Colombia – Bogota And Caracas Ties Valuable For South America

June 6, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The foreign intrusion in Venezuela escalated post election declaring President Nicolas Maduro decisive winner.

President Nicolas Maduro has been challenged ever since by hegemony favored contender Governor Henrique Capriles Radonski in the effort to destabilize Venezuela.

Governor Henrique Capriles Radonski protest in this regard also led to civilian casualties with at least seven or more deaths and many injured in the unnecessary disturbance brought upon the nation.

There appears to be United States backed vigorous campaign against popular government of President Nicolas Maduro to create chaos and confusion in Venezuela.

Although such intervention is hardly surprising considering United States foreign policy aimed at political instability worldwide.

Meanwhile, the peace talks in Havana, Cuba between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and Colombian government with Venezuela and Chile participation is critical to solidify the agreement on economic and social development in rural areas bringing the decades old confrontation to an end.

FARC and Colombian government commitment towards this deal is important to save lives and move the nation forward for pervasive progress leaving none behind in national achievements.

The latest report on Colombian government soldiers killing four FARC members in clashes in Colombia’s southern province of Putumayo is regrettable and these incidents needlessly harm the current peace initiatives desperately required in leading the country away from perpetual turmoil and unrest.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos meeting Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles Radonski in Bogota following talks with United States Vice President Joe Biden clarifies the unwanted tension in Bogota and Caracas relation prompting Venezuela to withdraw the envoy involved in Colombian peace negotiations with FARC in Cuba.

Governor Henrique Capriles Radonski tour of Latin America to promote hegemony goals rejecting legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro categorically defines the opposition leader’s agenda to work against national interest.

Such activities are best abandoned for they serve none and evidently counterproductive.

Instead the opposition leader shifting focus on positive contributions enabling the incumbent administration under President Nicolas Maduro to address relevant national issues like economy, citizens safety and social advancement would prove genuine concern for the people of Venezuela over personal political ambition.

On the other hand, Colombia ties with Venezuela especially the present government pledged to late President Hugo Chavez Bolivarian Revolution is significant for Americas to protect national sovereignty, political and economic independence from foreign interference.

Upon safeguarding national freedom, social justice is possible in general recognition of population as mainstream barring isolation or segregation behind disparity in society.

Colombian citizens demand for removal of all U.S, military bases – seven in total along with ban on arms supply to drug cartels – situations shared with Afghanistan and Mexico respectively is the preliminary step towards national liberty.

Furthermore, Colombian public resistance to NATO membership is essential to prevent subjugation and western dominance as experienced by Turkey.

Colombia transcending from drug haven identity to dependable partner in regional peace, security and economic growth would be beneficial to Andean nation and Latin America.

Colombian government extending peace to factions representing marginalized and disenfranchised segments across the nation would guarantee multilateral gains maintaining balance of power providing economic opportunity to all.

Colombia and FARC implementing recent accord into action would set precedence in crises resolution renouncing violence that consume lives and resources affecting the nation at large.

Simultaneously Colombian government headed by President Juan Manuel Santos strengthening cooperation in all aspects with Venezuelan counterpart President Nicolas Maduro would be prudent not to mention Latin American solidarity confirming formidability against external threats and provocation.

Wishing citizens in Colombia and entire Latin America a new beginning with promising future and tranquility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Alert – Verbal Presentation To Resume On Specific Events

June 4, 2013

From Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,

Due to ongoing developments on certain issues concerning global security and peace, the verbal presentation in addition to online publications will resume today in two hours time.

You are welcome to join the session.

Your attention and participation is always appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Turkey – AKP and Prime Minister Erdogan Resignation Key to Political Stability

June 2, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Turkey is overwhelmed with political uprising against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the past few days attracting international attention.

Turkish citizens initial peaceful protest to government demolition plan on Gezi Park used for assembly and rallies other than being a tourist attraction in Istanbul has turned violent due to police crackdown with tear gas, water cannons and extreme tactics against unarmed participants in the traditional Taksim Square synonymous to Egypt’s Tahrir Square.

The trail began with AKP leaderships Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davoutoglu prominently waging proxy war hiring terrorists in Syria causing 80,000 or more in death toll and several million refugees scattered within and across their homeland.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and AKP unilateral decision allowing U.S. and NATO troops on Turkish soil using Patriot Missile installation as pretext similar to U.S. armed forces deployment in Jordan as responsive measure to Syrian refugee situation essentially serve United States illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

Such action in defiance of respective public and political opposition qualifies as treason.

Prime Minister Erdogan and Foreign Minister Davoutoglu direct involvement in United States and other western leaders sponsored terrorism against Syria backfired through two bomb blasts on May 11, 2013 in Reyhanli – the border town near Syria in Turkish southern province of Hatay reportedly killing 52 residents and many injured in the violence.

Sadly innocent citizens fell victim to government imported crime by sheltering terrorists in the country.

Subsequently on May 31, 2013 Turkish security forces reported to have seized two kilograms of nerve agent sarin gas and heavy artillery from al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra front terrorists home in Turkey’s southern city Adana about 150 kilometers or 93 miles from Syria.

The culmination of these events along with latest controversial government project to replace national park has obviously led to citizens demand for Prime Minister Erdogan and government resignation.

People frustration and disappointment against incumbent leadership and AKP party is legitimate considering rapid deterioration of secular, socially progressive and economically vibrant Turkey diminished as chief facilitator of terror for United States and western powers targeting neighbor Syria in the nearly three year old terrorism with blowback on Turkey.

AKP leadership’s erroneous decisions viz. terror activities in Syria and invitation for foreign incursion in Turkey disregarding constitution as well as lack of political consensus on these critical issues concerning national security reflected in mainstream call for government to step down.

Turkey also confronted with rise of Muslim Brotherhood political wing enabled by Prime Minister Erdogan joining western powers coalition of the willing aimed at fundamentalist system prolonging oppression of population across Middle East.

For instance, Qatar and Saudi influence otherwise Takfiri infiltration in Islamic countries is to stifle true democratic functions and deprive republic status.

The clash between people and ruling power evident in the authorities disconnect with main street problems due to preoccupation in decimation of Syria and bombings in Iraq.

Again excessive force witnessed recently and Prime Minister Erdogan statement referring to protestors as extremists while providing full support to al-Qaeda and associate al-Nusra front terrorists in Syrian conflict clarifies paradoxical disposition endangering lives experienced in bomb blasts in Turkey.

Republic is the real power and honoring their will is the elected officials duty and responsibility.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and AKP having lost credibility and public trust leaving office immediately would be honorable and politically viable saving the nation from unnecessary turmoil and bloodshed.

Upon political transformation, Turkey withdrawal from NATO is paramount in reclaiming sovereignty.

Accordingly removal of foreign presence in the form of military, espionage services, USAID, NGO’s in disguise and media false propaganda undermining national independence would be comprehensive in liberation cause.

Wishing citizens in Turkey republic governance and people choice leadership making progress in leaps and bounds in all frontiers.

Peace to Turkey

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Western Hypocrisy Defending Nuclear Israel Security Ad Nauseam

June 1, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Western hypocrisy surface again this time on the issue of Russian delivery of S-300 air defense system to Syria per contractual agreement in 2007 posing relevant questions on unnecessary western intrusion at Israel’s behest in Syrian sovereign matter.

The Russian S-300 missiles for defensive purpose only ordered and paid long before western illegal invasion of Syria is a late consignment and had this arrived earlier on then perhaps innocent Syrian lives could have been saved from U.S. authorized three Israeli air strikes targeting Jamraya scientific research center near Damascus in January and repeated twice in April this year.

Israel and United States organized and armed terrorists on the ground through regional allies has produced more than 80,000 in death toll and millions of refugees in and outside Syria.

The western tactics in this warfare ranging from terrorizing Syrian children, women and men to use of WMD against them accompanied by Israeli bombardment is expected to be tolerated with hegemony loyalists proposals to continue violence in the embattled state.

Western foreign ministers as the so-called top diplomats committed to flaming the fire rather than diplomacy lifted arms embargo at recent EU meeting authorizing overt arms influx to al-Qaeda and affiliate al-Nusra front terrorists while crying foul on Syria’s inalienable right to self-defense in the onslaught from terrorists representing 29 different countries and air raid by belligerent Israel.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle statements at the press conference that Russian S-300 missiles shipment to Syria could restrain forthcoming peace talks in Geneva and place Israel at risk is extemporaneous defending perpetual offender Israel ad nauseam.

Israel purportedly received fifth Dolphin-class submarine with nuclear capability from Germany.

Apparently the first two were freely donated and the remaining three were substantially discounted by Germany at obviously European taxpayers expense while German Chancellor Angela Merkel austerity on euro zone members crippling economy and driving respective population to suicide.

Berlin also slated to dispatch additional nuclear submarine to Israel – the only nuclear state in the Middle East and an established entity in non-compliance of any international law that exists especially Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and never subjected to IAEA or UN mandated inspection despite an estimated 500 nuclear warheads in Israel’s possession.

Israel persistently derails nuclear disarmament summit with United States support and the two nations along with other western and gulf allies are responsible for genocide and worst crimes against humanity making life impossible for victims world over.

Furthermore, United States charity to Israel exponentially risen lately from $2.4 billion to $3.1 billion annual aid with current administration pledge to continue the trend beyond 2017.

United States military assistance over and above monetary alms to Israel expected to continue with personal guarantee from incumbent President Barack Obama to expedite authorization of separate $600 million for Israel’s Iron Dome maintenance.

Meanwhile, severe cuts in life line services like education, Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security – the last hope of survival for American retirees among many programs are to be marginalized or axed exacerbating people suffering in the United States for Israel’s security.

Western foreign policy centered on Israel’s regional and now global dominance is a dangerous precedence with ramifications experienced by oppressed Palestinian population and people across the region.

Poignantly not even sparing the benefactor U.S. taxpayers and armed forces fallen prey to USS liberty attack in 1967 and 9/11 terror on American soil for Israel’s ideological pursuits.

United States and Germany warning to Russia demanding withdrawal of S-300 missiles shipment to Syria emphasizing Israel’s security and balance of power in the Middle East being affected due to Syria’s sovereign duty to protect nationals and territorial integrity from Israeli and western aggression is an insult to human intelligence.

Not to mention western subservience to Israel’s unreasonable and preposterous conditions diligently put forth regardless of these propositions lacking in merit.

As for Russian stance in this deal or similar arrangement with Iran retreated quoting U.S. pressure reveals insignificance of nuclear status and veto power at UNSC in terms of independent decision-making on bilateral or multilateral trade considering western maneuvering and prodding of Russia to suit own strategy.

National identity is retained upon resistance to foreign intervention endangering lives, security, political stability and economic interest.

Besides, allowing foreign interference with imminent threat to national sovereignty could impact Russia upon Syria collapse extending across the region and world.

Prolonging Syrian conflict in anticipation of western and coalition of the willing delusions is an inevitable disaster for the sources behind three years old crises.

Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and UAE indulgence in Syria is self-defeating already unfolding in Turkey inevitably spreading to every terror sponsor domain within and outside Middle East sooner than later.

Western powers sincerity and honesty as reliable peace seekers is yet to be demonstrated for international community to respect their word.

The scheduled Geneva 2 convention is an opportunity to profess peaceful resolution and more importantly exemplify in action beginning with complete arms embargo and withdrawal of terror networks from Syria for the war torn nation’s healing and recovery process.

Recognition of Syrian independence and self-determination rights facilitating peace and viable political solutions by Syrian people is the honorable course for international body attending the upcoming event on Syria.

In conclusion exercising sovereign right to defend borders and homeland from predator instincts could no longer be reserved for selective groups who happened to be perpetrators flaunting supremacy status with no accountability.

Syria, Iran or any other nations around the world are at liberty to defend national cause as much as those powers denying these nations legitimacy and natural right to governance.

World peace and security is a collective responsibility and accordingly disturbance anywhere could spread everywhere.

Procrastination or failure to end Syrian warfare is evidently costly in economic and humanitarian standpoint not barring global catastrophe on the horizon.

Wishing Syria fruitful outcome in all endeavors.

Peace to Syria!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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