Syria – President Barack Obama Decision for Military Action is Deflection from Domestic Issues
August 31, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
President Barack Obama decision for military action against Syria based on deception and fabrication despite overwhelming rejection of any U.S. involvement from citizens in the United States and around the world is evasion of real problems confronting U.S.A.
United States economy showing no signs of recovery, the Federal Reserve depletion of national treasury continues with no accountability.
United States lawmakers are indebted to American voters and their commitment to trace the missing $9,000,000,000,000 – $9 trillion and the latest scandal implicating the Federal Reserve with $16 trillion secret loans to foreign banks along with billions of dollars siphoned by corporations like Halliburton during Iraq war would exemplify democratic system.
The White House and hawkish congressional members viz. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Arizona Senator John McCain and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell collusion to serve Israel, Saudi and the likes interests clarifies such representation is the primary threat to peace and progress in the United States and world over.
These members in breach of constitutional oath to serve the nation and the people prioritize foreign land invasion repeating Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan scenario exacerbating human suffering all around.
Not to mention wasting United States tax dollars denying U.S. electorate of jobs, housing, health care, infrastructure and clean environment in serious deterioration.
The dismal status quo predominantly due to relentless warfare and military expeditions aimed at destabilization of nations in the absence of any danger to aggressors with reverse being the reality defies logic and basic intelligence ignoring self-disastrous outcome.
United States citizens bear responsibility in averting another war regardless of methods and magnitude for these atrocities are committed in their name considering those behind war crimes perpetuating violence against innocent victims in Syria and other war torn nations are never brought to justice.
As for congress – the legislators elected to represent the constituents and republic at large on national and international issues have greater burden on them to abandon counterproductive course as demonstrated by their counterparts – the Parliament members in the House of Commons including some lawmakers across the political aisle in Britain.
Any authorization for military strikes against Syria having already contributed to more than 100,000 in death toll and millions of refugees in that land scattered across the region would be reprehensible and invitation for self-imposed catastrophe.
The elected officials primary duty calls for solving domestic problems beginning with economic revival and various challenges facing respective nations whether it be United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany or Turkey.
Instead the leaderships of these nations are eager to foment crises in Syria with their actions qualifying as treason disregarding public opposition to intervention in Syria.
Furthermore, the President of the United States and likewise the heads of State in France and Turkey are obligatory to the people i.e. their nationals and,
They are also bound by international law that could no longer be selective in application and effectiveness especially when their involvement is anchored on causing more death and destruction with inevitable backlash perhaps resulting in irreversible situation for them.
Upon reviewing the state of affairs in the United States, Israel, France, Germany and Turkey – the leaders and administrations have done nothing thus far to alleviate population plight in their domain.
Their unlawful engagement in Syria is a strategy to distract public attention from burgeoning economic woes starting with soaring unemployment, diminishing consumer and investor confidence hurting business growth and overall contraction in productivity widening the gap between haves and have-nots to the extent of survival made nearly impossible on meager income although many are forced into poverty prompting them to end life through self-immolation witnessed in Tel Aviv.
Anti-war movement in the United States and across the globe expressing strong dissent is the immediate requirement to terminate senseless violence in Syria and other beleaguered parts of the world.
The profiteers from wars care less about human lives except their own and imperialistic quest has no boundaries unleashing terror whenever and wherever possible.
Mass awakening and universal response is necessary to liberate humanity from greed driven policies endangering lives and global security.
United States leaders are urged to refrain from misleading the nation and the rest of the world using false pretexts against Syria preventing the imminent response and aftermath at astronomical price.
United States citizens could play a leading role following British citizenry calling on the political representatives to decline war against Syria.
Hopefully United States lawmakers would resurrect democratic values and principles in honoring the public will and abide by constitutional law that prohibits military strike against sovereign nations posing no threat to United States citizens or territory.
May God Bless Syrian people, army and government leaderships with formidability in overcoming foreign powers sponsored terrorism and escalation of tension as testament to truth and peace.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Economy – Exacerbating Crises With Erroneous Policies And Stratagems
August 30, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The economic woes confronting the world are unemployment, underemployment, trade deficits, lower consumer and investor confidence and rising debts in the sluggish economy.
The economic downturn that began in December 2007 attributed to financial crises and sub-prime mortgage as well as hedge fund debacle relieved bankers from liabilities using taxpayer bailouts transferring the burden on ordinary citizens in the economy.
Bankers in control of money management in the United States through privately owned and run Federal Reserve assumed absolute power with no oversight despite huge anomalies found during internal audit.
The missing $ 9,000,000,000,000 i.e. $ 9 trillion acknowledged by Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman during Congressional hearing is the tip of the iceberg with more alarming activities surfacing on bankers’ modus operandi.
The banking syndicate comprising Bank of England – epicenter for fraudulence having laid the foundation on monopoly over national and world economy leads the Federal Reserve in the United States, European Central Bank (ECB), IMF, World Bank and major European Banks with monetary policies aimed at maintaining the status quo.
While IMF and World Bank have successfully derailed economies of developing nations,
The strategy for Europe and North America premised on severe austerity stressing the need to address fiscal cliff generated by banking and financial sector has resulted in dire economic consequences witnessed in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain (PIGS) although the rest of Europe are not far behind in sharing the dismal state.
The elite group reining authority over global economy is deploying methods in withdrawal of quantitative easing restricting cash infusion or economic stimulus allowing arbitrary interest rates adjustments at Federal Reserve discretion.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke issued a statement on June 20, 2013 that quantitative easing program is in the process of elimination completely by the middle of 2014.
The detrimental plan produced shock waves in stock markets worldwide the following day i.e. Friday, June 21, 2013.
Regardless, the drastic measure is already underway with limitations on interjection ignoring the necessity for economic revival.
The constraints on liquidity flow facilitating interest rates to rise evidently counterproductive considering the adverse impact on business and home ownership in the growth deficient economy.
Consumer spending contraction affecting retail industry with ripple effects on manufacturing and interconnected operations extends negative trend in the economy.
Federal Reserve decision to deoxygenate i.e. deprive economy from necessary money distribution via cash and credit backed with redeemable bonds and securities in the absence of growth oriented investments deepening economic problems and stalling recovery.
The money supply held within major private banks lacking in transparency and accountability misleads economy and in worst case scenario adopt aggressive tactics like assets seizure and savings depletion sparing neither the states nor individuals witnessed in the Mediterranean nation – Cyprus deal.
Furthermore, Wall Street financing of political system undermines sovereignty leaving the voters at financiers’ mercy on legislation.
The predicament for citizens is subjugation voiding their ballots in the polls with corporate funding of political campaigns and recipients allegiance to donors against electorate and national interest.
United States administration and congress with rare exceptions prioritizing corporate agenda over constituents’ basic needs like jobs, housing, health care and environment pose greater challenge for the people paying the price in political stalemate on issues concerning the vast majority.
The nation is grappling with multitrillion dollars expenditure on military expeditions and permanent army bases across the globe.
Simultaneously ineffective regulations accommodating past practices into the present and erroneous strategies targeting safety net features plus lifeline products favor financiers and special interests groups in the national and international domain.
The efforts to privatize social security having been the only reliable source of income for retirees and baby boomers nearing retirement alongside home mortgage ponzi scheme replicated in student loan scams forcing fresh graduates and predecessors submerge in financial debts prior to the start of career stifle productivity and revenue reflected in national GDP and current account.
Additionally, trade policies under globalization benefits stake holders in multinational companies and the top 1% drive to accumulate wealth at the remaining 99% labor costs empower the privileged class widening the gap between rich and poor in the world.
Besides the taxation policy disproportionately favor the affluent members with offshore tax havens and Swiss Bank accounts set up to promote tax evasions protecting illegitimate holdings and profiteering from illegal wars wasting taxpayer funds. These issues apparently not an important factor in discussion on fiscal responsibility.
The destructive course is unsustainable having exhausted means to exploit workforce and taxpayers worldwide with reckless and irresponsible activities discarding ramifications experienced by significant population struggling to make ends meet in their life.
In conclusion, the economic freedom made possible with republic governance engaged in money printing and circulation conforming to traditional function including monetary policy is the immediate priority to release nations from fictitious debt cycle developed for siphoning national treasury.
The deceptive concept creating the perception of generational indebtedness with gloom and doom exempt the real beneficiaries in disguise as moneylenders from universal rules and standards.
Global action demonstrated in national call to abolish the Federal Reserve and counterparts in Europe and elsewhere is the way forward assigning the role to public represented democratic government with appropriate checks and balances for efficient performance.
The era of selective prosperity and opulence thriving on stratagems triggering global confrontation and warfare is nearing termination in accordance with natural law setting expiration date for a new beginning.
Best Wishes to humanity at large for quantum leap progress uplifting the poor, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised exemplifying meaningful accomplishment.
Peace to all
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – HCR – 107 Congressional Proceeding against Illegal Warfare
August 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Nations built army primarily for two reasons – safeguarding borders and protecting citizens from potential attacks apart from deployment during emergency relief efforts to save lives and involve in peace mission without artillery.
The honorable and courageous service requires personal sacrifice, discipline and discernment at critical hour to engage diligently mindful of serious ramifications often irreversible due to fatality on all sides with civilians being the most vulnerable.
However, in the contemporary era wars are waged exclusively for economic reasons and territorial conquest with troops not necessarily serving the nation nor nationals they pledged to defend instead laying their precious lives in compliance to foreign diktat.
The greed driven strategy focused on individual gains at vast majority peril has no boundary with wars fought without borders unheeding constitutional law, congressional dissent and international rule such as Geneva Convention not excluding military code during combat and POW or prevalently so-called terror suspects treatment while in custody.
