World Events – Parallel Powers Perilous Pursuits

April 27, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The parallel powers UN, EU and International Crime Syndicate (ICS) authorized world events at present are desperation inviting self-devastation.

UN appointment of Saudi Arabia to the Commission on Status of Women (CSW) in secret voting clarifies the members respect or the lack thereof for womanhood.

Saudi Arabia prohibiting women from driving a car and imposition of law that bar women from exercising self-discretion on all matter concerning their education, health and career in addition to women requiring male permission to leave home for essential purpose elected as the guardian of women’s rights reflects misogyny.

Likewise, Saudi Arabia’s death penalty on atheism is reckless mindset without navigation submitted to adverse destination.

UN – the parallel body with UNSC selective embargo continues to remain the major impediment for peace, social justice and economic development.

NORTH KOREAObsession with North Korea is fatal attraction. Then punishing citizens of that country with harsh sanctions and subsequent mockery of DPRK lagging in economic growth is modern day persecution by those claiming to be champion of human rights.

United States provocation with military drills, nuclear armament threatening DPRK and occupation of Korean Peninsula is a serious violation of sovereignty not to mention hypocrisy in own border security with unaffordable and impractical wall heading towards government shut down.

SYRIA – The latest air strike and bombing of Syria’s international airport in Damascus to disrupt Syria’s progress in the war against International Crime Syndicate (ICS) sponsored ISIS, IS and ISIL proves the real terror forces protecting terror factions and manufactured terrorism in the war-torn nation.

The cowardly act targeting nations for economic resources and strategic dominance is a state of despondency relying on despotism despite defeat marking legacy. The wealth amassment from such aggressions for parasitic existence represents eternal larceny leading towards termination of hegemony.

VENEZUELA – The Organization of American States (OAS) based in Washington D.C. specializing in coup to destabilize democratic nations and governments is yet another form of political terrorism to intimidate nations and leaderships for their commitment to serve their country and importantly invest revenue from natural resources in national economy.

The tradition to dismantle and destroy countries for economic and vested interests besides grandstanding bully pulpit is self-vulnerability on display crying foul upon caught in foul play on all affairs. Unwillingness to wind up dysfunctional operations is imminent dissolution against misconception on success in flawed ambitions.

AFGHANISTAN – The illegal invasion under the pretext of democratization and providing security demonstrably in disarray with violence and mayhem dominant to boost defense contracts for arms and ammunition sales to all sides in the region. The hegemonic goals draining United States treasury in the quest for foreign endowments is self-inflicting damage showing no intention to abandon course.

PALESTINEThe illegal settlement activities and settlers’ callousness hosting BBQ to taunt pro freedom peaceful hunger strikers explains the creed bent on deed eventually hurting them in the land grab losing everything due to greed exceeding the need.

FRANCE – The French Presidential election results is a repeat political duplicity experienced in the United States with Hope and Change Presidency delivering to globalists and oligarchy in the introduction of ISIS, IS, ISIL and deceptive legislations protecting campaign financiers’ interests.

The performance laden in secrecy with Benghazi scandal, false claim in the killing of deceased Osama Bin Laden and eliminating NAVY SEAL operatives to close the chapter on that issue and deals brokered amid breach of trust favoring syndicate agenda accordingly led to backlash in consecutive congressional and 2016 Presidential election. The misrepresentation promoted opportunity for successor adopting extreme and  egregious approach to sensitive situations in the eagerness to exacerbate global crisis.

Not surprisingly, the French election is directed towards pre-selected contender pledged allegiance to status quo having been a member of the incumbent administration with key portfolio as economics minister doing more harm than good to improve struggling French economy.

The elections in general are a formality with more of the same unveiled as fresh and new similar to recycled item in fancy gift wrap arousing enthusiasm.

At the same time, the opponent aiming religion, race and ethnocentric sentiments for political gains might draw attention as controversy often ignites reaction although not without consequence and stigma. The ideology driven messages polarizing society impair positive achievements that are realized in collective contributions and fair income distribution benefitting all not just the preferred demography.

The shadow powers rule by proxy and invest in candidacy to maintain absolute control over citizens’ destiny. The political establishment and extraneous apparatus EU enforced austerity on European population under the guise of fiscal responsibility crippled ordinary people lives denying them any prospects while creating generational debt bondage to fund lofty aspirations of those behind the game.

Finally, the saber rattling and confrontational positions against nations permanently regarded adversaries are irrational and invariably produce undesirable outcome for the source.

The world has witnessed the mighty and the unscrupulous using brute force and wickedness succumb to fate.

Better to make peace than proliferate enmity in vain superiority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission














Earth Day – Nature is the Source of Science

April 23, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Earth is the common habitat that binds all species existence through food chain and depletion of any endangers survival of another. The food pyramid link is broken with many species extinct or increasingly becoming rare in the exploitation of earth’s resources meant for all.

Science discovered in nature has led to development in protecting and prolonging life. The continuous progress in prevention and cure enabled by variety of roots and plants along with chemical compounds available on earth is a natural event. The research using other animal species prior to human clinical trials is made possible by nature. The laws of physics, chemistry and biology are governed by nature barring unnatural extraneous manipulations and interference.

The inventions viz. nuclear bombs to exert dominance and introduction of guns, rifles and grenades…are regressions in civilization and continue to claim lives as potent weapons of violence.

Natural science emanating from nature guided knowledge in the study of cells and genetic compositions innovate medicine with new treatment and therapy for life threatening illness. Due to diverse orientations, any disruption in the structure as part of creation contributes to ecological imbalance eventually weakening planet sustenance.

Earth being the habitat for different genus including microorganisms, the environment neglect is a serious matter that stifles life and deteriorate living conditions with pervasive impact. The notion prioritizing economy over environment for mega profitability and meager jobs is ill-conceived and not without consequences in the near and long term depriving present and future generation to exist and experience longevity.

The combination of politics and economic goals behind global warming denial prompts egregious decisions ignoring reality. Importantly the phenomenal costs to repair and restore following environment damages exceeds revenue and gains proving the venture a lost cause at the expense of majority. The policies discarding evidence on environment woes explains impervious stance determined towards self-detriment considering own presence in the world.

The propagation on the past administration efforts to curb global warming while no discussion on the outgoing administration’s offshore drilling approval despite environment disasters such as Gulf coast BP oil spill in April 2010 and lowering bars in environment regulations to accommodate energy sector demands might serve political prospects against factual data.

The political maneuvers to win popularity and maintain status quo with entities representing economic sector was the trend that are not regarded necessary in earnest evaluation of any administration rule. At the end of the day, the actions behind the scenes are reflected in general practice. The economic segments financed political campaigns overrides commitment to rational endeavors like saving environment and optimizing planet enrichment.

The current Keystone XL pipeline project in the United States with investors from all political factions as stakeholders defy environment ramifications for personal profits and political expediency.  The brazen measure stomping legitimate resistance from indigenous groups to favor corporation and politics is misguidance overwhelming prudence. Environment laws would be meaningful upon enforcement across the spectrum. The industries behind pollution particularly known for evasion.

In the subject of Science, the political climate regardless of party in power engineered towards wars with bombings, shelling, predator drones, missiles, rockets and nuclear submarines notwithstanding consistent nuclear testing whether subterranean or overland consumes national budget with little or none to spare for National Institute of Health (NIH) funding and organizations engaged in promoting life.

The climate treaty is ineffective with no desire to change course in defusing conflicts other than nuclear threats and military artillery employed as provocation fueling tensions in sensitive regions of the world.

Western exclusive nuclear rights defining the odd decree as responsible vs. reckless when the latter is applicable to them based on legacy exacerbates global peace and environment safety.

The grave danger to environment is posed from nuclear status. Accordingly, denuclearization of all not just the targeted few is the only way to mitigate global crisis given the major powers quest for dominance and territorial annexations with nuclear might at the helm accelerating nuclear proliferation.

The preliminary step would be for all nuclear powers without exception to unconditionally surrender and dispose nuclear arsenal that would then qualify any member to denounce any other nuclear state violation. The lack of sincerity and political will on ethical standards to contain strategic arms race, short and long range ballistic missiles and several engagements bolstering offensive response to international issues compromise climate accord.

Furthermore, the sophisticated nuclear laden stockpiles and defense power embarked on confrontational strategy generates defiance vs. deterrence scenario that would consequentially affect the entire world. The western controlled system allowing them nuclear possession and storage with defacto partners in South East Asia and NATO allies in Europe set precedence in nuclear expansion.

Additionally, the trend substituting conventional warfare with terror sponsoring introduced in 2011 to quell Arab Spring in the Middle East and bifurcation of nations like Sudan into Sudan and South Sudan in 2012 to access oil and other resources in the region, extension of occupation in Afghanistan, militarization of Africa in the past decade bear responsibility in the destruction of lives and environment.

As long as hostility and aggression remain the choices over peaceful negotiations and resolutions, no climate agreement can tackle challenges in modern era.

The population suffering from avoidable communicable diseases and ailments, declining basic environment and economic prosperity choking atmosphere from congestion, severe air pollution and water contamination are not factored in the policy to benefit the privileged society shifting the burden of degradation and liabilities on average citizens worldwide.

In the fervor to drop Mother of all bombs and execute Mother of all aggressive schemes devised by Father of terror representing international crime syndicate,

Mother Nature and Mother Earth endurance is tested slighting the experiments counterproductive outcome.

Nature under assault in all directions with negative involvements for political, economic and vested interests in investments is myopic and carcinogenic with universal adverse effect.

Galaxy exploration for inhabitance amid excoriation of earth endowments is analogous to splitting between shores and midstream ending in undesirable landing.

Science success in healing life and strengthening life span is directly related to safeguarding environment and natural precincts vital for all beings on earth.

Commemorating Earth every day besides specific date is individual and collective responsibility. The remembrance delivered positively would be a glowing tribute to the only place of habitat for life.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission









World – International Criminal Syndicate (ICS)

April 20, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

International criminal syndicate is the Father of terror, prejudice and polarization. ICS is responsible for breeding terrorism and supremacy. The clique indoctrination in desperation represented in glamor, glory and goon politics.

ICS is the bedrock of divide and rule doctrine that fosters segregation, misogyny and condescendence besides cronyism and corruption. The global turmoil and security threats are caused by ICS manufactured terror and relentless violence. The world ruled by unruly triggers tumult turning the tide against the source.

With no desire for peace and pervasive progress, ICS is the classic example in existence to destroy for self-destruction. Such endeavors lead to extinction.

What you sow is what you reap in life.

Having no regrets for conduct is denial guided by delusion that ultimately bring the conclusion.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission






India – Idle Worship (Filmy Duniya Part II)

April 17, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Subsequent to earlier segment Filmy Duniya (Movie World) on entertainment industry serving as  platform for propaganda and prejudice, the current topic focus on idle worship of Film stars and the cult following that exists with celebrities getting away with man slaughter, tax evasion, political scandals involving arms deal and instigating violence...exempting them from any accountability.

Indian democracy with tiered system granting immunity on crimes to members in politics, entertainment industry and economic sector is a travesty of justice and mockery of republic status not to mention the widening gap between superior and ordinary classifications despite the slogan – Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas merely remaining a political rhetoric in the absence of rule of law across the spectrum.

The audio link above scans the profile of big screen heroes turning out to be big time zeroes due to their unlawful activities that are left unchecked exclusively on the basis of stardom and relations with politics, underworld and international syndicate besides media and press shelter.

The trend poses grave danger for society and the country at large. The mass awakening declining the cult environment is critical for real progress nationwide.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presentee

Spouse in Divine Mission



Spiritualism – Holy Friday and Happy Easter

April 15, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Jesus Christ was tested by those who had doubts in Lord’s teachings and challenged truthfulness with contempt leading to his crucifixion and sooner than later they were reminded of the Lord’s sanctity in resurrection celebrated on Easter Sunday.

Importantly, their actions were not without consequences for them. The deeds and not the creed that determine destiny.

The individuals having difficulty adhering to conscience often find themselves in conflict. Being misguided by ignorance and insolence, they ignore facts and reality in the false belief to prevail in endeavors proved destructive and counterproductive.

The denial of God by forces projecting to be ultimate authority is a repeat episode since creation and such events emanate from self-deterioration and a life without meaningful purpose.

The divine entities’ significance is to direct humanity not only in self-purification but also in retaining the world without chaos and turmoil. Unfortunately, those who rein control over systems maintain the opposites with fervor to promote ideology and personal gains despite failure accompanied by pain and suffering for the majority.

The contemporary practice targets religion and cultures with prejudice having become the way of life. The messiahs messages were to be respected and adopted in life, the experience would be positive. Instead the meaning from these messages are misinterpreted and taken out of context to serve self and vested interests.

There is also duplicity demonstrated in complicity on issues concerning lives and the world at large. The segregation and classifications in society are considered as progress providing immunity to those committing crimes in the position of power and influence setting precedence for lawlessness and corruption. These members are honored and accepted as powerful entities regardless of wrongdoings and unlawful behavior.

Life is an opportunity to be constructive and perform to the best of ability for own and others benefits. The care and compassion extended to those in distress barring discrimination, replacing hatred with kindness and harmony substituting acrimony is critical now and in the future.

Altruism any day is rewarding than narcissism.

Happy Easter!

Best Wishes

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



United States – Contradictory Statements on Critical Decisions

April 14, 2017

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Thank you for your patience and interest.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


United States – Contradictory Statements on Critical Decisions

The U.S. Airstrike on Syria’s Shayrat air base past week resulting in civilian casualties including children was reported by White House as President Donald Trump’s Presidential decree.

Whereas the President’s family claims the recommendation was made by the President’s daughter Ivanka Kushner. President Donald Trump’s son statement quoting that their father is a ‘great thinker, practical and not impulsive’ is contradictory to Trump Jr. confirmation where he confirmed that Ivanka Kushner made the proposal for missile attack against Syrian children in the villages suffering fatalities near the air field.

Any great thinker who is practical and not impulsive would have deliberated on such advice regardless of whether they came from within family or White House circles prior to submitting to such actions.

The leadership qualities are reflected in activities and accepting responsibility for any decisions. Human character is defined by honesty and truthfulness that demands courage without leaning on weapons and threats to face reality.

The latest UNSC resolution on Syria with few abstinences and veto from Russia is a positive step in deescalating tension on this issue. The eagerness to destroy lives and sovereign nations exemplify the urge to accelerate unnecessary conflicts with no respect for life and peaceful resolutions.

The display in Afghanistan with GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Blast  (MOAB) demonstrates United States political system run by jingoists determined to take United States down with provocation in Korean peninsula, intervention in Syria and detonating bombs, launching air strikes and missiles at every opportunity.

At the same time, there is no discussion on grave danger posed by allies such as Britain’s nuclear testing of Trident in July 2016 where the nuclear missile headed towards the United States across the Atlantic that could have wiped out the East Coast of the United States.

Yet this matter was covered up and not considered important to discuss in media and political discourse. On the contrary, the Prime Minister of Britain Theresa May was extended royal reception with no mention on this gross negligence potentially evolving into nuclear attack.

There is no doubt there are dangerous elements in control of United States acrimonious foreign policy engaged in preemptive and kamikaze operation with no concern for irreversible consequence.

These forces remain the existential threat to humanity and continue to challenge peace and sovereignty of nations worldwide.

Those who thought they had the world under their feet went several feet under is the fact and there will be no difference in outcome with passage of time.

Supremacy prompting egregious position is the legacy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


India – Filmy Duniya (Movie World) – Hindi

April 12, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Besides promoting ignorance and prejudice, the entertainment industry serving as propaganda medium to suppress the facts and reality on world events is the topic of discussion. Such investment in the name of entertainment  is a waste of resources and purpose in life.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


India – Filmy Duniya (Movie World) – Hindi

April 10, 2017

India – Filmy Duniya (Movie World) – Hindi

By Padmini Arhant

Besides promoting ignorance and prejudice, the entertainment industry serving as propaganda medium to suppress the facts and reality on world events is the topic of discussion. Such investment in the name of entertainment  is a waste of resources and purpose in life.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Hegemony – Sanctions to Prolong Unlawful Endeavors is Provocation with Serious Repercussions

By Padmini Arhant

The latest development to punish nations for standing against those sponsoring terrorism will undoubtedly backfire on sources behind illegitimate measures such as sanctions.

As mentioned earlier sanctions are used as a weapon to continue with invasions under false pretexts regardless of civilian casualties and humanitarian crisis. The loss of innocent lives in U.S. air strikes and military assaults without congressional approval as well as international consensus and importantly prior to any investigations on allegations are serious violations in any context that merits accountability.

Furthermore, it represents dangerous elements exerting fire power while causing more pain and suffering for citizens of nations targeted with economic sanctions.

The unilateral dispositions are designed to provoke reactions for unnecessary conflicts that are best avoided and instead initiate peaceful negotiations to end war in Syria and purge terrorism with termination of weapons cache, funding and comprehensive support to terror networks deployed in Syria and across the region.

The unwillingness to prepare for unconditional peaceful talks would indicate sincerity or the lack thereof in protecting lives and allow peaceful existence for local population in the respective domain.

Besides clarity on terror sponsors remaining the existential threat to humanity and the world at large, the status quo is confirmation of entities reining control over political decisions undermining democracy and United States sovereignty that are evidently against United States and global interests considering U.S. interventions world over.

The reason for the urge to repeat Iraq episode in Syria is the absence of checks and balances for horrendous crimes against humanity in Iraq war not to mention the collusion in 9/11 attacks to advance premeditated agenda – the Project for New American Century deceptively designed to hurt America economically and politically compromising ethics and integrity in international affairs.

Moving forward, the policy promoting aggression and non-cooperation at the expense of lives and livelihoods could no longer be the norm and such tradition is contradictory to democratic values and constitutional law.

The irony is the Supreme Court nominations and appointments with conservativism in majority is maintained as the need to interpret United States constitution appropriately in citizens matter although the trend reflects otherwise with grave concerns in recent outcomes denying U.S. citizens’ individual rights.

Simultaneously, the disregard for constitution and democratic principles on issues related to warfare and adherence to international treaty are not recognized as relevant.

The current administration rational approach exercising restraint and due diligence would enable peaceful resolutions bearing in mind that power comes with responsibility and demands maturity to deal with diverse challenges and opportunities to make peace.

In earnest commitments towards peace, the gains are inevitable leading to rapprochement compared to disguised engagement resulting in loss of trust and credibility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

Hegemony – Regime Change and Sanctions to Defend Offensive Actions

April 9, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The latest demand to oust elected government and leadership in Syria pose the following questions.

The United States elections result in 2016 has received protests nationwide with disappointment from various parts of the world.

Does this mean the current administration and Presidency of Donald J Trump be removed and replaced with opposition choice?

In this instance, there is a difference between United States and Syria.  With United States, the disapproval of leadership is by the people within United States and the rest of the world.

Whereas with Syria, the call for such action is made from forces whose position is illegitimate given their involvement as sponsors of terrorism leading to massive casualties not only in Syria but also elsewhere like terror attacks in Moscow, Stockholm and Cairo.

The action to dismiss governments and leadership regarded adversary by hegemony is premised on vested interests and radicalism rather than humanitarian or democratic reason.

In case the latter were to be true then, United States, Britain and others would begin with their members in alliance such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, UAE whose human rights violations slight U.N. Security Council resolutions and world reproach.

The international outcry on Israel’s illegal settlement activity and Saudi Arabia’s intolerance towards women driving a car and local population desire for transformation from kingdom rule to democratic system is treated with disdain and remain defiant.

Similarly, Bahrain’s crackdown on peaceful demonstrations for democracy. Turkey’s violent strategy towards Turkish citizens’ stance on their government participation in promoting and proliferation of terror. Jordanians discontent with monarchy rule with name sake parliamentary system. These are few examples that deserves attention.

Why is Syria isolated despite Syrian election amid fighting war against terror sponsored by United States and alliance?

Syria is one of the targets for the architects and catalysts behind the Project for New American Century listing nations to be brought down regardless of repercussions.

Having invaded Iraq under false pretext causing immeasurable damage and irreversible loss of lives that continues until today, these agents of deaths and destruction would not relent to peaceful resolutions.

Any nations expressing concern over undemocratic and violent measures like unilateral air strikes without congressional approval in a democracy and relentless support to terror factions are in return rebuked and categorized as potential threats to hegemony.

In the attempt to defend indefensible and reprehensible developments, the sponsors of terror call for sanctions against nations urging to exercise due diligence and their requests to contain unnecessary tensions are threatened with economic sanctions.

Sanctions for hegemony is a tool to silence rational thoughts and logic for they are considered inconvenient and hindrance to hegemonic goals.

In fact, those advocating sanctions against well-meaning and constructive course ought to be sanctioned for their reckless policy especially due to their engagement in manufacturing terror endangering global peace and security.

Sanction is a primitive measure intended to punish the population of the respective nations more than anyone that eventually hurts the source in the current global economy with economic interdependence and trade activities having ripple effects in overall global markets performance.

Restricting any nation to trade resources based on political disagreements is egregious and counterproductive. The major economies opportunity to benefit from developing and emerging economies requirements and potentials to supplement products and services in the competitive environment is lost from sanctions.

Finally, democracy is relevant upon maintaining governance without external and extraneous influence undermining republic status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



Syria – Peace Process with Immediate Withdrawal of Support to Terror Networks

April 9, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian warfare into seventh year and scores of lives lost with innocent children, women and men as victims of this unnecessary and unprovoked battle, there could be no more reasons to prolong bloodshed in the country.

The sponsors of terrorism must realize that pledging infinite assistance to terror factions proved counterproductive and should have never occurred to begin with especially when the whole operation is disguised as liberation of Syria via terrorism.

As a result, Syrians are forced to accept deaths and devastation with millions having become refugees in their homeland and unwelcome on foreign shores by sponsors of terror.

The idea of democratization of any nation whether it be Iraq earlier on or lately neighboring countries in the region is a deceptive strategy to subjugate nations creating turmoil and carnage as justification for regime change.

The tradition continues despite immense human suffering, humanitarian crisis, environment problems and major economic liability notwithstanding widespread terrorism.

Fueling terror to topple government ignoring ramifications is a reckless policy and reflects ill-conceived ideology with little or no concern for life in general.

Hegemony goals targeting vulnerable nations under false pretext is to be challenged considering the defiant trend in the absence of accountability. No economic or military power could sustain long term occupation and this fact is evidenced in history.

When something that do not belong to others is seized by force or deceit, the ownership never remains permanent with reversal of situation in the foreseeable future.

Syria is unfairly used as pawn by terror sponsors and current developments displaying superpower status and military capability at the expense of Syrian children, women and men of that nation escalates tension that could lead to undesirable scenario.

Amid global consensus on terrorism as primary threat in the modern age, nurturing terror in every aspect from funding and training to providing ammunitions pose serious credibility factor for western powers and their allies involved in the confrontation with Syria.

Terrorism cannot exist without finance and access to weapons that are made available directly and covertly to operatives in Syria.  Terminating life line and money trails along with arms delivery including communication means among terror outfits would paralyze terror.

Unfortunately, this measure is not acceptable to those behind terror sponsorship with their preference for air raids, bombing and shelling of the war ravaged country. Any sympathy from them thereafter is an insult to injury for the Syrian people.

Syrian war must end and purging terror from their homeland would be every nation’s responsibility. Syria cannot be deprived from this commitment.

As for any decisions on Syria’s political future, the same rule that exists for United States and allies should apply and that is no foreign interference.

Just like United States has objection to external influence or intervention in governance and elections prompting investigations on the alleged Russian involvement in 2016 polls that is considered violation of sovereignty and international law,

Similarly, Syria and for that matter any other nation worldwide share same rights in determining the respective political fate without outside meddling in their internal affair.

The concept of democracy is to respect and observe principles that governance by the people, for the people and of the people is the republic domain free from foreign powers’ discretion. The people of every nation are capable of making decisions concerning self and national interests barring foreign engagement and proxy representations that often diminish the prospects of better choice and outcome.

Syria is no different and Syrians ability to exercise political will were demonstrated in the recent elections despite the country combatting war against terror and the powerful forces instigating violence.

Any skepticism on Syrian election would be political and partisan even though they were monitored by UN authorized independent group unlike the elections in the so-called democracy where campaigns are financed by Super Pac funds and unlimited spending without full disclosure on sources to gain access to public office.

The world must come together in recognizing Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity calling for the ongoing sponsoring of terrorism to cease effective immediately and relieve the people of Syria from incessant destruction of lives and infrastructure.

Peace is possible with peaceful resolutions in acknowledgment of life and others’ rights to exist in the world.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission













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