Palestine – UNGA Approval of Observer State Status

November 29, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To people in Palestine and Palestinian Authorities in West Bank and Gaza on the road to success expediting the achievement of ultimate goal – Palestine independence.

The major step would lead to liberty and recognition of Palestine as sovereign state with rights to self-determination and privileges enjoyed by nations denying oppressed population emancipation.

UNGA solidarity in promoting peace and justice is much appreciated.

The UN members’ approval set precedence in legitimizing collective rational decision on humanitarian issues overriding political interference proved to exacerbate human suffering all around.

UNGA acknowledgment of Palestinian humble request is victory for peace and non-violence approach – the honorable means without sacrificing precious lives in the world of turmoil.

Similarly UNGA adopting measures in granting Palestine the sovereign republic status in semblance with establishment of the state of Israel would epitomize UN commitment to freedom and equality.

On that optimistic note,

Wishing Palestine and Israel a new beginning with peaceful co-existence and bi-lateral relations in the respective citizens and national interest.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – UNGA Vote for Observer State Status

November 29, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

United Nations General Assembly is currently reviewing the Palestinian authority, President Mahmoud Abbas request for upgrade from non-member observer entity status to observer state status that would promote the world understanding of all members in global society worthy of respect and a life with dignity.

In this regard, Palestinian population has been deprived for over six decades with Israel invasion and military aggression up until now.

The inhumane conditions and ongoing hostility towards the people of Palestine has been brought to world attention on numerous occasions with a plea to end Israel’s unilateral excruciating blockade against Gaza alongside periodic aggravated assault resulting in infants, teenagers and women deaths prioritized to win the hearts and minds of Israeli electorate in the election war.

The pervasive combative environment in the entire occupied Palestinian territory robbing the children of Palestine the dreams for life with their family without fear of losing the members in either daily shooting or United States and western powers supplied and sponsored bombing prior to Israel’s electoral season could cease subsequent to Palestinian statehood recognition.

UNGA responsible action in accepting Palestine as a sovereign participant with the citizens’ rights to self-determination similar to the privileges enjoyed by Israeli citizens and western society considering their opposition to the Palestinian bid would legitimize UN as an international body transcending politics and influential powers superiority complex surfacing during Palestinian legal submission for statehood approval.

United States and Israel along with some western allies vehement protest to Palestinian natural right for freedom and sovereignty clarify the intention to prolong colonization in modern civilization exploiting the victims’ patience and endurance of more than sixty years of injustice.

The threats and intimidation tactics applied to subvert the process is yet another example of undemocratic principles exhibited by those representing the imperialistic agenda due to lack of accountability for their crimes against humanity.

Despite the political maneuvering to derail UNGA acknowledgment, the significant majority across the globe overwhelmingly calls for the United Nations members to grant Palestine the long overdue liberty – the inalienable right of every being on this planet.

The two state solution would also enable Israeli citizens peaceful co-existence disrupted from Israel’s ideology driven occupation goals embedded with permanent oppression in the meager land directly in violation of all laws that exist in a civilized world.

Israeli security is linked with treatment of neighbors especially the Palestinian citizens as equal for violence and terror would only yield synonymous response in self-defense given Israel’s disproportionate military and economic resources provided by United States and western power to maintain detrimental status quo.

Objectively, Israeli authority rejection of peace exemplified in refusal to follow general rule and UN resolutions together with Jewish unlawful settlement expansion posing impediments to Israel’s progress besides the ever increasing isolation from the rest of the world.

However, this situation could be reversed by changing course in pursuit of harmony beginning with adaptation to inevitable positive developments like Palestinian independence and honoring territorial integrity all around.

UNGA effectiveness is dependent upon resistance to United States, Israel and selective western powers counterproductive intrusions on international affairs with specific motive to undermine the legality and ethical efficacy of humanitarian law and UN Charter.

Above all UN members’ sovereign pledge for fairness and equality barring discriminatory practices in the decision-making aimed at particular segment viz. Palestinians in this instance would restore credibility to the organization role as a reliable entity.

UNGA could write a new chapter in history in moving forward rather than backward with unequivocal endorsement of peace enshrined in Palestine as an independent nation facilitating the success of two state solutions – the only pragmatic approach to ensure safety and long-term security for both Israel and Palestine.

Wishing UNGA members courage and solidarity in upholding human values and integrity with a resounding ‘Yes’ vote on the humanitarian issue affecting mankind.

Best Wishes to people in Palestine and Israel for good relations leading to mutual prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Middle East – Nuclear Conference Helsinki, December 2012

November 27, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The Nuclear conference to be held in Helsinki, Finland in December 2012 is now cancelled with Israel declining to attend the important summit.

United States State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland announced on Friday, November 23, 2012 that United Sates would not support a conference in which any regional state would be subject to any pressure or isolation.

Common knowledge regarding U.S. statement is the circumvention that reserves endorsement for Israel’s defiance and contrarily economic sanctions on rivals characterized as ‘axis of evil.’

The U.S. position defending ally Israel’s refusal to participate in the meeting confirms the long withheld information on Israel’s nuclear status comprising anywhere between 200 to 400 nuclear warheads,

Notwithstanding the nuclear states – Israel and United States engagement in illegal invasion, occupation and military aggression in Middle East and around the world is a major concern for the rest of the world.

United States and Israel also being the non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have used depleted uranium during warfare in Iraq and Gaza.

Considering U.S. and Israel conventional stockpiles including WMD such as biological, chemical and nuclear arsenal all of which has been arbitrarily used by the United States in twentieth and Israel in twenty first century,

The dangers from these two nations along with western as well as Gulf coalition, effectively the nuclear stockholders on United States behalf under NATO umbrella cannot be ignored for they are the existential threat to humanity at large.

Furthermore, Israel with United States regular veto of UN resolutions invariably remains above the law showing no regard for international peace accord, humanitarian law and human rights thus far.

The western trajectory led by United States and Israel representing hegemony maintains horrific crimes against humanity escalated in recent months necessitating the nuclear nations participation at the meeting conforming to universal standard.

Nuclear conference called off at United States behest evidently to prevent Israel from being subjected to international organizations verification.

Besides, the action indicative of U.S. and Israel maneuver to thwart other members’ recommendations for United States and Israel compliance with signatory requirement on Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Poignantly, similar initiative from Iran or any other U.S. and Israel adversary would have been dealt with severe response from western leaderships viz. the U.S. EU and hegemon representatives elsewhere.

Nuclear free zone is the only hope for containing turmoil in the polarized world with western authorities being the aggressors and the remaining nations having become the targets of unilateral military assault.

The western powers extensive use of deadly nuclear and biochemical agents not excluding hydrogen bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is precisely the reason to arrange nuclear consortiums to eliminate threat to mankind with surrender of nuclear inventory evaded in the so-called responsible and reckless classification.

The determination to prolong military operations through drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and West Africa killing thousands of unarmed civilians without forewarnings,

The proxy wars and arming terror networks witnessed in Libya and Syria,

Along side Israel experimenting defense capability with United States funded ammunitions on Palestinian or Sudanese population could no longer be tolerated with complacency when such interventions are responsible for immense suffering across the globe.

United States and Israel stance in the dismissal of collective responsibility towards nuclear disarmament promotes nuclear proliferation and conventional arms race claiming innocent lives by the hour.

As a result, western weapons industries flourish while people of all age groups perish in society – unfortunately the Islamic nations in particular pursued with genocidal motive.

United States unequivocal favoritism to Israel’s every unreasonable and unethical demands not only diminished Super Power syndrome but also seriously jeopardized credibility to be a reliable partner in resolving international crises.

Simultaneously, UN supposedly an international body has consistently defaulted in demonstrating fairness beginning with recognition of Palestinian statehood in semblance with UNGA vote in 1948 for establishment of the state of Israel.

UN abandoning humanitarian principles and guidelines rather than being a dependable neutral convener of international events with individual jurisdiction barring external negative influence for vested interests is a great hindrance to global security.

Likewise, UNSC a mere political tool for western powers to authorize economic and military warfare against nations declared dispensable regardless of dire consequences to vulnerable citizens in the respective domain enduring inhumane commercial, financial, technological and travel embargo.

The precedence set by Israel and United States is a continuous trend selectively protecting western nations and preferred members from isolationism that otherwise imposed on non-western states in the past and present.

Accordingly, the hypocritical decisions foment mistrust and frustration among genuine participants experiencing dilemma in the existing hierarchy.

The dysfunctional structure could be attributed to lack of accountability due to hegemony control over UN, UNSC, IAEA and ICC reflected in prejudiced indictments instead of fairness and equal treatment in international affairs.

Moreover, in the absence of pervasive application of international rule and adherence by all nations without exceptions the abuse of privileged statehood increasingly delegitimize UN, UNSC, IAEA and ICC role in dispute settlement.

UN organization and affiliates performance would be meaningful provided they are able to meet the marginalized and disenfranchised vast majority expectations challenging the unnecessary shadow powers interference exacerbating human plight.

UNGA function exceeding beyond membership formality linked with implementation of unanimous or overwhelming consensus like the vote on Cuba in lifting more than sixty years old economic restriction and,

Ending Israeli Palestinian conflict in acknowledgment of Palestine sovereignty and independence among several global issues would restore authenticity in international mediation.

Setting political partisanship aside, the nuclear and non-nuclear states consolidated efforts and sincere involvement would guarantee safety from nuclear and diverse weapons widely exchanged in the state sponsored terrorism and manufactured unrest on domestic and foreign soil.

The UN nuclear conference proceeding per schedule in Helsinki in December 2012 would prove the organization commitment to serve people across the spectrum transcending politics and ideology driven policies serving none, however adversely affecting all.

Observing international protocol in respect for other nations contributions would be honorable and professional other than utilizing opportunity to protect life and environment from precipitous extinction.

The revival of nuclear talks in December 2012 in Helsinki, Finland is a litmus test for the nuclear nations to come forward in solidarity to preserve the only habitat available for the current and future generation.

Wishing organizers success in resuming much anticipated nuclear discussion to sustain life on the planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Gaza Ceasefire Violation An Unnecessary Provocation

November 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Despite ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas following Israeli aggression against infants, teenagers and elderly citizens in Gaza that claimed 160 innocent lives and left many wounded per official figures with unofficial report yet to ascertain death toll underneath the rubble,

Israel military option is also responsible for five Israeli citizens demise and few residents hurt in Southern Israel during eight days air and sea assault on besieged Gaza.

Soon after ceasefire, Israeli forces proceeded with violent arrests of 55 Palestinian peaceful protesters in the occupied West Bank for non-violent participation to support their extended families in Gaza when Israeli shelling continued more than a week.

Israel’s latest attack resulting in Gaza casualty – a twenty one year old farmer killed while at least seven others injured is unnecessary provocation to Israel, United States and western allies detriment already reflected in declining economy and overwhelming condemnation for western status quo.

Evidently Israel and United States determination to pursue violence as the means to exert authoritarianism and superiority have no concern for their respective citizens safety or business sector prospects seriously affected due to regional and international community perception holding Israel and United States leaderships for state sponsored terrorism in direct violation of humanitarian law and civil standard.

The global response to rein in hegemony ideology posing imminent danger to all irrespective of identity is required more than ever.

Citizens from all walks of life could come forward and demonstrate solidarity in several ways such as – enforcing BDS movement against Israel.

Boycott Divestment Sanctions and extend stance towards western powers including Gulf allies fomenting killing of vulnerable citizens in Palestine, Israel, Syria, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya…around the world.

Mexico – The drug war financed and fueled by United States through controversial ‘Fast and Furious’ program implicating U.S.Justice department has enormously suffered on economic and political front with nearly 50,000 lives lost and more reported on daily accounts devoid of world’s attention thus far.

Similarly, avoiding travel and on-line purchases related to consumer trade could have a dramatic effect on nations behind revoking peace accord.

Since existing international body viz. UNSC, ICC and other organizations are under hegemony control and influence granting impunity to perpetrators presumptuously proclaiming as the world authority to commit crimes against humanity,

The global society are burdened to restore peace and justice with personal involvement in declining goods and services essentially imposing trade embargo and effective measures regularly vetoed by offenders at the UN conforming to double standards on international matter.

Additionally, applying pressure on their governments to exercise sovereignty and denounce atrocity in Palestine, Bahrain, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and in the above mentioned nations by Israel, U.S., U.K. Canada, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan – the facilitators and financiers of warfare is paramount to end the escalation of terror world over.

The instigation promoting current unrest throughout Middle East, Pakistan, Latin America and Africa is to accomplish unattainable goals by hegemony in the face of deep economic recession.

Western power departure from dialogue and diplomacy with fascination for warfare and continuous bloodshed is counterproductive and exemplify misguided mission.

Notwithstanding reality in the alarming suicide rates among U.S. armed forces having exponentially risen in correlation to prolonged occupation in Afghanistan and military incursions in Persian Gulf and South China sea.

Irrationality overriding prudence and diligence precipitate inevitable multi-dimensional national crises given western powers misplaced priority on interference in foreign internal affairs exploited for destabilization.

Israel and United States in particular are urged to exercise restraint and refrainment from stoking unfavorable sentiments towards western strategy visible among significant majority with strong consumer power.

Ceasefire brokered in Egypt is an international treaty binding on all sides in respect for life and attempts to sabotage peace plan would reiterate western preference for turmoil and an invitation to self-disaster.

Global resistance beginning immediately with boycott and peaceful dissent to hegemony policy depriving humanity peaceful existence is imperative to reverse the outcome.

Gaza ceasefire monitored to maintain calmness crucial for survivors recovery from carnage and destruction in Israel’s bombing last week.

The recommendations at grassroots level intended to curb further hostility from Israel based on present breach of ceasefire.

Supernatural intervention is best averted in upholding ceasefire that could perhaps mitigate consistent loss of credibility.

With sincere condolences to Gaza victims and empathy to Israeli citizens held hostage in the election war,

Wishing long lasting peace to Palestine and Israel.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Happy Thanks Giving!

November 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

United States observes thanks giving holiday originating from Native Americans tradition expressing gratitude to nature for bountiful crops following harvest shared amongst all.

The concept of harmony and benevolence emphasized in social customs are unfortunately not practiced in the fullest extent with contemporary politics contrarily prescribing violence premised on greed causing immense suffering to humanity at large.

Monopoly substitutes altruism rejecting fairness and equal distribution attributed to prevalent economic disparity and social inequality wotlwide.

Economic policies exacerbating deteriorating living conditions are implemented through austerity and globalization via neo liberalization in the establishment of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Despite FTA and FDI carcinogenic impact especially on the vast majority of work force and business community such as local retailers and small vendors, legislation passed aggressively swearing allegiance to the 1% elite polity representing hegemony.

Politics usurping power accepts no reason or pragmatism instead buttress ideology for selective gains at collective expense.

The deceptive maneuver and erroneous decisions responsible for global turmoil easily attracted to illusion and slight reality.

Creating public awareness amid pervasive control over communication media is critical to protect citizens’ interest.

Truth surface regardless of concerted efforts to subvert facts at self and mass detriment.

Solidarity in national and international domain against injustice and military aggression as well as illegal occupation of sovereign land is an effective resistance and important to curtail divisive and elusive strategy used for regional or global dominance.

Civilization progress is best identified in political leaderships honorable engagement to prote4ct life at home and around setting precedence worthy of emulation like perseverance towards peace and non-violence for universal benefit.

On Thanks Giving day acknowledgment of benefactor being the ultimate source and provider of all things positive to sustain life,

Hope for optimistic future awaits those transcending negativities to make the world a better for all.

Happy Thanks Giving!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – Israel and Hamas Ceasefire Agreement

November 21, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To people in Gaza and Israel along with leaderships in Egypt, Hamas and Israel for the ceasefire agreement reached in respect for life all around.

The ceasefire between Palestinian authority Hamas and Israel representatives brokered by Egypt President Mohammad Morsi is a preliminary step towards reconciliation on Palestinian and Israeli peaceful co-existence.

Although consolation and sympathy would not reverse the consequences from use of force suffered by the victims families,

The loss of lives in the last few days on both sides again disproportionately in Gaza involving infants and teenagers is a great human tragedy serving as a reminder to leaderships to renounce violence and utilize power for constructive purpose.

Political gains earned in improving lives through recognition of freedom, providing economic opportunity and social equality are honorable setting national precedence for a bright future shared amongst all.

Israel and Hamas treaty to end military aggression and retaliation respectively is an important milestone.

However, the real test remains in sustaining calmness resisting any temptation towards ceasefire violation that would also determine public trust expecting leadership to prioritize citizens life and safety on all sides over political agenda.

Israel leadership acceptance to open Gaza strip crossings facilitating people movement is a humane response and lifting naval blockade that has deprived Gaza residents normal living conditions would exemplify Israel’s commitment to recent accord.

Furthermore, provocation in terms of targeted assassinations of Hamas leaders or experimenting defense capability at civilian expense in Gaza could be substituted with acknowledgment of territorial integrity and legitimate political power with Hamas being the democratically elected government in Gaza.

Likewise Hamas persistence with peaceful negotiations replacing rocket firing would promote diplomacy required for the healing process in Gaza and Southern Israel.

The regional cooperation is equally essential demonstrating collective responsibility in ending Palestinian suffering with statehood and sovereignty that would guarantee long lasting security not only for Israel but entire Middle East.

Subsequently Israel and Palestine could focus on domestic issues and local development creating possibility for better bilateral relations and mutual economic prospects benefitting both states in the long term.

International community participation especially global citizens outpouring empathy was effective in halting the escalation of violence against Gaza.

Similarly peace activism in occupied Palestinian domain and Israel led to united front in drawing leaderships’ attention to the crisis.

The global solidarity could play a prominent role in two state solutions coming into fruition in November 2012 at the United Nations General Assembly transcending external intrusions for vested interests proved detrimental to citizens in Israel and Palestine thus far.

With deep appreciation for Egypt President Mohammad Morsi mediation alongside notable contributions from leaderships in Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Russia among other nations,

Israel and Hamas governments’ consensus could be the beginning of the end of the decades old conflict.

Wishing success in the latest ceasefire evolving into a permanent environment for Palestine and Israel.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – Israel Immediate Ceasefire Critical to Save Life on Both Sides

November 21, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli political leadership reluctance to ceasefire is contributing to mounting casualties in Gaza and few in Southern Israel.

Immediate ceasefire is critical to save lives on both sides allowing thousand and more injured in Gaza access to medical treatment currently not accessible due to Israel’s relentless air and sea assault targeting civilians with infants and teenagers among the rising death toll by the hour.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Barak along with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman authorizing continuous bombing against people in Gaza are ignoring reality that they are effectively hurting their own citizens in Southern Israel under attack from rockets fired in retaliation to showering Israeli explosions on besieged Gaza.

The permanent relief from military aggression is not only imperative to protect lives but also necessary to avert potential catastrophe for Israel within society considering the latent public frustration regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu administration’s misplaced priority for Gaza invasion neglecting Israel’s dire economy reflected in the recent incidents involving Israeli citizens self immolation in public square.

Proceeding with onslaught would further damage Israel and western powers especially United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and New Zealand…eligibility to participate as trustworthy partners in international affairs management.

Further escalating violence by inflicting death on unarmed defenseless civilians in Gaza could unnecessarily endanger United States and United Kingdom troops in the Persian Gulf including the respective nationals touring Middle East on pleasure or business trip subjected to risks and subsequent safe evacuation.

Israeli authorities air strikes aimed at the church under construction and Jewish settlers burning mosque in the occupied territory surprisingly has not been condemned by the religious hierarchy such as the Vatican although such reckless engagement against holy sites constitutes sacrilege in the highest order.

Meanwhile, Arab League missing in action shares similar non-commitment and merely limited to expression despite in possession of valuable bargaining chip i.e. freezing oil supply to Israel and western powers backing genocide upon failure to instantaneous ceasefire.

Since Israel’s massacre onset claiming lives disproportionately in Gaza and threatening Southern Israel residents safety in the Likud leadership’s bizarre attempt to display formidability guaranteeing national security evidently become the reason behind permanent tension denying Israel and Palestinians normal existence.

The procrastination in ending military operation only exacerbates Gazans and Israeli suffering that could be easily avoided through desperately required ceasefire.

Again behind the scenes maneuver between Israeli leadership and United States biased stance promotes delay rather than expediting peaceful resolution in order to prevent bloodshed in Gaza and consequently in Israel.

Global society on their part could persevere with non-violent protests applying pressure on governments especially the western leaderships responsible for their ‘unequivocal support’ to Prime Minister Netanyahu decision to maintain status quo specifically killing innocent children, women and elderly citizens in Gaza and likewise some deaths in Southern Israel.

Additionally the citizens around the world could come forward and boycott Israeli merchandise seeking termination of Israel’s naval blockade against Gaza and regular assassinations of Palestinian leaders in the state.

Palestinian civil society initiated non-violent dissent implementing Boycott Divestment Sanctions is yet another mechanism for world citizens to demonstrate solidarity given the United States consistent veto in UNSC legitimate actions against Israel’s constant violation of UN resolutions and international law.

The global efforts combined with Arab league delivery in deeds no longer restricted to words alone could bring Israel pre-emptive air raids to a grinding halt.

With sincere condolences to families and survivors of the deceased in the crime against humanity,

Wishing people in Gaza and Israel solace and courage to overcome the plight and speedy recovery of the wounded in the erroneous military intervention.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

More at The Real News

Palestine – Israeli Aggression on Gaza

November 17, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The latest Israeli aggression against people in Gaza is reprehensible considering the disproportionate force exerted upon 1.7 million population held hostage in the beleaguered state with crippling economic blockade since 2007 continued with relentless bombing facilitated by United States military and financial aid exponentially increased under the current administration.

Israel shelling with U.S. provided ammunitions spares none not even infants, teenagers and elderly citizens in the recent onslaught of innocent civilians barely surviving on the coastal enclave.

U.S. administration stance in support of Israeli belligerence is deplorable and deserves worldwide condemnation.

The White House statement directly from the President favoring Israel’s position as self-defense reveals the true colors predicted prior to re-election.

United States and Israeli leaderships are obviously misguided by hawkish policymakers showing no respect for life except their own safeguarded at taxpayers expense conforming to prevalent class delineation of 99% vs. 1% in domestic and foreign policy.

Not to mention the authorities misplaced priorities targeting the oppressed Palestinians for respective advantage rather than shifting desperately required attention on dire economy is indicative of political maneuver.

Israel with United States unequivocal support regardless of reason is engaged in genocide through economic and military warfare against Palestinians in direct violation of international law.

Israel has always maintained the privilege of remaining above the law rejecting every possible international rule and UN resolutions that are otherwise promptly applicable to law abiding nations categorized U.S. and Israel’s adversary.

The U.S. approved Israel’s military incursions and illegal invasion of Gaza is counterproductive and provocative fomenting anti-American and Israeli sentiments with drastic impact on citizens of two countries in terms of business, travel and other economic as well as trade activities further exacerbating western economy.

Israeli political leadership immediate responsibility lies with electorate demanding effective measures to improve dissipating economic and job growth instead of exhausting defense inventory over Gaza residents ignoring backlash in several different ways in accordance with natural law – every action bears consequences seeking doers reflection for necessary modification in changing course to avert imminent self-disaster.

Hence, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Force (IDF) command are urged to exercise restraint and ceasefire without any procrastination that could be a potential liability on the economic and political front for incumbency misleading the state of Israel towards unaffordable conflict.

Upon Israel cessation of violence, the Palestinian government in Gaza, Hamas could similarly end retaliation with rocket firing allowing humanitarian rescue operations to save lives on both sides with locals paying the price in the crossfire.

Israel attacks against Gaza in response to Hamas leaderships pursuing permanent truce with Israel for better ties concluding the unilateral trade embargo on Gaza citizens evidently clarifies Israel’s departure from democracy and peace since the state establishment.

However, Israeli citizens could come forward transcending barriers and restore democracy by calling on the state to renounce violence, oppression and militarization resulting in bloodshed and massive casualties for all.

Notwithstanding Israel’s undemocratic conscription to appease defense industry posing infringement on Israeli youth denied liberty to decline participation in state repression within and outside the society.

Israel presently dictated by Zionist doctrine extended over to the United States foreign policy is designed for self-alienation from the rest of the world.

The architects behind detrimental ideology portraying war mentality conspicuously care less about Israel and United States interests seriously jeopardized in the leaderships’ fervor to appease the military industrial complex.

Nonetheless, it is never too late for Israeli and American civil society to come together with one voice and unanimously oppose Israel and United States existing military strategy responsible for perpetual tension and destruction in the entire region spreading world over.

Israeli electorate could demonstrate their preference between eternal violence and peace by choosing political party vowed to protecting life at home and across the borders along with honoring sovereignty, territorial integrity, right to exist and rights to self-determination of neighbors especially the Palestinians in occupied land.

Unfortunately, Zionism unlike Judaism is not a religion created by super natural entity.

The religions initiated by Almighty God espouse human values that is innately compassionate, caring and generous constantly evolving for self-betterment benefitting humanity at large.

Zionism premised on greed, violence and corruption is a political platform with concentrated power among selective members formed as a group and presumptuously consider themselves formidable with imposition of erroneous policies to the point of no return.

The clueless ideologues aspirations for regional and subsequently global dominance is based on destructive means usurping power despite systemic failure with domino effect on various structural models bound for imminent collapse.

Undeniably hegemony neo liberalization on the economy combined with neo conservatism and Zionism directed at territorial conquest is the existential threat to global society.

Solidarity movement pledging assistance to Gaza victims and Palestinian struggle for statehood decisively coming into fruition at the forthcoming UN General Assembly vote in November 2012 in semblance with Israel state recognition by UNGA in 1948 is paramount for Palestine and Israel co-existence that would inevitably guarantee world peace.

The military combat mission by Israel against Gaza is best abandoned adopting peaceful methods and constructive path utilizing communication and dialogue in dispute settlement.

Violence never resolves crises and instead prolongs unsustainable mayhem all around.

On that rational thought, Israeli leadership and Hamas are required to refrain from exchanging missiles and terminate military confrontation to enable the wounded and survivors on the relevant domain for speedy recovery.

With sincere condolences to families and dependents mourning on the losses of their loved ones in the preventable assault,

Wishing peace and freedom to people in Gaza and Palestine as an independent sovereign state with Israel a republic governed democracy committed to non-violence and harmony.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Hindu Festivals – Shubh Diwali / Deepavali and Karthigai Deepam Celebration

November 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The Hindu festival of lights Diwali or Deepavali followed by Karthigai Deepam celebrated to illumine homes and spiritually the minds for peaceful existence.

Diwali being the main festival for most Hindus emphasizes on positive virtues enabling smooth transitions in life journey with happiness and sadness reflecting the emotional state that impact well being and routine activity.

The celebration is also important for it brings joy during festive season adding splendor from colors depicted in Rangoli (artistic display using dry powder) usually in front porch or prayer area of the house besides the social custom of exchanging gifts such as delicious Indian sweets and dry fruits on that day.

Diwali is an occasion to express felicitations reviving human spirit for peace and prosperity in life.

Hindu festival Diwali is usually observed anywhere between two to three days with spectacular fireworks in the evenings decorating the sky enhancing the starry night like sparkling diamonds on black velvet overlay attracting gaze in all directions eager to catch the glimpse of glitter – an extraordinary delight shared amongst all.

Diwali is significant in promoting harmony and pleasure experienced through greetings with family and friends while many seek divine blessings in their offerings to deities of individual choice – although Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi are generally worshipped on this day in relation to respective incarnations for mankind benefit.

Subsequent to Diwali is another festival of lights known as Kartikai Deepam devoted to Lord Kartik – the Son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

Lord Kartik birth is symbolic and preordained to pronounce goodness and renounce negative traits contributing to suffering and turmoil.

Since celestial angels known as Krithika raised Lord Kartik, the Lord assumed the name Kartikeya representing the brilliance of light to dispel darkness – the hindrance to knowledge and mind purification essential for redemption leading to salvation.

The religious function again observed for minimum two consecutive days extending to a week, the households lit with traditional lamps add brightness to modern ambience in appreciation of rich cultural heritage cherished over generations as proud legacy.

Festivals in general mark the occasion to rejoice and remember the essence of religious events often defining the purpose in life with moral guidance along side providing diversity enrichment in secular society.

Wishing all Hindus and others in India and around the world a serene and successful year and beyond with universal progress derived from unity, liberty and equality.

Shubh Mangala Diwali, Diwali Mubarak, Deepavali Nal Valthukal, Happy Diwali!

Shubh Kartigai ThiruNaal, Greetings for Kartigai Festival!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – National Veterans Day

November 13, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Veterans Day is observed in remembrance of armed forces sacrifices in the war and,

As for the survivors returning home with life long injuries and most importantly emotional problems and mental trauma, they are affected with a permanent scar for the rest of their life.

The veterans experience in the contemporary age is severe considering disillusionment on illegal invasion and occupation that involves atrocities and gross human rights violation under liberation and humanitarian mission pretexts with soldiers expected to simply obey order from the chain of command at the top.

Wars never produce winners yet prevalently western fervor for war despite the outcome being death and devastation is at peak chasing illusion.

The western stance today to wage wars for global dominance has no boundaries and wars without borders is the norm prioritizing aggression and provocation instead of peace and diplomacy.

Sadly life has no meaning or value since profits and political gains are achieved at the expense of innocent civilians while young army personnel expended in combat missions with no significance to peaceful resolution of crises that could otherwise save precious lives all around.

Notwithstanding the world future wiped away in massive explosions and advanced ammunitions utilizing technology to the maximum potential along with nuclear threat reverberating in the warning that ‘all options are on the table.’

Somehow superiority is projected through drones on Muslim nations, relentless air strikes against 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza strip and military incursions via permanent bases across the globe.

The determination to prolong violence with primitive methods of execution and massacre in Syria and earlier in Libya by western powers and Gulf allies is a descending trait for human race with no respect for international law or ethical standards that commonly apply to those in compliance.

Citizens in western society and the victim nations across the Middle East as well as in other parts of the globe including war veterans for peace are urged to rise to the occasion and demand the respective leaderships in the west and Gulf region to stop the war and ceasefire with immediate effect in Syria and elsewhere.

Unless the global movement emerges with one voice, the elite establishment functioning as shadow power will proceed towards catastrophic journey leading the entire world into possible nuclear confrontation.

Hence, every individual bears responsibility to avert ensuing disaster emanating from western and Arab league cavalier approach against Syria – a nation already under relentless assault on all directions with suicide bombings and other lethal measures from western powers and their Gulf coalition.

Please remember remaining silence is complacency and also interpreted as complicity with the tide turning against the rest of the world when belligerence allowed to prevail in the preliminary step targeting the weak and vulnerable.

Veterans day memorialize the war participants laying their life during conflict,

However, the authority and policy makers pushing for military intervention unfortunately slight veterans’’ plea and public opinion for troop withdrawal terminating military presence in sovereign nations undermining territorial integrity and local population rights to self-determination falsely claimed as premise in military engagement.

Wishing peace activism success in protecting life and environment.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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