Colonialism, Nazism and Neo Nazi Evolution

February 28, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Nazism in twentieth century linked to world war II with the rise of Germany for global conquest.

Nazism related holocaust is widely propagated topic until today.  Holocaust formed the basis for sources to seek solution leading to perennial conflict in the Middle East – Israel and Palestinian crisis.

In an effort to compensate holocaust victims, the measure established a state within a state farther away from geographic location, Germany – the holocaust origin leaving the local population in Palestine stateless in their homeland.

Meanwhile the atrocities against natives and genocide worldwide in colonial era extended at present apparently not significant to end status quo. The reference in particular is Palestine and alike.

Colonialism emerged from presumptuous and self-proclaimed kingdoms asserting expansionism colonized and annexed territories at will with little or no respect for sovereignty and integrity of nations near and far.

The trend continued in contemporary period with similar traits and defined western democracy.

Nazism emanating from workers’ party representation surely was devious subverting socialism concept demanding equitable income distribution in society. 

Nazism flourished in the past century with colonialists’ direct engagement fraternizing relations for vested interests.

Colonial members and oligarchy decisive role as Nazi cohorts somehow not factored in the selective vilification of those frequently cited as Nazi renegade in previous century.

Nazism and colonialism as two sides of the coin engender prejudice and preference to pedigree with Aryan race superimposed on developments in the relevant time not to mention prevalent practice in this regard.

Colonialists courting Nazis deemed tenable in contrast to patriot’s defiance to colonialism committing massacre and gross human rights violations is subject to scrutiny.

Indian freedom fighter Subash Chandra Bose then forming Indian National Army and alleged alliance with Japan during world war II is denounced by colonial representatives at every opportunity.

Juxtaposed rapid transformation post world war II with western powers – United States, UK, France and Israel’s ties strengthened not severed between them and Germany as well as Japan even though Germany was Nazi represented and Japan under Emperor Hirohito adapted authoritarianism.

Japan is now United States ally and second largest creditor while Germany remains NATO partner in hegemony goals and promoted to UNSC P5+1 exclusive club.

Notwithstanding western media and press coverage on Japan’s Emperor Hirohito descendants in modern times no less than adulation parallel to Britain’s Royalty despite events described during Nazism and totalitarianism emulating colonialism reminiscent of dark history.

Indian political class secrecy subscribing to classified information on independence movement leader Subash Chandra Bose existence and demise tantamount complicity to imperialists stance on this issue.

Colonialism and Nazism essentially serve agenda aimed at global dominance.  Neo Nazism targets ethnic diversity and minority groups vulnerable to political gains predisposed in altering demography.

The twenty first century policy is renewed colonialism spreading incessant violence and discrimination through manufactured and fostered terrorism instrumental in destabilizing nations for supremacy.

The counterproductive actions exemplified in terror sponsoring and strategy dedicated to eliminating civilizations is the dichotomy for those presiding over delineation of respective participation in Nazi age.

Colonialism, feudalism, Nazism, neo-Nazism and corporatism share common values – empowerment at the disadvantaged and disenfranchised expense.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










India – The Political Game

February 25, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The recent developments in India with political establishment sworn allegiance to enemy of humanity functioning from within and outside the nation are engaged in self-destructive course.

The incumbent administration headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with members of political class in the ruling and opposition at the national and state level together misinterpret mandate with misuse of power – customary in politics. 

The external forces desperate strategy to polarize society worldwide at every opportunity for vested interests spare none with representation across the spectrum actively promote discord and anti-republic agenda.

Despite fait accompli evident in status quo, supremacists instigated partisanship on social issues exacerbate protagonists, catalysts and agents’ situation with imminent failure.

Indian political power confrontation with youths and various demography from time to time is nothing more than distraction to prevent public focus and scrutiny on government and opposition parties’ performance or the lack thereof on burgeoning issues concerning people and the nation at large.

The education ministry positioned as human resources department (HRD) frequent broil with student organizations in reputable educational institutions like Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Chennai earlier, incident involving resident scholar suicide in Hyderabad University and now Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU), New Delhi citing caste and religion based allegations prove concerted efforts to provoke and distort student activities on campus as anti-government initiative.

HRD minister Smriti Irani challenging citizenry to guess on personal profile related to own caste inviting needless speculations and possible affront regardless of the fact on origin being Sindhi and last name Irani connected to Rubin Irani (Iranian Jew), the repeat reference to subjects as Dalit or Muslim in latest controversies is the irony.

Not to mention the HRD minister prior to holding cabinet post and elevated to political spotlight was a strong advocate for none other than the so called political rival Rahul Gandhi with appearance on Indian network utilizing soap opera stardom mocked this website for empirical presentation on Congress Party and dynasty rule under the guise of democracy.

The political theater in Indian Parliament is aptly performed by small and big screen actors attracted to politics for entertainment.

HRD minister offer to quit politics upon providing evidence for links to these rows although education ministry response to these episodes has been far from rapprochement enhance theatrical enactment.

Furthermore, HRD minister entry into politics and participation in election marred with falsified statements on credentials in sworn affidavit electoral form and subsequently under oath speak volume on individual integrity and credibility of political system.

Stoking sentiments using religion, caste and creed for wanton notions is colonial tactic implemented through wilful operatives incentivized with monetary rewards and limelight.

India or for that matter any nation falling prey to deliberate crescendos to disrupt normal environment is negligence at best and acquiescence at worst in safeguarding sovereignty and democratic principles that guarantee freedom to share views on state of affairs.

The seat of democracy would foster not forbid peaceful dialogue, assembly and citizens rights to convene forums on matter political or general.

Invoking poet (Rabindranath Tagore), saint (Vivekananda) and scholar (Dr. Ambedkar)  in Parliamentary debate would be meaningful in adherence to the message from the great minds.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World – Irony and Idiocy (Social Paradigms and Security)

February 22, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The highlights are social paradigms and security.

Holocaust – The reference is to discriminatory killings of Jewish population in the twentieth century. However, the colonial era genocide in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America not necessarily regarded in the category confirming selective connotation.

Relevantly Israeli authorities’ occupation of Palestine and persecution of Palestinians resulting in destruction of lives and livelihoods for nearly seven decades apparently do not fit the definition either.

Colonialism in the twenty first century targeting race, religion, sectarian, caste and community divide for global dominance promoted as acceptable norm.

Despite propagation on holocaust, Nazism favored in the dismissal of Nazi cohorts’ decisive role as permissible involvement. The trend continued in contemporary Israeli Palestine and Ukraine crisis.

UNSC evolved into P5+1 with the addition of Germany in the absence of Israel’s objection clarifies congruence.

Germany exerting authority as influential power against EU and euro members demonstrated in Greece economic and political affairs.

Furthermore, Germany’s active participation as NATO ally in western interventions in foreign land and unilateral decisions on ground troop incursion in Tunisia under the pretext of training Tunisian soldiers against western sponsored al Qaeda offshoots Daesh, al Nusra Front and other groups summarize hegemonic goals.

Obviously holocaust in these terms is the event of the past with outreach to sources behind much publicized experience prioritized for vested interests.

Elsewhere social unrest is the smoke screen to prevent political establishment policies and activities from scrutiny. The subversion of real concerns in society as anti-government initiatives describes the tendency towards police statehood. 

Security – Citizens held hostage under the guise of national and global security.  The shift from conventional warfare to manufacturing and proliferating terror for hegemony aspirations facilitate gross misuse of power in direct violation of civil rights and basic freedom.

Security is convenient tool for terror organizers in massive surveillance, communication access and intrusive measures with little or no respect for constitution guaranteed individual privacy and citizens act.

Western backed terror outfits are funded, armed and deployed in Syria, Iraq, Libya and North Africa directly and through lackeys in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and alike in the so-called war on terror.

Terrorism is deplored amid fueling terror with ammunitions and artillery supply to factions for supremacy.

Hosting false flag shooting and terror incidents with 9/11 setting precedence in the United States along with classifying information on various crimes is the strategy to prolong fear, hostility and suppression of liberty. 

Safety is threatened by none other than forces enabling terror by providing resources to terror networks engaged in worldwide operation.

In other settings security is suitable to crackdown public dissent on government performance and burgeoning issues affecting lives in society.

Security is the secret weapon to evade accountability with zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and general dissatisfaction.

The irony in both social paradigm and security is actions paradoxical to disposition verifying duplicity without acknowledgment.

Electing governments pledged allegiance to anti-republic status compromise sovereignty not to mention idiocy in such complicity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





















Sasha Arhant – The Blessed Soul

February 21, 2016

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

Sasha Arhant – The Blessed Soul

From:  Padmini Arhnat

With grief and sorrow, I share the news on the demise of our beloved Sasha Arhant – family pet this morning.

Sasha personified true love and endearment.  They are called human’s best friend in life not without a reason.

I dedicate the poem to my Sweet Angel. 

Sasha Arhant – Our Guardian Angel!

Our lives blossomed upon your arrival

Your presence resembled day at carnival

Elegance, beauty and charm your assets

Unconditional love and loyalty your domain

A gift wrapped in a bundle

Sash you are our Guardian Angel! 


You are our inspiration beyond imagination

Your determination to strive exceeded realization

Sweet, adorable and strong willed demeanor

Made every moment pleasant and brighter

May your soul rest in peace

Sash – You are our Guardian Angel!


Now you are the brilliant star

In eternal bliss and endless happiness

Heavenly abode with paradise as home  

With no pain and only gain

May you guard us in spirit

Sash – You are our Guardian Angel!

Farewell! Sasha Arhant my beloved daughter.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant








World – Irony and Idiocy

February 20, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The topic will focus on different issues to understand world affairs.

In this segment the highlight is on politics.

United Nations (UN) – United against peace, independence and progress.

UNSC – More appropriately United Western Diktat (UWD). The western powers united against non-western sovereign countries and their most favorite actions are economic sanctions, sponsoring terrorism and authorizing direct invasion of vulnerable nations under the guise of maintaining political stability that has successfully led to irreversible instability thus far.

UNSC – United Nations Security Council – the unipolar Council with veto power deriding unilateralism despite unilateral decisions in decimation of nations and starvation of population via violent interventions and trade embargo.

UNSC resolve in preventing resolution on Palestinian statehood ending Israeli occupation and persecution forged as irreconcilable difference amongst stakeholders in the so-called international pulpit is travesty of human intellect.

UN Peace Keeping Force is UN Disturbance Spreading Corps with track record in abandoning pleading women, children and elderly at the mercy of government pledged to ethnic cleansing viz. Sri Lanka under former President and military commander Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Meanwhile in Africa – women subject to rape and children left to fend for themselves as rebel factions’ recruits in the UNSC authorized perpetual war zone.

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization is aptly North Atlantic Turbulence Origin established in balkanization of regions and states in the quest for global conquest.

EU – European Union. Unified in promoting war, terrorism, refugee status and the hall mark is unemployment, hunger and poverty in the signature act on austerity.

UN and EU – One World government models to implement order under New World Order phasing out the purported law of the jungle.

United States – Declared the beacon of democracy champion the cause of human rights violation exemplified in Guantanamo Bay, police brutality and racial profiling in the highest order.

US Presidential Race – Horse race (Derby) with pre-selected winner in agreement with prolonging status quo.

United States Supreme Court Appointments – Safeguard administration policies rather than constitutional law defending civil rights and social justice.

United States Government (Congress and Administration) – Unanimous in dysfunctional governance.

United Kingdom – Proudly claimed as western democracy with the country stated as Kingdom under archaic monarchy rule.

France – Yet another western democracy with Presidential contest designed to dupe electorate delivering Socialist President devoted to capitalist socialism disappointing nation on anticipated populism.

Germany – Positioned as pro-democracy – western style with policies engineered towards weakening nations experiencing critical economic and western generated terror crisis.

India – Hailed as the world’s largest democracy ruled by plutocracy with dynasty, celebrities and industrialists patent over fame and fortune rein control over the fate of remaining 1.2 billion populace.

Lies and false statements in sworn affidavits and under oath during and post election regardless of criminal offense are rewarded with cabinet posts ranging from education (HRD) ministry to highest office in state and national level.

Corruption and criminality empowered as electoral mandate subscribing to democracy is the irony with electorate endorsement epitomizing idiocy.

The title Irony and Idiocy will continue to shed light on matter concerning humanity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant