Cuba – Leader and Former President Fidel Castro
November 26, 2016
Cuban Leader and Former President Fidel Castro
By Mrs. Padmini Arhant
The Caribbean nation Cuba’s leader and the former President Fidel Castro passing at the age of 90 is a moment of reflection, appreciation and reconciliation for the country. The people having experienced tumultuous times and hardships possess the opportunity to evolve utilizing the good and learning from the bad events in history.
Politics never been transparent and accessible to people anywhere always pose a great challenge in remaining the republic with governance under specific control regardless of political ideology. Any nation undergoing revolution in resistance to failed system and hardline tactics are often met with internal and external ire prompting defensive mechanism to curb threat to sovereignty. In the process, implementing measures without revision contributes to stagnancy.
The major dilemma for developing nation in any region is protecting sovereign status with quest to undermine national integrity and self-determination rights persists under the guise of empathy expressed in apathy via coup, economic sanctions lasting decades crippling economy and isolation depriving the country from deserving growth and development.
The post revolution Cuba emulating former Soviet Union and China’s communism style of governance and economic policy was a misconceived strategy.
However, the socialist adaptation in providing universal health care and affordable housing to the poor and lower income category is a credit in the struggle to uplift standard of living.
In any form of government whether communism or so-called democracy, theocracy and autocracy somehow leads to concentration of power amongst core members not to mention extraneous influence and internal collusion besides corruption inhibiting real progress.
World under hegemony aimed at subjugation of nations for acquisition of resources and strategic dominance create impediments to self-sufficiency and autonomy. The rise of any nation and region subsequent to prolonged downturns is curtailed to maintain status quo.
Cuban leader and former President Fidel Castro withstood the test of time in the potential nuclear confrontation between the two nuclear powers – former Soviet Union and the United States, the CIA unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the leadership in BAY OF PIGS debacle and since then United States imposing economic embargo with refusal to lift sanctions and forge economic ties exacerbated Cuban citizens plight.
On the Cuban leadership part, any hardline approach inside Cuba to crackdown political dissidence to prevent repeat of Bay of Pigs could have been substituted with political and economic reform promoting trust and national interests.
In international affairs, Cuban leader’s effort in brokering peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC in the long embroiled internal conflict that produced unnecessary deaths and unrest in the South American nation merits recognition.
Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro rise to power in 1959 and remaining the political force in the nation and for many aspiring leaders in Latin America and around the world is testimony to tenacity and adeptness in surviving turbulence from within and outside the Caribbean island.
On this occasion of grief and sorrow, I offer my sincere condolences to the family and people of Cuba.
Wishing Cuba a new beginning with people represented democracy, peace and bright future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spousal Partner Divine Mission
United States – Election Recount Debunked
November 25, 2016
By Mrs. Padmini Arhant
United States – Election Recount Debunked
The former Presidential contender Jill Stein of Green Party with 0.5 percent votes and missing on the ballot box in many states suddenly in the forefront to test the electoral integrity on selective states ignoring the rest beckons scrutiny.
1. Who is Jill Stein?
The Green Party founder who participated in the establishment and secret society organized debate in 2012 mocking common citizens’ aspirations for green environment, constitution, libertarianism and anything ordinarily desired for a better future in a nation.
2. How did Jill Stein perform in 2016 election?
Having been unsuccessful with 0.5 percent votes, the green party was barely noticed due to lack of proper representation diminishing the prospects for a genuine green party. Now leading the recount run on the election clarifies proxy setting and the pact amongst those trying to benefit from the replay.
3. Was Jill Stein able to raise money to compete effectively in the elections in 2012 and 2016?
The green party representative Jill Stein could not reach the threshold to gain support as a serious candidate in the previous and recent election.
4. How did Jill Stein raise $5 million within 48 – 72 hours?
There is no transparency in this regard. Someone on the crusade to test the electoral integrity should exemplify in action by providing actual not fictitious names of donors behind the game. Furthermore, there should be an independent audit to verify the source and account where money is received.
Since Jill stein is concerned about electoral reliability in 2016 rather than having the consciousness to question the same in 2012 when she was on the ballot, the argument has little or no credibility besides obliging to be a pseudo for the other failed candidate in the race.
5. Who is really behind Jill Stein given the green party’s notification of Jill Stein no longer representing the political party?
None other than Jill Stein would be the one to respond to this query considering the former Presidential candidate’s pursuit for honesty.
Needless to say, the operatives behind the scenes not satisfied with the reversal of pre-meditated strategy to have their candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton as declared winner hired Jill Stein to spin vote discrepancy.
6. Why are they involved in futile exercise when members urging vote recount repeatedly maintain that the end result may not produce any change to elected status?
Perhaps anticipating different outcome upending November 4, 2016 electorate decision. However, not admitting regardless of fiasco causing unnecessary volatility in stock market and creating uncertainty on United States sovereignty with Presidential contenders defaulting on their word and concessional speech to the nation and the world at large.
7. Are the donors contributing to ill-conceived endeavor doing to undermine United States and economy?
There appears to be no other valid reason as anything said is contradictory to reality.
8. Is there not a conflict of interest in Jill Stein and other Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders backing Hillary Clinton?
Absolutely. Jill Stein ran on the green party ticket and Senator Bernie Sanders perceived as the stalwart on green cause and Wall street challenger while Hillary Rodham Clinton as democrat nominee is pro offshore drilling and heavily funded by energy and other industries known for environment hazards in the United States and overseas.
9. Does that mean those behind the democrat candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton under pretext to address alleged voting irregularities are not trustworthy?
The current event is an eye opener and confirms collusion to prolong unscrupulous agenda.
10. What is evident in the latest call on vote fraud?
Those crying foul do so only when they lose with the quest for power by any means debunked in the process.
The day politics is free from influence that would mark the birth of democracy.
Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spousal Partner Divine Mission
By Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Democracy Under Siege
How come there are problems and complaints citing irregularities in the voting for a candidate upon losing while the same not applicable in her victory during the democrat primary in 2016?
Perhaps, the fraudulent vote rigging that is claimed right now could have occurred then as well wrongfully delivering votes to the candidate who failed in previous election in 2008 depriving the actual winner during the democrat primary in 2016.
Is it because losing means – malfunction and disarray for the candidate having candidly conceded to the victor on November 4, 2016 election night witnessed by several millions worldwide?
When the electoral outcome is challenged subsequent to concession speech to the nation, the situation portends serious threat to the concept of election, electoral tradition maintained until now.
The hunger for power prompts such indulgence in utter disregard for the country and the people having spoken ending the contentious and sensationalized election.
Why is power so important to establishment and secret society member whose track record contributed to defeat in 2008 and 2016?
United States of America election with pre-approved candidacy not prevailing is regarded unacceptable. The response thereafter confirms the unscrupulous means to upend election result to continue with business as usual.
The possibility for such events occur when democracy is under siege.
Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spousal Partner Divine Mission
By Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Report on Fascism
- How do you identify Fascism?
Whenever political system and society is held hostage to certain ideology premised on hatred, prejudice, violence, discord, threats and zero tolerance to alternative views,
Then anti-peace, anti-unity and anti-humanity exercising absolute control and authority pervades beginning with politics, economy, communication media, news organizations, entertainment and education not barring religion to name a few in the ambit.
2. How does Fascism exert control?
Fascism suppresses anything regarded an obstacle to status quo using extreme measures such as isolation, close monitoring and possible assassination – being the norm and given violent pursuits.
Furthermore, utilizing seized resources Fascism prevents real awareness replaced with lies, deception, propaganda, concocted theories and importantly false representations using proxies and agents to lead the country exceeding Fascist goals.
- What are the typical traits in Fascism?
Terror, sponsoring terrorism, fear mongering, hardline tactics, duplicity, connivance and carte blanche authority besides providing immunity to those complicit in wrongdoings, corrupt and criminal activities regardless of impact on national interests.
- How does Fascism deal with citizens’ genuine concerns on economy, social inequality and poor governance?
Fascism deploys brute force using Taser, water cannons, man handling and aggressive techniques against unarmed civilians including arrests of those in peaceful assembly witnessed in 2010 towards Occupy Wall Street and protesters against NATO summit in Chicago.
Notwithstanding iron clad protection to establishment and secret society members evading accountability.
- What is freedom to Fascism?
Freedom to incognito and visible power is not limited to kill at will and extends beyond sponsoring cannibals and terror networks committing genocide and heinous crimes against innocent people in foreign land.
Wiping civilizations and population for hegemonic ambitions is yet another characteristic of Fascism.
Fascism obsession with rape, indignation of woman, human rights violations through enactment of laws against constitution and democratic principles, obstructing peace accord and truce leaving several thousands dead and millions as refugees are carried out as an entitlement.
Similarly, authorizing predator drones in poor developing nations chasing men, women and children in the dark, renditions, imprisonment denying habeas corpus amid torture and various atrocities are routine.
On the contrary, freedom to mainstream and others not in the league or secret society is restrained through vigilance and dragnet surveillance with invasive body search at the airport and unfettered access to people’s communication under the guise of national security.
- How does Fascism treat fact and truth?
Fascism treats fact and truth with contempt accompanied by harassment, bullying, mockery, caricature, demonization, distortion and subversion.
In elaboration, Fascism denies original identity creating imposters and fake scenarios to discredit reality. Additionally, dictates on personal details related to marital status and individual profile to suit own agenda.
- Who are the collaborators with Fascism?
The key members are those attracted to power and dominance willing to go any extent in exacerbating human plight while the rest incentivized with fortune and hall of fame in colluding with Fascism.
- Is Fascism favorable to diversity and cosmopolitan concept?
Only within secret society to advance counterproductive missions causing devastation and chaos in the world.
In actuality, multiculturalism is exploited for political purpose classifying immigrants and people of different religion with negative connotations creating unnecessary tensions and disharmony.
- How does Fascism engage in election?
Election to fascism is a convenient tool to accept or reject electoral outcome depending on the candidacy. At present serious attempts are underway for a possible coup against United States electorate to invalidate the recent election result having maintained the position throughout election year 2016 and previously in 2012 that it is impossible for vote rigging or fraudulence claiming the United States voting machines to be fairly accurate and any potential malfunction or tampering to have been addressed following year 2000 Presidential election dispute.
There is fundraising going on together with those keen on upending voters who voted for the current winner Republican President-elect Donald J. Trump in an effort to seat twice unsuccessful candidacy earlier in 2008 democratic primary and 2016 general election Hillary Rodham Clinton indicative of the existing plot to sabotage electoral mandate.
The so-called third party representing secret society having mocked American electorate in 2012 general election for aspirations towards environment goals, constitutional law and civil liberty put to task in this regard.
Again, the so-called green party concerted involvement to reinstate democratic candidacy that is financed by energy giants endangering habitat and environment reveals the third party is anything but green. The collusion exemplify illegal coup d’état against majority of American electorate and constitutionality.
The same green party headed by apparent medical professional showing poor performance with barely 0.5 percent votes in two or three states in the concluded election made controversial remark on Wi-Fi frying kids brains in contradiction to Wi-Fi enabled medical procedures and tests in the technology era.
In this backdrop, the green party leadership raising skepticism on the electoral ballots clarifies ethical efficacy or the lack thereof in toppling candidacy declared victor in the election system approved and upheld since 2000 until now.
- What is Fascism aiming for?
Supremacy. The establishment and secret society pre-selected candidacy defeat is challenged to reverse election status to continue with undermining sovereignty, democratic process and above all embark on nuclear confrontation at ease given the democrat candidacy explicit desire in that respect.
The operation to dismiss Republican President-elect Donald J. Trump, the elected candidacy in 2016 election for the pre-determined democrat contender Hillary Rodham Clinton exempted from trials and prosecution related to treason, misuse of public office, betrayal of national trust and constitutional oath is the epitome of Fascism.
Mass consciousness to curtail such undemocratic and unprecedented overthrow discarding electorate decision nationwide over selective states data is critical to resurrect governance without extraneous and internal influence.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spousal Partner Divine Mission
United States – Happy Thanksgiving!
November 24, 2016
By Mrs. Padmini Arhant
Happy Thanksgiving!
I take the opportunity to thank the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the earth, air, oceans and seas, forests and mountains facilitating life on the planet.
I would like to thank the indigenous folks – the Native Americans, the first inhabitants in North America introducing the culture to express gratitude and in this instance to Mother Nature also Mother Earth for nurturing life through plentiful crops and orchards in the tradition following harvest that became Thanksgiving in the United States of America.
I thank the environmentalists protecting environment despite formidable challenges from industries and politics threatening ecological balance and planet sustenance for profitability with many species forced into extinction and humanity conditions increasingly deprived of clean air and pure water due to pollution and contamination.
In other fields, I thank the common citizens taking the time and effort to upload YouTube videos on diverse problems related to fixing things whether mechanical or technological and general glitches experienced in daily life helping fellow human beings to address them saving money and time for many through such assistance.
Keep up the good work in providing and sharing ideas and solutions to minor and major routine overload that often disrupts normal schedule. The voluntary free tips on many relevant life functionality is much appreciated.
I thank all those striving hard to make a difference in the world without ulterior motives and self-interest most importantly fame, fortune and glory.
The candidates winning and losing especially for the ones with high profile political life is premised on track record speaking louder than words and glorified editorials including powerful backing witnessed in the election campaign.
The candidate acknowledgment of own shortcomings and mistakes rather than ascribing blame or scapegoat anybody for failure would mark the humble beginning.
I thank the interns, the apprentice and those working in general office duties, the mail room in particular sorting and dispatching mail for proper delivery that could otherwise bring the entire business down and similarly production assistants enabling successful shows and programs regardless of meager pay and condescendence towards jobs and job doers in the work force.
I thank the Housewives in America and worldwide for their culinary talent shining through in ordinary life and more so on special occasions.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner without arguments on the recent 2016 election results.
In not doing so, the turkey might jump out of the table and walk out alive much to your bewilderment. Haha!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Mrs.Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spousal Partner Divine Mission
Political Immunity from Crimes and Treasonous Act to Hegemony Representatives
November 22, 2016
The recent setback in the United States general election and hegemony representatives granted immunity on crimes and treasonous acts that would otherwise attract charges and prosecution against any other citizens is least surprising and confirms business as usual with strings pulled from behind by same forces reining control over the system.
The latest report on hegemony backed establishment member, the democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton exempted from any charges related to numerous violations and misuse of tax payer funded public office is the syndicate rebuttal to electorate rejection in the 2016 election.
Such position is the political establishment reaction to electorate will declining hegemony favored candidacy. Any changes to Washington D.C. broken, dysfunctional and above all corrupt system is possible upon newly elected administration not defaulting on anti-establishment platform maintained to win electorate trust on the campaign trail.
In fact, these are the kind of issues that clarifies the real power in Washington D.C. widespread nation and worldwide.
The office of Presidency under extraneous entities and political apparatus influence cannot be expected to fulfill their pledge to those who voted for the candidacy and the President-elect assurance to represent all in the country unless they severe ties and dismantle the edifice.
The contrived and contoured operation has no desire to allow governance of the people, by the people and for the people. There is no doubt that democracy is symbolic not functional as the system is held hostage by anti-republic and anti-humanity clique unwilling to relent to electoral mandate for government without subjugation.
The continuation of politics indifferent to electorate hope and expectations for fundamental transformation beginning with holding none above law on crimes committed during the term in office is the initial sign of public betrayal.
As such, the incoming administration cabinet and key posts choices are anything but anti-establishment. On the contrary many of them are the embodiment of the political establishment responsible for derailing American progress in the domestic front besides tarnishing United States reputation and image on international affairs.
The newly elected administration plan to ban muslims entry in the United States barring screening to check on eligibility applicable to any potential immigrant from anywhere in the world is cart blanche authority that compromises America’s values as a nation of immigrants and more so with the President-elect next of kin being a naturalized citizen.
When the argument on visa restrictions to muslims is premised on terrorism, then the debate cannot preclude those cheering and expressing their delight on the fateful 9/11 event with the comment – best for Israel not to mention the ongoing warfare sponsoring terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Palestine expending United States tax dollars depriving U.S. economy due investments expediting employment prospects.
On the subject of tolerance to race, religion, socio-economic and ethnic background, the selective empathy towards white nationalism and anti-semitism (even though semitism is inappropriately referenced in the absence of anthropological lineage) clarifies resistance to broader and open society with a determination to retain status quo.
In the environment matter, measures to dislodge any meaningful and effective regulations to accommodate energy giants campaign donations prerequisites ignoring serious problems pertaining to contamination of rivers and wells, harming natural conditions and safe habitat disturbing ecological balance ultimately affecting human survival would be reversal of economic benefit.
Although job creations and growth are necessary for economic recovery, pursuing options that are proved counterproductive replaced with environmentally viable solutions such as clean natural energy – solar, wind and hydro projects also provide employment opportunity while preventing pollution and carbon emission contributing to exiting climate pattern.
In terms of national security, the prevalent method targeting and profiling people of color and certain ethnicity or family hardly been a concern and regrettably authorized regardless of such treatment and isolation conforming to harassment, bullying, sexism and racial discrimination. These practices are best abandoned to shape America as the country of vibrant diversity and progressive society.
Last but not the least, the incoming administration adopting transparency and accountability – the policy considered an obstacle to secret society and hegemonic goals with collusion and complicity from political members across the aisle, within and outside the country is the only way to reform and construct the formidable structure.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
World – Synopsis on Women Leaderships Representing Hegemony and Dynasty Impact on Global Security and Progress
November 20, 2016
World – Synopsis on Women Leaderships Representing Hegemony and Dynasty Impact on Global Security and Progress
By Padmini Arhant
Women leaderships representing political establishment, secret society and syndicate promote violence, nuclear threats, political instability, humanitarian crisis, poverty, economic and social disparity and last but not the least corruption prompted criminal investigations evaded due to immunity.
Synopsis on catastrophe inflicted on the world population by women leaderships representing secret society and political dynasty.
Women’s rise to power ordinarily an extraordinary feat. However, in politics the status made possible through privileged and political connectivity.
Women leaderships mostly borne out of parental lineage, marital basis and servile to supremacy around the world conforming to inheritance and acquisition of power demonstrably weakened women’s stature in leadership role. In politics women pursuing power more symbolic than substantive considering egregious decisions and cavalier approach adopted for personal and vested interests.
Women ascendance in politics as head of the nation proved prone to abuse of power contrary to womanhood qualities like compassion, care, prudence and responsible conduct. The reason behind trajectory is addiction to power and fame undermining values and rationality making them no different from their male counterpart in that category.
Regardless of region whether west or east, the trend among women political leaderships thus far has contributed to violence, warfare, corruption scandals, political instability, economic chaos and lately terrorism not barring nuclear option frivolously used ignoring serious repercussions from such reckless disposition.
United States preparing to elect a woman candidate with a track record on corruption scandals such as Whitewater and participation in foreign coups overthrowing democratically elected governments in developing nations exacerbating women, youth and children plight from political turbulence. The political career marred with activities and underhanded tactics including fostering terrorism causing loss of American and scores of innocent civilian lives is not a negligible involvement.
The democratic candidate Hillary Clinton violations of human rights, breach of trust and misuse of public office not surprisingly was welcome to those keen on maintaining business as usual. The democrat candidate Hillary Clinton election to serve bidders and investors in her political campaign besides secret society and not the electorate and the country at large led to unsuccessful electoral outcome.
As Senator and Secretary of State – both posts resulting from political negotiations and wrangling, the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton spared no moments to exercise excessive authority and aggressive means for destructive purpose.
The foreign policy under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the death sentence for millions of civilians in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine and population in Africa and Latin America.
Accordingly, the trepidation among victims on the possibility of democrat candidate Hillary Clinton re-entering the White House for fifth term in office was a major humanitarian concern.
The concept of election having been reversed to selection with pre-determined choice, the electorate upended subsequent to casting their ballots to establishment and secret society candidacy.
Any setbacks suffered in secret society calculation evident in United States election 2016 is countered with threats to sabotage electoral mandate and protests that would have been denounced against preferred candidacy or in the aftermath of 2008 and 2012 election characterizing as racism towards black Presidency.
The election results revealed that vote for such candidate could have been a deliberate mistake leaving the economy, security and importantly peace at stake.
The highlights on women leaderships authorizing violence, turmoil, political unrest and economic decline.
Beginning with current members the following women leaders might have gained prominence in political arena at the same time initiated pain and misery with no regrets for their action.
United States – The democrat Presidential candidate – Hillary Rodham Clinton. The entry in politics facilitated by spouse’s position as Governor of Arkansas and later as President of the United States. The candidate Hillary Clinton politics is money, mistrust and mayhem. The summary on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton clarifies power exploitation for personal gains with no respect for laws and life in general.
United Kingdom – The Brexit vote on EU membership terminated incumbency replaced with yet another woman leadership in Britain from the conservative party aka Tory. Prime Minister Theresa May willingness towards nuclear confrontation confirmed during Parliament question session is alarming in context with nuclear meltdown. Nuclear armament claimed necessary as deterrent apparently reserved as exclusive rights amongst nuclear powers especially the ones complicit in the use of nuclear components as NATO ally viz. Britain on civilians in Iraq, Libya and recently in Syria.
The same argument was dismissed during Iran’s nuclear deal in Vienna in 2015 at the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) noting the glaring double standards on nuclear entitlements escalating tension in the world. Although this topic merits discussion on entirety, the reality deserves concentration.
Britain’s predecessor, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher referred to as the Iron Lady led the nation to war in South Atlantic – better known as Falklands for Britain and Islas Malvinas for Argentina arguably disputed until today. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher conservatism or Thatcherism sparked controversy on many issues including economic plan that left the poor poorer marginalizing vulnerable segments in society. Many remarks from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher caught world attention and among them were the reference to developing nations as barbaric and on immigration, the woman Prime Minister initiated virginity test on women immigrants into Britain from India and other destinations definitely marked the irony.
Germany – the first female Chancellor Angela Merkel of Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the conservative faction with religious connotation absent Christian principles under incumbent Merkel’s leadership lay emphasis on European Union (EU), European Central Bank (ECB) governing euro currency in euro zone and International Monetary Fund (IMF) along with major international banks as parallel power.
Chancellor Angela Merkel avid advocacy for ECB, IMF and international banks packaged economic and monetary policy premised on austerity demanding fiscal responsibility from euro members in the face of severe economic crisis and soaring unemployment in Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain (PIGS) protracted financial and economic woes experienced until now.
Chancellor Angela Merkel cart blanche role using political threats in the aftermath of Greece public referendum with resounding no on austerity produced resignations from key figures in Greece ruling party in agreement with Greek voters’ option.
Chancellor Angela Merkel overture in this instance had no respect for Greece sovereignty.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel representation more of EU than Germany conspicuous in EU vote to lift ban on weapons supply to terror networks in Syria, Iraq and Libya instead of extending arms embargo that could have saved thousands of lives besides averting refugee problems to which
Chancellor Merkel explicitly denied asylum to millions forced to leave war torn Syria, Iraq and Libya.
Furthermore, Chancellor Angela Merkel defense contract and arms delivery to Saudi Arabia and nuclear laden submarine as a gift to Israel – the two states central in fomenting terror in the Middle East exemplify indifference to Saudi Kingdom’s human rights abuse using violence and women in particular and similarly Palestinian suffering in Israel occupied Palestine.
Israel – Prime Minister Golda Meir – The first and only female Prime Minister thus far in the State of Israel having served in Israeli military also referred to as the Iron Lady denied the existence of Palestine conforming to Zionist ideology on Jewish origin as chosen people ordained to be on Holy Land.
Prime Minister Golda Meir debacle reflected in October war or Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement and Prayer for peace in Jewish faith) war in 1973 between Arabs and Israel diminishing further prospects for a long political career with her resignation from the office.
Prime Minister Golda Meir controversial and militaristic foreign policy and especially disputing Palestine presence despite her arrival in 1921 as an immigrant from United States well before establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine conclusively defines the leadership failure to accept reality and foster peaceful relations with Palestinians and Arabs in the region.
Australia – Prime Minister Julia Gillard – The first female deputy Prime Minister then elevated to Prime Minister post due to political party internal fractures only to be sidelined after not being able to survive no confidence vote. This was in a way hegemony orchestrated side show using women representative to demonstrate that competence is not women’s cup of tea.
The former Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s compliance to hegemony strategy projecting womanhood in bad light impetus challenge against such false representation and consistent effort to disqualify credible potential in a woman.
Focus on Women leadership in the East.
United States – Post Election 2016 Sentiments
November 12, 2016
United States – Post Election 2016 Sentiments
By Padmini Arhant
Any contest has a winner and a loser. In a civilized setting the victor expresses gratitude and credit those enabling victory rather than owning success to self that demonstrates humility especially in a contentious political campaign.
On the other hand, the loser would acknowledge own shortcomings and trajectory contributing to failure and concede gracefully without any scapegoat to lay the blame.
Moreover, the unsuccessful outcome is also largely related to dissatisfaction with incumbency and often confirmed in electoral backlash as a message to the leadership and political party in power at that time.
For instance, the 2008 Presidential election was guaranteed to go against then President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration and republican party considering avalanche of problems and grave mistakes transformed into serious crisis.
The post-election protests this year with the slogan – Not Our President should have been there in the previous term and earlier on to justify democracy. The elected or selected choices to the White House and members of congress are yet to be the President and representative of the electorate and constituents facilitating their entry and re-election in politics that is sworn allegiance to campaign donors, special interests and syndicate reining control over the political system.
The norm thus far is voters and those considered useful to climb the ladder are solicited during election and as happened in 2008 post democratic primary, the nominee’s spouse demand to go door to door and beg voters to vote for them in condescendence defined individual character and cultural distinction.
Upon reaching the top, the ladder is kicked off from behind only to realize later that the same ladder is required to remain where they are and for those aiming higher altitude.
Politics not regarded as public service instead become a country club with privileged membership. The chosen members elevated to celebrity status with political impunity regardless of crimes that are not even recognized as such in the exclusive society.
In a way, the human nature eclipsed in self-centeredness, ego and presumptuousness forced to learn a lesson or two in life. Some learn from such experience and others don’t repeating the trend much to self-detriment.
Whenever anybody use others and be user friendly for self-interest, they are unable to deal with self-inflicted injury and setbacks in any endeavor.
Politics premised on disguise and deception is no longer able to mislead all at the same time. The actions speak louder than teleprompter messages with business as usual maintained misinterpreting electoral mandate as political capital to appease anti-humanity forces squandering tax payer funds in sponsoring terrorism and foreign aid to governments engaged in oppression and persecution of innocent population, human rights violation besides fomenting violence in the region.
In the domestic front, the tax exemption to wealthiest and mandatory health insurance subscription on lower income category and demography struggling to make ends meet in a sluggish economy verifies the outgoing administration misplaced priority. These are few among many other issues that clarifies who they represent upon assuming term in office.
So the protests with Not Our President and should also read Not Our Congress slogans aptly apply to such tradition in the oval office and Capitol Hill.
The contemporary practice to claim someone else’s positive features and fruits of labor as own typically IDENTITY THEFT and distortion of the same person’s profile, background and real life is desperate attempt seeking desperate tactics to vent frustration on debacle.
Not surprisingly politics is far from renouncing anything counterproductive despite ominous warnings and consistent disappointments on beaten track.
It might take a village to raise a child and evidently in politics many and money required to pull anything from rabbit ears to trick electorate ultimately tricking the tricksters in the game.
The combined influence using media and press coverage via glorified and exaggerated editorials together with political establishment and secret society backed candidacy not prevailing in the election 2016 substantiates not to count chickens before they are hatched without certainty on hen and chickens’ survival.
Notwithstanding declining clout amongst powerful disconnected from truth and reality.
The sentiments subsequent to election 2016 results are reactions displayed in the absence of reflection on political actuality refusing awakening.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Election Outcome 2016
November 9, 2016
United States – Election Outcome 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! America. You made it through the arduous and grueling election season sensationalized and trivialized to invalidate electorate expectations with customized outcome.
Congratulations! To Republican candidate Donald Trump on the victory that was almost written off against the contender by pollsters and several speculators across the spectrum.
Congratulations! To all winners tonight in the Senate, House and Gubernatorial race representing Congress and State assembly of respective states nationwide.
The anxiety and concerns over unexpected turn of events in the Presidential race is not surprising considering anticipation for a different result.
The global markets reaction to United States electoral outcome is misplaced as economic stability and prosperity not only in the United States but globally would remain the priority with fair and balanced trade rather than disproportionate dealings serving as an advantage for some over others in the global economy.
Furthermore, the citizens in the United States deserve a change that guarantees economic opportunity, political functionality with transparency and accountability exempting none above law. National and global security is paramount and possible in pursuing peaceful resolutions to conflicts rather than contemporary means proved counterproductive.
The concept of terror and terrorism needs to be addressed effectively beginning with identifying the cause and source that leads to weapons supply to terror networks besides funding, arming and training various terror factions for hegemonic goals that were never viable.
The American electorate cast their ballots to initiate new political system that represents the people and issues related to economy, safety, security, clean environment and equal rights barring divisiveness and prejudice.
United States is a melting pot with immigrants from around the world contributing to national wealth and economic progress. The people regardless of race, religion, gender and lifestyle orientation are all Americans and accordingly to be treated with respect, fairness and equality that would promote unity in society.
Politics refraining from political bargains and politicizing events for individual and vested interests is critical to move forward. Any kind of hidden strategies to disrupt governance or passing legislations against electorate benefit conforming to traditions maintained until now would unnecessarily create discord wasting taxpayer dollars that otherwise is to be invested in the economy, education, healthcare, infrastructure and clean environment.
In foreign policy, United States interventions spreading violence, turmoil and political instability is best abandoned with diplomacy and dialogue leading the way in dispute settlements and international affairs.
On the economic front, tax reforms to facilitate job growth in the manufacturing, service and diverse sectors boosting investments in economy is critical. Similarly, small and medium businesses also require necessary breaks and capital liquidity to successfully run operations in the United States.
The broad based economic policy will be discussed in due course. The global matter will be included in the forthcoming presentation.
All citizens are to be treated fairly regardless of their status whether legal or undocumented with families born and settled in the United States.
The environmental cause cannot be ignored as planet protection is pivotal for life existence.
The incumbents and new members joining congress to form government pledging allegiance to serve the people and the nation with liberty and justice for all is the electoral mandate not to be misinterpreted as political capital and continue with business as usual.
Wishing United States electorate and the country as well as the world at large positive development and better future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World – Women Leaderships representing Political Establishment Pose Serious Threat to Global Security and Progress
November 7, 2016
Women Leaderships representing Political Establishment Pose Serious Threat to Global Security and Progress
By Padmini Arhant
Women leaderships representing political establishment, secret society and syndicate promote violence, terrorism, nuclear threats, political instability, humanitarian crisis,poverty, economic and social disparity and last but not the least corruption prompted criminal investigations evaded due to immunity.
Synopsis on catastrophe inflicted on the world population by women leaderships representing secret society and political dynasty presented here.
Women’s rise to power ordinarily an extraordinary feat. However, in politics the status made possible through privileged and political connectivity.
Women leaderships mostly borne out of parental lineage and marital basis around the world conforming to inheritance of power demonstrably weakened women’s stature in leadership role. In politics women pursuing power more symbolic than substantive considering egregious decisions and cavalier approach adopted for individual and vested interests.
Women acquiring position in politics as head of the nation proved prone to abuse of power contrary to womanhood qualities like compassion, care, prudence and responsible conduct. The reason behind trajectory is addiction to power and fame undermining values and rationality making them no different from their male counterpart in that category.
Regardless of region whether west or east, the trend among women political leaderships thus far has contributed to violence, warfare, corruption scandals, political instability, economic chaos and lately terrorism not barring nuclear option frivolously used ignoring serious repercussions from such reckless disposition.
United States is preparing to elect a woman candidate with a track record on corruption scandals such as Whitewater and participation in foreign coups overthrowing democratically elected governments in developing nations exacerbating women, youth and children plight from political turbulence. The political career marred with activities and underhanded tactics including fostering terrorism causing loss of American and scores of innocent civilian lives is not a negligible involvement.
The democratic candidate Hillary Clinton violations of human rights, breach of trust and misuse of public office not surprisingly welcome to those keen on maintaining business as usual. The democrat candidate Hillary Clinton election would be to serve the bidders and investors in her political campaign besides secret society and not the electorate and the country at large.
As Senator and Secretary of State – both posts resulting from political negotiations and wrangling, the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton spared no moments to exercise excessive authority and aggressive means for destructive purpose.
The foreign policy under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the death sentence for millions of civilians in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine and population in Africa and Latin America.
Accordingly, the trepidation among victims on the possibility of democrat candidate Hillary Clinton re-entering the White House for fifth term in office is a major humanitarian concern.
The concept of election having been reversed to selection with pre-determined choice, the electorate upended subsequent to casting their ballots to establishment and secret society candidacy.
The vote for such candidate is a deliberate mistake leaving the economy, security and importantly peace at stake.
The highlights on women leaderships authorizing violence, turmoil, political unrest and economic decline.
Beginning with current members the following women leaders might have gained prominence in political arena at the same time instigated pain and misery with no regrets for their action.
UNITED STATES – The democrat Presidential candidate – Hillary Clinton. The entry in politics facilitated by spouse’s position as Governor of Arkansas and later as President of the United States. The candidate Hillary Clinton politics is money, mistrust and mayhem. The summary on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton clarifies power exploitation for personal gains with no respect for laws and life in general.
UNITED KINGDOM – The Brexit vote on EU membership terminated incumbency replaced with yet another woman leadership in Britain from the conservative party aka Tory. Prime Minister Theresa May willingness towards nuclear confrontation confirmed during Parliament question session is alarming in context with nuclear meltdown. Nuclear armament claimed necessary as deterrent apparently reserved as exclusive rights amongst nuclear powers especially the ones complicit in the use of nuclear components as NATO ally viz. Britain on civilians in Iraq, Libya and recently in Syria. The same argument was dismissed during Iran’s nuclear deal in Vienna in 2015 at the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) noting the glaring double standards on nuclear entitlements escalating tension in the world.
Although the nuclear topic merits discussion on entirety, the reality deserves concentration.
Britain’s predecessor, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher referred to as the Iron Lady led the nation to war in South Atlantic – better known as Falklands for Britain and Islas Malvinas for Argentina arguably disputed until today. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher conservatism or Thatcherism sparked controversy on many issues including economic plan that left the poor poorer marginalizing vulnerable segments in society. Many remarks from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher caught world attention and among them were the reference to developing nations as barbaric and on immigration, the woman Prime Minister initiated virginity test on women immigrants into Britain from India and other destinations definitely marked the irony.
GERMANY – the first female Chancellor Angela Merkel of Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the conservative faction with religious connotation absent Christian principles under incumbent Merkel’s leadership lay emphasis on European Union (EU), European Central Bank (ECB) governing euro currency in euro zone and International Monetary Fund (IMF) along with major international banks as parallel power.
Chancellor Angela Merkel avid advocacy for ECB, IMF and international banks packaged economic and monetary policy premised on austerity demanding fiscal responsibility from euro members in the face of severe economic crisis and soaring unemployment in Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain (PIGS) protracted financial and economic woes experienced until now.
Chancellor Angela Merkel cart blanche role using political threats in the aftermath of Greece public referendum with resounding no on austerity produced resignations from key figures in Greece ruling party in agreement with Greek voters’ option. Chancellor Angela Merkel overture in this instance had no respect for Greece sovereignty.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel representation more of EU than Germany conspicuous in EU vote to lift ban on weapons supply to terror networks in Syria, Iraq and Libya instead of extending arms embargo that could have saved thousands of lives besides averting refugee problems to which Chancellor Merkel explicitly denied asylum to millions forced to leave war torn Syria, Iraq and Libya.
Furthermore, Chancellor Angela Merkel defense contract and arms delivery to Saudi Arabia and nuclear laden submarine as a gift to Israel – the two states central in fomenting terror in the Middle East exemplify indifference to Saudi Kingdom’s human rights abuse using violence and women in particular and similarly Palestinian suffering in Israel occupied Palestine.
The focus on rest will continue shortly.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Politics in Disguise prolonging Establishment Rule
November 5, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
United States political system allowing only two political parties with any third party remaining the fringe factions to technically aid the pre-determined choice is the contemporary practice.
The trend adapted following 1992 Presidential race with then third party candidate the self-made billionaire Ross Perot securing 17% votes in national election cost the incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush (Sr.) losing to then Presidential candidate Bill Clinton.
The democratic Presidency did not necessarily resist wars with NATO dissemination of Baltic region under the pretext of eliminating authoritarian rule and overthrow of people choice leaderships and governments not in compliance with neo-liberalization policy for corporate ventures in poor and developing countries like Haiti in western hemisphere and Latin America.
Again the democratic Presidency was poised to privatize social security towards the end of second term in 1999 only distracted with Lewinsky sex scandal that led to impeachment. In a way this was divine intervention to halt the egregious decision hurting millions of Americans, the retired and baby boomers alike upon the notion coming into fruition.
When behind the scenes operatives controlling the office of Presidency felt the urgent need to initiate and launch the pre-meditated plan the Project for New American Century (PNAC), their choice of candidacy was someone willing to go more than a mile in the devious course to invade and occupy foreign nations for economic and strategic interests. In other words, they sought proxy Presidential candidate George W. Bush (Jr.) accompanied by actual Presidential candidate Dick Cheney as Vice President.
The Presidential election in 2000 had a third party candidate supposedly the anti-corporate and Wall Street critic Ralph Nader as independent contender essentially assisting the Republican nominee George W. Bush(Jr.) against the Democratic nominee Al Gore.
The third party in political structure surfacing only during election has been enabling the pre-selected nominee’s position representing the major political party. They are facilitators representing the same forces that reins control over the two party and periphery in politics.
In 2004, the Presidential race was designed to favor then incumbent the Republican President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to continue with the momentum of wars and economic blunders.
Again in terms of Congress, the democrats gained majority in mid-term election with events unfolding against the Republican Presidency at the White House. The foreign and domestic policy were maintained much to citizens’ plight at home and abroad.
In 2008, the democratic candidacy had an advantage over the republican contender due to predecessor’s track record.
The question arises – Did the democratic Presidency refrain from unwanted and unnecessary involvement in foreign land?
The two term democratic Presidency expedited foreign invasion exceeding the strategists’expectations through terror sponsoring, funding and training the so-called moderate terror groups nonetheless are terror networks to topple governments overseas conforming to PNAC agenda.
In the domestic front, the democratic Presidency in 2008 came to power with democrats in majority at the House and Senate. Yet somehow, the health care reform for Universal health care without exacerbating average citizens’ economic woes experienced now was not desirable and instead passed the health insurance and health care industry recommended legislation with results seen in the present time that has health insurance premiums rising by 25% and health care costs on the increase as well.
To add insult to injury in the health care legislation, the blue dog democrats positioned as conservative democrats opposed the funding for women’s reproductive concerns and treatment with the White House making concessions in that regard to accommodate the democratic segments demand.
As for the democratic Presidency in the past two terms along with democrats in the house and Senate claiming to be opposed to tax cuts for wealthy is a misnomer. They did exactly the opposite i.e. rather than letting Bush tax cuts to wealthy expire in 2010, they extended the policy perhaps to protect self-political aspirations for re-election.
On immigration issue – the current administration deportation of 2 million undocumented immigrants soon after resuming power in second term may not be the headlines or topic of discussion, however the facts cannot be dismissed to suit political preference.
In 2012, the Presidential race debated less on failure to deliver the hope and change promised in 2008 with more on the opponent’s Mormon religion making the entire election process nothing but a ritual to satisfy public. The reason being the secret society decision always upheld to maintain status quo regardless of party lines whether democrat or republican.
Fast forward in 2016, the race snowed down with sex scandals against the other candidate while the chosen candidate granted a free pass in the face of flagrant violations and abuse of power and status throughout political career.
The unprecedented setting this time around is the controversial media FOX news, networks and press across the spectrum editorializing the event as a done deal to coronate the pre-selected candidate ignoring every scandals implicating the democratic candidacy clarifies the collusion to upend electorate.
Furthermore, in the wake of more revelations against democratic candidacy linked to private email server besides several involvements causing loss of American and foreign citizens lives simply laughed at during press interview and congressional hearing describes the empathy or the lack thereof in a candidate poised to be leader of the free world.
The democratic candidate’s spouse ad hoc meeting with head of Justice Department i.e. the serving Attorney General on the airport tarmac preventing disclosure to electorate while campaign slogan declaring the candidacy to be believed as strong and trustworthy leadership undermines electorate discretion.
What voters need to understand is permanent power maneuvered dysfunctional system using two party mechanism alongside third party cooperation to sabotage potential disruption in the pre-calculated outcome.
The present republican nominee Donald Trump’s stance on immigration obviously does not correlate with reality considering the contestant’s professional undertaking in real estate industry expanding into hospitality sector that predominantly employs Latino population has created job opportunities and in return benefitted the nominee as well.
The election hype in an effort to pandering to the base or certain groups does not change the background. Latino voters fear of being deported that actually materialized recently under democratic administration in the second term also explains the political shades changing colors for expediency.
The fact of the matter is both red and blue in politics governed by self and vested interests pledge allegiance to campaign investors, incognito power and political party with little or no respect for electorate will.
Unless the veil of secrecy and privileged status is lifted, the political apparatus would be run amuck in the absence of transparency and accountability.
Politics denied a break from dynasty and establishment rule declining the nation republic governance.
The no choice is offered as the only choice in election that need not be accepted for the sake of exercising the democratic right.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Quid Pro Quo in Politics and Presidential Race 2016
November 5, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
The White House is the Country Club with memberships exclusive to those from dynasty, super rich and others willing to oblige political campaign investors besides incognito permanent power holders representing secret society.
The election season nearing end, the electorate once again expected to cast ballots and fulfill the formality as their approval of the secret society pre-determined choice.
There is no longer the question of electability, propriety and integrity in politics with the political class held above law and accountability.
In the so-called democracy, the political family i.e. dynasty rein control over establishment and political apparatus undermining laws, rules and regulations that is otherwise enforced on citizens outside of political circle.
Politics premised on quid pro quo with back end deals and mutually benefitting agreements at electorate expense use electoral process to legitimize illegitimacy. The overwhelming majority running for public office become private and special interests’ envoy upon elected to power diligently carrying out campaign financiers and behind the scenes policy makers and strategists’ instructions in the political game.
The interesting factor in election is mainstream population – the ordinary people vote and the rich fund the campaign. While Super Pac and wealthy campaign investors’ every dollar translates into power for them, that is not the case for average voter. His and her vote merely remains an expression of preference without importance.
In a way the public voting enables campaign funders and elected officials to declare political mandate as political capital to suit individual and selective entities goals.
The typical democracy would have election barring Super Pac and special interests influence as the highest bidders alongside providing opportunity for contenders without excess baggage and litany of charges related to abuse of authority and breach of public trust amounting to treason.
Apparently in contemporary politics, sex scandals and criminal involvements are measured differently with the former leading to indignation and expulsion whereas the latter granted immunity and favored to assume power.
As bizarre as it might be, the evidence based criminal engagements barely attracts flak and instead promoted as strong candidacy. This position in politics could perhaps explain shadow governance set up criteria – the more corrupt the better to advance cause woefully against country and citizens progress.
The candidacy with tarnished track record not barring blatant nuclear threat endangering life and planet survival in addition to having been in the center stage sponsoring and fostering violence through terror networks is hardly a matter of concern.
The notion that one political party’s hawkish stance is belligerence and the other party’s aggression and illegal warfare propagated as necessary involvement despite massive civilian casualties, refugee crisis, humanitarian, health and environment disaster verifies the state of affairs.
On the other side of the political aisle, contender’s next of kin as well as surrogates scripted role misleading voters during public speech is anything but honorable not to mention the intentional distortion accounts for desperate attempt to appease unscrupulous elements and destructive course.
Such performance is not useful serving neither the operative nor the source. On the contrary the contrived overture only confirms dysfunctional operation and complicity in mass deception let alone lend a voice to women and children – the easy targets in political pandering and duplicity.
Those who seek power on the political platform essentially trade electorate goodwill for personal and political gains in quid pro quo politics.
Time to wise up and recognize the situation where relevance to nonsense and no significance to substance persists to deflect citizens’ attention from real issues and global problems.
The day election offers worthy and deserving options, that would mark the dawn of democracy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant