Avatar (Reincarnation) – Part II

May 24, 2017

Identity Politics (Hindi)


United States – Bilderberg 2017 Meeting in Chantilly, Virginia

By Padmini Arhant

The global elites with corporate heads, bankers, European Royals and government representatives including officials from the past and present U.S. administrations discreetly gather annually to discuss on world matter.

The leading news organizations from overseas and the United States presence with press editors and chief from Bloomberg, Economic Times, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal this year and previously The New York Times and The Washington Post…to name a few are regular at the conclave.

The secret meeting today June 1st – 4th in Chantilly, Virginia slight democracy and transparency considering the decisions made at this gathering are enforced on world population.

The idea of secrecy in unanimous agreement not to disclose issues and details barring minutes of the meeting or press briefing pose serious threat to freedom of press and right to information concerning humanity. The press and media attendees at this assembly remaining silent further explains complicity in events against national and international interest.

The past and present participants’ collusion to maintain the undemocratic tradition with Presidential candidates joining the session witnessed in 2008 and earlier continued until now.

The Bilderberg group as incognito power asserting authority with egregious plan of actions to benefit the group and others pledged allegiance to them is gross violation of access to knowledge and proposals affecting lives and livelihoods of citizens across the globe.

This year agendaWar on Information is not surprising given the misuse of public trust with fake news, propaganda, distortion, subversion and fabrication leading the charts under the guise of free speech waging war against truth and facts condemned as hate speech to suppress reality.

Bilderbergers efforts to contain actual messages and instead supply concocted versions along with irrelevant news serving as major distraction remains the primary goal. Those who have been loyal to secret society stratagem are monetarily rewarded and abundantly credited regardless of their involvements in terror sponsorship and economic deals having serious impact on victims in targeted missions.

The clandestine meeting verifies the credibility or the lack thereof on members’ intention to resolve global problems for greater good rather than personal and vested gains at the majority expense.

Bilderberg group activities are evidently detrimental besides controversial. The exclusivity rejecting people outcry over privacy of the meeting exemplify determination to prolong status quo proved unsustainable.

Any meeting with powerful entities claiming absolute control over destiny of more than seven billion inhabitants and their unwillingness to hold open forum is scandalous not to mention the tolerance to such practice generating false impression as mass approval.

Allowing the convention to be the norm clarifies the state of affairs in systems poised as democracy.

Democracy subjugated in disguise is worse than declared repression.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



Europe – EU and Election

By Padmini Arhant

In the events led by Supremacists, maintaining bankers and bureaucrats run EU as the ultimate power undermining EU member states sovereignty is the primary goal in European and western nations elections.

Behind the veneer rallying for liberal or moderate governments against conservatives even though there is allegiance to oligarchy from all sides in this respect, the real expectations from global elites is the selection under the guise of election to see pro-EU and conglomerate choice prevail in the election.

Britain – The former conservative Prime Minister David Cameron betting on pro-EU platform in BREXIT referendum cost his term in office despite the TORI representative and then U.S. President Barack Obama, the apparent democrat campaigning in EU favor in 2016.

Fast forward, the liberal candidate Jeremy Corbyn pro-EU stance is welcome amongst EU establishment in semblance to recent France election where the so-called socialist government economics Minister turned born-again neo-centrist French President Emmanuel Macron receiving EU and Supremacy cadre mass approval against oligarchy branded nationalist contestant Marine Le Pen in France.

United States the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton also pro-EU advocate losing the election is regarded a major blow than U.S. citizens and foreign nationals falling prey to 9/11 terror attack and subsequent casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria besides elsewhere due to internal collusion and complicity in illegal invasion, occupation and terror sponsorship.

Canada – The current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of liberal party affirmation to EU emulating predecessor the conservative party Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Canadian politics is indicative of indifference in political affiliation with commonality on their positions towards EU and bankers controlled politics and economy.

Germany The bankers’ chief representative, German Vice Chancellor Angela Merkel remains the all-time favorite for enforcing IMF and ECB authorized austerity defined as fiscal responsibility on euro zone members ignoring dire consequences experienced until now in Greece and other member nations viz. Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain.

To summarize on strategy, the oligarchy and global elites controlled world political system evidently seeks representation pledged allegiance to them and their policy.

Any perception on gender bias noted against French candidate Marine Le Pen and Britain’s incumbent Prime Minister Theresa May is offset with endorsement of U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Germany’s VC Angela Merkel considering their positions to stand by EU and financiers ambit.

Likewise, the political parties regardless of right, left, centrist, progressive and independent do not matter. The ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, the conservative touting for EU was cheered as much as the liberal candidate Jeremy Corbyn loyalty to EU.

The shadow powers through UN, IMF, World Bank, EC, ECB and EU with NATO prolonging status quo overrides sovereignty for unipolar authority.

The dysfunctional system continued for fiduciary in the name of democracy denying people fair opportunity to republic representation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Supremacists Rise and Decline

By Padmini Arhant

Jews and Christians half-brothers and sisters Muslims are patronized in the academic and entertainment world.

The western policy sponsoring terrorism and illegal invasion and occupation of Islamic countries worldwide is aimed at two specific goals and they are transforming Muslim youth into terrorists and imposing refugee status on the population.

The worst overture is empathy to anti-Muslim and Islamophobia from the quarters responsible for the trend pioneering prejudice based on race, religion, ethnicity, class and social economic background.

Supremacy and quest for dominance is a psychological disorder emanating from insecurity and inadequacy prompting subjugation and discrimination of anyone regarded a threat to self-asserted exceptionalism.

Supremacists legacy is polarization and exploitation of targets leading to superficial status as dominant force with fear and ignorance guiding them towards violence and sedition.

The Supremacist traits are a result of lack of understanding and humility in accepting diversity as core element of creation.

The paradoxical peculiarity amongst Supremacists seek homogenous society contrasting homophobia although homosexuality practiced in relations and representation. Similarly they express zero tolerance to Islamophobia while being instrumental in Muslim cleansing through terrorism and military interventions in Islamic regions.

Supremacists xenophobic sentiments arise from exclusivity and paranoia barring anything not fitting the profile. The self-contradictory existence and false image eroding individual values contributes to decline.

Hubris indigenous to Supremacy is behind inevitable downfall.

The topic will continue to shed light on events led by Supremacy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant. com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Climate Change

The climate treaty would be effective and meaningful upon terror sponsors and arms dealers ceasing activities to save life and the planet.

The multi billion dollars weapons contract with Saudi Arabia and free arms supply to Israel and various terror factions in Syria and Iraq besides weapons reaching groups in South Asia, Latin America and Africa claiming innocent lives and polluting environment impede any efforts on climate change.

United States and Israel backed Saudi Kingdom assault on Yemen resulting in massive casualties and outbreak of cholera and other epidemic impact environment in the region spreading across the world with the free flow of goods and services as well as travel in the global economy.

Any advice from one to another on violation of climate treaty is farcical since G-7 members are responsible for major arms sales and proliferation of terrorism.

Needless to say practising what one preaches would exemplify credibility.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant. com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Political Scam 

The  Murder Inc. and Masonic society is deceiving the world in claiming the war on terror funded by them proliferating terrorism as lifeline to prolong status quo.  The duplicity objecting to travel ban on Muslim countries as liberal view to refute incumbent administration is simultaneously reversed in bombing the same Muslim nations by both the so-called democrat and republican White House.

What needs to be understood is the travel ban enforced indirectly ensuring there are not many Muslims left to travel with relentless shelling and killings through terror sponsoring since 2011 under presumably liberal Presidency Barack Hussain Obama in the United States that continues until now.

The former President Barack Hussain Obama denying any affiliation with Islam despite the name and lineage never regarded an issue.

Similarly the apparent liberal, left wing and democratic President Barack H. Obama outreach in overturning the lawsuit filed in New York against the right wing Prime Minister of India, Narinder Modi  for instigating communal violence in Gujarat resulting in many casualties with large number of muslims is accepted with admiration.

The present clamor over concern on anti-Muslim or Islam emerging from the western quarters that are committed towards decimating Islamic nations is hideous hypocrisy. 

The anti-Islam agenda is the brainchild for fundamentalists behind Greater Israel under the pretext of Project for New American Century that launched the major terror attack in the United States on 9/11 followed by series of invasions of Muslim countries in different parts of the world.

Accordingly the proxies representing them in the United States and western domain from the right, middle and left including allies in the Middle East and elsewhere remain complicit in the destructive cause.

The western empathy to Muslim refugees having been responsible for their plight and status is conflicting when they would not cease fueling terror and violent interventions in Islamic world. 

Judaism’s half brother Islam sharing the connection with Christianity is exploited for ideological extremism. In the process United States resources are depleted and western sphere targeted in the recent terror attacks convicting Islam in the zero-sum game.

The masterminds and catalysts behind this messed up operation are in a bind and clueless in averting self-inflicted disaster victimizing ordinary people. 

Fomenting and fostering terror is unjustified geopolitical strategy.

One reaps what one sows in life.  

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Social Hypocrisy 

The nefarious international clique and unscrupulous proxies represented media and communication outlets revealing real character in comments such as waitress, maid, housekeeper, stewardess and chauffeur…clearly indicative of their disdain and condescendence to people in the service and hospitality industry. The same would apply to families world over as overwhelming majority lead a modest life.

The crassness is a classic example of hypocrisy on etiquettes and political correctness across the spectrum.

The ignorant, arrogant and insolent view cleaning up ones’s own mess is beneath someone in contrast to them leaving behind their muck for others. 

By the way, how do these pompous fleecers deal with nature calls? 

Do they have one of their own come to aid given the crony culture?

What is forgotten by these dim parasites and opportunists is their worthlessness to be otherwise due to the same folks waiting around them without whom they would never be important notwithstanding their destructive presence evidently a major liability soon to be vanquished for good reasons.

Besides who do they think they are begging for votes to legitimize their illegitimacy and dependent on the labor?

The same people who are scrubbing floors, serving tables and doing dishes to earn dignified livelihood unlike them amassing wealth from treason, corrupt dealings, embezzlement, tax evasion not barring murder of the people electing them to office and enabling their rise to fame. 

Life with fear and guilt gilded in gold is a waste defeating the purpose of human embodiment ultimately ending in undesirable destination.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Avatar (Reincarnation) – Part II

By Padmini Arhant

In my last segment, I presented a synopsis on incarnation and journey after death highlighting the worlds that exist other than earth.

The topic will be elaborated for better understanding on life after death in my forthcoming book.

Is there a place called hell? – Hell there is.

Who else would know better than hell raisers on earth and their victims?

When beautiful earth is transformed into hell by those inflicting immeasurable pain and misery on others posing no threat to them, their karmic debts could never be evaded as they do with taxes and atrocities committed for centuries to exert supremacy and dominance that continues until today.

In their relentless efforts to maintain status quo with duplicity and hostility, the gatekeepers of hell poignantly chosen their destination upon imminent death since all living beings are subject to mortality regardless of whoever they assume to be in the world.

The irony is those sentencing others to death are fearful of own fatality due to inner fear on the inevitable terminus upon being deceased.  Yet there is no inclination to change course and introspect in self-acknowledgment on crimes and misdeeds in their lifetime.

Whenever the clock is turned counterclockwise evident in the past and contemporary events accelerated in the dawn of twenty first century with medieval feudalism and vassal statehood asserting authority, the conditions terminate the function and the ones behind the operation in any capacity.

The reliance on falsehood and violence barely the lifeline for international clique despite incest amongst them and proxies boarding the doomed vehicle headed towards the cliff.

Additionally, the propaganda to subvert facts is fervent in the hope to prevail in mass deception forgetting the reverse impact experienced in this experiment thus far.

The devious ploys are a gamble with the tide turning against gamblers in fait accompli.

The tradition in creating enemy serving as the premise to invade, occupy and destabilize nations carried out with every administration in the United States and western world.

In the focus on hypocrisy in politics and society – I begin with politics in the world arena.

There are four main rivals among many others for hegemony with whom sable rattling and belligerence continues for unsubstantiated cause.

They are North Korea in Korean Peninsula poised at warning the major creditor China next to Japan holding substantial stake on U.S. Treasury securities besides remaining the largest exporter of goods to the United States having extended the most favored nation (MFN) status to the apparent competitor under former President Bill Clinton and successors thereafter.

Next – Russia. In the wake of overthrow of democratically elected government in Ukraine by EU and United States leaderships under former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prompting Russian interference,

Russia is a convenient reason to boost NATO presence and incursion in the Baltic sea and around eastern and central Europe. Russia was slammed with sanctions for Crimea resulting from U.S. and EU direct role in dismantling Ukraine and installing pro-Nazi government while expressing zero tolerance to incidents cited as Nazism.

In the Middle East –Israel and Saudi Arabia’s arch nemesis – Iran and Syria.

Following United States and NATO illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003, United States and EU key western powers sponsored terrorism in 2011 with spate of recent terror attacks in western sphere is self-inflicted lesion.

Terror sponsors crying foul on terrorism is analagous to  arsonists objecting to fire crackers sale manufactured by them.

More on hypocrisy in politics and society to resume shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


















headlines in main stream media ratcheting investigations on incumbent administration ties with Russia.















AVATAR (Reincarnation) – Karma and Destiny (Part I)

May 23, 2017

AVATAR (Reincarnation) – Part I

By Padmini Arhant

In the environment of hostility and duplicity to maintain status quo, efforts to subvert reality only expose actuality.  Life is an opportunity to redeem oneself and alleviate the burden of sins as none are exempt from karmic effects experienced without fail upon death.

There is nothing worse than living in denial that imprisons mind and inhibits courage to accept responsibility for actions in life.

Please click on the above audio link for content. Any inconsistency in audio effects is technical issue currently reviewed for adjustment in the next segment. Your understanding is appreciated.

I present the topic on AVATAR (Reincarnation) with the next segment to continue in due course.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter Padmini Arhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

World – Current Affairs

May 21, 2017


Duplicity feigning Authenticity

By Padmini Arhant

Could the media in the United States care to clarify on the present family in the White House?

Is President Donald J. Trump an orthodox Jew?

If the answer is no, then the President’s eldest daughter Ivanka could not be an orthodox Jew since she is referred to as Ivanka Trump.

On the contrary, any claim on Ivanka’s apostasy from whatever that was previously to the current one through alleged marriage with an orthodox Jew Jared Kushner could not be true either with the last name Kushner discarded by supposedly an orthodox traditional spouse.

What is true?

Ivanka’s marriage to orthodox Jew Jared Kushner then why not Ivanka Kushner rather than Ivanka Trump given the orthodox status?

Alternatively, there could be no connection between Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner and yet she is supposedly a mother of his three kids struggling the act between an orthodox Jew and an unorthodox identity.

In keeping up with prevalent practice to dissect personal profile of anyone regarded a public figure, the clarification is necessary to end misrepresentation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


By Padmini Arhant

There are many questions arise due to duplicity feigning authenticity and violations are the norm.


  1.  Could any system be truly democratic when candidates are pre-selected by a special council or for that matter chosen by Super Delegates like in the United States Democratic Party exerting superiority over electorate prior to national election?


  1. What about a democracy that bars women hopefuls while expecting women voters to cast votes and yet described as vibrant democracy?


  1. How is the election free and fair with detention of political opposition and absence of other parties from mainstream denied opportunity to participate in the process?


  1. Is it possible that CIA and NSA are so weak and vulnerable that their secret world is infiltrated by Wikileaks and one of their employees both of whom are apparently fugitives and named in the most wanted list?


  1. Similarly, were CIA and counterparts in deep slumber awakened by al-Qaeda on 9/11?


  1. Is terrorism today the premise for warfare likened to communism in the past prompting invasion of Vietnam and other parts of South East Asia while triggering near nuclear meltdown targeting Cuba?


  1. Did Karl Marx benefit from communism? Or Did communism promote feudalism?


  1. Is corporate socialism facilitating welfare system for politics considering economic sector and political establishment interdependency?


  1. Are the cash flow from campaign donors to political members and vice versa via kickbacks and backend deals deemed corruption?


  1. Should lawmakers as lawbreakers be allowed to legislate laws they do not respect and follow while enforcing them against rest of the society?


  1. What about those in the position of power and authority exercising the license to kill at will whether the victim is unarmed civilian in domestic or foreign land?


  1. Is freedom of press a privilege or priority in a democracy?


  1. Should media and news outlets be pugnacious to some and unctuous to other?


  1. What makes the report fair and balanced – facts or fabrication?


  1. Should television networks be concerned about rating or rationality?


  1. What is the difference between State broadcasting and corporate channels fielding for the State?


In International Developments:


  1. Can a state annex territory and occupy neighboring country in defiance of international law and maintain normal relations with rest of the world?


  1. Should a country as major economic power claiming territorial proprietary continue to threaten region simply because the sea shares the name of the country?


  1. Is it appropriate to undermine sovereignty of a nation with arbitrary air strikes against the defense force?


  1. Does it make the wrong right with weapons supply to nation identified as terror sponsor and aggressor?


  1. Should innocent people in poorer nations die for the sake of job creation and profitability in industrialized country?


  1. What leads to self-destruction?


Response – The enslavement to greed and hatred.


  1. What distinguishes political opportunism from human compassion?


Response – When the government exploits options to stay execution order for one citizen while colludes with then ruling power in declining a rape victim the right to survive and mandatorily transports the patient in critical condition out of country against medical advice resulting in patient’s mortality and political killing.  Further victimizing the citizen by rejecting  the victim and parent’s plea to disclose the victim’s actual name.


  1. What is worst – myopia or dystopia?


Response – The former transforms into latter.


  1. What is religion to politics?


Response – The pawn for political advantage.


Something to think about in the rapacious environment.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission







United States – Democracy in Disguise

May 19, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The new administration in the United States on radar with firing and hiring process underway feeling the heat prior to summer in Washington D.C.

The news outlets and television networks continuous supply of information on the elected administration former appointees as well as campaign members alleged ties with Russia is the contentious topic not without climax to arouse interest and public attention.

Besides Russia’s presumed relations with the present administration, the investigation is initiated to determine Russia’s role in 2016 U.S. Presidential election forgetting the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful attempt in 2008 and myriad scandals burdening legitimacy.

Not to mention the democratic party successive losses in Congressional elections since 2010 until 2016 evading responsibility on electorate response to leaderships and political party performance.

The focus narrowed on Russia while there are others as United States allies engaged in adversarial activities including espionage somehow never considered security threat despite their direct involvement in 9/11 attack killing thousands of Americans and scores thereafter in Afghanistan and Iraq followed by many other targets until today.

The episode implicating then Congress member democrat Jane Harman on Homeland Security Intelligence covert pursuits in recorded conversation with two indicted Israeli spies guaranteeing less charges in exchange for her nomination to coveted Chair of House Intelligence committee unfolding in 2009 hardly a matter of concern to media and political apparatus tone-deaf to alarming breach of national security and constitution.

Accordingly, many questions arise on the credibility or the lack thereof in selective investigations with behind the scenes operatives underestimating human intelligence on all issues.

There is no secret that members of congress and administrations regardless of political representation as republican, democrat or independent pledge allegiance to the state of Israel with generous aid in billions of dollars at U.S. taxpayers’ expense expended in expanding Israel’s illegal settlement activity, terrorism and human rights violation. At the same time the fiscally conscious members in Congress deny American families and veterans essential assistance quoted as social welfare.

White House relationship with Saudi Arabia – yet another terror sponsor specializing in mass killings and collusion in installing corrupt and authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and wherever possible clarifies priorities for those in control over world political system.

Saudi Arabia weapons procurement from United States, UK and Germany used in destroying Yemen, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq genocide is a profitable deal for defense industry. The military base to protect Saudi dynasty against people in the Kingdom is a commercial advantage depriving citizens’ individual rights and freedom.

The probe to confirm Russian involvement in U.S. affairs would be appropriate upon similar engagement against others hurting U.S. economy and trustworthiness in crisis management.

The seriousness and sincerity to safeguard United States interests would be evident in the investigation holding none above the law beginning with members and administration complicit in 9/11 terror attack and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 respectively using deception in the unsubstantiated weapons of mass destruction theory.

The subsequent cover up in the false claim on deceased Osama Bin Laden murder in 2011 and elimination of Navy SEALS to erase living testimony among several other events not barring Benghazi fiasco mock democracy alongside honoring deceit and treason.

Transparency and accountability are inconvenient in the smoke and mirror setting shying away from own reflection that reveals inviolable truth about abhorrent crimes against people in the United States and worldwide.

The administrations headed by former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney along with successor ex-President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and cohorts escapades attract accolades instead of condemnation and impartial inquiry in the blatant obstruction of justice at every opportunity.

Any legal proceedings and inquest pertaining to national security and misuse of power exercised until now would be fair in the treatment of alike rather than exempting others with political immunity.

The firestorm over former FBI director James Comey is nothing but a farce considering the decision to remove the individual was inevitable with either Presidential candidates – the hawkish left and the business oriented cavalier right in obedience to Bilderberg members order.

When the world is run by those ever remaining in the dark with government leaderships in compliance to masonic directives continue to mislead electorate providing more of the same or the worst to maintain status quo, the hope and change is far from reality.

The ownership of mass communication, entertainment industry and so-called social media with captive audience is contemporary means for propaganda and mind invasion imposing rigorous measures to contain critical thinking and reasoning showing little or no tolerance to constructive thoughts and open dialogue.

Awakening in the demand for scrutiny of predecessors and incumbent administration indulgence at masonic behest leading to betrayal of voters’ trust and misappropriation of actual taxpayer funds is pertinent to avert otherwise cataclysmic developments deemed governance.

The definition of public service is reversed with those in the position of power and authority gaining affluence and influence on all things to benefit them, their near and far campaign donors and importantly the global elites leaving those electing them to office bemoaning the choice.

Another interesting factor is advocacy for destructive cause usually hired on quid pro quo with awards such as Presidential Medal of Honor and fake compliments in the self-defeating Zero-sum game.

The wise would learn from experience and repeat failures abandoning course proved counterproductive. The strategy using same formula promising different results is deployed in political field alternating members from political factions designated to function in globalists favor.

How long could this prolong with imminent expiration of anything detrimental without exception in natural law?

The parallel forces viz. masonic and surrogates end is expedited in the fervor to sustain unsustainable damaged system having exhausted techniques in misrepresentation and tactical actions.

Democracy in disguise relying on violence and duplicity endanger justice and liberty ultimately serving the reason for swift exit.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














Bilderberg – Feudalism and Vassal Statehood

May 8, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Bilderberg – Feudalism and Vassal Statehood

The organization that prides on elitism appropriately narcissism with an eye on global resources and wealth amassment from nations that are referred to as third world countries to maintain self-asserted first world category,

Bilderbergers philosophy is finance control that in return rein authority over politics, military, economy, media, entertainment and the rest fall in place.

Bilderberg members’ hypocrisy on all matter confirms the convenient rule – what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The presentation of facts on their adverse actions affecting billions of lives are characterized as rant, whining and hate speech while unabated subversion, perversion and distortion on their part in diverse format crossing the line on civility and decorum non-existent in hegemony culture deemed free speech.

Obsessed with spying, prying and snooping, Bilderbergers activities are conducted discreetly with clandestine meeting among chosen members plotting on world dominance and excavation of earth’s endowments besides exploiting global population for personal enrichment.

Classifying themselves as the ruling class, Bilderbergers parasitic existence predominantly premised on feudalism with nations worldwide targeted for subjugation and vassal statehood. The massive wealth possession largely seized by unscrupulous means and tactics lasting several generations never enough for them with quest to gain access to treasures regarded their exclusive right.

War is considered a profitable venture and accordingly direct countries investments in defense hardware and nuclear proliferation with little or no concern for other living beings on earth.

Bilderberg approval of political candidates to the highest office is necessary for them to continue with business as usual. The vetting process seek candidates’ with shady background and accepted favorable against clean record as that would pose conflict of interest in executing masonic orders.

There is also initiation ritual involved to test the mettle of their chosen candidate on mass killings authorizing cluster bombs, predator drones and missiles not excluding nuclear threats against nations earmarked for invasion and occupation.

Bilderberg policy is anti-sovereignty branding patriotism as nationalism with constitution considered a barrier in implementing goals to benefit them and long desired aspirations in altering geopolitical landscape.

They promote treason, corruption and carte blanche authority in the misuse of power in public office and private sector with guaranteed immunity for those in violations regardless of crimes against electorate and humanity at large.

The incentives are greater upon delivery exceeding expectations in mass murder and genocide. The accolades vary from Nobel Peace Prize to courage awards and lifetime protection against litigation.

Bilderberg strategy is military intervention that has now evolved from conventional warfare to sponsoring terrorism introduced in 2011 onwards denying nations under attack respite from violence and carnage. The developing nations are also used as testing grounds for defense stockpiles and bombs detonated ignoring sovereignty of those nations and impact on native population.

Yet another policy to curb economic freedom and development is sanctions against non-western nations crippling economy and forcing starvation, malnutrition and premature deaths from preventable disease due to lack of essential medicines and lifesaving items.

Bilderberg doctrine encompasses all political factions from conservative to liberal, centrist, left of center, right of center, independent, moderates and progressive with all of them sharing common objective to prolong status quo.

Election is a formality with voters voluntarily renouncing the right to dissent in the event of electoral outcome and social reform.  The zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and constructive criticism of the government and affiliates is demonstrated in handling of protesters in main street and derision via communication media.

At the same time, there are no reservations in authority containing meaningful analysis and exposure of problems within government that are invariably labeled security threat obviously to the forces behind the system.

The rare leaderships and government committed to alleviating people plight are removed from office by coup instigating political unrest to obstruct governance.

Alternatively, media, entertainment and educational institutions inundate audience and students respectively with material lacking in substance and loaded in fabrication.

The members of political establishment in lock step and barrel with globalists are honored and complimented for their compliance in undermining democracy and safeguarding decadence.

Bilderberg dominant with financiers viz. international bankers grip on national treasury tightened with private ownership under the guise of Federal institution.

The corporations’ objection to government regulations on environment, labor laws, consumer rights and fair trade practices are recognized as legitimate with removal or amendments to accommodate corporate demand.

Simultaneously, governance by corporations and super wealthy through campaign financing and lobbying to fix legislations to their advantage is never an issue for political members supposedly representing constituents and the nation.

International Affairs – In the previous century, the World War II with the rise of Germany and aftermath reminisced as tumultuous testing humanity endurance on aggression.  In the present time, the parallel government EU with Germany exerting authority and inclusion of Germany in the P5 +1 at UNSC suggests mutual appreciations with any past grievances disingenuous.

Irony being the hallmark in all their engagements, the current emphasis on European Union and euro remaining intact not necessarily applied to other parts of the world.

EU and allies’ role in fragmentation of the Middle East, meddling in Ukraine and NATO build up in central and eastern Europe, bifurcation of Sudan in 2012,

United States declining unification of Korea in the Korean Peninsula, Latin America suppressed from regional cooperation with western influence, South Asia pitted against each other with arms supply and terror manufacture to name a few amongst many wanton endeavors to disrupt peace and progress worldwide.

Again, the disposition contrast conduct whether it be Islamophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and hierarchy in society. They claim to be against discrimination.

However, the bombing and shelling of Islamic countries and recruiting terror operatives to continue the war on terror confining youths in Muslim countries and in the west to terrorism in addition to creating refugee crisis apparently viewed as noble deeds.

Similarly, the women representing them as world leaders adhere to policies exacerbating human suffering in imposing austerity, issuing nuclear warnings and spreading fear and prejudice within and outside their territory.  The paradoxical contribution from a woman not in their league is subject to ridicule and indignation conforming to misogyny.

Social inequality with people of color, different race and religion refused equal opportunity with superficial modifications and token appointments barely meeting the minimum requirement in addressing poverty and unemployment among minority and disenfranchised in society.

The ideology to dictate and dominate the world using brute force, terror, deception and propaganda evidently a failed and dysfunctional stratagem. Anything in disguise never last long with imminent conclusion as the show cannot go on forever.

Feudalism is primitive with greed sowing the seed for self-destruction and irreversible ramification.

Humanity deserves governance barring influence from secretive and delusional domain insensitive to reality.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



EU – Organization Displacing Sovereignty and Exacerbating Economic Crisis

May 6, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

European Union came into existence with objectives not necessarily designed to promote growth and development even though touted as such to attract membership.

EU since inception in 1993 headed by representatives identified more with concept of alienation rather than unification evident in the policy implemented to benefit the selective few and privileged reining control over the system.

EU emergence followed by introduction of euro as a common currency largely benefiting the developed and dominant industrialized member than others in the union has been ineffective in addressing the serious economic crisis until today within euro zone and EU respectively.

The hardline approach to contain economic meltdown with austerity as antidote for fiscal responsibility in the absence of stimulus arguably weakened economy and escalated unemployment as well as poverty among vulnerable segments in society.

The measure is analogous to ailing patient administered with strong dosage of medication and treatment without any supplements for revival.

The euro claiming to serve members within euro zone created superficial buffer to exploit trade opportunities for industrialized, fragile and fledgling economies pegging local currency fluctuations to common trading unit.

The results have not been favorable for modest and struggling economies within EU competing with major partners forced into accepting terms and conditions suitable to keep euro afloat in contradiction to reality.

Whenever artificial mechanisms are in place in deviation from practical course, the bubble burst effects are far greater  in economic activities witnessed in recent memory. The euro zone members like Cyprus and Greece succumbed to extreme demands to prevent expulsion and in return surrendered sovereign assets in the deal with financial institutions viz. ECB, IMF and EC run EU.

EU economic platform poised as Europeanism essentially facilitates bankers control on monetary policy directly impeding trade prospects.  The debt bondage lasting generations in the repayment of debts and borrowings not subject to fair and transparent scrutiny with aggressive methods to secure collateral on euro zone and EU members state owned resources is yet another factor stifling economic recovery.

The model in disguise protects the interests of those profiteering from subjugated economies within EU.

Although protectionism is distorted in definition and application synonymous with democracy in politics, the global elites’ goals in preserving their exclusive rights to extraordinary gains regardless of economic pattern and shifting market dynamics not recognized as such in the secluded economic prosperity.

Accordingly, their choices in political representations in Europe and worldwide are those conforming to establishment and elitists personal enrichment over population progress.

In terms of EU status enabling free flow of goods and services including EU citizens’ ability to travel and work in EU region apparently not a big advantage for feeble economies trading on single currency euro with exceeding trade deficits.

The rising inflation and lower productivity in addition to local problems varying from employment conditions to public and private sector regulations requiring adjustments to EU protocol exacerbate economic woes that could be mitigated in normal statehood.

Similarly, the workforce is susceptible to layoffs with business preference to operate in EU territory hiring labor at reduced costs to increase competitiveness in the otherwise expensive European environment.

EU position on immigration and security is paradoxical considering EU coordination with United States in destabilizing sovereign nations whether Ukraine in Eastern Europe or Syria in the Middle East creating ISIS, ISIL and so on with EU decision to lift ban on weapons supply to terror networks in 2011, 2012 and later generated the refugee crisis at EU doorstep not to mention the terror attacks experienced in France and other parts of Western Europe.

EU governance overrides autonomy in the implementation of economic, political and humanitarian policies aimed at enhancing vested interests with little or no concern for adverse impact on citizens in Europe and EU intervention elsewhere.

The notion that EU provides economic and political stability is propagation to corral members in maintaining status quo with economies constricted to limited performance and EU strategy expanding the role and dominance as parallel government displacing EU member states sovereignty remains the fact.

EU overseers are the beneficiaries capitalizing on Eurocentric sentiments leaving the population more divided in the stagnant economy with simultaneous exodus and influx changing geopolitical landscape.

Any nations independence is solemn upon governance committed to defending sovereignty, territorial integrity and freedom of all citizens in the country.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Religion – The Masonic (FREEMASONS) Convenient Pawn

May 4, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The masonic rule on the planet premised on illegal invasion, occupation and terrorism heading towards termination desperately deploying ill-conceived strategies for survival.

The diverse representations to propagate flawed ideology is a devious course. The secret society is consumed with prejudice and hatred spreading violence, communal unrest and nonsensical events to maintain authority.

Religion is the main target in mass indoctrination with erosion of human values from overwhelming greed for fame, fortune and power corrupting mind in the inevitable self-decline. The trend upholding criminality and megalomaniacal attributes are promoted in vain to defend deceitful tactics in denial of self-degeneration.

In the process, the irrefutable consequences from such indulgence is slighted despite the fact on deeds determining destiny.

Denigrating religions under any pretext is the norm with surrogates and agents struggling in the hall of fame submitting to masonic order and proxies instigation to decry practices that pales when compared with ostentatious activities in their domain such as entertainment.

The flip flopping in statements with unsubstantiated claims on religiousness imposed on all and reversing in the same breath as a believer not to mention the bizarre charade clarifies the scripted performance to cause unwarranted commotion in society.

On the contrary, the tradition on celebrity worship with importance on prominence and idolization creating cult following is enforced with no regard for individual will and preference in society.

The relevance to stardom and glamor compromising ethical elements are thrusted upon people with extensive coverage and embellished articles while denouncing spiritualism and denigrating religious sanctity.

In politics, not wasting a moment to scapegoat the enemy at present in the blame game along with disparaging remarks and portrayal for monstrosity committed by them and pursued unabated much to self-detriment.

Simultaneously, my hard work and fruits of labor without any pay or remunerations, privileges and benefits producing any major development is conveniently owned by them as self-achievement. Meanwhile distancing from any failures due to deceptive deals and agreement backfiring sooner than later.

Not surprisingly, success is eagerly accepted as the patented right and setbacks disowned due to lack of integrity.

The demand on meto constantly toil and remain at FREE service at the height of misogyny with cooperation from failed female Presidential candidate or wannabe female television performer and the likes explains the status quo.

The hypocrisy citing ego and non-commitment on my part or in other words the frustration over my refusal to bow to tyranny is evident in the blasphemy of religion, womanhood and anything sensible, rational and honest.

There is a distinction between spiritualism and cultism. The former serve humanity in understanding the purpose in life and that is to live a meaningful life and let others co-exist in peace. Whereas the latter subscribing to demagoguery crumble with dwindling of the crowd upon disillusionment.

Celebrity cheering and fake hero adulation disproportionately sponsored in the futile efforts to undermine spirituality.

Religions established to recognize individual responsibility towards self and others leading to peaceful exit when deceased have long endured challenges and continue to demonstrate purity and inviolability in the face of derision and contempt.

The misuse of religion for anything other than peace, unity and secularism is narcissism obliging irrational influence.

Religion is best spared from fundamentalism emanating from political and personal aspirations revealing the true colors of the source never lasting in the race to exploit opportunity at any cost.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission