Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings!
December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings!
Padmini Arhant
On the occasion of Christmas and similar celebrations in different parts of the world, our personal greetings and best wishes to all around the world.
With blessings from God, the almighty, benefactor and protector of lives and the universe,
May the season and the coming year bring peace, progress and prosperity replacing conflicts and crisis in the world.
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
Peace to all!
Padmini Arhant
Global Security – United States Defense Strategy
December 24, 2017
Global Security – United States Defense Strategy
Padmini Arhant
United States military leaderships alerting US troops on the near future possibility of Russia and the Pacific theater being the next major areas of conflict is extravagant, unaffordable and not pragmatic.
The rhetoric from United States military command is unwise and serve as an unnecessary provocation challenging major nuclear powers Russia and China under pretexts not conforming to credible evidence.
“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming. You’re in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence.”
Gen. Robert Neller, U.S. Marine Corps commandant.
Sgt. Maj. Ronald Green sounded a similar tone.
“At a Q&A session with the troops in the Norwegian Home Guard base near Trondheim, Neller said that the U.S. could shift its focus from the Middle East to Eastern Europe, citing Russia’s conflicts with Ukraine and Georgia as justification. He told the Marines that they should be prepared for a “big-ass fight” on the horizon.”
United States position in the world stage could be secure and respected provided the military leaderships, think tanks, every administration key officials and some members in Congress behind war strategy begin to acknowledge sovereignty of other nations, concern for all lives at stake over vested interests and importantly the devastation on the entire world upon such confrontation that would inevitably be nuclear.
The era of waging wars for profitability ignoring massive loss of lives and destruction is no longer viable and proved counterproductive time and time again.
The hard lessons from illegal invasion and occupation under false premise has been excruciating for U.S. taxpayers subject to enormous economic liability of warfare inviting adverse impact overall together with tarnishing United States image as an aggressor. Not to mention the scores of lives lost and millions forced into refugee status facilitating terror recruitment for networks preying on disenchanted and frustrated segments to unleash violence at the source of the problems.
In other words, United States determination to retain status quo backfires exacerbating preventable crisis.
United States and NATO operations beginning with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen followed by sponsoring terrorism against Syria since 2011, bifurcation of Sudan in 2012, militarization of Africa and Latin America in the past decade, destabilization of Ukraine in 2012, troops deployment in Eastern Europe through NATO allies extending up to Norway in June 2016, provocative military drills with nuclear threats in Korean Peninsula summarize U.S. exertion of military might and unnecessary intrusions endangering global peace and security.
United States demand on other nations to submit to U.S. failed and flawed policy is neither favorable to United States status nor conciliatory in maintaining peaceful coexistence, a natural and inalienable right of all nations and people in the world.
The argument from military top tiers and the newly unveiled national security strategy under President Donald J.Trump administration is basically prolonging stance up until now that was accelerated in the recent past with events highlighted above including the introduction of Pivot Asia by former President Barack H.Obama administration. The red flag claiming Russia and China are eroding America’s influence, interests and power eventually hurting America’s security and prosperity is a misguided perception without any credence.
The strange scenario projected to justify U.S. military buildup and base increase contradict reality.
China is one of the major creditors besides Japan and Saudi Arabia in floating the U.S.dollar and financing multi trillion dollar national deficit largely acquired from military interventions and terror sponsoring that has nothing to do with U.S. national security and instead fulfilling the core elements ideological and lofty agenda launched as Project for New American Century (PNAC) initially targeting U.S. citizens on September 11, 2001 and proceeded to other nations in the PNAC charter.
As for Russia presumed the enemy reviving Cold War sentiments post Soviet Union is yet another deviation from history and contemporary trend. There are no doubts that secret society comprising members from wherever sharing similar ambitions are in the league reflected in the unified resistance to UNSC dissolution, Nuclear disarmament and dismantling of international syndicate reining control over politics, economy, communication outlets and global affairs shunning transparency and accountability.
Nevertheless, the momentum seeking opportunity for warfare in Korean Peninsula or in the Baltic Sea is self destructive in the nuclear age. Any nation faced with persistent military threats and troops on their borders cannot be expected to remain complacent for peace is possible only in simmering tensions on all sides through reliable dialogue and diplomacy. The lack of will to pursue peaceful negotiations substituted with unlawful economic sanctions to anger the other side is paradoxical to blame game accusing the other party at fault while declining any responsibility for the situation.
The latest tax bill provision with $4 billion on missile systems aimed at installation and enhancement arguably arousing anxiety amongst those the strategy is intended with comments suggesting United States never ending desire to engage in warfare.
Having experimented perpetual wars and terrorism ruining lives, infrastructure and environment, United States renouncing violent hegemonic goals for universal peace and humanitarian endeavors would guarantee honor and credit besides winning humanity’s trust and confidence as honest broker and partner on global natter.
None can possibly sabotage or invalidate the salient characteristics and noble deeds of any carried out in good faith and sincere commitment to protect life and rights of all beings in a selfless and incorruptible mission.
Those who attempt in this regard have nothing but disappointment and embarrassment to savor along with a reminder to refrain from such indulgence in the short and long term.
In conclusion, United States defense strategy expending resources on peaceful overtures, constructive talks and diplomacy would produce positive outcome in diffusing conflicts nuclear or otherwise.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – U.S.Tax Legislation
December 21, 2017
United States – U.S.Tax Legislation
Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! On the tax legislation regarded a major overhaul by Republican Congress and administration under President Donald Trump.
As stated earlier on this website on the topic shifting tax burden from the wealthiest to middle class and lower income is not a viable option. Such maneuvers are always unsustainable as proved in previous administration’s health care reform.
The repeal of mandatory health insurance subscription tied to penalty is a fair measure considering there were no equal requirements and obligations on health insurers despite them granted 35 million additional subscribers through Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare.
The health care industry exponential costs and health insurance conpanies consistent declining of non and minimal invasive treatments essential to patients living normal life stated as experimental course ignoring FDA approval are the norm prioritizing profitability over patient care. Such responses are typically evasive on insurers part rejecting responsibility and market choice.
The recently passed tax law taxing social security benefits, retirement accounts like 401K and IRA, interests on savings deposits affect ordinary citizens dependent on life savings as financial security. Again the legislation targeting overwhelming majority as tax revenue base would impact consumer spending ultimately hurting retail businesses and upward in the economy,
The generous tax breaks to Corporations and 1% wealthy members in society perhaps offered as tax incentives in creating jobs and the latter to detain capital flight. Unfortunately these actions in the past by earlier administrations both Republican and Democrat in extending Bush tax cuts to these two categories have not deterrred companies from moving jobs overseas and the wealthiest in expanding offshore investments for self and vested interests.
In case there are any changes anticipated which are seriously doubtful given the trajectory conforming to global economy concept, the results will be reflected in the economy especially the gap between haves and have nots either remaining the same or worsening in some demography.
Tax restructuring was necessary and long overdue. However, not to disproportionate benefits of the rich class and against the average population and middle income groups primarily stimulating cash flow and credit opportunities as first home buyers, home improvements, auto loan and student loan applicants in the economy.
The tax breaks to working families allowing full deductions on property tax rather than capping limits up to $10,000 including other state and local taxes leave ordinary citizens with meager net disposable amount and direct effects on their buying power as mainstream consumers in market place.
Anytime major corporations and 1% are favored the most which has been the trend thus far with any administration and political party in control of Congress, the candidacy promise to them as campaign financiers are duly fulfilled without reciprocation from them exacerbating mainstream plight not to mention the increase in national deficit.
Anything otherwise in this context would be significant and a pleasant surprise which would be verified with passage of time and mainstreet reality.
The individuals on single income or for that matter families deserving tax relief are regular taxpayers unlike the top 1% and big corporations finding ways to evade taxes with profits and assets in tax havens due to different standards in society exempting them from fair share of taxes in return for enormous gains they have at ordinary and average citizens’ expense.
The prospects and drawbacks of any legislation lies in alleviating economic and social inequality. The latest tax legislation upon meeting expectations among citizens across the spectrum would then be a national goal.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
North Korea – Peace Talks
December 18, 2017
North Korea – Peace Talks
Padmini Arhant
Synopsis on the topic.
United States engagement in peace talks with North Korea is not dependent on auspicious time and day.
Unlike war with pre-emptive air strikes, missiles, provocative military drills not barring nuclear threats demand caution and restraints in words and action that are often unheeded to demonstrate misconceived strength,
Peace is unique in that respect. The peaceful communication and diplomacy conducted with mutual respect and without preconditions have great prospects in defusing conflicts.
North Korea has indicated during the former leader Kim Jong Il’s premiership, the readiness for direct talks with the United States provided there are no hidden agenda proven elsewhere. Similarly, the present North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has expressed interest in conducive dialogue prior to verbal confrontation with the incumbent U.S. administration.
North Korea’s stated nuclear program confirmed by CIA and other intelligence sources meant for deterrence to United States position in Korean Peninsula involving unwanted and untimely naval and other military exercise clarify the cause and effect situation.
Accordingly, United States civilian leaderships’ initiative in extending an olive branch would not only desescalate tensions but also be a paradigm shift in U.S. foreign policy predominantly premised on military reaction and violent means to any crisis.
United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson latest overture to deal with North Korea peacefully in the absence of terms and conditions is a rational approach that would allow both sides to focus on reversing the military and nuclear activities to fruitful negotiations keeping in mind the benefits to people in North and South Korea, Japan and remaining population in the region. The same would apply in protecting massive U.S. troops deployment in Asia Pacific or farther away in Guam and Hawaii.
There is no other better alternative to peace in resolving long standing issues that are consistently challenged with military and nuclear options ignoring grave consequences with death and destruction following aggression on all sides.
Not to mention the irreversible outcome in loss of lives and prolonged despair to victims’ families witnessed in the aftermath of warfare and violent exchange.
President Donald Trump moving forward with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in pursuing peaceful settlement on North Korea would set precedence in renewing hope in constructive and result oriented management of international affairs.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – FCC Repealing Net Neutrality and GOP TCJA
December 15, 2017
United States – FCC Repealing Net Neutrality and GOP TCJA
Padmini Arhant
FCC handed Christmas gift to telecom giants in repealing net neutrality. Federal Communications Commission, the public funded government agency denied the citizens funding this very organization right to affordable and equal access of the internet favoring major telecom and internet companies in return for campaign financing in 2018 and 2020 election.
In doing so, the republican members who voted against net neutrality at FCC meeting having secured campaign funding for their re-election evidently deserted the republican base and supporters affected in net neutrality elimination. They were least concerned about their action impact across party lines and public interest.
When a political party is only focused in serving corporate donors and special interests at their own base and voters expense, the self and vested interests takes precedence over citizens’ rights and equal opportunity. The trend is unfortunate and does not bode well in treating the party loyalists and voters as nothing more than crowd cheering during election campaign and casting ballots to political members turning their back against those granting them power.
GOP tax bill not surprisingly sympathetic to wealthiest and multi-national corporations in their super generous tax cuts to them considering the members serving in the current administration are admittedly multi-millionaires acknowledged by President Donald Trump claiming they understand the importance of wealth better than others not in the same status.
Juxtaposed, GOP fiscal consciousness surface on relieving families in middle and lower income bracket from economic struggles and expanding Medicare and Medicaid to citizens in the prevalent health care law falling short in this regard. The term social welfare is immediately applied to the required action while exempting the super-rich from fair share of taxes, empowering corporate giants with lion share in the market in net neutrality annulment and allowing dominant corporations lateral integration defeating the purpose of market economy.
The definition and meaning of market economy is no longer relevant. Instead of market determining price with consumer rights and choices protected, the major players wish list is duly acknowledged with monopolists thwarting competition.
The latest reversal of net neutrality and tax favors including corporate takeovers establishing antitrust environment hurting consumers and other viable business competitors is capitalism going wild like unbridled horse leaving behind the carriage i.e. the economy represented and functional due to work force and consumers across the spectrum especially the people in the middle and lower economic strata.
No millionaires and billionaires position is sustainable without the people working at various levels enabling the constant flow of goods and services in the economy, their contributions in ideas, innovations to physical manual labor along with average consumers spending essentially boosting retail sales and corporate profitability. The work force and consumer base are the economic engine for businesses to exist and thrive in a market place.
Likewise, no political party or mantle of power is possible in the absence of electorate validating the post from the highest office in land to the bottom in government. The political members pledge of allegiance to campaign donors and other influential forces prompting egregious decisions against citizens, economic and national interest demonstrated soon after election to office until the end of the term is frustrating electorate with elections having become a mere formality.
However, the changing tide demonstrated in Alabama race is an effective popular dissent to status quo.
The argument from corporate representatives on rules and regulations being detrimental to business success claiming the Feds micromanagement of industry cited by FCC chairman Ajit Pai in rolling back net neutrality is the irony.
The economy lacking in or relaxation of standards leading to housing market debacle, finance industry bailouts, energy companies running amuck slighting environment woes, health care industry with insurance companies dictating patient’s treatment rather than leaving life saving decisions to physicians and patient are the tip of the iceberg.
On the contrary, corporations run the government beginning with bidding on candidacy of all political affiliations on campaign trail moving into drafting legislations through relentless lobbying and investment in swaying legislations to their maximum advantage.
Super Pacs funding elections are the norm with prominent donors viz. the Koch brothers – David and Charles Koch, the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and alike propping the right and capitalist George Soros buttressing the left are somehow not regarded corporate and special interests meddling in government affair that are supposed to represent the mainstream, disenfranchised and segments without a voice in society.
The micromanagement of government and political system by influential forces proved adversarial widening the gap between haves and have nots with ordinary people deprived of dependable and honest representation in all matter not limited to internet access and tax benefits.
GOP recent move in tax reform titled Tax Cuts Jobs Act (TCJA) with disproportionate concessions to wealthiest members and corporate favorites alongside FCC vote ignoring citizens request to spare public domain such as the internet from corporate control are indicative of voter betrayal that could potentially deliver electoral backlash in 2018 and 2020.
The enormous campaign investments and political tactics in maintaining power could only go so far and ultimately governance rely on people support and approval. The government that prioritize citizens basic needs, rights, privileges and majority population economic security and social wellbeing have better chances of survival moving forward.
Finally, FCC vote on net neutrality has unnecessarily created challenges undermining and underestimating citizens will in matter that affects public performance in daily and professional routine.
The restoration of net neutrality in public court or congress is fundamental to preserve democratic and market economy values benefitting all not the selective few.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal
December 14, 2017
United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal
Padmini Arhant
Internet is a common ground and a public domain. Life revolves around technology. Technology is an integral part of life. Technology has made life efficient and for many including myself, technology is fun and exciting with an opportunity to perform work from anywhere – home, office, during travel day or night. Technology’s usefulness is mostly derived from internet access. That being the case, the corporate control of cyberspace restricting and extending service of their choice that would affect vast majority of internet users is not a viable course.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to repeal net neutrality favoring broadband i.e. the telecommunication companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast as well as internet companies such as Google, Amazon, Netflix and Facebook so on at overwhelming ordinary subscribers expense is infringement on average citizens rights and affordability in accessing internet, streaming video from Netflix and You Tube to name a few.
Net neutrality is critical for information flow without obstruction and selective channeling of traffic to sites and services that arguably creates conflict of interest and anti-trust law with major players dominance already stifling competition in a free market place. As such the lateral integration among telecommunication giants is the contemporary practice with various communication outlets from internet to television network acquisitions posing challenges to balance of power in the relatively vast field with maximum exposure to market share for them.
The net neutrality rules are meant to treat all internet traffic on equal basis barring Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block, slow down or provide preferential treatment to sites and services of their choice.
Furthermore, the rules are important for internet surfers and users to freely access the information highway without having to pay toll that would now be applicable at ISP’s discretion making internet the tool for corporate short-term profitability. In denying millions of internet visitors and regular users fair opportunity in addition to startups and several thousands of online companies from competing effectively, the current FCC plan could potentially suppress business advantage for anyone not in the same league as big corporations.
Anytime, regulations are shunned or eliminated enabling giant corporations to operate according to their policy that are always more profit oriented with the costs ultimately transferred in higher prices to end consumer or retail buyer, the trend invariably impact sustainability leading to inflation and sharp downturn in consumer buying power.
The FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s idea of attracting investment in the industry prompting such action evidently contradict the data considering the increase in investment in broadband expansion despite the rule in place.
Any regression in particular segment of this industry is not associated with net neutrality. As a matter of fact maintaining net neutrality for reasons explained above and in general benefitting entire users of cyberspace rather than specific corporations would promote enormous financial gains for all participants regardless of size and activity.
Since the broadband companies’ consumer base involves subscribers across the spectrum, the hierarchy in internet service set on different prices, speed and network reliability inevitably undermines bulk of the traffic presently represented in basic to premium category.
The FCC proposal to remove net neutrality based on investment prospects that are prevalent with net neutrality in effect along with faster and network dependability for more people is possible in extending unrestricted services to all not just the targeted groups on internet subscription. Another problem in this respect is FCC recommendation to have the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) resolve any issues between broadband operatives and users on any non-disclosures in access denial and price disputes could be prevented in adherence to net neutrality that avoids such occurrence.
The broadband service identified as the telecommunication companies remaining as such is relevant and imperative with rules defining the role adapting Title II of the Communications Act necessary for efficient and convenient access to internet prohibiting discrimination in the information age.
In conclusion, net neutrality is paramount to guarantee consistent service and competitiveness in the market economy for users and e-commerce traders without having to confront corporate control of internet usage and monopoly in commercial interest.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – Alabama Race
December 13, 2017
United States – Alabama Race
Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! To the electorate in Alabama in defeating harassment and abuse of power by those in position of authority and prominence.
Congratulations! To the candidate Doug Jones on the victory.
Anything that reaches the point of no return or salvation necessitates change that cannot be resisted or defied anymore proving the importance of people power prevailing regardless of money and might displayed in election campaigns and thereafter.
Washington D.C. and nationwide change is possible only through electorate at the polls for any actions after election is subject to political parties maneuvering, internal and external forces influence as well as control over system that denies good and corrupt free governance with fair opportunity for all.
The creation of proxies and puppets is desperate position seeking desperate measures for fake representation and falsehood is unsustainable against test of time and integrity.
Welcome to the era of people consciousness and awakening despite propaganda, deception and subversion of events to maintain status quo on the brink of dissolution.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Power – Definition and Interpretation
December 7, 2017
Power – Definition and Interpretation
Padmini Arhant
I would like to discuss on the contemporary events with focus on power. The verbal presentation will follow shortly.
Power is enticing prompting actions not favorable to many citizens depriving them the individual rights and freedom to live a normal life.
When power is concentrated among few members reining control over the destiny of more than seven billion lives, there are no considerations for people and issues affected by their decisions.
The policy premised on vested interests slight ordinary citizens plight even though they have power and wealth because of these citizens voting them to office, employees in work force and average consumers enabling business success and profitability. In general, the lives of the powerful and influential are dependent on the hard work of the people who are rarely acknowledged as the back bone of the industry and society at large.
Then there are those asserting as Royals whose existence and extravagant lifestyle over generations is paid for and supported by none other than ordinary people labor and service.
How does one interpret power?
In a democracy, power is expected to be in public domain i.e. government of the people, by the people and for the people. When representation in government is shifted from constituents to campaign donors, lobbyists and external demands, the system is subjugated to political ambitions and vested interests. The pledge of allegiance to campaign financiers and ideologues remaining the priority, the electorate needs often neglected or discounted to benefit the bidders in election campaign and special interests.
As for the disenfranchised, less fortunate and isolated demography there is no hope for they are expected to defend themselves in the polarized world with money purchasing power and fame.
Power is worthless and weak when used for intimidation, harassment and elimination of lives being the norm with no courage to accept responsibility. Those fearing the loss of own life and the powerful in particular traveling in bullet proof motorcade flanked with security personnel uninhibited in authorizing the killing of innocent and unarmed citizens in domestic and foreign shores is the irony.
The preference to harm anyone they do not agree with or find them inconvenient is cowardly and adapting the misuse of power reveals the state of mind and insecurity. At such time, the enemy within overwhelm them prohibiting the sense in identifying self as the primary problem.
United States House of Congress passing the legislation yesterday i.e. December 6th, 2017 on gun laws relaxing gun regulations and granting those with permits to freely carry concealed weapons as well as legally travel with firearms to other states obliging gun lobbyist National Rifle Association again clarifies the care and concern or the lack thereof for security of the population they are supposed to protect in public office.
The bill passed with majority Republican and six democrats votes are extremely thoughtful to say the least given the statistics in gun violence and now United States gun laws promoting mass murder in main street. The voluntary legislation on gun laws is congressional authorization to carry assault weapons threatening the lives of people falling prey to shooting rampage evidenced in American gun violence up until now.
The Congressional measure loosening gun restrictions indicative of arming citizens supposedly to fend for themselves in the otherwise alarming gun ownership.
Does this mean the process is intended to displace law enforcement personnel i.e. the police meant to safeguard citizenry?
Not to mention risking the lives of not only unarmed civilians but also police in serious crime scenes. Those who voted for this bill are expecting every individual to be armed not realizing the effects translated into shooting themselves on their foot with prevalent gun incidents not sparing congress members as well.
When folly reigns human character, wisdom is unheeded much to self-detriment.
This is an example of power exercised to exacerbate issues endangering public safety and legislators seeking prospects to extend term in office.
Whenever the public office is transformed into a platform to exert authority ignoring consequences, the office bearer has no credibility and not suitable to represent the state and the nation anymore.
The latest move declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is abuse of office of the Presidency with little or no regard for other citizens’ rights and blatant violation of ethics denying indigenous Palestinians due legitimacy and sovereign status they are entitled to in the relentless land grab by occupiers.
Anything obtained and achieved through aggression and underhanded tactics are bound to be subject to endless turmoil and never provide satisfaction to those involved due to illegitimate claim leaving them bereft of everything in possession. In the constant motion to gain others share of property and rights, the deterioration in human value among them inevitably defines the ill-fate.
As I have stated earlier, greed, hubris and prejudice consume human soul and anyone affected by these qualities unable to control excess desire and hatred eventually succumb to adverse outcome.
Life is an opportunity to learn and evolve into worthy beings not wither like autumn leaves covered in dust and swept away by the wind.
Finally, I reiterate the previous statement on the unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is null and void. Jerusalem is a holy city for inhabitants of other faiths as well and accordingly their consensus on the sensitive matter is relevant. The established fact on East Jerusalem al-Quds as Palestinian capital remains valid. That being said, the arbitrary declaration of entire Jerusalem as Israel’s domain is irresponsible and illegal.
Power is powerful in spreading peace not violence, saving lives not causing destruction and exemplifying fairness and equality not bias and discrimination.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Unilateral Recognition of Jerusalem is Null and Void
December 5, 2017
Unilateral Recognition of Jerusalem is Null and Void
Padmini Arhant
The declaration and recognition of Jerusalem by embattled President Donald J Trump under investigation on Russia matter is null and void. The gesture further confirms the office of Presidency of the United States subjugated to personal volition and political prospects to appease minority groups rather than maintaining integrity and sovereignty of the nation it is expected to serve besides adherence to international law and agreement of the parties affected in the reckless decision.
The politics of arrogance and vengeance unheeding wisdom and rationality is the ominous sign of the beginning of the end of self-destructive cause and representation. None other than history is testament to the fact.
Anything carried out in deliberate motive to hurt innocent lives and strengthen oppression is an imminent collapse of syndicate desperate to dissolve.
The defiance to accept reality and reason is an invitation to disaster witnessed throughout world events and lately in the demise of Yemen’s ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh who could have survived and experienced positive developments in his country had he not been complicit in treason, terror sponsoring and massive destruction of lives and his country’s future.
Even otherwise, in denying others rights to live in freedom the burden of guilt while living far outweighs death in the self-inflicted punishment for those presumptuously embarked on misguided mission.
The lessons in history and life are for mankind to learn and prevent catastrophe prior to occurrence and not be the source and catalysts for human suffering as there are consequences to all actions ultimately serving as reminder for those who are responsible.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Unilateral Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital
Padmini Arhant
U.S. Presidency Unilateral Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital is Illegitimate and provocative.
Jerusalem, the city regarded holy for three religions viz. Islam, Christianity and Judaism is sensitive to unnecessary political and arbitrary decisions that could exacerbate the decades old unresolved Middle East peace process.
The incumbent U.S. administration preparation to announce Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is irresponsible and illegitimate. The cavalier approach ignores the native population i.e. Palestinians rights and interest especially with Al-Aqsa mosque situated in the Old City of Jerusalem – i.e. East Jerusalem Al-Quds stated to be Palestinian capital.
The current administration involvement in foreign affairs in Syria, Yemen, Korean Peninsula and now in Palestine is egregious without any concern for others legitimacy notwithstanding regional and global impact. The White house actions on foreign issues appears to deflect public attention from ongoing Russia probe and sexual allegations that were previously acknowledged with an apology are at present denied raising credibility problems at the executive level.
The Palestinian statehood remaining unsolved, any steps related to common territories in Palestine are unwise and unsustainable.
On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently under criminal investigation on corruption charges introduced a bill aimed at protecting self against prosecution, public outcry and possible resignation from office. The move has angered citizens leading to massive protest in the latest March of Shame that had tens of thousands of citizens demanding the withdrawal of undemocratic bill with a message for the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to hold himself accountable on graft accusations.
Understandably, the leaderships in Israel and United States confronted with domestic pressure on personal crisis are seeking to divert focus from critical ethical matter that could potentially cost their jobs.
The watershed moments for both administrations in Israel and United States respectively prompting them to target Jerusalem in the hope to evade accountability on individual matter.
Jerusalem is the epicenter for people of different faiths with holy sites representing the specific religions.
President Donald Trump’s impending unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital against domestic and international will is counterproductive.
The policy lacking in prudence would contribute to imminent violence providing opportunity for ISIS recruitment of disenchanted and frustrated segments in global society.
Instead United States leadership advising Israeli government to heed international law and respect global appeal for recognition of Palestinian statehood based on pre 1967 territorial boundaries with permanent suspension of settlement activities in West Bank and East Jerusalem would demonstrate sincere commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes in the Mideast and worldwide.
Anything to the contrary like the proposal to claim Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would have prolonged and painful ramifications best averted in the interest of all.
Furthermore, Israeli authorities’ seizure of entire Jerusalem in addition to occupied Palestine territories that are already condemned internationally would only isolate Israel and cause serious economic setbacks even without sanctions. Alternatively, the boycott divestment sanctions (BDS) movement could gain more momentum against Israel upon defiant expansion and occupation.
Israeli leadership addressing domestic issues and accepting responsibility on ongoing events is important to allay citizens anxiety on government corruption and poor performance.
United States expending time and resources in improving American image and position shifting from interventional status to reliable intermediary dedicated to diplomacy and meaningful dialogue resulting in positive outcome for all relevant sides would earn trust and confidence among nations near and afar.
The situation is a clarion call for international approval on Palestinian state in accordance with humanitarian law on right to homeland and individual freedom – the inalienable right of all beings in the world.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States Supreme Court Ruling on Travel Ban
December 5, 2017
United States Supreme Court Ruling on Travel Ban
Padmini Arhant
The latest ruling by U.S.Supreme Court favoring the White House indefinite travel ban on targeted countries via. Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Chad, Somalia, North Korea and Venezuela with six of them being Muslim majority nations is political in the face of the incumbent President Donald Trump”s personal remarks and views about Muslims in general.
The White House claim echoed by the Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the travel ban decision is to protect American people from harm by citizens of these nations is an irony considering the fact that all eight nations listed for travel ban are the victims of United States and allies aggression through air raids, bombing, continuous shelling and terror sponsoring besides illegal economic sanctions against them since 2011 and until now.
On the contrary, Saudi Arabia whose citizens were involved in 9/11 terror attack missing on the travel ban list confirms the administration and judiciary priority of vested interests over national interest.
The fundamental principles of democracy are slighted in applying the rule of law that are regrettably premised on external forces influenced U.S. foreign policy rather than earlier experience on national security threatened and compromised with internal collusion and so-called allies participation behind the worst terror attack on American soil.
The nations under constant attack and challenges from United States and allies perceived as threat while the ones that were actually responsible for 9/11 not to mention their footprints in subsequent terror activities in different parts of the world continued until today exempt from scrutiny is a bizarre position posing credibility factor on indifference in security matter.
The politically driven egregious decisions exemplify myopic perspectives with little or no concern for humanitarian values and America’s status on human rights and reliability on global relations critical in resolving myriad international crisis.
The reversal of ban against these nations with restrictions on those travelers from anywhere identified with verified criminal and/or terror involvement record barring discrimination otherwise against anybody is the sane approach that would guarantee cooperation and efficient intelligence sharing at global level necessary to avert any potential danger or security problem against United States and the rest of the world.
Inclusion and not isolation is the solution to manufactured terrorism and violence unleashed for profitability at human life expense. Accordingly, alienating nations of specific faith and others due to political disputes are neither reasonable nor pragmatic.
The politics aside, focus on economic, academic and cultural prospects with all nations are key to sustainable progress.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission