United States – State of the Union Address 2018

January 31, 2018

United States – State of the Union Address 2018

Padmini Arhant


President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union Address to the nation and viewers worldwide.

I present my thoughts on the address.

The domestic issues related to job creation, lowering unemployment among African Americans and Latino Americans besides other achievements were highlighted in the speech. The tax reform legislation with tax breaks for various groups though the tax relief for individuals are temporary with an expiry date compared to corporations’ permanent tax cuts and stock market record breaking performance were brought to attention. They are relevant and important milestones for this administration and Congress.

The ordinary citizens in different occupations especially the members involved in rescue operations of natural disasters and those fighting crimes within nation were appreciated and commended in the first segment of the speech. These citizens deserved acknowledgment for risking their lives and saving others from life and death situation demonstrating care and compassion in the hour of need.

There was also a pledge to reduce the cost of prescription drugs that are astronomical leaving patients suffering from terminal illnesses with hard choices between buying medications to fight disease and food for survival.

The message on economy was optimistic and complimenting brave citizens for their selfless actions were humanizing in the Presidential delivery.

There was also emphasis on unity considering the divisiveness based on misrepresentation and propaganda of different types in communication outlets that are contributing to polarization. The gesture to transcend identity and accept one another as American is a positive note. The conciliatory approach on immigration recognizing the DACA issue as one of the four pillars including border security is welcome.

The second chance with job prospects for prison inmates having satisfied necessary time is a good moral and economic support to help them reform and settle as productive citizens in society. In this respect, the plan to open and set up vocational institutes and other labor training facilities would certainly be impetus for youths straying in life and committing crimes adding to prison population in the country.

I did not hear any specific benefit to college students on education loan that is vital as there are many of them in this category saddled with education debt prior to starting their career. The student loan is another area other than mortgage that often weighs down on ordinary citizens unable to have any savings after paying the huge interest laden debt. The low or no interest easy payment plan to students and their families would definitely boost college enrollment and educated work force.

Infrastructure to build roads, railways, bridges and ports were addressed in the President’s speech that are all important with bipartisanship in funding the projects leaving politics aside is essential.

The transition from free trade agenda to fair trade with reciprocal arrangement conforms to proposal on this website.

On religion, the guarantee to safeguard religious rights as constitutional norm is conducive and crucial for social harmony.

These issues were all right on track and pertinent to building America.

What I did not hear from the President that is significant not only to America but also to the survival of all species is the environment protection and reducing carbon emission. The administration should review the Paris Climate treaty objectively though I’m yet to familiarize myself on the details of the accord which I will do in the immediate future to understand the nature and commitments of the signatories to the agreement.

In my experience, the environment accord is usually limited to consent and not necessarily translated into action by major polluters viz. United States, China, India and other industrialized as well as emerging economies contributing to global warming and ice caps melting in the north and south poles specifically the arctic and Antarctic respectively endangering marine life and human inhabitation in remote regions of the world.

In fact, the fire, hurricanes, floods and freezing temperatures the President cited in his address are the results of gross environment abuse and neglect that could no longer be slighted prompting serious engagement from government to citizen level to curb environment deterioration. The wealth and economic development are meaningless in the absence of clean air and water critical for life.

Unfortunately, the President heeding to coal industry and endorsing fossil fuel production rather than reduction with export possibilities to other nations is not a viable option on environment preservation. Instead the coal miners and other energy companies should consider clean renewable energy using natural resources like solar, wind and hydrothermal projects and contain fossil fuel dependency. The oil companies constant drilling, fracking and digging in deep and shallow water along with pipelines like the controversial Keystone project ignoring native Americans plea to spare their territory prioritize profit over people and planet sustenance.

The administration’s focus and obligation to protect oceans and rivers from contamination and the atmosphere from pollution is key to healthy living standards that would also decrease health care costs for the nation. Again, clean air and water is not a privilege but indeed a necessity for all to exist and experience healthy life span.

Now on foreign policy. Not surprisingly, the foreign policy advocates input in the State of the Union Address targeting the usual nations as adversaries was predictable. The distinct remarks against some were not only repetitive stance but pronounce stagnancy in changing course from their archaic view of the world and refusing to accept the transformative geopolitical landscape.

Simultaneously touting the allies’ erroneous demands and indulgence viz. Israel and Saudi Arabia with the former occupation of Palestine and defiant settlement activities in Palestinian territories while the latter pounding of Yemen using United States sold artillery in Yemen are proved counterproductive.

The administration’s egregious decision on Jerusalem is neither in United States nor Israel’s interest as claimed in the speech. Jerusalem is a holy city shared among natives and residents settled thereafter creation of Israel on Palestine. The unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is provocative and appropriately ruled out in the UN vote by majority in the world.

The President expectation from nations to fall in line on international affairs such as Jerusalem deny these nations sovereign right to express dissent and their citizens’ position on global matter. The anticipation on complacency and complicity from nations as recipients of United States financial aid and funding of the United Nations qualifies as bribery to buy votes in the UN voting process defeating the legitimate purpose of an international body.

On North Korea –  the President reminisced the formation of union with then patriots’ resolve for self-governance that led to the emergence of United States of America proudly declared an independent nation on earth.

However, the free country not entirely free in governance with diverse special interests from within and outside exerting control over United States investments has developed into imperialist power despite failures and consistent debacles from illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

The irony with western colonial powers is they cherish own freedom and take pride in subjugation and colonization of nations worldwide. The colonial mindset rejects the rights of all human beings to liberty and independence from foreign intervention.

North Korea’s aspiration for reunification of Korea as an independent, sovereign nation liberated from foreign military on the borders and repressive UNSC economic sanctions is an inalienable right of the people of that country. United States long standing imposition on North Korea is direct violation of North Korean sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The same would be applicable to United States engagement in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and wherever United States military bases are established indefinitely declining the citizens of these nations the self-determination in governance of their choice without foreign troops and sponsored terror outfits presence.

The imperial quest premised on unfettered access to economic reserves and strategic dominance prompting military and terror infiltration in foreign land is a flawed strategy and never gain respect draining tax payer dollars on aggression and violent pursuits.

On the subject of terror – As stated earlier on this website, terrorism would collapse instantly upon terminating supply of weapons to terror factions together with ceasing funding to terror operatives that fosters terror. There is little or no desire to end these two means among promoters and profiteers of terror instrumental in proliferating terrorism.

Nuclear policy – The reluctance to lead the world in nuclear disarmament due to reservations from forces believing nuclear might as formidable defense is an illusion. Again, as explained earlier on the topic on this website, nuclear status is a dead weight on nuclear powers demanding extraordinary vigilance and financial investment in maintenance of nuclear site depriving other areas such as health care, education and infrastructure improvement in the national budget. The reality is people dying from preventable disease and lack of basic facilities is much higher and happening on daily basis among nuclear and non-nuclear states than the probability of nuclear attack. Yet nuclear ambitions and advancement exceed overall life requisites among nuclear states accelerating nuclear arms race.

The world cannot afford to wait for a particular time and place on denuclearization. Nuclear weapons are a menace and require safe disposal making the world a nuclear free zone. Hence, it is incumbent on all nuclear states to arrive at a consensus and expedite nuclear disarmament exempting none in the endeavor. The world leaderships in military, politics and civil society owe this responsibility to the present and future generation for safe and nuclear free existence.

Likewise, there is another cleaning up task pending world action. The land mines and improvised explosive device (IED) that are inflicting pain and permanent injury to largely poorer demography in countries that are designated eternal war precincts with weapons and explosives left behind in open field and abandoned in warehouse as witnessed in Africa, Afghanistan and Libya.

The addiction to foreign policy to suit core entities self and vested interests against United States and global benefits hurt America’s credibility in presiding over world disputes and discord.

The President speech also confirmed on Guantanamo Bay to remain open retaining status quo. The idea to house terror suspects most of whom are known to be falsely held in captivity denying them habeas corpus – the right to legal defense to prove their innocence emanated from the administration headed by then President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and sources in power at that time. These members having been primarily responsible for allowing terror attack on 9/11/2001, they were never held accountable for dereliction of duty amounting to treason and violation of human rights in introducing torture and inhumane tactics on those in unlawful custody.

United States image could not be enhanced in skyscrapers and coast to coast high ways, bridges and monuments alone.  Any nations real progress is verifiable in the treatment of own citizens and those abroad with mutual respect, dignity and fairness without compromising on ethics and human value.

I reiterate that President Donald Trump led administration and the present Congress with members from both sides of the political aisle have potential to build America and enable American dream for all Americans leaving none behind barring prejudice in general and partisan politics in governance.

United States and the world moving forward in strengthening ties with neighbors in the region and across the frontiers treating each other as partners and not rivals extending economic, cultural, educational and social events is paramount for global peace, prosperity and security.

God bless humanity and environment.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
























United States – Robert Mueller Investigation

January 30, 2018

United States – Robert Mueller Investigation

Padmini Arhant

The investigation headed by the former FBI director Robert Mueller is presented by Capitol Hill and media in different tone speculating various outcomes not excluding the possibility of President Donald J Trump impeachment.

What they are not telling the American electorate is who is the target in this investigation?

Is it President Donald Trump or the Russian government and the President Vladimir Putin?

Since the investigation is coined Russia probe,

Does this mean Russia is the subject of interest?

If Russia is suspected to have meddled in 2016 U.S. Presidential election and allegedly sabotaged the democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton’s shot at Presidency as the first female President,

Why did the predecessor President Barack Obama administration allow such alleged interference?

In other words, why didn’t the earlier administration in power at that time until January 2017 thwart foreign government intrusion given the state of the art technology and dragnet surveillance at their disposal?

The news media report on CIA awareness of Russia’s alleged plan raise the obvious query.

Why didn’t then President Barack Obama administration avert the foreign government meddling prior to the election day on November 4 in 2016?

Just like the media reporting now on CIA warning on Russia’s alleged preparation to intervene in the mid-term election this year.

What is the point in having intelligence agency that claims to have information about certain event that threatens democratic process and does nothing against the plot from coming into fruition?

There appears to be a pattern here going back to 9/11. The intelligence agencies CIA and FBI together with then administration under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were adequately warned and informed about the major terror attack on the nation and yet they regarded the warning as hoax and let it happen facilitating the death of three thousand and more American and foreign nationals lives on the fateful day 9/11/2001 and millions thereafter in foreign land.

Is CIA information gathering and subsequent release to media only for the latter analysis and interpretations to keep the public confused on the matter without any appropriate action from the relevant administrations to prevent such activity?

The interesting fact in this entire saga is the democratic candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton notably surrounded by controversies, scandals and scathing political background believed to have been deprived from winning the election in 2016 when the candidate Hillary Clinton nomination process within the democratic party admittedly rigged leading to the forced resignation i.e. expulsion of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for the debacle.

The DNC interim chair at that time Donna Brazil recently confirmed the rigging adding to the pre-existing fact that was done to anoint the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton with DNC blatantly slighting the other contender on the democratic ticket, the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders much to his supporters’ anger and disappointment.

Then the incident involving DNC staffer and Senator Bernie Sanders supporter, then 27 years old Seth Rich shot and killed on July 2016 in Washington D.C. for his alleged role in leaking DNC emails that had details on DNC decision to nominate Hillary Clinton further exacerbated DNC handling of the issue.

The murder of young political aide Seth Rich in the heat of political drama ensuing within DNC and the murder investigation results yet to be made public clarifies the problems confined to DNC bias and subversion of the nomination procedure.

Under these circumstances, the legitimate question that arise on the Robert Mueller Investigation is when the cause prompting such investigation expending taxpayer dollars evidently flawed from the beginning,

What is expected to be achieved from the pursuit?

The nomination of democratic candidate Hillary Clinton failed to follow the election rules and standard practice applicable to both political parties on primary and final election jeopardizing the credibility of such nomination.

The creation of Russian inquiry to deflect public attention from the actual internal turmoil in DNC due to pre-selected nominee Hillary Clinton usurping to be the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2016 election is circumvention and explains the endeavor bearing no meaningful and genuine purpose other than conforming to public opinion on the investigation being a political witch hunt and elaborating Russia phobia.

The Robert Mueller investigation would be fair and justified in the absence of DNC active impairment to field the candidate of their choice Hillary Clinton snubbing the democrat base and the other democrat contestant Senator Bernie Sander’s voters’ expectation for a normal and credible nomination course.

Otherwise, the wild goose chase laden with carving the bird in the impeachment undertone is rambunctious at best and fallacious at worst.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com









Syria – Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Syrian Republic Right

January 21, 2018

Syria – Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Syrian Republic Right

Padmini Arhant

United States along with western and middle eastern allies invaded Syria in 2011 through terror deployment. Since then the terror sponsors have subject Syria to brutal violence, constant shelling, air strikes, use of chemical and biological weapons via terror networks much to the world’s horror and dismay.  The U.S. and allies’ involvement enabled evolution of various terror factions from al Qaeda becoming al Nusra Front, Daesh, Takfiri to The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and lately termed the Islamic State (IS) responsible for thousands of deaths and millions forced into refugee status.

United States training and funding of terror groups from the beginning in 2011 along with special forces on the grounds in Syria accompanied by repeat demand for Syrian electorate elected President Bashar Al Assad and government ouster by predecessor Barack Obama fueled the conflict disrupting positive outcome in any peace accord. The incumbent President Donald Trump administration’s parallel strategy to maintain U.S. troops in Syria and echoing previous administration’s rhetoric on removal of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, family and government is the standard U.S. foreign policy dictated by forces barely known to the American public or the global audience.

United States occupation of foreign land in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or anywhere in the world is the external forces devised foreign policy for global dominance despite repeat failures and phenomenal economic liability endured by U.S. tax payers and the people of target nations thus far. The reckless engagement rejecting reality and creating perpetual chaos in foreign land under false pretexts is proved dangerous, callous and counterproductive and yet the architects and catalysts behind the trend refuse to learn lesson from the experience.

While United States forcing government shut down on citizens during every administration and raising the concern for border security as a priority with the border wall exceeding the Great Wall of China or the past century Berlin Wall to prevent the flow of unarmed undocumented immigrants into U.S. territory,

The U.S. administrations regardless of political affiliation as left or right violating sovereignty and territorial integrity of foreign nations with armed terrorists and U.S. troops witnessed in Syria is the major hypocrisy in U.S. foreign policy.

United States and citizens have never experienced any threats from these occupied nations like Syria whatsoever when the reverse is the case with Syria, Iraq and Libya transformed into terror haven to prolong occupation and armed confrontation ignoring massive casualties and unending suffering for millions in the region.

The new dimension in Syrian crisis is the formation of alternative government in Syrian land with utter disregard for Syrian sovereignty and republic right. The U.S. role in northern Syria crafting a border force comprising Syrian Kurds initially claiming to defeat their own terror faction IS in Raqqa has catapulted the Turkish-Kurdish opposition along the Syrian border with Turkey.

Turkey having been instrumental in Syrian massacre from the start under the leadership of former Prime Minister turned President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the NATO ally crying foul and using the opportunity to infiltrate Syria with Turkish ground troops is all clear in the intent to Balkanize Syria into statelets as they unsuccessfully tried with Iraq in the creation of Kurdistan in northern Iraq that had to be ultimately rescued from ISIL by Iraq national forces in the U.S. and  allies generated quagmire in the Middle East replicated wherever their footprints are evident.

There is also shared interest among U.S. foreign policy designers overwhelmingly favoring allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia wish lists than humanitarian goals in their aggression against Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq and the extension of settlement activities in occupied Palestine. Again, it is no secret the systemic targeting of nations in the Middle East is to deter Iran’s influence and impose dominion republic status on these countries and citizens submitting to globalists agenda.

As a result, Syria is today occupied by foreign forces like United States and coalition besides terror outfits representing their western and middle eastern sponsors cause. Furthermore, Syria has been driven into inviting Russian intervention to combat international assault on all sides of this small nonetheless resilient nation leading to Russian operated Syrian Khmeimim Air base in the coastal city Latakia in Hmeimim, Syria in addition to the Russian naval base in Tartus on the Mediterranean coast of Syria.

There appears to be no sense of reasoning and recognition among them to abandon flawed policies and disastrous means aimed at regime change and reconfiguration of geopolitical landscape to suit their desire and insidious ambition in the name of defeating terror they produced, nurtured and directed to kill, terrorize and maim thousands of innocent lives in Syria and across the borders in the region.

These individuals in the position of power and authority are granted impunity on crimes against humanity. Accordingly, they accept no responsibility on direct authorization and complicity in genocide of population in foreign land for they represent the global syndicate rooted in self and vested interests at the expense of vast majority regarded vulnerable and their lives dispensable.

Where are the ideas and strategies flowing from on fragmentation and conversion of sovereign nations into vassal states in the revival of medieval feudalism?

Well, the representation is rather diverse varying from government to institutions, think tanks and prominent academia as well as organizations with personal as well as collective aspirations to maintain status quo in denying ordinary people freedom, basic rights, economic opportunity and social justice although their lectures and speeches are deceptively misleading and misguiding in every format.

Their motto is constant mayhem and discord worldwide boosting arms sales to all factions indiscriminately and promoting eugenics with divisive racial, religion and class warfare in society under the guise of democracy and non-sectarianism when their actions irrefutably confirm otherwise.

Here is the expressed opinion in the article published on December 25th, 2017 titled Opinion:

One way to counter Iran’s aggression? Change the map of the Middle East from the author Michael Makovsky, the President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) and a former Pentagon official advocating among many other indulgence, the major proposals are inciting political unrest and partitioning of States into separate entity.

The excerpt of this article premised on offensive strategy is presented here with full length available in the link provided below.


One way to counter Iran’s aggression? Change the map of the Middle East from the author Michael Makovsky, the President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) and a former Pentagon official

“Iran has taken advantage of ISIS’ crumbling caliphate to increasingly consolidate control over Syria and Iran, as it dominates their capitals and those of Lebanon and Yemen. It has effectively established a land bridge from Tehran to Beirut.

Reversing this strategic threat requires continued U.S. military presence and military aid to local forces in Syria and Iraq, and greater support for our regional allies, such as Israel and Jordan, who must contain the provocative actions of Iran and its proxies. But this defensive posture will not suffice even to contain Iran let alone transform its hegemonic trajectory.

Instead, we should draw from Ronald Reagan, who eschewed a defensive posture and pursued an offensive strategy to undermine the Soviet Union that included supporting indigenous anti-communist insurgents around the globe. We should pursue the same offensive strategy to roll back Iran’s regional hegemony.

We should recognize that maintaining Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen in their existing forms is unnatural and serves Iran’s interests. There is nothing sacred about these countries’ borders, which seem to have been drawn by a drunk and blindfolded cartographer. Indeed, in totally disregarding these borders, ISIS and Iran both have already demonstrated their anachronism and irrelevance.

These countries are not nation-states as Americans understand them but post-WWI artificial constructs, mostly created out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire in a colossally failed experiment by international leaders. With their deep ethno-sectarian fissures, these countries have either been held together by a strong authoritarian hand or suffered sectarian carnage.

Indeed, the principal vulnerability of Iran’s regional strategy is its dependence on brutal regimes to rule lands riven by ethno-sectarian fissures. The United States should exploit this vulnerability by supporting those forces in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen that oppose Iran’s domination and seek greater self-determination or independence from the capitals. The result could be transforming these failed states into loose confederations or new countries with more borders that more naturally conform along sectarian lines.”


Not that such attempts have not been experimented before for exerting overt control as they did with Sudan in 2012 bifurcating the oil rich African country into South Sudan plunging the newly formed fragile state into worst political and humanitarian turmoil. As cited above in this blogpost they carved northern Iraq with oil reserves as Kurdistan granting autonomy with self-government obviously bowing to oligarchy and globalists expectations on the economic benefits related to oil revenue.

I leave with the reminder to elements and groups retaining twentieth century mindset in perpetrating persistent violence through terrorism, troops and tensions to achieve unattainable objectives on regional and global hegemony verifiably futile with severe blowback on the sources unable to sustain imprudent doctrine and legacy.

Syria is a sovereign nation with elected government and any changes to Syria’s present and future is entirely and exclusively Syrian citizens right representing the nation as the republic barring any regional and foreign intrusion in the determination of Syrian fate.

The same principle would apply to nations dealing with globalists interventions endorsed and executed by UNSC via economic sanctions crippling the target nations’ economy to stymie effective resistance against hegemonic gains.

I convey my best wishes to Syria in ending the conflict and securing independence from regional and foreign pursuits.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



United States – Government Shut Down

January 19, 2018

United States – Government Shut Down

Padmini Arhant


United States government shut down is unfortunate and apparently a routine event considering the last one in 2013.

The members in the United States Senate unable to reach an agreement on issues of their choice demonstrates the lack of commitment to serve the American public without any disruption contributing to financial losses from the gridlock in the Senate.

Surely, the deal could have been struck among lawmakers in prioritizing issues and addressing relevant concerns on all sides amicably in electorate and national interest. Instead, the members blaming one another for their own favorite issues do not reflect well on the government and the nation delivering a negative image on performance.

The inaction to fund government impedes various activities again resulting in economic liability at tax payers expense that could have been averted by coming together and working out the best possible solution on major and minor aspects of the funding bill.

As such the public opinion on congressional stalemate is well known and accordingly the legislative and the executive branch coordination on the government funding bill is necessary without further delay in order to avoid indefinite breakdown for such situation serves none in politics.

Whoever is responsible in exacerbating the present crisis are not going to benefit in any manner and certainly not in political mileage this election year. The electorate backlash could have serious repercussions with public frustration mounting over legislators’ inability to reach an agreement on matter concerning all citizens affected in the preventable shut down.

Hopefully the members’ constitutional oath to serve the people of the United States without causing or allowing obstruction in government functionality and service to the nation would be maintained leading to the reopening of the government.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com




United States – 2018 Mid Term Elections

January 17, 2018

United States – 2018 Mid Term Elections

Padmini Arhant

The public issues directly affecting ordinary citizens would determine Congressional elections outcome this year.

The issue such as restoring net neutrality wrongfully repealed by FCC currently awaiting Congressional bipartisanship in the bill introduced under The Congressional Review Act (CRA) in the United States Senate is just short of one vote to reach 51 votes in the simple majority process. The bill would then proceed to the House of Congress and finally to the White House.

Those who aspire to Make America Great Again and interested in maintaining majority rule in the House and Senate would place people needs and rights over special interests, political party and personal career. The net neutrality is not partisan matter as it affects citizens across the spectrum with or without political affiliation.The internet freedom is the last bastion in claiming United States a free country with the first amendment protecting free speech enabled via internet in the easy unrestricted and uncensored access to internet in the Information Age.

The DACA legalizing resident status for the Dreamers with the path to citizenship is pragmatic offering a permanent solution. The immigration policy accommodating border security with the Wall appears to be acceptable with bipartisan backing that includes DACA and border security.

The White House shying away from this opportunity to seal the deal is hard to comprehend especially President Donald Trump campaign in 2016 pledging to get things done averting government shut down and gridlock in Congress. Now when the White House is presented the moment to do so, the administration backing away with unconvincing explanations reflect the Washington contagion effect on members to miss the flight allowing the issue to linger on adding to economic liability and social dilemma.

In other matter, the federal proposal to verify Californians citizenship in the 2020 Census survey likely to inhibit significant immigrant population from participation as there are many awaiting citizenship following permanent resident status that do not qualify them until completion of five years residency in total since obtaining green card in the United States. The rule differs from other western nations like Australia with only two years requirement of continuous residency post permanent resident approval.

The White House step would further exclude other legal residents in different immigrant category contributing to the state and federal income tax depriving them from Congressional representation. These unwanted maneuvers adds to the contentious immigration debate stalling the current government funding bill in Washington D.C.

The White House census move possibly contracting representation in the House of Congress combined with substantial financial loss in federal funding for the State of California is an unnecessary quest and pronounce unique gerrymandering in the mid term election year.

California is not only the largest economy in the nation, the golden state with vast immigrant population also ranks within top ten in the global economy. The federal interception to alter political configurations leading to under representation or lower count forcing the state to lose a seat in Congress and billions of dollars in federal funds as a result of this experiment is unwise besides not being prudent in political as well as economic terms.

Similarly, the Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney General Jeff Sessions targeting actions adopted by California and other states in legalizing medical marijuana to alleviate pain and suffering among young and old patients diagnosed with life threatening illnesses like cancer and other disease undermines state autonomy in evaluating the benefits and costs on such decisions.

In case the argument is to leave the medical marijuana intact and focus on concerns about recreational marijuana use, even then the federal intervention on citizens lifestyle regardless of potential harm in long term use conflict with democratic system and practicality.

One might say alcohol consumption that exists in various proportions causing health hazards for those exceeeding the limit should perhaps be included in the federal law on marijuana. The same topic could be extended to unhealthy junk food prevalent in the daily diet for urban and poorer segments in society. The lifestyle choices should be left to citizens discretion with adequate health warnings and information rather than imposing regulations that would only prompt illegal approach with no real data on sale and consumption.

On Obamacare, as discussed in length on this website regarding this health care law, the legislation failed to hold the key players – the health care industry comprising corporations and medical foundations in health care management along with Big Pharma and the other being the health insurance industry in meeting their end of the bargain to make health care affordable.

The health care costs and life dependent prescription drugs for cancer and terminal disease is alarming due to extraordinary profits aimed and reaped with price gouging on the rise by big pharmaceutical companies prioritizing mega profitability over patient care and survival.

The problem not addressed in the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare is leaving patients and families to choose between medical expense and essential items like food and basic needs with insurance coverage unable to match the rapidly increasing price tag on these medications. When major companies in the pharmaceutical industry are positioned to exploit the situation against market affordability, consumers dealing with life and death scenario are vulnerable to soaring price enhancing corporate profits at consumers plight that ultimately impact demand.

Accordingly, the Carers Act in the health care law would be appropriate to streamline burgeoning drug and health care costs making health crisis management and wellness programs truly affordable.

In conclusion, America can become great only when representation in government and society is committed towards progress leaving behind none with fairness and equality guaranteed through individual freedom and economic prospects for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com








United States – Frankly Speaking on President Donald J. Trump Administration

January 14, 2018

United States – Frankly Speaking on President Donald

J.Trump Administration

Padmini Arhant

Frankly Speaking, the current administration headed by President Donald J. Trump has enormous potential to achieve goals in national and international interest provided the President’s public statements and views are strictly confined to issues and matter relevant to the subject refraining from unnecessary comments that immediately attracts media and world attention.

The achievements in the first year such as tax laws though favoring the wealthy and corporations continued from previous administration extending Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest hopefully have corporations invest the tax incentives in the economy for job creation and sustenance as expected in this bill. Again, any default or failure on the corporations not sharing the public dollars in enhancing job growth and American economy would impact American business and long-term prospects. Accordingly, the companies as beneficiaries of tax breaks distributing the tax dollars among members of work force all the way to the bottom unlike the trend to benefit top 1% would be wise and pervasively productive.

President Trump’s proposal on health care requiring able bodies to earn health insurance coverage with more than 10 or 12 states having come forward to enact this rule is prudent. The recommendation exempting elderly, disabled, pregnant women and children while having healthy members to earn the health plan coverage not only encourage young and not so old participants to avoid being branded as social welfare recipient which would be the case in this instance but also allow them to contribute to community service and the system.

Those who oppose the suggestion claiming that this would prevent these groups from active job search and the other scenario being there are individuals already working in other fields and therefore would not be possible for them to comply with this requirement.  With the former, the job seekers without insurance qualifying under this program could always fulfill the community or service obligation and organize for job interviews on mutual arrangement between them and wherever they are working that should accommodate requests within reasonable timeframe. In doing so, they might be able to assist the job seekers on community and other social service to move into full time employee status in the work force saving the health insurance coverage for others in worse situations. As for the latter, the employers should be incentivized with necessary tax deductions and use them towards insurance plan for the employed members without insurance coverage. Though this is a standard practice with most companies offering minimum health plan for their workers and staff, the ones yet to assimilate in this category should be advised to do so with tax benefit.

The objection raised in expecting healthy citizens to work for insurance plan is partisan politics. There has been similar proposition in place under earlier administrations like the former democratic President Bill Clinton justifying such requirement on college students qualifying for lower interest rates on student loans to return the favor in mandatory community service.

President Donald Trump waiver on Iran sanctions admittedly done with reluctance is a positive step for that is necessary in honoring United States commitment to ease tensions in the Middle East and discourage any nuclear ambitions from Iran agreed to in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015.

President Donald Trump administration on immigration policy in not ending H-1B visas for professionals awaiting permanent status is practical otherwise the measure would have triggered exodus leaving high tech industry and other sectors dependent on highly skilled work force in disarray.

As for the immigrants certified as undocumented and without legal status residing in the United States having arrived at a young age, The Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that was introduced through executive order by the predecessor President Barack Obama granting temporary work permits due to expire in March this year having been an incomplete process in nature appears to be contentious at this point in time.

President Donald Trump’s willingness to derive permanent solution to this issue granting legal status with path to citizenship and the Democrats agreement in this respect along with consensus on border security gaining bipartisan support is a good opportunity to move forward leaving behind the political gaffe and denials as well as misinterpretations of conversations proved nothing more than distractions serving none in politics.

The combined efforts from all members of Congress in the House and the Senate on all issues and averting government shut down with the approval of funding bill incorporating essential needs and addressing DACA together with formalizing the DREAM Act would confirm government seriousness in serving American electorate to the best of ability and reliability.

Finally, President Donald Trump and administration focus on getting things done as witnessed in the first year transcending impulsive reactions and response only providing fodder to factions eager to debate and exacerbate problems would be in the best interest of American public and international affairs deserving attention and meaningful resolutions.

I convey my best wishes in reaching amicable solutions to issues confronting the United States and global citizenry.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com













United States – Net Neutrality Restoration via The Congressional Review Act (CRA)

January 12, 2018

United States – Net Neutrality Restoration via The Congressional Review Act (CRA)

Padmini Arhant

Net neutrality repealed by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai recently in a closed door meeting among five members with three republican representatives in favor and two democrats against the decision understandably prompted public protest and disappointment. The decision tipped the balance to control internet traffic overwhelmingly to internet service providers – AT&T, Comcast and Verizon amongst the prominent and major corporations in the pool leaving the public domain, the internet entirely to corporate management allowing them censorship on public access and streaming activity.

As mentioned earlier on this website regarding this issue

Related Articles:

United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

United States – FCC Repealing Net Neutrality and GOP TCJA

Whenever federal authorities and agencies neglect responsibility to protect consumer interests arguably relevant in this matter and chose to align with special interests such as corporate giants in telecom industry with little or no concern on mass impact, the voice of the people as common users from all walks of life necessitate action.

Accordingly, a Senate bill to overrule FCC and save net neutrality gained traction with enough cosponsors to force a vote on the Senate floor attracting members from either sides of the political aisle including independent member of Congress in the Senate coming forward to reverse FCC’s action.

The bill titled The Congressional Review Act (CRA) would give elected officials 60 legislative days to restore net neutrality by overturning FCC’s REPEAL with a simple majority vote in the Senate and House. The vote in the Senate appears to be guaranteed to pass the legislation. The constituents regardless of political affiliation contacting the respective Congress members in the House and Senate to cast their vote in acknowledgment of citizens’ rights to internet, the public domain free from restrictions and corporate regulations is pertinent to maintain fair access to information highway.

The legislation drawing bipartisan support in the Senate currently has 40 cosponsors and The Congressional Review Act (CRA) will need 51 votes to pass the Senate and proceed to the House.

Citizens across the United States, the blue, the red, the purple and apolitical evidently internet users are urged to come together in retaining your rights to internet and join the majority participating in net neutrality revival.

You may use the easy call tool to contact your lawmakers right now. Battle for the Net’s call tool is easy to use. Enter your phone number and your phone will ring. Then just enter your zip code they will connect you with your Senator.

Keep democracy alive and active exercising your rights to internet freedom in the information age.

Good Luck!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission






Korea – Peace Talks and Winter Olympics

January 9, 2018

Korea – Peace Talks and Winter Olympics

Padmini Arhant

The latest official gesture on Tuesday between North and South Korean officials to thaw relations is a positive sign welcoming peace in the Korean peninsula. The initiatives on both sides impetus the Korean population interest and security having been subject to unnecessary skirmishes and nuclear threats so far.

North and South Korean leaderships focus on persistent diplomacy and peaceful dialogue distancing from any advice or notions for overt or covert military intrusion to disrupt peace activity would demonstrate both nations resolve to rise above violent means and adopt direct communications and meaningful negotiations between two states sharing strong family ties and mutual economic development.

Meanwhile, the U.S. officials in Washington as behind the scenes actors and warfare proponents largely responsible for mayhem and chaos wherever possible whether Middle East, Ukraine or North Korea abandoning the repeat failed and flawed strategy to ignite hostility is not only beneficial to target nations but also help United States in moving away from destructive course.

These individuals, unknown to American public yet instrumental in ruining United States image and ability to allow peaceful resolutions of conflicts are the biggest threat to national and international peace and security. The current proposal from these officials to strike North Korean facility coining the term bloody nose strategy to provoke response from North Korea expecting such attempt would not erupt into full blown confrontation not barring nuclear option is at best delusional and at worst provocative.

The intent among these officials to disrupt and deviate the peace talks to combat mode describes their fixation on violence, deaths and destruction for which they are fully responsible and never ever held accountable so the trend continues with no respect for lives in general.

Accordingly, nations bearing the brunt of such reckless policy relevantly South and North Korea averting the possibility of any foreign military intervention to sabotage peace efforts between them would be wise and further exemplify the respective leaderships determination to defend sovereignty and commitment to protect Korean lives on either side.

North Korean athletes and cheering squad participation in the upcoming Winter Olympics without heeding to any foreign distractions alongside pursuing continuous peaceful dialogue with counterparts in South Korea would enable important issues like Korean family reunion and revival of Kaesong industrial complex that are essential for Korean citizens social and economic progress.

As for those touting wars and aggressions ignoring consequences despite trajectory on devastations inflicted on humanity with thousands of lives killed and millions forced into refugee status and their fate shattered is no laughing matter.

Those floating such ideas like bloody nose engagement with North Korea amid peaceful exchanges between North and South Korea evidently have vested interests at the Korean and the entire Asian regions expense. The lack of maturity among such groups permanently serving every U.S. administration is a travesty of intellect and rationality in treating military actions as nothing more than virtual game or simulation effects slighting serious ramifications.

The world is tired of turmoil and constant tensions with innocent lives targeted for regime change and other political, economic and strategic goals that were never viable and nonetheless maintained to exert dominance. The sane approach would be to refrain from harming peaceful process and instead appreciate the prospects of nations moving towards reconciliation rather than retaliation.

I convey my best wishes to North and South Korean leaderships and officials involved in transforming polarization in Korean relations to amicable partnerships prioritizing Korean citizens unity, economic needs and security.

I also wish success in hosting Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Korea – Positive Overtures and Dialogue Serve Korean Population Interest

January 4, 2018

Korea – Positive Overtures and Dialogue Serve Korean Population Interest

Padmini Arhant

The latest development in North and South Korean relations is a refreshing change. The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un overture to send North Korean athletes with cheering squad to participate in upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea and South Korean President Moon Jae-in and other ministers’ favorable response to set the bilateral talks in motion serve Korean population interest.

Both nations sharing strong family ties subject to unnecessary tensions proved counterproductive. The unwanted engagements on both sides having been the cause of constant skirmishes in Korean Peninsula substituted with peaceful interaction and meaningful negotiations guarantee results benefitting all especially the Korean citizens deserving permanent peace and conducive conditions for normal coexistence.

When nations deploy diplomacy and pursue peaceful outcome through dialogue, the efforts leading to desirable effects are always welcome for such involvement not only demonstrates maturity but also pave ways to rapprochement anticipated by people on either side of Korea.

The peace initiatives from both nations evolving into fruitful bilateral ties and trade development are mutually beneficial. In abandoning unviable strategies and means threatening each other with military and nuclear options displayed thus far, the leaderships representing North and South Korea could offer better economic prospects to their citizens and ensure national as well as regional security with the current position.

Any nation striving to improve dealings in the region and beyond adopting constructive measures that are non-violent and respectful of sovereign and territorial integrity of other nations would earn multilateral support and cooperation.

Korea with rich cultural heritage and traditions have common goals in terms of reviving Kaesong Industrial complex, facilitating visits from families on both sides without restrictions, allowing citizens participation in social and other events that outweighs the policy of isolation and confrontations experienced until now.

Nations and leaderships real strength and power lies not in firepower and nuclear status for they only reveal dependency on mass destruction much to self-detriment in addition to confirming weakness and inability to achieve anything peacefully without the use of force and deadly arsenal.

Again, the world subjugated to military interventions and nuclear threats suppress genuine progress. The territorial disputes and annexations for economic resources, regional and global dominance are the norm with time and financial investments expended in protracted warfare and conflicts neglect domestic woes and commitments contributing to internal turmoil.

Korea has been drawn into preventable crisis with North Korean citizens unfairly enduring economic sanctions and harsh embargo due to UNSC arbitrary and egregious impositions exacerbating humanity plight rather than alleviating economic situation and unreasonable conditions challenging basic survival.

All the more reason for UNSC dissolution based on trajectory failing to acknowledge repeat errors and debacles in the targeted actions while ignoring the importance of applying and maintaining standards across the spectrum barring prejudice and preference in decision making process.

Furthermore, UNSC creation and functionality impairs the formation of United Nations as an international body. The international consortium would be legitimate and effective upon elimination of any subset and entity such as UNSC with self granted veto powers among nations premised on twentieth century determinations to rein control over global matter having no semblance to contemporary geopolitical and economic paradigms and dimensions.

The changing dynamics in recognition of peaceful meetings between North and South Korea with an understanding and focus to move forward in diffusing conflict in Korean border is a step in the right direction besides exploring the possibility to elevate present armistice to definitive peace treaty.

Where there is a will, there is a way to find solutions averting irreversible loss of lives and devastation that could never be justified in the aftermath of any military and nuclear combat. There are no winners in such eventuality and nothing to be proud of in spreading mayhem and catastrophe.

I convey my best wishes to citizens and leaderships in North and South Korea in reaching an amicable approach and agreement bringing an end to Korean crisis as a new year pledge to their respective nations and citizenry.

Good Luck to citizens in Korea for a peaceful resolution!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Happy New Year 2018!

January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Padmini Arhant

Happy New Year! To all around the world.

The hopes and expectations of many for freedom, political and individual rights, equal opportunity, economic development and social justice could no longer be denied or delayed with people wising up and increased awareness on state of affairs despite consistent efforts on misinformation and misrepresentation.

The political parties and governments in power are challenged through ballots and public activism on matter concerning citizens’ rights and various issues regardless of restrictions and obstacles to stifle public attention. Accordingly, the trend forcing electorate to accept government performance lacking in delivery in improving economic standards and social status produce anxiety and dissatisfaction.

The world confronted with nuclear confrontation, territorial disputes, economic inequality and social prejudice continues with little or no change in status quo.

The policies and strategies involving interventions in foreign affairs, reluctance in diffusing conflicts that began in 2011 and earlier, plans to enter into new crisis are evidently counterproductive. Humanity deserve peaceful existence with equal rights and opportunities for all without exception.

The population frustration on lack of economic prospects to all segments in society combined with social repression against women and other demography are understandably reflected in public protests that require peaceful resolution. The violent options only lead to unnecessary tragic deaths of citizens and likely to exacerbate public unrest.

Elsewhere, democracy experimented during elections have issues barring candidacies with alleged corruption charges though corruption is worldwide epidemic in politics and other sectors that are not addressed effectively in the absence of comprehensive anti-corruption laws enforceable on all especially the establishment and influential members in the system and society.

The economy, individual rights and environment among others remaining the priority for majority, world leaderships and governments recognition of citizens’ plight in this regard are becoming essential to avoid uprising. The use of force or any other undemocratic means substituted with meaningful and result oriented measures would guarantee public trust and confidence in government authority. The government tolerance to free speech and public gathering would demonstrate active democracy.

Investments to uplift population isolated as forgotten and forbidden in society with basic living facilities, education, health care and employment are imperative to claim economic achievement.

The acknowledgment of failures and abandoning repeat errors as well as egregious decisions would provide better understanding and greater potential to resolve long standing disputes and disagreements.

Last but not the least, the year 2018 pledged to dissolution of UNSC, renouncing secret society and nuclear disarmament are critical for true liberty, universal progress, global peace and security.

Happy New Year for a peaceful and progressive endeavors worldwide!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission