UN General Assembly 67th Session 2012

September 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaders and dignitaries attending UN General Assembly 67th session in New York.

United Nations annual forum provides platform for member nations to deliver speeches on national and global issues,

While non-members such as Palestine request for informal recognition considering the statehood plea in semblance with UNGA approval of Israel declined until now.

The event marking the anniversary of the organization each year since inception post world war II with no fundamental changes in structure especially concentration of power at UN Security Council permanent membership still remaining among initial five members –

United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China with imperialistic legacy i.e. invasion and occupation of foreign land clearly representative of hegemony unlike the appearance misleading the world.

UN set up as preliminary prototype emulated by regional unions like European Union, African Union, North American Union with Latin America and Asia to follow suit leading to establishment of one world government also known as the New World Order.

The organization functions under directives of nations constantly in violation of UN Charter and liberally abuse power exacerbating human suffering contrary to exhibit.

Beginning with UN Secretary General appointment and UNSC configuration – the two key components instrumental in decision-making process on international crises are in external power control rendering entire operation elusive and farcical.

Although, UN formation designed to retain power within preferred members exerting authority on the rest,

The extent UNSC exploited to wage military and economic warfare witnessed throughout the past and present century.

Most relevantly the three years from 2009 until date – violence and aggression combined with crippling economic sanctions is predominant in the fervor to impose authoritarianism.

In this regard – the UN role subverted to serve hegemonic interests viz. greed for global resources, territorial conquest and subjugation.

The blood river continues to flow under war on terror pretext with drone attacks terrorizing innocent civilians in developing world.

On nuclear front, the double standards maintained with responsible and reckless category regardless of history proving otherwise.

United States stance towards Iran to appease strongest ally Israel on controversial nuclear program currently may not involve military action given the political climate and election around the corner,

However, the measures adopted against people of Iran with trade embargo and financial restrictions hindering oil revenue collection,

Despite U.S. as well as Israeli military and intelligence clearance confirming no evidence of Iran’s nuclear weapon status is provocative expecting the victim to respond for justification on possible military strike.

Notwithstanding western infiltration in Iran and subsequent implication on nuclear scientists assassination exemplify overt warfare.

Similarly the scenario projecting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu interference in U.S. election claiming the U.S. incumbency weak in preventing Iran with Republican opponent muted reaction is a choreographed enactment to boost hegemony favored candidacy camouflaged intervention.

These activities are indicative of the lack of respect for life, national sovereignty and international laws invariably neglected in the quest for dominance.

On Syria – the regional leaderships from Egypt, Jordan and Turkey call for ending violence in the beleaguered state is welcome.

Ironically, those responsible for igniting spark demanding ceasefire is rather disingenuous specifically in the absence of initiatives to lay down their weapons and stop funding militia behind suicide bombings and civilian massacre.

Syrian conflict could not be prolonged in the face of massive death and destruction transcending borders in volatile Middle East with the only nuclear state Israel’s preemptive disposition posing imminent danger to all without exception.

The counterproductive approach attributed to Zionism subjecting Israel and Judaism hostage in territorial annexations with government committed to coalition ambition instead of addressing domestic needs.

Ideology driven strategy cannot produce desirable outcome and wars affect the source and target with no winners on either side.

Western leaderships along with Gulf allies are wasting taxpayers funds perpetuating losing battle in Syria amid austerity and dire economic straits in national domain.

Saudi Arabia oil proceeds generated through consumers world over could be jeopardized in international boycott at retail level in condemnation of dynasty anti-democratic values demonstrated against own citizens and others in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and lately Syria.

Concluding Syrian turmoil is the only alternative to burgeoning unrest in the region.

Not to mention holding perpetrators accountable prohibiting repeat indulgence.

Likewise, Arab Spring across Middle East aspiring democracy, political and economic freedom transformed into fundamentalist political system by hegemony appointed figureheads loyal to them and not the people.

In Latin America, destabilization achieved with corporations launched coup d’état in addition to militarization and ammunition supply to drug cartels leaving inhabitants entirely at global conglomerate mercy and discretion.

Africa sharing synonymous fate in Africom experimented with technological applications and armed forces deployment again under the guise of protecting continent from civil wars, political uncertainties and disasters essentially caused by such intrusion.

Asia – Korean Peninsula, Indian sub-continent and Central Asia in particular unnecessarily threatened with lingering tensions and sprawling military incursion.

In reality, humanity confronted with terror from U.S. and NATO military prowess and nuclear arsenal constituting centralized power for exclusive gains at vast majority peril.

All other challenges related to politics, economy, social justice, mass media, education, health and environment emanate from infrastructure delegating tasks to agents appointed to lead nations towards surrender of republic and sovereignty.

Political race or elections are a mere formality with heads of state approved ahead to serve nexus group betraying electorate and nation on false promises and empty rhetoric.

The political opponent in the U.S. election is a caricature for hegemony aiming to succeed with preferred choice being the ruling administration having exceeded expectations in globalist agenda much to national and international devastation.

United Nations Security Council under UN auspice is existential detriment to international community due to non-conformity to prevalent geopolitical and global socio- economic dynamics.

UNSC arbitrary resolutions reflecting maneuvering and selective isolation against fragile and vulnerable countries or nations perceived adversaries to influential UNSC members exercising unlimited authority is a credibility factor in international dispute settlement.

United Nations as an organization would be effective upon universal treatment, acceptance and adherence to UN charter and humanitarian laws barring discriminatory and unethical practices endangering life and habitat.

Reconfiguration and overhauling adapting to transparency and fair distribution of power embracing inclusiveness would appropriately define the organization as an international body.

Besides abandoning elite memberships principles for greater good would guarantee progress in humanitarian goals.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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Colombia – GM Negotiation Failure with Auto Workers

September 26, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Colombian autoworkers employed by General Motors were on hunger strike with their mouth sewn in protest against the automaker policy found discriminatory and exploitative compared to international labor standard.

The earlier fasting in similar manner was called off at GM’s behest with management offer to address grievances to employees satisfaction.

However, the talks favoring GM position understandably was not acceptable to labor union representing the plant workers forcing them to resume dissent abstaining food intake like last time.

Finance and auto industry – the chief beneficiaries in the U.S. taxpayer bailout not only evaded responsibility on the economic crises but also continue to practice business as usual.

Although, corporate executives net income and bonuses are secure and exponentially increase in relation to company profits,

The inclination for fair income distribution with rest of the organization especially the blue collar team and those at the lower end of hierarchy in administration and other areas are nil contributing to stagnant economy restricting consumer base and desirable living conditions in society.

Whenever corporations neglect workers despite being the production unit, the trend hinders manufacturing sector ultimately affecting business earnings and competitive edge in the global economy.

Globalization packaged with free trade agreement alongside World Bank and IMF conditional financing shackles workforce depriving them decent wages, job security and local productivity challenged by mega corporations – the target being developing nations in particular.

Simultaneously corporate overseas ventures in search of unlimited access to human and natural resources marginalize industrialized nations labor market resulting in subjugation and reduction in average citizens household income worldwide.

Realistically income sharing spread across the globe among ordinary citizens lowers economic status with austerity further exacerbating survival.

While senior management and top officials thrive on extraordinary remuneration, stock options and various entitlements in the absence of accountability for erroneous decisions attributed to major debacle with pervasive impact.

General Motors’ profitability post taxpayer rescue cheered at U.S. political convention as a remarkable achievement with incumbent leaderships ignoring ongoing stalemate between GM and auto plant workers in Colombia – the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) drawback for partner nation designed to benefit globalization concept.

United States government being an equal stakeholder in GM operation at home and abroad bears the burden in resolving disputes of any kind.

Colombian workers experience with foreign corporation is a common plight and the government functioning directly under external power control – neither domestic nor international rules necessarily apply facilitating economic oppression.

Moreover, militarization in Colombia allowing U.S. troops presence through permanent installation is essentially dismissal of sovereignty usurping authority over selected or elected political system in the state.

The pattern being globalization agenda for regional and eventually global dominance evidently aimed at complete surrender to economic and military dictum.

General Motors’ failure to settle issue with Colombian workers could severely damage goodwill, employees’ work ethics and above all confirm United States government commitment or the lack thereof towards hard working population considering U.S. ownership of the corporation.

The outcome would determine General Motors fate with workers signifying prime asset value for enterprise existence in the tough environment.

Hopefully rationale would prevail in reaching amicable agreement on the contentious problems confronting corporations expanding offshore.

Wishing reason and integrity success setting future precedence.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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September 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Set on the trail towards precipice

Overwhelmed with negative vice

Actions cold as ice

Decline noble advice

From within the conscience voice


Steadfast in pursuing demise

Respect none not even the wise

Seek power and dominance in disguise

Denying rest the right to rise

Then failure is no surprise!


Peace and harmony never the choice

Pain and agony the preferred sacrifice

Using fear, terror and rumor as device

Chasing dreams not meant to realize

Feigning satisfaction is perhaps the prize!


Constantly strive to polarize

Discreetly meet to strategize

Divide and conquer declared democratize

Derivations from deprivation upheld revitalize

Defiance lead self-righteousness pulverize


Deeds determine destiny being the price

Humility, compassion and integrity would suffice

Celebrate life through service and rejoice

May freedom and tranquility entice

In conclusion, illusion the imaginary slice.



Padmini Arhant

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Hindu Festival – Shubh Om Shri Ganesh Chathurthi (Celebrating Lord Ganesh Significance)

September 18, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Shubh Om Shri Ganesh Chathurthi! To all Hindus and others observing the important festival.

The symbolic occasion is about celebrating Lord Ganesh significance in Hindu religion and for humanity at large.

Lord Ganesh is the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati as well as elder brother to Lord Kartikeya aka Kumar or Lord Murugan in Tamil Nadu.

Lord Ganesh is worshipped prior to all other deities in Hindu religion as per his mother Parvati’s wish related to cosmic event.

Lord Ganesh is the remover of obstacles and revered as Supreme Being auspicious manifestation prominent for knowledge, problem solving and sacrosanct in every aspect.

Lord Ganesh presence acknowledged with sincere faith and devotion purifies thoughts, words and deeds leading to inner peace.

Lord Ganesh represents vigor, vitality and victory besides all things pious and divine.

Om Shri Ganesh or Vinayak Chathurthi marks the beginning of festive season for Hindus followed by many other religious functions with Diwali being the highlight among them to majority.

Accordingly, every Hindu festival and puja or worship commences with prayers and ceremonial rituals to Lord Ganesh.

Ganesh Chathurthi is a joyous moment shared among family, friends and community with an opportunity to seek Lord Ganesh blessings for a peaceful and successful life.

With obeisance and oblation to Om Shri Lord Ganesh,

Request Lord’s grace and compassion towards all around the world for a new era filled with universal love, peace, harmony and prosperity.

Happy and Shubh Om Shri Ganesh / Vinayak Chathurthi to all Hindus as well as fellow citizens in India and abroad!

Ganpathi Bappa Morya! Mangal Murthi Morya!
Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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Global Security – Dismantling Military Industrial Complex and Closing Permanent Base

September 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The predominant threat to sovereignty and global security is the military industrial complex with permanent base around the world.

Offense under defense pretext in the so-called war on terror transcends borders, disregards life and cause immense suffering to humanity.

Military aggression rejecting peace and diplomacy provides impetus for MIC generated terrorism and nuclear arms race.

The pentagon budget by far the most extravagant with exemption from internal or external audit facilitates offshore adventures producing casualties considered collateral damages in nonchalant perpetual warfare.

Regardless of political affiliations, the administrations complicity in warfare and military action not only undermines United States sovereignty but also emboldens hegemony in encroaching foreign territory.

The darkest day in United States history being September 11, 2001 – the carefully planned, methodical and well coordinated heinous crime against humanity committed on American soil to promote diabolical agenda PNAC – Project for New American Century.

PNAC – a far-fetched ambition for global dominance knocking governments perceived as obstacles on the path to control resources especially oil and minerals or strategic interests conceived by neo-conservatives adhering to Zionist ideology along with imperialists and oligarchy cohesion launched September 11, 2001 attack in accordance with reference in PNAC

“Something big and catastrophic like Pearl Harbor required for project implementation.”

Not only the entire scheme systematically carried out with explosives planted in the building ahead of event but also ample warnings and conspicuous signs brought to previous administration attention by those unaware of the plot deliberately ignored aiding and abetting in the choreographed act.

Upon successful September 11, operation, PNAC architects with government authorization pursued wars in Afghanistan and Iraq extended over to Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia continued in Libya and ongoing in Syria.

With September 11 as the premise the so-called war on terror escalated against global citizens in series of organized terrorism in Europe and elsewhere to support relentless wars boosting defense industry stocks and maintaining imperialistic quest.

Meanwhile serious ramifications on domestic economy in United States and Europe neglected due to disproportionate military spending depriving citizens essential programs ands services alongside skyrocketing national debt funding these wars and severe austerity imposed on tax payers – the actual financiers of illegal invasions and occupations much against their vehement opposition.

The supposed war on terror under false pretense waged against nations subjecting people across the globe to deaths, destruction and tyranny through imprisonment of terror suspects held in indefinite detention in Guantanamo bay, Bagram base and Abu Ghraib…denying habeas corpus i.e. the right to legal representation, renditions such as abductions, kidnappings for dispatch to overseas secret prisons, torture viz. water boarding, sleep deprivation and intimidation tactics adopted in direct violation of Geneva convention and human rights.

Furthermore, the war on terror specifically targets Islam – the sacred religion and Islamic nations motivated by colonial prejudice triggering sectarianism per divide and conquer strategy.

The illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq also led to squandering hard earned U.S. tax payer funds and national embezzlements with billions of dollars gone missing unaccounted for in pentagon budget not to mention the profiteering and fortune amassment by corporations like KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root) and Halliburton headed by former Vice President Dick Cheney never brought under public scrutiny for wealth recovery.

The incessant war on victims in the war zone is well known with millions displaced as refuges and remain orphans, widows, and homeless enduring despair and life long misery.

Notwithstanding the chaos and mayhem from wars leaving a permanent scar on the young, vulnerable and impressionable minds having no option but fall prey to terror recruitments as desired by war mongering factions to justify unjust intrusions using lies and deception for eternity.

The fact barring own others’ life has no meaning or value proven time and time again by belligerence and authoritarianism under democratization guise and liberty oxymoron to them reflected in trajectory thus far.

Sparing none in the insatiable appetite for global conquest, the troops largely comprising economically disadvantaged young men and women across the spectrum joining armed forces and,

Simultaneously passionate youth expressing willingness to serve the nation are exploited with excruciating experiences resulting in alarmingly higher suicides among soldiers,

Besides nationally embarrassing conduct exhibited by them before in Vietnam followed by similar behavior or worse in Iraq, Afghanistan and every war torn nation.

War veterans’ account of army and economic sector – defense, finance and energy in particular collusion with political leaderships to promote violence in the name of national security often treated with indignation and,

Likewise peace activists’ messages distorted and every attempt made to discredit source via character defamation, caricature, and offensive indecent communication contradictory to propagandists self-image falsely projected as cultured, civil, educated, elite and sophisticated members in society.

Nonetheless, real heroes are not deterred by reactionary agents deluded practices bound to hurt origin than intended subject.

Yet another conundrum to military expansionism is permanent military settlements worldwide including island nations in the Pacific Rim.

The contentious military base again facing strong local resistance for various legitimate reasons ranging from crimes involving sexual assaults against minor residents in Okinawa, Japan,

Civilian dwelling transformed into army cantonment – for instance sprawling green zone in Iraq, paramilitary and private contractors deployment in urban areas in Iraq, Pakistan and Libya pose major impediments to community normal existence not excluding environmental pollution attributed to health hazards in the occupied state.

Hegemony convincing political leaderships of these nations given the alliance between them through privileged club membership rejects public opinion in this regard.

The state leaders slight actual problems confronting people in the wake of illegal occupation failing to recognize the inherent danger in surrendering national will and sovereignty to foreign power.

Ending permanent military presence essentially colonization imminent to restore independent status world over allowing peaceful co-existence otherwise blocked enforcing military dependency on United States and NATO.

Korean Peninsula and Persian Gulf are primary examples with United States and NATO incursions accompanied by constant military drills on Yellow and Arabian Sea respectively instigate nations to prop up military capability plus nuclear aspiration.

Recent development on South China Sea directed at China in preparation for unwanted skirmishes is an invitation for preventable crisis.

The speculations on adversaries’ defense formidability in return utilized by military industrial complex to increase investments in conventional and innovative stockpiles as well as short and long range ballistic missiles.

Replicating pattern on Baltic Sea with NATO surrounding eastern bloc states and U.S. forces in Central Asia aimed at Russia is needless provocation.

Spreading across to Africa – AFricom is a U.S. military organization set up for oligarchy access to rich natural endowments in that continent.

The organization acting on U.S. State Department directed by Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission focused on monopoly with a competitor China vying for solid economic ties in the region.

Despite material possessions in abundance, Africa economic disparity leading to abject poverty, hunger, disease and environmental issues linked to civil wars with huge arms and ammunition influx from major economic powers disrupting political stability and steady growth in the economy.

Africa emancipation from foreign economic and military interference would deliver anticipated outcome – better living conditions for all.

Latin America – The democratically elected governments non-compliance to hegemonic demands removed from office through coup d’état for U.S. and allies military takeover.

Colombia is a key location for United States military challenging nations in South America to curb Brazil influence with Venezuela viewed as adversary to gain authority over oil reserves in that nation.

United States military, State department and Department of Justice role in fighting drug wars in Colombia, Mexico and across Latin America exacerbated with programs like “Fast and Furious’ finding indirect means to arm drug warlords and avenues for drug supply reaching United States and other parts of the world.

The intensification of issues rather than resolving them confirms sinister motives and lack of respect for life.

U.S. ceasing artillery distribution to drug cartels in Latin America would significantly contain and perhaps eliminate narcotics war destroying lives everywhere.

Contemporarily NATO and United States joint or separate military firepower has decimated nations with bloodshed having become normal occurrence throughout the world witnessed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Syria.

Hence dismantling NATO and military industrial complex closing military base world over honoring life and people a priority intercepting hegemony goal – blood stained profits and unattainable geopolitical supremacy.

Currently, humanity plight stems from New World Order system gradually crept in replacing democracy.

Council 0n Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission comprising self-proclaimed elitists and affluent members with complete disconnect from the real world and Main Street formulate policies instructing U.S. State department and Defense department to execute perilous order.

The appointments to head these departments are also decided by CFR and NWO chief protagonists rendering executive branch and congress mere formality for approval.

Consolidated mass movement with voice from global village could terminate NWO and every organization supporting the formation of one world government, single currency and enslavement.

Military industrial complex and NWO is the terror at present mercilessly consuming life and now is the time for convoluted concept to desist freeing humanity from oppression and persecution.

Wishing righteous people power pledged to peace and non-violence glorious victory against declining presumptuous conglomerate.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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Global Finance – Dissolving Federal Reserve, ECB, World Bank and IMF

September 8, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Global economy controlled by financial sector under private management has evaded public scrutiny despite being responsible for major debacle since seizing absolute power over money supply.

Reiterating the fact – Federal Reserve in the United States as a private entity with a general impression of representing national banking authority override sovereignty by minting money and profiteering on interest against notes despatched to government for use as Treasury bills and lending money on bonds.

The practice over a century has empowered few individuals and undermined national financial status indefinitely indebted to private organization self-exempted from audit and oversight.

Federal Reserve usurped government in maintaining direct access on cash flow in the economy.

The Federal Reserve handles activities ranging from projections, interest rate determination to intervention in monetary policy on government behalf under the pretext as ultimate decision-making central authority again without the burden of accountability.

In a republican system – the people via government would head these functions and address fiscal issues effectively rather than delegating to private entrepreneurship linked to conglomerate with vested interests evident in the status quo.

Federal Reserve is a private company owned by selective groups in the hegemony hierarchy disguised as an institution to run sovereign nation financial affairs with primary aspiration to sustain consolidated power on national finance and banking industry.

The recruitment in this organization invariably involves hegemony members especially the chairmanship right down to key positions in order to implement agenda designed to favor exclusive proprietorship.

Federal Reserve ineptness and failures on timely interceptions to avert precipitous economic meltdown notably in 2007 and 2008 followed by then chairman Alan Greenspan along with previous administration Treasury Secretary Henry aka Hank Paulson also tied to nexus group call for bank bailouts claiming a do or die situation is a classic example of well coordinated exercise to solidify gains out of calamity.

The tradition continued till today to demonstrate loyalty to Wall Street and hegemony.

Notwithstanding individual profits raked from financial disaster experienced until now and expected to worsen upon allowing dysfunctional and deceptive proxy agencies to operate under the guise of monetary epicenter.

