North Korea – Missile Launch

November 29, 2017


North Korea – Missile Launch

Padmini Arhant

North Korea’s latest missile launch demonstrating Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capability, however lacking in ability to deliver nuclear payload due to weight and velocity leads to classification as test mode rather than operational type.

The inconsistency in United States media reporting on description and details with major television broadcasters – the cable news network (CNN) sounding alarm on the supposedly imminent threat to entire U.S and the world at large is media sensationalism. Such sound bites set the stage for warfare witnessed in the past and recent air raids and bombing in Libya and Iraq earlier with media propaganda.

The news media, the television networks in particular exercising caution and diligence with proper verification of facts for accuracy on reporting any matter ranging from sensitive nuclear issue to regular news events would be credible. The media has a responsibility to maintain ethical standards in coverage and analysis. The failure to do so given the pattern on media drum roll for warfare ignoring dire consequences and massive casualties is irresponsible journalism. The media trend favoring military intervention is well known exposing media role in fomenting violence.

North Korea’s nuclear program is contentious and as stated on this website many times over, the situation is a cause and effect scenario with provocation via U.S. troops deployment in Korean Peninsula under the pretext of protecting allies South Korea and Japan combined with crippling economic sanctions prompting reaction from North Korea.

United States recognition of the problem in this regard followed with genuine commitment through dialogue and diplomacy is the preliminary step towards diffusing conflict with North Korea.

Simultaneously, North Korean leadership outreach to South Korean people and government for direct discourse setting aside political differences and military exchanges is critical since the development in North Korea and United States position through missile launches and military exercise respectively upon reaching adverse point would immediately affect those in the Peninsula beginning with citizens in South and North Korea as well as large U.S. troops contingency in the region.

Obviously, there is an urgent need to invest in renewing communication between North and South as the crisis is related to the fate of Korean citizens on both sides forced into decades long skirmish with foreign meddling and presence for economic and strategic dominance preventing any hope to evolve from prevalent armistice to permanent peace treaty in Korea.

North Korea seeking nuclear status in self-defense against U.S. air strikes and military action could be deterred in the latter withdrawal of military activities in Yellow Sea and large naval base at North Korea’s doorstep. The aggression verbatim and in naval drills thus far substituting civil engagement proved counterproductive. Unless the most powerful nuclear nation i.e. the United States refrains from actions threatening security and sovereignty of any foreign nation and in this instance North Korea, the crisis would not desist.

Nuclear threats not just between North Korea and United States but in fact amongst any other nuclear states like India and Pakistan or for that matter the anti-Russian sentiments in the United States political circle with think tanks as well as institutions and organizations designing U.S. foreign policy not ruling out nuclear confrontation observed in the Cuban missile crisis in the past century is a reality.

Similar warning against Iran in the Middle East by United States during Presidential race and administrations in power regardless of right or left in political representation are reasons for nuclear quest in deterrence and not defiance to nuclear challenge from United States and other nuclear powers.

The call for denuclearization of North Korea would be practical in accepting and implementing the same rule across the spectrum not just selective imposition against nations isolated for geopolitical and economic aspirations that in return exacerbate any prospects on nuclear disarmament.

The world is never safe with nuclear weapons in anyone’s possession that are categorized as responsible vs. reckless in nuclear proliferation. The nuclear arms and advanced technology deployed in short and long range missiles with nuclear warhead endanger life and planet survival.

The recent vote in the United Nations on nuclear disarmament clarified the will of the majority to rid the world of nuclear menace.

Please refer to  UN Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament

United States, Israel, Britain, France and Russia voting against the proposal is a disillusionment revealing the nuclear powers misplaced priority neglecting life over nuclear stockpiles.

The acknowledgment of nuclear danger among nuclear and non-nuclear states serving as de facto to nuclear power translated into agreement to nuclear arsenal disposal by all on independent international oversight would exemplify sincerity and obligation to leave behind a nuclear free world for the present and future generation.

The contemporary conditions are not favorable amid higher nuclear ambitions amongst major nuclear powers allocating disproportionate spending on nuclear enhancement and modernizing nuclear techniques while demanding nations they are in discord with to disavow nuclear program. The extraordinary expectations only reverse the opportunity on nuclear free zone.

In any setting, the prominent nuclear states viz. United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, Israel, India and Pakistan… along with the rest submitting to nuclear disarmament would legitimize concern on nuclear proliferation by others paving the way for positive outcome. In the absence of any desire to renounce nuclear status by nuclear powers rejecting the idea of non-nuclear world promotes anxiety and necessity among the targeted nations to be a nuclear force.

North Korea’s reservations on nuclear deal is premised on United States legacy against Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Syria and nations invaded for economic interests. The paradigm shift in U.S. foreign policy to respect and honor nations barring threats and military intrusions instead inviting them to a meaningful discussion would be conducive in building trust moving forward. Any other option that discounts peaceful negotiations would be a cavalier approach with extreme ramifications. The egregious decisions resulting in irreversible loss of lives and regional chaos would be disastrous and unwise.

North Korean leadership Kim Jong Un and military advisers are urged to pursue diplomatic course with South Korea and Japan abandoning repetitive missile launch in Sea of Japan.  The time and resources expended in aggressive maneuvers should be directed at peaceful overtures that are guaranteed to be beneficial in winning global community support and ending foreign occupation.

Nuclear exchanges are not to be taken for granted as there is nothing to gain except debris and devastation highlighting abuse of power and violation of many lives at stake.

In conclusion, the nuclear powers unanimous consensus in relinquishing nuclear rights is the absolute and fair resolution on nuclear strategy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine mission


The Controversial Indian Film Industry

November 21, 2017

The Controversial Indian Film Industry

Padmini Arhant

Indian Cinema on the brink of collapse never spare any opportunity in profiteering on ventures jointly funded by local and foreign investments in film making deploying tactics that are far from genuine representation in creativity and originality expected in the arts and entertainment field.

The film makers beginning with production house financing the project to director and actors are geared towards profitability, fame and fortune besides complicity in distortion of history and events inducing controversy in the name of free speech.

The series of films that have been released recently in the past decade by Indian film industry is targeted and isolated subjecting the lead characters in the theme to mockery and ridicule. The trend is unprecedented for there has not been such attempts against high profile personalities in Indian domain.

The sudden urge and frenzy to exercise free speech by movie makers and the so-called artistes who are evidently the narcissists usually at loss of words against corrupt regimes in power continually bankrupting economy and depriving the poor, the weak, vulnerable and the voiceless in society is collusion undermining others individual rights and historic facts.

The other factor being the financial prospects and wanton publicity for the actor serving as incentives interpreted otherwise to maintain status quo.

Interestingly, the perception that actors are performers expected to fit into a role in a story line regardless of the content aimed at vilification of specific person and oblige director’s instructions, the same is not applied to the present event in the pre-ordained cosmic activity and commandment from no ordinary film director but the Supreme entity that cannot be retracted simply to satisfy the whims and fancies of those bent on wreaking havoc world over at will.

Unlike the actors having choices to distance themselves from contemporary practice i.e. provocative and confrontational projections using cinema as the medium to incite emotions and violence,

The prevalent challenges to contain forces responsible for humanity suffering and existential danger to planet survival with nuclear threats are not some fantasy or concocted cinematic formula that could be retreated at film industry’s harassment.

Arguably, Indian cinema and crew behind the spin arousing feelings and diverse attacks from all directions care less about humanitarian woes and more drawn towards personal gains and benefits. There are no inhibitions in the film industry used as arsenal for propaganda and incendiary characterization of legends or anyone considered a fair game depicting them with unjustified contempt and prejudice.

The political alliance on these occasions clarify opportunism and expediency.

The West Bengal government headed by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is yet to accept responsibility for gross negligence and dereliction of duty in the series of disasters related to numerous incidents whether that be high infant mortality in government hospital failing to prevent 35 children deaths in one sweep or the consecutive Kolkata fire accidents in a hospital consuming 90 people at a time due to lack of government preparedness and emergency rescue operation are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Furthermore, Kolkata is stigmatized for having become the terror haven providing refuge to terror enabling Indian Mujahideen (IM) operatives and cross border activity from Bangladesh. These issues related to West Bengal and national security together with alleviating poverty, disease and deepening social inequality having been the signature feature of West Bengal and India’s coveted film director Satyajit Ray earning glory and acknowledgment in the western entertainment industry especially among the colonial remnants reminiscing the imperial era could be the incumbent Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s priority.

Instead, the Bengal Chief Minister advocacy on free speech to impress upon foreign sources fueling misrepresentation and subversion of Indian history through Indian cinema under the guise of freedom of expression unnecessarily provoke reaction. Notwithstanding the overture from those in Indian film industry and politics slighting sentiments and ignoring constitutional rights of community voicing concerns over the deliberate and intentional false portrayal of the main character claimed as adaptation of legendary figures from Indian history is inflammatory.

The current political stance on these issues contrast opinions and approach by those involved in India’s freedom struggles who exemplified patriotism and intellect in defiance to assault on Indian ethos and legacy.

Again, certain Indian film makers seem to be oriented in appeasing elements both domestic and offshore stirring communal divide rather than expending resources and talent in exhibiting India’s rich cultural heritage that was safeguarded with sacrifice and valor by women defending their honor and pride unlike the tradition witnessed in the present time.

Finally, in order to resolve any conflict or dispute, understanding the basics and origin of the problem is important. The production company Viacom 18 behind the contentious movie attracting fury and favor is a 50/50 joint venture operation between privately owned company India’s Network 18 based in Mumbai and American media company Viacom experiencing decline with imminent demise of Viacom Chairman, the ailing 93 years old Sumner Murray Redstone, the multi-billionaire who is the controlling shareholder of media conglomerate Viacom and of CBS Corp., perhaps choose to remain oblivious to consequences of profit driven strategy exploiting culture and cultural integrity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



Australia – Human Rights Issues

November 17, 2017

Australia – Human Rights Issues

Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! Australia on legalizing same sex marriage.

Similarly, addressing the following human rights problems would be significant considering Australia’s economy and stability in Asia Pacific is largely dependent on immigrants contribution.

The tolerance to diversity and acceptance of multiculturalism providing equal opportunity to immigrants, minorities and importantly indigenous people down under would be mutually beneficial.


1. Stopping hate crimes against immigrants of color.

2. Referendum on recognition of Australia’s native population Aborigines as the first people protecting them from prejudice and human rights violations especially preventing Aborigine youth deaths in prison cells that are barely reported in the news media.

Last but not the least,

3. Vote on Australia’s transformation to republic from the current common wealth status pledging allegiance to British monarchy expending Australian tax dollars to safeguard Royalty.

These measures would by far confirm Australia’s commitment to real democracy and human rights issues.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


United States – Violence and Perceptions

November 7, 2017

United States – Violence and Perceptions

Padmini Arhant

How crimes committed through shooting and automobile used to ram over pedestrians are characterized in media reporting following cue from those in control of events in the world?

The horrific gun violence involving indiscriminate firing at people in the crowd whether during a concert in Las Vegas or attending prayers in a place of worship in Sutherland Springs, Texas are described as tragedy carried out by the assailant invariably suffering from mental problem. In both Las Vegas and Texas rampage there were at least twenty or more casualties and several injured from firepower. The Hollywood style Rambo aggression displayed in shooting spree on both occasions and similar crimes earlier is categorized as unfortunate happenings.

Juxtaposed, the killing of pedestrians using vehicle in the recent East Manhattan, New York incident by the offender identified a Muslim from Uzbekistan is termed terrorism. There were eight fatalities and some hurt in this incident.

The bizarre distinction on actions claiming innocent lives with one referred to as mental illness or some personal background issue related event while the other definitively pronounced terrorism especially when the attacker is a Muslim. The trend playing race and religion card regardless of political position left, right or center and so on in media outlets explains indifference to victims affected in gun violence besides the usual practice targeting religion i.e. Islam in this instance with negative connotation.

In the wake of East Manhattan killing, the media report declared the entire Uzbekistan, a Muslim country as a threat to the United States.

Interestingly, the press and communication media in Islamic nations whether in Pakistan or elsewhere – the English language press corps in particular never failing to respond to such references from non-Muslim neighbors in the region, now remaining oblivious to slander of Islam in media discrimination of violence in the United States is perhaps economic interest outweighing importance and respect for faith.

The discriminatory practice is a reflection of those having no value for life and lack of virtues exemplified in sacrilege of religion.

The crime committed using lethal weapons and any other means against unarmed citizens is terror and there cannot be bias distinguishing one from another.

Similarly, the murder of children, women and men described as collateral damages when exerting power and authority through artillery, predator drones and military force is terrorism in worst format.

The isolation of one comparatively with less wounded and fewer deaths as terrorism against massacre in violent gunfire episodes exhausting magazine acknowledged otherwise promotes mass killing without the stigma of terrorism.

Again, the violation of life and rights in whatever manner is a serious crime deserving condemnation and terrorism in contemporary era evolved from conventional warfare deploying arms and ammunition for maximum impact.

Since the culture is created to accept violence subjectively, society is expected to develop immunity to disparity.

Nonetheless, the victims plight in all these situations remain the same in dealing with pain and suffering inflicted upon them by those indulging in senseless act and abuse of power.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



United States – Gun Violence

November 6, 2017

United States – Gun Violence

Padmini Arhant

The latest massacre at the church in Sutherland Springs, Texas is yet another series of violence targeting unarmed citizens anywhere including peaceful sanctuary such as the place of worship.

Anytime the deadly act occurs, the assailant taking own life appears to be the norm leaving the victims’ family and community bereft and vulnerable.

The cause is often noted as mental health problem whether Las Vegas shooting or ramming over pedestrians using vehicle in East Manhattan, New York and now Texas rampage.

The gun laws review and revision being regarded politically unfavorable, the citizens safety obviously not a priority for some members in Congress and organization such as National Rifles Association, the powerful NRA lobby weighing down on powerless citizenry nationwide.

Is it possible for NRA and gun owners in the United States to object to laws denying firearms license to those diagnosed with mental illness or personal background confirming suicidal motives at innocent lives expense?

The incidents happening at frequent intervals is a news item soon dissipating without any end to senseless conduct. The individuals with mental issues in possession of lethal weapons is not only self-endangering, the status prove to be an existential threat to society. That being the case,

What is holding the state and federal authorities from introducing law to remove arms cache as reported in Las Vegas shooter’s profile detailing explosives and ammunitions held in massive quantity?

Where is the intelligence agency operation including NSA vigilance in detecting such unusual activity among certain individuals involved in mass murder?

There is a pattern now in the United States with citizens aimed randomly either in a crowd or in isolation. Regardless, these events raise concerns on domestic security with people expected to tolerate the loss of their loved ones as nothing more than unfortunate fact of life.

The public protection is state and federal responsibility. The violent means either with guns or automobile witnessed in mass murder in broad daylight suggest neglect of duty among those responsible to safeguard community. The absence of stringent measures in restricting purchase or acquisition of rifles and military grade artillery further exacerbate situation where people are forced to live in fear inhibiting free movement and normal existence.

Not only the background check on gun owners with regular updates on the system monitored by state and federal agency is necessary, the medical data on patients owning firearms identified with mental and emotional problems like depression would limit opportunity for those pursuing extreme course to take others’ lives that are carried out with planning and preparation.

Similarly, the medical history of mentally unstable individuals applying for drivers’ license and permits to drive heavy duty vehicle could be checked prior to approval. The medical information of patients suffering from mental conditions made available on the database for verification by gun vendors and department of motor vehicles (DMV) could save lives moving forward.

Simultaneously, adequate funding to address mental health is equally important to help citizens from committing crimes in society.

I convey my condolence to grieving families in Texas shooting and others in earlier episodes of violence.

May effective solutions through legislations and community coordination end tragedies inflicted on fellow citizens in the United States.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

Russian Affair

November 4, 2017

Russian Affair

Padmini Arhant

The former FBI director Robert Mueller headed special investigation dominates news on the alleged Russian meddling in the United States 2016 Presidential election.

The special committee targeting then Republican Presidential candidate now elected President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and members’ presumed interaction and meetings with key Russian officials has led to recent indictments on this matter.

The U.S. actions besides the ongoing inquiry includes closing consulate general in San Francisco and annexes in Washington and New York.

Russia in turn has responded by reducing diplomatic service staff at U.S. facilities in Moscow as confirmed by Washington based Russia Today (RT) television network.

Russia Today – the state funded network founded by the state owned news agency RIA-NOVOSTI in 2005 is dedicated in promoting Russian government interests to the likes of mainstream media and others in the U.S. and elsewhere safeguarding oligarchy, political and Secret Society agenda.  

Although RT claims the network is independent, any business especially communication media receiving funding that has surged from $30 million in the beginning to current $300 million from the state obviously inclined to be subjective rather than objective.

RT projecting Russian image to counteract U.S. media versions about Russia and Russian policy is a conundrum for viewers having to deal with two extremes from both sides i.e. one for and the other against amidst missing facts from the content regardless.

On propaganda, RT efforts are on par with prevalent media trend in hyperbole and falsehood in presentation of historic events and entities pertaining to the past and present time conforming to syndicate strategy.

RT transmission in three languages viz. English, Spanish and Arabic attracting 120 million viewership in the United States and other parts of the world is a buffer to syndicate’s media presence via CNN, Fox and BBC worldwide.

The syndicate’s media control and influence on entertainment industry to deny public access to truth and factual information could be anything but freedom of press and free speech.

RT like counterparts are not without collusion on not maintaining journalistic standards and ethics that are rare and remains under attack. The journalism with accurate reporting, review and analyses on issues and topics concerning lives and world problems are replaced for political and commercial success ignoring harm to society and the world at large that eventually hurts the source.

As such, the citizens fatigue in fake news and indoctrination is evident in broadcasting networks declined rating prompting desperate attempts to avert further deterioration. The spin zone is yet another means to continue mindless discussions lacking in substance in anything goes talk shows and programs to fill in time in the 24/7 media.

United States and Russia relations might have strained due to latest developments,

However, the similarities in both nations policies on critical issues such as voting against nuclear disarmament in the UN vote past month, resistance to dissolution of UNSC granted veto power to five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, Russia, China and France and strengthening ties with Saudi Arabia clarify common goals.

In terms of disagreements, United States and Russia have difference of opinion on Ukraine, Syrian conflict, NATO buildup through Eastern bloc and incursion in Baltic Sea. The U.S. occupation in Afghanistan extended into Central Asia that was previously under former Soviet Union is causing uneasiness on regional basis.

Last but not the least, U.S. sanctions on Russia is not appreciated in the wake of 2016 electoral outcome distressing those for change in game plan.

On North Korea, United States sanctions against the south east Asian nation is welcome by Russia. The reaction confirmed in UNSC decision with Russia and China’s consensus to impose embargo on North Korea.

As stated repeatedly on this website on standoff between U.S and North Korea, the de-escalation via diplomacy and constructive dialogue should be the focus on both sides retracting from respective positions with United States and ally South Korea ceasing military exercise and provocative naval drills in Korean Peninsula.  North Korea on its part to suspend nuclear enhancement.

Furthermore, the major nuclear powers stance on North Korea’s nuclear status would be credible upon them in possession of enormous nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny lead other nuclear and non-nuclear states in safe disposal of nuclear weapons freeing the world from nuclear threats that are frequently exchanged in U.S. and North Korea confrontation. U.S. has also issued nuclear warnings against Iran preceding Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) treaty.

In the domestic front, Russia Today (RT) as state represented media is criticized for not providing opportunity to political opponents to Kremlin power. The same is applied towards any political dissent deprived from sharing thoughts and grievance on air to local and foreign audience. They are apparently considered detractors and accordingly excluded in participation on media channel.

The contemporary practice to debar alternative political perspectives especially with Russian elections on the horizon in March 2018 may not bode well for Russia in the post-communist era declared as democratic system premised on free and fair elections allowing contenders upon meeting eligibility criteria to run for office.

Then the incident though eleven years ago involving independent journalist, writer and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya tragic death from gunshot wounds in Moscow in 2006 deter Russian democratic evolution.

The free society would create and nurture environment to question authorities without fear of incarceration, character defamation or danger to their life. The country as vast as Russia with enormous potential in different fields not barring politics would benefit from eclectic representation that could permeate across the spectrum. The transformation is made possible with healthy debates and public forums on all topics relevant to citizens in the province and national level.

Russia’s membership in BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in addition to G20 and WTO serve economic prospects. On security to combat terrorism and any foreign intrusion – the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia enable neutralization.

Russian economy, political stability and national security are general expectations amongst electorate. Russia’s role in international disputes are also important whether personally that entails skirmishes at Russian border with NATO or tension related to U.S. and North Korea as well as ending Syrian warfare.

The internal challenges like corruption undermining real progress, Chechnya seeking resolution, immigration and social dilemmas are prominent woes requiring effective measures.

Russia is in the threshold of economic growth and constraints on political choices limits the scope for broader vision necessary to sustain expansion.

Finally, vox populithe voice of the people from all walks of life exercising the right to express views or concerns and journalism in particular not confined to state or external orientation would demonstrate vibrant democracy.

I convey my best wishes to citizens in Russia.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission