Prejudice and Hate Crime

May 29, 2020

Prejudice and Hate Crime

Padmini Arhant

Today United States of America is protesting in some parts of the country on the tragic death of  a human being – George Floyd, an African American falling victim to hate crime by an individual whose duty was to protect all citizens from any harm as a law enforcement officer.  

Unfortunately, whenever these incidents occur those committing such violent crimes in their uniform fail to recognize the injury they inflict not only on their target which usually leads to fatality but also the law enforcement they represent to maintain law and order in society that are often violated by some members driven by prejudice against those whom they isolate for purposes other than defined by the state of law. 

Let there be no selective empathy as discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, economic, education and social background as well as differences in any manner are condemnable.

Hate crimes and violence against unarmed citizens are the norm with some gaining national attention leading to mass demonstrations while others barely known to the public especially when it involves authorities in the highest order granting them indefinite impunity on abuse of power and position in office.

George Floyd from Minneapolis, Minnesota experience is commonly shared by his fellow African Americans in particular and some Latino population throughout United States from time to time.

Laws applicable on all citizens not necessarily upheld exempting those in authority and power from misuse of  their designation. 

On October 3rd, 2013  unarmed young African American woman, Miriam Carey was mercilessly gunned down by White House Security Service Personnel and Capitol Police reportedly in the presence of then occupants the former President Barack Obama (Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2009) and  Michelle Obama in the premise at that time.

Miriam Carey, 34-year-old mother was riddled with thirty five bullets and her then 13 month old daughter witness to the horrific crime just outside the White House compound at  

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500.

Miriam Carey apparently did not deserve any regrets or remorse from her assassins or those in the White House aware of the horrendous crime let alone any nationwide condemnation denouncing the abhorrent indifference to an unarmed citizen trying to protect her toddler child from the barrage of bullets aimed at her with the assailants showing no mercy at her or the toddler restrained in the car seat at the back on that fateful day. 

The events such as these continue to represent the dark history repeating itself and apathy from those in power transcending race in this context is the irony.

Selective justice and identity politics is the worst from of intolerance and bigotry in the so-called free society.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause

May 25, 2020

Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause

Padmini Arhant

The origin of corona virus may have been a cell culture experiment gone wrong say Australian Scientist – Sky News Australia. Please see video at the bottom. Thank you.

Numerous articles citing this possibility presented on the topic on this site and sub-domain per links below;

Corona Virus -EuroChinaUS (ECU)Deadly Experiment

Corona Virus COVID 19 – Origin and Source

Accountability and Conspiracy Theory

Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement

Corona Virus – Profits and Motives

Corona Virus – Politics and Pandemic Management

World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation

Crazy Murder Inc.

Source – Sky News Australia. Thank you.

The origin of corona virus may have been a cell culture experiment gone wrong

Special Report: Evidence builds corona virus came from a Chinese lab

Let the independent inquiry and Apolitical investigation begin on this critical issue to prevent further loss of lives at present and similar or worse pandemics in the future. The government and world authorities are obligatory to humanity to get to the bottom on the controversial yet important finding allowing the benefit of doubt to other possibility i.e. Wuhan lab virus culture behind SARS-CoV2 current pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Global Citizens Petition for WHO Director General Resignation

May 23, 2020

Global Citizens Petition for WHO Director General Resignation

Padmini Arhant

Global citizens petition for World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation rejected by Murder Inc., the shadow world government reining control over nearly 8 billion lives on Earth clarifies apathy and disdain for ordinary citizens enduring extraordinary pain and misery from the pandemic. 

The global pandemic victims’ families and survivors experiencing excruciating health and economic ordeal deserve to know from Murder Inc. protecting members responsible for massive loss of lives and economic collapse, the reason behind impunity to World Health Organization authority having miserably failed in saving lives by following China’s dictum to conceal information clearly identified as corruption and willful negligence in the highest order.

Why should the pandemic victims and those affected be silenced and disregarded in the heinous crime against humanity when the Murder Inc. launch attacks against nations on false pretext citing biological and chemical weapons to invade and occupy foreign land?

The Murder Inc. paradoxical strategy target innocent lives world over while shielding and providing impunity to those involved in mass murder and genocide deploying communication outlets and media to defend indefensible offense and criminal actions. The systemic abuse is deplorable.

Under these circumstances, the World Health Organization authority agreement to review lapses originating from China and the global health body own mismanagement with flawed guidance equally at default maintaining Beijing’s position that led to pandemic explosion is an insult to human intelligence and humanity at large.

When those accountable for egregious decisions causing pandemic are granted immunity, the Murder Inc. continues to remain existential threat to humanity, global health, economic and political progress as well as peace and security. 

The global citizens demand for WHO authority Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation is legitimate and well qualified considering the director general’s past record in previous positions conceivably led to outbreaks in alarming proportions and repeat performance in the current pandemic verify the dismal trajectory. 

Anyone in favor of retaining the service of WHO director general purely for political interests despite the authority misleading international community with conflicting instructions obliging Beijing that triggered the pandemic cannot be the party concerned about global health safety and wellness. On the contrary, these entities pose imminent danger to humanity and civilization.

Global citizenry renewed call on this matter and end to shadow government viz. Murder Inc. authorizing permanent indemnity to continue business as usual is critical to safeguard individual health and economic status moving forward. 

Every citizen in the world frustrated and tired of generational suffering and aspire freedom in all aspects must denounce the shadow government Murder Inc. secrecy and free the world from prolonged open and disguised oppression. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 








United States – Political Immunity

May 21, 2020

United States – Political Immunity

Padmini Arhant

In the latest Spy gate scandal there are serious questions on developments granting political immunity to those directly involved in the matter.

What is the reason behind U.S.Attorney General William Barr’s statement exempting the former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden from criminal investigation despite Gen. Michael Flynn case from the beginning until now lead to then highest office bearers i.e. President and Vice President of the United States in 2016?

The same would apply to United States Senate interestingly from the Republican aisle the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell elected by Kentucky voters and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham maintaining similar position on the former U.S. administration.

United States proudly claimed as the land of Justice inhibiting justice and facilitating widespread corruption in all three branches of the government i.e. the executive, legislative and judiciary is a flagrant betrayal of public trust and blatant evasion of accountability.

The abuse of power undermines democracy and holds the electorate hostage protecting political establishment with impunity on crimes and unlawful engagement that would otherwise subject others not in the same league to the fullest extent of law. 

The system must be fair and equal holding none above law without exception barring political bias and amnesty.

The preference and prejudice subvert democratic principles allowing politics and those exerting control from within and outside to misuse public office and taxpayers money for private and political interests.

United States voters in the blue, red and purple states are burdened with the responsibility to free democracy under siege from secret society run and managed deep state as well as their representatives in government.

Likewise, the policy defending China and World Health Organization directly responsible for global pandemic affecting 5.1 million people and 330,000 deaths and counting of which 100,000 pertain to United States and the remaining related to rest of the world notwithstanding economic collapse worldwide consuming lives and costing livelihoods is reprehensible. 

Needless to say the buck stops at the highest order viz. with the Presidency of the United States expected to exercise executive authority executed on other matter and in this particular health and economic disaster heeding bad political advise favoring China as well as WHO conform to collusion and complicity.

China’s influence over World Health Organization is demonstrably corruption and cronyism that led to colossal failure to save lives from the deadly virus extended to regions across the globe with governments and leaderships facing severe criticisms and possible rejection in election in their respective domain.

Any laxity in appropriate response and actions against China and World Health Organization authority at the helm by governments worldwide would sabotage credibility and electability among own population for ignoring pandemic victims’ tragedies enduring loss of lives of their loved ones and economic devastation.

All those affected by crimes and willful wrongdoing deserve justice that cannot be denied based on arbitrary intervention and egregious decisions.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement

May 18, 2020

Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement 

Padmini Arhant

The ruling governments at the state and federal level subject to severe criticism and taking lot of heat from partisan media and predecessor ex-President Barack Obama rebuke of the incumbent President Donald Trump in the handling of the pandemic with rebuttal from the latter ongoing on one side.

On the other hand, the global health authority, World Health Organization having misled the world and allowed the virus spread globally through full cooperation with Beijing leadership, President Xi Jinping of China Communist Party in the critical initial period perhaps never even cross critics’ minds when targeting political leaderships and administrations bogged down in health and economic dual crises.

The burden of responsibility squarely falls on the World Health Organization for miscalculations and misguidance in denying human to human transmission in the beginning and disapproval on international travel ban that triggered contagion effect far and wide.

China and WHO together failed to contain the virus in Wuhan at the onset. WHO obligatory to conduct independent investigation on the outbreak prior to Beijing’s deliberated confirmation in Wuhan, China delayed in providing instructions to the international community until after preliminary epidemic evolved into a pandemic.

The controversy surrounding corona virus origin i.e. Wuhan lab in China with known lapses brought to notice by United States embassy in Beijing back in January 2018 appears to have been ignored raising a red flag in the institute set up for experiments in highly infectious viruses from the wild life viz. bats per numerous data drawing focus on the facility and activities concerning humanity at large.

The current corona virus SARS-CoV2 identified as related to bats that trace back to Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China involved in corona virus research in bats attracting funding from the United States and Europe cannot be isolated in the efforts to determine the pandemic cause. 

The global attention on China and WHO, the organization having maintained contact and meeting with China at the early stages of the pandemic have let down global citizens in mitigating the deadly virus.

The global citizens seeking inquiry on the corona virus stemming from China together with WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation for failure to act immediately in alerting the world governments and citizens that could have saved thousands of lives and averted the massive health and economic disaster are legitimate and valid. 

The loss of lives are irreversible and economic costs are phenomenal. Yet those responsible to deliver effectively at the beginning of this pandemic granted immunity on the job and protected from any adverse impact to their position is deeply regrettable.

The reverse would be applicable to any ordinary citizen anywhere had they been reckless in their decision and caused health catastrophe in epic proportion.

The rule of law regardless of status and statehood should be fair and equal. The global health organization expected to prevent pandemics and major health hazards having passed on their responsibility to China by relying on Beijing’s assessment and dissemination on the virus impact that originated in Wuhan, China reflect gross negligence and dereliction of duty. 

Beijing’s political clout and economic incentives to WHO top executive and officials undermining public health and safety is systemic epidemic in corruption culture.

WHO at the center of this health quagmire quintessential for egregious actions in dealing with the most sensitive and alarming health calamity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 




Secret Society Politics and Selective Impunity

May 16, 2020

Secret Society Politics and Selective Impunity

Padmini Arhant

In a real democracy, none above law would be upheld without preference and prejudice.

While sitting President becomes a sitting duck and army Generals are a fair game including military personnel prosecuted and sentenced on politically motivated charges,

The cloak and dagger Secret Society active members in United States politics attending secret meetings on all matter concerning United States and humanity at large is the trend.

These members and others endorsed and approved by Secret Society for highest position in the office such as President, Prime Minister, Vice President, Secretary of State and Senior officials are invariably granted impunity as membership incentive on serious crimes ranging from treason, betrayal of public trust, abuse of power during the term in office to collusion and complicity in various activities that had previously in American Political history led to impeachment of then serving President Richard Nixon in the infamous Watergate scandal for wiretapping the political opponent, the Democratic Party headquarters and recently the incumbent President Donald J Trump on Ukraine affair though the latter exonerated in the impeachment trial.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, an active member and attendee of Secret Society meeting having marked his presence in June 2016 Bilderberg meeting in Dresden, Germany — the invite only private gathering of public officials, lawmakers, journalists and so-called thinkers collude in secret locations barring public and original press media representing the people and any nation.

In 2016, reportedly “the South Carolina Republican is the only member of Congress attended the meeting, according to an official list of participants. Among those included in the 125-person roster are former Army Gen. David Petraeus, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde.

Also taking part are the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg, a history professor from Harvard University, the head of Google and the prime ministers of Belgium and the Netherlands.”

Similarly in 2008 Presidential campaign, then Presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Party and John McCain from the Republican Party were escorted to the meeting in Chantilly, Virginia on June 2008 for Secret Society’s formal endorsement and official nod on Presidential choice.

Secret Society comprising globalists promote global agenda exclusively favoring them in economic, political, military, nuclear rights, science, social and religion…preserving elitists privileges for narcissistic goals.

United States proudly proclaimed as beacon of democracy and land of justice has long been prohibited in living up to these values due to Secret Society dominance in politics, economy and judiciary with guaranteed immunity to those regarded critical allies and representatives in maintaining Secret Society run deep state within politics in every nation and their illegal criminal status quo.

Washington D.C. and politics in general is long overdue for deep cleaning and draining the swamp obstructed thus far with Secret Society control world over.

United States former President John F Kennedy appropriately denounced Secret society existence as repugnant.

More than ever now Secret Society dissolution and rejection necessary to free the world from secrecy and tradition making a mockery of democracy. 

United States exemplifying fairness and equality in the investigation of corruption scandals and misuse of authority prevalent in all administrations justify calling on former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others in the respective share of spy gate in the White House and private server in the State Department and much more between 2009-2016 and critically the transition period in early January 2017 to testify under oath in the Senate public hearing.

Failure to apply same standards and rule of law across the spectrum regardless of former or current status essentially risk the expressed rule of law.

United States electorate and the nation deserve non-partisanship in dealing with all issues relevant to taxpayers funded administration, congressional members, judiciary and government agencies conduct and their respect or lack thereof for rules and regulations binding them under constitutional oath and pledge to serve the nation and citizens with sincerity and integrity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter

Corona Virus – Profits and Motives

May 14, 2020

Corona Virus – Profits and Motives 

Padmini Arhant

“Rahm Emanuel – You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that: It’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

In politics such notions predominantly aimed at destructive purpose from Pearl harbor days using nuclear arsenal on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

On September 11, 2001 the pre-meditated and calculated terror attack premised on Project for New American Century, the  neoconservative think tanks foreign policy headed by William Kristol, Robert Kagan, John Bolton and like minded contributors Richard Perl, Paul Wolfowitz (touted as American Political Scientist)…under then President George W.Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell , Condoleezza Rice and other members launched the ambitious project claiming weapons of mass destruction (WMD) turned out to be weapons of mass deception bringing United States of America on its knees and decimated Iraq, Afghanistan…consuming millions of lives and costing United States taxpayers trillions in sovereign debt burdening the citizens in the U.S., Afghanistan, Iraq and every war zone with generational debt since then. 

Similarly under former President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, the war machinery evolved from conventional warfare to sponsoring terror networks to continue the Project for New American Century under the guise of Arab Spring in 2011 targeting Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan with relentless onslaught on these states promoting lawlessness via terror factions funded, trained and armed by United States and coalition at that time.

Fast forward – Corona Virus in bats research and experiments in Wuhan Institute of  Virology, China in collaboration with Europe, United States and western partnership evade transparency and accountability.

Juxtaposed the same would be categorized as biological and chemical weapon manufacturing in endeavors without western involvement anywhere in the world.

Furthermore, corona virus viewed and utilized as great opportunity for political gains by factions centering focus on exclusive benefits that deserve public attention.

Politics associated with health and economic crises endanger present and future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Nepal India Lipu Lekh Dispute

May 11, 2020

Nepal – India 

Mount Kailash Lake Manasarovar Lipu Lekh Dispute 

Padmini Arhant

The world is battling corona virus and Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Hindutva BJP engaged in misplaced priorities leaving the 1.3 billion population oppressed and suppressed in political, economic and social problems.

Now in the worst global pandemic New Delhi Central authority deprive the overwhelming majority the desperately needed economic and health emergency relief to survive and overcome the crises.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s extravagant indulgence splurging ordinary Indian taxpayers hard earned money to construct a new Parliament House seizing funds from Defense budget and abandoning corona virus containment that has alarmingly exploded in Narendra Modi’s home state Gujarat and the northern region appropriately merit public scrutiny.

India’s middle class, the lower income together with the poorest of the poor in particular are confronted with economic and health apocalypse under the present administration of PM Narendra Modi.

Amid extreme health challenges and excruciating economic conditions hurting the entire nation at large, PM Narendra Modi’s government emulating China in unwanted and unnecessary territorial disputes especially with a friendly conciliatory neighbor, the Himalayan state, Nepal on Lipu Lekh – the road that leads to Sacred Mount Kailash and Holy Lake Manasarovar attracting pilgrims and followers of God Shiva from India, Nepal and worldwide is Indian government’s political maneuver to deflect public attention from burgeoning issues in the domestic front. 

The landlocked Himalayan State, Nepal for better or worse located between two neighbors India and China continues to face assertive and even aggressive territorial annexations from either side in recent memory.

Any nation deemed powerful on military, geographical, political and economic basis targeting anyone presumed little, weak and vulnerable in size and strength is a sign of contraction for the former underestimating serious repercussions in exerting dominance. History is testament to the fact. 

The world has come a long way and in the present time experiencing seismic shift in turn of events as a result of repeat mistakes and egregious involvement by those having presumptuously assumed dominance over others as their given right and entitlement.

Notwithstanding Karmic effects in correcting the wheel of justice to represent truth and fairness in all matter. 

Nepal is a nation committed towards secular, peaceful and diplomatic means to resolve issues of any kind with neighbors big and small in any dimension. However, the same are yet to be demonstrated by either India or China increasingly competing with one another in undermining neighboring states sovereignty and territorial integrity creating multifaceted potential quagmire.

Nepal is a country proudly situated in the foothills of Himalayas, the heavenly abode of God Shiva and the pilgrimage to Mt.Kailash is a major revenue source for the Himalayan State whose population heavily depend on seasonal tours and treks providing employment and business opportunity to the otherwise economically struggling developing nation.

Big countries facilitating growth and development in other nations without hegemonic interests and territorial aspirations would deliver mutual prospects rather than overpowering them with unacceptable occupation and invasion of their sovereign territory.

India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi driven by hardline political and fundamentalist ideology steering the nation towards undesirable trail proved not beneficial in improving bilateral and multilateral relations in the region near and far. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government focus on mitigating the rapid spread of corona virus saving and protecting lives leaving none behind in the immediate calamity along with executing meaningful effective economic plans and urgently required financial package, monetary assistance to all states and union territories in India is the hour of need.

Finally, no nation regardless of status could arbitrarily claim territorial rights with voluntary investment in other nation’s infrastructure premised on political and hegemonic goals denying the original state sovereignty to disputed territory.

The irreversible sovereign rights of victim nations apply to all situations dealing with active and passive territorial possessions by countries through force and coercion taking undue advantage of the respective positions in the geopolitical landscape.

Accordingly the contested territory Lipu Lekh and any other sovereign boundary and border of the Himalayan State Nepal in South Asia in dispute with India and China to be solemnly recognized as Nepal’s geographical domain in compliance to respecting territorial integrity of sovereign nations in the world. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 











Secret Society and Deep State Operation

May 8, 2020

Secret Society and Deep State Operation

Padmini Arhant

Corruption and criminality rule contaminates society.

The indicted political leader headed governments and factions implicated with corruption scandals represent doom and gloom for the state, country and society at large. This is a proven incontrovertible fact witnessed and experienced by citizens world over.

The world run by sinister secret society designated deep state at various levels in different nations regardless of political system favoring unsavory proxies with tainted background and criminal profile not barring homicide prior to their political debut and some involved in communal violence orchestrated mass murder of children, women, youth and elderly in the native state, others adept in abuse of power become poster representative for the criminal clique.

How and Why do they plant these types in politics?

They drastically modify and manipulate the candidacy past and present profile through swipe and swap process. As for why they adopt such strategy is to have an agent performing their intended tasks for exclusive benefits against ordinary citizens and national interests.

Who are the beneficiaries in these shallow backwaters stymieing truth and originality?

Those ravenous for power, fame and fortune in the absence of any positive tangible assets in talent and delivery enormously benefit from free loading and cashing in by crooked means and impropriety.

Who is the actual deep state?

Secret society, delegates as well as surrogates with skull and bones connotations deployed for disastrous agenda.

Who runs the criminal cabal?

The unscrupulous master minds and architects behind devious political, economic, scientific, social, religious and importantly communication outlets flooding public domain with disinformation, false propaganda, deceitful and deceptive promotions remain in the dark and operate through puppets and pawns known for nefarious dealings and unflattering indulgence carefully chosen to serve the destructive purpose.

Needless to say the ones who are the devil’s favorite, the commonality in attributes and motives among them are the binding factor. This is precisely the reason for them to be the devil’s preferred choice.

Why should the world tolerate falsehood, fraudulence and fake identities prolonging mass deception?

Secret society is abomination in any age especially in modern era exploring future on pandemics, space militarization and much more becoming existential catastrophe for inhabitants and habitat.

What is the need for Secret Society to exist in the world routinely touted by the same society as the free world?

This in itself is conglomerate gross misrepresentation allowing them to freely wheel power incognito besides evading transparency and accountability.

The reference Free World indisputably apply to the parallel world comprising self-proclaimed privileged members in Secret Society free to run amuck with impunity regardless of cataclysmic engagement affecting humanity at large.

The laws that are generally upheld and enforced on average citizens anywhere exempt the Secret Society members and their contingency from serious criminal offense, treason and malfeasance.

Time for Secret Society, deep state operatives, catalysts and crony stooges in disguise both overt and covert varieties to cease and dissolve that would demonstrate the real free world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter