Religion and God in Politics

June 30, 2015

Lord Buddha attained Nirvana under Pipal TreeBy Padmini Arhant

I present the preview on the above topic.  The full feature will follow shortly.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your attention.

Padmini Arhant

Incognito Rule Hypocrisy

June 29, 2015

By Padmini Arhant 

My opponents are essentially the opposition forces resisting peace, universal freedom and harmony.

They trade venom and expect honey in return.

Their violations of others rights and privacy are regarded their prerogative and entitlement.

They need to realize that imperial and colonial attitude and disposition has no place in the present and future cosmic oriented time.

The proxies and servile contingency are on board the sinking Titanic.  Hence death threats from them and their masters would have irreversible impact on them.

The immature posturing further exposes the prevalent insecurity and trepidation prompting saber rattling from them.

When they engage in smear campaigns and personal attacks they should also have the courage and integrity to receive appropriate response.

Is this not a fair expectation from those whom they target with propaganda for defamation and denigration?

When I respond to such unruly conduct by them, their reaction is to characterize my response as me being a reactionary.

The wind does not blow in one direction.

Incognito Rule desperation cannot be feigned any longer with the activities viz. pedophilia, philandering and promiscuity experimenting lewd desires in Bohemian Grove speak volume of the participants real identity.

Briefly, the opponents along with their proxies have no credibility to dictate me on propriety.

Moving along – I would like to focus on two important issues that deserve attention.

The United States Supreme Court ruling on two matters – Obama Care and Same Sex Marriage.

Obama Care – the health care legislation that was meant to be health care reform to correct the inherently flawed system was fortified with more opportunity for the health insurance and health care industry to exert control and exploit the imposition of mandatory health insurance subscription that became effective in January 2014.

In the absence of stipulations to meet their end of the bargain, the health insurance and health care industry position solidified while leaving 37 million new subscribers brought into health care ambit as a result of compulsory health insurance purchase to deal with health care industry policy.

There are many in the United States who cannot afford due to Affordable Care Act or Obama Care providing dominant status to health insurance and health care industry.

The exchange of favors in the process leading to health care legislation and mutual monetary benefits amongst negotiators cannot be ignored.

Furthermore, the quid pro quo between the administration and Supreme Court justices as the White House nominees is instrumental in upholding Obama Care for the second time.

I reiterate my statement from the past that lifetime appointment to Supreme Court in the United States is detrimental to democracy and the tradition maintained to protect the respective political parties interests much to the republic despair and disadvantage.

The cases are – 2000 Presidential Election favoring then republican candidate George W. Bush.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission – allowing Corporations and Special interests in the domestic and foreign shores to own state and national election depriving people representation.

Rejecting citizens plea on war crimes committed during Iraq war and the lawsuit against former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and accomplice denied by the highest court on land.

Now Supreme Court decision on Obama Care is honoring the pact amongst the appointees and the administration.

With respect to United States Supreme Court recognition of Same Sex marriage – the issue is politically motivated rather than eliminating social prejudice and marginalization of demography and segments in society.

Regardless, I consider this a huge victory in humanitarian context.

The incognito rule and contingency spare none and nothing with inalienable trait of parasitic existence.

The incognito rule obsession with citizens’ life comprising massive and invasive surveillance notwithstanding police brutality on the street is overt transition into a police state.

Accordingly religion, social issues, politics, economy and environment are abused to masquerade declining status.

Incognito rule and their representatives in the legislative, executive and judiciary care less about the existing social inequality and crimes against citizens from different background based on race, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

The shooting spree targeting African Americans in church and Main Street would not persist unabated and likewise detainees in Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons would not be held indefinitely without due process i.e. legal access to prove innocence.

Again the police brutality towards unarmed civilians – the African Americans in particular would not be slighted with occasional ceremonial gestures to display concern only confirming disingenuous act.

The juveniles and adults held in the prison industrial complex in the United States would not become commodities for profitability in the prison trade.

The taxpayers funded police force unleashed to threaten and harm the unarmed citizens on racial bias.

National army used as the incognito power personal army to militarize the planet.

The current trend is sponsoring terrorism and cannibalism in the quest for global conquest.

I will be back with my thoughts on election used by incognito power to prolong the unsustainable degenerative demonstrably destructive rule on the planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Incognito Rule Hypocrisy

June 29, 2015

Pipal TreeLord Buddha attained Nirvana under Pipal Tree


Pipal TreePalm Tree


By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone,

I present the topic Incognito rule hypocrisy.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Although the pictures are worth a thousand words – some might need explanation.

The obsession with tall syndrome deserves clarification to dispel myths in this context.

The tall palm tree or the cypress tree in the pictures above do not provide shade for shelter during sunny or rainy day compared with banyan, pipal and other trees of medium heights in natural environment.

The coconuts from a palm tree are not easily accessible and require mechanism to climb the tree to collect the fruit unlike the medium height tree allowing anyone regardless of size to pick the hanging fruits from it. 

Poignantly the modest height Pipal tree in Bodh Gaya, India – is famously known as the seat of enlightenment with Avatar of Lord Vishnu as Lord Buddha attaining Nirvana – the liberation of soul for union with Supreme soul.  Please see illustration above.

To narrow minds anything better and greater would always appear smaller.  The disposition despite towering heights make the source diminutive in stature and character – the relevant attributes in life.

Another example – The dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex – T-Rex is also a tall carnivore that wreaked havoc on earth and eventually became extinct. Tyrannosaurus derived from Tyranny that this TALL creature exhibited during existence.

Let this not be forgotten – the body of any length and size must be discarded upon departure from earth.  Accordingly any pride and prejudice in this respect is a reflection of shallow mind.

Learning and knowledge is demonstrated in pure thoughts and deeds freeing the self from ignorance.

Ignorance could be a bliss or an abyss. 

Peace to all!

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Politics Smear Campaign and Personal Attacks – Full Feature

June 27, 2015

Banyan Tree ImageLord Buddha attained Nirvana under Pipal TreePipal Tree


Palm Tree Cypress



By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone,

I present the full feature on Politics smear campaign and personal attacks with pictures above for education. 

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Although the pictures are worth a thousand words – some might need explanation.

The obsession with tall syndrome deserves clarification to dispel myths in this context.

The tall palm tree or the cypress tree in the pictures above do not provide shade for shelter during sunny or rainy day compared with banyan, pipal and other trees of medium heights in natural environment.

The coconuts from a palm tree are not easily accessible and require mechanism to climb the tree to collect the fruit unlike the medium height tree allowing anyone regardless of size to pick the hanging fruits from it. 

Poignantly the modest height Pipal tree in Bodh Gaya, India – is famously known as the seat of enlightenment with Avatar of Lord Vishnu as Lord Buddha attaining Nirvana – the liberation of soul for union with Supreme soul.  Please see illustration above.

To small minds anything better and greater would always appear smaller.  The disposition despite towering heights make the source diminutive in stature and character – the relevant attributes in life.

Another example – The dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex – T-Rex is also a tall carnivore that wreaked havoc on earth and eventually became extinct. Tyrannosaurus derived from Tyranny that this TALL creature exhibited during existence.

Let this not be forgotten – the body of any length and size must be discarded upon departure from earth.  Accordingly any pride and prejudice in this respect is a reflection of shallow mind.

Learning and knowledge is demonstrated in pure thoughts and deeds freeing the self from ignorance.

Ignorance could be a bliss or an abyss. 

Peace to all!

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant




Politics Smear Campaign and Personal Attacks – Segment 1

June 27, 2015

Indian Village WomenMannequin with Hijab

The pictures of Gujarati women in the village with their heads covered similar to the photo with muslim women wearing hijab or the head scarf.

The pictures depict Hindu society in North, East and Western India adaptation of Islamic custom i.e. (women covering their head) imposed during the Mogul period.  The tradition maintained until today by Hindus in Northern, Eastern and Western India although not part of original Hindu religion and culture.


By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to impromptu interaction with focus on Politics Smear Campaign and Personal Attacks to deflect public attention on real issues.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Africa – Burundi – Power Struggle And Electoral Process

June 27, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The East African nation Burundi is forced into political crisis with incumbent President Pierre Nkurunziza seeking third consecutive five year term in office after serving from 2005 until 2015.

Burundi constitution allows maximum two terms in office. President Pierre Nkurunziza decision to extend term in office and subsequent measures to compete in the Presidential election has led to public protests with government violent crackdown deploying militia against unarmed citizens and opposition factions plunging the nation into political instability.

Not long ago Burundi was ravaged in civil war over ethnic clashes between Hulu and Tutsi tribes that began in 1993 and ended in 2005.

The election of President Pierre Nkurunziza in 2005 and the administration misuse of power until now evidently prompted unsuccessful military coup followed by arrests and unrest in the country.

Election is meaningful upon the process remaining fair, free, constitutional, transparent and most importantly devoid of corruption and violence. 

Unfortunately in contemporary politics such expectation has become a tall order even though the electoral process without these basic requirements facilitates undesirable and unworthy choices to be elected to power only to abuse authority verifiable in legacy.

Furthermore removal of taxpayer funded extraordinary privileges and benefits in public office including means to earn kickbacks from various deals with economic and other sectors that is a major attraction in the fast track to wealth amassment in politics would skim disingenuous and unscrupulous entities from participation.

Politics would then perhaps attract selfless and genuinely dedicated members to do the needful for the people and the nation.

Additionally, anyone could always engage in community and national service using personal wealth and resources for that would confirm sincerity and commitment rather than aspiring political positions at taxpayers’ expense predominantly to achieve self and vested interests.

The leaderships after completing term in office would be wise to contribute positively as a member of civil society and renounce ambitions that are counterproductive.

The purpose behind constitution is to remind leaders and political members to abide by the rules and not slight the document to suit their convenience.

Any political system governed by hunger for power, fortune and individual goals to prolong self-rule and dynasty violate democracy denying the nation – republic status.

Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza stepping down from office enabling other candidates to contest in the Presidential and national election would be honorable and set precedence in the present and future to respect the rule of law exempting none in the country.

The action would save the nation from unnecessary bloodshed and chaos for Burundi could no longer afford or sustain turmoil.

The lawmakers as law-breakers trend are the reason behind dysfunctional government.

The noble path is to lead by example demonstrating loyalty and trustworthiness through deeds not unending desire to claim authority against population will.

The people in Burundi deserve peaceful existence to rebuild lives towards progress and prosperity.

The development across the state possible when national leadership and government engage in constructive role and refrain from unleashing people paid services like police force and army to quell citizens voice.

Prioritizing country over self and political motives is necessary for resolution.

Best wishes to citizens in Burundi in gaining recognition for people choice governance.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
















World – Nuclear Armament 2015

June 25, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

I present the topic with emphasis on nuclear armament exacerbating global security.

In my previous segment, I talked about the implications of nuclear proliferation currently invigorated amongst major nuclear powers as well as other nuclear states worldwide.

Being a nuclear power is a burden than formidability. The misconception about nuclear empowerment deserves discussion and debate.

I reiterate my statement that nuclear status is meaningless. The reason I say this is because a nuclear state deploying nuclear arsenal or nuclear components against non-nuclear state as it happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 20th century and subsequently in Vietnam, Iraq, and recently in Syria demonstrates weakness not strength and further highlights belligerence.

The nuclear nation air strikes laden with nuclear substance against non-nuclear state is a routine affair.

The reckless indulgence is in direct violation of the rules of engagement in warfare.

There is no deliberation prior to the use of depleted uranium or white phosphorous causing tremendous suffering to victims evident in citizens of Iraq and Gaza.

During Iraq war, the aggressors and allies used uranium on civilians in Fallujah and as a result the babies are born with congenital birth defects leading to generational impact.

This is one dimension of nuclear showdown.

The frivolous statements during presidential election in the United States warning non-nuclear adversary on the possible use of nuclear arsenal against them and euphemistically quoting all options on the table are maintained as acceptable norm of speech.

The other scenario is – nuclear nation threatening another nuclear state. The dangerous precedence ignores the preemptive nuclear exchange besides creating tensions in the region. The example is Cuban missile crisis in the 20th century that brought two nuclear powers – United States and the former Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear confrontation.

Likewise the two nuclear states in the Indian sub-confinent, South Asia – India and Pakistan Kargil war in May 1999 almost led to nuclear meltdown. 

In the 21st century, the provocation persists in the Korean peninsula with regular military drills showcasing nuclear capable fighter jets and submarines contributing to North Korea missile testing and investment in nuclear enhancement. The P5+1 usual response to North Korea’s nuclear activities is economic sanctions lasting over decades forcing population in that country into starvation.

The incumbent administration in the United States – pivot Asia policy in Asia pacific and counterpart China’s territorial annexations is another development for the world to contend with in the ongoing skirmishes in the region.

Similarly in the Baltic Sea – NATO involvement and continuous military exercise prompts Russia towards missile defense system preparedness amid disagreements between Russia and western powers on Ukraine instability.

Middle East – volatility from violence and pervasive terrorism is the choice amongst terror networks sponsors unyielding to peace prospects in ending Syrian conflict.

The intention in the Middle East is to prolong status quo having changed that part of the world into hot bed for terror operation.

Central Asia – Afghanistan designated as war zone under the pretext of combating Taliban and al Qaeda operatives in the nation.

United States military presence in central Asia substituting former Soviet Union projects the nuclear triangle with Russia and China 

Pakistan – another nuclear state with extensive terror infiltration should be a matter of great concern for the world. United States arms supply to Pakistan while extending cordial relations with ally India is a paradoxical paradigm.

Latin America – Imperial aspirations pursued with territorial disputes alongside military and naval occupation of the region.

Africa – the militarization of the continent claiming to safeguard African borders underestimates human intelligence on the real reason behind massive military incursion.

The risks that accompany nuclear status are attention worthy.

The safekeeping of nuclear weapons demand vigilance, prudence and effective management taking both human and technological errors into account.

The nuclear arsenal maintenance is no ordinary task and requires constant monitoring to avert any disorder.

The safe disposal of outdated and obsolete inventory alone costs a fortune.

In the event of mobilization of nuclear stockpiles carried out from time to time, the lapse during transportation and transit is alarming based on past incident in the United States with missing arsenal upon arrival in the destination.

Then there are nuclear sites wear and tear triggering leakage and contamination of rivers are issues that affects residents in the area.

In the aftermath of Soviet Union disintegration – the former nuclear states like Ukraine, Georgia and other nations under Soviet bloc are yet to confirm complete nuclear disarmament with remnants stock misplaced following rapid fragmentation and Soviet withdrawal.

Nuclear status is a menace costing taxpayers in billions and accordingly an economic liability to the nuclear state.

Nuclear powers military interventions and imperial ambitions through invasion and occupation has depleted national treasury in quest for regional and global conquest.

There is no guarantee that there would be no extemporaneous and impulsive actions using nuclear weapons as there are entities promoting such concept as a casual experiment much to global detriment.

Nuclear power is redundant and best renounced with a commitment to preserve life and habitat i.e. the planet for present and future existence.

The world becoming nuclear free zone is global responsibility and could no longer be evaded for that would mean denying peace, stability, security and most importantly life on earth.

The next segment will be on economic woes and miscalculation in the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

I will be back with my thoughts on that subject.

Thank you for your interest.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant











Global Security – Nuclear Proliferation

June 23, 2015

Dear Citizens,

I present a short segment on Nuclear Status with details to follow shortly on this issue and global matter.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

World – Straight Talk With Hegemony

June 22, 2015

Dear Citizens,

I present the audio version of my thoughts and analysis on Hegemony controlled politics and world affairs.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your participation.

Padmini Arhant

Religion – Holy Ramadan Onset Mubarak

June 21, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Mubarak (Felicitations) to observers of Holy Ramadan. The fasting and prayers during the religious event represent respect and devotion honoring the faith in Almighty God.

The occasion also provides opportunity to set aside differences and aim for unity and harmony within family, community and nation.

Social and religious moments are always special and remind people to engage in promoting peace and joy that is in scarcity due to prioritization of self-interest and individual comforts in life.

Also including the unfortunate and less privileged citizens through giving and sharing would add humanitarian value and enhance human spirit overall.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant

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