World – Corruption – The Embodiment of Politics
October 31, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Human suffering emanates from lack of freedom to reverse status quo attributed to shadow power dominance in politics, economics, social and religious affairs.
Identifying shadow elements reining control over nearly seven billion lives on the planet is pertinent and importantly the facilitators in leadership role as heads of state and legislators are instrumental in promoting agenda against national interest.
Politics epitomize corruption committing treasonous act and betrayal of trust with no accountability.
The political system in disguise as democracy is embedded with sources exerting influence albeit not without legislative, executive and judicial branch cooperation and complicity.
The commercialization of politics enables elected representatives and appointees lucrative deals with economic sector and other groups comprising local as well as foreign entities for exclusive benefits at the vast majority expense.
Again the profiteering shared among economic and political dealmakers targets average citizens and actual taxpayers considering the profiteers avoid taxes shifting national debt burden on mainstream population lasting several generations.
Similarly policies aimed at geopolitical advantage legitimize illegal operations and hypocritical stances redefining laws exempting violators from any compliance.
The essence of politics to serve constituents, electorate and the nation at large ominously missing with members entering political field barring rare exceptions utilize political clout for wealth amassment stashed away in secret bank accounts and tax havens ironically on the crime syndicate oversight denying people of respective nations means to redeem assets despite the illegitimate cash flow depleting national treasury.
Politics is also pursued for ambitions not necessarily favorable to citizens electing candidates to represent them.
The tradition pledging allegiance to campaign financiers and alliance with potential investors focused on specific goals continues regardless of such engagement resulting in breach of constitutional oath affecting national credibility with people forced to bear ultimate responsibility.
The latest development in politics evidently a major detriment to victims is en masse subjugation and suppression of basic rights such as free speech, peaceful assembly and dissent increasingly quelled with excess force and violent crackdown exemplifying the position of authority.
The political election being staged to fulfill formality, deception prevails amid fear mongering to maintain existing conditions notwithstanding financial bargains on legislation depriving economic gains in national context.
Politics reliance on threats and harassment through pervasive surveillance treating citizens as possessions is to inhibit challenges against political leaderships systemic abuse of power and unscrupulous strategies to implement anti-democratic rule.
The other tactics involve subversion, distortion and propaganda evading onus on egregious decisions with adverse impact leaving people at the authorities mercy.
Yet another way to stifle checks and balances is false flag events carried out with destruction of evidence not excluding those deployed for that purpose witnessed in U.S. Special forces deaths subsequent to Abbottabad, Pakistan mission.
The self-assigned privileges transferring power from people to political apparatus varies with misuse of intelligence services for spying and espionage activities, income tax agency advised to follow administration instructions conforming to intimidation while tax fraud is common phenomena in politics.
Furthermore, in the domestic front the aggressive measures against political exposure – speaking from personal experience is not limited to character defamation but also extended in causing economic liabilities, financial restrictions, preventing health care access and environmental assault through Chem trails i.e. spraying carcinogens in the air and predator drones hovering regularly besides constant cyber attacks to deter truthful revelations.
Whereas in the international domain, nations and the respective governments perceived as adversaries are subjected to military intervention, proxy war sponsoring terrorism, economic sanctions and air space denial to foreign leaders during overseas travel.
Additionally, extrajudicial executions of United States citizens and drone strikes abroad ignoring civilian casualties of innocent children, women and men are regarded executive prerogatives in modern politics.
Elsewhere, prominently in the so-called democracies corruption dictates standards with a price tag to avail public service alongside bureaucracy stalling normal processing contributing to inefficiency and procrastination on government response even in judicial matter.
The electoral success for candidacies marred with scandals and criminal charges is due to flawed procedure and eligibility criteria other than serious irregularities ranging from vote rigging with counterfeit currency distribution bribing voters to simply disregarding the requirement for free and fair election.
Religion and social issues also configure prospects in the vote bank politics fomenting polarization in society.
Politics is analogous to thriller suspense entertainment in terms of controversies, conspiracies, violence, treason and collusion with conglomerate sworn to secrecy in defiance of transparency owing to grand immunity on crimes against humanity.
The cloak and dagger driven politics denounce patriotism and defends criminality reflective in loyalty to enterprise espousing values undermining sovereignty.
In adherence to precedence, the political establishment support for feudalism transforming independent statehood to vassal state irrespective of nuclear capability indicative of corruption governing politics.
Political governance representative of the needy rather than the greedy is the only alternative to prevalent declining structure that would guarantee stability and viability for a meaningful democracy.
The customary practice in politics rejecting republic will and enforcement of political class doctrine although qualifies as authoritarianism; the persistence in this aspect confirms departure from democratic nature.
However, with people as workers, consumers, taxpayers and voters could reclaim power and democratically appoint government of the people, by the people and for the people.
The prerequisite for institutional change is to rise to the occasion in solidarity transcending barriers for general aspiration to free the nation from plutocracy and restore constitutionality with electoral reform prohibiting private and external funding of political campaigns otherwise strictly allowing public financing accompanied by spending cap to run for office.
Initiatives on election rule modification would then lead to political refinement providing basis for economic recovery alongside addressing social and environment problems.
People empowerment exercising human right in dismissal of stagnant politics and failed ideology would alleviate ordinary citizens plight strengthening national productivity.
Finally, mass movement consolidating efforts in eliminating corruption is the immediate priority for better and bright future.
Youth power with technology could be the catalyst in expediting republic governance.
Farewell to corruption – the embodiment of politics required for liberty and happiness.
Best Wishes to world citizens in choosing government and leaderships among them dedicated to peace and prosperity for all.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Iraq – Violence Aimed At Destabilization For Dominance
October 20, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Since the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, violence continues with weapons influx proliferating arms race among UNSC permanent powers competing against one another through delivery to terror networks via partners in the region and the other directly to government enabling the real beneficiary – defense industry financial gains from innocent blood.
Iraq has been earmarked for destabilization to rein control over oil reserves with imperialism historic reliance on sedition for infiltration.
Sectarianism is the means to prolong unrest in society debilitating government and economy for foreign dominance.
United States allies – Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey along with U.S. redeployed armed personnel, private contractors as well as intelligence agents sponsored terrorism in Iraq is to sabotage national security for political instability leading to proxy government installation.
Iraqi citizens solidarity in eliminating terror and external intervention with expulsion of foreign operatives would contain bloodshed in the country.
The northern Iraqi territory apportioned as Kurdistan primarily set up for easy access to oil enriched territory with a proposal to transmigrate PKK led Kurdish demography from Turkey to Iraq disregarding Iraqi central government objection to such interference.
On human rights violation – United States and Britain use of depleted uranium against civilians in Fallujah, Iraq absolved of responsibility while the victims and families not provided monetary compensation with perpetrators of heinous crimes against Iraqis granted immunity in the respective nations besides ICC obliviousness in international domain.
Furthermore, the atrocities committed in Iraq during U.S. and coalition military aggression shielded and suppressed from accountability denying people justice with the trend continued in arbitrary drone attacks and deregulation of arms industry perhaps to achieve global powers depopulation agenda.
Iraq rocked with explosions and bombings preventing normal existence is to generate perception on foreign presence as the only reliable security even though outside intrusion for mass subjugation remains the main source behind human suffering in the country, region and worldwide.
The destruction of Iraq designed to split the nation similar to Libya allowing shadow powers exploitation.
Strangely, the terror masters failure to acknowledge inevitable ramifications affecting them sooner than later despite experience in Libya confirms the myopic policy on involvements in foreign land jeopardizing own safety and credibility.
Iraqi resilience demonstrated in national unity and solemn pledge to purge terrorism could thwart foreign instigation in the country. The unanimous representation would exemplify civilian rejection of criminal activities facilitated with plutocracy extensive support to terror networks undermining sovereignty.
Again, the response to foreign powers supremacy syndrome posing existential threat to humanity at large lies in national awakening to defend territorial integrity and self-determination rights persistently under assault to establish governance subservient to self-proclaimed privileged class consuming world resources for personal wealth accumulation lasting over generations defying contentment.
Unless arms trade driven profiteering to boost economy at the expense of weak and vulnerable citizens around the world desist alongside universal nuclear and WMD disarmament, the precipitous decline of major powers and cohorts responsible for human plight imminent in the near future.
Iraq citizens’ patriotism rekindling spirit like the brilliant sun energizing life dispels darkness within and around guarantee sustainability.
Peace to Iraq!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Briefing – United States and International Issues
October 17, 2013
From: Padmini Arhant
Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,
The briefing on United States and International Issues will commence in 2 hrs and 30 mins to your local tiem.
Thank you for your patience.
Padmini Arhant
Briefing – United States and International Issues
October 17, 2013
From: Padmini Arhant
Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,
You are invited to the briefing on United States and International Issues scheduled in three hours to your local time.
Any delay will be informed to avoid inconvenience.
Thank you for your participation.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Government Shut Down And Political Catharsis
October 16, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The so-called government shut down in the United States with leaderships in the executive and legislative branch in irreconcilable position merit fair evaluation considering the impressive congressional bipartisanship without Presidential veto threat on issues related to Wall Street, AIPAC and warfare funding including sponsoring terrorism up until now delivered to the respective proponents satisfaction.
However, the prevalent choreographed standoff attributed to Tea Party – a political faction in public perception and otherwise a smokescreen for subversion and deflection from actuality allowing real contributors and participants behind manufactured crises to advance the agenda.
Post 9/11 – In the false flag event the United States mainstream was initially targeted producing massive casualties and subsequently the unprecedented terror act used as premise for civil rights infringement introducing Patriot Act, FISA, NSA, ACTA and NDAA for subjugation en masse.
The paradigm shift in the transfer of power from congress to the executive branch also transpired following 9/11 facilitating excess Presidential authority that led to institutionalizing unlawful detentions in Guantanamo Bay, legitimized renditions with secret prison camps overseas accompanied by torture not barring water boarding and the unabated drone attacks exponentially risen under the current administration.
United States constitution irrelevance is evident in the privately owned Federal Reserve control of money supply and monetary policy with immunity from congressional or independent audit and accountability despite implications regarding unaccounted multi-trillion dollars of tax payer funds from national treasury.
Accordingly the constitutional law increasingly discarded in all three branches of the government.
Having rendered the constitution redundant, the forces espousing global dominance are in the process of eliminating people from governance and since congress members are elected to represent the electorate – the congressional dismal performance with approval rating at 5% provides opportunity to further empower Presidency under special and foreign interests management alienating citizens in national legislation.
The political system departure from democracy exemplified in the incumbent administration war against whistle blowers,
The NSA surveillance legalized by state appointed court shrouded in secrecy defying transparency,
The office of Presidency exercising extra judicial executions in recent years,
The congressional subpoenas disregarded in Benghazi investigation,
The distortion of facts and falsifying reports for congress authorization on military intervention and,
Last but not the least, the NDAA enactment enabling government predisposition against United States citizens as potential terror suspects without probable cause for trial under military tribunal denying them due legal course alludes to martial law with commander-in-chief as the supreme authority.
The prolonged stalemate generating the impression that all sides agree to disagree indefinitely when the same establishment function in perfect harmony to appease specific sources clarifies the existing gridlock as political catharsis declining republic will and significance in the expeditious transformation from civilian representation to exclusive loyalty to anti-democratic plutocracy.
Whenever checks and balances to curtail abuse of power rejected, such responses endanger national identity and independent status.
The solution to the crises is for citizens across the spectrum to proclaim sovereignty in restoring constitution guided government emphasizing the right to withhold federal tax payments upon the executive and legislative leaderships failure to reach amicable settlement obligatory on them to mitigate losses in the economic sector and national credibility.
Finally, United States political, economic and social recovery perhaps possible with renouncing NSA activity and disenfranchisement of the Federal Reserve as the Central Bank leading to moral renaissance.
Best Wishes to United States citizenry in the successful revival of the government of the people, by the people and for the people reflecting meaningful and genuine democracy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Afghanistan – Ending Foreign Occupation is the Passage to Peace and Real Freedom
October 14, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The immemorial false flag 9/11 event in the United States to implement Project for New American Century targeting nations including regime change agenda on non-cooperative governments commenced with illegal invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001.
United States and NATO aggression against Afghanistan into thirteenth year has claimed scores of lives on all sides especially Afghan population killed on the ground through U.S. and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) night raids and aerial drone attacks as well as the prolonged occupation fomented militancy using locals in resistance to foreign troops presence.
On the economic standpoint, the 13 years warfare has cost U.S. and allies taxpayers in trillions leaving them with mounting debt and western governments flair for austerity directed at citizens lifeline programs and services offset stimulus via consumer spending stunting required growth.
Meanwhile, the western nations defense budget and funding towards wars ever increasing, there is no inclination for complete withdrawal facilitating arms and finance industry profiteering from incessant turmoil.
Afghanistan on the other hand continues to suffer in terms of economic, political and social progress with corruption and violence disrupting stability necessary to overcome various challenges confronting the war torn nation.
Western involvement in Afghanistan maintaining poppy production accelerated weapons trade and distribution to factions perpetuating combat situation used in justifying the requirement for permanent military base undermining national sovereignty.
As for western training of Afghan national army and other contingencies – the futile exercise apparently causing major rift between domestic and foreign brigades evident in American as well as British soldiers shooting rampage responded with Afghani member attack on U.S and NATO convoy escalating tension in the war fatigued country.
Furthermore, United States engagement with Taliban and al-Qaeda in the region is rather paradoxical since they are declared enemies in Afghanistan and allies in Syria.
Pakistan initiated talks between United States and Afghanistan Taliban in Doha, Qatar prompted the militant group to assert the representation as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a separate flag providing the basis for Kabul government and Afghan Peace Council to reject the controversial and unconstitutional disposition.
Afghanistan quagmire emanating from foreign intrusion for geopolitical dominance at the expense of Afghan misery has reached a crescendo.
The ramifications are not only limited to Afghan victims but also experienced by the aggressors in sustaining economic liabilities and armed forces casualties thus far.
Historically, Britain, the former Soviet Union and subsequently the United States and NATO colonized Afghanistan until now survived the worst conditions demonstrating Afghan resolve to defend territorial integrity.
The external powers destructive course promoting narcotic cultivation and using the territory for ammunition stockpiles experimentation ignoring civilian deaths is the reason behind deterrence to foreign extension of stay beyond 2014.
In the backdrop of devastation and deterioration in U.S. and ISAF troops morale, the atrocities committed with impunity arguably remain the bone of contention in the ongoing discussion on bilateral security agreement (BSA).
Afghanistan rural elders and tribal leaders in the Loya Jirga and Afghan national assembly along with entire society share responsibility to protect the nation and citizens from foreign abuse expected to evolve into pervasive subjugation upon granting indefinite military deployment regardless of size and intended purpose.
Any nation that allows foreign establishment in political, economic and military affairs against national and republic interest essentially surrender statehood and individual freedom besides the precedence in violation of sovereign duty to safeguard independence.
Afghanistan declining status quo seeking unconditional and comprehensive withdrawal of all foreign entities not barring intelligence agents as overt and covert operatives would decisively set the stage for national reconciliation amongst segments legitimately in opposition to outside usurpation.
Taliban energized from Saudi Arabia funded elements in neighboring Pakistan renouncing terror and fundamentalism with respect for Afghan compatriots and women in particular would exemplify pledge to Afghan liberation currently in the process of submission when national freedom should be non-negotiable upholding the inalienable right of all to be free.
Afghanistan restoring viable governance at all levels nationwide eliminating foreign and regional influence for vested prospects and strategic gains are the cornerstone in the emergence as a formidable state meeting self-sufficiency and reliability in resolving crises.
The leaders and people in Afghanistan are at crossroads to rescue the nation from chaos and persistent bloodshed affecting the social fabric of the present and future generation.
Afghanistan has unique opportunity to disinherit the identity as a failed state due to western policy premised on supremacy concept despite overwhelming Afghan sentiment expressing persona non grata to such enforcement.
The proof of Afghanistan valor and resilience is available in national legacy having thwarted perennial colonization not to mention the fate of empires viz. Britain and ex-Soviet Union dissipation following the misadventure.
Afghanistan can once again rise to the occasion in solidarity and assume control over national safety and other matter without dependency on powers responsible for economic debilitation and destruction of their land.
Wishing the heroic citizens of Afghanistan safe passage to peace with renewed hope for republic rule.
Peace to Afghanistan!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Libya – Destabilization for National Subjugation
October 12, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
United States and NATO decimation of Libya in 2011 transforming the state into terror haven apparently beneficial to arms, energy and finance industry enabling forces with imperialistic quest to pursue own agenda.
Libya statelessness with western appointed interim government unable to maintain law and order considering widespread violence, militancy, terrorism and abduction of the Prime Minister Ali Zeidan returned later after several hours of detention in unknown location clarifies the general outcome of western military intervention in sovereign nation.
The incumbent administration limited authority and jurisdiction leaving the rest of the country especially the eastern region viz. Benghazi under terrorists control allows foreign players such as the United States, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar along with energy corporations to exercise free will in utilizing the opportunity for counterproductive measures endangering lives regardless of nationality.
United States recent kidnapping of alleged al-Qaeda suspect al-Libi accused of participation in terrorism in the late 1990’s while United States and Britain having released the Lockerbie bomber then over arms deal worth £400 million with Colonel Gaddafi of Libya reveals state terrorism characteristics disregarding respective citizens deaths in the incident and selective incarceration to suit western premise.
Similarly, Libya post 2011 western aggression facilitates weapons supply and distribution to designated war zones using Libyan territory primarily for CIA, Mossad, MI5, MI6 and Saudi plus Qatari training of terror operatives deployed in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia and Mali.
The viable solution to burgeoning foreign infiltration into Libya is for Libyan solidarity to reject status quo through peaceful and non-violent representation.
The community as well as tribal leaders coming forward to protect locals from terror recruitment declining terrorists shelter and surrender arms to national defense and security forces pledged allegiance to Libya and not foreign entities is critical to eliminate terrorism.
Upon containing violence and terror networks removal with national effort extending full cooperation amongst citizenry and relevant authorities, the political situation could be addressed for republic governance allowing Libyan self-determination rights to prevail nationwide.
Libya experiencing serious human rights violation accelerated with foreign interference could overcome the prevalent conditions with Libyan patriotism rising to the occasion to defend territorial integrity, national sovereignty and natural resources from external powers possession.
The foreign occupation made possible with internal chaos and unrest deflecting attention from the key events aimed at sabotage of peace and stability.
When the public enduring injustice and exploitation from foreign intrusion accessing entry due to corruption come together with determination to free the nation, the sources behind the crises could no longer remain in power or exert influence.
Again, creating awareness for national participation generating the necessity for collective engagement transcending social, economic and political barriers would lead to individual liberty and economic progress.
Hence, Libya shifting focus on purging terrorism from Libyan soil and expulsion of groups promoting bloodshed and nefarious activities could be the initial step towards national freedom.
Nation building requires strong foundation upholding democratic principles and values withstanding pressure and provocation from within and outside.
The national movement moving ahead with reconciliation process could lead towards the establishment of political system truly representative of the people.
Libyan citizens are urged to solidify coordination reflecting Jamahiriya governance in the rural and tribal areas in conjunction with national unity government in capital, Tripoli.
Wishing Libya breakthrough from foreign subjugation restoring tranquility and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Amicable Settlement is the Saving Grace on Government Shut Down
October 8, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The ongoing government shut down deserves clarifications from lawmakers unwilling to resume work considering they are all being paid with taxpayer funds transforming the closure into a paid holiday.
When legislators in both political parties and White House could arrive at majority if not overwhelming consensus on issues related to special interests and AIPAC proposal exceeding Wall Street and foreign entities expectations on legislations,
The current stalemate rejecting direct communication let alone agreement on any mater through congressional session is suggestive of misplaced priority and lack of commitment to national service – the reason to elect representatives and leaderships to public office.
According to the main news reports – the House passed the bill to pay furloughed employees on October 5, 2013.
Despite the measure, the decision to prolong the political standoff amid expressing concern over debt crises only confirms the governance not taken seriously and instead utilized for agenda not necessarily in national benefit.
The disingenuous display is counterproductive in political and economic standpoint emphasizing the need for elected officials to transcend selective partisanship and actions exacerbating economic conditions that would eventually impact the contributors and participants in this destructive course.
Since the legislative and executive branch not affected with the loss of personal income, the urgency to end impasse perhaps not the preference ignoring the economic ramifications in the domestic and global market.
The deliberate choices to extend political discord further exemplify abuse of power and exploitation of taxpayers especially the ordinary citizens expected to maintain tax payments regardless of government operation.
Any more procrastination would evidently define the political goals not aimed at economic recovery and inversely facilitating the preventable disaster.
American constituents could seek the respective congressmen and women for valid explanation behind the unreasonable catharsis at whomsoever behest and urge them to bring the standoff to conclusion without any delay.
Based on the lawmakers response to republic will, democracy would be tested for viability.
The meaningless strategy to disrupt government functionality only hurts United States financial status and political parties credibility to preside over national affairs.
The government that is truly representative of the people, by the people and for the people would not adopt means to stall economic progress.
On the contrary every member in recognition of constitutional duty to serve the nation would spare no opportunity to find common ground for reconciliation.
Failure to reopen government and address impending bills would transfer the burden of responsibility entirely on the factions posing impediment to fundamental function i.e. diligently perform national tasks to avoid detrimental economic outcome linked with political survivability during electoral process.
Hence the leaderships along with party members in the House of Congress, Senate and White House directing the focus on the reversal of economic decline with result oriented policies is the preliminary step towards building investor and consumer confidence desperately required in the fragile economy.
Allowing delinquency on government bills and subsequent downgrading of credit rating may not be prudent in the effort to contain sovereign debt.
Setting aside political differences and convergence on expediting fiscal year budget for government activities is the only option to rescue the nation from default.
The leaders on all sides in acknowledgment of national obligations rising to the occasion for amicable settlement would be the saving grace.
Hopefully reason and logic would prevail over political expediency.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – The Art of Political Expediency
October 6, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The political system that is controlled maneuvered and specializes in manufacturing crises through false flags and other means to establish criminality as the rule of law evident in –
NSA surveillance,
NDAA denying own citizens due process,
Unlawful detentions in Guantanamo Bay and domestic prison complex,
That holds republic to ransom with government shut down and,
Complicit in siphoning trillions of dollars from national treasury at ordinary citizens expense bear no resemblance to democracy in simplistic or pragmatic terms with reliance on subversion in pursuit of dominance.
Besides sponsoring terror, conducting drone attacks to kill innocent civilians around the world and above all providing military and monetary aid to belligerent states with track record of gross human rights violation regarded the supreme privilege in the era of changing geopolitical dynamics rejecting supremacy concept.
The arms supply to drug cartels under the Fast and Furious program run by the administration Justice Department having claimed more than 50,000 lives and still counting in the neighboring Mexico while the population from that state fleeing the violence riddled situation characterized illegals remain the bone of contention in the immigration debate.
The foreign policy that considers unlawful invasion and occupation of foreign land as the prerogative ironically holds thousands arriving on the United States shores due to U.S. created economic and political mayhem in the respective country of origin a burden on the economy calling for stringent immigration rules and building the highest possible fence to prevent the influx of victims from counterproductive neo-liberal economic strategy and neo-conservative militarism.
Furthermore the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission run State Department, the Department of Defense and Intelligence Agencies embark on missions destabilizing sovereign nations, toppling democratic and popular governments and institutionalizing state terrorism for pervasive subjugation.
The investigation on the State Department involved incident in Benghazi, Libya related to United States ambassador Christopher Stevens assassination and three other embassy staff deaths stifled with evidence disposal.
Additionally the appointment of the so-called independent committee known as Accountability Review Board (ARB) comprising the state department officials posing conflict of interest disregarding congressional subpoenas by threatening members pursuing the matter speaks volume on the resistance to transparency concerning American safety.
Similarly, the U.S. raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan supposedly to capture or kill Osama Bin laden conveniently denying the public any proof to that effect was followed with the elimination of Navy Seal deployed in that operation.
Again the forces behind 9//11 onslaught leading to global status quo share imperialistic quest unleashing terror via al-Qaeda – the network founded by them.
Notwithstanding aggression against developing nations facilitate recruitment for relentless warfare.
The U.S. administration latest form of intimidation against perceived adversaries is airspace refusal to foreign governments heads of state like Bolivian President Evo Morales and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with no regrets on the reckless intrusions endangering life and diplomatic row not to mention the action in breach of international aviation standard.
Owing to these circumstances and many other events where state lawlessness upheld as the law with imposition of hardline tactics to quell dissent and peaceful assembly in disdain for non-violent civil disobedience clarify systemic abuse of power reflecting authoritarianism to suppress accountability.
The important factor is corruption apparently potent than nuclear arsenal in expanding proxy governance worldwide – prominently in the domain misconstrued as democracy.
On nuclear and assorted WMD disarmament – the selective criteria exempting violators in possession of substantial stockpiles from any inspection, verification and compliances juxtapose mandatory enforcement on abiding nations reveal the inherently flawed denuclearization stratagem.
UN and UNSC along with EU maintaining the parallel government role and exclusivity exercised in arbitrary economic sanctions and ammunition delivery to terrorists in Syria or approval to invade minerals rich nation like Mali slight fairness and objectivity thereby confirming the organizational purpose to sustain hierarchy.
However, the process having exhausted methods on parasitic existence depleting the source and earth’s resources is at the crossroads to renounce destructive course or proceed to the precipice for inevitable outcome not necessarily favorable to them.
The remedial measure to current challenges is to address the cause rather than responding to symptoms alone commencing with mass consciousness and resolve to invalidate prevalent conditions designed to protect the illusive self-proclaimed aristocracy.
United States breakthrough on impasse is possible with open communication and recognition of mutual responsibility in expediting reconciliation.
The real independence is primarily linked with adherence to constitutional requirement on all issues especially the transfer of authority from privately owned Federal Reserve to national ownership on money supply, distribution and implementation of monetary policy.
Nonetheless the art of political expediency overrides rationality and courage to confront elements contributing to precipitous decline of morality, human values and ethical efficacy.
Human evolution enriched with intelligence and reasoning invoking compassion for universal empowerment is instrumental in attaining liberation and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Government Shut Down And Republic Action
October 5, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Recently President Barack Obama had direct assurance from House Speaker John Boehner regarding House Representatives votes on Syria.
However, the transformation with the impasse on government shut down is paradoxical where the two leaderships apparently unable to reconcile differences despite the consequences on the average citizens as federal employees and the public at large.
Reiterating the fact that unlawful warfare, unnecessary military and monetary aid to nuclear state Israel and Egypt, Jordan…on Israel’s behalf, sponsoring terrorism and Wall Street bailout almost never has any impediments with the legislative and executive branch working together in perfect harmony to deliver the special interest and AIPAC demands on United States Congress.
The current stalemate involving suspension of government services using health care and raising the debt ceiling as bargaining chips is evidently counterproductive considering the negative impact on economy and employment situation.
The political showdown is unnecessary and elected officials committed to national service as required by the constitutional oath would not block government functions as mechanism to impose their agenda.
Neither the health care nor debt ceiling could be implemented in prolonging the government closure. These two issues merit transparency and discussions to allay legitimate concerns among citizens as financiers of the entire national budget.
The fiscal conservatism on spending cuts targeting lifeline programs and services such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education and environment could be shifted to wasteful expenditure and redundant activities such as the government shut down arguably increasing economic liabilities and exacerbating citizens suffering.
Again, the government fiscal policy aimed at stifling essential consumer oriented growth combined with the Federal Reserve monetary policy on partial to total withdrawal of quantitative easing i.e. interjection of cash flow into the economy @ interest rates between 0 – ¼ percent with impending debt elevation deserves congressional debate and national review.
Besides, the Federal Reserve is yet to account on previously missing $9 trillions and the latest $16 trillion in secret bailout of foreign banks using United States tax dollars while the urgency on extending borrowing limit via debt ceiling lingering as the national crises.
None of this would be possible with the ongoing political standoff.
American citizens rising to the occasion exercising republic power by calling on the representatives to resume work is the preliminary step towards restoring democracy and economic recovery.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant