United States – Erratic Decisions Are Self Inflicting Disaster

June 25, 2018

United States – Erratic Decisions Are Self Inflicting Disaster

Padmini Arhant

President Donald J Trump obliging instructions from elements against progress and peace is self inflicting disaster for the source and catalysts.

President Donald Trump acquiescence to forces against peace reflected in the recent imposition of illegal unilateral economic sanctions against North Korea for another year subsequent to gala summit in Singapore describes the office of Presidency subjugation .

The dark age merchants of war, acrimony and human rights violations have nothing to look forward except chaos and perpetual turmoil in accordance with inner self conflicts within prompting such compulsive and impulsive behavior. Not to mention the unpleasant and unwelcoming journey awaiting them following own mortality unravelling the misdeeds during their lifetime.

The rational mind would demonstrate discernment and intellect rejecting destructive course and adopt constructive measures to heal and humanize relations that has been shunned due to excessive desire for violence and discord.

On immigration issue – the drive to deport undocumented immigrants without due process is yet another example of self harming strategy given the economic and political dynamics of such erroneous decision.

There are consequences to all actions and the wise act to prevent undesirable outcome with serious repercussions despite any pressure and misguidance from agents of catastrophe.

Life offers opportunity to correct and rectify mistakes from the past and present for a better future. Those riding on the unbridled horse are expected to face the tumultuous fall as deserving in the light of voluntary egregious determination.

Rising from the pit requires tremendous courage and will to do anything right in a fair and practical approach delivering positive conclusion benefiting humanity at large as opposed to counterproductive choices leading to regrettable ending.

Those who think they control everything control nothing especially when they are controlled by egocentric illusive thoughts promoting self endangering indulgence.

Time serves as a reminder and foreteller of events cautioning straying minds to focus on utilizing power and position of authority in mitigating human suffering rather than exacerbating misery inevitably affecting the channels and origin.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

United States Withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council

June 21, 2018

United States Withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council

Padmini Arhant

United States withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council citing the latter as a hypocrite and  self serving appropriately applies to accusers than the accused considering own legacy and status quo. United States reason for withdrawal is attributed to UN Human Rights Council’s ‘Chronic bias towards Israel.’

United States decision suggest neither US nor the ally Israel are independent nations. United States move on Israel’s behalf creates the position for US as a vassal state to Israel.  Simultaneously, Israel riding on United States coat tail on all matter concerning Israel proves Israel’s protracted dependency including public relations undermining any legitimacy as a sovereign state. Under these circumstances, both entities are required to ascertain the role they play for proper representation in the international forum.

As for human rights violations, United States immigration issue reportedly leaves the fate of 2000 children hanging in balance as they remain in the detention center subsequent to the halt on separation of immigrant families and their offsprings. Notwithstanding the lack of interest and responsibility in U.S. Congress to pass the immigration bill on dreamers and amnesty for the significant number of immigrants facing deportation. Then there are detainees in the infamous Guantanamo Bay held for nearly two decades denying them habeas corpus i.e. legal representation in addition to inmates families having no access to these men who are sons, fathers, husband, brother to someone overseas. 

Similarly, Israel’s trajectory in Palestinian territory is well known worldwide. Israel’s occupation of Palestine and since then human rights abuse sparing none viz. children kept in Israeli Defense Force controlled Administrative detention center outside West Bank without contacts with parents, the Saharonim prison where African asylum seekers are held in the Israeli facility on Negev Desert and unilateral blockade against Gazans for more than a decade forcing the densely populated Gaza strip under siege summarize United States and Israel’s human rights record.

The US administrations tradition pardoning those convicted of crimes and serious charges predominantly based on political preferences and exchange of favors while detaining hard working immigrants with clean profile for mass deportation is a paradoxical policy with conflicting ethical standards.

Accordingly, on  hypocrisy both Israel and United States remain unopposed veterans in this domain.

United States retreating from UN Human Rights Council in Israel’s defense is imprudent diminishing U.S. image and position in humanitarian affairs.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com




United States – Executive Action Halting Family Separation

June 20, 2018

United States – Executive Action Halting Family Separation

Padmini Arhant

The latest action halting immigrant family separation is welcome. However, keeping them in detention center is not a viable option as it poses health challenges among other problems for the detainees under such conditions. Moreover, the legislation on dreamers act along with amnesty for eligible vast majority is a priority ending the lingering immigration matter.

National security is directly tied to United States domestic and foreign policy. The government with administration and Congress directing focus on rectifying United States foreign policy that promotes sponsoring terrorism against sovereign states like Syria, indefinite occupation and warfare in Afghanistan, interference in foreign states political affairs causing turmoil and chaos like in Ukraine, Venezuela, Sudan, Yemen and Middle East, deterrence in the establishment of Palestinian Statehood are few examples that are to be addressed in recognition of flawed strategies deserving conclusion.

Above all, United States long forgotten human rights violations towards inmates held indefinitely denying them due process and legal representation for nearly two decades in the infamous Guantanamo Bay merits closure allowing the prisoners and their families access to free and fair judicial trial. Such action would demonstrate United States respect for lives and human value.

The domestic policy on gun control despite repeat incidents in school campus and public premise remain a threat to citizens security and they are not related to immigrants and immigration status. The former administration’s Fast and Furious program exacerbated violence in Mexico and other Latin American nations forcing the local residents to flee the violent zone.

The two areas alone – U.S. domestic and foreign policy endanger lives in the home front and worldwide.

It’s about time to acknowledge mistakes and pursue the path of peace, tolerance, fairness and equal opportunity for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


United States – Immigration Crackdown

June 19, 2018

United States – Immigration Crackdown

Padmini Arhant

The current administration extreme measure on immigration crackdown separating children from families is a crime to begin with requiring due diligence rather than hardline undemocratic and inhumane approach slighting humanitarian values that tarnish America’s image and credibility. 

The White House and Justice department are urged not to adopt harsh and unconstitutional strategy splitting children and young members from their parents and close family under the guise of national security. 

The administration’s ongoing practice is in direct violation of human rights that does not bode well amid involvement in peaceful endeavors on international affairs.

These children are United States citizens by birth and their constitutional rights to live in the country of birth with their biological parents and nucleus family merits attention and compliance by authorities in breach of these citizens civil and human rights. 

National security cannot be the reason to threaten innocent children and young members of immigrant families as they are not endangering lives with overwhelming immigrant and undocumented members in United States are hard working and making significant contributions to the economy and society in general. Notwithstanding them being the taxpayers on the meager income paying taxes on consumer items and other products as well as services unlike the wealthiest evading taxes and exploiting consumer data for personal and corporate profitability. 

United States is the land of immigrants with many having arrived from different parts of the world in similar conditions like the present immigrant population facing deportation. The process to expel these large number of people without allowing them to resolve issues in a fair, credible and compassionate manner that would be appropriate appears to be a political move to appease small groups in society who have forgotten their lineage and descend that links them offshore.

The crime situation applied as the reason behind nonchalant expulsion of immigrants seeking permanent status is a result of domestic policy such as the previous administration’s Fast and Furious program supplying arms to drug cartels in Mexico, Columbia and other Latin American nations creating violent environment for residents of these countries forcing them to flee their towns and villages in search of safety and security.

The White House and Justice department’s latest decision without considering these children and youth rights as citizens of the United States and impact on separating them from their immediate families is deeply regrettable.

Besides, the accelersted crackdown has adverse effects on agriculture industry, hospitality service, construction work  and other areas of economic sector employing them that are hard to replace due to lack of interest and willingness amongst locals to accept the poor employment conditions viz. low wages and long hours benefiting employers up until now. Not to  mention such exploitation equally deserving action to correct the disparity in employment situation.

Immigration policy targeting specific groups or categories proved counterproductive to nations poised as multicultural society,  Accordingly, the system is to be restructured applying necessary and relevant criteria barring repeat and verified criminal background and activities as opposed to contemporary mass deportation leading to serious humanitarian crisis that would attract global focus and concern. 

President Donald Trump cherishing moments with own family and photo opportunity depicting family retreats while maintaining contrasting position on immigration matter dividing families including children torn apart from their loved ones is indeed an irony. The extraordinary dealings confirm politics blindsiding core human value.

The administration representing United States in entirety could not ignore the majority views against the politically motivated immigration standard subjecting children and young members to preventable agony and misery.

The White House, Justice department, the Department of Homeland Security and others authorizing the inappropriate violations in demanding immigrants exodus in the absence of means to legitimize status is not without political backlash considering the midterm elections around the corner. 

Interestingly, those in favor of the erroneous immigration strategy for political purpose are inviting undesirable fate in the election year that would be a game changer for the opposition.

Politics playing crucial role could deliver outcome against predicted analyses given the ethnic concentration and Latino electoral base in key states like Florida, California, New Mexico to name a few in the congressional polls this year.

Regardless, handling the immigration issue with care and understanding is imperative. There are lives caught in the dogma neglecting important aspects of humanitarian, economic, social and political repercussions that are best avoided by reversing the course.

The U.S. administrations granting amnesty has been the tradition like the pardons to those on criminal charges and violations of  law. However, this matter would be on legitimate grounds for eligible number of undocumented workers and immigrants in good standing and contributing to productivity and prosperity of the nation they regard their home.

United States respecting lives and human rights especially with children and young Americans having born and grown up in the land with dreams and aspirations is what would make America Great Again. 

Hopefully, rationality and compassion would prevail in the peaceful settlement of immigration and immigrant status.

Thank you.

Padmini  Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminuArhant.com


















North Korea and United States Historic Summit

June 11, 2018

North Korea and United States Historic Summit

Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon-Jae-in on the historic summit and a peaceful beginning that has been long overdue.

North Korea having taken the necessary step in demolition of the nuclear site and subsequent peace developments between North and South Korean leaderships paved the way for the summit in Singapore. President Donald Trump has taken the courageous and pragmatic approach that has been avoided by earlier administrations and gone further in recognizing the real problem i.e. United States military exercises and 32,000 troops deployment which is indeed provocative.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is demonstrating willingness and commitment on denuclearization together with earlier gesture in releasing three American hostages held on espionage. These steps are significant and accordingly merits removing economic sanctions against the people in North Korea allowing the economic opportunities that would not only benefit North and South Korea along with the entire Asian region but also provide trade prospects between United States and North Korea.

The initial measure is the cornerstone for success of the historic summit.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


North Korea and United States Peace Summit

Padmini Arhant

The first meeting between the leaderships in North Korea and United States is in progress in Singapore. The engagement in direct dialogue at high levels is the beginning for any positive outcome in relations that has been challenged over decades with unnecessary tensions and confrontational interactions causing anxiety and grave concerns regarding the situation in Korean Peninsula.

North Korea’s initiative for a personal meeting with United States administration that had been requested over a long time is now taking place in Singapore.  United States response to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a welcoming gesture that could lead to a possible breakthrough in relations undermined with aggressions and economic sanctions until now. The population in Korea having endured tremendous suffering especially the people in North Korea due to sanctions and military activities in the territory deserve peaceful resolution ending the long standing disagreements and transforming the armistice to irreversible peace accord.

The world’s attention is on the ongoing talks that could not be expected to settle all issues in the initial communication. Peace requires patience, perseverance and sincere commitment from all sides that would mean pursuing continuous peaceful involvement.

I look forward to the momentum in maintaining mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity besides equal understanding from all sides that is fundamental to any peaceful agreement. 

I convey my best wishes to the citizens in North and South Korea as well as others in the region for permanent peace and harmony that would guarantee economic progress and development benefitting all. 

P.S. I don’t play basketball though I have nothing against the sport. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



Journalism Travesty

June 9, 2018

Journalism Travesty

Padmini Arhant

The latest trend to attack truth and factual presentations from me via threats and vitriolic characterizations by certain press and media outlets online and diverse format representing criminal syndicate is abominable.

The criminal entities responsible for corruption, communal violence, treason, embezzelment, tax evasions, oppression, prejudice, massacres and state terrorism not to mention the abhorrent sponsoring of cannibalism have no shame whatsoever in their servile position to malign my unequivocal stance on social justice, freedom, individual rights, fair opportunity and progress for all not just the selective few or the privileged in the society.

These hired critics and opportunists somehow only remember what I have not said yet on any communal event or issue while conveniently ignoring more than 1500 posts written and published by me on PadminiArhant.com and Prakrihi.PadminiArhant.com thus far that continues until now on various topics with specific focus on human rights violations and persecution of the underprivileged and those deemed outcasts in society.

In the process, I have endured serious injury like carpal tunnel from prolonged use of hands in writing these articles, loss of voice due to excessive verbal and visual presentations not to mention the impact on vision in constant use of computer and other electronic device. Does any of these challenges that I face matter to those casting stones at me? Apparently not.

Why not hold those in power and influential positions raking a fortune on taxpayers money accountable for dereliction of duty and adversarial decisions ruining lives and destiny of millions in the world?

I challenge the incognito abusing me as sociopath, an identity that is exclusive to them and their servile contingency to come out in the open rather than deploying sycophants from Vanity Fair and alike that is appropriately Insanity Fair depicting deplorable journalistic standard, a desperate strategy confirming the declining status.

Similarly, the goon politics recruited and funded news site viz. The Wire based in Delhi, India pretending as non-profit in the blatant profiteering racket upend journalism with provocative references inciting unnecessary perceptions for personal and political gains welcoming imminent downfall.

The rogue elements instigating unsubstantiated and fabricated tales in the hope of evading judgment on unforgivable sins committed by them since their origin and expected to be carried out until their last breath are determined to disqualify themselves from any redemption. The endless obituaries and eulogies given the hostility, acrimony and intense hatred towards me is nothing more than a suicide mission for anyone engaged and promoting such practice. The consequences proved time and time again lately with their proxies, puppets and nominated characters demise demonstrating individual folly and hubris.

The trend aptly reminding them those who dig grave for others invariably find them in it with the end justifying the means regardless of power, authority and celebrity status.

Accordingly, I demand an apology from those riding on my back and dishonestly claiming my contributions as their own when I have dedicated my life especially in the last decade up until now without being paid a dime or funded on anyone’s payroll. Instead I have depleted my life savings for those aspiring to achieve their dreams that would have been impossible for them otherwise together with numerous humanitarian causes only to be mocked and ridiculed in return as bankrupt by the ungrateful and insolent notwithstanding their serious memory lapse on own moral and ethical insolvency.

In the materialistic world with obsession for power, fame and fortune prompting ego centric aspirations at others expense, those criticizing me have no credibility or integrity. The sacrifice my family and I have made for the unknowns near and far cannot be sullied in the face of recognition, acknowledgment and blessings in the spiritual sphere.

The duplicity, lies, mass deception and propaganda through various means backfiring at the source and catalysts should not be slighted as these are ominous signs of decadence and reckoning resulting from deceitful actions.

The unscrupulous are experiencing karmic effects of their nefarious activities reflected in electoral defeats and financial losses with more on the horizon defining the clarion moment that none can escape their karma.

The divine purpose never succumbs to cowardly and wicked tactics neither bow to tyranny despite intimidation, subversion and manipulation much to the inevitable peril of those behind such tricks and traits.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com









United States – Supreme Court Different Ruling Related to Same Sex Marriage

June 5, 2018

United States – Supreme Court Different Ruling Related to Same Sex Marriage 

Padmini Arhant

In 2015 – Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___ (2015) is a landmark civil rights case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment …

In 2018 – The Supreme Court majority rule (7-2) which is not a narrow scope as misinformed in the news media favoring the Colorado Baker Jack Phillips who declined the request from customers – Gay couple to bake a cake to celebrate their wedding. The baker apparently refused on religious belief as a Christian. 

United States Supreme Court having ruled  in favor of Same Sex marriage in 2015 described as landmark decision in American justice now upholding the baker Jack Phillips position on religious basis though the matter pertaining to Gay wedding event is rather interesting.

Accordingly, The United States Supreme Court’s contrasting outcome related to Gay wedding presents a unique situation.

On the one hand Supreme Court legalized Gay marriage in the historic ruling in 2015 and fast forward three years later in the latest lawsuit the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) accorded with the baker Jack Phillips maintaining the individual interpretation of religion viz. Christianity in this case to deny the Gay customers cake order for a wedding celebration claimed as the baker’s personal religious belief not intended to be discriminatory against the patrons.

The recent result place religion and religious followers in a conundrum. As far as the society and religion are concerned, there are Christians among gay community as much as there are atheists and agnostics in heterosexual segments in any society.

Where does that leave the Gay Christians approaching the same source i.e. Jesus, Mary and Almighty God for solace and peace like the non-gay Christians?

Is SCOTUS opinion in correlation to the White House representation given the time 2015 and 2018? 

I will talk about this further in my presentation among other topics to feature shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


United States – Federal Reserve Banking Deregulation

June 1, 2018

Federal Reserve Banking Deregulation 

Padmini Arhant

The Federal Reserve vote on banking deregulation two days ago renamed as Volcker 2.0 from the earlier one Volcker rule named after the ex-Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker merits attention. 

The deregulation favoring major banks apparently with bipartisan support that includes a Democrat Lael Brainard among three sitting Fed Governors is claimed as simplification of the previous version. 

As such, Congress having blocked the rule that allowed consumers recourse against banks in addition to repealing fair lending practice in auto industry stated to have discriminated minority borrowers from white peers do not bode well in the economy comprising diverse consumer base.

The  Federal Reserve move towards new rule Volcker 2.0 cheered among  finance sector lobbyists in Wall Street and big banks having been responsible for financial crisis drowning significant number of homeowners and ordinary citizens in deep financial situations forcing bankruptcy and foreclosures on many beyond salvation requires public debate and approval rather than decision among core members representing vested interests.

The taxpayer insured banks and public deposits in financial institutions and importantly mortgage securities deserve scrutiny and regulatory compliance considering the banking industry earlier ventures and unrelenting activities that led to taxpayers bailout of the banks and finance institutions.

The ordinary taxpayers were abandoned in the mortgage fiasco while the big banks and hedge fund companies were rescued using the same taxpayers hard earned tax dollars in the do or die call following financial sector debacle. 

What has been recognized by common citizenry from past experience and established now is there will be no such thing as Bank or Insurance Industry Bailouts using taxpayer funds regardless of any dire scenarios sketched in the SOS – Too Big to Fail moment.

Though the new rule reported to retain the earlier version’s restrictions on speculative trading also known as proprietary trading, however providing classifications on trading activities for possible risk laden investments at banks discretion are to be weighed carefully given the finance industry’s notable impulsive characteristics for undesirable options. 

The article will resume highlighting other concerns related to Wall Street and Federal Reserve measures to ease regulations that are meant to protect ordinary citizens and common taxpayers being the overwhelming majority in the economy against the top 1% targeted goals to continue business as usual at the former expense.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadmjniArhant.com
