Yemen – Houthi Movement and Hegemony backed Invasion
March 29, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The North African nation rich in oil resources after terminating hegemony installed dictatorship under former President Ali Abdullah Saleh for more than three decades followed by exiled President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi – yet to be relieved from oppression with external control over political, economic and national issues.
Houthi movement inheriting the founder leader Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi name and political cause and subsequently with leader Ansarullah martyrdom to free Yemen from foreign intrusion is targeted by western backed regimes to maintain hegemony style repressive governance.
Houthi uprising invigorated with hegemony role in destruction of lives and decimation through terror attacks and authoritarian rule via puppet governments thus far.
Hegemony authorized Saudi invasion in coalition with Gulf Cooperation Council to deter Yemen from political freedom expedite aggressors demise.
The ongoing Saudi attacks against Yemen with hegemony approval is a desperate act to prevent similar revolution in Saudi Arabia and across Middle East even though the end of despotism and totalitarianism beginning at the helm i.e. hegemony is near.
The use of brute force against vulnerable population in Yemen or elsewhere is the trend ignoring irreversible impact on the source and catalysts in the greed-motivated violence worldwide.
The latest Saudi assault at hegemony behest reveals insecurity with the culmination of fear and rage dictating illegal intervention to gain access over Yemen’s economic endowments and political system.
Such indulgence is indicative of arsonists’ fate in self-immolation. Those seeking satisfaction from others suffering eventually succumb to detrimental course.
Yemen citizens across the spectrum coming together to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity critical in bringing belligerence and corrupt forces dominance to conclusion.
The recent developments in Yemen call for popular defiance to foreign occupation in the form of proxy representation for permanent subjugation.
Saudi Arabia and the rest involved in military and terror operation in Yemen lack credibility considering legacy in denying democracy besides human rights violations in the domestic and international domain.
Hegemony and contingency unequivocal fall accelerated with interference and instigation of unrest in every part of the world.
Those committed towards ruinous strategy to own peril are delusional in perceiving sinking as sailing on calm waters despite debilitating status to rough seas turbulence.
Independence is persisting struggle world over and complicity in the surrender of nation to hegemonic goals continues to contributors’ decline.
Yemen’s solidarity to liberate nation from regional and foreign adversarial engagement is paramount and people pledge to protect national interests important to thwart hegemony ambitions to exacerbate crisis.
In the absence of integrity and human values, hegemony and allies in Yemen warfare rely on deception to justify death and devastation endured by civilians in the country.
Anything counterproductive ultimately leads to the origin dissolution and vanquished in accordance with natural law.
Yemen could overcome challenges with determination to prevail in the conflict. Arab community unanimous rejection of their governments’ cooperation with Saudi Arabia and hegemony could avert tension escalation in the region.
Likewise western society dissent on warfare under false pretexts is imperative for global peace and security.
Wishing Yemen republic success in restoring peace and political stability.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – Land Acquisition Act 2015
March 25, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The fast paced land bill passed in Lok Sabha deserves better clarifications considering serious ramifications not only on farmers but also the nation at large.
The agriculture land currently under farmers’ ownership whether individually or as cooperative is sought for industrialization and privatization.
In this context, the incentives such as the offer quadrupled in price and buy back option later not exceeding 20 per cent in addition to employment for one member of farmer’s family subject to government appointed administration approval are not necessarily beneficial to the seller.
Beginning with the purchase price based on underestimated land value even after the claim on quadrupled offer remaining below market determination would not be a surprise.
Then the capped buy back option at 20% post sale on the land used for industrial or private projects more often with incomplete or stalled construction works may not be suitable for agriculture.
The employment opportunity to one member of farmer family pegged with bureaucratic process might not be an instant solution to livelihood especially in the absence of guaranteed outcome and fair compensation.
Industrialization of villages with factory setting would be extension of urban problems including congestion, environment pollution and contamination with industrial waste and hazardous disposals endangering surroundings with pervasive impact.
Instead modernizing agriculture sector with equipment, proper facilities, logistics, irrigation techniques, water reservoir in arid land and preventive measures in flood prone areas for crop protection could generate jobs for rural youth without them having to migrate to metropolis.
Improving seed quality, soil condition for growth and fertility besides various basic to advanced methods could enhance productivity and enable farmers to sustain losses in predictable and other times of the year.
The developments ranging from electricity, clean water, sewage systems to roads, health centers, schools and essential conveniences in rural parts of the country could be a major boost to agriculture standards nationwide.
On the national scene, the contentious land bill might be pushed forward riding on currency factor ignoring volatility that could make food import expensive for ordinary retail customers in the pre-existing inflationary period.
The presumption on strong rupee mitigating import costs despite fluctuating fuel prices pose challenges for exports contributing to widespread trade imbalance.
Again leading the country from self-sufficiency in food provisions to severe dependency on external sources via imports notwithstanding challenges in the increasingly fragile international supply chain and hidden constraints could potentially be a major risk in terms of national obligation to feed 1.2 billion population.
Politics exploitation of this critical issue at hegemony behest with the ruling party defiance and the so-called opposition viz. Congress staging protest or movement pretending to favor farmers in the otherwise choreographed event along with political factions representing the states like Tamil Nadu complicity prioritize vested interests over farmers and public concern.
The statement in the airwaves during Prime Minister’s address on the matter appropriately applies to the source rather than the intended target.
“People who make laws in the air-conditioned rooms do not have a touch with the ground realities – Modi.”
Perhaps this explains the political status evident in the recent fire break out in Indian Parliament building due to electrical fault during AC maintenance at the premise.
The facts on government as well as industry slight to farmers plight contributing to tragic suicides among farming community is the reality regardless of political incumbency in the state and national domain.
Prudence would serve in national cause averting strategies with irreversible results.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Events – Synopsis 2015
March 20, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The global events marked by mayhem, misery and melancholy is representative of those in power i.e. incognito rule and proxy governments together with servile contingency ever remaining at disposal for self-destructive cause.
The agents spreading viciousness misuse communication outlets including parliament floor and entertainment format. Sadly they do not realize their venom consuming them conforming to reaping what one sow in life.
These negative developments aimed at self-interests reflect on the rulers and operatives declining status and confirm the demise of deceptive regimes and cohorts in the suicide mission.
1. Middle East – The manufactured terror used as pretext to destabilize nations is a classic example of the blank misleading the belligerence to precipice.
The self-ruinous venture is costing them and allies in economic, political and strategic terms with severe damages to the point of no return.
Those behind continuous death and decimation of innocent lives care less about consequences and defiance is mistaken for strength in the face of internal decay and inevitable dissipation.
Hegemony and coalition intervention through terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Libya is evidently counterproductive.
Interestingly subsequent involvement claimed as necessary to curb their own terror networks such as ISIS and ISIL…despite having them on taxpayer funded payroll.
Lebanon and Palestine under constant attacks from Israel justified in the name of Israel’s security.
The kingdoms, fiefdoms and hegemony loyalists facilitating carnage by funding, training and recruitment of terror groups ignore blowback experienced from terror instigation.
Iran and P5+1 endless nuclear talks under estimates human intelligence wasting citizens tax contributions for purpose other than nuclear issue to deflect public attention from domestic and international crises.
The redundant exercise poses credibility factor for major nuclear states continuing proliferation with nuclear testing and enhancements unheeding global concern.
Any seriousness on nuclear matter would be exemplified in self-disarmament. The action would then qualify them to seek others to follow precedence.
Furthermore, Iran’s closer ties with hegemony shared in duplicity and scripted performance clarifies futile attempts to void contemporary phenomenon and original identity.
2. Africa – Hegemony goals are clear in militarization of this continent for unfettered access to resources and permanent colonization leading to prolonged subjugation in the twenty first century.
Abject poverty, hunger and disease affecting millions are hegemony legacy.
3. Asia :
Asia Pacific – Occupation of nations with military bases and provocation in Korean peninsula is tip of the iceberg in the policy fostering rivalry over rapprochement.
Additionally removing governments and leaderships regarded obstacles to hegemonic ambitions is the tradition.
The mysterious disappearance of Malaysian commercial airlines, installing militia rule in Thailand, forging relations with authoritarian system in Singapore and fomenting controversy in Indonesia are few of the many indulgence in that part of the world.
Central Asia – Afghanistan and neighboring countries are essentially declared imperial bastions again for natural endowments and strategic presence.
South Asia – The dominion republics compliance with hegemony instructions on nuclear expansion and divestments in defense contracts override importance to environment and economy notwithstanding the infrastructure.
The agriculture land is industrialized and privatized to satisfy political campaign donors’ demands leaving the farmers with no choice but accept conditions in the land deal.
As a result, national dependency on import elevating food prices or inflation due to crop production shifting from self-sufficiency to inadequacy is apparently irrelevant.
On transparency and democratic value – The ordinary citizens beguiled with hegemony nominees landslide victory in the state and national elections in the so-called democracy. The electoral process marred with voting irregularities and corruption not excluding massive cash infusion in political campaigns enables shadow governance.
4. Latin America – Hegemony interference in this region is well known and persists until now. The nations are routinely targeted stifling democracy. Any government pledging to national progress is promptly displaced with anti-democratic rule.
5. North America:
United States – United States tax dollars squandered in pretentious squabbles to maintain dysfunctional governance. While there are numerous problems confronting the nation, the lawmakers diligently oblige covert execution diverting time and money on extraneous affairs.
The social injustice conspicuous with demographic isolation and marginalization of Native Americans, African Americans, Muslims, Undocumented workers, immigrants from certain ethnic background as well as women in lower economic strata.
Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons with torture chambers cannot possibly be a national pride.
Canada – The indigenous citizens plight slighted regardless of law enforcement agency excess use of force and neglect in some instances constituting abuse. Hegemony influence on political, economic and other areas attribute vassal statehood.
Mexico – The national dilemmas are combating corruption and drug cartels with weapons influx from United States initiated in the fast and furious program. The experiment premised on arbitrary arms sales reaching nefarious elements had no prohibitive measures exacerbating safety and security of the country.
Yet another challenge is preserving national assets viz. petroleum and precious metals from oligarchy acquisition.
6. Europe – Austerity, staged unrest and volatility is the trend to stymie economic growth and political stability.
EU creation primarily expended in debilitating member states within Union with egregious economic policies largely favoring selective groups and entities at local population expense.
EU and United States intrusion in Ukraine promotes disintegration and territorial annexation besides NATO extension burdening the region with military expenditure rather than investments in the economy.
Hegemony hallmark is false flag incidents in resistance to peace and harmony with preference for eternal discord in community. The turmoil then used as the reason for military aggression or drone authorization to curtail violence.
Environment protection is on the reverse with funding slashed in the national budget for political driven appropriations.
Human rights violations peaks defining human character or the lack thereof with no recognition for life and individual respect.
The discriminatory practice based on various orientations propagated to polarize society for political and personal gains not taking into account irreversible ramifications on the source and catalysts.
To summarize status quo – the situation mirror dissolution emanating from incorrigible disposition expediting decadent era conclusion.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Concept of Life – 2015
March 9, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The status quo necessitates clarification on the concept of life.
What is Life?
Life is endless pursuit for the self-proclaimed privileged members in society with enormous pride in respective social and economic background although their deeds speak volume on individual character and representation of self-destructive cause.
Having never understood the self-inflicted misery due to their involvement in creating problems for others based on self-interest deriving sadistic pleasure from victims’ suffering,
Those harboring malice and constant enmity towards anyone impose self-imprisonment.
These characteristics emanate from overwhelming greed, envy, hatred, prejudice and anger in the inability to contain inner corrosion leading to inevitable dissipation.
Life is wasted in the crusade to prolong catastrophe as the means for survival.
In fact terror is regarded the effective mechanism to undermine human rights and subjugate population.
Hegemony incognito authority over seven billion population is enabled through proxy governments and surrogates volunteering in different capacity as the voice for the unscrupulous defining the declining era.
Criminality, corruption, lies, deception and subversion are ubiquitous in the desperate measure to avert imminent collapse of empires and authoritarianism operating under the guise of democracy and republic.
Terrorism is manufactured and deployed for destabilization of nations in the aspirations for dominance.
The invasion for illegal ownership on gold, diamond, gems, minerals, oil and land through territorial annexation and deceitful tactics is the legacy.
Anything acquired illegitimately using violence and threats with nuclear arsenal proved detrimental leading to serious economic downturns showing no sign of actual recovery.
The reason for persistent economic recession or lack luster performance is the disproportionate investments in defense stockpiles not barring nuclear proliferation more appropriately offense strategy prompting other nations to follow suit.
In the absence of transparency, the wealth amassment amongst the powerful and affluent notwithstanding wasteful spending as military aid for oppression and persecution is also costing the economy at the vast majority expense.
The culmination of social, moral and ethical insolvency behind debilitating political and economic infrastructure is evident in crumbling enterprise.
Is there any gain from being responsible for continuous bloodshed, killing innocent people to eliminate civilizations besides denying global youth their future and endangering life and habitat with environment degradation?
Could these actions possibly be rewarding to architects, protagonists and catalysts implementing death and decimation for vested interests only resulting in colossal failures worldwide?
The obsession with breed premised on race, class, gender and other orientation along with appearance in the misconception as beauty in the backdrop of degenerative inner qualities exhibit intelligence deficiency and knowledge deficit about life.
When life cease, the body is discarded confirming the temporary outfit was never meant to be the real identity.
The memory about life is deleted and superficial details disinherited in the process.
Instead individuals’ karma or duties describe personal attributes and determine journey ahead.
Mortality as certainty without exception – all things must be surrendered including the physical body let alone material possessions in life.
That being the case, what are you seeking during transition termed as life?
Your quest for conquest of the world while enslaved to negativities is a paradoxical paradigm.
Not only you are shackled in the delusional predisposition as superior being but also demonstrably struggling to reconcile with internal ramifications reducing self to nothing despite your claim on everything.
One who is not free within become stagnant and wilt before time.
The meaning of freedom is interpreted in terms of mobility and accessibility in life referring to functionality.
Freedom is more than tangible experience. The interior turmoil from sins committed throughout life transform the condition to a prisoner of guilt incapable of dealing with personal shortcomings and contradictions.
Evasiveness in confronting reality with reliance on propaganda and distortion further exacerbate state of mind contributing to confusion and disarray witnessed in the current false flag events to deflect public attention from relevant issues.
The real freedom is being able to live a guilt free life and leave the world without any burden on the soul.
This is made possible in acknowledgment of wrongdoings accompanied by penance in reaching out to those affected from intentional conduct.
Again apology in all sincerity to concerned person rather than substitutes is the preliminary step towards reform. The indirect approach exemplifies slight and ego – obstacles to self-redemption.
Life is an opportunity to settle debts related to deliberate harm to others with severe repercussions extending to generations and over many lives on sole basis.
Avoiding responsibility on settlement would intensify karmic effects when one should aim to alleviate plight.
The trend in violations with no importance for life except one’s own presence reveals the origin eclipsed in darkness and shuns light.
One cannot flourish by robbing others destiny. The indulgence has blowback on fraudulence at the roots to the helm.
The human nature is a mirror reflecting virtues and vices with choices for appropriate decision. The facilitators of injustice in any format are equal partners in crime and share consequences accordingly.
In rejecting the option to exercise discernment and adherence to flawed policy bring about inherent weaknesses and incentivized servility to prominence.
Contentment with detachment is half way to success in renouncing extravagance and essentially provides guidance on prudence.
The fundamental requirement for salvation is sacrifice with compassion to promote pervasive progress.
Renunciation replacing capitulation to adversarial ventures and associations would be promising for global peace, security and prosperity.
One may deter accountability with bias system granting immunity, however one cannot defy conscience or attempt to distance from it.
There is no escape from impending judgment upon departure from earth. The perceptions in this context have little or no bearing on soul incessantly forced into various forms of existence depending on account balance.
For the soul to rest in peace or attain nirvana i.e. enlightenment liberating soul to remain in eternal bliss – squaring past and present delinquencies is critical to qualify in the extraordinary feat.
Henceforth commitment in life should be self-purification through atonement of sins and participation in positive, productive and constructive course to uplift human spirit for universal benefit.
Defeating foes posing hindrance in human mind could be immediate priority for clarity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Womanhood in the Twenty First Century – 2015
March 4, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Mankind achievements in various fields compromised in the lack of progress in human relations with discriminatory practice cherished among those reining control over global society.
The prevalent prejudice based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic background is the strategy to polarize world for individual and selective groups vested interests.
The gender bias against women in the twenty first century demonstrates civilization decline considering women progressiveness prior to hegemony era.
Contemporarily the treatment of women is appalling worldwide and in the western society in particular with false projection on gender equality.
The women hired to disparage womanhood for political reasons and vendetta could not possibly belong to female gender and such engagement signifies serious ethical insolvency given the participants affluence.
Furthermore, the volunteers’ characteristics are revealed in the process and confirm self-degradation in promoting opinionated characterization for specific agenda.
This is yet another evidence of exploitation exposing the source and desperate means in the self-destructive involvement.
The taxpayers funded broadcasting network misused for propaganda clarifies the system being grossly abused to serve the self-proclaimed privileged society and their convoluted disposition.
In providing platform with defamation objective i.e. projecting women as nothing except objects of voyeurism is a reflection on the culture and women status in the respective domain of those behind provocative indulgence.
Western democracy and women’s rights is a myth with misogynist orientation prominent in professional, political and public arena.
Ignorance combined with presumptuousness could be an abyss for those refusing to honor women excellence since time immemorial.
Regardless behind successful man is a great woman proved until the present time.
The male chauvinism is highlighted in condescendence towards women ignoring the fact on motherhood.
The motherhood experience in the birth of a child and nurture leading to the existence of a man or a woman in the world could not be slighted on any grounds.
Not to mention the outstanding accomplishments by women despite barriers and glass ceilings to prevent them even in the modern age.
The eastern origin is fortified with tremendous contributions from women in history.
Spiritualism relevantly Hindu religion grant the highest position for women represented by Goddess Durga as Sakti – the energy in life and all creations in the universe.
The equal partnership depicted in Siva-Sakti, the dynamic duo as inseparable divine forces epitomize the importance of feminine attributes facilitating creation, preservation and restoration of matter.
Hindu Goddesses ParaSakti, the invincible recognized for incredible valor in dealing with negative elements wreaking havoc on earth and netherworld.
Goddess Saraswati personifies knowledge, arts, music and cultural endowments.
Goddess Lakshmi revered for prosperity in every aspect.
Indian heritage also pays tribute to womanhood in saluting mother earth as Bhooma Devi, sacred cow worshipped as Gau-Mata also known as Annapurani meaning benefactor with cornucopia of food for global consumption.
Mother nature – rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Cauveri, Godavari, Narmada and Gomati to name a few in the tributaries proliferating life.
Poignantly Bharati or Bharat Mata – India is the motherland for 1.2 billion people.
The language identified as mother tongue proudly spoken nationwide and across the globe by Indian diaspora.
Last but not the least, the distortion and mockery of current divine mission alluding to gender confusion is notably self-contradictory.
In English language – the references She or s(he) and woman otherwise wo(man) conspicuously related to unisex / cross gender pronouncing male association with fe(male).
Interestingly the pronouns have male following the female perhaps emphasizing the significance of womanhood not necessarily acknowledged to the fullest extent!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World – End of Dark Age (Kaliyug)
March 4, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Since industrialization, the imperial quest to acquire resources through invasion, occupation and colonization persists until today.
The imperial powers legacy is rape, slavery, genocide, destruction, annihilation and decimation of civilization that continues with no end in sight.
National defense force is deployed as imperialists’ private army and similarly national treasury squandered for delusional aspirations such as global dominance.
Western democracy is anything but democratic with monarchy or political dynasty usurped to power disguised as republic.
Besides, hegemony as secret society is the primary authority misusing the electoral process to legitimize illegitimate incognito rule.
Accordingly, elsewhere democracy is not desirable with constant western intervention to topple governments of people choice and replaced by puppet regimes and authoritarianism for proxy governance.
Imperialists’ parasitic existence from emergence to dying period is unsustainable.
The royalty evidently the major liability for the relevant nation and most importantly the colonies considering the wealth amassment and generational exploitation in these regions to build the empire and the continent that is crumbling to mark the end of the Dark Age.
Anything founded on theft and plunder using brute force with no regard for life and habitat miserably fails the test of time and serves as testimony in the future.
The representatives of the declining enterprise claiming superiority despite abhorrent trajectory reflect their denial of reality.
Furthermore the superior complex is typically the inferior quality surfacing due to low self-esteem and envy contributing to self-deception on individual character.
The combination of ignorance and arrogance also exacerbate such attribute revealing vulnerability to internal deterioration.
Supremacy is the masquerade for contempt towards virtues alien to those with this syndrome refusing to acknowledge the fact.
Yet another dilemma for them is reconciliation or rather compliance with natural law. Nothing is permanent with evolutionary process designed for a new beginning especially systems that are fundamentally flawed and dysfunctional.
Time is not stagnant and spatial variations generate different environment for conduciveness in preparation for a fresh era.
Conclusion of Dark Age (Kaliyug) comprehensively representing decadency and infamy is imminent to relieve the victims from prolonged suffering.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Secret Society – Secrecy, Spying and Systemic Abuse of Power
March 1, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The secret society premised on secrecy, spying and systemic abuse of power epitomize hypocrisy in the highest order.
Secret society members represent different backgrounds nonetheless share common goals such as wealth amassment and dominance for exclusive interests.
The world is a playground to them using politics, economy, commerce, communication media, educational institutions, entertainment industry, environment, religion, charity and human rights group that are instrumental in prolonging status quo.
Having no control over excess greed and self-destructive vices, they exert authority on the rest of the population denying freedom, basic rights and equal opportunity.
The legacy is misery, chaos and catastrophe worldwide.
Secret society is structured on the pyramid scheme with one eye tunneled vision rather than 20/20 sight in functionality. Accordingly their involvement in activities is to benefit self and selective entity at the vast majority expense.
Their key representatives amplify objection to unipolar world while maintaining monopoly on everything they come in contact with contaminating in entirety.
The archaic supremacy imposed decadent establishments and values are obsolete and obstruct progress.
Criminality, corruption, terrorism, incessant warfare for invasion, occupation and destabilization are the secret society’s hallmark traits.
They continue to pursue disastrous ambitions despite colossal failure every step of the way.
The presumptuous notion claiming superiority to masquerade inferior and unscrupulous agenda reflect reality within degenerative ambit. The infighting vying for apex position clarifies fraudulence extraordinaire.
Sparing none in exploitation, the secret society is on suicidal mission considering detrimental policies implemented through proxy governance under the guise of democracy and republic rule.
The electoral process is the catalyst to legitimize illegitimacy in the shadow organization engineered mandate pledged allegiance to hegemony.
Creating imposters and prodding wannabes with flawed performance is the latest trend in the futile attempts to avert inevitable ending of cataclysmic conglomerate.
As a result the willful performers buffoonery and promiscuity is on display with the individuals eagerness to appease hegemony for material gains and publicity pronounce notoriety.
In the absence of credibility, the secret society and surrogates violation of trust, propaganda and false flag events peak in the desperate measure to combat imminent decline.
The secret society crusade to perpetuate unsustainable present confirms insolvency in every aspect evident in dysfunctional operation.
The taxpayers in the United States and western nations are forced into dire economic situation. The wealthiest in society evade taxes shifting the burden on ordinary citizens struggling to make ends meet in life.
Besides, the tax dollars are utilized for funding warfare and intrusion in toppling governments targeted for non-compliance on secret society demands.
Elsewhere, the taxpayers are beguiled with sycophants headed governments stashing wealth in Swiss bank accounts and other tax havens in pervasive corruption deals depriving the respective nations due national revenue.
The money held in illegal format is widely promoted to augur secret society existence unheeding ramifications with reverse impact debilitating the crumbling empire.
Furthermore, the taxpayer funded federal agencies like intelligence bureau and national security is misused with dragnet surveillance on law-abiding citizens not to mention the harassment during travel at the airports conducting elaborate body scan alluding to perversion under the pretext of curbing terrorism when the secret society is the existential terror.
In the domestic front, law enforcement authorities i.e. police brutality against unarmed and innocent civilians especially the minorities is on the rise due to ignorance and prevalent discriminatory practice revealed in the trials exacerbating victims plight.
The judiciary set up on secret society oversight and political influence make a mockery of justice in the system that rewards the crafty and insidious in defiance of fairness and facts that in itself void the politically motivated judgment.
Juxtaposed hegemony operatives crimes against humanity and treason are not even subject to investigation let alone incarceration.
The convenient rule granting political immunity to incumbents although the privilege is extended beyond the term in office exemplify the travesty of justice.
Similarly public access whether communication, education, entertainment, environment, recreation, religion or charity maneuvered for subversion and mass subjugation.
Anything exceeding limit with resistance to checks and balances ominously evolve into self-endangering act expediting expiration.
Overall the secret society alias the illuminati are destined for dissolution conforming to natural law that predicates extinguishing wild fire threatening lives and habitat.
Wisdom and conscience guided conduct could possibly serve in fait accompli leading to renunciation of delusions on invincibility.
Wishing humanity liberty from calamity experienced under secret society since antiquity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant