UN Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament
October 29, 2017
UN Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament
Padmini Arhant
The latest UN vote on nuclear disarmament gaining traction with 112 votes in favor, 44 votes against and 15 abstinences is the beginning to free the world from deadly and devastating nuclear carnage.
The resolution draft from Iran is the Islamic Republic affirmation to nuclear non-proliferation. However, the non-binding measure is perhaps to test reaction. The proposal acknowledgment in theory but not in practice is a persistent problem for global community.
The world faced with existential threat predominantly from major nuclear powers reluctance to nuclear non-proliferation on their part while setting terms and conditions on nations they challenge with military attacks including the favorite line – all options are on the table alluding to potential nuclear option exacerbate global security.
The safe disposal of nuclear arsenal by all nuclear powers without exception regardless of presumption as responsible vs. reckless together with abandoning nuclear testing to enhance nuclear capability and deployment of nuclear weapons in allies’ domain qualifying as de facto possession is the only way to eliminate nuclear danger.
Not surprisingly, the nay sayers to the resolution – United States, Israel, Britain, France and Russia among others decline world peace and safety.
These active nuclear proliferators in violation of non-proliferation treaty ratified in recent times to effect indefinitely contribute to nuclear arms race in acting against international consensus.
Those who call for nuclear disarmament of any other nation would be credible in setting an example starting with them first and then lead the rest in that course. Otherwise the true colors come to light on motives along with legacy in illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land not barring the use of nuclear weapon.
The nations targeted for subjugation in any region are forced into nuclear response preparedness that is known as deterrent strategy. The aggressor such as United States and other permanent members defiance in renouncing nuclear status amid belligerence from them is essentially promoting nuclear armament.
The nations on radar are expected to quit nuclear aspirations. Ironically, those with such demand holding nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny and remain non-compliant in freezing nuclear activities. The stalemate in the absence of constructive approach via dialogue and diplomacy impose undesirable nuclear requirement.
The prominent nuclear powers viz. United States, Russia, Britain, China, France and Israel with established track record on colonization and territorial annexations pursue nuclear empowerment. Simultaneously, they expect those whom they aim at to disarm and oblige. In other words, they expect nations dealing with military incursions on the border to submit to suicidal mission.
Every nation has the right to self-defense and cannot possibly ignore the persistent security issues with provocative military drills and massive troops deployment near their territory. The ongoing tension between North Korea and United States is precisely the cause and effect situation prompting North Korea to rely on nuclear defense. North Korea has cited the facts on U.S. and allies raid and decimation of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Yemen for imperial goals that continues unabated until now.
North Korea slammed with economic sanctions for nuclear plans often criticized as the nation driving citizens to starvation and premature deaths without accepting the contributing factors – sanctions and sources behind protracted confrontation. North Korea’s predicament is whether to capitulate to United States military provocation or stay resilient.
Though nuclear threats are not to be exchanged frivolously, the environment unnecessarily create saber rattling on both sides instead of serious engagement to find common ground in defusing crisis. United States and South Korea ceasing military operation alongside North Korea enacting moratorium on nuclear program would provide opportunity for peace talks through direct involvement rather than proxies and demonstrate commitment to protect lives on all sides that are at stake.
United States and other nuclear states resistance to UN resolution on denuclearization of the world is disillusionment revealing the real forces endangering lives and habitat with no concern for any generation.
Furthermore, the safekeeping of nuclear weapon, maintenance and upgrade of nuclear technology to operate nuclear facility is a phenomenal cost to taxpayers of every nuclear nation that could be allocated in improving living standards like health care, housing, education, retirement plans and infrastructure.
The population suffering from poverty, disease and lack of support in basic survival needs are dying in great numbers with nuclear states investment in nuclear development prioritized over life existence.
Besides, the risks in transportation of nuclear missiles are serious and nuclear accidents like Chernobyl and earthquake triggered Fukushima proved catastrophic. The nuclear ambitions among nuclear states on the high confirmed in the UN negative vote, the policy is alarming leaving the world on the edge for geopolitical dominance.
No climate treaty is meaningful in the nuclear world mistakenly assuming nuclear strength as formidable security asset despite the liabilities of nuclear reckoning.
The leaderships and members behind such decisions fail to recognize reality that they may not want the nation they represent as leaders to relinquish nuclear status,
Nonetheless individually, they do have to part with it like everything else when they depart from the world.
Most importantly, they need to contemplate on the world they leave behind for future is determined by choices made in the present time.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – Exxon Mobil Climate Change Battle
October 27, 2017
United States – Exxon Mobil Climate Change Battle
Padmini Arhant
The legal battle between New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman representing the State of New York and world’s second largest energy corporation Exxon Mobil on Climate Change is an interesting development. Considering the ongoing litigation, the topic will focus on political aspect besides other important names linked to climate change.
The serving Secretary of State Rex Tillerson as former CEO of Exxon Mobil is referenced in the contentious lawsuit.
The energy companies and environment woes are not uncommon resulting from negligence and activities endangering lives and habitat as seen in 2010 British Petroleum (BP) Gulf Coast oil spill disaster and several others by leading energy behemoths in different parts of the world.
As for climate change deniers, the energy companies are not the only ones in this category. Though they are prominent in fielding such opinion for economic interests, there are others viz. Fox News and Fox television Network with paid panelists and commentators actively disseminating climate change as hoax for they don’t accept the facts on man made calamity and environment abuse. The 24/7 news media misrepresentation on climate talks is not without impact.
Similarly, politics joining forces with energy companies are not unusual either. Following the BP refinery structure collapse contributing to gulf coast catastrophe in 2010, then President Barack Obama administration had no problem approving BP continuation of deep and shallow water drilling in the backdrop of immense damages to environment costing lives, livelihoods and loss of native species both rare and generic.
The transformation pertaining to Secretary of State portfolio and the current political and international matter merits attention.
The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s position on foreign policy related to South East Asia, North Korea in particular, Middle East regarding United States key allies Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE on one side and adversary Iran on the other, not barring nuclear non-proliferation visibly at odds with White House stance.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to resolving or in the least containing potential nuclear confrontation with North Korea is through constructive dialogue and diplomacy which apparently contradictory to White House public statement declaring the move – a waste of time.
Middle East – The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s concern over White House reaction to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) possibly via more sanctions at Israel and Saudi Arabia’s behest is legitimate given the accord stipulating reversal to pre-treaty situation upon either party default on the agreement. Iran would resume nuclear program upon United States returning to sanctions and vice versa.
In the absence of any nuclear activity prior to and post JCPOA, there is no justification in imposing sanctions against Iran on nuclear status for that would unnecessarily foment tension in the region.
Syria – Ending the conflict by increasing ceasefire zones in the war torn nation and disarming terror factions in suspending weapons supply would expedite long awaited respite to Syrian population.
Saudi Arabia and UAE – Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggestion to White House to leverage Saudi Kingdom and UAE using recent arms deal to settle regional dispute between them and Qatar may not be in alignment with White House tactic.
Israel – Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s proposal to recover several million dollars aid (Israel is actually provided 3 billion dollars annual financial aid other than military assistance that was locked in as permanent arrangement by previous administration under ex-President Barack Obama) would not have synced in the current setting with advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner representing Israel’s interests in the nepotism oriented appointment in the West Wing operation.
Last but not the least, the hot button issue – Nuclear proliferation. The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson preference in simmering nuclear ambitions is in contrast to White House nuclear acceleration and enhancement despite such aspirations posing credibility factor on nuclear disarmament of North Korea and defusing nuclear goals of Iran.
In light of the prevalent conditions, the insinuations on inevitable change to critical cabinet post Secretary of State handling foreign affairs is perhaps the ground work to substitute the voice of reason and sensibility with belligerence and acquiescence.
The duties and responsibilities consolidated under State Department in earlier administrations is abandoned by the present administration allocating Middle East relations to family member and advisor Jared Kushner and lately the assignment to U.S. ambassador to United Nations Nikki Haley visiting South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faced with protests necessitating the representative evacuation allude paradigm shift in State Department jurisdiction.
In comparison, the former head of the State Department Hillary Clinton during the first term of ex-President Barack Obama administration had none of the sharing with everything held under Secretary of State control including the Benghazi gate, secret email and private server scandal.
What appears from this stark distinction between Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s soft power and hard line predecessors is the member favoring hawkish agenda regardless of political affiliation as witnessed in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a democrat’s involvement in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Ukraine, Africa and Latin America exacerbating terrorism, political instability, chaos and destruction in semblance to former counterparts and others like U.S. ambassador to UN John Bolton, a republican now emulated by the current ambassador Nikki Haley guarantee job security and acknowledgment by those behind US foreign policy.
The compliance to egregious decisions and endeavors proved failures is evidently the course to retain sensitive designation such as the Secretary of State.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
Iran Nuclear Deal
October 17, 2017
Iran Nuclear Deal
Padmini Arhant
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran, P5+1 and EU is regarded firm agreement in the backdrop of Iran declared a nation having never attacked any other country in the world.
Iran’s history extends into Central Asia and Indian subcontinent. Nader Shah from Persia invasion of Delhi, India in 1739 and jewels from the famous peacock throne along with massive treasure plundered at that time is documented episode.
Persia now known as Iran subject to imperialist backed monarchy headed by Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi later overthrown in Iranian revolution in 1979 preceded by Britain, U.S. and oligarchy coup against democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.
Iran also faced imperialism imposed regional conflict lasting eight years from 1980 until 1988 in the protracted war with Iraq during then President Saddam Hussein.
Iran under theocratic order as the Islamic Republic post 1979 revolution has been challenged with sanctions to conform to western policy. The economic sanctions were tightened in the past decade denying medicines and essentials to citizens of the country. The sanctions related fatalities among children in 2011 and 2012 were constant without any respite.
There were no justifications on economic embargo against Iran and similarly the nations targeted by UNSC arbitrary decision while ignoring the states deserving sanctions for human rights violations and sponsoring terrorism.
The Shiite Iran’s regional competitors Wahhabi Saudi Dynasty and Judeo Israel in an effort to contain the rise of Iranian influence insist on intensifying trade restrictions through key allies Britain and United States in particular.
Iran has maintained that any nuclear programs would be for deterrence not in defiance of non-proliferation to which Iran is a signatory long before JCPOA despite being a non-nuclear state in contrast to regional nuclear state Israel opting out of non-proliferation treaty.
Nonetheless, the western demand on Iran at middle eastern allies Israel and Saudi Arabia’s behest to make Iran’s nuclear facility available for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection continued with UN monitoring and updates confirming Iran’s stagnant nuclear plan.
Unlike Israel, an established nuclear state yet to be confirmed and acknowledged as such in international domain in addition to uninhibited use of nuclear components in air strikes against civilian population in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, Iran’s stranded nuclear capability was used as false pretext for western sanctions to strangle the oil rich Iran’s economy.
Iran’s persistence in the removal of illegal sanctions alongside repeat UN verifications of Iran’s nuclear site led to JCPOA.
The media implying pride playing a role in accepting or rejecting JCPOA is in fact applicable to those involved and especially United States unwillingness to lift inappropriate sanctions against Iran in the process resulting in JCPOA. Since the argument lost cause in the unsubstantiated Iran’s nuclear ambitions, JCPOA invented reason with conditional easing of sanctions against Iran.
The assurance that JCPOA has halted Iran’s nuclear motion is a political statement given the Islamic state commitment to non-nuclear activity evident in IAEA and UN reports.
Any accord would have statutory limits validating the treaty.
In the nuclear conversation, the nuclear disarmament across the spectrum regardless of stockpiles and capability beginning with United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Israel leading the trend for other nuclear states India, Pakistan and the rest is a necessity to quell nuclear options frivolously used in the threat against anyone deemed an adversary.
The prolific nuclear arms race and testing among nuclear powers with the recent public pledge from the White House to allocate more funds in modernizing nuclear status is impetus to those perceived vulnerable in the wars for profitability.
United States self-contradictory position pose a credibility factor when sharing concerns over Iran or North Korea’s nuclear affairs. The former legacy in using nuclear arsenal on civilians and thereafter deploying nuclear material in warfare against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Yemen until now create the requirement to abolish nuclear weapons in possession of all.
The safeguarding of nuclear site and inventory is a high risk task relying on precision, competence and trustworthiness besides eroding nuclear powers national budget depriving urgent needs such as health care, infrastructure and steady job growth.
Likewise, India and Pakistan’s budget allocation to nuclear maintenance leaves overwhelming population in despair due to lack of basic facilities and many struggling to survive amid poverty and disease.
The irony is nuclear weapons are regarded potent for national security. Meanwhile civilians amongst poor and underprivileged backgrounds are dying from premature deaths in the absence of minimum standards and opportunity. The nuclear states misplaced priorities contributing to preventable mortality compared to the odds of nuclear attack and casualties arising from the event is hardly rational.
Obviously, the unnecessary and unwanted skirmishes from territorial disputes, regional and global dominance quest are driving forces behind nuclear armament.
The hype on Iran’s nuclear deal transferred to nuclear powers viz. United States and all nuclear and non-nuclear nations abandoning nuclear proliferation and aspirations is critical responsibility for the world.
The global consensus and preparation for safe disposal of nuclear ammunitions is no longer a choice but a mandatory requirement to guarantee humanity peaceful existence.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
Fact Check
October 16, 2017
Fact Check
Padmini Arhant
1. Why is war fascinating to factions terrified of losing own life?
2. What makes major nuclear powers think they are responsible despite their track record?
3. Will there ever be accountability on actions and violations by those in position of power both past and present as wells as incognito authority granted immunity on crimes against humanity?
4. Who is anyone to declare war for profitability ignoring massive casualty and major catastrophe?
5. Is the world going to be silent spectators to warfare and potential nuclear confrontation considered a favorite option among those having no desire for peaceful negotiations and dialogue?
6. What are the citizens in the United States prepared to do in the event of yet another deceitful and deceptive Iraq war like mission against North Korea?
7. Why are sanctions against nations protecting own citizens from U.S. and allies threat is the norm?
8. Why not impose sanctions on those in gross human rights violation and oppress citizens in the region viz. Israel, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain?
9. What makes the fearful engage in fear mongering using propaganda and fake news?
10. When will the communication media and entertainment industry be free from hegemony control?
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare
October 14, 2017
United States – Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare
Padmini Arhant
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare has been discussed in detail on this site. Please refer to posts related to this topic.
The recap on ACA – The mandatory insurance tied to penalty proved extremely profitable to insurance industry with no obligation on insurance providers in skimming premiums or expanding coverage. On the contrary, the insurance offered today under ACA has high deductibles on treatment for various health conditions not necessarily pre-existing and some procedures required to treat certain health issues are not covered regardless of the health plan available in the market place.
Not surprisingly, those against amending the health care law i.e. Obamacare are not in touch with reality and pledged to establishment rules and symbolic trends at vast majority expense.
The mandatory subscription enforced in the existing Obamacare is unethical and undemocratic especially in the absence of commitments from insurance industry to meet their end of the bargain.
The compulsory insurance subscription enforced via Obamacare is rejected by many citizens opting to pay the unconstitutional and illegal penalty rather than enriching the industry barely offering coverage to subscribers on variety of health problems experienced by them.
When industries in the economic sector and politics join forces for vested interests exploiting ordinary citizens, the market economy sustainability is challenged woefully affecting businesses aimed at mega profitability beyond affordability.
The consumer force determines business success or failure and industry survival. In resistance to any modifications and fair adjustments of Obamacare at congressional level due to political partisanship, the industry is ultimately taken up to tasks to comply with standards and maintain reliability barring policies set to protect major shareholders and top 1% windfall guaranteed in Obamacare.
Average citizens do not have the luxury as the privileged class to squander hard earned savings without any value in return.
Health is critical and taxpayers tax dollars expended wisely in universal health care with comprehensive plan could not be a tall order for an industrialized nation allocating disproportionate spending on military and nuclear weapons as well as foreign aid to affluent allies while leaving citizens entirely at health care merchants and insurers mercy with legislations overwhelmingly favoring campaign financiers from the industry.
The unique position among lawmakers to defend industries agenda neglect constituents plight allowing major companies in the health care industry to evade responsibility on rising costs and declining health package.
In terms of lawmakers in the U.S. Senate vote to rectify anomalies in Obamacare, the reasons from them do not reconcile with their trajectory. The Senator posing with terror factions responsible for terrorizing and killing thousands of innocent children, women and men in Syria having reservations on Obamacare amendment reflect personal issues with incumbent administration rather than genuine concern for the people affected under current health care law.
Unfortunately, prioritizing individual gains at public loss is the convention in politics fostering waywardness in the extraordinary conditions imposed on citizens in the hyped health care reform short on benefits and delivery making Affordable Care Act / Obamacare anything but affordable.
Anything in ACA defense only project the content of law missing in practicality that in itself invalidate the legislation not binding on all sides to be meaningful and effective.
Health care for all in the appropriate disbursement of tax funds in caring for the sick, elderly and healthy of any age is significant to qualify for advanced nation status.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
Humanitarian Issue – Northern California Wildfire Devastation
October 11, 2017
Humanitarian Issue – Northern California Wildfire Devastation
Padmini Arhant
The past weekend wildfire in Napa Valley, the wine country in Northern California affecting four counties devastated lives in that area. The fire engulfing structures, barns, cattle farm and everything it came in contact with in fleeting moments forcing people to flee for their life is tragic.
Although the cause is not known in detail, the destruction is catastrophic. When events like these happen in the form of hurricane, ravaging fire and earth shattering earthquake, life is reminded as fickle and unpredictable. As for nature’s act the wrath is tremendous and beyond human ability to gauge intensity.
During crises, human sentiments among concerned citizens and rescue team often rise to the occasion in reaching out to those in danger. The responsibility shared among people and firefighters as well as emergency crew is laudable. The state authority beginning with California Governor Jerry Brown mobilizing national guard assistance and all the way to the front line members response are valuable in saving lives and containing massive losses in the incident.
Hopefully, the insurance industry would do all required on their part providing necessary attention in restoring homes and lives to citizens some of whom understandably are in shock and dismay.
I convey my wishes to fellow Californians for strength and courage in dealing with extraordinary time of their life. I have the victims and families mourning the loss of their loved ones in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
Indian Cinema, Gutter Politics and Desperate Media
October 8, 2017
Indian Cinema, Gutter Politics and Desperate Media
Padmini Arhant
Indian Cinema is potent arsenal and suicidal for criminal syndicate comprising politics and diverse nefarious representations struggling to muzzle truthful and factual presentations of current events and conflicts threatening life and habitat.
The downward spiraling of Indian Cinema with wannabes and opportunists expediting decay is ominous for an industry fundamentally premised on nepotism, corruption, criminality and promiscuity besides specializing in piracy and plagiarisms.
Lacking in substance and decency, Indian Cinema is the failing industry miserably and hopelessly dependent on unscrupulous tactics in self-defeating endeavors deploying trash substituting talent for cheap commercial success and instant fame rather infamy hoisted on the flag pole.
The industry hallmark in voyeurism is reflected in every possible format with enthusiastic performers compromising individual value and integrity. The tasteless and lack luster themes serving political and criminal enterprise needs with desperate media providing the platform summarize the beginning of the end of celluloid impact on captive audience in the Information Age.
The underserving glory and undue credit to actors and actresses buttressed by behind the scenes contributors barely known in making a movie is the trend promoting superficial imagery.
The transition from film industry to politics for many following diminishing prospects in cinema is yet another custom. The immunity on crimes to film stars ranging from tax evasion to embezzlement, black money, homicide and treason that would normally subject ordinary citizens to legal consequence is reality.
The wealthiest of the wealthy in Indian cinema expanding family through rent-a-womb mechanism i.e. surrogacy pregnancy in a country and region with millions of children in dire requirement for caring home offering love and attention is the irony in the glossy glass citadel.
Above all, such personalities being lauded by Vogue and similar category further explains idiocy prevalent in fantasy world.
The glamor world basking in glitz and ostentation tirelessly engage in self-adulation and compete with each other to be brand ambassadors for business products and services to supplement the meager million dollar plus income and opulent lifestyle.
The star power abuse emanating from media adoration, strong alliance with politics and influential forces not barring underworld contacts set no limits on celebrity transformation to notoriety.
On the contrary, the stardom is rarely utilized in worthy humanitarian cause and Samaritan duties perhaps due to such involvements tied to selflessness and humility – scarce virtues in the present time.
The idol worship in temples mocked in the era replace the practice with idle reverence of those from Indian cinema and sports arena. The precipitous decline in art and entertainment field preoccupied as propaganda resource is opportunity wasted in cultural development.
Indian cinema continuation on this path at best obsessive and at worst self-destructive.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
Bollywood Trash
October 8, 2017
Bollywood Scoop
Tumhari Viba
The name is Viba. Vi derived from the first name meaning education in Indian language. Ba from the surname meaning little boy in Malayalam. Viba is from Kerala. Viba’s passion and specialty is promiscuity. Accordingly, Viba’s on and off screen occupation is escort service. Viba’s schedule extends into moonlight with anyone.
In the Indian film industry, Viba’s clientele begins from clapper boy to film director, producer and distributor. External circle involves politics, mafia and media.
You can see Viba in racy films in Bollywood and regional Indian film industry depicting her real character and identity. Viba is the favorite choice for performing loose characters being the natural trait.
Viba is one of Bollywood trashes leading cheap hall of fame.
United States – Violence and U.S. Policy
October 4, 2017
United States – Violence and U.S. Policy
Padmini Arhant
United States immunity to violence emanates from U.S. domestic and foreign policy.
U.S. weakness and vulnerability to complicity pledging allegiance to the so-called allies Israel and Saudi Arabia political aspirations is well established since the horrific terror attack on September 11, 2001. The calibrated and coordinated terror assault and thereafter the avalanche of military interventions evolving into sponsoring terrorism until today is the most violent legacy in the new millennium.
When State actors at the national level choose to ignore terror warnings allowing citizens to die on that fateful day, they are directly responsible for mass killings in daylight on their watch.
Similarly, eliminating the NAVY SEALS deployed in pseudo operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan claiming to have assassinated the deceased Osama Bin Laden in 2011 wiping out key witnesses further clarified monumental duplicity.
Above all, protecting those involved in treason against own citizens and country providing them impunity confirms democracy under siege.
The 9/11 attack became the premise granting heads of the administration – the Presidents of the United States transcending political parties the license to kill citizens at home including men and women in uniforms and innocent civilians abroad under the guise of national security they neglected in collusion with forces endangering peace and security in the United States and worldwide.
In order to maintain status quo laden with lies and deception, the White House since 2001 terror attack in succession have violated public trust and ethics in epic proportion.
Regardless of political representation as Republican and Democrat, the White House extra judicial executions against constitutional law authorizing predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings in developing nations and war-torn countries in a manner considered a sport for executive office bearers, air strikes with nuclear components post 9/11 more so in the past decade speaks volume of the character of those at the helm. Ironically, even the Nobel peace prize could not deter such actions during their term in office.
September 11, 2001 set precedence to abuse power misleading the nation at every opportunity using fear and false propaganda for policies serving specific agenda against United States interests.
Unites States republic status is a myth and aptly demonstrated in decisions concerning domestic and international affairs. When government fails people in the deliberate mishandling conforming to secrecy and loyalty to unscrupulous ambitions costing citizens lives and national integrity, the trend is up for adoption attracting fragments within society.
The incumbent President Donald Trump’s rhetoric against North Korea that United States would respond with fire and fury is anything but responsible and helpful. Such statements from the Presidency ignites sparks and lights unwanted elements in the country seeking motivation in the suicide mission.
The repeat episodes of shooting incidents and false flag tactics with patsies attributed to government and congress misplaced priority, media overtones promoting wars and unsubstantiated assertions leading to deceit, tensions and potential nuclear confrontation.
United States foreign incursions ratcheted using 9/11 and subsequently conferring statehood to terrorism in 2012 onwards facilitating ISIL, ISIS, IS emergence not barring the effort to permit Taliban in Afghanistan to launch exile government under Taliban flag declared The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in Qatar’s capital Doha in 2013 under U.S. guidance exemplify combative positions in defiance of peace and diplomacy not to mention the lack of respect for foreign nation’s sovereignty.
Citizens unable to cope with challenges in life apparently take cue from sources they are in contact with such as television at home, government leaderships and representatives constantly visible in every medium available in their life. The government and congress role is the touchstone for many citizens unable to exercise discernment concerning them and the world around them.
Although shooting rampage escalated in the past decade adapting to instance like public execution of unarmed civilian Miriam Carey at the White House door step in 2013 by then President Barack Obama’s security personnel performing as the firing squad, the selective condemnation of gun violence rejects the salient fact that all lives matter. The lives lost in senseless firing in isolated situation, a crowded place, college campus or imposed terrorism on 9/11 deserves equal recognition and acknowledgment of criminal activity subject to legal consequence.
The reckless policies, approvals and carte blanche executive decisions as well as reactions on sensitive issues influence minds and certain citizens’ behavior in society. The authorities’ peaceful pursuits and disposition in resolving domestic and international crises would be a paradigm shift in the country under external dominance and control.
What that means is rising to the occasion in welcoming rational thoughts and ideas from Senior Cabinet member, the present Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and Venezuela for direct communication and removal of sanctions respectively. Simultaneously, having allies viz. Israel to return billion dollars aid to United States and Saudi Arabia and UAE to contain regional disputes with neighbor Qatar.
Meanwhile, ending conflicts in Syria, withdrawal from Afghanistan, Palestinian statehood terminating Israel’s occupation of the embattled territory are necessary for global peace besides rebuilding United States as reliable partner in settling international disputes and disagreements.
Any opposition in this regard would determine United States policy favoring wanton aggressions and egregious resolve proved catastrophic in recent memory. United States policy aimed at peaceful negotiations and dialogue rather than violent strategies would be productive and critical.
As for gun laws, the banning of assault weapons in public domains with rigorous background checks and regular updates is the preliminary measure required to curb massacre and homicide in addition to media and press fair and balanced reporting refraining from unlawful insinuations is an obligation.
Thank you,
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission