World – Happy New Year 2013!
December 31, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Warm Greetings to all!
The challenges confronting humanity today are economic and social inequality along with political misrepresentation due to government’s misplaced priority and more relevantly lack of commitment towards public and national service.
The other major issues are safety and security emanating from lawlessness within society unfortunately leading to authorities action or inaction wherever applicable.
Violence having become part of life when it should be otherwise, the year 2012 was indeed the most violent year.
The immunity to violence is unprecedented and reached a dangerous level despite alarming increase in casualties and victims of crime.
In the domestic front, citizens experienced extreme violence and violation of rights from nefarious elements’ criminal conduct and state apathy to the situation perhaps contributing to intolerance towards life.
Similarly, in the international arena, the continuation of warfare both through direct involvement or proxy wars has claimed scores of precious lives and caused enormous destruction paralyzing existence for population enduring unjust and illegal invasion as well as occupation of their land.
The western powers and their allies determination to unleash terror on innocent civilians in sovereign states like Syria, Palestine, Mali and preparation to militarize entire African continent in addition to established military bases across the globe has not only consumed lives but also deter prospects of peace and economic opportunity all around.
Solutions to all these problems are first and foremost – renouncing violence beginning with immediate ceasefire in Syria, divestments of military spending in the economy creating jobs and rebuilding nation for a viable and sustainable growth, infrastructure repair and restoration and,
Overhauling political system barring influence against sovereign interest with independent oversight on transparency and accountability.
Addressing social injustice with fairness and efficiency in an inclusive rather than exclusive or isolationist policy would prevent unnecessary internal turmoil prompting foreign intrusion under the pretext of dispute settlement.
Finally, protecting environment – the only habitat for all in unanimous agreement followed by implementation towards national and international arms embargo accompanied by nuclear disarmament,
Besides guidelines provided in Global Climate Change Treaty – GCCT in December 2011 on this website during United Nations – COP 17, CMP 7, 2011 Durban, South Africa are effective measures to expedite target achievement on carbon emission containment preferably 1°C with upper limit 1.5°C or 350 ppm i.e. Parts Per Million.
With remembrance of victims of injustice in prayers and departed souls to rest in peace,
Let us bid farewell to violence, prejudice, hatred, contempt and welcome non-violence, tolerance, compassion, universal love and respect for mankind.
On that optimistic note,
Wishing everyone a peaceful, productive and prosperous new tear as well as a promising future.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – Crimes Against Women
December 30, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The deceased twenty three year old gang rape victim with then Congress government naming her Nirbhaya meaning fearless was denied due respect in terms of her personal wish and real identity.
The ruling class deliberately withheld her name under the guise of privacy especially when she is no more.
Since world creation, all creatures including inanimate objects are known by their name and origin regardless of purpose behind such existence.
In this particular instance, the victim was a member of civil society and belonged to a caring family.
The rise in sexual assault against women in India is reflective of contemporary moral decay in society attributed to corruption and unscrupulousness in politics besides entertainment industry portrayal of women.
Nonetheless, the victim was not anonymous and possessed common characteristics beginning with her real name.
According to news reports, the victim was pursuing career in health care field and engaged to the male companion.
According to victim’s parents – their daughter’s wedding was scheduled in February 2013 with respective families preparing for the event at that time.
The government pretext to conceal victim’s name and transporting the patient overseas during critical condition contributed to victim’s untimely death constituting homicide.
Even after victimization in every aspect, the cremation was reportedly carried out hastily to cover up UPA (2) government with then major opposition BJP and other political factions complicity in state intrusion.
The girl’s parents as legal guardians and sole decision makers were denied legal right by the UPA(2) government led by Sonia Gandhi.
The state interference was not limited to disrupting medical care and treatment until last minute but also extended to rites and rituals in private citizen’s personal affair.
Congress and BJP response to non disclosure of victim’s name was falsely stated as parents’ will despite the parents refuting political authorities claim.
The father’s message to Indian society was the government mistreatment of his daughter was deeply regrettable and beyond disgrace. He further added that political class projected her as perpetrator even though she faced the crises with dignity until her last moment.
The political maneuver and aggression against law abiding ordinary citizens likened to victim’s family widely deployed ignoring impropriety.
In a similar incident that involved high profile political members like Congress party Vice President Rahul Gandhi, the gang rape victim Sukanya and family from Amethi constituency in Uttar Pradesh were threatened as per victim’s relatives accounts that led to Sukanya’s father committing suicide while the victim Sukanya along with her mother forced to flee town becoming a fugitive for life.
The government indulgence in defiance of logic and civility appears to have no boundary in seizing citizens’ inalienable human rights from birth to death representing prejudice and abuse of power.
Again Congress government, BJP and political counterparts showed no concern for humanitarian law in this matter.
Memorializing the innocent’s life without acknowledgment of her legitimate name more for political reasons conforming to discriminatory practices is unprecedented and invalidate victims plight for malevolent pursuits.
Failure to adhere established standards further confirms degenerative qualities to societal detriment.
Social equality and justice is best demonstrated in fairness and genuine appreciation of individuality transcending superficial impositions as general acceptance.
Remembrance of victim’s ordeal would be appropriate upon society and world at large humanizing traumatic suffering rather than politicizing the crime.
Many fall prey to politically motivated civil and human rights violation.
Wishing solace to bereaved family and abandoned members yearning for their voices to be heard in the exclusive system granting impunity to authoritarianism fomenting crimes against defenseless citizenry.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – New Delhi Government Intervention Leads to Rape Victim Fatality
December 28, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Indian Capital, New Delhi erupted in mass protest in the past two weeks when twenty three old young paramedic student was attacked by nefarious group in public transport and the government gross mishandling fomented youth euphemism vis-a-vis identical crime reportedly comprising names of individuals in incumbent political party.
Ref: – Thank you.
Ref: Regarding Government intrusion on civilian care.
The rape victim apparently died overseas upon New Delhi Government direction to shift the patient in critical condition to Singapore despite Medical experts and attending physicians’ strong reservations against such action.
Perhaps it is time for Indian youth to rise to the occasion and demand justice not only in this tragic situation but also call for public investigation on the previous rape victim Sukanya evidently shared similar experience with a difference being the perpetrators in this particular case were allegedly members of the ruling political party not barring the prominent entity expected to be the contender for the highest office on land – Prime Minister post in 2014 national election.
Any nation’s future is dependent on younger generation spirit to protect national integrity and credibility.
Although the burden of responsibility is on entire society, the youth as potential leaders in various fields especially politics that obviously in desperate need of decontamination and sanitization are expected to come forward in defending nation from degeneration.
Ref: – Thank you.
Prior to Delhi incident there was another alarming report referenced above in the link – involving a 17 year old young woman in Patiala, Punjab – again a target of brutal sexual assault by a group of criminal elements and the victim denied access to file First Information Report (FIR) – a prerequisite to pursue legal course against offenders per relevant judicial law.
However, according to the reports the law enforcement personnel deprived victim and family from the legal right exemplifying their complicity in the crime.
As though that was not enough, the corrupt police officers reportedly humiliated the teenager with the suggestion to drop the idea of filing formal complaint and,
Further advised her to either accept financial settlement or marry one of the rapists in compensation of her lost dignity and honor.
Subsequently, the teenager committed suicide much to her family’s devastation.
Obviously, there are more gruesome incidents waiting to be exposed and threatened from being brought to public domain likened to Sukanya matter due to high profile political entity being implicated in the criminal act.
National sovereignty and democratic system is tested in the demonstration of fairness and equality on all issues specifically social justice conspicuously on the decline in the world’s largest democracy under foreign rule.
Jago Bharat! Wake up India! Save the nation from subjugation.
With prayers for the departed souls to rest in peace,
Sincere condolences offered to all rape victims’ families and survivors in the nation enshrined with female deities and goddesses epitomizing valor in the resurrection of righteousness and dharma.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – New Constitution Reinforce Hegemony Authority
December 27, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Egypt remains subjugated under hegemony rule despite U.S. and Israel’s ally former dictatorship Hosni Mubarak ouster in 2011.
The U.S. military annual aid of $1.2 billion to promote Israeli authoritarianism along with Saudi Wahhabism and Salafism…i.e. anti-democratic sources in the region and,
Muslim nations favoring fundamentalism through Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and rest of North Africa, Middle East extending over to other Islamic countries like Pakistan and throughout Central Asia attributed to population annihilation and attack on the religion of Islam.
United States and Israel exploitation of Tahrir Square revolution with transfer of power to SCAF (Supreme Council of Armed Forces) as the interim government prolonging predecessor brutality with severe crackdown amid United States State department infiltration using NGO (Non Governmental Organization) creating a wedge between majority Muslims and Coptic Christians as well as other minority resulting in casualties from violent clashes was ground work to reinforce hegemony authority over oppressed citizens of Pharaoh land.
Initially SCAF procrastination at U.S. behest on smooth transition to civilian governance followed by sudden gesture to hold elections in the most hostile environment depriving secular factions democratic aspirations was again a ploy to appoint western and Saudi-Zion approved Muslim Brotherhood candidacy represented by President Mohamed Morsi.
Hegemony criteria being western educated and easily maneuverable otherwise puppet leadership as the head of the state around the world,
The current Presidency satisfied the requirements to lead Egypt for Israeli regime’s geopolitical goals – the occupation of Palestine and regional usurpation to form ‘Greater Israel’ with ultimate objective of global dominance.
Again United States and Israel determination to rein control over Egypt government and especially military affairs with IMF and Saudi financing under monetary assistance pretext suppress the North African country.
Egypt experiencing constraints to implement necessary political and economic reform with IMF disastrous conditions intended to stunt growth likened to declining European economies from euro zone and EU detrimental policies plus Saudi agenda exacerbate citizens plight.
United States and Israel’s stranglehold on Egypt influencing the leadership in adopting Presidential decree reflects the sponsors’ flagrant disregard for republic governance and democratic principles considering the U.S. executive branch extraordinary power demonstrated in extrajudicial executions and drone strikes authorization with no checks and balances is defiance of constitution.
In fact, constitution validity systematically stifled with political system subversion.
Similarly Israeli aggression against innocent children, women and elderly in Gaza to promulgate premature electoral victory under the guise of national security led to loss of lives on both sides although disproportionately in Gaza by Israel.
Unlike the Palestinian resistance movement intention to avert casualty all around and delivered precision retaliatory response to curtail Israeli provocation.
Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the official political front of Muslim Brotherhood headed by President Mohamed Morsi is western planned replication of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Chaired Justice and Development Party (AKP) embracing Muslim Brotherhood Islamic law per Saudi and Zion prescribed non-secular hardline disposition that is hostile to own people and hospitable to hegemony.
Egypt Presidential decree on November 22, 2012 granting the president unlimited powers with impunity through exemption from judicial oversight was denounced in massive revolt followed by Egyptian Vice President Mahmoud Mekki resignation in concurrence with national view.
Additionally, the ex-Vice President reportedly a career judge could no longer continue to serve the administration echoing political opposition stance on the outrageous decree barring judicial action against Constituent assembly dissolution during constitutional draft preparation without opposition or civil society contribution to the national charter.
The selective constituent assembly approved the new Constitution text on November 30, 2012 in compliance with President Morsi’s order.
Upon reviewing the content the devil is indeed in the detail.
President Mohamed Morsi decree withdrawal was only partial and irrelevant considering the disingenuous overture to protect ‘revolution’ essentially inserted to convince legitimate skepticism within society.
However, carte blanche Presidential privilege remains and extended on decisions pertaining to constitution and laws passed by President Morsi as final and denied appeal.
The political opposition along with significant majority challenged the unlawful measures declaring the entire process fraudulent and criticized constitution failure to meet national requirements apart from not being inclusive.
Constitution appears to preclude Egypt military assigning the institution autonomy in the absence of explicit reference despite western selection of earlier dictatorial power launched from the military cadre.
Notwithstanding United States military wielding power over Egypt national defense force based on ownership with $1.2 billion annual aid primarily for complicity in undermining Egypt sovereignty.
Besides, the constitution stated to have alienated workers, union members and marginalized demography nationwide in consistent with previous regime legacy.
Moreover, President Morsi statement calling for dictator leadership Hosni Mubarak retrial proved to be mere rhetoric and such posturing perhaps to attract votes on the referendum.
Hegemony forbids retrial of ex-President Hosni Mubarak and members from that era and instead they are being released on bail with one of them – the former head of the military judiciary Adel El-Morsi even appointed to the Shura Council by President Mohamed Morsi and,
The other appointee being the deputy head of Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party Essam El-Erian among 90 Presidential nominees to the Upper House.
President Mohamed Morsi is obliged to hold Parliamentary elections to the lower house in two months and hegemony has devised strategy to scuttle genuine democratic representation with instruction to the incumbent leadership to delegate the Upper House consisting western and Saudi-Zion chosen party regulate the forthcoming election.
The referendum on the new constitution was for the nation to be governed by Islamic law principles conforming to Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Zionist espoused fundamentalism.
Also, reportedly among 25 million eligible voters from 17 provinces only over 8 million cast their ballots on the new constitution.
That means only one third voted possibly incognizant of the substance and subsequent ramifications while the remaining two third abstained from the process in dissent.
The western MSM and news agency conspicuous spin not surprising in semblance with U.S. Presidential 2012 election results sharing parallel trend in the overwhelming majority i.e. over two third eligible and registered electorates abstinence claiming protest vote on non-viable choices in the hegemony backed political duopoly.
Egypt Presidential and Upper House or Shura Council Parliamentary election were held in 2011 and 2012 respectively with SCAF imposition of curfew and clampdown on frustrated mainstream facilitating SCAF supported Muslim Brotherhood victory on western recommendation.
With two thirds among 270 members in the Upper House representing MB and residual 90 members otherwise one third names provided by President Morsi apparently includes other political factions and religious institutions to satisfy token representation with ineffective minority status.
Hence, in light of hegemon misdirection and deliberate intrusion in Egypt’s internal affairs exerting dominance for vested advantage hurting Egypt citizens’ future,
Egypt electorate across the spectrum – the disenfranchised in particular forging alliance with political opposition need to rise to the occasion once again and reclaim sovereignty.
Republic governance with dismissal of western and Saudi-Zion funded political leaderships and party is paramount for meaningful democracy restoring rights to self-determination and territorial integrity.
The sacrifices in Tahrir Square in 2011 are yet to be acknowledged with independence from foreign powers bidding farewell to political collusion and treason.
Best Wishes to fellow citizens in Egypt for spirited campaign to liberate country from perpetual oppression behind social and economic inequality.
Wishing phenomenal success to youth and patriots in the freedom struggle terminating remotely operated political rule in Egypt and across the globe,
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
December 24, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Many celebrate Christmas rejoicing the birth of Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus epitomized God’s message to mankind espousing values such as compassion and equality.
The Lord’s sacrifice was not only to absolve humanity of their sins but also to direct them towards righteousness – the only path to redemption and salvation.
Considering the status quo with injustice, tyranny and violence inflicted upon innocent lives worldwide,
Human suffering attributed to abuse of power and excess greed in disobedience of inner conscience.
The pursuit of non-violence and peaceful discourse is the absolute and effective measure in resolving any crises confronting global society.
With religions exploited for exclusive gains, the forces behind distortion and defamation unfortunately promoting divisive policies including extremism resulting in violent clashes within society.
The reproachable conduct by those in position of authority even indulging in harmful practices contributing to unnecessary unrest rather than exercising rationality for common good.
For instance the controversial gun control debate in the United States emanating from tragic and appalling spate of shooting incidents deserves proper understanding and clarification to guide society in adopting pragmatic and balanced approach leading to desirable outcome – protecting lives in every respect.
To address any problem especially burgeoning issues threatening safety and security of citizens, determination of the cause, means and motives are important to establish sustainable system.
Society persistence in rejecting violence experienced not merely in national domain but throughout the world is the preliminary step followed by liberating political structure from massive vested interests influence could lead to relatively calm environment.
The mainstream media hypocrisy is pronounced in their selective empathy on situations related to loss of lives in the domestic front.
Meanwhile, the MSM role in advancing agenda through choreographed events on behalf of terror sponsors producing death and destruction also responsible for national crime escalation.
Since governments and their policies represent nations,
The public perception given the paradigm shift in governance reflected in concentration of power in the executive branch with congress rendered irrelevant and dysfunctional is fomenting fear and unwanted criminal behavior.
Moreover, certain segments in society emulate government in resistance to humanitarian benefit.
In this context – United States nuclear status declining Non-Proliferation Treaty or IAEA verification and conducting subcritical nuclear test in Nevada desert in December 2012 on the self-proclaimed responsible vs. reckless argument echoed in the gun discussion.
Similarly United States illegal wars with incriminating past and present justifying violence and violation of human rights significantly impact society.
Public scrutiny on government authorized ‘Fast and Furious’ program across the border to Mexico or arms shipment to Syria via Gulf allies Qatar, UAE and Turkey are required to terminate conventional arms race.
The economic sector aggressive lobbying usurps power and political leaderships loyalty to campaign financiers betray electorate and pass legislations detrimental to national progress.
National Rifles Association (NRA) – the prominent lobbyist for defense industry combined with gun owners citing second amendment possibly in deterrence to state authoritarianism is a dilemma in pervasive elimination of arms possession.
Further, handgun magazines and semi-automatic rifles sales reportedly surged on EBay and Walmart stores with global largest retailer apparent adherence to stock range comprising the lethal weapon used in Sandy Hook elementary school tragedy.
Reiterating the stance on this matter – stricter gun control laws banning assault weapons regardless of size and potential is long overdue.
Alongside institutionalized transparency and accountability with independent oversight on legislative, executive, judiciary and government agencies functions would allay legitimate concerns due to prevalent unconstitutional and undemocratic laws viz. Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA and harassment in national airports under false flag operation.
The increased government probes with surveillance drones and civil rights erosion evolving into martial law denying citizens legal process and subjecting them to military tribunal instead of civilian proceedings confirm departure from democracy.
Initially covert and lately overt assertion of authority exceeding normal standards primarily responsible for skyrocketing firearms sales not to mention the U.S. administration bizarre relaxation of rules allowing citizens to carry assault weapons in public transports like trains and areas viz. parks endanger life all around.
Restricting government activities to providing services besides law and order maintenance confined to democratic principles would mitigate growing mistrust against those elected to power and their misplaced priority.
Enforcing national and international arms embargo and complete nuclear disarmament is the permanent solution to global security and peace.
Elsewhere – Vatican with substantial followers of Christianity seeking moral guidance regrettably entrenched in secrecy is contradictory to Lord Jesus teachings on truthfulness and qualities defining human character.
Institutions and religious organizations bear greater responsibility in exemplifying as paragon of virtue.
Pope Benedict XVI ex-Butler Paolo Gabriele was arrested and sentenced to 18 months in prison for allegedly stealing papal documents and revealing them to Italian press.
The accused shared his genuine reasons commenting on ethical deterioration in the diocese.
Paolo Gabriele – the 46-year-old Vatican citizen and father of three children: reportedly stated:
“I was trying to save the church from ‘evil and corruption’ within it.”
According to latest report, Pope Benedict XVI granted ‘Christmas Pardon’ to the former employee.
However, Paolo Gabriele advised to leave Vatican with his family and denied employment in the city.
Religious occasions are a reminder to wholeheartedly accept and apply the doctrine in daily life for self-purification and enrichment.
Appreciation of Lord Jesus and venerable souls of other religions initiated with Almighty God’s blessings is best demonstrated in universal peace, love and harmony.
Wishing Merry Christmas and Felicitation to all religions in the joyous celebration of respective festivals in the year 2012!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
West Africa – Mali Crisis Resolution
December 19, 2012
By Padminii Arhant
The West African nation Mali reverted back to military rule following ex-Prime Minister Cheikh Modibo Diarra arrest resulting in PM and his government’s resignation in the recent coup this month.
Mali once a thriving democracy is rich in minerals especially gold reserves and like every other nation with economic resources subjected to western imperialistic quest, the West African country is not spared in this regard.
Even though Mali has long been colonized by France, the French authority is desperately making efforts to recolonize the state through strong recommendation for military intervention at none other than UNSC session that unanimously approved on October 13, 2012 advising U.S. formed African Union to devise a military plan within 45 days much to the entire population protest.
France reportedly has military incursion surrounding Mali waiting for the ripe moment to intervene under the usual NATO pretext of rescue operation that invariably involves exhaustion of western defense stockpiles on unarmed civilians ending in massive deaths and destruction.
Mali troubles began when the marginalized tribal group Tuareg in the northern desert region demanded independence amid frustration over the central government neglect of their plight leading to two month long struggle that evolved into chaos with routine procedure i.e. western armed militant infiltration.
Western sponsored terrorists reportedly al Qaeda from Libya along with extremist groups have been relocated to Northern Mali escalating violence with U.S. redirecting arms flow from Gulf allies Qatar and U.A.E into Mali.
Tuareg tribe already in possession of considerable stockpiles seized in the confrontation with government forces is fighting terror networks in the northern area.
The situation threatening lives in Sahel region with world’s poorest countries on southern Sahara in imminent danger due to western ploy for military invasion.
Mali’s military overthrow of government in March 2012 expressing disappointment in prolonging secessionist issue with Tuaregs created an opportunity for western candidate Prime Minister Cheikh Modibo Diarra previously NASA Director and Microsoft Chief Africa, also removed from power based on the same reason.
Subsequent to military coup Tuaregs occupied two thirds of the northern territory.
However, the western deployed militants exploited political instability in the capital Bamako and claimed the northern part of the state from the Turareg leaving the nation in continuous turmoil.
Meanwhile, UNSC had authorized French draft suggesting negotiations between Malian authorities, representatives of Tuareg tribe and extremist factions with a further plan for detailed military operation in Mali from the West African regional body, ECOWAS (The Economic Community for West African States), the U.S. controlled African Union and the United Nations allowing UNSC for second resolution on military intrusion in Mali.
The diplomats presumably rejected ECOWAS and incumbent leader Dioncounda Traore mediated tri-lateral operation in Mali quoting inadequate preparedness for the impending large scale U.S. led NATO military raid.
Additionally, the current influx of arms and ammunitions into Mali from U.S. and allies signify depopulation agenda rather than maintaining law and order and accordingly the citizens in Mali vehemently oppose any foreign interference, the United States and western involvement in particular to avert Congo, Rwanda and Burundi…genocide.
Alongside, United States is pressuring Algeria to launch military attacks against Mali in semblance with Turkey participation in the U.S. and NATO instigated provocation against Syria ignoring the cataclysmic outcome not only for Middle East but also the entire world.
Evidently, United States and western forces ambition for global dominance endanger life on the planet.
Mali at present is under military junta and the western powers timing the strike when the country returns to civilian government preferably with their puppet leadership complicit in the grand occupation of Mali as the strategic location to usurp over African continent.
In terms of viable crisis resolution, Mali military junta need to restore calm in the capital Bamako protecting life and seek the people choice leaderships with no affiliation to western interests and instead committed to defending Malian territorial integrity, treasure and citizens rights to self determination barring foreign meddling in Mali’s internal affair.
Organizing peace conference in Mali for solidarity among various representations from politics, spiritual, social, economic and humanitarian fields inviting urban, rural and tribal leaders most importantly Tuareg members and any other disenchanted segments across the nation inclusively would demonstrate fairness and equality within society.
Such initiative as the preliminary step towards national harmony is imperative to arrive at decisions benefitting all and the nation at large.
Seeking contributions from wise, experienced, altruistic not individualistic and patriotic stalwarts would lead to identifying true leadership for the nation with ability to govern regardless of challenges at any level.
Separatism is experienced by most nations irrespective of size and political system in the country.
Understanding the cause of the problem is essential for effective solution addressing the short and long term woes with provision for revision enabling better adaptability.
Whenever a specific sect or tribe isolated from mainstream depriving them fair political access in local and national domain combined with denial of economic prospects producing social inequality, the unrest is inevitable after having exhausted available avenues to draw government attention.
Secessionism would not even exist upon transcending prejudice in meeting national obligations aimed at pervasive rather than selective progress.
Further, investments strengthening weak and failing communities with necessary requirements towards self-sufficiency would promote national output.
Decentralized structures in tribal setting with autonomy similar to state run assembly utilizing federal or central support in safeguarding security besides lending relevant assistance to improve living standards and emergency relief foster mutual respect and efficiency.
Not to mention the added advantage in easing the burden on local and national authority on unfamiliar issues lacking expertise.
Mali immediate priority is to establish communication with Tuareg tribal chief and join forces in the expulsion of western empowered terrorists in the northern part as well as the rest of the nation to avoid Libya scenario terminating colonial resurgence in West Africa and elsewhere.
Acknowledgment of natives and Malians from all over the country as integral entity would mitigate tension and revive cooperation sharing products and services in provincial and national development.
Listening to disenfranchised demography viz. Tuareg in this instance through peaceful dialogue and adopting pragmatic course for the expected outcome without compromising lives and national unity would build trust in the central administration.
Holding talks with western launched extremists is legitimizing terrorism in a sovereign state.
Military junta responsibility lies with driving nefarious operatives away from Malian soil.
Mali moving forward with republic rule headed by leaderships epitomizing honesty reflected in allegiance to the people and nation would guarantee security and promising future.
The military command then shifting role from governance to guarding national borders would be appropriate thwarting conflicts by external or internal elements commissioned at foreign powers behest.
Observing democratic means through free and fair elections notwithstanding national goals encompassing needs of all would heal the nation dealing with foreign manufactured quagmire.
Collective response from the nation would be formidable to foreign aggression.
Wishing Tuareg tribe and all citizens of Mali peaceful co-existence and prosperity in abundance spreading across Saharan landscape.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant States – Ending Violence And Terrorism For Sustainable Peace
December 16, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The spate of shooting incidents in succession across the nation has sparked reaction from all factions demanding political action on the burgeoning issue.
United States dilemma is not merely confined to gun control laws that obviously in need of review and revision considering the incumbent administration relaxation of rules exceeding the second amendment in the Bill of Rights granting citizens the right to bear arms perhaps aimed at deterrence to state tyranny.
The administration reportedly waived ordinances allowing firearms possession in common areas such as national parks and during commute on trains and other public transportation.
Civil society is always at risk in the pervasively violent surroundings regardless of perpetrators profile.
The law enforcement personnel use of excess force and lethal tactics that are often associated with racial prejudice resulting in civilian deaths prior to being charged of any crimes cannot be ignored in this context.
Notwithstanding inherently flawed criminal justice system with outdated inhumane practices in juvenile detention as well as penitentiary promotes violence within and outside the premise.
Instead, the jail atmosphere conversion into correctional facility in humane conditions with greater emphasis on positive attributes encouraging inmates to utilize latent talent for economic productivity would change maintenance from liability to an asset.
The prison enterprise emulating military industrial complex together are responsible for the status quo.
Unfortunately, the police and judiciary as oversight for law and order are not necessarily in compliance with civil rights contributing to mistrust and mishandling of citizens complaint.
The political power responsible for judicial appointments exerts influence in selective circumvention and subversion of verdicts undermining efficacy of reliable judiciary increasingly evolved into fiduciary.
Although streamlining gun ownership eligibility criteria is paramount without infringement upon constitutional law in order to prevent unnecessary civil unrest,
The problem lies beyond the realm of citizens’ safety not precluding diversified means of attack endangering life and environment.
Latest report on evacuation following bomb threat at the church in the tragedy hit Newtown, Connecticut barely recovered from elementary school massacre and,
In early November 2012, an African American female citizen from the state of Louisiana reportedly set on fire by assailants clad in Ku Klux Klan (KKK) garb while she was working out in the park.
Overseas, the stabbing of twenty two primary school students in China on the same day of Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in the United States baffled many deploring the heinous crime against children and adults at the learning center.
Almost on all occasions, the crime suspects either claim their own life or described as mentally ill revealing state failure in providing proper medical attention through programs like free counseling, therapy and alternative care that could save lives in many respect.
Divestments from disproportionate military spending to the economy for these services is essential to rebuild a peaceful society.
Additionally, other elements viz. toxicity in environment – the air pollution, drinking water contamination, GMO, artificial additives, hormones and chemicals in food products and over prescription of drugs… taking toll on physical health and mental well being exacerbating daily existence in the current dire economy amid manufactured crises world over.
Aircrafts spraying hazardous air contaminants known as Chemtrail and harassment techniques using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for 24/7 unlawful surveillance including frisking at the airport under the guise of national security constitutes state aggression elevating underlying stress among people coping with fast paced lifestyle.
The abuse of authority at the political helm misusing taxpayer funded institutions and agencies against citizens is all time high.
The political establishment reining control over intelligence agency, judiciary and taxation office maneuver rules favoring them to discredit legitimate voices of concern against corruption and dysfunctional governance.
Entertainment industry share fair responsibility in political appeasement – glorifying violence and purvey materials affecting impressionable minds on celluloid screen and retail medium like video games deploying mind control strategy.
Corporate media asserting proprietorship on government role dedicated to propaganda and distortion of events disregard journalistic standard on objectivity.
Negativity comprising fear mongering and intolerance at peak to push forward politically motivated doctrine.
Segregation disguised in condescending legislation and secession conforming to divide and conquer ideology reflected in foreign usurpation on indigenous matter.
The educational curriculum and teaching methods deviation from opinionated knowledge adopting original thinking and concepts would develop better understanding of issues relevant to individual and general interest.
Above all, mankind presently enduring violence in state sponsored terrorism by the powers exhibiting military might and innovative defense capability not barring intimidation with nuclear arsenal to prove formidability against nations perceived weak and vulnerable.
The concentration of power among few entities implementing policies to benefit the privileged at vast majority detriment is the fundamental cause of turmoil inflicting pain and suffering worldwide.
Any attempts to establish undemocratic rule i.e. martial law or new world order premised on subjugation already effective in Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA emanating from false flag 9/11 terror activity should be thwarted at the roots restoring liberty and pursuit of happiness – the inalienable right of all citizens in a sovereign state.
Mass consciousness exemplified in collective participation at national and global level is vital in alleviating human plight.
Solidarity committed to peace, diplomacy and dialogue is the solution to national and international disputes settlement.
Ending violence and terrorism is imperative for peace leading to a new beginning and promising future.
Wishing humanity unity, freedom, universal progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Connecticut Sandy Hook Elementary School Violence
December 14, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Condolences to young victims’ families on the loss of precious ones in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut.
No words could possibly substitute life and violence involving fatalities is pervasive due to misplaced priority that disregards national issues over vested interests negatively affecting humanity at large.
There are far too many problems confronting nation and the quest for dominance is unfortunately the primary goal among prominent leaderships engaged in spreading violence worldwide having a ripple effect on neglected domestic affairs threatened with severe austerity and economic downturn.
Violence in public premise and educational institutions curtail freedom creating unnecessary fear and obviously requires society involvement for serious debate on the burgeoning issue.
In addressing the cause with civil society diverse input, the citizens could then initiate measures leading to pragmatic solutions subsequently becoming the law that guarantees safety and security for all.
Moreover, the government policy authorizing excess force to quell dissent resulting in police brutality and general approach to resolving crisis adopting military aggression combined with inhumane sanctions directed at population of foreign nations rather than peaceful diplomatic course premised on non-violence and compassionate conduct precipitates erosion in rational behavior.
The political leaderships misguidance and misappropriation of national budget in military spending claiming innocent lives around the world is directly responsible for deterioration in living standards fomenting frustration and disappointment among certain members perhaps finding themselves incapable of dealing with personal and professional challenges in life.
United States is currently experiencing greater adversity in all fronts due to external control on national politics and economy with severe impact on social structure.
The citizens’ solidarity transcending barriers imperative to restore real and meaningful democracy with republic governance unlike the status quo undermining national sovereignty and human values that United States contemporarily lost to powers focused on subjugation denying fair socio-economic opportunity.
Trend reversal reclaiming liberty and sharing vision for lateral progress would alleviate undercurrents within society.
Besides inclusive strategy promoting ideas and investments to improve living conditions across the spectrum is necessary to revive social harmony and environment devoid of violence and prejudice.
Citizens participation in political discourse seeking checks and balances on government as well as private sector role equally important for ethical introduction to contain misuse of position and moral decline.
Society functionality is dependent on framework epitomizing peace; mutual respect and understanding with emphasis to appreciate not violate life.
Review and revision of practices in entirety could avert potential danger to people for instance the administration reportedly relaxed firearms license rules contributing to skyrocketed purchase of assault weapons in conjunction with controversial ‘Fast and Furious’ program proliferating arms trade across the U.S. and Mexican border to prolong narcotics warfare producing mass graves on Mexican soil.
Congressional inquiry on all these activities with bipartisan consensus exemplifying legislators commitment to safeguard citizens lives would mitigate prevalent concerns regarding mainstream protection from domestic attack.
Once again extending sympathy to the parents and survivors of the deceased in the senseless act,
The departed souls are remembered in thoughts and prayers to rest in permanent peace.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – Chemical Weapons is False Pretext for Western and Gulf Coalition Manufactured Crises
December 8, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The latest western tactics citing chemical weapons in Syria is yet another maneuvers similar to claim on Iraq WMD prior to invasion and occupation of the oil rich nation.
Iraq war resulted in phenomenal loss of lives and generational suffering from the unlawful use of depleted uranium by United States and United Kingdom against defenseless citizens constituting horrendous crimes against humanity with none of the perpetrators brought to justice or held accountable thus far.
Having evaded international community condemnation and outrage on the atrocities in Iraq and ongoing slaughter in Afghanistan for over a decade now,
Notwithstanding Libyan massacre under humanitarian pretext along side penchant for drone strikes killing many innocent citizens in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and West Africa – the U.S and NATO military adventure evidently targets children, women, youth and elderly in Islamic countries for sadistic experimentation of weapons inventory.
United States and allies preparation in all fronts i.e. air, ground and sea attack against sovereign state Syria and Syrian people rejecting diplomatic course is a monumental blunder for them.
Not to mention the kamikaze mission proving disastrous to the region of which the enthusiastic co-conspirators and participants viz. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, March 14 Lebanon faction, Jordan and Turkey exist endangering own survival and exacerbating declining western economies to the point of no return.
United States and western powers peace gesture amid sponsoring terrorism with ammunitions supply to militias and mercenaries combing the streets in Syria committing heinous act of violence synonymous to unleashing wild herd in a crowded market place for indiscriminate assault is disingenuous further jeopardizing seriously damaged status as reliable peace partner.
Again factual review of Syria situation with United States naval warship Dwight Eisenhower comprising marines and warplanes on Syrian shore in addition to NATO deployment of patriot missile in Turkey and U.S. standing army in Syrian Jordanian border among the ratcheted psychological warfare is a cowardly disposition for super power exerting superiority in the misguided malfeasance.
United States and western protagonists along with Gulf alliance in the so-called coalition of the willing in defiance of international law and foreign national sovereignty authorizing military aggression tantamount to declaration of authoritarianism reminiscent of twentieth century despotism eventually succumbed to fatal conclusion in the aspiration for global dominance.
Hence, United States and external forces exit strategy from Syria commencing with immediate ceasefire and complete withdrawal of proxy war agents is required demonstrating sincere commitment to peace talks for urgently needed humanitarian relief and healing of the embattled state.
The rising deaths and destruction caused by United States and western backed terror networks essentially implicate United States authorities under the current administration and congress approved NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) calling for indictments of those colluding with terrorist groups against or on United States behalf in national or overseas domain.
United States Congress is obligatory to prevent military intrusions not only in Syria but also worldwide considering U.S. pervasive military modus operandi – a major economic liability due to disproportionate military wasteful spending in the austerity era.
Most importantly the human tragedy in terms of massive casualties on the victim nations cannot be ignored for it is United States taxpayer funds squandered in explosions producing terror and fundamentalism to prolong the extravagant military expedition.
Besides the ever increasing suicides and misconduct including rape, murder and desecration of religious scriptures by U.S. armed forces in combat and non-combat zones is the proof of war fatigued personnel and high ranked cadre gone wry.
The congressional law prohibiting illegal invasion of foreign land by United States subsequent to Iraq turmoil led to introduction of bipartisan bill HCR 107 reiterating the following constitutional rule.
“Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the United States Constitution.
It is Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.”
Unfortunately the administration and United States State Department in conjunction with defense department unilateral decisions pursuing counterproductive measures risking national interest slight democratically elected congress rendering the entire system irrelevant.
United States, western and Gulf regimes obsession with Syria disregarding dire consequences for them in the attempt to launch full scale decimation under the guise of chemical weapons reveals them as real adversaries to Middle East cooperation and stability.
Meanwhile, the crusaders of democracy epitomizing hypocrisy forget the human right violation in indefinite detention of the alleged terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay, the war crimes around the world and,
Their allies Israel, Saud Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Jordan and Turkey oppression of majority and minority in the respective states necessitate regime change to national and regional benefit.
Saudi Arabia monarch mysterious health condition reportedly long been clinically dead withheld to deter uprising contained with lethal force.
Bahraini Kingdom brutality heightened with revoking citizenship of mainstream society and demographic maladjustment by importing foreigners as replacement continues at present.
Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Jordan suppression of basic rights within individual nation with leaderships subscribing to western ideology depict the irony in their involvement against Syria.
Turkey persecution of Kurds and interestingly United States instigation of Kurdish elements from Iraq to fight in Syria together with Turkish dispatched terrorists is typical manipulation to spread carnage ascribing blame on Syrian government for western perpetuated unrest.
Last but not the least, Israel consistent refusal to oblige UNGA resolutions and humanitarian laws colonizing Palestinian territory in the controversial and internationally denounced settlement activity moves forward in the absence of western response comparable to actions against those identified as ‘axis of evil’ in the geopolitical dynamics.
Somehow these inherent problems and glaring deficiencies with each and every nation escape the attention of confrontational forces against Syria.
Instead of prioritizing national issues over interference in foreign internal affairs, the United States and western ambition for global destabilization is acrimonious posing existential threat to world peace and security.
Adherence to Geneva peace agreement on Syria with United States and cohorts ceasing military and logistic support to nefarious operatives is the only alternative to the establishment of law and order restoring tranquility in the beleaguered state.
United States and western powers role in this regard exemplifying solidarity with the rest of the world on Syria in ending the conflict is crucial to revive harmony and sustainable peace.
Europe and North American economic recovery is directly linked with western governments departure from unnecessary and unaffordable overt or covert military exploration on foreign soil.
With condolences to Syrian families on the loss of their loved ones and admiration for courage displayed in endurance of foreign sources manufactured crises,
Wishing Syria resilience to rise like the sun with renewed spirit to rebuild the nation realizing the promising future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – Neo Liberalization Economic Policy is Anti-Republic Ideology
December 4, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The Congress party led UPA (United Progressive Alliance) coalition government welcomed neo liberalization economic policy considering hegemony influence over the administration key members and party chief in advancing globalization evidently suitable to establish feudalism under the pretext of modern capitalism.
Notwithstanding the fact, the head of the state and main cabinet ministers held positions at World Bank prior to being nominated by hegemony to promote the debilitating neo liberal concept in India.
Hegemony agenda on world economy is redefining capitalism exclusively benefitting the multinational corporations at small medium enterprise as well as average citizens detriment.
Not only the term neo liberal is deceptive but also the hegemony distortion of liberal and progressiveness in economics and politics confirms steadfastness to legalize authoritarianism consistent with the trend to the White House latest action legitimizing arbitrary drone strikes generating massive innocent civilian casualty.
The genuine liberal and progressive characteristics pose impediments to hegemony extremism and ultra conservatism essentially the protectionism that guarantees financial security to corporate conglomerate on their terms and conditions worldwide.
Hegemony is strongly opposed to protectionism that ensures public and national interest like preserving natural resources and human capital from foreign exploitation.
However, the obstacle is maneuvered through hegemony nominees in political system among the ruling power along side weakening opposition to rein control on government legislation that governs the economic sector implementing policies conforming to conglomerate agenda – i.e. broader access to market share and profits divestment offshore preferably in tax havens evading scrutiny.
The neo liberal ideology targets nations exacerbating society endurance on pervasive corruption advising subservient political power to remain committed in declining anti-graft legislation despite national demand.
Indian government is currently engaged in passing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) allowing Walmart and other mega corporations’ retail monopoly regardless of the measure proved counterproductive.
Similar trade policies introduced under Free Trade Agreement – FTAA, NAFTA and CAFTA in Latin America and Asia was responded with factory workers and manufacturing sector protests in Columbia, Panama, South Korea…and elsewhere.
FDI devastating impact on vast majority surviving as retailers and local street vendors is apparently not a major concern for the political leaderships sworn allegiance to external global power.
India is unfortunately subjugated through elusive economic proposals favoring hegemony goal to derail growth widening the existing gap between the rich and poor.
FDI implementation would cost small businesses and shop keepers livelihood even driving them to situation experienced by farmers forced to commit suicide due to corporations like Monsanto stranglehold on farming community at the national political power invitation.
Besides FDI facilitates foreign exchange inverse flight contrary to political misconception on Forex reserves advantage currently debated in Indian Parliament aiming to circumvent the matter by seeking vote on Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
The traders nationwide should demonstrate against the erroneous decision and scuttle the misguided economic strategy threatening India’s domestic prospects linked with appropriate income distribution.
Another contentious factor with FDI is subsidized labor with cheap overheads, a common attraction for foreign absorption of market holdings resulting in huge employment displacement largely affecting women and marginalized demography.
In this instance it is noteworthy that Muslim and diverse groups are potentially at risk given their involvement in commercial activity as the chosen and sometimes circumstantial profession.
Instead the government utilization of capital and foreign exchange reserves in export oriented technology and mechanisms from within and abroad to enhance infra structure modernization contributing to work force expansion rather than contraction could be beneficial to India and global economy reviving multilateral trade.
FDI in this context deprives fair competition with the premise disproportionately lucrative for big corporations predator instincts significantly affecting job market and economic viability.
Obviously, the political opposition is subjected to task in exemplifying prudence and diligence that would determine their commitment or the lack of in safeguarding economic future heavily compromised upon Parliament approval of the FDI bill.
Simultaneously, Indian democracy is challenged in foreign disguised control via proxy rule necessitating civil society activism and intervention to avert catastrophe.
The business associations across the country are required to come forward and assume responsibility in preventing history from repeating itself semblance with East India Company venture that led to imperialism two centuries ago.
Hopefully rationality would prevail in abandoning FDI used as political tool to undermine the legitimacy of largest democracy in the world.
Wishing small entrepreneurs and mainstream success against political collusion in disenfranchisement on economic opportunity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant