Spiritualism – Happy Easter! 2013
March 31, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Happy Easter! To all celebrating this important and joyous day when Lord Jesus appeared before the ardent disciple and apostles confirming the Lord’s resurrection to life following crucifixion that is observed as Holy Friday.
Lord Jesus Christ sacrifice was not only to absolve the world of sins and impurities but also to teach mankind the choices available to them in self-redemption and that being righteousness utilizing discriminatory power to distinguish between right and wrong at every opportunity.
Upon exercising will to deter negativity often misleading human mind, anyone could experience peaceful existence when they vow not to harm them or others and,
Instead strive to outreach the distressed, needy, defenseless and voiceless…especially now in the hour of great turmoil and senseless violence causing destruction to many innocent fellow beings on earth.
Lord Jesus exemplified his teachings providing guidance in overcoming vices often creating obstacles in the path of light.
When there is self-determination and resolve to abstain from temptations generating unnecessary problems for individual and surrounding that qualifies as conquest over dominant factor.
Human attempt to achieve peace within is a preliminary step towards normal living and enables proper functioning without fear, grievance and dissatisfaction.
The contemporary age is grappling with confusion not knowing contentment in material value and illusion in reaching for mirage as the real image driven by aspirations ignoring immeasurable adversity primarily to the source in the form of personal suffering subsequently inflicted on the members close and far away.
Whenever desires are beyond control transforming into overwhelming greed or even worse contempt for the imaginary enemy rather than recognition of own characteristics proved to be degenerative, the process results in precipitous self-decline and succumb to ill-fate.
Life is unpredictable like the ocean waves and appreciation for self-possessions with development of attributes such as sharing would promote benevolence found in the vastness of the sea representing creator’s magnanimity towards all creations contributing to ecological balance critical in inter-dependent yet independent survival.
Easter is an occasion to felicitate the return of Lord Jesus Christ in glory and acknowledgment of Almighty God as the benefactor in pervasive manifestation.
Happy Easter to all around the world!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Korean Peninsula – United States Exit From Region Critical For Peace
March 30, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
United States and South Korea military drill titled Key Resolve conducted on March 11 until March 21, 2013 involving 10,000 South Korean troops and 3,000 U.S. forces reiterated United States occupation in Korean Peninsula.
The flagrant display undoubtedly create rift under false pretext to protect South Korea when the situation since Korea’s partition has been the other way around with United States provocation against North Korea heightened in the past weeks stoking preparatory response from DPRK.
Despite North Korea’s repeat warnings to cease antagonistic military exercise not to mention economic warfare waged against DPRK population through U.S. illegal sanctions over decades, the recently imposed financial restrictions over and above trade embargo further exacerbate citizens plight.
The latest development also includes United States cyber attacks against DPRK official and government portals paralyzing essential activities along with flying nuclear capable B-52 stealth bomber over South Korea claimed as ‘deterrence’ action are clearly in violation of international law amounting to U.S. belligerence in the region.
Accordingly, North Korea having demonstrated extraordinary patience countered United States provocative measures with revoking armistice between the divided Korea and cancellation of hotline communication in the demilitarized zone.
Instead of de-escalating tensions, the United States signed a treaty with South Korea emphasizing renewal of military presence as well as arms and nuclear proliferation urging South Korea to move ahead even with perceived minima reaction from North Korea.
Considering United States contemporary aggression worldwide,
Notwithstanding sponsoring terrorism in Syria that has caused about 75,000 deaths and more counting with primitive methods like beheading victims and bombings of schools, Universities, hospitals, Church, Mosques and public sites on daily basis has left nearly a million refugees in deplorable and hostile conditions in Turkey and Jordan – the U.S. allies in the conflict.
United States current war mongering policy not barring nuclear threats under the so-called democrat and Nobel Peace Prize winning leadership arguably surpass much criticized Bush-Cheney administration.
Although, the condemnation of Bush-Cheney war crimes is justified still pending accountability due to incumbent authority guaranteed impunity to them pledging not to seek retribution over redemption.
The President as the commander-in-chief bear responsibility in military affairs exemplified in removal of General Stanley McChrystal, the former Chief of U.S. Armed Forces for off the record remark on the administration during the first term.
However, White House remaining defiant on substantial militarization in Asia Pacific alongside relentless drone strikes and proxy wars using terror networks in Syria is indicative of commitment to violence in opposition to peace and diplomacy.
United States political leaderships in the executive and legislative branch failure to adopt peaceful strategies on U.S. led hegemony manufactured international crises is a tradition maintained in the continuation of legacy at huge economic costs and most importantly innocent lives around the world.
The supremacy era is coming into conclusion necessitating the factions – Unites States and coalition to acknowledge changing geopolitical dynamics and paradigm shift in modern perspective rejecting superiority with global focus on equality and respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity and indigenous society rights to self-determination.
Allowing the present standoff with North Korea to evolve into potential nuclear confrontation would be catastrophic for all and especially the United States given the vast troop deployment in Korean Peninsula and base in Japan.
United States comprehensive and complete troop withdrawal from Korea, Japan and elsewhere is the requirement for world peace and life survival based on past and ongoing turmoil consuming lives, livelihoods and entire planet resources to benefit those whose time on earth is limited yet they are determined to pursue counterproductive policies affecting billions with generational indebtedness and misery.
South Korea on the other hand surrendering sovereignty to foreign power rather than reconciliation with family in North Korea accommodates imperialist agenda to prolong subjugation and dominance experienced by citizens in Seoul and other parts of the country.
The increased violent incidents citing U.S. army personnel abuse taking undue advantage of detrimental Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) deprives South Korean public any legal course against such crimes – a dilemma paradoxical to U.S. justification on occupation for South Korea’s security.
Hence, South Korean President Park Geun-Hye adherence to campaign promise declining war and unnecessary skirmishes with relatives in North Korea would clarify Seoul priority imperative to both North and South Korea’s existence and people safety.
Simultaneously, North Korea’s Premier King Jong-un frustration is understandable in the adversarial circumstances from aggressor.
Nonetheless equanimity is best suited to stifle desperate tactics favorable to none specifically the source i.e. United States and South Korea.
North Korean Premier Kim Jong-un resistance to foreign intervention would be effective upon initiating direct peace talks with South Korea and,
Similarly South Korean President Park Geun-Hye approach through political dialogue with North Korean leadership for amicable resolution of status quo is the only viable option preventing conventional war with nuclear exchange – an event unequivocally devastating to all sides regardless of military might and capability.
Violence begets violence and an eye for an eye will blind the world prevalent in hegemony loss of vision evidently self-destructive with imminent collapse.
Restraint combined with diligence and rationality on all sides is critical transforming apathy into empathy in respective republic and national interest.
Wishing the leaderships of sovereign North Korea Premier Kim Jon-un and President Park Geun-Hye of South Korea with citizens all together – success in re-establishment of Korea that cherishes peace and harmony with pervasive progress and prosperity conforming to cultural and national identity.
Peace to all
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – Holi Festival Welcomes Spring Season
March 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Happy Holi! To citizens in India and diaspora celebrating the colorful festival with gulal – herbal applications in rich colors accompanied by delicious sweets welcome the beautiful fragrant spring season of the year.
Holi is an opportunity to rejoice and respect cultural diversity that India is renowned for even in the modern age.
The splendor of colors and exuberance enhance festivity besides spreading the message of peace and unity in the community.
Human spirit is heightened when traditions are followed exchanging felicitations for individual and common good in society.
Customs and practices transcending barriers in appreciation of national heritage brighten environment.
In this regard Holi is unique for the vibrant spectrum of colors with music and folk dance serenade the joyous occasion.
Holi in Hindu religion is significant for renewal of ties alongside relinquishing memories hindrance to pleasant and peaceful existence.
Best Wishes on the arrival of spectacular Spring with flora and fauna presenting panoramic and picturesque scenery as feast to the eyes of the beholder.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
South Africa – Durban BRICS Summit 2013
March 26, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Greetings! To leaderships from BRICS nations i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as well as other dignitaries attending the 2013 BRICS summit in Durban, South Africa.
The BRICS foreign ministers statement preceding the scheduled summit March 26th and 27th, 2013 on the agreement and arrangement for BRICS developmental project bank rivaling western institutions viz. the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a step in the right direction to address manufactured crises by existing finance industry aimed at exploitation and insolvency of developing and developed economies around the world.
World Bank and IMF in particular are responsible for impoverishment amongst significant population in developing nations that is now prevalent in the industrialized North America and Europe.
These two organizations along with their counterparts like European Central Bank (ECB), European Union and other financial bigwigs have consolidated efforts in exacerbating people suffering with severe austerity and bank bailouts under false pretext of rescue schemes meant to benefit banking cartels besides gaining direct access to respective nations resources through stipulations in the deal witnessed in the Mediterranean island nation – Cyprus borrowing criteria.
BRICS financing on the other hand set up to assist needy and poorer economies would perhaps allow countries like Egypt, Cyprus and many others across the globe to access funds without experiencing similar dilemma with hegemony controlled and managed western monetary infrastructure.
Furthermore, BRICS and likewise Latin America, Middle Eastern, African and Asian community could form regional financial network fostering economic growth, and fair trade agreement unlike free trade agreement (FTA) or foreign direct investments (FDI) with multinational corporations dictating terms and conditions not excluding political intervention attributed to status quo world over.
The funding of various projects facilitating job oriented programs for communal and society progress under workers or labor force management stressing collective responsibility on repayments would yield better results rather than foreign or third party oversight largely being the beneficiary depriving the borrower any economic success and instead burdening them with generational indebtedness reflective in western lending strategy.
From micro to macro financing envisaged at pervasive economic sector expansion promoting self-sufficiency and indigenous production utilizing native materials plus endowments would boost sustainable trend accommodating economically viable imports and exchange of goods and services for quality enhancement and competitive price in the market economy.
BRICS consideration to maintain foreign reserves and national currency trading is yet another genuine concept with delineation from current system engaged in FOREX maladjustments otherwise known as currency manipulation to offset trade imbalance in bilateral or multilateral relations leading to endless disputes in the dollar and euro zone.
On other important affairs – BRICS commitment to resolve international conflicts beginning with Syria having consumed nearly 75,000 lives and still counting while million or more forced to flee villages and towns as refugees due to western and gulf states illegal warfare in overt sponsorship of terrorism is imperative not only to save lives but also prevent escalation of violence in the volatile Middle East inevitably spreading to rest of the world.
Hence, BRICS unanimous consensus combined with concrete actions calling for termination of terrorism and all forms of aggression including WMD on innocent civilians is absolutely essential to prove the member nations sovereignty in recognition of victims i.e. Syria’s right to self determination as well as maintaining sovereign status.
Notwithstanding BRICS solidarity and pledge to world peace could be demonstrated in rejecting military and terrorist deployment seeking complete withdrawal and arms embargo in independent Syrian state and elsewhere.
International consortiums adopting measures severing ties with nations behind Syrian death and destruction could be effective and perhaps provide impetus to end bloodshed in the terror mission against the Arab country.
Likewise, shedding light on Israeli-Palestinian issue moving towards establishment of Palestine state with pre-1967 borders is crucial for regional and global security.
UNSC, EU, NATO, World Bank and IMF…are convenient avenues for western powers to impose unilateral economic warfare and military attacks against target nations in the legitimate resistance to western monopoly and neocolonialism premised on neoliberalism in the economic front and neo-conservatism on geopolitical dominance.
These sub structural hierarchies under New World Order or One World Government auspice endangering life and livelihoods everywhere.
Invalidation with strong opposition to hegemonic goals is paramount to defend territorial integrity and national republic.
Upon preventing hegemony threats and widespread carnage, the situation would alleviate social injustice caused by divide and conquer policy.
Economic prosperity ignoring environment protection is meaningless considering inhabitants’ survival is dependent on healthy and safe habitat.
Accordingly, BRICS submission to stringent environmental regulations with natural renewable energy – the only alternative and affordable sources for global consumption is no longer an option but a necessity in the short and long run.
BRICS attention and adherence to nuclear disarmament urging all nuclear states barring exceptions and non-nuclear entities participation in international meeting this year is a priority considering western nuclear powers involvement in dangerous and provocative military confrontation.
BRICS expediting initiatives on the financial hub is monumental for achievements favorable to humanity at large.
Finally, BRICS invitation to Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Syria as partners representing the Middle East would conform to diversity and contemporary geodynamics in the evolutionary process.
Best Wishes to BRICS in all endeavors that are peaceful, positive and progressive to mankind.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Western and Gulf Sponsors face inevitable backlash from Terrorism and Genocide
March 26, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
United States and Israel as the chief sponsors of terrorism along with western and gulf allies funding, arming and training Al Qaeda and splinter group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria are directly responsible for nearly 75,000 deaths and almost a million refugees scattered across the border.
The western and gulf regimes callousness peaked when they supplied their terror group al-Nusra front with chemical weapons for use against civilians in Khan al-Assal near northwestern Aleppo that claimed 25 lives mainly children and women besides leaving many injured again mostly mothers and minors considering the attack took place in a small town.
Accordingly, the cowardly west and slave gulf states having lost human status individually and sovereignty in national identity is blocking independent investigation to biological warfare waged by them against the people of Syria on March 19, 2013.
Syria as the victim nation appropriately demanded WMD probe considering the casualties suffered on March 19, 2013 at United States, Britain and France resistance clarifying western and alliance flagrant violation of humanitarian and international law.
UN faltering and procrastination in authorizing fair inquiry on critical issue i.e. the western and gulf terrorists use of WMD on March 19, 2013 once again proves the ineffectiveness and colossal failure of this organization as international body to deal with humanitarian and global crises without politicizing the matter.
The investigation focus on March 19, 2013 massacre is pertinent preventing deliberate western protraction on fabricated incidents to scapegoat Syrian authority with ulterior motive for illegal military intervention although the proxy war via terrorist networks is direct invasion of the sovereign state.
In other development, the Arab league (AL) annual summit headed by perpetrators of Syrian genocide Israel, United States allies Qatar and Saudi Arabia decision to replace the founding member Syria with terrorist opposition is reflective of the lack of credibility among such members in the group and,
Furthermore, the vindictiveness is suggestive of the league being misled by gulf subservience to western ideology much to Arab and regional detriment.
Any organization, union or institution compromising on ethics, rationality and prudence in adopting hostility at external powers behest lose legitimacy and crumble sooner than later.
Syria as a sovereign nation could forge ties sharing vision and strength with like-minded neighbors forming a regional and transnational consortium now and in the long run.
Despite horrendous atrocities and barbaric actions by the enemies of Syria and Syrian people in particular, the death squads despotic backers seemingly determined to plunge into darkness declining the path of light i.e.. Peace and ending violence.
Israel, United States, Britain, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan persistence in perpetuating Syria’s death toll and carnage face inevitable backlash from self-generated terrorism with imminent catastrophe in epic proportion.
Israel being the existential threat in the Middle East and world peace abandoning wild fantasies for regional and global supremacy would guarantee self-existence and security.
Hence, the dark forces prolonging the Syrian conflict contribute to bloodshed of defenseless yet honorable members of Syrian society and challenge the Super natural power viz. Almighty God – the creator and protector with destruction upon provocation for reconstruction representing a new era devoid of negative dominance.
With heartfelt condolences to families of martyred souls like venerable scholar Mohammad Sayyed Ramadan Al-Bouti and the Sunni Cleric’s grandson including many bereaved households having lost their loved ones in the senseless battle driven by egotistical and self-destructive strategy,
Wishing the strong and resilient Syria renewed vitality to overcome tribulations with God’s immense grace and blessings on Syrian leadership and the people epitomizing human dignity and value.
Peace to Syria and rest of the world!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria –U.S. and Allies Backed Terrorism Use of WMD in North Aleppo Constitutes War Crimes
March 20, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
In the latest violent attack against innocent civilians in Syria, United States and allies sponsored terrorists used chemical weapons i.e. poisonous gas in the rocket fired missiles leaving at least 25 casualties majority of them reportedly women and children and many injured escalating heinous crime thus far.
The western and gulf regimes desperation to annihilate Syrian population appears to have no limit with utter disrespect for life considering vulnerable members such as women and children as well as elderly citizens have fallen prey to their persistent terrorism exceeding human endurance to violence.
UN condemnation against western and gulf partners WMD for the second time in Syrian conflict yet to be received and even otherwise, the sponsors and their terror operatives callousness targeting defenseless people speaks volume of the character and motives behind foreign intervention.
Western civil society bears responsibility in ending their respective leaderships overt involvement and funding of terrorism in Syria currently depriving western massive joblessness economic improvement in the domestic front.
The western dissent and further action like withholding tax dollars that are generously funneled to finance terrorism in Syria, Israeli militarization in occupied Palestine and drone strikes again killing children, women amongst mainstream victims urgently required to save lives on all sides viz.in Syria,the west and elsewhere.
Since there will be no response from UN, EU and United States Congress considering the national leaderships involvement in the crime against humanity, the international community especially the public from Muslim nations about fifty seven countries on this planet could act decisively in terminating fellow Muslims slaughter in Syria and world over.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu along with other AKP members treason in the surrender of Turkey’s sovereignty to foreign power under false pretext of Patriot Missile deployment is a huge betrayal to Turkish nationals,
Not to mention the leaders subservience to western invasion of Syria has actually resulted in illegal occupation of Turkey.
The people and political opposition in Turkey are required to move ahead with removal of authorities from power given the unconstitutional and undemocratic steps adopted by Prime Minister Erdogan and Foreign Minister Davutoglu in the unilateral decision allowing United States, Germany, Netherlands and Denmark…troops presence in Turkey creating Afghanistan situation confronted with arduous challenge in expulsion of Imperial power.
Turkey citizens demand to stop cross border terrorism facilitated by Prime Minister Erdogan and Foreign Minister Davutoglu against Muslim brothers and sisters in Syria evidently discarded by them and that would mean the only alternative is to replace leaderships in Ankara with political power committed to regional peace and national sovereignty.
Similarly Qatar and Saudi regimes remain in the forefront as western stooges in the decimation of Arab nation Syria much to Israel’s delight in the killing of unarmed Syrians rejecting call for ceasefire and end to violence.
Syria’s other neighbor Jordan double crossing Syrian society claiming cooperation in fighting terrorism while hosting United States military training of Al Qaeda and Jabat Al-Nusra terror networks in Jordan is worse than Qatar, al-Saud and Turkey combined violation of human trust in the prolonged conflict.
Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) with memberships of fifty-seven Islamic countries denunciation of these rivals of Islam severing trade, diplomatic ties would be effective in relieving Muslim plight in Syria and around the world.
Alongside Muslim consumers global boycott of Qatar, Saudi, Jordan, Israel and western products and services could stifle western belligerence against Islamic country.
Simultaneously Non Aligned Movement (NAM) unanimous declaration imposing travel, financial, economic and arms embargo against Western and Gulf States seeking immediate conclusion to Syrian warfare is paramount proving the organization ability as an international body to rescue precious lives and promote peace.
Failure to implement these measures would consume more lives and drag the region notwithstanding the world into nuclear meltdown preventable with prudence and adherence to peace.
Meanwhile, the western powers beginning with United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany and others flagrant abuse of diminishing privileged status against Syria already experienced in precipitous decline of economy with more adversities ahead yielding imminent collapse upon pursuing violence to justify the unjustifiable interference in Syria.
Western manufactured crises in arming terrorists with WMD and lethal substances inevitably haunt them sooner than later.
The western orchestrated political circus instructing illegitimate Syrian National Coalition to elect Texas based American citizen Ghassan Hitto as Prime Minister of Syria is hegemony ridicule of democracy through monumental hypocrisy.
Syrian leadership, government and people of Syria admirably demonstrate patriotism and humanitarian values in dealing with tremendous aggression not barring primitive practices by the representatives of the so-called modern society in the western world.
Syria’s suffering and sacrifices will not be in vain with perpetrators individually and collectively paying unaffordable price for the bloodshed and destruction of sovereign nation that posed no threat to anyone either in the Middle East or the rest of the world.
With heartfelt condolences to martyrs families in the brutal WMD assault and prayers for speedy recovery of children, women and others experiencing excruciating pain from exposure to chemicals in the western and gulf war mongering,
Wishing Syria instant CESSATION to violence with a new beginning epitomizing long lasting peace, progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
North Korea – United States Provocation Against DPRK is Counterproductive
March 9, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Korea colonized earlier by Japan until twentieth century endured typical colonial oppression.
Subsequently neo colonial power United States under the newly formed United Nations following World War II launched aggression against sovereign Korea in June 1950 and after three years the warring factions declared truce with Korea split into North and South according to hegemony agenda.
South Korea since then occupied with United States military base under the pretext of providing protection from North Korea.
United States offensive strategy conducting naval drills supposedly training South Korean forces for six decades intensified presence in Korean Peninsula and more so in the past three years with nuclear submarine on Yellow sea posing threats not only to North Korea but entire region likened to Persian Gulf incursion.
Washington’s antagonism towards North Korea from the beginning prompted Pyongyang to pursue nuclear aspirations and Korean leadership under former Premier Kim Jong Il developed nuclear capability with assistance from nuclear neighbors China and Pakistan in the Far East.
North Korea has been imposed with economic sanctions over decades for becoming a nuclear state.
In contrast United States has 5100 nuclear warheads and,
UNSC strongest ally Israel in possession of at least 200 – 500 nuclear arsenals enabled by U.S. and Britain with no formal acknowledgment to this effect and shielded from being listed as nuclear nation.
Again UN permanent security members i.e. P5 +1 United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany are nuclear powers either overtly or covertly like Germany being a prominent NATO and leading EU member with nuclear access yet none of them have been subjected to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections and,
United States, Israel and others declined to be signatory to Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) while conducting nuclear testing at their own convenience.
In the backdrop of consistent violations with respect to ballistic missiles and sub-nuclear testing by all nuclear states,
The P5 + 1 and other nuclear members in second tier security council unanimous consensus imposing sanctions against North Korea or any other country is claiming entitlement to nuclear weapons by them and highlight discriminatory precedence.
North Korea nuclear status is enforced upon the South Asian nation by United States and former imperial power Japan coherence using South Korea as pawn to militarize Asia Pacific.
With Japan and South Korea hosting U.S. military bases accompanied by rigorous exercise flaunting superpower prowess is provocative and an impetus to target nation North Korea to enhance defense mechanism in semblance with Iran in Middle East.
Furthermore, the illegal and immoral economic warfare waged by United States and allies misusing UNSC appropriately qualify for war crimes considering genocide committed in this regard.
The trade embargo predominantly hurt respective population being the victims in the arbitrary condemnation by those in defiance of the law applicable to all – apparently only in theory and not necessarily in practice.
UNSC sanctions against North Korea has debilitated economy with acute food shortage and basic necessities resulting in scores of deaths due to starvation and people suffering further exacerbated in United States militarism forcing North Korean divestments in defense build up rather than economic development.
Ironically, the incumbent ‘democrat’ administration under Nobel Peace Prize winning Presidency has rejected too many opportunities to reverse the predecessor trend against North Korea and likewise sponsoring terrorism in Syria.
In fact the overture from North Korean late leader Kim Jong Il for direct talks and negotiations including DPRK complete nuclear disarmament proposal conveyed through former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 2010 was slighted rather than moving forward with constructive dialogue in pursuit of peaceful settlement.
North Korea requests for engagement with United States several times before to resolve the unnecessary standoff and merciless sanctions liberally used by UNSC dictating unreasonable terms and conditions on nations considered obstacle to hegemonic quest and perpetual warfare boosting arms industry, oil and banking cartels profiteering at the vast majority devastation.
Contrarily, the Obama administration has expanded militarization in Asia Pacific with President Barack Obama emphasizing United States determination to proliferate exponentially in Asia compared with Middle East in deterrence to emerging powers in the specific domain.
Another interesting factor being China with ongoing territorial disputes on land and international waters in South China Sea with Japan, India, Vietnam and Philippines is the co-sponsor with United States in the latest round of sanctions against North Korea.
China, Russia and western powers denounced North Korea’s third nuclear testing stating the imminent danger to international community although individually and collectively every one of them bear equal responsibility in this context.
Nuclear disarmament regardless of economic, military and political stature is no longer an option but a necessity for global peace and security.
The immediate resolution to escalating tension between North Korea and United States is to call off computer simulated drill titled Key Resolve involving around 10,000 American troops along with South Korean armed personnel scheduled to carry on aviation, land and marine regimen on March 11 to April 2013.
South Korea willingness to subjugation with foreign troops on national soil despite citizens experiencing sexual assault and violence from U.S. servicemen meant to safeguard South Korean rights attacking the same evidently eclipse the concept of democracy.
The U.S. violations in South Korea are no different from the abuse happening with Japanese residents at frequent intervals in Okinawa, only to be ignored by national leaderships in South Korea and Japan.
Similarly, Afghanistan is much worse in every respect with United States and International Special Armed Forces (ISAF) violence against local Afghans and their lives rendered expendable.
Inviting foreign forces for occupation on homeland eliminates sovereignty and over a certain period evolves into slavery with reciprocation of host guest relation identified as imperialistic trait. – Poignant lesson unheeded by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with Patriot Missile deployment debacle in Turkey.
South Korea and Japan freedom mortgaged for false sense of security with United States military camp that has only heightened tensions nuclearizing North Korea and allowing China to increase nuclear and defense potential.
United States and western illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land whether by conquest or consent is the fundamental cause for world unrest and turmoil.
South Korea’s rhetoric towards North Korea and the latter response to unjustified inhumane financial and trade restrictions routinely misused by the west and the rest at UNSC compounds the otherwise resolvable matter.
The clear and concise solution to this unwanted crises could be easily thwarted with reunification of North and South Korea.
Imperialism could not survive let alone thrive in the absence of polarization with civilians paying the highest price in the divided territory.
The leaderships and segments facilitating foreign exertion of authority in sovereign internal affairs flagrantly betray their nation and electorate trust characterized as treasonous act.
Lifting all sanctions against North Korea combined with United States troop withdrawal from Korean Peninsula is the immediate remedy as well as requirement paving way for North and South peaceful union reviving Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) agreements and non-aggression pact signed between North and South to prevent military clashes by accident or volition.
North Korea frustration to United States provocation is well founded and DPRK reaction promoting CPRK peace treaty with South leaderships and populace would be potent to negate foreign power negative influence on South Korean government.
Simultaneously, the recently elected South Korean President Park Geun Hye outreach to North Korea adopting diplomatic course and abandoning western doctrine aimed at perpetual standoff for self-interest would be positive and conform to President Park’s message on campaign trail to persevere peace over violence against North Korea.
South Korea independence from foreign rule prevailing under United States military contingency threatening peace and progress not to mention citizens’ safety compromised in the series of incidents is paramount for Korea and regional stability.
Reiterating the fact that South Korea return to original existence in amalgamation with North Korea maximizing outcome from the synergies in terms of North military assets and South economic growth aided by North Korean substantial labor force would be pervasively beneficial.
Meanwhile, North Korea political adjustments delineating military from civilian governance towards constitutional based republican democratic system would ease lingering hostility and perhaps be appealing to South Korea in unification goal.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un introducing transparency with prudent political and economic restructuring focused on civil rights and liberty in conjunction with local productivity and self-sufficiency to overcome UNSC unethical and biased actions would yield desirable effects and prospective when forging alliance within and outside Asia.
North and South Korea recognition of fine attributes and shortcomings with mutual understanding and cooperation premised on peaceful and pragmatic approach is essential to reunite divided families and the nations together sharing common values and cultural heritage.
United States interference to destabilize nations is counterproductive and instead time and resource investments in addressing domestic issues would be wise as an urgent priority now and in the long run.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Park Geun Hye exercising restraints and rationality to preside over decision-making process is critical for national sovereignty and re-establishment of viable Democratic Republic of Korea.
Solidarity is key to deal with challenges emanating from familiar and foreign source.
Nuclear confrontation would be catastrophic for the world and best averted with restoration of communication channel especially the hot line in the demilitarized zone.
All sides are urged to observe sober interaction not saber rattling to defuse wanton altercation.
Wishing successful convergence of North and South Korea as a proud and free nation devoid of imperialistic and militaristic surrounding with a progressive, promising present and future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Venezuela – Farewell to Populist President and Statesman Hugo Chavez
March 8, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
President Hugo Chavez – memorable gift to humanity, an outstanding leader, outspoken critic of imperialism and oligarchy, pragmatist, charismatic political figure, statesman, great humanitarian and above all caring, compassionate and wonderful human being winning hearts and minds of millions not only in Venezuela and Latin America but the entire world.
President Hugo Chavez – the real patriot and rational thinker committed to national and republic interest will be cherished as true phenomenon through people power in mankind history.
Venezuela and the World salute Commandante Hugo Chavez for the incredible achievements epitomizing integrity, passion and dedication to uplift economic and social status of the poor and disenfranchised in Venezuela and other parts of Latin America.
President Hugo Chavez selflessness and humility throughout his life exemplified in ultimate sacrifice until the end with legacy emulated in strengthening and institutionalizing Bolivarian Revolution.
President Hugo Chavez will remain the shining bright light protecting and guiding Venezuela and Latin America.
With prayers for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace,
Best Wishes to Venezuela and Latin America in the continued success maintaining the late President Hugo Chavez tradition in humanitarian service that guarantees a better world with peace, progress and prosperity for all.
Peace to all!
Padmini Arhant
Palestine – Independence and Statehood Recognition
March 7, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Since the illegal declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 on Palestine depriving the natives their homeland and rendering them refugees,
Israel returned favor to Palestinians with brutality, oppression, genocide and dehumanization over six decades leaving them in perennial despair.
The atrocities include summary executions in the latest crime against Palestinians in West Bank, Palestine state capital Al-Quds i.e. East Jerusalem and Gaza.
Notwithstanding Israel assassination of Hamas General plus another Military High Command prior to second military aggression on Gaza in December 2012 – a ritual carried out every four years alongside unilateral crippling economic blockade imposed on the residents from 2007 until now.
Israel as Palestine’s colonizer is also responsible for land grab through unlawful settlements all over Palestinian territories with armed settlers imported from Eastern Europe and Russia…forcibly evict indigenous Arab population from these areas to build Zionist colony.
Additionally, Palestine is a beleaguered state with United States financed Israeli military deployment – a tradition maintained by U.S. administrations regardless of political representation i.e. Republican or Democrat demonstrated in the latest move providing financial assistance apparently increased from previous $3 billion to $3.1 billion alongside $70 million military aid to Israel for anti-missile defense program enhancing Israeli aggression against Palestinian people.
Ironically the U.S. generosity to Israel extended at American citizens expense with nearly 50 millions on food stamps, economy in recession, stunted job growth, massive unemployment among African Americans and other demography regularly not projected in the statistics to shield facts from public purview.
Furthermore, the sequestration i.e. automatic spending cuts effective on March 1, 2013 maneuvered to prevent impact on U.S. monetary flow to Israel displaying Washington leaderships appeasement and compliance to Tel Aviv via Zionist lobby especially now with vast majority of Americans subjected to austerity.
The recent news splash on President Barack Obama setting timetable with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for troop withdrawal from West Bank by 2014 preceding the forthcoming trip to Israel while facilitating Tel Aviv militarization of occupied Palestinian land through multi billion dollars charity clarifies usual contradictory dual track methodology exploiting Palestinian cause for other agenda such as Iran.
Besides actions are verifiable whereas statements serve as political rhetoric and,
In this context Obama administration proactive measure with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry consistent efforts reminding Congress to protect Washington cash delivery to Tel Aviv secured amid claiming budget talks concerning U.S. economy failed due to congressional disagreement with White House on the core national issue.
Moreover the same tactics applied in the past three years with public statements on Palestinian Statehood although behind the scenes operation and deal reflected blatant support for Israeli occupation.
Most importantly, United States administration real position on Palestinian liberation revealed in consecutive vetoes at UNSC up until now.
The incumbent U.S. administration vehemently opposed Palestinian Statehood request at UN General Assembly in 2010 and subsequently vetoed settlement expansion freeze in 2011 successfully thwarting UNSC decisive action confirming well founded facts on UN role as unreliable entity in resolving international crises.
Israeli regime terror in the occupied territories has escalated with United States commitment to derail UN resolutions unlike U.S. enthusiastic participation imposing economic sanctions against North Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba…the nations categorized as western adversaries in the hegemony manipulated system.
The bizarre and convoluted practice abusing UNSC privileged status selectively targets nations leading to population genocide.
Meanwhile, Israel colonization and persecution including killings of Palestinians never subjected to trade embargo contrarily bolstered with ammunition flurry and innovative technology from United States as witnessed in the past week budget allocation.
UN and UNSC is a convenient access for western hypocrisy delegitimizing the so-called international organization function with imperialists dominance as permanent members wielding power even amongst second tier fifteen member council that is increasingly proved counterproductive for world peace.
Zionist ideology professed in evading Palestinian sovereignty and Israeli forces systemic abuse of young children and youth held under administration detention policy denying these victims any rights resulting in a detainee death and many on hunger strike over several months in jail is yet another western complicity to crimes against humanity.
Within Israeli society, the government and political factions treatment of African nationals like the immigrants from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan (Darfur) comparable to apartheid considering the female members of these groups are reportedly interjected with infertility drug to prohibit race proliferation ignoring serious health repercussion already on the rise.
Despite Israel’s appalling track record, the United States led UNSC always in the forefront to punish nations standing up to belligerent west and coalition.
The sovereign nations resistance to destructive doctrine responsible for world status quo is arguably the bone of contention.
UNSC P5 +1 and fifteen member council has been a miserable failure in deterrence to Israel’s defiance on Palestine, Syrian conflict with Israeli air strike on scientific research center producing civilian casualties as well as many injured other than numerous events involving terrorism that leads to Israel.
Zionists provocative expansionism in Palestinian territories and prejudice against Arabs and African migrants in Israel has reached crescendo in terms of gross human rights violation.
Israel refusal to peace treaty for two state solutions premised on pre 1967 borders encompassing all relevant issues justify re-creation of Palestine with deadline on colonizer exit plan.
Palestine independence from Zionist rule solemnized restoring sovereignty for the Arab nation voiding Israel’s demarcation.
Israel survival is entirely dependent upon the acknowledgment of peace offer without preconditions beginning immediately and not in 2014 to save lives and alleviate Palestinian plight languishing in Israeli prison and barricaded Palestinian land.
Any procrastination and avoidance in the re-establishment of Palestinian state would have irreversible consequences for Israel, United States and others facing decline with the dawn of new era imminent per cosmic determination.
Israeli troop removal from West Bank, Al-Quds viz. East Jerusalem not barring settlers and activities over and above lifting illegal sanctions against residents in Gaza starting now in March 2013 allowing the process to complete in the next six months is the only option that could guarantee Israel’s economic and political future.
Again drastic response to challenge the proposal would be an invitation to self-disaster.
Palestinian leaderships viz. Fatah and Hamas in solidarity with respective citizens on both sides preparation for declaration of Palestinian independence from colonialism are necessary to expedite inauguration of Palestine Republic.
Submission to totalitarianism encourage violence and injustice experienced by Palestinians in sixty-five years and the moment to end tyranny has arrived calling for departure from occupied Palestine.
Non Aligned Movement (NAM) proceeding with recognition of Palestinian sovereignty and independent status would exemplify international pledge to global freedom, harmony and security.
Best Wishes to Palestinian citizens and leaderships in the rebirth of Palestine bringing the struggles to termination.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Venezuela – President Hugo Chavez Legacy Immortalized with People Power
March 5, 2013
BY Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Condolences offered to bereaved family and Venezuelan Republic on the demise of veteran populist leader and patriot President Hugo Chavez now in eternal peace.
President Hugo Chavez will continue to remain the soul of the people in spirit touching many hearts and minds especially the poor and marginalized in society.
The South American leader was the beacon of hope for not only the citizens in his homeland that he cherished and defended against predators ever fixated on Venezuela’s resources but also thwarted several coup d’état and assassination attempts since election to office.
President Hugo Chavez commitment to vast majority improving the lives of many with housing, health care, education and job security is an exemplary model in contemporary politics severely lacking in integrity, initiatives and political will to address public needs and national problems in every frontier.
In the era of self-interest dominance in public and private sphere, President Hugo Chavez was indeed the charismatic pragmatist for believing in republic empowerment through income distribution rather than wealth concentration amongst superficialists in society.
Venezuela has experienced upheavals and President Hugo Chavez led the nation from turmoil towards economic development and progress.
The current leaderships under Vice President Nicolas Maduro and military along with entire population in Venezuela share awesome responsibility in continuing President Hugo Chavez tradition to protect national endowments and security from foreign or local invasion in the world confronted with hostility and turbulence.
Venezuela best tribute to President Hugo Chavez would be to preserve the Bolivarian Revolution pioneered by the leader promoting economic status for vast majority in the country later emulated in other parts of Latin America.
Venezuela has navigated high seas under President Hugo Chavez admirable leadership and the legacy immortalized with people power ever remaining vigilant and unrelenting to any predictable or ambush political destabilization.
Solidarity with common pledge to national interest transcending political, economic and social barriers would safeguard Venezuela regardless of challenges ahead.
With prayers for the departed leader to rest in tranquility while the aura shielding the nation and people from potential harm at present and in the future,
Wishing Venezuela continuous political stability and pervasive economic prosperity commemorating their favorite leader President Hugo Chavez throughout history as the champion of social cause and justice.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
http://youtu.be/t7QARRpfYM0 http://youtu.be/EweGByMekaQ http://youtu.be/PhlMeFAI7zE http://youtu.be/iDoVx28nuXM