Paradoxical Paradigm — Exhuming Mortals To Immortality
July 29, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The contemporary trend projecting mortals as Supreme divine power defies logic and legitimacy.
First and foremost Supreme entity is immortal whereas mortals are faced with mortality a certainty deriving the term accordingly.
Second, God – the opponent to corruption, criminality, treason and prejudice…to list a few is sacrosanct unlike those projected as God epitomize fraudulence and paradoxical preference.
The elevation of mortals to divinity despite concerned member’s contrived performance masquerading real persona is unsustainable with actual traits surfacing in actions regardless of massive propaganda campaign using every medium at disposal.
Mortal’s physical and personal characteristics defined by DNA are unique and determine individual identity.
Importantly those chosen in the category were to be divine in any respect, they would not be representing forces engaged in destructive course. The representation of unscrupulous clarifies individuality and conformity.
Furthermore, the members would have qualities contrary to existing attributes found in them such as insatiable appetite for power, fame and fortune they seize using any means with some buying justice and votes using cash and threats to remain in position.
The wannabes condescendence with references to others social background as backward caste, class or creed reflects on source’s backward mindset and confirm inner decay.
These are classic symptoms of devil in disguise and survive to satisfy personal endless needs depriving majority – the needy a normal life.
The insolents track record in the interim between birth and death conclusively verifies shady origin as anything but an incident while dismal destination joining the likes nothing more than another chapter in history.
The pretentious disposition is conspicuous in deeds and statements from demagogues promoting diabolical agenda.
God – the supernatural being is parallel to none in virtuosity and simplicity.
No matter what goes behind window dressing to showcase fake items – imitation is not the same as original in value and appeal aptly being authentic.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – Eulogizing Late President APJ Abdul Kalam
July 28, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
India mourns the nuclear scientist and former President APJ Abdul Kalam’s demise.
Presidential post in Indian Parliamentary system is ceremonial limiting the role to presiding over diverse events and cultural affairs besides being a functionary upon Presidential governance in states without government due to electoral disputes or situation leading to emergency rule allowing governor as caretaker reporting developments to the President.
President presumed commander-in-chief of defense forces essentially endorse ruling government policy and consistently follows the powerful executive branch headed by Prime Minister’s office.
The President is elected through Parliamentary process with lower and upper house members’ approval of the incumbent administration nominee.
The former President Abdul Kalam appointment extended the tradition of choosing Muslim candidate to the position joining predecessors in Indian politics. The trend maintained to demonstrate secular India.
Ex-President Abdul Kalam nuclear background was an asset to Indian governments in many respect promoting controversial nuclear energy programs in particular.
The former President Abdul Kalam was a strong advocate for nuclear projects representing the government.
The ex-President was prominently engaged to sway public opinion especially on the citizens contested KudanKulam nuclear plant in Indian southern state, Tamil Nadu facilitating political authorities decision override local residents legitimate concerns on the risks involved in nuclear reactors and site operation in the wake of Fukushima disaster that is far from over.
Thereafter the former President designated in retrofit activities conforming to prevalent custom creating para-phenomenon in the increasingly illusive environment.
Dr. Abdul Kalam service in nuclear field and commitment to government as political member acknowledged amongst diverse faction.
The former President APJ Abdul Kalam retains identity in accordance with respective DNA specific to individuals that cannot be modified to suit indoctrination.
Life is an opportunity to emerge, experience and evolve in original state that verifies authenticity.
Sincere condolences to bereaved family and nation on the former President APJ Abdul Kalam’s departure.
Peace to all!
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Turkey Aggression And No Fly Zone At United States Behest is Terrorism
July 27, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Turkey under former Prime Minister changed to current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and former Foreign Minister turned incumbent Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu transformed into western powers terror domain against Syria.
Interestingly the power swap was meant to extend Erdogan rule in Presidential post.
However the election results altered Turkish political dynamics enabling PKK to enter Parliament with significant mandate and stifled AKP rise dashing political figures Erdogan and Davutoglu’s hope to contour Turkey political system.
Man proposes and God disposes in unique format.
Since western powers authorized war on Syria in 2011, the western allies in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, UAE and Jordan have assumed diverse roles in creating terror networks al Nusra Front, ISIL, ISIS from original al Qaeda deployed to destabilize Syria, Iraq and Lebanon followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The western powers having destroyed Libya through military air raids introducing no fly zone in 2011, the North African state now serving as weapons warehouse with free oil supply to the west via militia.
Turkey as NATO ally is under Germany occupation with Patriot missile installation in 2012 and a designated terror facilitator against Syria and Iraq.
Turkey transitioned from stable and secular democracy to chief terror operator essentially obeying the White House direct command.
Turkey leaderships Erdogan and Davutoglu are primarily responsible for Turkey’s fragile security and frail economy disregarding Turkish constitution that forbids aggression against non-threatening neighbors and nations anywhere.
Turkish electorate disapproval of leaders Erdogan and Davutoglu’s aggressive stance and servility to western agenda cost AKP – the Justice and Development Party suffering a serious blow in the recent national election.
The AKP leader Davutoglu often slighted with western outreach to counterpart Erdogan on all affairs – enhancing terrorism in particular only to backfire at Turkey with terror attacks within state and lately near Syrian border.
Also leaders Erdogan and Davutoglu run administration reversed peaceful settlement with Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) into confrontational position favoring terror strategy.
Turkish leaders Erdogan and Davutoglu under United States purview continue to foster terrorism by training and arming ISIL and ISIS against Syria and Iraq.
The latest massacre resulting in Kurdish deaths with at least 30 killed and several critically injured in Turkish town Suruc along Syrian border was determined as ISIL attack arousing anger and retaliation from PKK highlighting Turkish formal training of terror operatives in the past five years maintained until now.
Accordingly PKK deemed Turkish authority accountable based on facts.
Turkey’s comprehensive terror promotion from the beginning of Syrian crisis and invigorated today with Washington’s authorization and coordination unravel falsehood in United States and allies disposition to combat terror.
Turkish leaderships Erdogan and Davutoglu terror operation maneuver is aimed at Kurds and Syrians in Syria.
Although claiming to contain ISIL and ISIS, the terror groups existence made possible with Turkish, Saudi, Qatar, Israel and Jordan’s support on United States and western coalition oversight.
The ongoing trend is for Turkey to launch air assault on Syria under the guise of joining the bandwagon to remove ISIL and ISIS even though reality confirms the activities strengthening ISIL and ISIS ability with Turkish authorities long provided assistance.
The alarming development that deserves international attention and rejection is United States pact with Turkey against Syria.
United States and Turkey latest agreement reached from talks between Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and United States President Barack Obama allows U.S. to utilize Turkish Incirlik Air Base near Syria establishing Libyan style no fly zone in Syrian towns Marea and Jarabulus inside Syria.
The operation expected to have United States planes equipped with bombs and missiles accompanied by Turkish air raids denying Syria participation on their soil.
The plan warning that Syrian warplanes would be targeted upon entry into no fly zone in Syria ominously clarifies U.S and Turkey commitment to exacerbate Syrians terror experience.
U.S. and Turkey cooperation is not to dismantle ISIL and ISIS but designed to debilitate Syrian army achievement thus far.
In fact Turkey aerial attacks inside Syria in the past few days projecting Turkey pursuing ISIL and ISIS is misleading with no fly zone scenario in the offing.
United States and partners funded terror outfits in Syria are not in possession of warplanes and the idea behind no fly zone prohibiting Syrian fighter jets are to paralyze Syrian airspace.
Furthermore Ankara and Washington deal to train and arm anti-Syria Takfiris with the program having officially commenced in July 2015 seek to prepare 15,000 militants and more over three years to prolong terrorism.
United States presence in Turkey with 120 soldiers on the ground for this purpose under estimates human intelligence to accept setup as eliminating terror.
No foreign nation regardless of political stature and military capability could justify systematic destruction of sovereign state leaving over 250,000 dead and rendering millions as refugees in Syria.
United States led terror forces in Syria spreading into Iraq and Lebanon including Afghanistan with ISIL and ISIS arrival over there arguably leads to conclusion that terror sponsors remain the existential threat to humanity at large.
Terrorists did not emerge from nowhere. New World Order architects and protagonists representing United States and coalition using intelligence and military wings recruit economically deprived, gullible and vulnerable youths from different parts of the world to implement detrimental policy.
United States, Britain, France and allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and Jordan are instrumental in terror manifestation.
Their insistence to stay on course evident in U.S. defense personnel training militants in Turkey at present to proliferate militancy against Syria and Iraq then moving across Middle East.
Turkey intervention in Syria at United States behest is serious violation of Syrian sovereignty.
The pending no fly zone barring Syrian planes on their turf proves absolute disrespect for Syrian territorial integrity and population plight with relentless violence unleashed on innocent children, women and men in that country.
United States and allies refraining from manufacturing, aiding and abetting terror networks is paramount for global peace and security alongside their credibility precipitating UNSC decline.
The scores of lives lost in Syria and citizens’ refugee status squarely falls on sponsors and catalysts of terrorism.
No real leader or head of the nation could possibly be proud of endless bloodshed and catastrophe brought upon a nation that never meant any harm towards them and the rest of the world.
Syria war must come to conclusion with no further procrastination to save mankind from irreversible calamity affecting all.
Everything has limit notwithstanding tolerance to incessant violence. The situation beyond control would prompt divine interception that could perhaps be prevented with immediate ceasefire and peaceful resolution.
Best Wishes to Syria and people in prevailing over terrorism and insidious western stratagem in the so-called war on terror.
Peace to Syria!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – State Sponsored Terrorism via TSA Institutionalized Racism
July 26, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
I, Padmini Arhant, representative divine mission, author and presenter have been writing and providing solutions to problems faced by people regardless of race, religion, creed and background from world over.
I wish to highlight on the prevalent discriminatory practice at the airports in the United States making travel anything but normal.
The issue is relevant and deserves attention along with intervention to end prejudice.
Accordingly I present the mater with appropriate recommendation.
My introduction to the world began in 2008 Presidential campaign and until today I am tirelessly and selflessly engaged without being paid a dime for service from anywhere i.e. taxpayers, corporate or magic tree bearing golden coins.
In return for my service to humanity, there are many trading venom and expect honey.
The invasion of my home, life and privacy including family matter considered the political class business with intrusive surveillance and constant monitoring by those who should be on radar for their nefarious activities and scandalous track record as public figures thriving on taxpayers funded mansions, remuneration, perks and privileges enjoyed beyond the term in office.
Notwithstanding my identity, ideas, words, thoughts, style claimed as their own constituting criminality, plagiarism and piracy in willful involvement as imposters, wannabees and glory hogging opportunists.
I invested time, efforts and our lifetime savings in the 2008 Presidential election.
The contribution was acknowledged in the form of hazardous Chemical trails sprayed over our roof on countless occasions affecting our pet with tumor who had to undergo major surgery last year.
In terms of travel experience – The harassment at the United States airports targeting specific race or ethnic traveler(s) i.e. racial profiling under the guise of national security is unconstitutional, illegal and confirms reality in the desperate measure to protect real perpetrators in the position of power and authority behind 9/11 attack and current sponsors of terrorism, radicalism, extremism, militancy and cannibalism.
The proponents procedures on scrutiny and humiliating body scan at the airports never subjected to objectionable, reproachable and offensive indulgence by TSA and abusive government agencies on taxpayer salary. Hence there is insensitivity to abominable demeanor.
Due to serious infringement on individual rights and deliberate assault on character in public premise through pervasive body search tactics on selective individuals,
I, Padmini Arhant – divine mission representative demand an apology from those exceeding limits in their respective designations and the government of the United States of America.
I also seek termination of prejudicial incriminating practice using false pretext to criminalize honorable citizens for political reasons and bias reflecting on the sources irrational and irrefutable behavior.
The failure in this regard would have repercussions in epic proportion in accordance with divine agreement and natural law.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Conflicting Policies And Contradictions on Human Rights Violations
July 23, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
United States declined Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari request for arms to combat Boko Haram militant group during recent meeting at the White House on July 20, 2015.
Boko Haram is Nigeria’s nightmare wreaking havoc in daylight as well.
Nigerian President Buhari briefing on the militant faction Boko Haram incessant violence since 2009 having claimed at least 10,000 innocent lives and abductions of women and girls in large numbers did not receive White House empathy.
Accordingly Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari reaction to White House position is United States aiding and abetting Boko Haram.
United States exemplary record in this context cannot be slighted due to significance of the issue.
Palestine: United States with Congress approval of annual $3 billion in military aid besides monetary assistance to ally Israel prolong violent occupation with continuous oppression, persecution and killing of children, women and men in Palestine.
Egypt: United States $1.4 billion annual aid allows for U.S. direct control over Egypt military and political affairs suppressing human rights in Pharaoh land.
Libya: The North African nation is a weapons warehouse to United States and western sourced stockpiles with Saudi Arabia and Qatar as chief distributors to terror operatives in the Middle East and North, Central, East and West Africa.
Yemen: United States supplied F-16’s and diverse military hardware with armory to Saudi Arabia relentlessly used to decimate oil rich impoverished nation.
Bahrain: The Gulf state headed by Al-Khalifa regime hosting United States naval fifth fleet is a regular recipient of conventional arsenal from United States through Saudi Arabia and Britain’s defense contracts for use in the violent crackdown of pro-democracy movement up until now.
Syria: United States sponsoring terrorism with ammunitions cache channeled via Croatia to Saudi Arabia reaching terror networks conflated with Qatar and Turkey arms provisions perpetuate conflict in Syria giving birth to al Nusra Front, ISIS, ISIL from the original al-Qaeda spreading across to Iraq, Lebanon and beyond.
Afghanistan: Taliban and al-Qaeda access to arms and ammunitions made available from poppy cultivation and dealing with drug lords under United States and NATO operation.
Pakistan: United States latest agreement on arms flow to Pakistan is to maintain the nation as terror haven subjecting Pakistan citizens to hostile conditions besides cross border tensions and incidents involving neighbors on all sides viz. India, Iran and Afghanistan.
Latin America:
South America: Colombia: The South American nation with oil reserves and producer of gold, silver, platinum, emeralds and coal is United States military base. Colombia lately became the launch pad for United States predator drones in the region.
United States intelligence agency instigated killings of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) leaders and FARC retaliation sabotage peace talks with Colombian government.
Caribbean & Central America: United States extensive military and intelligence presence predominantly to topple democratically elected governments notwithstanding drug trade is the bedrock for corruption and political instability.
North America: Mexico: United States fast and furious program under incumbent administration facilitated weapons flurry to Mexican drug cartels prompting massive bloodshed and population exodus along the border.
United States intelligence apparatus linked to latest event with drug lord el Chapo – Joaquin Guzman escape from maximum security prison causing embarrassment to ruling government is self-explanatory.
United States traditional indulgence and sprawling activities having increased at an alarming rate,
The White House response to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari plea to contain Boko Haram, stating United States law prohibits arms sales to nations that fail to tackle human rights– is a comedy mocking tragedy and highlights United States conflicting policy worldwide.
The solution to Nigeria situation is for government to intercept and prevent arms procurement by Boko Haram and affiliates with tough measures blocking delivery passage alongside pursuing militant group to surrender and end external forces backed terror outfit.
Contemporary dogma on war and terror is to promote extremism and militancy not barring cannibalism witnessed in Syria defining decadence era conclusion.
Military might presumed right only to discover the idea was not bright.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Facts on New World Order – UNSC, EU And Euro Zone
July 22, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
New World Order is one world government subjugating nations to comply with UNSC veto and EU austerity.
UNSC with Veto Power is responsible for human suffering due to illegal sanctions and military interventions for economic and strategic gains worldwide.
The unlawful embargo and various constraints targeting non-western countries cripple economy with direct impact on population.
The agreements are rarely genuine with complicity to duplicity deceiving the world at large.
Since UNSC inception – the forces behind unipolar system comprising P5+1 and EU wield power despite dismal trajectory creating and exacerbating problems rather than resolving crisis.
The misuse of veto power in the exclusive club with members P5+1 holding them and allies above law is illegitimate and tradition unsustainable in the modern era against subordination and servility.
The so-called global powers P5+1 with imperial legacy and gross human rights violations extending into twenty first century preoccupied in territorial annexations and destabilization of nations perpetuating conflicts confirm habitual quest for dominance.
Accordingly veto power possessed UNSC dissolution is imminent for world peace and progress.
EU – the parallel government headquartered in Brussels, Belgium set up to promote New World Order protecting oligarchy, feudalism and militarism for implementation worldwide.
The strategy is evidently a failure with declining euro zone and deep economic recession within EU.
The aggressive measures against member states to submit and surrender assets in bailout deals stripping sovereignty of nations and submerging citizens in generational debt.
EU and euro zone are deceptive models to benefit the selective few at the expense of collective labor and taxations providing for the self-proclaimed privileged class parasitic existence.
The dysfunctional bodies viz. UNSC, EU, euro zone and think tanks behind egregious decisions endanger life and planet survival. Anything premised on falsehood and flawed policy cannot withstand the test of time and eventually collapse.
World deserves better opportunity to experience peace, stability and prosperity currently denied to struggling 99% by 1 % reigning control over the rest.
The destructive process conclusion expedited without exception for a positive development,
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
P5+1, EU Nuclear Deal – JCPOA Endanger Iran and Israel
July 21, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Iran Nuclear Deal – the prolific nuclear powers P5+1 engagement with non-nuclear state Iran on non-nuclear proliferation is the irony to begin with and the purpose was to contain Iran from developing a nuclear bomb predominantly to protect the only nuclear state Israel in the Middle East.
The illegal sanctions on Iran were to be lifted in entirety in exchange for Iran’s commitment to limited nuclear activity.
As I mentioned earlier, Iran’s self-declaration on oil and natural gas reserves in possession lasting over hundred years essentially negate the need for nuclear energy.
Nonetheless, the uranium enrichment for nuclear medicine and scientific programs solely directed towards life saving projects do not require external approval due to notable difference in quantity otherwise involved in manufacturing nuclear weapon.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi discussed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between P5+1 and Iran in Majlis i.e. Iranian Parliament.
Foreign Minister Zarif stated that Iran’s objectives were achieved in the deal and they are – establishing the nuclear program, enrichment and retaining the heavy water reactor.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif also mentioned about termination of sanctions on nuclear program along with enhancement of Iran’s missile capabilities in addition to removing trade and financial embargo.
The Foreign Minister also emphasized that Iran has never been and is after nuclear weapons.
Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Chief Ali Akbar Salehi briefing on JCPOA to Majlis clarified on the provisions of the agreement meant to restrict Iran from advancing towards nuclear bomb, however there are no constraints on the country’s nuclear sector since the Islamic Republic has never sought to build such weapons.
Objectively speaking, the Vienna agreement has allowed Iran nuclear program to remain intact creating false impression to Iran of P5+1 and EU having acceded to Iran’s nuclear rights.
Accordingly the foreign entities (P5+1 and EU) determined Iran as the nuclear power in the Vienna document that was adopted at UNSC with the contentious snap back mechanism reversing the JCPOA outcome using singular veto from the United States or any other ally assuming higher likelihood of Iran’s breach of contract as specified in the UNSC material.
Similarly the economic and financial sanctions are not necessarily removed despite such claim alongside stipulation in the UN resolution for sanctions to linger on for 10 years with five years extension upon initial term expiry.
The decision by P5+1 (P6) and EU obviously reached with the mindset of Iran violating the deal in the 10 years timeframe or in subsequent five years period.
Hence the statement on Iran as a nuclear power in the agreement prior to any acquisition now or in the immediate term.
Israeli authorities protest to P6 plus EU and Iran pact on the possibility of Iran transforming to nuclear power during economic boom from sanctions relief combined with P6 and EU relaxation on Iran’s nuclear sector ignore the snap back option in the agreement.
There are two scenarios from the opposite sides drawing attention.
Israel assertion on Iran bound for nuclear status regardless of snap back clause in UNSC resolution.
Perhaps Israel’s concerns are Iran’s preparedness towards Israel’s established pre-emptive strikes and provocation currently witnessed in Pentagon’s wanton rhetoric of military action against the Islamic state.
Iran stance on non-nuclear aspiration in the past and present that could not be affirmed for the future with the guarantors of today not being around tomorrow.
Contemporary issues are being addressed on short term basis neglecting repercussions in the long run.
When arriving at consensus on matter of greater importance affecting lives, the assessment of negative impact with appropriate remedy should be part of the solution.
JCPOA fails to accommodate Iran’s response to any fabricated account to derail the process. The option to revive sanctions with veto could trigger Iran reverting to nuclear goals.
With unpredictable future preventing destructive course would be wise rather than enticing Iran into entrapment prevalent in the pact.
The genuine peace accord would comprehensively and unconditionally eliminate sanctions against Iran on economic, banking and financial sector given the illegitimate rule exercised by UNSC exclusive club with veto power.
Israel’s anxiety could be alleviated upon Israel’s compliance on nuclear non-proliferation treaty becoming a signatory and exceeding expectation with nuclear disarmament i.e. dismantling Israel’s Negev Research Center, Dimona site would aptly qualify the self-proclaimed Jewish state to campaign on anti-nuclear enhancement.
In return Iran abandoning nuclear programs and shutting down sites would be fair and equal without any known or unknown JCPOA incidents prompting such actions.
Israel and Iran’s mutual and simultaneous nuclear disinheritance would guarantee peace and stability in the region.
United States administration belief that JCPOA would prohibit war in the Middle East with persisting conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Libya is misleading in context and reality.
Israel and Iran convergence on nuclear strategy divergence is the best viable option.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Political Election – Synopsis on NWO Matrix
July 18, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Synopsis on election and re-election presented for reference and understanding.
The election is the means to legitimize illegitimate conglomerate rule reining authority over world politics, economy, press and communication media, entertainment, education, environment, social issues and religion.
The election essentially an event that facilitates cash flow and money laundering in the so-called democracies with highest bidder and the wealthiest seizing power translated as electoral mandate.
Political parties buying votes with notes notwithstanding counterfeit currency distribution in the election confirms similar offers to election commission turning a blind eye to fraudulence.
As a result any claim on electoral victory with impressive margin in pseudo democracy where nowadays major political parties opt out to compete in by-polls allowing re-emergence of corrupt and scandalous to regain power unopposed is nothing more than complicity honoring external diktat.
The topic will focus on selection deceptively conducted as election asserting incognito rule – the new world order (NWO) matrix in myriad format.
United States – The re-election of incumbent President Barack Obama in 2012 strengthened MIC – the military industrial complex, Wall Street and Zionism control within and outside the country.
France – In 2012 the election of Socialist President Francois Hollande pledged to Capitalist Socialism and Imperialism revival especially in Africa replaced pro-military and corporatism President Nicolas Sarkozy despite the former French President bombing of Libya in 2011 to appease incognito power.
The karmic effects on President Sarkozy is profound having been the recipient of $50 million from the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in the first term election campaign led air raid on Libya that led to public lynching of the benefactor Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
Perhaps the French President Sarkozy hoped for NWO forces support and instead received infidelity with their choice to beguile French electorate on the supposedly Socialist contender – President Francois Hollande.
Germany – The re-election of Chancellor Angela Merkel for third term in 2013 and selected for fourth term in 2017 as international creditors insurance to prolong failing EU and euro zone only expediting the inevitable fate.
Britain – Prime Minister David Cameron sworn into second term with the conservative majority TORY in 2015.
Prime Minister David Cameron was acknowledged for accelerating hegemonic goals – the sale of defense contracts far and wide benefiting BAE and the military industrial complex (MIC) at large besides cooperation in conflicts viz. Libya bombing, Syria and other hegemony endeavors.
Prime Minister David Cameron dubbed the chief sales executive for the defense industry was not without a reason.
Russia – The alternating in positions of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with President Dmitri Medvedev in 2012 re-established Putin Presidency for third term. President Vladimir Putin dominant presence as Prime Minister and President of the Russian Federation contributes dynamics in the NWO matrix.
Ukraine – Following violent overthrow of democratic government and removal of then President Viktor Yanukovych and the cabinet,
EU and United States govern the eastern European state imposing the government in Kiev in 2014 with President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the pro-western territory leaving the pro-Russian eastern region under Russian Federation purview.
Iran – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad departure paving way to President Hassan Rouhani arrival in 2013 allowed reconfiguration with ecclesiastic representation for NWO influence.
Israel – The resurgence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015 for fourth term promulgate Zionist ideology – defying peace, stability and rationality.
India – The election in 2014 providing respite to ally Congress by favoring another Prime Minister candidate Narendra Modi of BJP familiarized as Hindu fundamentalists and RSS Saffron Party along with factions forming NDA alliance directed towards feudalism beginning with seizure of land from farmers in the land acquisition act and extends NWO matrix in South Asia.
Pakistan – Saudi dynasty funded election enabling embattled Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 2013 is convenient in continuing political maneuver and terror operation with Saudi Arabia being hegemony financier.
Afghanistan – Installation of government headed by President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani – the signatory to unpopular BSA – Bilateral Security Agreement for United States and NATO indefinite occupation is least surprising to secure NWO geopolitical ambitions in Central Asia.
Japan – Prime Minister Shinzō Abe also re-elected in 2012 delivering promise to NWO – in direct violation of electorate trust and constitution passed the contentious security bill that reserves Japanese armed forces for combat situation abroad despite absence of any direct threat to the island nation.
Greece – The debt saddled Mediterranean state with high political turnover since economic crisis in 2008 participated in more elections and referendum than experiencing relief from financial burden.
NWO banking legion through representative German Chancellor Angela Merkel commandeered Greece premier Alexis Tsipras of the ruling Syria party to fall in line and implement more austerity on Greece population.
The election and re-election in the past years and up until now present the clear picture of new world order – NWO matrix exerting dominance through proxy governance.
In order to maintain status quo sovereignty is stripped and transformed into vassal statehood with loyalty to NWO agenda – feudalism, militarism and oligarchy suppression of the republic enforced via election.
The situation raise poignant question – Is election serving or hurting electorate interests with unlimited financing and multinational bidding in behind the scenes management leading to the appointment of pre-determined candidacy?
Accordingly the participation in polls under such conditions is endorsement of illegal tradition.
Unless the custom together with operatives and nominees are rejected election would remain catharsis for voters and catalyst to exploiters in the political game.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Affairs – Glimpse of Developments during the week
July 17, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Iran Nuclear Deal – The significance would be realized upon intentions transforming into actions in lifting sanctions as that affects people of any nation more than their government.
The blockade hurt economy which again impact population especially the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged in society.
The deliberate motive to stall economic progress of a nation through sanction is best abandoned not only on humanitarian basis but also from the economic standpoint considering adverse effects on global economy.
UNSC egregious decisions with misuse of veto power and sanctions on selective nations while the real offenders on nuclear proliferation such as P5+1 and allies maintaining status quo is a huge credibility problem confronting the world.
The dissolution of UNSC in possession of veto power could no longer be evaded or dismissed in the twenty first century with changing geopolitical and economic dynamics as well as social cultural environment.
Furthermore UNSC – the unipolar exclusive club is responsible for human misery worldwide due to imperial aspirations authorizing military interventions and trade embargo on nations regarded P5+1 adversary and slight requirement to respect other nations sovereign rights in the world.
Any objection from UNSC P5+1 members to end hierarchy and accept all nations equal participation would clarify the purpose as polarization for unqualified dominance.
The nuclear pact with Iran would be meaningful upon P5+1 and allies including Israel’s disarmament setting precedence for a nuclear free world.
Meanwhile, the political exchanges on this issue projects a contrived performance to confuse world audience.
Greece – The ruling government capitulation to EU & EZ demand to receive bridge loan €7 billion to Greece banks and a subsequent €86 billion as third bailout to meet debt obligations to major creditors such as ECB and European Stability Mechanism ESM with Germany Bundestag proposals on setting up a trust comprising Greece public assets for privatization i.e. reserving Greece national and private properties as collateral is anything but remedy to Greece economic recovery.
The developments aim to protect predator practice reflective in Germany’s assertive goals and Brussels geopolitical strategy as confirmed by France Prime Minister Manuel Valls in response to opposition to GREXIT.
Any government or leadership myopic view on matter prolonging into major erroneous commitment is not fighting the battle and indeed surrendering weapons to those keen on further assault unlike the premier’s interpretation otherwise.
On the contrary adopting pragmatic approach preventing the nation and people from endless debt cycle by returning to original currency bolstered with sound financial and economic reforms would be the saving grace.
In the prevalent supremacy era with increasing ambitions to occupy nations under any pretext ranging from providing security, training foreign nations military and police force to installing Patriot Missile system like Germany did in Turkey in 2012 and the current rescue financial scheme for Greece evolving into seizure of sovereignty prompts citizens alert.
The organizations and institutions betting on failed policy and flawed strategies to deliver anticipated outcome repeatedly deal with disappointment and calamity of greater magnitude.
The established pattern yet to be recognized counterproductive.
EU and euro zone survival not possible in retaining Greece or other member states for vested interests with foundation premised on superficial settings contributing to collapse.
Greece and PIGS citizenry waking up to reality and assuming control of their life and livelihood through political and economic freedom not subjugation is the sensible alternative to the crisis.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Islam – Eid ul-Fitr Mubarak
July 17, 2015
From: Padmini Arhant
Eid ul-Fitr Mubarak! Felicitation to observers of the festival marking the end of Holy Ramzan.
Hopefully the festive season fostering the spirit of joy and cordial relations extended beyond the moment with brightness dispelling the darkness around.
Including the poor and needy in the celebration through sharing and caring makes the occasion important to all.
Happy Eid ul-Fitr! to followers of this tradition.
Peace to all!
Padmini Arhant