Besides, extemporaneous foreign policy invariably leading to military interventions again at external powers behest in the absence of comprehensive structure viz. exit plan, economic costs and above all transparency and accountability with executive branch exercising excess authority from top to bottom.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
It is noteworthy that executive branch in the latest configuration beginning with office of Presidency, Secretary of State, Defense Secretary, Director of Intelligence Services CIA, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Homeland Security, NSA (National Security Advisers) and last but not the least Justice Department are granted impunity despite,
Hard core evidences suggestive of abuse of power notwithstanding treason against nation they are either elected or appointed to serve with honesty and integrity.
Accordingly in precluding consequences congressional investigations rendered redundant and a mere formality.
As a result public opinion and legislative authorization no longer considered relevant in decision-making process concerning national interest for they are predominantly directed and influenced by shadow governance like Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission among key organizations and institutions in control of national as well as international affairs entirely benefitting them.
Major General Smedley Butler – decorated war veteran and author of ‘War is a Racket’ detailed the reality on profiteering from war disregarding losses in death and destruction lasting over generations only perpetuated in modern warfare with innovative technology such as drones, short and long range missiles supposedly facilitating remote operations eliminating necessity for troops on the ground alongside discounting disproportionate civilian casualty endured by victims’ families thus far.
The arbitrary shelling fomenting terror recruitments in retaliation is also affecting troop morale demonstrated in regrettable conduct in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
War is not only accompanied by loss of lives but also premised on distortion and deception given the executive privilege and unilateralism in vogue defying constitutional requirement for congressional approval in the declaration of war against sovereign nations in Middle East or anywhere in the world.
Corporate media and news organization both local and foreign used as propaganda tools are equally culpable in misleading people and nation at large.
Congressional action against reckless, irresponsible and biased broadcast and journalism advocating military interference favoring elite groups would deter erroneous consensus among elected officials and electorate on crucial national matter.
In pursuit of ill-fated agenda risking young servicemen and women in harms way along with skyrocketing national debt passed on to American taxpayers denied many essential programs at home for funding wars are against United States democratic values and constitutional framework.
The existing unnecessary tension with Iran and Syria posing no threat to United States or citizens yet U.S. incursions in the Persian Gulf, economic sanctions on Iran and weapons supply to militias in Syria replicating Libya ignoring implications on the respective population is counterproductive and contradictory to human rights demand placed upon them.
Iran cooperation with international body and adherence to IAEA plus UN mandate deserves recognition allowing peace and diplomacy to produce desirable outcome.
Similarly, Syrian leadership consistent measures in political reform with constitutional amendment and multiparty elections held most recently envisaging more on the way amid defending besieged nation aided by U.S. and allies ammunitions are significant and violence escalation attributed to western and Arab allies hired mercenaries to disrupt peace prospects in the war torn nation.
Not to mention Geneva Agreement enforcing disarmament declined by Syrian rebels echoing U.S. Secretary of State insistence on regime change and destabilization.
Syrian mainstream and real opposition reject overseas meddling and denounce western aggression exacerbating ordinary citizens safety and plight.
Ceasefire prevented at all costs with controversial rhetoric and flagrant stance adopted at ad hoc meeting called ‘Friends of Syria’ in Paris headed by U.S. Secretary of State on Syria.
Washington arms assistance promoting Saudi invasion in Bahraini crackdown and likewise disrupting Arab Spring in Yemen, Egypt and Libya reflect memory lapse in U.S. Secretary of State criticism of nations on Syria epitomizing double standards that jeopardize United States credibility as a trustworthy partner in peaceful resolution.
U.S. administrations regardless of political party affiliations indulgence in wars based on doctrines detrimental to American and global future set precedence for successors with each legacy devoid of moral and ethics declining qualitatively invalidating republic status with self-righteous ideology.
Investigations into 9/11 terrorism with army, intelligence and government synchronized defunct otherwise averted catastrophe that went beyond domestic turbulence over to offshore multilateral expansion enabling belligerence dominant role discarding peace and constructive dialogue in dispute settlements.
War crimes related to 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen by previous administration and,
The incumbent power for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria that are publicly known with numerous allegations on activities conducted incognito in secret prisons through renditions and extra judicial executions having become executive prerogative in the present tine,
Unless terminated with charges and appropriate sentencing barring exceptions would dangerously legitimize power misuse removing congress from political system.
The bill to stop illegal warfare House of Congress Resolution 107 sponsored by U.S. House of Representative – Hon. Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) is a fundamental step towards American democracy resurrecting lost American image.
Congressman Walter Jones apparently approached former President George W. Bush seeking explanations behind Iraq war and subsequently reported to have introduced –
Constitutional War Powers Resolution in 2007 co-sponsored by Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA) – prohibiting the president from ordering military action without congressional approval, except when the United States or U.S. troops were attacked or when U.S. citizens needed to be evacuated.
Congressman Ron Paul, Rep. Dennis Kucinich and many members of Congress stated to have come forward to co-sponsor HCR – 107.
The pivotal bill to stop wars at citizens and troops expense through vigorous campaigning
on Internet and other medium would expedite legislation.
Then remaining lawmakers obligatory to fulfill constitutional oath to work for the people and country unlike the reverse trend.
Abstinence or failure to do so would delineate legislators in their allegiance to political party and globalists wielding power overriding constituents will.
This act is monumental in upholding constitution and congressional ruling correlating main street position in military options dealing with citizens’ life and death in the national and international domain.
With appreciation for Rep. Hon. Walter Jones and colleagues initiatives to change course from devastating military adventures by executive authority in the past and present time,
Urging United States citizens to participate in HCR 107 legislation for a new chapter in congressional history restoring republic power.
Wishing success to peaceful and political resolutions – HCR 107 in curtailing global confrontation.
Please review the brief HCR 107 text and have your representatives cast their vote to conclude incessant wars across the globe divesting investments in national economy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
H. CON. RES. 107
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
MARCH 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, and clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, is it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except 3 in response to an actual or imminent attack against the 4 territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power
to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Courtesy: – Thank you.
The full text of the Resolution of Impeachment:
The contact details for the members of the House Judiciary Committee:
In a Republican District, please contact your congressional representative and ask them to sign on as a cosponsor.
Please contact your Congressmen and ask them to co-sponsoring HCR107
David Schweikert: Washington, DC Office 1205 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2190 – Fax: (202) 225-0096
Ben Quayle: Washington DC Office 1419 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3361 – Fax: 202-225-3462.
United States – HCR – 107 Congressional Proceeding against Illegal Warfare
August 27, 2013
Nations built army primarily for two reasons – safeguarding borders and protecting citizens from potential attacks apart from deployment during emergency relief efforts to save lives and involve in peace mission without artillery.
The honorable and courageous service requires personal sacrifice, discipline and discernment at critical hour to engage diligently mindful of serious ramifications often irreversible due to fatality on all sides with civilians being the most vulnerable.
However, in the contemporary era wars are waged exclusively for economic reasons and territorial conquest with troops not necessarily serving the nation nor nationals they pledged to defend instead laying their precious lives in compliance to foreign diktat.
The greed driven strategy focused on individual gains at vast majority peril has no boundary with wars fought without borders unheeding constitutional law, congressional dissent and international rule such as Geneva Convention not excluding military code during combat and POW or prevalently so-called terror suspects treatment while in custody.
Besides, extemporaneous foreign policy invariably leading to military interventions again at external powers behest in the absence of comprehensive structure viz. exit plan, economic costs and above all transparency and accountability with executive branch exercising excess authority from top to bottom.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
It is noteworthy that executive branch in the latest configuration beginning with office of Presidency, Secretary of State, Defense Secretary, Director of Intelligence Services CIA, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Homeland Security, NSA (National Security Advisers) and last but not the least Justice Department are granted impunity despite,
Hard core evidences suggestive of abuse of power notwithstanding treason against nation they are either elected or appointed to serve with honesty and integrity.
Accordingly in precluding consequences congressional investigations rendered redundant and a mere formality.
As a result public opinion and legislative authorization no longer considered relevant in decision-making process concerning national interest for they are predominantly directed and influenced by shadow governance like Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission among key organizations and institutions in control of national as well as international affairs entirely benefitting them.
Major General Smedley Butler – decorated war veteran and author of ‘War is a Racket’ detailed the reality on profiteering from war disregarding losses in death and destruction lasting over generations only perpetuated in modern warfare with innovative technology such as drones, short and long range missiles supposedly facilitating remote operations eliminating necessity for troops on the ground alongside discounting disproportionate civilian casualty endured by victims’ families thus far.
The arbitrary shelling fomenting terror recruitments in retaliation is also affecting troop morale demonstrated in regrettable conduct in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
War is not only accompanied by loss of lives but also premised on distortion and deception given the executive privilege and unilateralism in vogue defying constitutional requirement for congressional approval in the declaration of war against sovereign nations in Middle East or anywhere in the world.
Corporate media and news organization both local and foreign used as propaganda tools are equally culpable in misleading people and nation at large.
Congressional action against reckless, irresponsible and biased broadcast and journalism advocating military interference favoring elite groups would deter erroneous consensus among elected officials and electorate on crucial national matter.
In pursuit of ill-fated agenda risking young servicemen and women in harms way along with skyrocketing national debt passed on to American taxpayers denied many essential programs at home for funding wars are against United States democratic values and constitutional framework.
The existing unnecessary tension with Iran and Syria posing no threat to United States or citizens yet U.S. incursions in the Persian Gulf, economic sanctions on Iran and weapons supply to militias in Syria replicating Libya ignoring implications on the respective population is counterproductive and contradictory to human rights demand placed upon them.
Iran cooperation with international body and adherence to IAEA plus UN mandate deserves recognition allowing peace and diplomacy to produce desirable outcome.
Similarly, Syrian leadership consistent measures in political reform with constitutional amendment and multiparty elections held most recently envisaging more on the way amid defending besieged nation aided by U.S. and allies ammunitions are significant and violence escalation attributed to western and Arab allies hired mercenaries to disrupt peace prospects in the war torn nation.
Not to mention Geneva Agreement enforcing disarmament declined by Syrian rebels echoing U.S. Secretary of State insistence on regime change and destabilization.
Syrian mainstream and real opposition reject overseas meddling and denounce western aggression exacerbating ordinary citizens safety and plight.
Ceasefire prevented at all costs with controversial rhetoric and flagrant stance adopted at ad hoc meeting called ‘Friends of Syria’ in Paris headed by U.S. Secretary of State on Syria.
Washington arms assistance promoting Saudi invasion in Bahraini crackdown and likewise disrupting Arab Spring in Yemen, Egypt and Libya reflect memory lapse in U.S. Secretary of State criticism of nations on Syria epitomizing double standards that jeopardize United States credibility as a trustworthy partner in peaceful resolution.
U.S. administrations regardless of political party affiliations indulgence in wars based on doctrines detrimental to American and global future set precedence for successors with each legacy devoid of moral and ethics declining qualitatively invalidating republic status with self-righteous ideology.
Investigations into 9/11 terrorism with army, intelligence and government synchronized defunct otherwise averted catastrophe that went beyond domestic turbulence over to offshore multilateral expansion enabling belligerence dominant role discarding peace and constructive dialogue in dispute settlements.
War crimes related to 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen by previous administration and,
The incumbent power for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria that are publicly known with numerous allegations on activities conducted incognito in secret prisons through renditions and extra judicial executions having become executive prerogative in the present tine,
Unless terminated with charges and appropriate sentencing barring exceptions would dangerously legitimize power misuse removing congress from political system.
The bill to stop illegal warfare House of Congress Resolution 107 sponsored by U.S. House of Representative – Hon. Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) is a fundamental step towards American democracy resurrecting lost American image.
Congressman Walter Jones apparently approached former President George W. Bush seeking explanations behind Iraq war and subsequently reported to have introduced –
Constitutional War Powers Resolution in 2007 co-sponsored by Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA) – prohibiting the president from ordering military action without congressional approval, except when the United States or U.S. troops were attacked or when U.S. citizens needed to be evacuated.
Congressman Ron Paul, Rep. Dennis Kucinich and many members of Congress stated to have come forward to co-sponsor HCR – 107.
The pivotal bill to stop wars at citizens and troops expense through vigorous campaigning
on Internet and other medium would expedite legislation.
Then remaining lawmakers obligatory to fulfill constitutional oath to work for the people and country unlike the reverse trend.
Abstinence or failure to do so would delineate legislators in their allegiance to political party and globalists wielding power overriding constituents will.
This act is monumental in upholding constitution and congressional ruling correlating main street position in military options dealing with citizens’ life and death in the national and international domain.
With appreciation for Rep. Hon. Walter Jones and colleagues initiatives to change course from devastating military adventures by executive authority in the past and present time,
Urging United States citizens to participate in HCR 107 legislation for a new chapter in congressional history restoring republic power.
Wishing success to peaceful and political resolutions – HCR 107 in curtailing global confrontation.
Please review the brief HCR 107 text and have your representatives cast their vote to conclude incessant wars across the globe divesting investments in national economy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
H. CON. RES. 107
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
MARCH 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, and clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, is it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except 3 in response to an actual or imminent attack against the 4 territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power
to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Courtesy: – Thank you.
The full text of the Resolution of Impeachment:
The contact details for the members of the House Judiciary Committee:
In a Republican District, please contact your congressional representative and ask them to sign on as a cosponsor.
Please contact your Congressmen and ask them to co-sponsoring HCR107
David Schweikert: Washington, DC Office 1205 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2190 – Fax: (202) 225-0096
Ben Quayle: Washington DC Office 1419 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3361 – Fax: 202-225-3462.
Syria – Escalating Violence and Killings With Military Intervention is Catastrophic For the Entire World
August 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The preparation and positioning for military strike against Syria is invitation to world catastrophe especially affecting the aggressors with irreversible impact.
United States investors negative reaction to this counterproductive measure reflected in recent stocks decline and expected to precipitate upon moving ahead with illegal intervention in Syria.
Besides in the absence of United States Congress authorization for war required under constitution,
The unilateral decision preempts the existing congressional law per HR 107 for impeachment proceedings in the event on unlawful engagement involving genocide of innocent civilians in foreign nation repeating Iraq scenario using false pretexts.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
H. CON. RES. 107
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
MARCH 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, and clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, is it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except 3 in response to an actual or imminent attack against the 4 territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
The leaderships are urged to refrain from reckless and irresponsible activities against the people of Syria currently underway discarding United States, Britain and the rest of the world public opinion.
Such involvement would not only destabilize the region where Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan are situated but also unleash inconceivable calamity for United States and western allies considering massive presence and interests across Middle East extending over worldwide.
The western and regional alliance sponsored terrorism is directly and unequivocally responsible for all chemical attacks and horrendous crimes against citizens of that sovereign nation enduring tremendous pain and suffering inflicted on them thus far.
Attack on Syria would be self-immolation for organizers, architects, agents, facilitators and operatives behind the preventable cataclysmic and monumental blunder.
White House exercising carte blanche authority could provide political opportunity to lead United States towards economic abyss adversely affecting global economy in return that is best abandoned in national and international interests.
Briefly, ending not escalating the burgeoning Syrian conflict is wise that guarantees existence of all states protecting lives regardless of borders and territories rather than pursuing decimation and annihilation of a country resulting in pervasive disaster with terror and violence sources bearing the losses in epic proportion.
Justice might be delayed however never denied in God’s Kingdom.
Peaceful resolution with immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of terror networks from Syria is the only option to save the world and humanity from status quo.
May God bless Syria with eternal peace protecting sovereignty and inalienable rights of population to live in the world as part of the benevolent creation.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Escalating Violence and Killings With Military Intervention is Catastrophic For the Entire World
August 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The preparation and positioning for military strike against Syria is invitation to world catastrophe especially affecting the aggressors with irreversible impact.
United States investors negative reaction to this counterproductive measure reflected in recent stocks decline and expected to precipitate upon moving ahead with illegal intervention in Syria.
Besides in the absence of United States Congress authorization for war required under constitution,
The unilateral decision preempts the existing congressional law per HR 107 for impeachment proceedings in the event on unlawful engagement involving genocide of innocent civilians in foreign nation repeating Iraq scenario using false pretexts.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
The leaderships are urged to refrain from reckless and irresponsible activities against the people of Syria currently underway discarding United States, Britain and the rest of the world public opinion.
Such involvement would not only destabilize the region where Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan are situated but also unleash inconceivable calamity for United States and western allies considering massive presence and interests across Middle East extending over worldwide.
The western and regional alliance sponsored terrorism is directly and unequivocally responsible for all chemical attacks and horrendous crimes against citizens of that sovereign nation enduring tremendous pain and suffering inflicted on them thus far.
Attack on Syria would be self-immolation for organizers, architects, agents, facilitators and operatives behind the preventable cataclysmic and monumental blunder.
White House exercising carte blanche authority could provide political opportunity to lead United States towards economic abyss adversely affecting global economy in return that is best abandoned in national and international interests.
Briefly, ending not escalating the burgeoning Syrian conflict is wise that guarantees existence of all states protecting lives regardless of borders and territories rather than pursuing decimation and annihilation of a country resulting in pervasive disaster with terror and violence sources bearing the losses in epic proportion.
Justice might be delayed however never denied in God’s Kingdom.
Peaceful resolution with immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of terror networks from Syria is the only option to save the world and humanity from status quo.
May God bless Syria with eternal peace protecting sovereignty and inalienable rights of population to live in the world as part of the benevolent creation.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria –Western And Regional Coalition Sponsored Terrorism Use Chemical Weapons
August 24, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Syrian conflict renewed with western false allegation against Syrian government and defense force about chemical attack reportedly resulting in 1,000 or more casualties in terrorists infiltrated suburbs of Ain Tarma, Zamalka and Jobar in Damascus.
However, the latest development confirms these sectors having been western backed terror networks stronghold until now were found with chemical agents in the dug up tunnels that has led to loss of innocent lives from asphyxiation experienced among local residents in the neighborhoods of Syrian capital.
On Saturday August 24, 2013, the Syrian army upon surrounding western sponsored terror enclave in Jobar district has been exposed to chemicals causing suffocation amongst soldiers and subsequently the armed personnel stated to have taken control of the area.
These incidents corresponding with earlier one in Khan al-Assal near Aleppo in March-April 2013 implicate western and regional alliance in chemical weapons supply to their terror groups deployed against Syrian people.
UN investigation and Russian government findings in this context also clarified the facts that foreign mercenaries are consistently engaged in the deadly biological warfare against unarmed civilians in Syria.
Furthermore, the western legacy in biological and nuclear arsenal use in twentieth and twenty first century directly and indirectly continues due to lack of accountability and abuse of power as UNSC members with veto ability in addition to NATO at their disposal.
The western nations and regional partners viz. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey other than UAE and Kuwait evidence based crimes in Syria calls for global action to end the conflict and bring those behind massive death toll of 100,000 and more besides millions of refugees to justice barring exemptions to relieve the world from eternal unrest and quagmire.
Western powers arbitrary killings and genocide in nations through overt and covert operations is the tradition threatening world peace and security.
The architects promoting illegal wars and terrorism accompanied by executive decisions show disregard for life and habitat endangering existence while not taking into consideration the self-detrimental policy hurting them in epic proportion with irreversible impact.
Syrian crises is exploitation of human suffering aimed at geopolitical dominance in the region and worldwide ignoring history in this regard that has delivered colossal failure to those in pursuit of dreams victimizing defenseless inhabitants on earth.
The natural law would prevail conforming to equilibrium in entire creation. The functionality and evolutionary process premised on maintaining ecological balance similarly apply to political and economic developments necessary to offset disproportionality contributing to status quo.
Syria is unfairly targeted for political aspirations among regional states serving western agenda to destabilize sovereign nation extending across the Middle East.
Washington, London, Tel Aviv, Paris, Berlin and Middle Eastern countries intervention with no desire for ceasefire or termination of terrorism exacerbates Syrian plight affecting humanity at large since the intrusion is a deflection from serious economic problems in the respective domain.
The immediate priority is cessation of violence in Syria allowing victims to recover from death and devastation inflicted upon them.
Following restoration of calm and stability, Syria would then have opportunity to rebuild nation in adherence to republic governance that is already in progress.
The contention remains with aggressors anti-democratic stance posed as liberators when ground reality revealing their persistence to thwart re-emergence of independent Syria.
Geneva 2 accord could be the litmus test for western powers to demonstrate sovereignty delineating from hegemonic goals proved counterproductive thus far.
The peace talks in appreciation for Syrian political right to determine national future combined with western and allies pledge exemplified in terror recruits withdrawal and abandonment of military, espionage and logistic support to death squads would assign credibility to their participation.
Any procrastination to quit violence in Syria could unravel events best averted to protect world from catastrophe.
The western leaderships are urged to refrain from contemplation and implementation of strategies hindering peaceful resolution of Syrian turmoil/
Wishing Syria success in overcoming challenges with unity and commitment towards national endeavors.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Briefing – Current Affairs
August 22, 2013
From: Padmini Arhant
Dear Friends and World Citizens,
You are invited to join the briefing on Current Affairs and important events concerning humanity.
The briefing is to begin in approximately 30 mins to your local tiem.
Your attention is appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – Freedom Struggle and Journey to Independence
August 21, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Swatantrata Diwas Ki Shubh Kamnaye! (Happy Independence Day!) To people in Bharat.
India’s independence Day is observed on August 15 marking the annual event as Remembrance Day in patriots and great leaders honor for their sacrifices to liberate the nation from almost three and a half centuries old colonialism.
East India Company consisting European traders arrived in India in 1606 and subsequent colonization of Indian sub-continent resulted in slavery, illiteracy, poverty and disease due to worst economic and social conditions with colonizers appointment of personnel imported from their country of origin to replace local work force and allocating tasks that were considered menial or less important by them to domestic labor market.
British imperialism deploying divide and conquer strategy prevalent until today targeted cultural heritage and communal harmony in asserting supremacy on the land of mysticism where religion originated with Hinduism from which emanated other faiths viz. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism constituting secularism alongside accepting different religious denominations such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism spread through proselytism and the remaining like Zoroastrianism via migration.
The freedom struggle was the test of time with colonial power unrelenting to peaceful resistance and non-violence movement led by pioneer of peace Mahatma Gandhi along with many notable statesmen and women.
Most importantly ordinary citizens from all walks of life rising to the occasion to free the country long enslaved and deprived of dignity ended authoritarianism.
However, British Raj having depleted India of its resources and invaluable possessions upon departure embarked on balkanization leaving millions dead and scores rendered refugees with creation of Pakistan.
With partition as parting gift, the British empire diligently sowed the seeds of rivalry between the two neighbors that continues to be exploited in the present for hegemonic goals exacerbating people suffering on both sides in the instigated violence.
British monarchy declared India as dominion republic under British Commonwealth of governments essentially denying recognition of sovereign status.
The imperialist tradition with respect to territorial disputes, illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land under false pretexts currently maintained prolonging status quo from past century.
Despite imperialism horrific legacy, the contemporary situation involving direct intrusion in foreign nations internal affairs attributed to complicity from within for individual and vested interests.
Colonial rule made possible with treason committed in collusion with forces undermining national identity.
India is yet to experience sovereignty when foreign usurpation persists promoting economic and social disparity not to mention demographic marginalization hindering pervasive national progress.
As for Indian political system – the projection as world’s largest democracy functionally adapting to British concept of classism represents affluence with industrialists, ex-Royalty and celebrities from entertainment field domineering politics contradictory to mainstream composition where vast majority belonging to middle and lower income in addition to substantial population in abject poverty lack fair representation.
India in recent decades having made significant economic strides severely lagging behind in equitable income distribution combined with political establishment exclusivity is overcast on prospective future.
Poignantly, hegemony influence on India aimed at sabotage and derailing growth and development notwithstanding cultural values erosion necessitates national awakening in reclaiming Bharat founded on democratic principles exemplified in non-violence and peaceful means towards independence.
The contentious problem facing India even though shared worldwide is graft legislation introducing transparency and accountability beginning with political class and abuse of power misusing intelligence bureau as well as income tax department to quell dissent and objectivity on government performance.
Furthermore, foreign dominance on nuclear nations predominantly facilitated by corruption with mutual favors returned on tax evasions and embezzlements allowing funds transfer to overseas tax havens and Swiss Bank account not excluding absolving loyalists and appeasers from crimes committed during and after the term in office.
In fact, corruption is more potent than nuclear arsenal for hegemony control over nations regardless of nuclear capability.
India like most emerging economies has rising youth power and the younger generation especially the segments with no equal opportunity exercising voting right could choose leadership among them to address their plight rather than casting ballots to major political parties and coalitions evidently using public office for personal benefit.
Hegemony applies same formula on India akin to United States alternating between two political factions and alliances for their pandering to external sources in national detriment.
India’s foreign policy not entirely Indian cowering to western demands stalling bilateral relations with Pakistan and multilateral ties in Asia with White House pivot Asia stance poised at displaying United States military might and superiority in Asia Pacific.
India’s experience with imperial motives should provide guidance in discernment on foreign tactics such as polarization and fragmentation.
Hegemony infiltration in India’s decision-making process on national defense and cabinet appointments invalidates brave souls martyrdom that enabled August 15, 1947.
Indian troops presence in Kashmir and northeastern states deserves review and withdrawal directing focus on viable solutions that guarantee security and stability.
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif initiative to release Indian fishermen held prisoners for inadvertent maritime infraction is a positive step in improving peaceful interaction and likewise India’s reciprocation in returning Pakistani civilians on these grounds would highlight genuine appreciation for goodwill.
Similarly, Pakistan joining India in combating cross border terrorism and militancy forming the basis for army patrol in Azad Kashmir and Srinagar respectively could perhaps yield conducive environment moving away from unwanted skirmishes and internal disturbance.
India’s investment in infrastructure, climate change, clean energy and constructive measures in bridging the gap between haves and have-nots are immediate priorities in rebuilding nation.
Additionally, citizens’ safety is the primary responsibility of authorities at municipal to national level.
The proactive methods comprising education through bill boards, television commercials and national dialogue to refrain from criminal activity and rewarding those for rescue attempts to help fellow citizens would shift the trend in the virtuous course.
India is the seat of enlightenment intended to illumine minds elevating spirit for self-realization i.e. oneness with creator conforming to exemplary postulate on monism established in Hindu religion and philosophy.
Best Wishes to compatriots in India in the accomplishments feat emulating the essence and brilliance of five natural elements – air, water, sky, earth and fire.
Peace to India!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Egypt – Peaceful Reconciliation in National Interest
August 18, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The latest development in Egypt with army decision to exercise restraint in crowd dispersal operations and Muslim Brotherhood leaders on their part to cancel nationwide demonstrations for security reasons is the way forward to extinguish fire ignited in the burgeoning crises.
Egypt was unnecessarily subjected to turmoil otherwise averted sparing innocent lives all around.
Nonetheless national reconciliation forum inviting all groups for constructive participation could produce viable outcome.
The key factors are transparency and inclusivity facilitating people choices in governance barring external interventions reflected in status quo would prevent event recurrence.
Public referendum on electoral process and constitutional framework prohibiting abuse of power in all branches of government including army interception in civilian rule is the preliminary step towards preserving democracy.
Egypt citizens have suffered enough and now is the time for leaderships in the army, political system and civil society to create opportunity via peaceful engagement in rebuilding the nation long deprived of economic growth and development.
The arduous journey faced with obstacles due to foreign and regional control could lead to destination i.e. republic governed democracy upon Egypt exercising self-determination rights that is inalienable to all citizens on earth.
National subjugation by foreign powers happens with complicity among members in position of authority.
However, the tradition need not continue considering negative consequences from such cooperation hindering real progress.
Instead the leaderships pledging to defend sovereignty along with sincere commitment exemplified in resolving issues prioritizing national interest would guarantee prospective future.
Egypt population deserves breakthrough from violence and political impasse posing impediments in the path to peace and functioning democracy representing all in the country rather than selective majority.
The solutions to problems lie in sharing common goals with mutual respect and understanding that could ease tensions necessary for general consensus on national policy such as constitution amendment, political and economic reform as well as social inequality.
Egypt modern civilization has great potentiality to implement changes and achievements made possible only through peaceful means allowing diverse ideas to strengthen democratic foundation.
Once again, the leaders across the spectrum are urged to disavow counterproductive strategies, renounce violence and adopt peace initiatives for multidimensional recovery.
Wishing Egypt citizens and leaders success in restoring calm and stability critical for national endeavors.
Peace to Egypt!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant