Syria – International Cooperation and Collective Action in Ending Syrian Conflict

November 10, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The escalated violence having claimed thousands of innocent lives with many refugees displaced across Turkey and Jordanian border,

Western defiance to ceasefire persists unleashing terror in the form of unspeakable crimes against Syrian citizens and army personnel through proxy war.

The western and Gulf coalition of the willing viz. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar with Jordan as the facilitator are importing Al Qaeda terrorists and death squads into Syria.

Since western and Gulf invasion of the sovereign state Syria, the horrendous killings involving primitive medieval practices like beheading, throat slitting and other Saudi authoritarian style massacre is the routine in the beleaguered state sadly on international community watch with perpetrators emboldened in the foreign states sponsored terrorism.

While the systematic annihilation and decimation continues, the western leaderships have also imposed crippling sanctions against the people of Syria strangling them on the economic and military front to demonstrate western affinity for democracy.

Above all, the latest deterioration in western conduct is the assassination plan against Syrian leader President Bashar al-Assad for defending his nation and people from western authorized full frontal attacks that includes suicide bombings, targeted murder of Syrian government officials and infrastructure destruction restricting access to desperately required humanitarian relief and recovery for the survivors in the nearly two years old western and Arab aggression.

In the west gone wild grandeur delusion accompanied by their Gulf allies madness,

The latest revelation to eliminate the head of a sovereign state cannot escape world attention due to inevitable spread of similar attempts against whoever the west and their Gulf partners choose to remove from their path of chaos and carnage victimizing the remaining global population.

According to independent sources – the Lebanese Arabic language newspaper Ad-Diyar disclosed a meeting between Qatar Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani, Qatari intelligence chief Ahmed Nasser bin Jassim al-Thani, Israeli intelligence spy agency Mossad director Tamir Pardo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reviewing details to assassinate the Syrian President.

The report stated Mossad head offered many proposals outlining the devious scheme and in exchange the Qatari Premier guaranteed two years free supply of natural gas and subsidized gasoline to the state of Israel following the assassination.

Further, the report mentioned about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu sought Persian Gulf Cooperation Council continued ties subsequent to Syria collapse.

The western and selective Arab collusion determined to lead their respective nations towards economic abyss for the former and major political upheaval for the latter are advised to abandon such insidious ideology unequivocally backfiring at them beyond repair for the state authorities indulgence would be a costly affair.

Not to mention the diabolical agenda prompting an invitation to self-disaster in epic proportion from divine intervention.

The bizarre western-Arab alliance crossing limits in decency, morality and civil decorum in direct violation of international rule and ethical standards appropriately qualifies for global sanctions against them on trade, finance and travel in the economic aspect and severing political ties until rationality returns in recognition of humanitarian law.

In consistency with advance warnings regarding western belligerence specifically the United States, Israel, United Kingdom and France role in pursuing violence as signatory strategy to achieve their unattainable exclusive interests at global catastrophe deserves worldwide condemnation and citizen participation calling for an immediate end to Syrian conflict.

The western and Gulf slaughter in Syria using militia and mercenaries has no respect for life except their own and represents major threat to humanity considering the United States fascination for militarization and drone strikes exponentially risen in the last four years and within hours of 2012 Presidential election outcome.

Reiterating the urgency for collective response, the effective mechanism to contain the growing abuse of power and reckless policies enforced upon those in compliance of western unreasonable demand and UN resolutions ironically not applicable to actual offenders given the trajectory on human rights and colonial quest to empower few and enslave the rest.

Viewing the re-elected U.S. administration rapid descent exercising privileged status in emergency declaration against Iran on Friday, November 10, 2012 extending sanctions for another year exacerbating Iranian population plight knowing well the impact on women and children in need of medications – the Presidential authorization is perhaps disillusionment in terms of ‘Worst yet to come.’

The incumbent administration conscientious departure from predecessor Bush-Cheney legacy prolonged in first term counterproductive measures would benefit United States in international relations espousing peace and diplomacy over provocation.

As for the western deployed so-called jihadists in Syria – the western intelligence agencies using the U.S. characterized most wanted terrorist Ayman Al Zawahiri denounced as Al Qaeda leader succeeding Osama Bin Laden is yet another tactical technique to attract economically deprived and ill-informed fighters from war torn nations in Middle East to kill fellow Muslims and ethnic minorities fomenting western created Islamophobia.

The militia members and mercenary recruits are evidently misguided and misled into death valley in Syria by western and Arab obsession to destabilize Middle East – the cradle of civilization.

These individuals are urged to refrain from not only harming fellow human beings but also stop sacrificing their lives for despots and dictatorial regimes possessed with greed and acrimony denying others existence to enhance personal gains at every opportunity.

The western deceptive methods eluding different factions among Islamic nations for hegemony ambitions doomed to be a colossal failure.

Under these circumstances, Muslims regardless of sect in the Middle East and around the world must come together in solidarity and defend Islam as the religion of peace and disengage from sectarian clashes favoring hegemony.

The western and Arab hired fighters should disavow violence and instead join the rescue mission saving lives in Syria, Palestine, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Sudan…as well as oil rich territories in Africa.

Please remember unity transcending assortments would be a formidable challenge to illegal invasion and occupation.

The hegemony reason behind polarization of society is to disintegrate nations for easier control and dominance.

Citizens in western society could efficiently direct their relevant governments to withdraw from overt and covert military operations beginning with Syria contributing to immense human suffering world over and divest scarce resources in dire economy.

Additionally, peace activists doubling their efforts in permanent halting of western intrusion in sovereign states internal matter would expedite conventional and nuclear disarmament.

Keeping Syrian peace in thoughts and prayers for the brilliant white light to protect Syrian statehood, people and brave souls as guardians of life.

Wishing citizens and political leaderships in Syria steel resolve and harmony for phenomenal success in overcoming dissipating obstacles soon to be dispersed by natural breeze.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – U.S. Election 2012 In Hegemony Controlled Mandate

November 7, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The mock election to satisfy formality is over defending status quo in hegemony controlled mandate.

United States once heralded the beacon of democracy regrettably under siege with hegemony pervasive manipulation of mass media, politics, economics and social justice system.

Reiterating the facts on prevalent global subjugation, subversion and perversion to rein supremacy,

The forces usurpation would run its course in accordance with natural and universal law.

In general, illicit means adhering to distortion and deception delivers false perception and delusional expectations leading to appropriate outcome.

Vast majority world over are subjected to extreme and harsh conditions due to concentration of power among privileged class with typical characteristics such as authoritarianism guided by corruption, greed and violence.

Nonetheless, the world survival is enabled by selfless and dedicated souls’ tireless contributions to protect life and environment from carnage and destruction.

The concerted efforts to discredit and devalue human elements – defining character severely lacking in contemporary period with misplaced priority on obsession with power, fortune and superiority status pose impediments in humanitarian progress.

Inability to address minor to major problems predominantly emanates from self-interest and lack of will power combined with poor understanding of relevant matter.

Power is useful in empowering the powerless at best and at worst alleviating human plight rather than exacerbating people suffering – the current trend in power monopoly.

Given the continuous threat to life and national sovereignty, the victims resolve to defend and safeguard territorial integrity, rights to self-determination and normal existence required more than ever.

Whenever deceit and might collude to violate defenseless and vulnerable, the situation expedites inevitable fall for the offender.

Global citizens solidarity in resistance to failed policies and stringent measures implemented to prolong unsustainable economic and social disparity is paramount to precipitate necessary change.

Considering the challenges confronting mankind along side deterioration in human values,

People power commitment towards humanitarian goals pursuing peace and non-violence persists to prevail in the divine mission despite obstacles from deterrent factions to self-detriment.

Wishing people power success in all endeavors benefitting humanity at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – U.S. Presidential Race – People vs. Hegemony

November 6, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The Presidential election 2012 is unique considering disillusionment and public awakening to reality on hegemony control over United States political system.

United States two political parties – Democrat and Republican vying for congressional power and Presidency essentially serve hegemony interest on domestic and foreign policy reflected in status quo.

Hence, the real and existential threat to democracy, constitution and liberty with economy above all is hegemony.

The electoral process is a mere formality with hegemony’s investment on two candidacies ensuring self-victory with people being the opponent in the race.

Appropriately, the Presidential race in 2012 is between People vs. Hegemony.

Hegemony are banking run by Rothschild and selective family claiming ownership on money supply via United States Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Bank,

The military industrial complex,

Wall Street firms in defense and energy industry among others,

Neo-cons in United States colluding with Zionists in Israel,

Western Imperialists i.e. monarchs in England, Netherlands and Sweden,

Vatican Religious Order and some in Middle East from Saudi Kingdom comprise the eclectic membership although more fortune and power oriented groups encompassed under the auspice.

Hegemony authorizes UN membership and UNSC configuration.

The political posturing rather interesting with Republican outlandish stance to scare voters away while downplaying democrat i.e. incumbency position attractive to the base and undecided voters when incumbent policy is no different or perhaps worse than pseudo opponent unfolding post election.

Hegemony heavily banking on President Barack Obama reelection to establish anti-democratic police state stripping civil rights based on incumbent action in the last four years Patriot Act, FISA renewal and the most controversial NDAA introduction.

On the economy – incumbent policy is to adopt Republican contender proposals along with measures exacerbating ordinary citizens plight witnessed in Bush tax cuts extension
rallied by President Obama and former President Clinton allowing tax and debt burden shifted entirely on middle and lower income category effectively favoring the 1% given the policy makers are hegemony appointed to suit vested interests.

Similarly severe austerity on citizens while preserving wasteful military spending on illegal warfare and occupations, social security diversion from safety net holdings to speculative investments endangering income reliability for retirees and baby boomers underway,

The health care law with mandatory subscription in the absence of premium caps and standard coverage again hurting the mainstream and small medium businesses would be legitimized under incumbency second term.

Wall Street ambitions from finance and banking industry, energy, defense, health care, to food and agriculture …easily accomplished under incumbent administration taking advantage of general complacency to ‘democrat’ banner that facilitated deregulation during Clinton Presidency opening the floodgates for prevalent abnormal activity all around.

In fact neo-liberalization as seen in hegemony controlled so-called democracy in the eastern and western world exclusively favoring global conglomerate will be forcefully implemented by the returning administration.

The extraordinary Presidential power assumed on domestic and foreign policy in the last four years exceeds predecessor in unilateral decision-making rendering congress and constitution irrelevant.

Hegemony is backing incumbent for two main reasons among many available to push forward radicalization on domestic and foreign matter.

The contrived performance by supposed democrat Presidency committed to hegemony on every issue behind the scenes wins public trust evading accountability, checks and balances from political party in Congress alongside media propagation shielding conspicuous default – the pattern verifiable in the first term.

Simultaneously, hegemony deliberately presents Republican candidacy with candid election manifesto either with drastic solutions to manufactured problems or visible dodging qualifying for vast majority rejection in order to sway ballot choice to hegemony preferred incumbent viz. President Barack Obama in this election.

Nonetheless, hegemony plan submitted through Republican contender would be passed by ‘democrat’ administration upon election again also evidenced in earlier term.

The scenario exhibited in the present term i.e. outrage on democrat candidate deception is subdued or non-existent whereas Republican defiance provides fodder for democrat loyalists ignoring flaws on both sides granting hegemony victory regardless of party representation.

Hegemony contemporary contention is people power and legitimate voice seeking republic governance eliminating special interests and foreign influence attributed to devastating short and long term goals with irreversible outcome on many important challenges confronting humanity.

The concerted alliance among political factions and key sections within society at hegemony behest is to thwart and invalidate presence of natural force for being formidable, truthful and poignantly selfless in dedication to protect life and environment besides human values revival.

Another factor for hegemony dependency on incumbent in the 2012 election – apart from the explanation provided above is –

The political mandate for additional four more years and specifically final term emboldens authority to misuse power and complete tasks that were considered potentially risky prompting electoral backlash seen in midterm 2010 election and prior experience.

With concentration of power centralized in the executive branch – a paradigm shift altering political dynamics isolating people from governance, the carte blanche disposition surfaced in extra-judicial executions on foreign soil undermining sovereignty and in violation of international law.

In this context, the targeted killings did not exclude United States citizens overseas contradictory to democratic and constitutional right.

In 2008 election, the verdict was against Bush-Cheney administration offering democrat the benefit of doubt in the two party dilemma proving legacy continuity not to mention hegemony premise arousing unprecedented optimism exploiting public frustration and disappointment with Republican administration at that time.

Subsequent to hegemony U.S. electoral maneuver in 2008 with democrat candidacy to rein control,

The strategy replicated in France in electing current President Francois Hollande on Socialist platform conforming to French electorate expectations and disapproval of hegemony representative former President Nicholas Sarkozy with no apparent loss to ultimate external powers since current French government meticulously following orders from them on domestic and foreign policy.

On United States foreign policy – a monumental concern for the rest of the world contrary to campaign generated false perception on incumbent trajectory and future forecast upon extension by another four- year term,

Objective review reveals U.S. State Department, Defense Department and intelligence agencies role unleashing hawkish and offensive techniques through coup d’états
honoring neo-con and Zionist ideology combined with imperialists’ doctrine to maintain absolute power.

Subversion of Arab Spring to form fundamentalist governments in Middle East,

Permanently stalling peace and diplomacy in conflict resolutions on Syria as well as Palestinian and Israeli dispute,

Overt operations in destabilization of sovereign states viz. Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Honduras, Paraguay, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria…to name a few among more between 2009-2012,

U.S. Secretary of State bypassing Central or Federal government and diplomatic protocol delegating functions to State Chief Ministers of democratic countries creating dominion republic status in adherence to imperialistic dictum.

Exponential rise in predator drones deployment in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Colombia, African Nations under Africom and last but not the least in the United States used for surveillance on U.S. citizens,

U.S. State department pervasive espionage on national and international civil society and diplomats escalated mistrust affecting credibility.

Libya – NATO and U.S. decimation of nation under humanitarian pretext and appointment of pre-western government for unlimited access to oil.

Iraq and Pakistan – Private contractors and CIA operatives engaged in paramilitary capacity complicating local residents misery.

The so-called troop withdrawal from Iraq evolved into troop relocation around the world constituting military incursion in the Persian Gulf, South China Sea and now Mali in Africa intervention preparation in the offing.

Iran and Syria – the incumbency course imposing economic sanctions and freezing financial transaction avenues depriving civilians from medicines and essential food supplies is excruciating for the victims and,

The harsh measure is characteristic of subjecting innocent citizens to slow death justifying inhumane approach against difference on military aggression to appease the strongest ally Israel – invariably in non-compliance of UN resolutions and international rule.

Likewise decades old trade embargo barring revisions and reconsideration against the people of Cuba and North Korea highlight the double standards and fundamental flaws in United States foreign policy devised by Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission comprising privileged members of hegemony.

Hegemony determination to globalize neo-liberalism on economy, neo-conservatism on foreign policy and militarization of the world accelerated under Obama administration and would surge at the next opportunity maximizing political capital expenditure much to universal detriment.

Not surprisingly the anticipation to enhance hegemony prospects retaining the existing class delineation with empowerment of few and enslavement of the rest is banked on President Barack Obama.

Moreover, the Republican Presidential candidate Governor Mitt Romney adaptation of hegemony policy is a tactic to drive significant votes towards President Obama eluding public scrutiny as sponsor’s deliverer.

Hegemony views great advantage in President Barack Obama – the only candidate in the race competing against the people.

The opponent Governor Mitt Romney is principally aiding electoral success to hegemony candidate – President Barack Obama.

Under democrat administration led by President Barack Obama hegemony achievements are unopposed with Republican members satisfied with their policies upheld under democrat mascot and,

The democrats in Congress approve the White House decisions on political party affiliation with rare exceptions casting nay vote.

Accordingly, the democrat base and die hard supporters follow suit exempting democrat President and Congressional lawmakers’ paradoxical move from objection that would otherwise reach a crescendo with opposite side.

In foreign policy – Obama – Clinton partnership proved highly beneficial to hegemony in extremism surpassing openly conservative ideologues.

The biggest bonanza for hegemony stake on incumbent President Barack Obama is their quest to recolonize Africa.

Africom mission through African American President has been a breeze that would not be viable under Republican candidate Governor Mitt Romney for obvious fact.

Hegemony masqueraded as democratic contestant averts doubts and suspicion with policy customized to appeal to trusting voters and soon after election the identity would come to light leaving little or no option to contain calamity.

United States electorate resistance towards hegemony is paramount to reclaim republic governed government of the people, by the people and for the people, rights to self-determination, national integrity and sovereignty.

Wishing people power remarkable triumph in restoring peace, personal freedom, progress and prosperity for all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Ceasefire Ending Violence and Insurgency

November 4, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian warfare prolonged for nearly two years has generated mayhem with thousands of innocent lives lost thus far.

It is time to end western powers and Gulf allies waged battle against sovereign state and the people of Syria.

Western and Gulf nations immediate withdrawal would demonstrate sincere commitment towards peace and appreciation for life in general.

The western and Gulf coalition funded and armed militias, mercenaries and Al Qaeda networks in Syria including United States troop incursions on Turkey and Jordanian borders with Syria to be removed completely implementing meaningful ceasefire.

Syrian conflict transformed into international invasion evidently not for political freedom or philanthropy considering the massive casualties are unarmed civilians not sparing children and women in the targeted killings by western sponsored terrorism.

The spate of suicide bombings, explosions and assassinations carried out against Syrian army personnel,

Not withstanding western and Gulf partners’ hired terror agents abduction of Syrian military contingency members with western media subverting the routine activity as Syrian armed force defection to opposition are counterproductive.

Clearly the misconduct and blatant assault on foreign nation posing no threat to western powers or their Gulf representatives is in direct violation of international law and,

The war crimes against Syrian people and army personnel executions warrant indictments from bottom up exemplifying pervasive application of international rule.

The latest deterioration in western launched Syrian war is the statement from United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton revealing the upcoming agenda to send more foreign insurgents with U.S. delivered lethal weapons touted by Qatar and Saudi regime ignoring respective appalling human rights record and anti-democratic stance towards oppressed citizens denied peaceful assembly or dissent in their homeland.

Furthermore, the French President Francois Hollande apparently following hegemony instructions to visit Middle East providing false assurance to Lebanon on security consistently threatened by western instigated violence throughout the region.

Concurrently, the French President talks with Saudi King Abdullah on Syria to boost military aggression via insurgency signify perpetuating violence rejecting Syrian deaths and destruction.

On November 8, 2012, the meeting scheduled in Qatar under U.S. State department authorization on western and Gulf collusion to strategize Syrian warfare extension would not prevail in the initiatives declining peace and diplomacy.

Additionally, the CIA director General David Petraeus recent discreet trip to Turkey and direct involvement in arms supply to Syrian terror groups with White House knowledge and Presidential approval clarify western motives to destabilize sovereign nation preceding regional turmoil.

General David Petraeus of Assyrian origin was previously praised for troop surge in Iraq and now the efforts to intensify violence in Syria with overt operations confirms the western objectives to replicate Iraq and Libya scenario in Syria.

United States Intelligence Agency, CIA either complicit or miserably failed in averting well-coordinated and sophisticated 9/11 attack on American soil.

Among diverse responsibilities, CIA is unfortunately instrumental in coup d’états primarily toppling democratically elected governments worldwide.

CIA is also known for renditions with so-called terror suspects mostly from Islamic nations dispatched to overseas prison camps for indefinite detention without due process.

The legacy continues under Republican and democrat administration until today.

The former military commander currently heading the U.S. intelligence agency facilitating relentless assaults on all fronts in the proxy war against Syrian mainstream verify hegemony definitive goals never coming into fruition except for civilian slaughter.

Hence, the western powers with Gulf alliance peaceful exit following ceasefire terminating violence and insurgency inside and outside Syria imperative for the healing in the embattled state.

United States, United Kingdom, Israel, France along with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey as wells as other covert participants are confronted with huge challenges on national domain such as declining economy, soaring unemployment amid rising public dissatisfaction with political leaderships’ misplaced priority in wasteful spending on incessant wars against foreign country.

Meanwhile Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey face political upheavals despite violent crackdown and hardline approach to non-violent protest for basic rights and republic status.

Procrastination in winding military actions for peaceful resolution would only exacerbate Syrian residents suffering endured from foreign inflicted atrocity.

As for the source viz. the western powers and Gulf players – the continuous military intrusion is a major liability in every dimension besides losing integrity and credibility as a reliable partner in dispute settlements and addressing global demand.

Concluding war in Syria is no longer an option but a necessity to restore peace, political and economic stability desperately required in the west given the doom and gloom environment with a universal impact.

Wars never produce winners and contrarily honoring life promotes trust and respect for mankind.

Western authority and Islamic nations i.e. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey abandoning violence and conspiracy against fellow Muslims or global society with recognition of all as human beings transcending classifications would be a defining moment in history.

The world deserves peace for planet sustenance and humanity survival.

Wishing Syrian citizens across the spectrum and political leaderships long awaited tranquility and renewed spirit to rebuild war torn nation.

Syria would emerge like a phoenix with a peaceful and prosperous beginning on the horizon.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

France – Hegemony Representation and Subversion of Democracy

November 3, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The hegemony appointed French Presidency in 2012 undermining supposed democratic electoral process in western domain.

French election of the so-called Socialist government under President Francois Hollande is subversion of democracy and betrayal of French electorate in modern history.

French economy on the decline with layoffs in manufacturing and other industries on the rise alongside hegemony authorized severe austerity across Europe including France is a stranglehold on French and entire European population.

The French leadership misplaced priority and commitment evidently towards hegemony devised military invasions and occupations of foreign land are a serious threat to French survival of prevalent economic crisis.

Since assuming office, the French Presidency and administration has unfortunately wasted scarce resources and French tax revenues on belligerent missions in the Middle East and Africa with proposals on military intervention in Mali underway much to globalists detriment.

The incumbent French authority continues to exacerbate French suffering neglecting domestic problems – the soaring unemployment in particular triggered by massive spending cuts prohibiting economic growth to satisfy the hegemonic trio – European Central Bank (ECB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union extreme demands at national devastation.

French newly elected government under the guise of Socialist platform to convince frustrated voters is a major disappointment conforming to methods qualifying as mass deception.

The government under President Francois Hollande pledged to favor banking monopolists and others in the conglomerate to maintain hegemony power following predecessor, yet another hegemony representative – President Nicholas Sarkozy departure is the contemporary trend to establish globalists agenda.

Furthermore, contrary to campaign promises not to interfere in sovereign state internal affairs such as Syria, Lebanon and Iran…in the Middle East or anywhere across the globe,

The French leadership frontline and candid hegemony representation ignoring national dissent and public opinion against western intrusion in Syria or Mali and world over indicative of France subjugation to external power.

Not to mention the loss of French sovereignty in the imprudent submission apparently paradoxical to political appearance in France.

France in semblance with rest of Europe is currently experiencing serious economic downturns and,

French leadership involvement in Middle East against Syria and false assurances to Lebanon security jeopardized with western and Gulf partners viz.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey terrorism against innocent victims in Syria and neighboring Lebanon would inevitably hurt France and Europe with unaffordable fuel price skyrocketing despite Saudi Arabia unfulfilling guarantee to overcome worldwide energy requirement.

Fuel hikes expected to escalate Europe economic woes in the approaching winter and beyond due to United States, Israel and western unlawful sanctions against Iran and Syria.

French citizens could perform civic duty in holding the respective government under President Francois Hollande accountable for misguiding them on deteriorating domestic economy by allowing EU, IMF and ECB failed policies perpetuate economic adversity for vested interest.

Notwithstanding unnecessary meddling in Syria, Iran or Africa accelerating energy problem with global consumption increase ultimately taking toll on Europe and United States.

Fuel costs would directly impact food prices contributing to inflation during economic recession potentially evolving into a global depression.

Western and Gulf indulgence specifically military aggression or economic embargo targeting nations for strategic and regional dominance without consideration on consequences invariably result in disaster witnessed recently in Iraq, Libya and other regions earlier.

Citizens in France could come forward and unanimously oppose government strategy based on negative outcome in EU implemented economic steps exclusively favoring financiers at the vast majority expense and,

Additionally, solidarity calling French leadership to invest in local economy rather than weapons manufacturing to export to Saudi Arabia for killing unarmed civilians and army personnel execution in Syria.

Regrettably western power and Gulf allies slighting impending repercussions on the aggressor.

Wishing citizens in France courage and success in reclaiming republic power and eliminating hegemony mismanagement.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Hurricane and Floods Impact on Victims in East Coast

November 3, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The East Coast in the United States hit with hurricane evidently affected the local population considering the loss of precious lives and survivors struggling to cope with ramifications following calamity.

In locations like Long Beach in the state of New York with barely 10,000 people, apparently life abruptly suspended with prolonged power outage and essential shortages that has led some into looting and harming others to survive the crisis.

The government response in this instance according to Long Beach resident is introduction of martial law to curb the situation. Around 1,000 military personnel deployed to maintain law and order that has not brought respite to the victims fearful of the ongoing chaos and confusion.

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency primary task being precautionary measures beginning with adequate advance warning to citizens residing in zones predictable with extreme weather patterns and emergency preparedness well ahead of time upon confirmation of inevitable disaster from meteorological survey could mitigate tragic losses to lives and livelihood.

Subsequent to arrival of major storms and floods, the coordination among public and private sector including humanitarian groups could also organize relief efforts involving safe evacuation and basic provisions in addition to food and shelter.

Communities on their part could mobilize in maintaining calmness while helping each other rather than depriving one another from necessities leading to panic and security problems needlessly creating opportunity for military or paramilitary presence in civilian area.

Moreover, the National Guard sole purpose defined to defend national territory and safeguard residents at the critical hour with relevant rescue operations are instead deployed overseas to rein control over Middle Eastern oil, African minerals and Central Asian gas pipelines through illegal invasion and occupation.

The tax dollars are regrettably wasted in destabilization of sovereign states in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia leaving United States citizens on the lurch during catastrophe and tough economic period with significant unemployment rate prevalently exacerbating people plight.

Again, the political leaderships misplaced priority combined with federal agencies mismanagement witnessed in Katrina, BP oil spills in Gulf coast and now Hurricane as well as floods are indicative of the commitment or the lack thereof towards public interest and restoration to normal state.

The national focus on immediate assistance to citizens in East Coast and neighboring parts of the country experiencing adversity from Hurricane and other weather conditions would ease the deteriorating status for many bracing unnatural occurrence from environmental degradation caused by pollution, contamination and extensive energy exploration ignoring renewable natural source option.

Private sector especially the insurance companies and other industries could extend their timely support in addressing replacement and provisional requirements for clients and general society.

The government allocation of disaster funding with efficient implementation would provide solace to demography in dire straits besides improving residential facilities such as electricity, water, fuel and various supplies for inhabitants comfortable return to respective towns and cities in the East Coast.

Meanwhile, the members engaged in exploiting human tragedy are urged to refrain from theft and threats to fellow citizens concerned about their life and property.

The community response with empathy, compassion and outreach to those dependent on aid in any manner would benefit all.

Assuming collective responsibility for common good guarantees desirable results alleviating individual burden during ordeal.

Citizens across the United States and overseas are requested to come forward and generously donate to victims and their families through legitimate means to salvage damages sustained by them.

Your understanding and cooperation is deeply appreciated in nurturing life regardless of identity.

Human concept to evolve from degeneration to progress greatly enhances quality and personal wellbeing.

Wishing swift recovery to people currently enduring difficulties from weather related issues in East Coast and elsewhere.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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