Federal Reserve consistent role in defending banks default and reckless undertakings to receive taxpayer funds at national expense cannot be ignored and confirms the embedded strategy to protect selective cause regardless of endless ramifications with pervasive impact.

United States and other nations under comparable scheme pursuing republic money management in nationalized structure using sovereign currency as monetary unit,

Besides necessary regulations on banking and finance are the only prudent approach abandoning current methods imposed to suit privileged class motives behind manufactured economic crisis.

The stringent measures to curb speculative trading and toxic securities that contributed to global downslide restricted at respective origin could drastically reduce risks facilitating reliable transnational exchange on swaps, futures and contingency liabilities involving diverse products in the international market.

Likewise investment banks or equity management firm divergence adapting to volatile commercial ventures, arbitrary trading and ill advice for short term prospects neglecting long term repercussions exacerbated inherent unpredictability dragging state economy such as Greece to a diminishing point of return.

The beneficiary not surprisingly being the problem source absolved of any compensation, libel and reproach.

Commercial banking – customer deposit security increasingly at stake due to FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) assurance limitations combined with major banks ambitious mergers and acquisitions for market monopoly.

Monitoring overall banking activity i.e. retail and commercial including myriad trade options subjected to independent external verification imperative to avert bank insolvency.

Federal Reserve poignantly serve nexus group with flagrant measures on quick fix basis yielding more uncertainty and perpetual economic turmoil conforming to capitalizing on catastrophe.

Likewise in Europe, the central banks and prominent territorial players dominant in conditional capital provision escalated economic plight through erroneous requirements viz. severe austerity in the absence of growth – possible with result-oriented investments and pragmatic solutions instead of adherence to crumbling euro zone and,

EU commission ironically laden with wasteful expenditure related to bureaucrats exorbitant remuneration amid irrational spending cuts proposal focused on payoff to financiers generating cash from debt.

European Union and euro are New World Order prototypes for emulation world over.

The fundamental flaws in the concept aimed at subjugation of sovereign nations with trade imbalance, general standards applicable to all irrespective of unique challenges, safeguarding banks slighting generational indebtedness on citizen and,

Not to mention interference in political affairs with successful appointment of hegemony representative to implement detrimental policies aggravating citizens hardship than alleviating them.

European Union and euro fragility emanating from contagion effect on negative trends in particular cannot withstand prolonged economic woes experienced by weaker economies ultimately becoming economically stronger nation’s obligation to avoid sinking Titanic scenario.

Others would legitimately expect similar response in synonymous condition posing litmus test for those providing funding to remain fair and equal while preparing to deal with domestic opposition to foreign state bailout.

Globally, the financial dragnet originates from two contentious and controversial setups – World Bank and (IMF) International Monetary Fund.

These two institutions emerged post World War II coinciding UN formation by western powers for easier access to foreign capital and resource.

Accordingly both World Bank and IMF have systematically derailed economies with unreasonable demands such as mandatory membership to force acceptance of rules falsely leading to surrender of sovereignty and securing projects for oligarchy depriving locals the business opportunity.

In other instances, the so-called development programs in developing and poorer nations have benefitted corrupt governments in cohort with capitalists reaping disproportionate returns on meager investment leaving behind deficit economic status or at worst a banana republic like Argentina and Indonesia during the height of excess intrusion.

Contemporarily, IMF and ECB directions to Euro zone members are targeted at enhancing banks capital reserves at population peril.

World bank indulgence in economies largely with sinister intentions has marginalized countries that were otherwise self-sufficient and export-oriented until WB or IMF influence and engagement.

Furthermore World Bank and IMF chief are constantly selected from United States and Europe given their affiliation and affirmation to secret society doctrine.

The remedy is to reject these institutions determined to accomplish objectives verifiably paradoxical to humanity progress.

Every nation reverting to community banks, regulated private finance centers and credit unions and above all –

Money distribution backed by gold under public ownership would be a preliminary step towards freedom from sovereign debt accumulation ending unscrupulous tactics to subvert positive sustenance.

Regional cooperation without compromising individual liberty to enter or exit consortium not barring thoughts and ideas to share among participants for genuine goals guarantee mutually anticipated outcome with dividends on fruits of labor.

The existing organizations in Latin America, BRICS and African nations collaboration to consolidate relevant assets allocating for basic to advanced needs extending beyond borders would be a dependable buffer zone and exponentially deliver financial security.

Non-compliance by victim nations on excruciating terms binding illegal debts,

Republic defiance of fraudulent techniques with coveted image would essentially dissolve premiership adorned by Federal Reserve, ECB, World Bank, IMF and European banks stake holders depleting global wealth for personal luxury.

Henceforth terminating systemic abusive culture attributed to immense suffering worldwide imminent to revive life with dignity.

Wishing republic resurgence in finance, politics, economics and justice for universal prosperity and social equality.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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Syria – Non-Aligned Meeting in Tehran and UN Conference on Humanitarian Aid

September 1, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Iran hosted Non-Aligned Meeting this week in Tehran to discuss Syrian conflict among other issues related to regional security.

The foreign ministers and some heads of state attending the summit shared rational approach i.e. rejecting military intervention, terminating violence only possible upon ceasing funding and arming terror groups, facilitate humanitarian relief to the wounded and survivors in the armed confrontation.

Since western power and Gulf allies responsible for prolonging warfare despite them fighting loosing battle,

Their reluctance to ceasefire has claimed many innocent lives in the relentless attacks against Syrian sovereignty.

Sadly, the nations behind horrific crimes against civilians in Syria are driven by unattainable egocentric goals not to mention the respective hard earned taxpayer funds squandered in illusive mission.

Human actions are erroneous and self-detrimental in the failure to heed warnings and accept reality.

Foreign intervention in Syria had nothing to do with democracy or Syrian cause instead the deadly venture was to gain geopolitical advantage in the region.

The invasion having produced immense bloodshed, the west and Arab alliance required to withdraw terror groups and end the war.

Such recognition would exemplify aggressors commitment or the lack there of to alleviate human suffering attributed to provocative occupation on foreign soil.

Syrians deserve to recover from overseas terror and rebuild their nation with dignity and right to self-determination.

Declining to ease tensions and escalating killings not only exacerbate Syrian plight but also isolate perpetrators with catastrophic return.

Evidently more nations are cognizant of western and partners true motives behind Syrian economic sanctions, proxy wars and unscrupulous tactics under false pretext to promote democracy – in disguise or non-existent in their country of origin considering political system allegiance to hegemony.

International support for Syrian initiated political dialogue and resolution in the absence of foreign intrusion is a positive outcome.

Tehran sponsored NAM reinforced the message in this context and those favoring peaceful and non-violent course are on the right side of history besides averting global disaster.

The forces on the ground representing external powers exiting Syrian territory now could perhaps minimize reciprocal effects already in progress through diverse means yet to be acknowledged due to distraction in chasing a dream never to be realized at any cost.

Contrarily, France proposed UN conference also held this week to explore options for further infiltration via humanitarian operations mimicking Libya clarified distinctive agenda from the nations opposed to military options through NATO or current mercenary and militia engagement.

Western and Gulf concern about Syrian population on humanitarian grounds at the UN gathering could be genuine had they not been the persistent source in continuation of mayhem and massacre.

Nonetheless, the opportunity still available to them to deviate from the chartered destination renouncing hostility and adopting hospitality to demonstrate sincere care and compassion for Syrian people in the embattled state.

Deeds reflect thoughts without the need for repetitive exercise like UN sessions merely to forge negative directives misusing the organization for disingenuous and misguided purpose.

The prominent UN members abiding by Geneva accord,

Extending UN supervision mission in Syria (UNSMIS) as diplomacy catalyst,

Refraining from and revoking economic including other blockade against war victims,

Abandoning communication outlets sabotage viz. using explosives on television, radio and satellite facilities not barring kidnapping and murder of journalists as well as key press corps personalities for objectivity and non-complacency and above all,

Adherence to international law and respect for sovereign status on Syria would signify authenticity in rescue plan and Samaritan virtues towards all Syrians unlike selective demography.

Time and tide wait for none in natural events.

Hence expediting conclusion of warfare in Syria allowing pragmatism and rationality to prevail would significantly benefit all in righteous disillusionment.

With deep appreciation for Iran summit on Syrian crisis and UN forum remaining restricted to humanitarian focus,

Best Wishes to Syrian citizens, government and political leadership for dawn of peace and new beginning filled with optimism and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant