Colonialism and Globalism

September 29, 2020

Colonialism and Globalism

Padmini Arhant

Colonialism and globalism are two sides of the counterfeit coin flipped time and time again to invade, occupy, oppress and subjugate population on earth.

The insatiable appetite for power, fame and fortune blindside seekers on pitfalls beyond rescue.

Colonialism and Globalism are intertwined in establishing monopoly on earth’s resources and land mass besides reining control over human capital as man power in labor force as well as foot soldiers in the army and entire defense force predominantly deployed for offensive operations aimed at territorial annexations and colonization.

Those embarked on mighty adventures with lofty aspirations enslaved to gluttonous greed becoming a weakling to negative vices is the irony. 

Anytime anyone pursuing crooked means and wicked ways invariably succumb to miscalculated outcome denying them revival and recovery often resulting in their disappearance into oblivion.

Colonialism and Globalism endanger humanity, environment and earth sustenance.

Notwithstanding the continuous abuse and exploitation threatening own survival and imminent dissolution conforming to end justifying the means in such indulgence.

Supremacy is human fallacy aided and abetted by proxy and sycophancy in a collaborative effort to exert dominance. 

Humanity rising against secrecy and autocracy is the preliminary step towards self-emancipation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 








India – Attention Seeking Indian Politics and Critics

September 20, 2020

India – Attention Seeking Indian Politics and Critics 

Padmini Arhant

Attention: Attention Seeking Indian Politics and Critics 

जब कोई देश डूबता है तो वो मिली भगत के कारण होता है। इसका असर बहुत भारी पड़ता है उन सभी पर जो किसी भी प्रकार इस में भाग लिए हों ।इस सच्चाई को कभी भी नकारना नहीं चाहिए। ऐसे करने वाले और भी दुःख संकट गम्भीर अवस्था पाएँगे।

Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi having miserably failed the nation and people, the victim of his draconian policies should step down from power effective immediately to save the nation from further turmoil and misery.

With reference to article India – China Stand-off Resolution published on this site,

The issue as usual manipulated to suit politics in the face of declining situation in every frontier by those in actual power on public funded salary, perks and privileges besides attack brigade in mainstream media, social media, IT sleeper cells using live podcasts pretending to be expatriates…and above all entertainment industry ever at politics disposal for relentless trashing, spewing venom much to own peril. 

As the author of the above published article, I categorically and explicitly specify that by no means the proposal indicate or suggest China to retain present status quo in territorial annexations albeit enabled by the present and past administrations despite my forewarning about China’s transgression going back in 2009 and 2010 that was ignored then and now by governments alternating to power.

The cowardly nuances and insinuations constantly directed at me are baseless and do not serve anyone’s personal and political vendetta against me rather backfire at them reminding them of Karmic effects realized by many treading on that path thus far.

The false interpretation of the above article stands corrected once and for all.  I have maintained all along unlike Indian politics and critics’ exploiting crises to own advantage at every opportunity.

I reiterate my stance that China’s withdrawal from occupied Indian territories seized in 1962 warfare and prior the invasion and occupation of then independent Tibet in the Himalayan region is critical in permanent resolution of the embroiled battle.

Chinese leadership exercising discretion in view of the tremendous impact on PLA forces experiencing medical problems and chronic health conditions demanding evacuation from the Himalayan heights is prudent and calls for wisdom and pragmatism in ending the standoff and agree to the realistic approach enunciated above.

Unless the Indian political establishment in unison having received political funding through however channels in China are in quid pro quo with China’s CCP leadership Xijinping for such settlement i.e. agreement to current status quo allowing aggressor China to annex Indian states and territories for personal gains, which directly hold them responsible for egregious decision and treason that are norm in the country accustomed to insiders facilitated foreign invasion and colonization until today.

As for the Indian critics posing as journalist for leading Indian or foreign press and others using their platform viz. press and social media could always express what they deem right on border demarcations and several other reservations they hold in resolving the ongoing confrontation in the 18,000 feet altitude challenging survival of lives even before the full fledged military warfare that obviously to be averted bearing dire consequences upon militarily fierce two nations – China and India with nuclear armament facing off in the treacherous terrains.

It is best to aim at the real enemy endangering freedom and existence i.e. China’s CCP authorized PLA incursion instead of wasting time, energy and resource in profane verbal assaults against someone i.e. me especially when I’m not obligatory or mandatory to be the crusader.

Get on the social media and use your entertainment industry to convey your message to China and your government in New Delhi as you are engaged to launch missiles against me regardless of the distance. In doing so, India’s suppressed and oppressed democracy could perhaps be revived to liberate the nation and overwhelming subjugated population.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

India – China Standoff Resolution in Ladakh

September 18, 2020

India – China Standoff Resolution in Ladakh

Padmini Arhant 

The contentious border issue along Line of Actual control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh with China in the past six months since April this year post corona virus (COVID 19) pandemic originating from Wuhan, China prolonged following several round of talks at the high level military command and political discourse i.e. the defense ministry, external affairs ministry and National Security advisers on both sides yielding no relief on the eye to eye confrontation in the Himalayan range.

The news reports on deteriorating situation between the armed forces deployed in thousands on both sides with loss of precious lives suffered in the defense force on either sides and the latest firing bringing the battle on the edge has not deterred Chinese leadership Xijinping and officials behind the counterproductive military operation.

The ongoing military clashes in the most treacherous and inhospitable terrains exacerbating conditions in winter currently experienced in freezing temperature in the higher altitude 18,000 feet above sea level subject armed forces to natural hostility that cannot be underestimated in any account. 

China’s unreasonable quest for territorial annexations in Ladakh and the region slighting own defense forces casualties in May – June 2020 and inevitable deaths mainly possible due to unfavorable environment in the Himalayas with oxygen depletion and harsh weather is a compelling factor to end standoff effective immediately. The important decision is critical to protect armed forces on both sides from preventable demise in large numbers notwithstanding the effects on artillery and ammunition in the frigid setting.

As such Chinese authority in Beijing owe humanity apology, reparation and recovery costs for unleashing bio-engineered deadly infectious corona virus leaving the global population to deal with deaths and immeasurable health a well as economic misery in the absence of instant salvation. Chinese Communist regime biowarfare through COVID19 against entire world aimed at substantial health and economic losses beyond control is not something to be excused as inadvertent mistake especially with revelations on deliberate and pre-meditated bioweapon viz. corona virus attack launched on global population for economic interests and Superpower status.

Amid global pandemic from China, Beijing’s military aggression and border transgressions in India’s eastern Ladakh and North Eastern territories with ambitious skirmishes in South China sea and Taiwan straits are one too many military interventions designed without care and calculations on imminent setback for aggressor i.e. Beijing involved in the military intrusion with neighbors near and far.

The political talks and dialogue held up until now between India and China including five point agreement to de-escalate tension is yet to be translated in adherence. China mobilizing troops and armament in eastern Ladakh having occupied the Indian side forcing India’s counter measure and response allude provocation. The authorities in Beijing misguiding PLA on the grounds is directly contradictory to any agreement reached in political engagement. Beijing’s repeat default in this regard essentially confirm China’s trust deficit. 

China’s expansionism sprawling across South and South East Asia while heavily invested in the economies in the region is defiance of wisdom and pragmatism. Besides, China poised as supplier of key technology components and pharmaceutical ingredients would have serious repercussions in the multidimensional position with military warfare in the Himalayas wiping the prospects and potential to restore China’s ailing economy and vast domestic problems threatening Chinese leadership Xijinping’s term in office and political career. 

China is confronted with enormous economic, political and environment challenges that deserve priority over military encounter with India or anyone for that matter in South China sea and elsewhere. China’s leadership exercising restraint and authorizing PLA withdrawal from the contentious terrains without procrastinations would demonstrate Beijing’s commitment to peace and tranquility in utter respect for China’s defense forces lives and civilians in the vulnerable war zone. 

Any leadership betting defense personnel lives for political and personal goals misrepresent the nation, the people as well as the military they are pledged to honor and safeguard lives averting violence and bloodshed, the inevitable outcome in any military conflict.

China’s leadership CCP General Secretary and the Central Military Commission Chairman Xijinping along with officials in political and military authority in Beijing and Western Theater Command terminating standoff with Indian armed forces in Ladakh and north eastern territories is paramount for China’s effort to rebuild adversely damaged reputation, image and trust in the aftermath of COVID 19 having toll on global health and economy. 

The positive action could in return benefit China in becoming a reliable partner in trade relations and establishing permanent peace and security in South, South East Asian regions and worldwide.

The nuclear nations – India-China peaceful resolution on the standoff abandoning military solution is the absolute clarion call to save lives on both sides and preclude the otherwise unmitigated disaster.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter





Global sanctions against Wuhan lab and Scientists

September 16, 2020

Global sanctions against Wuhan lab and Scientists

Padmini Arhant

In light of revelations confirming COVID19 origin and design i.e. the corona virus bio-engineered in Wuhan lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China wreaking havoc in terms of health catastrophe and economic collapse worldwide, the following action is necessary to deter ongoing and other non-transparent scientific experiments denying international access. Such activities could no longer continue threatening humanity survival and well being.

Furthermore, credible information regarding similar engagement involving Wuhan lab scientists conducting biological experiments using deadly pathogens exceeding Bio Security Level (BSL) thresholds i.e. BSL 3 and BSL 4 being the optimum on thousands of Pakistan population including herdsmen and livestock in Pakistan soil again maintaining opaqueness declining international privy to major collaboration between China and Pakistan military is extremely concerning and deserve universal attention.

Chinese authorities funded and directed biological experiments on corona virus carried out on Pakistani citizens perhaps without any of them knowing anything about the experiment and importantly the purpose behind such secretive discreet scientific endeavor oddly with Pakistani military rather than Pakistan’s scientific or academic community raise legitimate questions on the nature of such biological undertaking.

The seriousness of China’s current biological development in Pakistan lies in the manner the experiments are done with lack of transparency in semblance to corona virus study in Wuhan lab leading to COVID19 outbreak posing challenge in finding cure or prevention to the biggest malady experienced by humanity in modern era.

There is no doubt that Pakistan’s persistent grave economic situation exacerbated by COVID19 has enabled China’s influence and dominance over Pakistan. The China Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) in Pakistan’s Gwadar sea port under China’s financing and control has further indebted Pakistan in the contentious Belt Road initiative ( BRI) yielding exclusive strategic benefit and economic gains to China while leaving Pakistani ordinary citizens in generational poverty, economic misery and indebtedness to China. 

China’s bio research on corona virus and other pathogens in Pakistan arousing suspicions on possible biological weaponization is valid especially amid exact event in the form of COVID 19 imposed on humanity world over with indefinite paralysis of economy and normal life. 

Chinese authority together with Pakistani military bear responsibility to disclose details on their cooperation withholding no critical aspect of the biological experiments and data primarily to Pakistan citizens and the rest of the world. The world cannot afford or tolerate anymore violation of trust endangering lives, livelihoods in the present or future.

The honest and complete disclosure on China’s scientific ambitions regardless of whether it is related to COVID19 vaccine or any other medical quest is paramount to protect life and mitigate potential disaster.  

Failure to report and share information on ongoing biological trials subjecting humans i.e. Pakistani population and cattle ignoring repercussions could trigger worst problems prolonging health and economic crises hardly contained since COVID19 onset and widespread impact. 

Accordingly, non-compliance from China and Pakistan military keeping the world in the dark would mean global sanctions against Wuhan lab, scientists, officials in communist regime and counterpart in Pakistan military for rejecting humanity health safety and global security.

Chinese authorities behind the controversial biological venture for whatever goals along with Pakistani military abandoning secrecy and adopting transparency is a moral and ethical obligation to own citizens and humanity at large.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

September 13, 2020

Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

Padmini Arhant

The article on the controversial and contentious issue – Corona Virus (COVID19) manufactured in lab setting was elaborated with detailed explanations on such conviction on May 12, 2020 in the link below under the title –

Corona Virus -EuroChinaUS (ECU) Deadly Experiment

The confirmation to this effect was partially acknowledged with reference to China’s virologist Dr. Shi Zengli’s advanced warning on the potential major pandemic explosion worldwide and Dr. Shi Zengli’s subsequent disappearance qualifying evasion on the subject matter was clear.

Furthermore, China’s authority together with those involved in the corona virus experiment over a period of time viz. Dr. Shi Zengli and others declining to comment or clarify on the outbreak upon being approached by leading Science journal Nature following the pandemic stated in article on June 5th, 2020 – the title  –

“The biggest mystery: What it will take to trace the corona virus source?” 

Now the latest report corroborating the fact COVID19 was indeed manufactured unlike the position maintained thus far comes to light.


Chinese Virologist Says She Has Scientific Proof That COVID-19 Was Made In A Chinese Govt Lab At Wuhan

In a video interview, a Chinese virologist has claimed that she possesses scientific proof that the COVID-19 virus originated in a government-controlled laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The scientist Dr Li-Meng Yan was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she allegedly came across the proof of coronavirus being lab-made.

These sequences on highly infectious deadly corona virus consuming lives till date and having paralyzed global economy along with lives and livelihoods, the earlier article published on on May 30th, 2020 under the heading – “China and World Health Organization” –

The lack of transparency at the corona virus onset until today is the persistent problem in dealing with Beijing and WHO, the two parties having not exercised discretion and denied international access for independent inquiry and investigation continues to remain the credibility factor.

Nonetheless, the COVID19 source emerging from Wuhan lab, China is incontrovertible as the world continues to battle the biggest health catastrophe without any regret or remorse from those responsible for the global pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

South and South East Asia – End of Communism

September 12, 2020

South and South East Asia – End of Communism 

Padmini Arhant

The imminent end of Communism in China would lead to the following development;

Democratic China – the real functional People’s Republic not in name only but in reality. The people’s representatives elected not nominated and imposed upon citizens by few wealthy elitists within Communist politburo in the current system. 

Independent Hong Kong  –  the democratic system restored with fair judiciary under Hong Kong jurisdictions not mainland China.

Free Independent Tibet – Independent nation with self -sovereignty and territorial integrity returned to pre-invasion in 1959.

Xinjiang Province – Autonomous territory would be liberated from mainland authority.

Independent Sovereign Taiwan – Recognition and acknowledgment of independent Taiwan with equal participation in all international organizations and body similar to other sovereign nations in the rest of the world.

Neighboring nations near and around China will be discussed with geopolitical dynamics and dimensions in the South and South East Asian region in due course.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 




Freedom and Individual Rights Not Exclusive

September 9, 2020

Freedom and Individual Rights are not Exclusive

Padmini Arhant

The misconceptions among ruling class in the world are one too many justifying their unjustifiable prejudice and injustice as way of life for victims in the seriously flawed dysfunctional system they control as entitlement.

Who is the ruling class?

The ruling class are those pulling the proxies strings and maintain absolute authority over anything and everything like finance, science, politics, economy, media, entertainment, religion and social structure comprising gender bias, race, faith, economic educational background discrimination in society.

The ruling class established hierarchy has 99% struggling to make ends meet and among them overwhelming majority are below poverty line.

The ruling class worst fear is fairness and equality for they consider that a major threat to their dominance.

They strive to keep those challenging status quo anonymous and failing that engage in character defamation, isolation. constant indignation and criminal involvement that otherwise subject ordinary citizens to fullest extent of law in any society.  The ruling class strategy involve pawns and fake members in politics, media, entertainment – the three key fields found useful in diversion and subversion of truth and reality.

How does the ruling class operate?

The ruling class operate incognito. They are in disguise via proxies and surrogates in politics, judiciary, law enforcement, media, entertainment, religion and main economy. The ruling class deployed crony contingency are bribed with political positions, monetary compensations and pseudo awards to represent them and cover up their heinous crimes beginning with abuse of power, authoritarianism masked as democracy ,  oppression, subjugation and blatant violation of others’ rights, all of which considered their prerogative.

What makes the ruling class survive despite global frustration and dissatisfaction with status quo?

The ruling class controlling communication and dissemination of information to public regarded central to keep population in the dark. The relentless efforts to deflect public attention from burgeoning issues like the pandemic consuming lives and paralyzing economy, soaring unemployment, lack of economic stimulus to revive business and employment opportunities across the spectrum, China’s aggression and transgressions on the borders and foreign frontiers…are the least concerns exacerbating citizens suffering and misery.

The ruling class primary goal is for 1% to flourish at the top and the rest 99% deteriorate to rock bottom even though the former existence and fortune dependent on the latter hard work in the work force and contribution as end consumer of merchandise and services enabling the rich becoming filthy rich in the inequitable income distribution.

Accordingly, the ruling class preference and legacy is to undermine 99% rights asserting supremacy in all domains viz. politics, economy, science, technology, media and entertainment…quelling dissent and rise of alternative choices in the heavily politicized mechanism.

What is the solution to break the tradition?

Rejecting ruling class impropriety and intolerance to anything related to 99% plight. Reclaim civil liberties, individual freedom and personal rights that are inalienable and yet taken for granted by the ruling class denying 99% the right to dissent and defense.

Reminding the ruling class on 99% core value and significance in economy, politics as voters and above all people constituting the nation and any society deserving fair access to earth’s resources that are mistaken as the ruling class private estate.

Freedom and individual rights including privacy and personal data are monetized for commercial and political gains among the lawless ruling class paradoxically presiding over law and order applicable only to law abiding citizenry letting the fox guard chickens den in the unruly untenable environment.

Citizens self-awareness and initiatives exercising discernment in retaining independence and freedom of choice rather than plain submission to ruling class ascendancy is the preliminary step towards emancipation.

Anything short of minimal recognition to personal liberty and rights inevitably empower ruling class in the already declining democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 






India – Public Reaction on Status Quo

September 3, 2020

India – Public Reaction on Status Quo

Padmini Arhant

When ordinary voices have no opportunity in mainstream and so-called independent news media in collusion with political class, the frustration reach a crescendo reflected in public social media.

The following video reveals ground reality otherwise camouflaged and covered up by news networks and other media concerned about image and commercial rating ignoring overwhelming population misery.



Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




India – China Aggression

September 1, 2020

India – China Aggression

Padmini Arhant

Indian Defense Force personnel raise legitimate questions to Indian government and political factions on status quo.


Politics failure in addressing chronic economic situation, pandemic viz. COVID 19 spikes and above all serious lapses in safeguarding national security evident in China’s aggression in Indian frontiers is reflected in armed personnel struggles and casualties in hostile environment. 

Notwithstanding politics exploiting preventable attacks on armed forces in Indian borders is barely the concern for the so-called fourth column news media and press corps of the supposedly world’s largest democracy prioritizing sports personalities and entertainment industry members’ deaths sensationalized in national media. 

Indians experiencing immense suffering and misery due to drastic economic, health and national security crises rising to the occasion seeking appropriate actions from government is urgent requirement to alleviate citizens plight.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter