary to mischaracterization of FARC base as terrorist and militias,
The organization comprises marginalized and disenfranchised demography representing the vast majority with a thin minority belonging to bourgeois and ruling elite backing imperialists long been clashing for economic freedom and social justice.
The government forces, drug warlords together with paramilitary troops hired by transnational companies and upper echelons in society targeted and continue to pursue FARC members under false pretext of fighting anti-government rebels,
The apparent outcome reportedly is overwhelming casualties and about 4.3 million displaced since the battle onset.
United States arms supply to Colombian government exclusively to contain FARC identified as a threat to prevalent fascism notwithstanding flourishing drug trade equipped with these weapons responsible for the most heinous crimes against innocent civilians from all walks of life.
Synonymous to U.S. misguided operation in Mexico through controversial Fast and Furious program enabling ammunition delivery to nefarious groups in the prolific drug industry/- such activities bear parallel consequences ultimately affecting the source.
United States and counterparts inundated with abusive substances making way to high schools and college campuses destroying vulnerable and impressionable youth lives falling victims to government organized and taxpayer funded racket.
Humanity existential challenge is arms and drugs distribution besides economic monopoly causing political instability for imperialistic agenda.
FARC evidently emanated from United States and multinational corporations’ joint promotion of feudalism for respective advantage crushing survival opportunity among indigenous and mainstream across Colombia.
The imperial strategy to undermine sovereignty in every part of the world by weakening countries with internal turmoil, demolishing hope for republic governed democracy, denying economic and social equality suppress any resistance discrediting movement by describing genuine demands unreasonable.
Moreover the state sponsored warfare with external aid generated violence transforming peaceful dissent into guerrilla army.
The government under foreign influence missed no occasion to scapegoat FARC on massacres carried out by them and other partners in the relentless confrontation.
The report on United States openly led Colombian government attack against FARC leaderships exiled in Ecuador and subsequently U.S. State department declaring victory for the ally exemplifies subjugation and proxy rule.
FARC retaliated with abductions and kidnappings of political members but lately disavowed such indulgence adapting to long established political system in addressing public needs with health, education, housing and agricultural provisions amid maintaining strong opposition to government, drug traffickers and United States military intrusion.
On diversion from coca cultivation to food crops harvest, FARC measures are far more impressive in incentivizing farmers with tax exemption to grow produces like banana and other fruits, rice, coffee, etc. instead of coca and,
Those adhering to government methods in cocaine production levied maximum applicable tax to deter growth and drug mafia collusion in widespread death and destruction.
Colombia fits the profile for foreign powers to exert authoritarianism whilst reminding adversaries in the region on formidability.
However, the government and United States suffered serious backlash in the prolonged exchange with FARC considering the ongoing popular support prompting potential political win for FARC only to be intercepted by United States forged assassinations of FARC candidacy proving hegemony illegitimacy and,
The urgent requirement to eliminate aggression from roots through peaceful and non-violent means to realize true liberation.
Further the wealthy thriving on disproportionate income, corporate greed eyeing on oil and emeralds and hegemony undermining viable governance contribute to Colombia status quo as the headquarter for narcotics trade and weapons warehouse.
Additionally, the workers union recent dispute on General Motors’ exploitation attracted international attention due to protesters severe hunger strike with sewn mouth sought fair negotiations on workers care and compensation plan abstinent until date during injuries and health hazards experienced in auto plant.
The minimum wages not being on par with domestic and industrialized nations’ standards juxtaposed GM CEO in Colombia remuneration at approximately $3700 per hour is the core issue confronting 99% versus 1% worldwide.
U.S. tax payers bailed out GM having hit rock bottom in the worst manufacturing sector crisis is partly owned by United States Government sharing responsibility in the glaringly negligent and apathetic corporate policy benefitting multinational corporations and top hierarchy at the lower expendable workers as well as employees expense.
Globalization premised on neo-liberalization for capturing substantial market share with neo-conservatism adopted in dealing with general work force labor laws primarily attributed to widening gap between rich and poor world over.
Corporation profits solely retained among shareholders and executives slight workers’ significant productivity predominantly yielding lucrative returns on investments for the company.
The conventional practices unfortunately prevails over contemporary necessities and ethics unlike technological advancement readily embraced to enhance business prospects again in privileged members interest.
Resolving Colombian workers justified requests in improving overall economic and health conditions would not only develop better relation for GM management with workers and union – the engine of any business and economy,
The acknowledgment interpreted in action would change perception of capitalism commitment to protecting workers rights and appreciation of hard work that guarantees successful venture.
Colombia remarkable literacy rate combined with valuable natural endowments could easily provide for entire nation exceeding current economic expectations anywhere in the absence of elements obstructing pervasive national progress.
FARC pledge to renounce course damaging credibility and distraction from main focus i.e. right to self-determination, territorial integrity and terminating coca plantation is a phenomenal step in non-violent approach towards national achievement.
Perseverance in vision for liberty and collective prosperity would eventually lead to a promising future.
Colombia is hostage to radioactive drug marketing, foreign supremacy and puppet rule – no exception in present context.
Colombia emancipation would essentially purify environment for Colombian citizens and international community at large.
Wishing peace activists, environmentalists and FARC – the people power dedicated to republican democracy triumph in endeavor against national and international conglomerate dominance.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – The U.S. Political Game and Presidential Election 2012
August 22, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
United States Presidential election is an interesting challenge to electorate confronted with choices from two political parties directly under hegemony control.
With leading candidacies from both sides expected to demonstrate formidability in enforcing globalists’ agenda,
The contest between least desirable and least reliable in terms of national and public interest is the repeat dilemma for voters every election proving the democratic exercise farcical.
Whom should the people reject is the poignant question?
Arguably the forces behind political apparatus especially with United States Supreme Court verdict favoring corporations in Citizens United trial legalized floodgates in campaign contributions reserving candidate loyalty to the highest bidder eventually being part of nexus conglomerate orchestrating global events.
Who are these entities that nominate candidacy in the two parties political farces pledged to serve global masters excoriating earth for every available resource to benefit the exclusive?
They are none other than Oligarchy, Monarchy, Religious order and core illuminati membership…from pyramid apex right down to hierarchical stature claiming prerogative in the selection and final approval as witnessed in 2008 election campaign with democrat and republican Presidential nominees attending Bilderberg meeting seeking ominous blessing to represent them.
The real authority focused on global dominance with United States instrumental in militaristic, logistic, economic and political support much to national detriment successfully usurped power rendering democracy into hypocrisy.
Furthermore, the prevalent plutocracy with individualistic aims derived from common ideology – one world government fervor behind global status quo premised on military options and economic policy benefitting the architects of manufactured crises predominantly maintains supreme status with grand impunity in crimes against humanity.
In this context, the political leaderships adeptness to deliver corporatists and demagoguery demands slight constituents on campaign promises invariably remaining a mere rhetoric.
The current political dynamics in the United States deftly organized by global power to maximize victory against all odds confirms the illusive duality through two political factions essentially resulting in original concept – the establishment of New World Order.
One party positioned far right and right of center i.e. Conservatism and Libertarianism via Presidential and Vice Presidency openly committed to Wall Street and military spending irrespective of VP led libertarian policy echoing big government redundancy.
While the other disguised as main street party evidently satisfying NWO eligibility criteria in every respect transforming democratic nation into a police state, misleading public on domestic policies with real beneficiary being campaign financiers and lobbyists in closed chamber deals,
Notwithstanding AIPAC as well as other external sources influence surpassing predecessor in aggressive foreign policy – warfare, coup d’état, provocative military incursions on sensitive zones around the world.
Since the incumbent usually evaluated on performance track record – the four years with 2009 and 2010 represented by democrat majority in the House, Senate and executive branch could have fulfilled political base and legitimate national requirements such as –
Single payer health care plan, Constitutional amendment on Supreme Court decision related to corporate donations legislating strictly to public finance with expenditure limit.
Financial reform with banking regulations conforming to contemporary straits blocking loopholes for circumvention and consequences on violations similar to average citizen experience upon default,
Improving mortgage situation, eliminating credit crunch attributed to small business and manufacturing sector struggle, job growth in private industry other than government agencies generated underemployment –
All these measures implemented through legislation could have considerably alleviated unemployment, housing market, health care…problems faced by American families across the spectrum.
Allowing Bush tax cuts expiry to enable progressive tax structure revision for 1% wealthiest fair share tax payments rather than offshore tax havens and,
Congressional bills stifling disproportionate advantage facilitated on government contracts to legislators campaign donors and Wall Street speculative practices in finance, energy and other industry contributing to volatility along with shortage – are some core issues that could have been addressed effectively under democrat auspice.
Above all, the troop expansion in Afghanistan in 2009 – 2010 instead of troop withdrawal and broadening military operations under the guise of war on terror carried out during democrat controlled congress.
Not to mention the executive branch nonchalant extra judicial executions including political destabilization overseas with toppling governments in the past four years under the so-called democrat administration outperformed previous legacy to impress cabal.
Even though the scenario would be no different under republican management considering precedence in 2000 – 2008 revealing the reality on both political parties subjugation by global cartel,
The globalists preferred choice is extension of current political rule given the conciliatory response and preparedness to move forward with pre-determined goals in the domestic and international front primarily dedicated to empowerment of few and enslavement of the rest.
Besides, second term or re-election emboldens team to reject dissent in the absence of electoral backlash and accountability.
Opposition in the race designed to concede, as the presence is a formality to convince voters of a democratic process despite behind the scenes foregone conclusion on hegemonic representation.
The distinction lies in candid and camouflaged stances adopted by republican and democrat candidacy respectively directed towards promoting anti-people power debilitating republic opportunity to resist existential threat to democracy, sovereignty
and Constitutional guidance on governance.
Unfortunately, the predicament for electorate or victims of deception is casting their ballot to NWO regardless of party affiliation with globalists firmly backing familiarity i.e. incumbency to accelerate impending plan of action.
Constitution having long been abandoned by two party political systems in the United States endangering citizens’ rights and national independence,
Mass awakening to restore liberty and rights to self-determination,
Result oriented stimulants targeting economic recovery to uplift general living standards unlike selective prosperity on collective productivity.
Youth guaranteed with a bright future through quality affordable education and dependable employment,
Ending global warfare conducted under false pretext abusing troops vulnerability,
Respecting other nations sovereignty and refraining from military intervention to boost defense stocks and supposedly strong ally ill-fated ambition,
Nuclear disarmament,
Prioritizing peace and diplomacy over belligerence,
Saving lives and habitat – are basic remedies to renew and reorganize political infrastructure.
United States once heralded beacon of democracy regrettably engaged in obstructing democratic functionality world over.
Unless politics represented by government of the people, by the people and for the people hope and change would constitute campaign gimmick to advance shadow power authoritarianism.
Additionally greed driven territorial conquest in defiance of reason and pragmatism succumb to self-destruction.
The violence from illegal invasion and occupation causing immense adversity for innocent civilians increased in the last four years signifying continuation of ideological doctrine.
Denying access to universal freedom and progress by a concentrated group should not only be denounced but unified involvement to dismantle network paramount beginning with voiding overtly or covertly sponsored contenders enforced upon people as ultimatum.
Exerting totalitarianism made possible with chosen head and designates having aptly exhibited capability to surrender will of the people and nation to unconstitutional, undemocratic and unethical course devised for privileged members gain.
Capitulation is weakness adhering to repression elevating false sense of superiority inherently feeble in dealing with coalescence.
Hence divide and conquer strategy along with massive propaganda to confuse and restrict thinking ability superficially emerge potent and again predictably submerge upon unraveling of truth accompanied by imminent failure.
U.S. Presidential election 2012 is for citizens to come together symbolically depicting stars and stripes – the Red States and Blue States as the United States in revoking tradition that has subverted national identity, constitutionality and propriety for delusional purpose.
Illuminati never deserved to exist confined to convoluted framework to rein supremacy concealing trepidation within on inevitable dissipation.
Reinstating republic governance epitomizing democratic values in the dismissal of those betraying the country and society they are elected to serve consciously and with integrity is a necessity towards individual emancipation and pursuit of happiness in the free world.
Knowledge utilized with discernment avert calamity.
Wishing wisdom and paragon of virtues jubilant triumph over flawed cyclical fundamentalism.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – Eid al-Fitr Mubarak
August 19, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Eid al-Fitr Mubarak to members of Islamic faith!
The conclusion of holy month Ramadan observed with fasting and prayers celebrated as Eid festival in Islamic religion.
People following Islam share joy on this day exchanging greetings with scrumptious feast after prolonged fasting utilizing the occasion for atonement and course renewal reflecting on their life journey to attain inner peace and purposeful existence in harmony with nature and divinity.
The distinct sects within Islam in semblance with other religions come together during this important function transcending human induced differences recognizing essence of life, relations and personal attributes as valuable endowments from Almighty God, Allah worshipped by all Muslims across the globe.
God created religions through Messiah elucidating precepts poignantly guide seekers towards salvation or heavenly abode to selflessly perform duties exemplifying altruism leading to utilitarianism.
Accordingly Islam despite uniqueness satisfies fundamental requirement on piety, peace and humanitarian service.
Those straying from path have opportunity for review, remorse and reform conforming to redemption – universal maxim on liberation from sins epitomized in divine source established religions to benefit humanity.
Islam with significant representation brought together in understanding and appreciation for genesis of knowledge imparted in holy Quran and teachings by Prophet Mohammad (May Peace be upon him) highlighting negative attributes posing impediments in self-purification.
Individuals exercising discretion could effectively adopt values for own betterment rejecting vices proved detrimental in life.
Islam revered by many for providing light to disoriented and disconnected souls ultimately enlightened when pursued with sincere devotion and righteousness similar to other religions practiced in suitable form.
On this religious moment, wishing Muslims around the world Eid al-Fitr Mubarak with a new beginning comprising bountiful peace, happiness and a promising future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – UNSC Decision Against UNSMIS Extension
August 17, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Terrorist act near UNSMIS (UN Supervision Mission in Syria) residence in Damascus is reprehensible and worthy of condemnation.
The continuation of terror exacerbates Syrian population suffering while simultaneously expedite inevitable disaster for perpetrators behind heinous crime to deter peaceful solution to western manufactured crisis.
UNSC western members unwillingness to condemn terrorism indicative of real motives to militarize intervention that would categorically be counterproductive and devastating for architects contemplating self-destructive intrusion.
The unnecessary provocation would essentially hurt the belligerent forces prior to any impact on intended target.
UNSC western decision against UNSMIS extension is illegitimate considering their contribution in arming and funding terror has claimed thousands of innocent lives and displaced many in the conflict between them and Syrian people.
UNSC undemocratic and unconventional role deserves global society unequivocal rejection preventing hegemony sponsored aggression with complete disregard for life in general and repercussions on planet being the only habitat for mankind.
Unfortunately western leaderships servile to pyramid apex authority in the doomed and ill-fated aspiration for global dominance seek comfort from delusional tactics underestimating disproportionate ramifications for them.
The western dismissal of diplomacy and dialogue promoting incessant death and destruction signify distinctive nature of governance in respective states pandering to external ideology ignoring public opinion against interference in sovereign state affairs and demanding immediate relief to domestic problems in dire economy.
Global citizens unanimous call to terminate military engagement including aiding and abetting terrorism worldwide beginning with Syria and across Middle East would essentially void western unilateralism in decimation of nations posing no threat or danger to anyone.
Unlike western systematic upheavals implemented in United States through 9/11 as premise for invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and now Syria.
The desperation to start yet another warfare is an addiction spreading catastrophe and despotism.
Not to mention the misplaced priority predominantly responsible for western economic meltdown.
Any hope to revive economy through chaos and carnage evolving into nuclear confrontation would be insanity leading impropriety.
Russia and China stance on Syria is prudent and adherence to Geneva agreement for ceasefire ending militias and mercenaries atrocities on Syrian soil paramount to restore normal existence.
Western powers and Gulf alliance generated Syrian turmoil could no longer be prolonged to satisfy privileged club egotistical ambition destined for colossal failure.
Since earlier requests for complete withdrawal and cessation of arms delivery to rebels slighted – the western policy lacking in credibility and legitimacy has no international recognition exemplifying imperialism precipitous decline.
UNSC effectiveness measured in peaceful resolution not militaristic options touted by so-called democratic powers obligatory to prove commitment towards Geneva accord on Syria.
UNSMIS presence in Syria is crucial to establish conducive environment for urgent humanitarian assistance across the war torn state.
United Nations members are urged to come together in concluding Syrian war escalated for strategic reasons than altruistic goals and avoid far reaching global calamity.
UNSC refusal to renew UNSMIS monitoring could result in abandoning the organization due to arbitrary declarations and double standards adversely affecting humanity at large.
Syrian citizens and government efforts in national defense despite relentless attacks orchestrated by western and gulf collusion honorable.
Wishing Syrian people and political leaderships triumph in protecting national sovereignty against foreign influence.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant Sub-Continent – Commemorating Independence Day
August 14, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The neighbors in Indian sub-continent commemorate independence from colonialism.
Pakistan on August 14 followed by India on August 15 sought freedom from British Raj with the sub-continent divided and scores of innocent lives lost on all sides prior to and during partition.
Since then, both nations have endured trials and tribulations with bilateral relations subjected to litmus tests delivering success and failures predominantly due to covert foreign intervention benefitting hegemonic subjugation militarily in Pakistan under the guise of war on terror and politically in India through proxy governance.
Nonetheless, the two nations are faced with alleviating poverty, economic and social disparity prevalent in vast majority, fighting corruption, tax evasion and local political impediments exploiting situations for personal advancement hindering national development.
India comparatively made economic progress post independence. However, the gap between haves and have-nots widened in the ever increasing income inequality with the rich, famous and upper echelons in the society representing political system depriving main stream fair opportunity to achieve desperately required change.
The recent reconciliation transcending barriers are mutually productive easing tensions essential in moving forward to normalize trade, travel and cultural exchange.
National security concerns through cooperation, intelligence sharing and commitment to deter terror networks operations could further enhance future prospects for Pakistan and India.
The significant youth population in two states could potentially shape the country on progressive trend in every aspect synthesizing dynamism and optimism reflecting a paradigm shift in the present and beyond.
Republic rule abstinent nepotism and feudalism is the path to strive for emancipation from burgeoning economic, political and social struggle.
Wishing people in India and Pakistan long lasting peace and formidability to challenge threats against national sovereignty.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Ending Conflict and Revoking Illegitimate Economic Sanctions
August 11, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The meeting held in Tehran on August 9, 2012 attended by nearly 30 countries to discuss Syria is a constructive step and an affirmation on worldview to cease western power and allies generated violence that has claimed thousands of innocent lives thus far.
Syrian population have been unnecessarily subjected to foreign aided turmoil reportedly even acknowledged by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in his letter to UN Security Council Chairman, France Representative to UN Gérard Araud on rebel gunmen behind escalated killings in Aleppo and Damascus.
Although western and Gulf partners armed militias and mercenaries crimes against Syrian population long been established,
The implicated parties denial is predictable in the interesting scenario leading to perpetrators punishing victims through economic sanctions at the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council.
Reiterating the required actions to revoke trade embargo against Syria and Iran, the western power initiated sanctions directly impact people in respective nations not to mention western double standards and international law violation by them on similar impositions against their human rights record.
The international community exercising discernment could reject unlawful measures against Syria by western leaderships obliging hegemony agenda.
Resuming normal trade relations with Syria and Iran by attendees at Tehran summit would set precedence to defy belligerence and unfair practices inflicted upon by forces responsible for worldwide mayhem and catastrophe.
Considering organizations such as UNSC and UNGA including IMF, World Bank, ECB are primarily used to usurp power and selectively enforce commerce restrictions exacerbating human suffering,
Adherences to inherently flawed strategy subjugate countries with reciprocal consequences in the divide and conquer ideology aimed at global dominance never coming into fruition due to narcissist goals adversely affecting humanity at large.
Hence, unanimous act declining western sanctions against Syria and Iran would essentially deter unilateralism necessitating peace and diplomacy in resolving manufactured crisis for vested interests across the globe.
Syria having endured tremendous chaos and destruction deserves breakthrough terminating bloodshed caused by external intervention.
The UN monitoring team could prolong mission maintaining contacts with all sides,
However, unless and until western and Gulf nations ceasefire with terror networks withdrawal from Syrian soil any efforts would be futile.
Western and Gulf nations have no alternative but to end conflict effective immediately demonstrating sincere commitment to peace and normalcy for Syrian citizens and personal benefit.
Anything otherwise would exemplify real motives with irreversible ramifications to befall on those pursuing devastation.
Syrian warfare has been dragged on with complete disregard for life, sovereignty and territorial integrity – heralded signature policy by western purveyors of democracy.
The unscrupulous tactics and terrorism cannot prevail despite collusion among factions in the illusive pursuit to destabilize region and world.
Syria as a sovereign state reserves the right to self-determination and expulsion of elements attributed to civilian massacre.
The continuous aggression would bear ill consequences soon to be experienced in national domain.
Global society is urged to avert disaster through non-compliance of hypocritical stance against Syria and Iran.
Bowing to authoritarianism produce false sense of supremacy with desire for pervasive rule.
Allowing reason and pragmatism in concluding Syrian invasion and occupation would alleviate imminent repercussion.
With strong support for peaceful settlement bringing eighteen months old terror to a permanent halt,
Wishing people and government in Syria everlasting peace and stability.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Hindu Festival – Shubh Krishna Janma – Ashtami (Lord Krishna’s Birth Celebration)
August 9, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Jai Sri Krishna! Shubh Sri Krishna Janmaashtami! To all Hindus and Lord Krishna devotees around the world.
Lord Krishna the divine incarnate of Lord Vishnu – the protector of humanity and savior took birth on earth to enable righteousness and virtuous prevail over contradictory traits prevalent in the Dark Age – cosmically the Kaliyug.
Lord Krishna demonstrated sanctity in myriad ways and among them as a cowherd bringing forth significance of cow in Hindu religion and to humanity at large.
Cow is regarded sacred for purity and magnanimity. Being a herbivore poses no threat to other species instead providing for life sustenance with cornucopia of healthy products derived from cow’s milk and cow dung or waste not necessarily disposed considering the inherent value found in sanitizing environment and energy production viz. in cooking and transportation using gobar gas.
Furthermore, the cow renews and replenish food source in abundance conforming to natural creation and aptly worshipped as benevolent benefactor.
Lord Krishna depicted spectacular wisdom, charisma and pragmatic ingenuity at every opportunity besides priceless endowment to mankind in teaching the Holy Scripture -The Bhagavad Gita.
The Lord’s human form enactment detailed precious moments in the gift of life developing deep understanding and purpose behind existence.
In the complex journey through life, the importance of raising consciousness leading to self-realization – oneness or union with God otherwise the Supreme Light,force and energy admirably exemplified in Lord Krishna’s avatar,
The narrative on war being destructive with losses on all sides clarified in the epic Mahabharata is the highlight of Lord Krishna’s magnificent portrayal profoundly delivered in the ultimate victory to Dharma – the epiphany on principles for just cause.
Lord Krishna presides truth, justice, compassion, universal love and peace.
The inconceivable yet accessible through sincere devotion – Lord Krishna, the supreme soul manifests in every being permeating joy and enlightenment.
On this auspicious day of Sri Krishna Janmaashtami prayers offered with reverence seeking Lord’s grace to dispel darkness illuminating the physical world and beyond epitomizing beauty and tranquility all around.
Above all, the Lord’s intervention in concluding era with turmoil and devastation for a new beginning celebrating life representing the golden age is pre-ordained blessing as the protector of universe.
Felicitations on Shubh Sri Krishna Janmaashtami or Gokulaashtami to all!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – Dismantling NWO and Washington Appointed Military Dictatorship
August 8, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
United States spreading terror across the globe through military aid and ammunitions supply has claimed millions of innocent lives escalating in the last three plus years under the so-called democrat administration confirms Washington politics and New World Order establishment.
Latin America long been the target for Washington organized coup d’état denied democracy with democratically elected leaderships invariably removed from office and governments toppled clearing the path to oligarchy backed fascism.
In 2009 Washington engineered military coup ousted democratic leadership Manuel Zelaya from power.
Subsequently providing unequivocal support to dictatorship commended as beacon of democracy when the record reflects incumbent abusing authority with systematic killings of independent investigative journalists opposing government crackdown effectively imposing gag order on freedom of expression across the state.
The alarming increase in the assassination of community based media personnel not associated with corporate or government propaganda and embellished reporting deserves universal condemnation seeking military coup leader Porfirio Lobo Sosa aka Pepe Lobo to step down reinstating civilian rule.
Since military seizure atrocities against citizens in all aspects seemingly nonchalant with United States complicity in crime against Hondurans is typical conforming to double standards on human rights violation abstinent coverage on hegemony controlled global media.
Honduras successful coup facilitating neoliberalization – the concept introduced in globalization of economy for unlimited access to foreign resources and market share with end justifying means is initializing New World Order to be replicated world over.
Alongside geopolitical subversion i.e. neo-conservatism premised on belligerence usurping power undermining sovereignty exerting excess force with military and police deployment to quell dissent or agents fighting proxy wars only to be betrayed is NWO strategy endangering life on planet.
Honduras challenge is essentially a global problem surreptitiously experienced in the absence of accountability allowing perpetrators to continue authoritarianism at will.
International response isolating Honduran military government and members servile to hegemony would he preliminary step in rejecting unlawful governance and their sponsors behind main street bloodshed and destruction.
The local resistance in boycotting goods and services from New World Order exported ideology and mass deception would cripple mighty empire and oligarchy run political system.
Meanwhile, it is incumbent upon Honduran President Porfirio Lobo Sosa to cease violence against citizens, release all dissidents, refrain from curbing freedom of press and peaceful assembly and last but not the least,
Hand over power to people choice political representation barring external influence in any capacity.
Failure to adhere to public demand would entail serious repercussions for puppet regimes and global masters on the brink of inevitable collapse.
United States overt or covert involvement could no longer exacerbate Hondurans struggle given the precipitous decline of imperialistic agenda backfiring at the architects and loyalists with their fate hanging in balance.
Historically tyranny has never prevailed and instead succumbed to delusional engagement and folly in accordance with deeds corresponding outcome in life.
Furthermore presumptuousness aiding false sense of security based on temporary accomplishments is illusion expediting eventual dissolution of insidious formation designed to empower few and enslave the rest.
Grass roots action are potent evolving into peaceful and non-violent movement.
The collective response have brought down forces perceived invincible and reduced to nothingness for under estimating human spirit to rise to the occasion in defeating indefensible is trepidation misguiding egocentric mind towards disaster.
Honduran civil society solidarity in current totalitarian expulsion restoring republic governance would reinforce people power in mainstream and national interest unlike the status quo.
Likewise Honduran military and police mindful of personal family being part of national demography exercising restraint and refusal to execute command intended to harm unarmed fellow citizens would demonstrate patriotism protecting nationals from domestic and foreign aggression.
Honduran plight could be alleviated with Washington non-interference in internal affairs primarily terminating weapons delivery and militarization of Latin America.
American electorate bear responsibility via ballots in denouncing Unite States decimation of sovereign nations posing no threat or danger in any dimension rather those elected to power appeasement of global conglomerate not only contribute to world wide human suffering but also impact national front.
Hondurans resilience to reverse situation is admirable and potentially strengthen democratic voice to dismiss foreign maneuvered military appointment.
Good Luck! To courageous political reformists and journalists in Honduras sacrificing precious life and individual aspirations for common good.
Dedication to a just cause would triumph against adversity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – Hegemony Sponsored UN General Assembly Resolution and Economic Sanctions
August 5, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The latest drastic steps against sovereign nation Syria at the UN General Assembly preceded by EU and United States imposed economic sanctions is reprehensible and immoral considering sponsors being perpetrators in crimes against Syrian population.
The illegitimate stance aimed at military intervention evidently has nothing to do with democracy or empathy towards Syrian citizens victimized in incessant killings carried out by same entities arming and funding militias and mercenaries responsible for civilian massacre thus far.
Notwithstanding hegemony appointed UN Secretary General and Chairman presiding over General Assembly empirical biased disposition suggestive of international body failure to objectively resolve external powered conflict.
Unfortunately, United Nations as an organization set up by none other than imperialists following World War II increasingly used to wage wars exacerbating human suffering under false humanitarian pretext posing a major threat to humanity as a collective force.
United Nations being the prototype for New World Order – One World government ruled by globalists successfully manipulated UN Charter and UNSC undermining sovereignty, destabilize region and continent leading to status quo – death, devastation and displacement.
The current measures against Syria led by western powers and Gulf allies with complicity in atrocities against peaceful uprising in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait confirm desperation and invitation for inevitable self-disaster.
As for other nations compliance to western demands – the respective governments surrender to globalists will compromise republic right to self-determination and reject their population and national identity endangering security given greed driven motives extending beyond borders with former allies targeted as adversaries in the fixated goal for global dominance.
Syria is merely an access to centralize authoritarianism in Middle East with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Turkey servile to Israel contributing to Muslim and ethnic genocide.
The question now arises on tolerating the intolerant showing no mercy to life in the imperialistic quest to seize control over global resources and territory.
With monopolization on mass and entertainment media, institutions such as IMF, World Bank, privately owned Federal Reserve, European Central banks in finance industry along with defense, energy, food and agriculture…facilitating pervasive enslavement is the present challenge confronting humanity.
The paradoxical policies combined with power mongering do not heed to language of diplomacy and peaceful means with privileged few anchored ambition in denying vast majority basic existence.
Having identified the cause, the effects could be reversed with people power rising against elements abusing position of authority and committing treason under the guise of promoting political freedom in Syria and other war torn nations around the world.
Essentially the elite abstinent elegance conglomerate comfortable rise to pyramid apex attributed to trust, naiveté, ignorance, despair and lethargy prevalent in global society while others awakening to reality enduring police brutality and unlawful arrests in direct violation of national constitution.
However, emancipation is imminent with citizens holding power to catapult urgently required change as consumers, workers, taxpayers and electorate despite dilemma in this context cleverly organized through political candidacies with rare exceptions on all sides unequivocal loyalty to nexus group claiming victory regardless of outcome.
Dismantling order not only ceases tradition but also creates opportunity to establish new paradigm in governance pledging allegiance to public and national progress barring political leaderships affiliation in any capacity with sources generating conflict of interest.
Upon default in maintaining constitutional oath automatic disqualification from office would curtail bureaucracy and legislative rigmarole designed to prolong and evade accountability.
The important milestone paramount via referendum in constitutional amendment to address political systems across the globe crippled with corruption, systemic abuse of power and defiance to transparency.
The western and Gulf alliance cavalier and hypocritical actions against Syria is a distraction from burgeoning problems at the domestic front and relentless demonstrations in oppressed states – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait under most repressive regimes with Turkey avoiding eventual Kurdistan emergence.
United Nations resolutions selective indictments by those effectively at fault in global mayhem with military aggression imprint all over do not bear validity in arbitrary and unilateral decision transforming sovereignty to subservient statehood.
Nations obliging fundamentally flawed UN strategy on trade embargo or military intrusion against Syria are willfully submitting to foreign subjugation necessitating local opposition and outcry in this regard to safeguard national integrity.
In conclusion, western affront and Gulf partners not excluding cohorts casting UN vote to continue bloodshed and chaos in Syria – reproachable conduct worthy of condemnation and counterproductive with severe repercussions in the immediate future.
Refusal to learn from blunders in the past – Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is impropriety and delusion expediting precipitous decline of empire.
Terminating foreign interference is the priority to save lives enabling conducive environment for constructive dialogue and political reconciliation between government and Syrian people residing in the country unlike terror agents imported from abroad.
Wishing Syrian citizens and government triumph in national defense moving forward in amicable settlements on all issues concerning citizens and nation at large.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant