Syria – Western, Takfiri and Zionist Terrorism is Decadence Expediting Collapse

April 30, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Yet another bomb blast in Syrian Interior Ministry consuming many civilian lives and several injured apparently do not satisfy western, Takfiri and Zionist sponsored explosions witnessed in third consecutive year in Syria.

Western policies to invade, occupy, kill and maim whomever and wherever possible tarnish national image further eroding anything left from long gone respect and credibility considering the leaderships claiming to represent the so-called democratic and modern society.

The western civil society viz. Israel, United States, Canada and EU bear responsibility to condemn and stop their governments flagrant terrorism killing nearly 75,000 people and still counting in Syria.

Contrarily the response to false flag attack on 9/11 created uproar then rallying behind those actually responsible for the horrendous crime.

Even though 9/11 is deceitfully evaded until today citing scapegoat, the real perpetrators United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Britain committing murder of 3,000 Americans and foreign nationals on that particular day flaunt impunity perpetuating terror in Syria.

Syrian en masse across the spectrum must come together unanimously and unequivocally demand that Israel, United States, Britain and Gulf regimes renounce violence and terminate terror activity via proxy war against them over two and half years now.

Syrian society collective demand for foreign forces and their operatives ouster from Syrian soil is an urgent priority to end western and gulf authorized illegal invasion.

Syrian people having been subjected to horrific crimes must unite and rise with their legitimate government under President Bashar al-Assad and courageous Syrian national army as well as domestic security forces constituting formidable resistance against western and gulf dictatorships subservience to Zionist ideology.

Syria is unfairly targeted for Israel’s delusional aspirations using American tax dollars with United States and other western leaderships following suit ignoring declining economy, poverty and joblessness in their domain revealing misplaced loyalty and priority.

The abhorrent western actions clearly exhibit their insensitivity to human suffering all around.

Israel extracting multi billion dollars from U.S. tax payers leaving a staggering 47 million and more American children and families starving is the height of callousness combined with Americans footing Israel’s wars and wanton provocations in the Middle East exacerbates United States burden.

As for hegemony goals to access foreign resources and territory by force forever is decadence leading to imminent collapse.

Nothing is meant to be eternal and certainly not tyranny despite massive casualties to re-establish neocolonialism – never coming into fruition with imperialism preordained for extinction.

Word of caution to mercenaries and death squads deployed in Syria – their masters own destiny is hanging in balance and expecting rewards from them for slaying thousands of fellow Muslims, Christians and others demands attention to Libyan militants experience having been double crossed by criminal enterprise.

Hegemony treatment of allies viz. former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi public square assassinations post operations are recent examples of imperialists token of appreciation well documented throughout history.

The foreign fighters in Syria surrendering to incumbent Syrian government by laying down their arms and withdrawal from the territory is the only viable option that guarantees their survival in the misguided and misled purpose.

Zionism and Salafist or Wahhabism espousing violent means for dominance are on self-immolation path given the fire they have ignited will not spare them.

The conspicuous idiocy laden with misconceptions and presumptuousness would precisely lead to radical concepts evaporation.

Expecting favorable outcome after generating mass graves in Syria especially with millions curses upon them for causing death, destruction and destitution is false exuberance evolving into unprecedented setback to every contributor behind terror attacks in the sovereign nation.

Syrian conflict is the tip of the iceberg with catastrophic impact not only in the Middle East but the rest of the world affecting the sources with irreversible course.

The global complacency to western and gulf atrocities in Syria with relentless bombing, not barring use of chemical weapons on children, women and army personnel for hegemonic insidious agenda could have serious repercussions on humanity at large.

Muslims and international community coming together in solidarity denouncing foreign intervention in Syria is human responsibility.

Simultaneously boycotting goods and services of western and Gulf States involved in terrorism is an effective strategy to eliminate terror and external belligerence.

With deep sympathy heartfelt condolences to victims’ families and survivors of western and gulf barbarism.

Wishing people and leaderships in government, economic, social and religious institutions in Syria enormous success in defeating terror and transforming turmoil into tranquility.

Peace to Syria!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Terrorist Bombing and Assassination Attempt at Prime Minister is Deplorable

April 29, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The latest terrorist attack in Mazzeh district in the capital Damascus aimed at Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi convoy producing many innocent deaths with several injured demonstrates sponsors and operatives desperation having been dehumanized and desensitized to committing massacres in Myanmar, Mali, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Libya and into third year in Syria.

Such cowardly attacks might satisfy despotism and wanton provocation with utter disregard for life except their own even though that too being sadly wasted in annihilation and decimation of lives, livelihoods and independent nations around the world.

Syrian conflict perpetuated through proxy wars overtly deploying al-Qaeda and affiliate al-nusra front reflect United States, Israel, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan flair for terrorism.

Not to mention terrorists groups in Syria sharing foreign nationalities mostly from western nations like Australia, Britain, Germany and France…speaks volume of respective leaderships colossal failure in leading their nations in positive direction.

As for Israel, United States, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan determination to desecrate Syria’s cultural heritage and general society – the collective contribution towards massive deaths and destruction since Syrian war in March 2011 and up until now clearly clarifies the governments misplaced priority and subservience to Zionist ideology at their population expense.

With President Barack Obama, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and Arizona Senator John McCain… pledging support to al-Qaeda and al-nusra in Syria diverting funding to a tune of $250 million towards terrorism along with proposal for 20,000 troops in Jordan to escalate violence targeting children, women, religious leaders, university students, security personnel and government officials in that country,

In addition to multi-billion dollars aid to Israel for genocide in Palestine, Syria and across Middle East while maintaining bipartisanship on austerity against American citizens confirms Zionist control over United States political system made possible with representatives weakness and lack of integrity in declining financial incentives to remain in power.

Washington decision on Syria is reckless and irresponsible mildly characterized and treasonous at worst in driving American children below poverty and their families forced to become dependents on charity to provide for terror operations killing children and adults indiscriminately in Syria.

This madness is unsustainable and could no longer continue at hawkish behest in Washington and Tel Aviv with delusional aspirations rejecting citizens plight in national domain and death toll in Syria.

Notwithstanding imminent backlash awaiting protagonists and agents alike involved in accelerating Syrian war with irreversible outcome upon refusal to immediately end the illegal invasion.

Reiterating the fact that Syrian turmoil protraction under any pretexts replicating Iraq blunder would lead to unprecedented consequences epitomizing suicide mission for all those contemplating, plotting and conspiring against legitimately elected governments in Syria and Iraq.

Underestimating the ramifications on further indulgence in Syria would indeed be a costly affair in political, economic and humanitarian terms for the western and gulf alliance.

Hence, terminating Syrian slaughter sparing the young and old in that sovereign state and shifting focus on domestic issues such as dire economic problems confronting United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany could perhaps guarantee their own survival considering the gulf partners Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan and Turkey regimes fate hanging in balance.

Sincere condolences offered to bereaved families and members in the aftermath of Mazzeh terror assault displaying perpetrators disdain for life.

May God bless Syria with attributes of glorious Sun brightening the sky to renew and energize life on earth.

Peace to Syria!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – The dichotomy of Justice and Political Power License to Kill

April 28, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The bombing in Boston, Massachusetts that reportedly claimed three lives and many injured has led to usual dramatic findings by authorities showing no correlation with series of events at the specific time.

The simultaneous explosion in JFK Presidential library and center reported in this context is off public radar shifting focus on convoluted versions to masquerade masterminds and their motives behind chaos and confusion.

Since 9/11 false flag attack on American soil laying the foundation for illegal invasions of countries posing no threat to United States and the west whatsoever,

The weapons of mass deception is convenient prerogative for western aggression and colonization of foreign land.

The justification to launch state complicit or sponsored terror in the United States and wherever possible is the trend utilizing self-granted impunity to commit crimes against humanity.

Despite substantial evidences on 9/11 implicating United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Britain,

The entire matter evaded with creation of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, Bagram in Afghanistan and Abu Ghraib in Iraq not to mention the gulags in occupied Palestine constituting United States, Israel and Britain legacy in the twenty first century.

The former President George W. Bush coined the phrase Axis of Evil then accusing Iraq, Iran and North Korea in that category and more than a decade later the characterization evidently fits the trio United States, Israel and Britain for flagrant abuse of the office of Presidency and Prime Minister respectively representing the so-called democratic western society.

In the face of numerous false flag operations in the United States and overseas to perpetuate terror and catastrophe considering real perpetrators of crimes at the political helm are protected from investigation let alone prosecution,

The comfort zone facilitates tyranny exploiting national and international tolerance to egregious decisions to destroy sovereign nations for geopolitical dominance.

Notwithstanding collusion in the killings of own population on 9/11 continued until now in the spate of shooting violence and bomb attacks including drone strikes targeting U.S. citizens anywhere.

Likewise, Chemtrails in residential neighborhood qualifying use of chemical weapons in the United States are few of many horrific crimes involving state authorities misuse of power and presumptuousness in the license to kill at will on and offshore.

Boston bombing is a trail following neocon Zionist ideology driven 9/11 attack to implement the unconstitutional and undemocratic NDAA policy.

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) allows political power to apprehend United States citizens as potential terror suspects regardless of activity handing them over to military tribunal for indefinite detention without due process.

Although three civilians reportedly died in Boston bombing and several wounded as well,

The ground situation and credible witnesses accounts clarify that this incident was rehearsed prior to the plan coming into fruition with Black Ops carrying back packs swarming the site and security personnel contingency with bomb sniffing dogs were present in full view of CCTV.

Furthermore, the explosions from Black Ops back packs verifiably captured on CCTV confirmed in news reports and crew departure just minutes before detonation arguably lead to state organized crime.

Soon after Boston carnage, the state controlled media quoted as the authorities having held a 19 year old dark skin Saudi national and the claim faded away suppressing the tale.

Subsequently, the two American citizens of Chechen origin accused as terror suspects were reportedly unarmed and yet the 26 year old brother Tamerlan Tsamaev was shot dead by police on April 19 and the 19 year old younger brother Dzhokhar Tsamaev sustained bullet injury apparently in his throat losing speech capability.

These bizarre developments in Boston bombing and none available for questioning in Sandy Hook elementary school shooting with that crime aborted as suicide mission and,

Previously Abbottabad fiasco declaring unarmed residents killed by U.S. navy seals in that house in Pakistan was Osama Bin Laden having disposed the slain body in North Arabian sea and post operation not even sparing navy seals lives for corroboration are repeat criminal activities conducted with absolute power.

In the absence of checks and balances to end systemic violations of civilians and civil rights in the United States and abroad, the determination to inflict suffering exponentially risen unheeding to humanitarian disaster.

United States proclaimed the land of justice affirms the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty,

Accordingly, both American citizens Tamerlan Tsamaev and Dzhokhar Tsamaev in this instance used as scapegoat deserved opportunity through fair legal representation to prove their innocence.

Instead they were violated by law enforcement agencies and the rest especially those at the top hierarchy in the political establishment quick to rush to judgment with appearances on mainstream media branding their choices of U.S. citizens as criminal elements whilst ignoring their dereliction of duty to bring the past and present administration from top to bottom to justice for war crimes and genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia Libya, Syria, Mali and Myanmar.

Poignantly burying the hatchet on 9/11 that killed 3,000 and more Americans other than foreign victims on that particular day calls for fresh audit by independent committee with no political affiliation and accountability without exception given the current escalation in state authoritarianism endangering lives and human rights all around.

United States Senate intelligence committee chairperson, intelligence agencies and bureaucrats are privy to classified information even though the prevalent practice is to classify all revealing facts surrounding government overt and covert dealings from public scrutiny.

The explicit cooperation among congressional members and counterparts in the executive branch shielding internal and external forces directly engaged in diversified mass killings not barring use of chemical weapons throughout wars besides drone strikes in the United States and foreign nations is treason against the country they are elected to serve in defiance of constitutional oath binding on them.

Intelligence agencies viz. CIA and FBI statements on Tsamaev family is contradictory to their response or the lack thereof in averting terrorism pioneered by Israel, United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and lately Turkey with certain allies providing logistic support nonetheless equal partners in crime against defenseless people.

Boston bombing undoubtedly is one of many manufactured crises in succession to 9/11 audacious stunt aimed at complete subjugation and en masse mind control seizing the occasion to introduce martial law moving away from civilian process.

The authorities are responsible for the unlawful death of suspect Tamerlan Tsamaev and the surviving suspect Dzhokhar Tsamaev should be released immediately and unconditionally for safe return and reunion with his family in the Russian Republic of Dagestan.

Meanwhile, the culprits irrespective of stature and sheltered under strongest ally relations orchestrating false flag terrorism with immunity in the United States and world over are to be indicted bearing the full weight of justice on each and everyone of them to terminate indefensible atrocities against mankind.

Silence to injustice is complacency promoting carte blanche executive privilege surrendering republic status and sovereignty to feudalist system.

United States citizens awakening to dichotomy of justice rewarding the guilty and punishing the innocent – the tradition maintained in 9/11 onslaught,

Iraq war with U.S. and U.K. using depleted uranium causing million deaths and millions of refugees,

Libya, Syria and Mali massacre,

The drone assassinations by the hour in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Aiding and abetting oppression and persecution in Palestine, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Turkey and Egypt.

Instigating unrest in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Korean Peninsula, Africa and Latin America.

India dragged into false flag assaults with bombing in metropolitan city Bangalore past week and interestingly suspects originate from Southern state Tamil Nadu specifically Madurai apart from the city capital Chennai. The reports indicate civilians were severely hurt in the wreckage.

U.S., west and Zionist imprints world over threatens lives and peaceful existence.

Failure to cease insanity overriding rationality would necessitate timely cosmic intervention to preserve sanctity of life and environment deficient in the contemporary era.

The global society could no longer afford the luxury to remain oblivious and decisive action is the urgent priority.

Unanimous resistance condemning blatant violence is the only alternative to achieve global peace and security.

Sincere condolences offered to families in Boston, Baghdad, Bangalore and elsewhere affected by arbitrary terror.

Also extending deep sympathy to the parents of Tamerlan Tsamaev – Mrs. Zubeidat Tsamaev and Mr. Anzor Tsamaev at the unjust loss of their son and unfair allegations leveled against their younger son Dzhokhar Tsamaev.

May God bless the souls to rest in peace and survivors strength to endure the ordeal.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Alert – Verbal Briefing To Resume Upon Meeting Life Saving Requirements

April 26, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,

The verbal briefing and presentation on world events is temporarily suspended while regular publications continue online on the website

Reiterating earlier statement, the suspension is not a war against press, media and global citizenry as falsely propagated by forces responsible for this decision.

Contrarily hegemony controlled and monopolized communication press media worldwide including entertainment industry heavily invested in massive propaganda against rational minds standing up to so-called global power.

In cyberspace doctoring YouTube content to discredit presenter and substance clarifies prevalent extensive invasive policy.

The vigorous campaign against truth speakers and minor family members reeking racial overtones is reflective of cultural decline and desperation resorting to any means to justify their unjustifiable action.

Furthermore, vilification through unlawful innuendoes and insinuations besides congressional efforts to curb alternative voices in passing controversial bills like CISPA confirm new tactics to silence fact based perspective.

The sources i.e. western powers and alliance largely contributing to death and destruction of innocent lives through terrorism in Syria, illegal occupation in Palestine, Afghanistan, Mali, Korean Peninsula…and declining to release Palestinian children and youth held hostages in Israeli prisons and likewise GITMO detainees on hunger strike,

Not to mention covert operations in the rest of the world committing numerous atrocities insist on pursuing violence and annihilation for hegemonic goals and geopolitical dominance causing immense suffering to humanity.

They continue to demonstrate lack of respect for life and ordinary citizens rights slighting current historic humanitarian mission request to change course.

As a result, they are denying world audience knowledge and truthful information on diverse matter critical in contemporary civilization decay with pervasive impact.

The verbal interaction will resume upon meeting the minimum requirements among various listed in previous submission.

1. Ending Syrian conflict beginning with arms embargo to terrorists and complete withdrawal of terror groups from Syrian soil.

Terror groups to unconditionally release religious representatives viz.

Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo and Iskenderun, Bishop Paul Yazigi and

Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Bishop John Ibrahim

Western sponsored, armed and funded terrorists reportedly abducted both members with no information about captives safety until now.

2. Lifting all sanctions against Gaza, Syria, Iran, North Korea and Cuba.

3. Palestine – Unconditional release of all hostages in Israeli prison – at least 4500 reportedly held in indefinite detention.

Freezing settlement activities in occupied territories of Palestine viz. West Bank, al-Quds East Jerusalem and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestinian land.

Moving ahead with Palestinian statehood recognition conforming to pre-1967 border demarcation.

4. United States – Release of all GITMO detainees for safe return to homeland.

Abandon drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.

Release of abducted Pakistan civilians by intelligence agency.

5. Korean Peninsula – ceasing incursion and begin troop pullout from region.

6. Bahrain – Ending al-Khalifa regime violent crackdown against peaceful protesters for compliance with democratic reform.

7. Myanmar – addressing Rohingya Muslims plight with immediate relief and citizen rights recognition.

8. Mali – Terminating France and UN aggression under peacekeeping deployment.

Instead expediting humanitarian assistance to local population allowing the nation to recover from foreign intervention inflicted carnage.

9. India – Demilitarization of Kashmir, Manipur and North Eastern states facilitating peaceful dialogue for stability and progress. Mobilizing anti-corruption aka Jan Lokpal legislation to suit national and republic anticipation.

10. Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman – Obliging citizens’ requirements for political transformation.

Since these issues are directly related to life and death of innocent people unnecessarily subjected to horrendous pain and misery, the respective authorities fair response prioritizing humanitarian crises is a reasonable expectation.

The leaderships in power are urged to set aside individual and political reservations to save lives rather than exacerbate victims experience in these parts of the world.

Regular discourse will start soon after relevant authorities delivery on these major challenges confronting global society.

Look forward to positive outcome dedicated to global peace and security.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iraq – National Unity Ceasing Violence Critical for Security and Progress

April 25, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Since United States, Israel, Britain and Saudi Arabia led illegal invasion of Iraq in March 2003 using weapons of mass deception before the war and actual weapons of mass destruction (WMD) through depleted uranium during the war claiming million lives and leaving millions as refugees until today,

The western belligerence persists to achieve diabolical agenda and that being Iraq fragmentation conforming to imperialists divide and conquer strategy.

United States, Israel, EU and Gulf dictatorships together currently wreak havoc on the planet openly funding, arming and training terrorists earlier in Libya and lately in Iraq and Syria.

Not to mention the prevalent policy destroying Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Mali and other parts of Africa.

The terror masterminds i.e. United States, Israel, EU and regional coalition elsewhere focused on destabilization with uniform effort to sabotage stability and progress world over.

Iraq having been subjected to enormous suffering going back to United States ally Saddam Hussein persecution poignantly with U.S. and Britain supplied ammunition plus chemical weapons used against Iraqi and Iranian population in the U.S. instigated Iraq-Iran warfare and,

Subsequently on Kurds and others in the country is not released from hegemony control over the oil rich nation.

The superficial withdrawal of U.S. forces in December 2011 substituted with contemporary proxies viz. private contractors and CIA as well as Mossad operatives fomenting violence besides recent deployment of three thousand and more U.S. troops to create more tension in the war fatigued state.

United States disintegration of Iraq commenced with allocation of oil reserves territory Northern Iraq as Kurdistan in May 2006 granting autonomy represented by President, Vice President and Prime Minister synonymous to Federal Government in Baghdad in political, economic and other affairs.

Although the sedition initially presented as semi-autonomous province of Iraq,

Kurdistan political structure is anything but provincial and from inception leaderships maintaining close ties with hard line regimes in Tel Aviv and Washington until now pose conflict of interest witnessed in direct oil import negotiations between Ankara and Erbil, the Kurdistan capital bypassing Iraqi government in protocol.

Similarly, creating controversy for Ankara on this issue with political opposition in the domestic front for backdoor deals lacking in transparency defying constitution and democratic rule of law.

United States ignited sparks in ongoing sectarianism aimed at delegitimizing U.S. installed government under Shia leadership Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a twist of irony considering the turn of events after first Iraqi election until now.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki bilateral and trilateral relations with Israel’s arch nemeses Iran and Syria has been the bone of contentions prompting United States overt and Israel’s covert intervention despite their brutal warfare in accordance with neoconservatives and Zionist devised Project for New American Century targeting oil abundant and strategically important nations throughout Middle East and other Islamic states in the world.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki stance on developments in Syria appropriately favoring political solution whilst rejecting United States promoted terrorism in that embattled nation and economic trade with Iran has brought undercurrents to surface revealed in western disapproval and attempts to derail existing government in Iraq.

United States prolonged occupation depleting Iraq national treasury and openly looting Iraq’s valuable possessions from antiquities to oil fields other than annihilation and decimation of lives, livelihoods and the entire country is imperialists tradition judiciously followed throughout history.

Iraq like Syria is a secular nation with various compositions within Islamic religion like Shia, Sunni and Kurds as predominant members other than Christians and any ethnic minorities in society.

United States incursion to seize control over Iraqi oil and splitting the nation into three or more smaller statelets is the pre-determination repeating exercise on Sudan that was divided into North and South allowing both nations to battle over Abyei territory delivering chaos and carnage.

Furthermore, nation in perpetual conflict is extremely lucrative to imperial powers given arsenal flurry to diverse factions in utter disregard for massive death and destruction from such callous decision.

Iraq could no longer continue bloodshed that only facilitates foreign intrusion declaring the unrest albeit caused by them is beyond containment blaming the lack of security as reason for reoccupation.

Iraqi citizens reconciliation transcending differences and barriers in recognition of each other as Iraqi is imperative for national security and progress.

Iraq belongs to natives and residents across the spectrum and national identity is significant than religious, social or economic denomination.

Kurdish sentiments about Kurdistan is understandable from the past experience in Iraq and relevant plight in Turkey and other parts of the Middle East.

However, western aspiration for Kurds is not necessarily aligned with Kurdish rights to self-determination and the former assertion in this context is disingenuous in addition to hypocritical position based on western powers involvement disrupting the specific cause in Syria, Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and other nations across the globe.

The west has reserved Kurdistan for easy access and political maneuver that is not in Kurdish benefit.

Kurds solidarity with rest of Iraq sharing fair political representation and economic prospects made available to every Iraqi citizen is immediate priority terminating conflict and relentless turmoil for peaceful co-existence.

As for remaining groups in Iraq engaged in senseless killings with bombings and explosions nationwide, individual goal at national expense compromising citizens’ safety and independence evidently detrimental to present and future generation.

Iraq’s security is under siege and demonstrated just ahead of provincial election when the candidates were consistently pursued and shot dead by elements against peace and democracy.

The election held in twelve out of eighteen provinces past week with two indefinitely postponed and residual four opting out for security reasons per reports is rather unfortunate denying the electorates legitimate local governance.

The six provinces that have differed or avoided polls generate impression of fear and respective authorities inabilities to deal with untoward events enabling terrorism prevail in these areas of the country.

Iraq eliminating terror with broader restrictions on arms influx into the country and cooperation from regional and national security personnel, governments and citizens alike barring corruption are essential to combat internal and external sources behind mayhem.

Reclaiming sovereign rights on oil refineries, securing remotely operated electric power grid by removing deceptively installed software in power plants in 2007, retrieving stolen national assets with class action lawsuit are collective tasks for the nation at large.

In conclusion, Iraq has phenomenal strength and potential to resolve crises and every Iraqi bears responsibility to defend sovereignty and personal liberty systematically undermined with foreign influence and presence in the country.

Unified nation can overcome challenges and the burden lies with Iraq inhabitants displaying patriotism and honest commitment to rebuild the country.

Best Wishes to citizens and leaderships in government, religious and civic institutions in Iraq for everlasting peace and prosperity.

May God bless Iraq to rise like phoenix with resilience in safeguarding territorial integrity, national pride and dignity.

Peace to Iraq!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Refugees held hostage in al-Zaatari Camp, Jordan

April 22, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Syrians forced to leave towns and villages due to western and Gulf States sponsored terrorism committing massacre in sovereign state Syria.

The U.S. taxpayer funded terrorism in Syria has consumed more than 70,000 innocent lives and left a million or more homeless, orphaned, widowed and exposed to epidemic like AIDS in brutality proudly authorized by United States, Britain, EU and gulf regimes constituting horrendous crimes against humanity.

Upon fleeing their homeland from western funded and armed terrorists atrocities,

Syrians are subjected to hostile conditions in Refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey.

Despite United States taxpayer funding approximately $200 million to Jordanian authority with more pledged to meet the refugee crises,

The incidents in al-Zaatari camp, Jordan reportedly deprives Syrian children, women and families basic humanitarian needs leaving them in deplorable state.

Furthermore, the refugees are prevented from returning home with their IDs apparently seized from them and held hostage in deteriorating environment demanding UNHCR and other human rights organizations outcry to gross human rights violation.

Jordanian authorities abuse and exploitation of Syrian plight attributed to Jordan collusion with western and Gulf dictatorships especially after collecting U.S. aid towards western manufactured and perpetuated humanitarian catastrophe deserves worldwide condemnation urging end to Syrian conflict.

Jordan human rights record witnessed in domestic uprising appropriately calling for monarchy abolition paving way to twenty first century republic system violently evaded with appointment of four Prime Ministers in the last four months while facilitating terrorists training by United States military and Jordanian airspace for Israeli drone operation against neighboring Syria under the pretext of promoting democracy clarifies Jordan leadership reservations on life, liberty and pursuit of happiness not necessarily applicable to all.

Jordan bears responsibility for Syrian refugees security in these camps and safe journey back to their nation not only based on Jordan’s involvement for their misery but also in consideration of the U.S. tax dollar amount received to address western and coalition orchestrated burgeoning violence.

International community participation in denouncing western and gulf determination to prolong Syrian genocide with latest development i.e. EU lifting arms embargo and United States coordination in ammunition shipments to unleash medieval practices targeting civilians, national army and government officials in Syria confirms civilization decline leading to cataclysmic outcome for perpetrators and operatives disregarding rationality.

Jordanian administrators in the refugee camps demonstrating compassion and care for Syrians during their struggle would ease tensions allowing their passage with relevant documents IDs etc. for resettlement in the country of origin.

Human character is often tested and revealed in response or the lack thereof in attending to fellow citizens extraordinary ordeal inflicted upon the people of Syria since March 2011 with foreign intervention in internal sovereign matter.

Jordanian personnel and officers cooperation as well as Syrian citizens appreciation for any proper treatment during their stay would enable mutual understanding benefitting all.

Best Wishes to Syrian society and leaderships for rapid conclusion to unjust warfare moving towards peaceful existence and nation rebuilding after nearly three years of western and gulf launched terrorism in the Arab state.

Peace to Syria and Jordan population!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

China – Earthquake in Sichuan Province, Southwestern China

April 22, 2013

BY Padmini Arhant

Sincere condolences to victims’ families and survivors having lost loved ones in the recent earthquake reportedly in Sichuan Province in Southwestern China.

The tragedy also involves destruction of homes and livelihoods besides lives that always exacerbates suffering following disaster.

Hopefully, authorities are able to expedite necessary emergency requirements to alleviate problems experienced by the people.

Wishing swift recovery and relief to all citizens affected by this tragedy.

Peace to China!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – National Legislation Failure to Protect Republic Interest

April 20, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The recent legislations prompting sequestration – automatic spending cuts on national budget affecting essential programs due to congress and White House disagreement juxtaposed bipartisanship in perfect harmony on United States $3 billion donation over and above billions in military aid to Israel clarifies misplaced priority slighting public needs and national interest.

In the wake of several shootings in the United States, the legislation on requirement for background verification prior to issuing gun license struck down in the democrats dominated Senate.

The legislation apparently short of six votes in the 54 – 46 approval slated as NRA victory and major disappointment for Americans falling prey to daily violent victimization.

This outcome is not surprising and in fact a repeat scenario of Health Care Reform.

In 2009 millions of Americans across the spectrum came forward sharing painful experiences from astronomical health care expenses and pleaded with then democrats majority in the House, Senate and White House i.e. 2009 – 2010 to pass Single Payer or Public option plan only to be denied and,

Instead the legislators passed Obama Care imposing on citizens Health Care Industry desired insurance costs without premium cap and necessary stipulations in mandatory subscription to be effective in January 2014.

While Republican members outright rejection to public cause is well established,

The democrats’ position barring rare exceptions, the rest of them follow suit with opponents delivering legislation victory to campaign financiers and oligarchy.

Whether strict gun laws or bills to improve economic and social conditions,

The executive and legislative branches lack of commitment to serve constituents and national electorate electing them to office contribute to status quo.

NRA portrayed as second amendment right defender also represents arms manufacturers and defense industry that in turn fund congressional and Presidential candidates of both political parties conforming to Washington lobby.

For instance Honeywell Corporation from defense sector is one of many exerting influences over political apparatus.

The notion that prominent groups AIPAC, NRA, Goldman Sachs and Big Pharma …are powerful is a myth with reality revealing lawmakers and political leaderships weakness to resist financial incentives or alternatively submission to threats from these organizations on national legislation voiding democracy and electoral mandate.

When free will is exercised in drone strikes killing thousands of children, women and men abroad including funding of terrorists in Syria,

The executive order from White House in closing Guantanamo Bay need not be a predicament.

Congress and White House obliging Israeli and Wall Street lobby could certainly explore options for mutual consent on issues confronting the nation and most importantly significant population in dire economic situation.

The truth of the matter is political system sworn allegiance to special interests and foreign nation Israel’s Zionist ideology evades responsibility ignoring citizens plight.

Paradoxically the opposition essential in reversing trend like ending wars and multi-billion dollars annual gift to Israel estimated at $123 billion through various means to terrorize and oppress Palestinians as well as neighbors in Middle East gets cleared in congress and White House – the allocation taking precedence in fiscal discretion.

However, congressional bills related to American workers, families and taxpayers constantly involves gridlock, White House veto or worse viz. government shut down proving the relevance or the lack thereof applied to public concern on economy, social and political status.

People elect representatives to resolve crises and find solutions to problems affecting the community, province, state and nation at large.

Instead the elected officials engagement predominantly for personal gains defeats the purpose behind running for public office.

The concept of working together transcending differences for common goal and greater good could ease unnecessary tensions leading to effective governance.

Again using taxpayer funded resources and time efficiently to benefit citizens and economic growth builds confidence and trust saving political incumbents from organizing campaign financing to stay in power.

As for new contenders with political ambitions, pledges and promises on the campaign trail exemplified in action would be meaningful and guarantee better prospects for them even though politics attracts highest bidder traded with exclusive loyalty at national expense.

American awareness with respect to sharp decline in freedom is critical to prevent absolute subjugation upon them right now considering 24/7 surveillance with predator drones in the United States,

Use of Chemtrails – air assault on civilians spraying hazardous chemicals in residential neighborhood with schools, hospitals and many civic institutions in the area. The government hostility squandering millions of dollars in austerity era increase burden on American taxpayers other than health risks from exposure to dangerous substance in the environment.

NDAA – the authority self-entitlement to apprehend American citizens in the United States for GITMO treatment under military tribunal denying due legal process is a giant leap from Patriot Act.

Cyberspace patrol – The latest development is CISPA passed in the Republican House of Congress for complete access to citizens’ private communication and much more in that regard.

Besides all of the above, harassment in airports with full body scanner, biometrics and other invasive tactics following 9/11 false flag operation defies reason and civil rights in the nation once heralded as the ‘land of the free home of the brave.’

United States domestic and foreign policy is governed by sources espousing terrorism to maintain power with grand impunity for crimes against humanity.

The republic reclaiming power from Shadow Empire restoring constitution and democratic rule of law with checks and balances comprising recourse such as recall for poor performance and,

Transparent investigation and prosecution on abuse of power, treason and corruption depriving national income and progress is paramount for survival and real independence.

Wishing United States citizens liberty from plutocracy and perpetual warfare ever threatening global peace, security and stability.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Venezuela – President Nicolas Maduro To Lead Bolivarian Republic

April 19, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! To President Nicolas Maduro upon being sworn into office to lead the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Venezuela citizens and the newly elected President Nicolas Maduro having been through difficult times in dealing with premature demise of their beloved President Hugo Chavez are prepared to move forward in upholding Bolivarian-Chavez pragmatism in every respect.

Venezuela with popular support and President Nicolas Maduro commitment to maintain predecessor President Chavez comprehensive plans on political, economic and social issues would triumph in honoring their great leader Chavez aspirations for his nation and the people.

Best Wishes to President Nicolas Maduro and Venezuelans across the society for tremendous progress and success in every frontier.

Long Live Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Bolivarian-Chavez doctrine of fairness and equality.

Peace to Venezuela!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion and State Sponsored Terrorism

April 19, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Sincere condolences and deep sympathy offered to victims dependents and survivors in the yet another explosion in United States.

This time in Southern State, Texas reportedly claimed at least 70 innocent lives and 100 or more hurt in the incident.

The blast follows earlier explosions less than a week ago in New England area – Boston, Massachusetts during Boston Marathon resulting in 3 casualties and many wounded including explosives rocking JFK Presidential library and museum.

The dawn of twenty first century was inaugurated with terrorism on American soil.

The pre-meditated and coordinated 9/11 attack determined in the Project for New American Century (PNAC) dossier calling for earth shattering event in semblance with “Pearl Harbor catastrophe’ to be used as premise to implement diabolical agenda listing many oil rich and strategically important Islamic nations in Middle East and elsewhere.

The terror act on September 11, 2001 is historic considering the heinous crime against humanity was carried out with political, military and intelligence apparatus massive collusion in the United States.

Not to mention their so-called allies self-proclaimed unparalleled sleuths viz. Mossad, MI5 and MI6 networking with post Soviet Union KGB…other than Pakistan’s ISI and military selective personnel on CIA payroll apparently could not avert disaster.

The irony is United States expansive military bases around the world approximately 1000 of them in major country to island nations are set up under the guise of providing top-notch security to the host country.

Meanwhile, citizens in the United States were subjected to horrific terrorism in the 9/11 assault on political power, military might not barring 5000 nuclear arsenals in possession, CIA and FBI watch allowing more than 3000 Americans and many foreign nationals tragic deaths on that single day.

The hegemony controlled media and press corps until today continues to insult human intelligence with the far-fetched and convoluted version of 9/11 asserting some cave dwelling militancy in remote terrain of Afghanistan headed by CIA created and paid former mujahidin Osama Bin Laden hired few Muslim operatives armed with box cutters and successfully hijacked United States commercial airliners razing the twin towers in the World Trade Capital, New York City.

Furthermore, the dramatized script subscribes to terrorists audacious move against United States military headquarters Pentagon simultaneously on September 11, 2011 rendering Superpower United States completely defenseless and vulnerable to fugitive Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda – U.S and Israel owned agency.

The distortion and subversion of 9/11 events in the face of substantiated facts and adequate evidences pointing in United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Britain’s direction as main protagonists although other members of cabal complicity displayed in being oblivious to pre-organized calculated massacre exacerbates humanity suffering world over.

Another interesting factor – United States invaded Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia ignoring their claim that terrorists involved in 9/11 were of Saudi origin.

The allegation on Osama Bin Laden as 9/11 mastermind somehow did not necessitate the U.S. authority to apprehend the prime suspect during FBI visits post 9/11 to check on ailing al-Qaeda leader in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and soon after in Dubai, UAE.

On another occasion amid Afghanistan brutal war in 2001, U.S. armed forces request for executive order from ex-President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden upon finding the alleged 9/11 terror chief in Tora Bora was declined generously sparing the value target freedom.

Subsequently capitalizing on 9/11 calamity in political and monetary terms the illegal invasions and occupation of Afghanistan is ongoing restricting progress in that nation.

The onslaught on Iraq in March 2003 using weapons of mass deception maximizing United States, Britain and coalition military potential unleashed actual weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the form of depleted uranium on Iraqi population with generational impact.

United States, Israel, Britain and other western powers in alliance with Gulf States bankrolled macabre warfare prolonged in the second decade under supposedly democrat administration through al-Qaeda and affiliate al-nusra terror groups in proxy wars in Libya, Syria and Mali.

Notwithstanding drone strikes escalation in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen in particular exhibit sense of entitlement to kill at will rejecting civilian death toll.

The connection between authorizing, sponsoring international terrorism and domestic terror is deep and entrenched with political power and geopolitical dominance.

Undoubtedly 9/11 laid the foundation for the forces – the war architects along with political i.e. the three branches of government and military establishment willful coordination behind horrific crime in United States mainland and later on every foreign nation earmarked towards regime change with none brought to justice.

The precedence facilitates carte blanche to those in power granting impunity from prosecution not even investigation of predecessors and incumbent alike on genocide, torture, rendition, and drone killings constituting gross human rights violation.

From 9/11 until now – the systematic obstruction of justice is vigorous eliminating information and witnesses to favor concocted tales on Osama Bin Laden existence to demise.

Not excluding in this context series of shooting as well as bombing incidents in United States and overseas covered up as classified information or invariably the crimes occur as suicide mission leaving no individual for interrogation or corroboration.

The navy seal engagement in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011 stated as hunt for Bin Laden conveniently evaded with the statement on disposal of deceased body in North Arabian sea.

Within a month or so, the navy seals too were sacrificed in mid-air shooting reportedly by Taliban again on United States and NATO presence in the territory.

Fast forward to September 2012, the report on sexual assault and assassination of United States ambassador Christopher Stevens and three American embassy staff in Benghazi, Libya off the political and public radar with no convictions thus far.

However, any discussion on this issue was a deflection from burgeoning economic crises enacted in theatrics related to U.S. ambassador to UN Susan Rice fictitious nomination for Secretary of State wasting taxpayer dollars in the staged performance.

The spate of violence with assault weapons in high profile Sandy Hook elementary school to the latest trend – bombings in Boston Marathon and Texas fertilizer plant replicate 9/11 false flag operation.

The detainees in Guantanamo Bay held in indefinite detention are scapegoat to protect real perpetrators of September 11, crime.

Despite diverse perspectives on recurring shootings and bombings in the United States,

The national leaderships declaration to support terrorists in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Mali and Afghanistan in conjunction with ammunitions supply to dictatorships in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Egypt…ominously mislead the nation in overwhelming endorsement of violence over peace.

A country is identified with policies reflected in action on domestic and international matter.

The flagrant abuse of power compounded with lack of transparency and plutocracy governed mass media and communication outlets truth suppression seriously undermine democracy.

Additionally, these violent episodes with no end in sight threaten national security endangering lives and normal existence.

United States mainstream awakening adopting peaceful and non-violent course to reclaim power is immediate priority to prevent loss of individual liberty and independent status.

Wishing peace to grieving families and the injured fast recovery from the ordeal.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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