Indian Election 2019 – Dilemma and Dynamics
August 31, 2018
Indian Election 2019 – Dilemma and Dynamics
Padmini Arhant
The two major political parties – one projected as secular, plural and tolerant proved in name only i.e. Congress party headed by Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia Gandhi representing dynasty politics besides scandalous legacy is dé·jà vu for the base and the rest of the nation.
Interestingly, the neighbor Pakistan’s prominent press cheering for Congress return to power in India while celebrating the ejection of political dynasties submerged in corruption investigations in their domain viz. the Nawaz and Zardari family explains the former selective fascination and rejection respectively.
The other – BJP with RSS as the guiding force widely known and perceived as fundamentalists in the misuse of religion with Hinduism as casualty brandish the sword against dissent. The latest action against human rights activists as well as several controversial communal incidents traced to RSS influence cannot be ignored as political barb from the opposition and critics.
Indian politics being run by families as personal family affair at national and state level, they are noted as such and referred to as Parivar meaning family.
For example – Gandhi Parivar is in reference to Sonia Gandhi family with her son Rahul Gandhi elevated as party President and ever remaining the Prime Minister candidate.
Similarly, BJP is identified as Sang Parivar associated with RSS organization.
At the regional and provincial level, the Parivar (family) factor is prevalent and the political parties are set up following the common tradition – inheritance of power like the DMK in Tamil Nadu, RJD in Bihar, SP in Uttar Pradesh (UP), NC and PDP in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) and the trend continues nationwide in the so-called world’s largest democracy.
Though there are many political factions representing different states in India, the ultimate choice is usually narrowed between BJP and Congress with both of them requiring coalition in Lok Sabha, the lower house of Parliament.
BJP political alliance with parties conforming to same strategy cane to power as NDA – National Democratic Alliance in 2014.
Congress on the other hand teamed up with whoever willing in the political assortment and came to power as UPA – United Progressive Alliance in 2008 and earlier.
Congress and coalition were ousted in 2014 predominantly due to an avalanche of corruption scandals that brought BJP as NDA to office.
BJP under RSS direction is currently dealing with self-inflicted wounds and branded as Hindutva, the title conferred to misinterpret Hinduism.
The term Hindutva is invented to malign Hinduism largely emanating from ignorance and indoctrination.
Hindu philosophy on peace, gender and social equality aptly depicted in Hindu Goddesses epitome of different faculty from energy to wisdom and prosperity. Furthermore, Hinduism is the progenitor to other religions like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and so on.
The assault on religions whether Hinduism, Islam or Christianity and Buddhism…is premised on provocation for political and vested interests. Notwithstanding the intent to stir reaction on sensitive issue.
The political options for Indian electorate are not unfamiliar as the two national parties BJP and Congress along with the remaining political groups prepare for the upcoming election in May 2019.
BJP tied to RSS have to contend with dissatisfaction and disappointment in the wake of many social and economic problems not barring freedom of speech and intolerance to peaceful protest or activism experienced among mainstream ordinary citizens in society.
Likewise, Congress maintaining dynasty and tarnished trajectory on corruption scandals hardly appealing to the public. The voters are burdened with the responsibility to choose the government in the forthcoming election.
Considering the tough situation, the question to both parties and their response most likely through surrogates and talking heads would clarify the status quo on India’s democracy as well as the quest for power over republic progress.
Given the latest hype, nod and frenzy to add confusion to dramatic disposition of Punjab’s State Minister – the cricketer turned politician Navjot Singh Sidhu and his apparent good will trip to Pakistan to attend the oath ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, also a former cricketer, raise the obvious question.
Since Congress President Rahul Gandhi recently claimed that he has no ambition to contest the Prime Minister post,
Would he then nominate the Congress member and Punjab State Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu to run for office of Prime Minister of India?
Navjot Singh Sidhu having been approved by both sides of the political aisle to represent India in Pakistan at the formal event might reflect well on Congress party in choosing the young State Minister to lead the youthful Congress in the national election.
With BJP – the candidacy offered to other potential contenders within party or outside other than the incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi in addition to disavowing RSS would provide better choices for the electorate in 2019.
In a genuine democracy, the people electing the Prime Minister candidate from across the political spectrum and the race between two final contenders at the general election would justify as a true democratic process. Unlike the existing system with party nominated Prime Minister candidates vying for the coveted position in politics.
Regardless, the above proposal for Congress to back Punjab State Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu and BJP to field new challenger instead of the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi would determine the political parties’ democratic values in addition to infusing new dynamics in the race in 2019.
Are Congress and BJP ready for such political illustration?
Also, Dalit obsession among Indian, Pakistani press and alike including the female rank and file member of Pakistan’s PPP party touting Tanzanian ancestry citing Hindu Dalit woman in interview, or for that matter any member from that community specifying them as Dalit that is not applicable to a brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaisya castes from India and various denominations in other religions or culture speaks volume of the individual trait and background arguably beneath human nature.
Do they act and behave as such in obedience and servitude to foreign diktat? These are the kind who bow to liability called royalty despite the latter existence dependent on the so-called commoners’ charity.
Whatever the reason behind crass demeanor, it only highlights their impropriety.
Again, it verifies their lack of credibility to serve or represent any segment let alone marginalized demography in Sindh, Pakistan or anywhere and for those in the press in India, Pakistan and elsewhere never cease to mention Dalit in their articles and public discourse reveal their inferior mindset, contempt and prejudice. Ironically, they discuss social and economic disparity when they contribute to inequality.
Yet another favorite expression in the Indian and Pakistani print press, media as well as for those whom they quote in articles is Hindu majoritarianism.
By the same token,
Isn’t Muslim majoritarianism in Srinagar the bone of contention on the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir?
Only small minds could be the author of The God of Small Things and notably the preferred designate to parody anyone beyond their scope of realism.
Unfortunately, the myopic view of these folks cloud judgment prompting ill-conceived classifications causing unwanted social rift and tension in the environment.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Hate, Prejudice and Misogyny -The Insignia of Peril
August 28, 2018
Hate, Prejudice and Misogyny -The Insignia of Peril
Padmini Arhant
The freeloading opportunists and wannabes ever remaining gluttons of power, fame and fortune are the worst scavengers to exist in the world dominated by them though not for long.
As parasites their survival is desperately dependent on the source they continue to abuse and exploit for individual gains and egocentric supremacy expediting the inevitable end of them being hate mongers.
The dark forces with their crony contingency have nothing to live for except spewing venom to legitimize illegitimate draconian doctrine characterized in prejudice and misogyny. The vitriolic spasms are regularly released through media cacophony and entertainment industry salivation to the masters’ bait producing mercurial poison in the name of content.
These vile despicable catalysts of destruction are incorrigible. There is no hope of revival considering the deteriorating inner vices leading them to point of no return. They waste their lives in authorizing and serving perilous cause much to own agonizing experience for their soul upon departure from this world. Not to mention the painful arduous journey awaiting them in living and death thereafter.
These narcissists disguised as elitists cite backward caste and pariah in their opinion of anyone they regard arch nemesis while ironically expecting recognition and acknowledgment from the same so-called outcast. Their lofty and hypocritical stance make them the laughing stock as they demand respect in return for their insults and insolence. They fail to realize due to uber hubris overwhelming their personality, backwardness is in character and deeds to which they are sole proprietors and unparalleled in their backward mentality.
Peace and mutual respect are antithetic to them given their combat disposition and repugnance.
Accordingly, they are not only the pariahs but also the piranhas for their predator instincts and impulsive extremist views precipitating self-decline.
Needless to say, these are ominous signs of imminent disaster for orchestrators and subservient representatives alike.
Lest be understood, these actions are never without karmic effects and a harsh lesson along the way not to take others for granted.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Prakrithi. PadminiArhant.con
Defining Respect
August 20, 2018
Defining Respect
Padmini Arhant
Respect to some is never mutual. They demand respect as entitlement. What does it say about those who consider denigrating anyone they disagree with as their prerogative and in return expect them to recognize their agents and representatives in any capacity? The choices are simple. Tolerating injustice foment prejudice and exploitation.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Globalists Reject Populists
August 15, 2018
Globalists Reject Populists
Padmini Arhant
The revolutionaries and populist leaders who dared to invest their nation’s natural resources and revenue in their people’s lives were invariably assassinated and not referenced for their courage and patriotism in political remarks and reminiscence on contribution to their people. They were deemed arch nemesis and eliminated from power in the usual cowardly act through assassination.
In comparison, whoever compromised and submitted to oligarchy and international conglomerate by stepping aside and allowing them complete access to their economy such as in South Africa and alike with many among them as willful fiduciaries up until now were accordingly given Nobel peace prize and lauded for their loyalty to them.
They are hailed the legend perhaps for their legendary role as a major sellout speaking volume of their character and commitment to those whom they claimed to represent in their respective nations.
Unlike these courageous leaders who stood up to brute forces and their hate as well as prejudice declining any due respect to these leaders for their determination to serve the people who elected them to power.
President Thomas Sankara – Burkina Faso President from 1983 – 1987. Populist leader and a revolutionary prioritizing investment of national resources for his nation and implementing several social causes within four years of his Presidency. President Thomas Sankara – assassinated at the age of 38 years.
Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba – Democratic Republic of the Congo – Congolese independence leader for demonstrating will towards economic growth and development of his long colonized nation. The colonialists could barely tolerate such pledge by a young patriot. Patrice Lumumba assassinated at the age of 35 years.
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela – The Bolivarian Revolution to remove oligarchy and colonialists installed dictatorial regime enabled Hugo Chavez to assume power. The social and economic disparity was remarkably contained through investment of Venezuela’s natural endowments with crude oil being a significant resource that remains the bone of contention for globalists aiming to seize control since President Hugo Chavez term in office that persists up until now with his successor President Nicolas Maduro facing similar threats today. President Nicolas Maduro escaped assassination just a week ago.
President Hugo Chavez nationalized Venezuela’s prime assets to address economic and social problems. There was free health care provided to all citizens in Venezuela and extended to United States citizens who travelled to Venezuela given the unaffordable health care costs in the United States. President Chavez program offered housing to poor, lower and middle income groups in society. The free education from K-12 to college facilitated substantial improvement in the work force uplifting the poorer sections towards skills oriented jobs in the economy. The popularity of his actions angered those targeting Venezuela’s rich oil reserves to be privatized and made available for multinational energy behemoths’ capitalization. President Hugo Chavez was criticized and survived several assassinations attempts against him including United States organized coup d’état when he was rescued by sea of people demanding the return of power back to their President Chavez.
President Hugo Chavez died in 2013 – suspected of foul play as he claimed upon him being diagnosed with cancer. He was 58 years when he passed away.
Ukraine is another example when the democratically elected administration of President Viktor Yanukovych was violently ousted literally at gun point for forging economic ties with Russia especially on energy imports that EU – one of the key operatives behind ouster is now resolute in the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline supplying gas from Russia to Germany.
Likewise, Thailand’s First Female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was deposed via Judicial coup in the flawed and controversial Constitutional Court decision. The manner the head of the state i.e. the former PM Yingluck Shinawatra was ejected from her post was rather strange. The power supply to her office was cut off evicting everyone from the premise. Such activities only qualify as shoddy and goon politics.
The ex-Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s crime was offering the country’s farmers better rates on the rice production that upset the establishment and royalists in the country. She was accused of inflicting damage to extraordinary profit margins for the stakeholders in the rice industry by providing farmers higher than market rates. The allegation against her was dubbed Costly rice subsidized scheme. The situation was further fueled by foreign sources expediting the ban on her from politics for five years. Yingluck Shinawatra’s brother, also former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra – a reformist and populist helping rural development won every national election as his sister. But then, he was forced into exile by military coup on alleged corruption charges leaving Thailand under military junta which means in shambles.
What does that say about status quo?
The earnest leaders led governments engagement in serving the people of their respective nation always regarded endangerment to global power. They pursue anyone involving in the betterment of people and improving their lives utilizing national resources that are routinely targeted for exclusive gains and enrichment at world majority plight. The globalists henceforth strategized to install their agents and proxies to run governments under the guise of reformists to win elections and maintain business as usual. The illegitimate global authority ever remaining incognito are the enemies of the people in the entire world.
The fact of the matter is all things are set to expire without exception and that applies to systemic abuse of power and those behind the trend at the apex to the bottom.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Unilateral Sanctions – Compliance vs. Prudence
August 8, 2018
Unilateral Sanctions –
Compliance vs. Prudence
Padmini Arhant
Following the article on this site on August 7th, 2018.
Those leaderships claiming to reluctantly observe illegal sanctions are essentially confirming their loyalty to hegemony over the people and nation they are elected and expected to serve in the so-called free world.
The governments and the head of the state are obligatory to prioritize national requirements on growth and development in exploring trade activities worldwide that best suit their domestic economy rather than complying with politically motivated unilateral sanctions from United States and Israel – the two nations to presumptuously assume authority in imposing trade embargo on foreign states and territories targeted as adversary and mistakenly treated as dominion republics.
In the United States, the administrations submitting to foreign lobby such as Israel’s advocacy groups and organizations actively engaged in promoting and implementing economic blockade on those they consider nemesis such as Syria, Iran and Palestine, along with a desire for them not to exist in the region contrary to Israel’s perception of the reverse.
The terror sponsorship against Syria is testimony to this fact wiping Syrian civilization since the onset of warfare in 2011 up until now. The foreign trend in Syria assassinating professionals in Scientific Research, medicine, journalists and others from diverse fields in economic sector contributing to rebuilding their nation is aimed at depriving Syria from organic talent and self-reliance. Syria savaged from international coalition recruited terrorism involving United States, Israel and key western allies together with Middle Eastern cohorts playing significant role has been under economic sanctions for more than a decade alongside combating terror.
Similarly, the north African nation Yemen has been under brutal assault facilitated by United States arms to Saudi Arabia and Israel’s intervention in Yemeni political affairs.
The lobby through members in U.S. Congress and the administration regardless of political faction left or right care less about sovereignty or foreign nationals rights in their domain. Besides, the sanctions on these nations lasting several decades in the case of Cuba and North Korea while Syria, Iran and Venezuela continue to be placed in extended sanctions predominantly due to hostility from United States and Israel’s representatives in political circle and institutions pledged to specific agenda viz. regime change.
President Donald Trump’s administration reinforcing sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Venezuela and allowing sanctions on Syria as well as Cuba to remain clarifies political expediency. Not to mention the flip flop posturing in inviting Iran for unconditional talks and in the same breath slamming sanctions reflect indecisiveness and external dominance on U.S. foreign policy.
The decision denying economic opportunity to United States companies and businesses in these parts of the world is a big mistake. The removal of sanctions would enable global progress benefitting United States economy in exporting higher end goods and services to these regions in technology, infrastructure development, medicine and scientific education, training and expansion that are guaranteed to be appreciated in contrast to subjugating citizens with harsh economic misery provoking anti-American sentiment.
The economic gains are enormous in lifting sanctions against all these nations providing the people of these countries job prospects and skills to improve their living standards that in return would enhance consumer base for United States in the global market.
Instead the incumbent administration’s contradictory position to favor foreign lobby political aspirations at United States economy’s expense is against America First and Making America Great Again promise. The move exemplifies America Last in violation of public trust and campaign appeal.
As mentioned above, the other nations’ ruling parties in governance choosing to comply with unilateral sanctions arguably anxious about securing term in office or response from those behind these sanctions. What they forget is, in compliance to these unlawful sanctions, they are renouncing myriad options to engage with nations of their choice, the states within their region as neighbors in particular have greater economic advantage.
Furthermore, before hegemony remove such governments from office in case that appears to be the immediate concern to these office bearers, the electorate would reject them in the polls for failing to address their needs and economic woes in leaning towards personal political security. Notwithstanding the obvious stance undermining state sovereignty and independence highlighting them as proxy to hegemony.
The true believers in freedom would not compromise their sovereign status and surrender to foreign diktat on sanctions against those whom they identity as their rivals prompting unjustified actions. Those who acquiesce to decades old policy of isolation and discrimination via sanctions are certainly not going to derive economic profitability or political sanctuary leaving them behind in vassal statehood to hegemony exploitation.
On the other hand, those nations declining the status quo and moving forward to renew ties with nations under illegitimate sanctions in an effort to strengthen their economy as well as extend expertise and support to nations affected under sanctions would forge better relations and international partnerships on most matter.
It all comes down to prudence delivering positive outcome compared to compliance on arbitrary sanctions serving as a reminder on default in defending liberty and independent status of own nation and the missed moment on economic dealings.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States and Israel’s Unilateral Sanctions are Illegal and Invalid
August 7, 2018
United States and Israel’s Unilateral Sanctions are Illegal and Invalid
Padmini Arhant
Since the beginning of the twenty first century and more so in the past decade up until now, the trend with United States and Israel imposing unilateral sanctions against selective nations is illegal and bear no legitimacy whatsoever considering own track record on human rights, nuclear testing and meddling in foreign governance.
United States Presidency is mistaken for Universal authority. Only the citizens in the United States are eligible to elect the President and members of Congress not the entire world.
Unfortunately, the US system in that respect as well is far from democratic with the electoral college votes overriding popular votes in the final outcome. In the democratic party, the Super delegates undermine primary voters’ choice by exercising the privileged status to them in the party selection process. Accordingly, the U.S. administration authorized sanction on any nation without the approval of international community and that means every nation in the world could not be effective or expected to be followed in the absence of global consensus.
The same principle is applicable to Israel’s action on Gaza. These sanctions are politically motivated and premised on satisfying the so-called ally and/or shadow power demand aimed at regime change for unfettered access to those nations’ natural resources and exert strategic dominance.
Hereafter, effective immediately the sanctions against all nations are null and void. UNSC is no longer an authority to decide on global matter. The issues will be presented in common domain and depending on the nature of the problem and event, the UN General Assembly with all members and that would include any state under occupation denied UN full membership to participate in the one vote per nation on international affairs.
Any objection to UN role as the comprehensive body comprising all nations in the world without exception would then lead to the formation of new international consortium adapting the global representation by respective states big and small barring hierarchy in sharing concerns and grievances on political and other issues to derive resolutions. The newly formed international group would function as a fair and accessible body allowing all nations in the world to be involved in decision making through ballot on their population behalf to reach peaceful and amicable solutions on disputes worldwide.
UN General Assembly in September this year would be subject to litmus test on functionality and effectiveness in addressing decades old unresolved disagreements and conflicts with assembly members casting vote to end human suffering and misery from prolonged violence and mass subjugation.
From now onwards, all nations regarded sovereign and independent not excluding the states under occupation are to resume bilateral and multilateral trade, educational, environment, cultural and diplomatic relations with others around the globe.
No single nation assuming the Superpower status could individually dictate sanctions and economic measures or military actions to hurt or harm nations targeted for vested interests.
United States and Israel enforced trade embargo and other restrictions on selective nations being unlawful hitherto, the status quo is declared invalid moving forward with the renewal of trade extending economic partnerships towards all nations that were confined to arbitrary sanctions viz. Syria, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and others in the category.
All nations in recognition of their sovereignty and free status are at liberty to conduct trade and economic activities with nations mentioned above and others to suit national requirement for growth and development.
The changes are necessary to relieve the population of these nations from struggles experienced under unipolar (UNSC), United States and Israel’s decree that are unjustified considering own legacy and contemporary engagements qualifying them for sanctions per their criteria. The concept of punishing nations through sanctions for prioritizing their national interests in investing state resources in the lives of the people or defending territorial integrity that are constantly threatened and violated by those behind these sanctions are unwarranted and provocative exacerbating sanctioned citizens plight. Not to mention those authorizing these sanctions in return committing crimes against humanity inflicting pain and tragedy on the citizens of these states.
The arguments to this effect are to be presented in the UN General assembly providing each side the opportunity to present their case and exchange views in a civil manner to arrive at conclusions favoring humanity rather than the strategy of isolation and incarceration exerting authority to promote agenda benefitting the exclusive club reining control over global system.
Earth’s endowments are meant for all beings and species in the natural creation and not to be treated as private estate of any particular conglomerate asserting entitlement.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Venezuela – The assassination attempt on President Nicolas Maduro
August 6, 2018
Venezuela – The assassination attempt on
President Nicolas Maduro
Padmini Arhant
The latest assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is cowardly and reveals desperation of those behind the crime to engage in violence against the Venezuelan head of the state rather than involve in a peaceful and civil political discourse.
The forceful removal of leaderships in politics through coup d’é·tat and assassinations are usually orchestrated by behind the scenes forces who think less and submit to impulsive course. They contribute chaos as remedy to any problem. In authorizing the criminal activity, they confirm the lack of intellect and integrity to interact peacefully for any resolutions. Their actions are not without serious repercussions and they are often driven by senseless thoughts inevitably affecting them.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Fact Check on Jewish Status
August 5, 2018
Fact Check on Jewish Status
Padmini Arhant
Jack Rosen, an American lobbyist and Chairman of the powerful American Jewish Congress. Apart from being a lobbyist, the 69-year-old CEO of Rosen Partners, Jack Rosen is a board member of Altimo – a British Virgin Island (BVI) company that is the telecom investment arm of Russia’s Alfa Group consortium. It has investment interests in Russia, Central Asia, Middle East and Bangladesh.
A Wikipedia entry for Mr Jack Rosen says he has advocated for Jewish and Israeli causes stating. “We are living in a post-Holocaust era and the forces that provided for a safe and secure Israel are changing. We have to look at what the future holds and have to use all the skills we’ve learned in America and that are available to us to ensure security for Jews around the world”, says the internet information portal.
The Israeli and Jewish advocacy in politics, judiciary, economy, academic institutions and entertainment industry alarmed over alleged threats to Israel and Jewish population are unfounded in the contemporary age.
The events in the twentieth century affected many different race, religion and ethnic background. The brutality of human character reflected in ethnic cleansing and colonization continues unabated until today. Accordingly, the atrocities inflicted on one race that was preexisting with others long before in the course of imperialism in different parts of the world cannot be neglected in history as there were tremendous loss of lives from horrific violence and mass subjugation. Jewish plight could be one aspect among massive crimes committed against humanity at that time.
However, in the twenty first century the claims on threat to Jews and Israel especially with Israel being a nuclear state is unsubstantiated and propagated without legitimacy on such allegations.
The reverse impact on those experiencing Israel’s overt and covert operations in many sites across the border and other locations in the Middle East as well as elsewhere is consistent and relentless with no political will to peaceful resolutions. Any peace proposals are stymied allowing Israeli ideologues to intensify human rights violations attracting global condemnation. Israeli authorities sponsoring terrorism is evidenced in the treatment of terrorists in the Syrian conflict and preparing the terror outfits to reposition in the war against Syrian people.
Jewish dominance in every sector beginning with politics in the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Latin America and worldwide cannot be underestimated as a result of Jewish lobby.
The technology viz. Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia to name a few have clear access to private details of public proven in the recent Facebook scandal harvesting and monetization of consumer data using these platforms. There are tech giants in disguise whose profile leads to Jewish origin.
Besides, the pervasive position in the economy, the stock market and finance in particular evident in the private entity – The Federal Reserve designed and executed monetary policy of the United States of America. The treasury activities of the United States routinely target selective adversaries for sanctions to maintain status quo.
The private organization Federal Reserve poised as the United States Federal Monetary authority appointed Chairperson (male and female) thus far are invariably of Jewish descent.
The academic institutions like Ivy league in the United States and other private educational establishments pledge allegiance to Jewish cause.
Judiciary is yet another branch with majority Jewish representation.
The think tanks, political foundations, communication media, press such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, Financial Times attend secret society meeting and sworn to secrecy on decisions at this undemocratic conclave.
In terms of intelligence apparatus, Israeli Mossad, US CIA, Britain’s MI5 and MI6 are regarded one in safeguarding Israeli interests globally by any means and mechanisms.
In politics, United States Presidential hopefuls from both left and right addressing the Annual AIPAC summit is the tradition. That goes for Congress members unflinching support to Israeli lobby on all issues whether right or wrong.
The interesting factor is the political contestants’ success is linked with Jewish lineage that guarantees mileage to cross the finish line.
For example, in 2008 the democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama asserted Jewish family relations making them the desirable choice to the Jewish kingmakers in the political race.
Seeing this political edge, Barack Obama’s wife Michelle Obama suddenly remembered about her long-lost uncle being not only a Jew, a Rabbi to top the status.
Furthermore, the republican candidate in 2008, John McCain wooed the Jewish lobby with the slogan – Bomb, Bomb Iran. Noting that the so-called democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama emphasized their stance in their individual style.
Hillary Clinton proclaimed – She would Obliterate Iran with nuclear weapons while Barack Obama opted the standard call for the lack of self-expression, chiming All options are on the table meaning not barring nuclear weapons.
In 2016 – the political rhetoric continued with the democratic contender Hillary Clinton reiterating her daughter Chelsea Clinton’s in-laws being Jewish.
Could the republican candidate Donald Trump then simply let go in his competitor’s favor?
Definitely not.
The Presidential candidate Donald Trump proudly mentioned in political rallies on his daughter Ivanka (an apostate) having converted to Judaism had given birth to a third Jewish baby.
Now, Ivanka Kushner dubbed Ivanka Trump despite the connotation of her being the mother of three is the regular feature on networks and cyber political sites.
Similarly, in Pakistan the embattled Prime Minister candidate, PTI chief Imran Khan always been the favorite to London based shadow power and more so given Imran Khan’s previous marriage to Jewish billionaire’s daughter Jemima Goldsmith, the first to tweet the congratulatory message on her son’s father’s prospects of becoming Pakistan’s Wazir-e-Azam – the Prime Minister.
Last but not the least, the entertainment industry diversity eclipse due to Hollywood and television medium overshadowed by Jewish ascendancy is common knowledge. The same extended into Mumbai film industry referred to as Bollywood with Jewish owned entertainment firms financing big budget films inducing controversy and internal agitation attributed to movie themes.
The information unequivocally describes the Jewish Israeli stronghold and predominance in every possible field and this is no stretch of imagination.
The factual presentations to this effect are immediately refuted as antisemitism which in itself is incorrect for semites are the Arab tribes in North Africa and Palestine.
Israel and Jews predisposition to insecurity regardless is misplaced in light of overwhelming clout retained in world affairs and events. Humans and for that matter other species included continue to be subject to abuse, prejudice, isolation, denial of freedom, civil rights, and extreme violence. Palestine serves as the example in this context, with no hope for Palestinian statehood. Instead Israeli forces and authority authorized rapid deterioration of conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory is the norm much to global criticism. Israel’s perennial investment in combat and territorial annexations witnessed in the settlement activities in West Bank and East Jerusalem, notwithstanding unilateral economic blockade against the people in Gaza lasting a decade are provocative to say the least.
Moreover, United States ordinary tax payers since the wealthy are exempt from fair share of taxes remain the benefactor to the state of Israel with unconditional permanent financial aid even during US severe economic recession alongside military provisions. United States participation in Israel’s chosen warfare in Syria, Yemen, skirmishes in Lebanon, confrontations with Iran, proxy in Egypt, bifurcation of Sudan and political instability wherever possible never had anything to do with US citizens or national security.
Israel and Jewish organizations reconciliation with reality in acknowledgment of peace and liberty for all exemplified in ending occupation in Palestine and territories seized in 1967 six-day warfare could not be rejected any more. The acceptance is imperative for a new chapter in the Middle East facilitating trust, respect and cordial relations with neighbors in the region and world over.
Sowing the seeds of peace and harmony would deliver positive outcome benefitting all in the region and outside. Unlike hostility and acrimony leaving those behind the strategy in eternal trepidation.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
The deal making in the rise and fall of dictators
August 4, 2018
The deal making in the rise and fall of dictators
Padmini Arhant
The news buzz on deal making between odd couples as one might think turn out to be among not strange but familiar bed fellows exchanging thoughts on reining control i.e. clinging to power.
Though hardly surprising considering the trend in the rise and fall of dictators created and fostered by shadow operatives’ obsession with dominance.
The video in circulation on Pakistan’s former President General Pervez Musharraf negotiation for power arousing interests in public domain.
As per the news article;
The footage with Musharraf listening to a question by a member of the gathering. The questioner asked the former Pakistani president and military dictator, “what do we have to change so that our money is used in a positive way to protect Americans from terrorism, from radical Islam [and] from Al-Qaeda. What’s gonna do that for us.”
Musharraf in his prompt and to the point reply said: “All I’m saying is, I have certain credentials from the past. I need to come [to power] again and I need to be supported not overtly but in a covert manner so that we win again.”
The news articles related to this story also cites the organizers of this secret meeting.
Jack Rosen, an American lobbyist and Chairman of the powerful American Jewish Congress, purportedly organized the gathering. The clip shows that Dr. Nasim Ashraf, the former chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board and head of the National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) also accompanied the former president.
A Wikipedia entry for Mr Rosen says he has advocated for Jewish and Israeli causes stating. “We are living in a post-Holocaust era and the forces that provided for a safe and secure Israel are changing. We have to look at what the future holds and have to use all the skills we’ve learned in America and that are available to us to ensure security for Jews around the world”, says the internet information portal.
Apart from being a lobbyist, the 69-year-old CEO of Rosen Partners, Jack Rosen is a board member of Altimo – a British Virgin Island (BVI) company that is the telecom investment arm of Russia’s Alfa Group consortium. It has investment interests in Russia, Central Asia, Middle East and Bangladesh.
JackRosen, who, in his article in Jerusalem Post, believed “A Pakistan without Musharraf could be a much more dangerous place.”
The stated article ended there.
Pakistan’s General and former President Pervez Musharraf striking deals to reappear on the throne as Wazir-e-Azam (Head of the State) of Pakistan is common practice among those seeking the glamor of power. In reference to the secret meeting, one cannot imagine open rendezvous involving matter of this nature.
The current political situation in Pakistan following controversial general election in 2018 has the recommendation of members like General Pervez Musharraf behind foreign sources touted PTI Chairman, Imran Khan. General Pervez Musharraf has made the rounds on Pakistan, Indian and US media extending support to PTI chief Imran Khan.
As for the Jewish lobby – the powerful American Jewish Congress has been cited earlier in the involvement of local uprising in Iran, Israel’s primary rival in the Middle East.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter